The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1913, Image 6

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Suffragist Sympathizer! Swoop Down
on White House Rebels Execute
Score of Prisoners of
El I'uso, Tex. For tlio sixth time
In the Inst tliroo years Ciudad Juarez
changed KovcrnincntH when 2,000 reb
els, led by fSoncral Pancho Villa, at
tacked and captured the town be
tween 2:30 and 5 o'clock Saturday
morning. Taken completely by sur
prise, tho federal gnrrlHon of approxi
mately 40O men put up a weak resist
ance 8o unprepared for battle were
tho federal defenders that Villa's
troops actually reached tho center of
tho town before n slnglo shot wnB
fired. Although an nceurate count has
not been completed. It Is estimated
J that forty persons were killed In tho
Hunting, Tho rebels loHt live men, tho
federal dead Is estimated nt thirty
i and four or flvo non-combatants were
Wreaked Summary Vengeance.
El Paso. Tex. Vengennco wns
wreaked by General "Pancho" Villa,
on tho officers of the federal gurrlBon
of Gludad Juarez, who fell into his
hands when tho force of 2,500 consti
tutionalists captured that city Satur
day. Ho ordered, and carried out, tho
execution of scores of prisoners of
war, and thereby carried out his
threat made several months ngo to
avenge tho murder by Huerta and' his
lieutenants of President Francisco
Madero and Governor Abram Gon
zales of tho state of Chihuahua, i
Suffragist Sympathizers 8woop Down
on White House.
Washington. Suffragist swmpathiz
crs swooped down historic Lafay-I
ette park and the vicinity of tho White
house and state, war and navy offices'
before daylight Saturday, armed with
quantities of chalk, and covered slde
walks and street pavement with
"votes for women." One Immense le
gend In front of tho Whlto house
"Come to Sunday's meeting Inez
i Mulholland, speaker."
It was tho nearest approach to mili
tancy the national capital has seen In
suffrage campaign.
Must Eliminate Huerta.
Nogales, Sonora. Gen. Venustlano
Carranta will not consider any means
of accomplishing peace In Mexico not
predicated upon the absolute elimina
tion of Huerta. Tho constitutional
ists' politics! and military leader has
Issued the following announcement:
"We will nocognise nobody who suc
ceeds Huerta by the power which he
has usurped."
First Governor's Wife Seriously III.
Pawnee City. Neb. Mrs. ydla But
ler, widow of David Butler, rbraska'aj
first governor, is seriously Hi at the
homo of her brother, A. 8. story, of1
this city. Mrs. Bntler was brought to'
her brother's homo from an Indiana)
sanitarium where she had been taken
for treatment for cancer.
Didn't Care to Go Into Politics.
New Orleans. Tho Daughters of tho,
Confederacy refused to recelvo greet
ings from tho southern states woman's!
suffrage conference after tho organ!-!
zntlon of that body was effected. This,
action was taken on tho ground that
tho Daughters must eschew politics of
all kinds.
Queer Iowa "Drums."
Mnson City, In. Seven hundred nnd,
sixty-eight half pints of whisky were,
seized at tho Chicago. Milwaukee &
St. Paul railroad station here. The)
whisky was packed in five big boxes!
labeled "Drums" and "Holiday
Chicago, HI. Lectures on sex
hygiene delivered to tho pupils of the
public schools hero may not bo sont
through the mnils, according to a rul
ing of tho postoftlce department. The
lectures wore delivered by somo of tho
leading physlclnns of this city.
Cornhuskers Again Victorious.
Lawrence, Kan. Nebraska univer
sity's football escutcheon for tho cam
palgn of, 1913 still Is unsullied by
defeat Facing their ancient enemy
Saturday afternoon on McCook field,
tho Cornhuskers throshed the Jay
hawkers 9 to 0, and achloved a decis
ive victory. Tho two teams battled
on a gridiron that was deep in mud,
and tho Kansana had counted on ac
complishing Nebraska's defeat, but
were outklcked, outcharged, and out
generaled. Chlcago.-Nearly a half million
volumes and pamphlots , many of
them prlcoless, wero threatened with
destruction when flames attacked tht
record room In tho John Crerar library
The Are was extinguished with small
Omaha, Nob. A fire, atarted pre
sumably by spontaneous combustion,
In a room adjoining tho composing
nnd editorial rooms of tho Dally Hoc
created n small panic among the 'news
paper men at 2 o'clock Thursday morn
Result of Deliberations on More Im
portant Measures Given In
Condensed Form.
The Senate. Not In session; meets
Hanking commltteo still divided,
worked on currency bill report.
