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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1913)
vnuAMI VWWltSMUiMiV RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF i ufcicnucK TERM OF DISTRICT COURT . I U4hMKal4) r V CRIMINAL DOCKET State of Nebraska, ) Krai E. Maurer vs. t ;J350 Charles II. LIntlley ) lllcKal Sale of Intoxlcntiiifr Liquors. Stato of Nebraska, 1 Fred E. .Maurer vs. f .':i:,o Lew Walters ) Illegal Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. Stato of Nebraska ) V. E. Maurer Forgery ) V.B. vs. . IKJ 1 1 Milo Williams Christian II. Kolllnjr, ) Ueiunnl MoNcny VS. . .'1133 Ksther M Waulllo, et itl. ) Fred U Maurer Pending Stay. 0 Arthur F. Sclumboc, 1 A.J. Sliafcr vs. Horiitml MeNeny A. B. Lumlbur, et al. ) 33;i3 Pending Stay. 1'. Komi Join's George B. Francis, ) Petition. ) IWnard McN'ony vs. j. ;i:c,ri CIVIL DOCKET 1 Reeves & Company, Fred E. Maurer Blacklcdge vs John Barter mpany, ) Fred l I win , ct al. ) L. H. Oscar K. Ltoyce, vs. 1'cter Hansen. Foreclosure. ) F. J. Mumlay 3300 ) lternard McNcny Petition. 3 John C. Stevens 1 John I 33'20 f L.1I Lola Hilton, vs. lternnid MeNeny Petition 1 Hannah Ethel Park ison, et al., vs Rollin H. King, in his own right and as Exe cutor of Sarah A. King, Deceased. j Partition. B. U. Overman F. J. Monday 3327 Lora A. Whlttukcr, et al., B. U. Overman I Frank J Munday vs. f n.'irto Ethol Blleu Wlilttiikcr. J lternard MeNeny Cotilliinutlon of Sale. Elizabeth M.Stoner ) lleruard MeNeny vs. f 33 1 Harvey F. al. ) L. II. IJIaeklcdge Petition. 0 John Fassler, et. al., A. M. Walters VS. I 33 IS Hulda Fassler, ct, al ( A. D. Ilanney j lternard MeNeny Partition ' 10 Amboy Milling & Bio- ) L. II. Ulacklndgo vatoruo. I wm vs. Henry C. Harris Pctltiou. i 11 Phillip Fassler, 1 Bernard MeNeny vs. I 3133 Rudolph Strcit, et. al. f L. II. Black ledge- , J K. u. overman Petttiou 13 Charles Barrett, ) 1!. V Stewart. vs. W John L. Christian ) J. S. Olllium Appeal II In tho Matter of the Ueruuid .MeNeny for Estate of Mary A. Proponent. lleaton Deceased. I.. II llhiekledge for 33.")7 Contestant. Iu Ko-Probate of Will Hattie N. Glass vs. Milton S. (11as? 15 ) ltum.iid McNoiij Divorce. Hattie N. Olass. "1 Bernard MeNeny vs. 33.V.I Ellen M. Kitchen, f et. al. J Quiet Title 17 Tho State Bank of Red ) Bernard McNon Cloud, I 3JG0 vs Edith Wtxsou aud I B irtos oc B.irtos L P Albright j L II Itlajklodge Appeal 18 Red Cloud Creamery") lternard MeNeny lloaUWdliUII, VS Joseph Jelinek, J F. ,1. Munday Appeal. i .Tier j F.J. in Nebraska Blocti in Co., ) F. B. Maurer vm. t ;.joi City of lied Cloud ) F. J. Munday Appeal. 'JO Central Electric Co., ) F. B. Maurer vs. C 3305 City or Red Cloud ) s . Appeal. 21 Western Electric Co., ) Bernard MeNeny vs. C a.'ir, City of Red Cloud ) Appeal. Nebraska Telephone Co., 1 Bernard McNenv vs. . J. ,1173 City of Red Cloud ) F. J. Munday On Mandate., J3 Ulyssess (5. Martin, et. al.) L.I1. Blackledge vs. t 3.100 Louella Proctor, et. al. ) Pending Stay 31 Ulysses (5. Martin, et. al.) L. H. Blacklcdge vs I 3307 Lizzie al. ) Pending Stay tlcrluiril Alounluli 1 L 11 Blaokledo vs. I 3.170 Mary Springer and ( Bernard MeNeny Herman Spriuger Petition 20 OeoldonUI Building "1 F. E. Maurer and Loan Association I ,T17I vs. f Stephen A. Ethertoli, et al ) Petition in Equity Mary Wright vs. Thomas Wright Bernard MuNonv ) Ben 3372 Divorce. 