The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1913, Image 4
I - , . -4eniri A RID CLOUD, IfBV'ftAIKA, CHIEF a..'-,'. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF R4 Clou. Nrtraak C0AT WEEK ' PUBLISHED EVERY J HURBpAT tared In thnPottofflce at Red cloud, Neb. m Second CIbm Matter y -P" 0 B. HALE' rr- ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPBR IN WRBBTEB COUNT; V tr . . m v oh!"' A Coat ft II ff i 'IE jl j 7 The newspaper of the atate have a vary clear conception of the Kearney BTormal acrap, however iiacfrthe teftch . association may cover it j. Tba press andarntaajUi'li ao.well ikt it will support Supt. R: Morite, as candidate for atate auperlotendent, if he geU Into the race Baiting's Jteaaocrat. There are a few people Id this town who seem to have nothing, to do but gossip around and ace what they "am Sod out about some one else. This is , very poor policy and to avoid any trouble they should tend to their own beuinessa little more and let the other fellow tend his and you will And out .19 the long run that it will bo the best thing that you can do. We have no grudge against anyone in town, so less et out some of this comedy and tend jto his own business and let the other lOSee do the same thing. Do unto .jathers 89 you would that they bould do unto you. Wilcox Herald. Paddle Your Own Canoe. Advice Is good, if it is good tuul well .followed, nnd here is a bit clipped 'from an exchange that occurs to us its being wholesome nnd applicable to Jlfe'8 success: "Fight your own bat tles. Hoc your own row. A&k no lav ipra of anyone and you'll Miccced a thousand times hotter than one who is always boceehlng some one's influence And patronage. No one will ever help jfou nsyou holpyour-elf, for no one Is us heartily interested in your ulVuhs. The first step will lie a long one per Jiaps; but carving your own way up itxo mountain you will make each step lead to another, ami stand Hun while you chop another out. Men who hnvo made (oi tunes ate not those who liao Jtad 8.,(X)U given to them to btuit. with, but boys who hae started fair with a well earned dollar or two Men who Jwvu Hcqulied fame have never been thrust into popularity by puffs begged 'ir paid for. They have outstretched their own hands and touched the pub. Jic heart. Men who win lotu their own , wooing, ant 1 never Mcnuw a man to Jtll as signally as one who induced his affectionate grind mother to speak a word for him. Whether you woiit for Same, for love, for money, or for uny (thing else, woiit with your own hands .and heart and brain. S,iy "I will" and iconic day you will cntiqium Never let iimy man have Ittosuy,"! have dragged jon up." Too many fi lends sometimes .hurts a man more than none at all.'' Obituary Margaret Rosamond Rteker wits born in Webster county, Nebraska, on tbe 13th day of September, 1H80. She grew to womanhood In thla part f the atate of Nebraska, being absent with her parents for a few years in an adjacent county in the State of Kansas, and for brief period in the State of Missis sippi. She attended the Red Cloud public schools and about 14 years ago was Joined in marriage to I W. Edson, since whloh time her home has been iu Webster county. Five children came to bless her union with her husband, and to them the fruitful years and overflowing love of her loyal and de voted heart have been given beyond measure. Although to some extent joining In tbe public work of her church, where in the found great delight, yet her greatest measure of efficiency was In the Illble school of her church, where as a Teacher she .was singularly suc cessful, a large class always greeting her, and from the number thus'taught by her additions to the church were not uncommon. Her ministry to the sick and bereav ed was very notable, but it must be here written that her most marked characteristic was her devotion to her family; she loved flowers and fruits aud wurkB of art, but willingly sacrificed her desires for many things in the un selfish purpose of bestowing all her efforts for the benefit of those she loved. She was younger thau her husband by some years, but to him she was a most devoted counselor aud compan ion, strong and helpful, her hopeful spirit never failing, her cheerfulness most remarkable. "" "Her sun has gone down while it was yet day," her earthly lubois have closed with scareoly a note of warning that the end was near? hut the