The House. Urockson of Delaware
spoke In defense of his state's whip
ping post. ,
Passed sotintu 1111 to relieve miner
on Seward peninsula from assessment
work because of recent heavy storm.
Resolutions of Mussachusetts and
New York peace societies urging con
gress to pass tho Honslcy naval holi
day resolution, presented by Repre
sentatives George and .Mitchell.
Adjourned ut 2 p. m. to noon Mon
day. Thursday.
The Senate Hanking committee
divided Into two sections to work on
the administration currency bill.
Senator Pitttnan's bill to relieve
miners on the Seward peninsula from
performing certain work on their
claims, because of their destitution
by recent Hoods nnd fires, was passed.
Senator Chamberlain Introduced a
bill to advance on grade all army,
navy and public health service of
ficers working moro than six years on
the Panama canal.
Adjourned ut 1:12 p. m. to noon
The House Met at noon and Repre
sentative llensley of Missouri made a
speech In favor of a naval holiday for
tho United States.
Sjmaker Clark presented a W. C.
T. U. protest agulnst tho reprinting
of orntions delivered at tho funeral
of Adolpnus Busch, In tho Congres
sional Record.
Adjourned at 1:41 p. m. to noon
Tho Senate Not In session; meets
Democrats met In conferenco and
fllscusscd currency bill.
Tho House Met at noon and ad
journed at 12:35 p. m. until noon
The Senate. Not In session; meets
Senator Kern, chairman of the dem
ocratic caucuB, called a conference for
Banking committee suspended work
until Thursday.
The House. Met at noon.
Transacted no business and ad
journed at 12:33 p. m. to noon Wed
nesday. Ten Towns Destroyed by Earthquake.
Lima, Peru. Ten towns wero de
stroyed and Beveral hundred persons
killed in an earthquake which oc
curred last Friday In tho mountainous
Peruvlnn provlnce'of Aymaraes. News
of the disaster reached here by cour
ier. Tho number of known dead was
120 when the courier left tho devastat
ed districts, but it was believed sev
eral hundred moro bodies would be
recovered from tho wrecked towns.
Excursion Train Goes Through Bridge.
Montgomery, Ala. Eight persona
wero killed and probably 200 hurt
when a Central of Georgia passenger
train fell through a trestle near Clay
ton, Aln. Among tho seriously Im
jurcd Is Jeff Clayton, n brother or Con
gressman II. D. Clayton. Tho train,
was carrying .100 passengers to a
street fair nt Eufaula.
ColumbtiB, O. Omaha. Neb., was
selected as tho next meeting place at
tho final session of tho annual con
vention of the national association of
professional baseball leagues bore.
Omaha won next year's convention in
a closo contest with Nashville. Tonn..
receiving seventeen of the thirty-two
votes enst.
Mexico City, Mex. Members of
President Iluerta's otilclal family aro
working diligently for tho reopening
of negotiations nnd claim to havo tho
consent of Ooneral Huerta to mako
concessions which they believe will bo
satisfactory to tho United States.
Appoints New County Superintendent.
Clay Center, Neb. Miss Mabel E.
Kirk, at presont superintendent of
schools nt Trumbull, Nob., has been
appointed county superintendent to
All tho placo' mado vacnno by tho res
ignation of Miss Edith A. Lathrop,
who will become stato Inspector of
rural schools and will resldo nt Lin
coln.' MIsb Kirk, wh6 Is n graduato
of tho county normal with a teacher's
llfo certificate, has had several years'
experience in school work and is high
ly recommended.
Cactus House Wrecked by Bomb.
London. Militant suffragist arson
squads and bomb throwers nro still at
work In parts of tho British isles. Tho
.Cactus houso at Alexandra jinrk, Man
chester, containing a collection valued
at J50.000, was wrecked by a bomb.
Minister on Police Force.
Kansas City. Kansas City, Kan.,
;hns added a minister to Its municipal
police force. Rev. J. M. Dunlavy Is
tho now appointee. Ho will havo
chargo of tho welfaro work of the de
To Consider State and National Pure
Food Laws Suffragets Attack
Irish Leader and
Wachlngton. Instructions have been
Bent to Charge d'AITalres O'Sluiugh-
net-sy Indicating to 111 in the extent to
"which the United States government
would go In reopening the negotiations
with those counsellors of Provisional
President Huerta who earlier In tho
day sought to renew the parleys. Tho
anxiety shown by these officials close
to General Huerta was regarded as a
fnvorable sign by high officials hero,
who expected some dellnlto assurances
would be forthcoming quickly upon
compliance with tho American demand
that the new congress bo not con
vened and that Huerta be eliminated.