23 Henry Cook National Fidelity and Casualty Cotunanv Petition Bernard MeNeny 3.373 Njc F. Morehouse 2tl Nathan M. Djudna, vs. Mary B. Malouoy, and Mary B Maloney nd mlnlst ratrix of (ho es tate of Tlintmm .1. Mu. loney, deceased, et al. J Petition. lleruard NcNeny :ci7ri L. II. Blackledgu 30 Walter W. Williams Mario Williams Divorce ' j- 3.' L. H. Blackledgo ;ti7o 31 Bertha M. Uulllford, ) vs. v Ellis E. Gulllford Divorce. Bernard MoNcny 3377 Mary V. Mercer vs. Edward L, (Irlmes Petition 33 1 E. U. Ovorman .T178 ) lleruard McNcny Orra E. Wilson vs. Thomas F. Wilson E. U. Overman Divorce ) E. L f 337!) KT NT'S FURNITURE We hive til the latest designs of staple articles, and can fit you out, from parlor to kitchen. The prices are right too. Come in and see. -:- !- ED. AMACK LICENSED UNDERTAKER IN NEBRASKA AND KANSAS" ALL THE PHONKB OtvtWH w vAI ivvAt Groceries?) A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought rightsold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them. Try us. P. A. WullbrandF The Home Grocery LAND Improved Alfalfa, Grain and 8tock Farms in The Great Republican Valley Bought Sold Exchanged Any desirable Real Estate listed up and advertised for caBh sale or ex change without expense to owner. Cash buyers for improved farms 'and ranches secured through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farms in Webster and Frauklln Counties Ne braska now listed. Several farms for sale that will pay good interest on the entire purchase price and enhance greatly in value. Several good farms for sale on easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The largest list of local farms for sale to select from and situated in the Buckle End of the, Corn Belt. FAM WAW Liberal amounts, optional payments, lowest rates. Money always ready. Daniel Garber Rivtrton, Nebraska J 7 9-" f! b n wm . LIT lilL - V THK ALAHM Is a dreadful thing OF FIRM for the man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along bis heart comes up in his throat if the fire is auy where near bis place. What folly, what mis taken economy. - THK GOmr OF is so small that it IMUURANOK need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have ub insure yon to-day, O. C. TEEL, Jtetf Inturmno: BIRDS HAVE FUN WITH HOGS Woodpeckers Imitate Owner's Call to Feed and Animate Run Wildly From Tree to Tree. ' A traveler down In South Carolina at the approach of twilight came to a vara that bad a much more attractive appearance than those be had been (paaetng all day. He concluded this would be a good place to atop for the might and turned Into the lane lead ing up to the bouse. Aa be rode along he noticed a fine field of ripening wheat jon one aide and on the other a large drove of bogB, grating in a woodland 'pasture. HIb attention was attracted by the peculiar action of these anl ,mala, which ran pellmell to the foot 'of a large tree, rooted around It and .grunted for a moment, then were oft like the wind to another tree, where the same process waa repeated again ;and again. ,' On arriving at the house the owner of the form came to the gate and greeted him, taking his horse and giv ing him a cordial welcome. The trav 'eler referred to tho peculiar action 'of the planter's hogs and asked blm It be could explain the reason. He re piled: "You aee, It Is this way, stran ger; I had a bad case of bronchitis last fall and got so hoarse I couldn't .even whisper. Just naturally had to call my hogs to feed some way and hit on the plan of rapping on the fence .with a club. They got used to It and now them goldarned