Tho position of tho American gov
ernment, however, Is that unless some
thing definite in promised by tho
Huerta oilicinls the resumption of tho
negotiations would bo fruitless. .
Suffragets Attack Irish Leader.
Newcastle, England. John Red
mond, the Irjsh leader, and his wife,
were attacked by a suffraget Friday
while on a train at Durham. The
suffraget entered the compartment
where Mr. and Mrs. Redmond wero
seated nnd after declaring tho Irish
leader had not done enough for tho
women of Ireland, struck him on the
head nnd struck Mrs. Redmond over
the back. Sho then scattered the con
tents of a bag of flour over Mr. and
,Mrs. Redmond. An attendant forcibly
ejected the woman from tho train and
handed her over to the police.
Food, Drug and Dairy Authorities
Will Confer.
Washington. Practical methods of
co-operation between federal nnd state
food, dairy and drug authorities will
bo discussed at a conference at tho
edpartment of agriculture. Seventy
officials, representing forty states,
the District of Columbia and Porto
Rico have accepted Secretary Hous
ton's Invitation to attend. Conflicting
national and state laws will be con
sidered by the conference with a view
to having the differences ndjusted.
Secretary Houston hopes to devise
means for placing federal experts at
tho disposal of states unable to em-..
ploy such service In the enforcement
of their laws.
Indians Bring Suit for Land.
Chicngo. All plans for municipal
.Improvements along twenty miles of
toko front hore havo been Jeopardized
jby a suit of Injunction filed vngninst
'the city and others by representatives
of tho Pokngon band of the Pottawat
omlo nation of Indians. The suit also
,tnakcs claim to n strip of land along
the lnko front from Evunston to South
Chicngo, vnlued at mnny millions of
dollare. The suit Is based on a treaty
between tho United States and the
united tribes, August, 1777, at Green
vlllo, Ohio.
Commission Holds Conference.
Lincoln, Neb. Members Arthur Mul
len and Dr. P. L. Hall of tho state
tornado relief commission held an In
formal conference hero aver tho dis
position of remaining funds in Cus
ter and Holt counties covered by tho
October tornado. General principles
followed In tho Omahn, Yutan arid Ber
lin storms will bo ndhored to In the
most recent branch of tho work.
To Make Jews Citizens.
St. Petersburg. In the duma a mo
tion was mado on behalf of the consti
tutional democratic party that a com
mltteo bo appointed to draft a bill con
ferring equnl civil rights oi nil Rus
sian subjects. Tho constitutional dem
ocratic speakers declared that Russia
could novor become n legal stato until
tho Jews enjoyed full rights of citizen
ship. Amid angry protests from the
membors of tho duma, Right M. Shin
garoff declared thnt tho peasant .low
at Kiev alone Biwod Russia from
shamo and disgrace.
Move to Establish Great University at
Washington President Wilson
at Work on Annual
Estimated number dead 150
Vessels wrecked or sunk 10
Estimated loss to shipping.. $3,000,000
Port Huron, Mich. Reports received
continue to add to the total of dis
asters on Lake Huron in Sunday'B
storm and the full toll taken by the
gale Is not yet known. Bodies of sail
ors of five, nnd perhaps six, vessels
wero found on tho shore of the lake.
Wreckage from two other boats still
missing was cast up by the waves and
no trace has been secured of two other
vessels or heir crews, which number
moro than forty men. Never hns Lake
Huron been the scene of such a suc
cession of catastrophes. Conservative
estimates of the loss of llfo fix tho
total at 150 nt least. Tho damage to
vessels and cargoes will be several
millions of dollars.
President Wilson Preparing Message.
Washington. President Wilson has
announced that be would read In per
son his first annual message to con
gress. The president thus, far has
read three brief addresses on tariff,
currency and tho Mexican affairs, but
It was not definitely known whether
his first communication to tho regular
session of congress would be In ac
cordance with tho century-old prece
dent which he revived last March. Mr.
Wilson told Inquirers that he had Just
begun work on the address and had
not decided just how many of the
topics dealt with in the annual reports
of cabinet members he would weave
Into the document.
Move to Establish Great University at
Washington. The movement for the
establishment of a great federal uni
versity in Washington on plans en
dorsed by. the National Association of
Stato Universities has begun to take
form. President Edmund J. James
of the University of Illinois has com
menced tho preparation of a bill to be
Introduced at tho next regular session
of congress after being submitted to
President Wilson for his approval.
Tho bill will bo designed to carry a
preliminary appropriation of $500,000
towards the establishment of a uni
versity to bo under tho control .of a
board appointed by tho president of
tho Unljed States. It will propose an
advisory board to be made up of n
delegates from each state to frame the
policy of tho institution.
Auto Kills Nebraska Man.
Ios Angeles, Cnl. Jerome French,
aged sovonty-four, a wealthy man
from near Lincoln, Neb., was struck
by an automobile as ho alighted from
a street car here and died n few
minutes after.
Chancellor Avery in Washington.
Washington. Chnncellor Avery ot
Nebraska is in Washington attending
the National Association of State .Uni
versities, which Is made up of heads
of the various universities throughout
the country. Their discussions relate
to practical as well as educational
problems of this class of Institutions.
Dean Burnett and Professor Pugsley
of the state farm aro also in the city
for nn allied meeting of agricultural
scientists. Washington alumni of tho
Nebraska: university gave a luncheon
In honor of tho university visitors.
New York. The arrival of 196 car
loads of live poultry in New York
last week establishes a record and
Indicates an Immonso stock of poul
try throughout tho United States, It Is
declared horo. Tho shipments como
from almost every state in tho union,
particularly from tho mlddlo west.
Washington, D. C Tho s 280-year
nrlnnn nnntonen ItnnniMt nn O M
Summers, president of the First Na
tional lank of Juneau, Alaska, for .
misapplication of funds, has been set '
aside by the suoreme court
Osceola will light her streets with
Tobias has voted bonds to build a
new modern school building.
Hnstlngs Is preparing to hold
chicken show during tho winter.
Spelling bees are becoming popular
again In tho schools of York county.
Wymoro Is planning to organize n
stock company nnd build nn opera
Tho Hastings Woman's club is agi
tating a homo for aged people at that
Tho socialist co-operative store at
Falrbury is facing bankruptcy pro
ceedings. .
Thirty-five cars of stock wero ship
pod from Harrison nnd Coffeo Siding
in ten days.
The coal famine at Anselmo has
been broken by tho arrival or several
cars from Wyoming.
Rev. G. W. Stansbury of Hlalr has
accepted a call to tho pastorate of tho
Baptist church at Central City.
Over a score or conversions was the
result of the revival nt the Christian
enurcli at Shubert, Just closed.
Tho llftleth anniversary of the mar
rlago or Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wilson of
Tecumseli occurred last week.
Game, In Jefferson county l unusu
ally plentiful tills fall and over 500
hunting licenses havo been Issued.
To secure a merit badge In forestry
boy scouts are required, among other
things, to identify 25 kinds of trees.
There Is a movement afoot to re
organize tho militia company which
Columbus once sent to tho Philippines,
Rico Bros.' railway circus, whlct
has been tied up in Shelton since Sep
tember 0, has been shipped to ChrSago.
Tho Republican river at Oxford hat
less water in It now than it hns had foi
rorty years at this season of the year.
August House, a farmer living near
Falrbury, was severely bitten by a
hcrsc while working around the ani
mal. William Boweu, a 12-year-old Ne
braska City boy, lost his right foot
when he attempted to board a moving
freight train.
A fire originating in the creamery
building at Curtis destroyed a number
of business houses, Including the tele
phone exchange.
'The Methodist church nt Pawnee
City hns rnlsed a fund of $1,700 to In
stall a pipo organ and to repair the
church building.
A contract has been awarded for the
placing of 250 telephones In tho now
$175,000 hotel to bo opened at Hast
ings January 1.
William Flege. who has twice been
on trial for murder, will faco the third
at the January term of" the district
court at Pender.
Over 600 converts were claimed by
the management of the recent revival
at Grand Island, the most successful
over held In the city.
Chris Larsen. n farmer residing
near Wolbach, was asnhvxlated hv en
at the homo of a Lincoln relative with
whom ho was visiting.
L. P. Hnnsen, an Omaha saloon
keeper, hns received a "blackhand"
letter demanding $1,000, nnd he Is
afraid it is not a practical Joke.
Juan Martinez, a native of Argen
tine, South America, was held up and
shot In the Burlington yards at Lin
coln by footpads, whom he claims re
lieved him of $84.
A. H. Jackson committed suicide by
severing his Jugular vein with a
pocketknlfe and shooting himself
through tho head at his home at Lin
coln. Two members of the Fremont
Y. M. C. A. board of directors, C. C.
Pollard and W. E. Smalls, havo served
continuously since the association wag
firBt organized, twenty-Jlvo years ago.
W. H. Harrison, prominent lumber
dealer of Grand Island nnd for years
a leading republican of tho state, died
Sunday at Clarkson Memorial hospital
at Omaha, following a paralytic stroke.
A munldipal free legal uid bureau
will be Inaugurated by tho city com
mission at Omahn immediately after
the first of tho yenr.