woodpeckers are just nachally running my hogs to death." Exchange. ANXIETY. . Father What? ! Edith I said w-would you object to a son-in-law wld red hair? ! Perfect Defense. The defendant, who waa held on the charge of keoplng a dog without a license, repoatedly tried to inter rupt the evidence, but was hushed each time by tho court. Finally the clerk turned to him: "Do you wish the court to under stand that you refuse to renew your dog Ucenso?" ,"Yea, but" "We want no 'huts. You must re new your Ucenso or be fined. You .know it expired on January 1." "Yes, but so did the dog." Harper's Weekly. Hie Comment "They say that women keep the (Wheels of commerce going." ' "Maybe so. Here's a woman's pro gramme when she buya anything; jShe opens a handbag, takes out a .purse and takes out a coin, shuts the purse and opens the handbag, abuts the handbag and adjusts her veil. I think business would slump If a man bad to do all that every time be made a 6-cent purchase." rsgagSTlSSBgagagaBj IH - JgLH ggggB It. jU gagaBm sBBsgagagaBan 'SppSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH iKgi ILBlgR- '' .gaBlSI LgaHli .BlgaH IgsBgsgw' BgagagagagaH IgsgsgsT' .garagagagagB lgYegsgsBlgsH CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -s- Nebraska Second House North ot I. O. O. P. Hall Lady Attendant from loto 12 a. m. and 2 to -1 p. in. Phage lnd.212 Frame Construction Is Most Preferable for homo building not only oil uccount of lis economy, but bo cause of its Hdaptabllity to chang ing conditions. Homos built of wood are easily moved from one locution to another; they can be altered or cularged without injur ing their general appearance for the reason thut painting will nialto the old look as good as the new, Instead jof painting being consid ered an expense it should really be held as an improvement because it freshens up the whole appearance of your home, and instead of ulti mate docayund deteriorated value as is the case with substitutes that can only bo renovated by building a whole new house, your home be comes constantly more valuable This is only one of the little things to consider when building a borne "Little drops of water, etc., make a a mlghjy ocean." Come in and we'll tell you more about lumber. frsaVm 1 1 1 f f u WAv SW How Would Yon Like To Be The Washer-Woman? Do you think you could make that soiled suit "E)0" for an other season? Soap and water will fade and shrink the garment. You will save your back, save your garment and save your money by permitting us to Dry Clean Your Clothes Try Us once and be convinced. R. G. Hassln&er Cleaner and Dyer thPtoies 9 9 RtiCtort.Ncbr. DOYLE BROS. Live Stock and General Auctioneer Red Cloud 17 on 8 nOTII I'HONKB Lebanon 8 on 187 E. A. Creighton, N. D. EYE. NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FREE Paste This In Your Hat! All 1913 Taxes Due Novem ber 1, 1913. Personal taxes delinquent December 1st, 1013. Distress Warrants Feb. 1, 1014. Real Estate Taxes Delinquent May 1, 1014. W. R. Koontz, County Treasurer aiiiiaiiiaiaiOiaiiiiaiUf MiiittWiJW 000(100 3 . . s 9 Kxciutive oetigna in monumont s Our Specialty ARTISTIG JIOflUPflTS i, 9 9 9 9 We constantly have on hand a large supply of the very best of Marble and Granite. CONSULT US & 6 e & & & e e & e e e e e "flurt'grtoltlM Like Neat"., 1 Saunders Bros. ' Red Claud, Nebraska 9 9 9 3 tied Cloud, 0VEHIJ4G BKOS. St CO. k Nebraska & ' it. r- f i i 5 ! v. !. ' ' I! m m 'U i mi I wmMmmmmmmmmmmmom It i