Ray Donlen caught a fifty-pound cat
fish by pulling It out of a shallow pool
where It had floundered nt Ashland. It
was nearly four feet long.
Mrs. Qually of North Platto wns
burned to death by starting a tiro In
her stove with hay. Tho hay blazed
up and set her clothes on fire.
Truman A. Harbour, a resident of
Harvard since 1871. wns found dead
In his bed by a neighbor, death sup
posedly resulting from henrt failure.
Lester Boggs, tho 9-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Boggs, of Tecum
Bch, may lose the sight of his loft eye
as tho result of being shot with an air
rifle that ho was handling.
Tho Loulsvlllo board of education
has intimated to the teachers that it is
not good form or for the best interests
of their pupils -to nttend tho moving
picture show every night in tho wook.
Henry Schelee loBt soven head of
horses at his farm, northwest of Waco,
from eating food thnt had been pre
pared for his hogs. Several moro of
hs horses that ato tho food aro sick.
Ho figures his loss at about $1,300,
Gnme Warden Rutenbeck went to
Marysvtlle, Seward county, with 2,000
youna crapples, bass, catfish and bull
heads, which ho planted In Lincoln
For the first time in the history of
Gago county grain men aro bidding
equal prices for corn and wheat, Both
grains aro selling for 75 cents a
Principal Kato Mollugh of Omaha
high school received more votes at the
convention at Omaha than all others
put together for nomination ns a can
didate for president of tho State
Te&chers' association.
cross, feverish, constipated.
give "California Syrup
of Figs"
A laxative today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
take the time from play to empty their
bowels, which become clogged up with
waste1, liver gets sluggish; stomach
Look at tho tongue, mother! If coat
ed, or your child 1b listless, cross, fev
erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't cat
heartily, full of cold or has sore throat
or any other children's ailment, give a
tenBpoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry,' becauso It Is
perfectly harmless, and In a few hours
all this constipation poison, sour bile
nnd fermenting waste will gently
move out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again. A thor
ough "inside cleansing" is oftlmes all
that Is necessary.. It should be the
first treatment given In any sickness.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle or
"California Syrup of FigB," which has
full directions for bableB, children ot
nil ages and for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Adv.
Sure of It.
"It was a lovo marriage, that of
tho young heiresB with tho foreign
nobleman. She gave a wealth ot affec
tion to him."
"Well, tho wealth was all ho Was
Important to Mother
Examine carefully every bottle ot
CASTORIA, a safe and sore remedy for
infant and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of i
In Use For Over 30 Yoara
Children Cry for Fletcher Cutoria
Too Broad Now.
"Travel broadens one so."
"That sottles it then; I shan't take-
.my trip abroad until wider skirts are
in rasnion. '
Gel "In touch
with a keen appetite, perfect
digestion, liver and bowel reg
ularity and notice the improve
ment in your general health.
The way to do this is to take
at mealtime for a few days.
It tones, strengthens and in
vigorates the entire digestive
system. Start today.
Sloan's Liniment Is speedy,
reliable remedy for lameness
In horses ana farm stock.
Here's proof.
- LameaessGoM
"Ihada hone sprain his shoulder Br
pulling', ana be was so Umo be could
not carry foot at all. I cot a bottle of
your uDimenc anu put it on rour times,
and In three dava he showed nn inm.
peas at all, ami ranrte a thirty mUo trip
besldea."-WaMr 0. MonfirS, 7L 5s0s,
For 3iUata4 Thrash
"I have used Sloan's Liniment en
sue mare lor spuni ana cured iter. Tnls
makes the third hone I've cured. Hare
recommended It to my nelcnbors for
thrush and they say it U fine. , I find It
the best Liniment I e?er used. I keep
on band your Sure Colic Cure for my
self and nc ghbon.and I can cerufnlr
rffommendjt for Colic,- Ssi
Is a quick, safe remedy for pool
try roup,canker and bumble-foot
Try it
For IUS) aad CsaW
and surest remedy for poultry roup and
canker In all its forms, eepeciairyfor
AlallDulan. 9IC SUL. SUM
Read Sloaa's Book oa Horses, Cattle,
Hobs moj FooJtryi seat Crs.
ttaXlS.SlOAfi,ltr., !Mm,Ik.
g lUtt Cough STruy. Tslw OwidrUtsTfi
Pif in Urn,. Bold by t)niUU. Kl
' ' m" IE?
. A
Jfi., i; Jb .i ,:flf ;.. ,'. AJtifck.
k .- ij
, U
1 1 rf.l .
ssts iH-w'"' "m
! 4, -ti avl1 'Ai'.t
w . u
t & 2s.VvJ( m Jv -