ii. tlouco of u refined and beautiful life lemuins as a permanent blessing to all who loved her. Her union with the IJaptist churuh of lted Cloud has exist ed for a number of Her death occurred on Friday even ing at about 11 o'clock aud the funeiid was observed at the lesldeneo on Mon day at 2 o'clock p tu Kev. (tin. W. Hummel conducting the service assist ed by Kev. A. L. Cautlec and Itev Meredith of Kuiimi-. The Chief along with the many friends and itcighlioiseMoml syinp ithy to the bereaved patents and hub.ind and children duutig tliclt ad hour ot bereavement. And Get lr s s Get wff I I" W l . . If ' I In 1 tl 1 1 !l 1 I tl 1 JSII Copyrltbt 1911 if Tbe H. Black Ca, Putting off buying a winter coat is simply depriving yourself of the acl.cled pleasure that comes from being among the firft to appear in the new fashions. ,So buy your winter coat now and buy a coat from The MINER BROS. CO. who have all the latent materials and styles for Fall 1913. .'. .'. . .: Now r " Cojrrlikt 1911 tylbtH.BUckCo,. l B &SibVHHBiS9flHHHHLIA, S3 s taeH6S6S Hnss&5l i i A.&. ii aw I I . .-awv f i a - m . . THE MINER BROS. CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS "A Nighty Safe Place To Trade" -Now Is A Good Time To Buy Your Fall And Winter Wants In All Our Departments 1 sssse "Lazy Bill" Uvss; it Announcement. it Having pu i chased the Springer Ualc ery and Restaurant, 1 desire to an jjounco to the public that the name will h closed until) Saturday mnintmr, ffhen it will in) opened and thoioughly renovated. Shall ho pleased to receive aharo or your liado and rest assured jUwtyou will bo given the best possible tjerice. JSlrs. L. l. Keale. atlv 1 1)08 Widow's Pension. v The recent act of Anril lllth. i gives to all snldierH1 widows a pension )W2 per month. Kreil Mauior. tho at- Vtaruuy, lias all necessary blanhu Babe" McKinney Dies In Chicago Hospital Word came tu Ur. ui TiiHdy that Bubo" McKinney, wHI-known in ttiw city, died onTUffduy. .Hi'h.itt been U'I: with Bright h diHeaf-e and li.ul been in the St Joyeph hospital unlit n'.iuut two weekH ugo when he was takuu to Chicn go. It id a Had blow to hia wife, and a shock to his many friendu in this city. He whs a traveling man and had resid ed in Red Cloud for u number of ycais He wan married to Mi s I'earl Bryun a well-known school teacher iu nur pub lic ichools, about a oir mid a half at,' , who 'survlvus him Mr- MclCiiiiiu.v will have tini nyinpuhy "f the oatire community in her hour of great mirro. The following letter wn iceeive I Ii Jamcu A. Burden of our city frutn Swift & Cunpanv, thi nm liy whom ho wud employed: StJofltph. Mo , N;v. 18, 1913 Mr. JumoH Burden, " Rm fJIniiil, Mi.'. Dear Slii-VVi! mm ju-t in r,ceiplnr n mes'tagu c 'Utainii g iIiohbi! nowti of thu death of our former Muleduun. Mr. C. II McKinney, tit the Wesley llospi tal iu Chicago, at S am. tndty. As you perhaps know Mr, MoKinnt'v his suf fered with bright iiin-u-f Hoineihing over a enr and h l'lnM cniiflii'.'d to his bed tor iheiast'iiht. wtcko. Yours n tn"Miiiily, Swif & ('otnpny, li Ii. Ii. Jam ?. Them is an attnosphero around The Peculiar Comedian. W. B. l'atton, Unit signifies success. Them is something iilimit hint that asset Is itsolf in evety xi.i.i'noini-do i-fi:itis. It is the fotcu r . .... ,. ... i.i .i i. 1 and artistic ruiinemem oi ins nieumin that reaches out over thu footlights anil coulpnls admhatton, anil in thoi ohatacter of Dr. Hu'e, in hi'' new play, 'r.nv Hill." Mr. INUtou has unllmttctl opportunities to display the wonderful tumriietism of his personality. This delightful ulay has been tight- j ly termed, the season's most success-. ful comedy olYeting. and will bo seen , here- for one night only at lted Cloud I Opeta Hou-,0 on Tuesday, Nov. U"itlK h s Sv0, GOOD NEWS FOR THE .. GIRLS WITH ULGY HAIR V H FREE! Three. Large Beautiful Dolls To be Given Away Absolutely N Free. Come in and ask about them Opera House TUESDAY, NOV. 25th One Night Only ' The Peculiar Comedian W.BPatton fit His Newest Play 'LAZYBII 9 Don't mourn over It! Don't envy others because they have beautiful hair. Begin right now to give propi'r. Intelligent cate and nttontlon to youl-halr-and then let othets envy you. Ue lliirmtmy llalr Boautillor, a de lightful liquid halr'drc-sing that is just what it!s named a hair bcauti Her. T6 make the hair glossy, soft and silky to malce It easier to put up in smooth, wavy folds, and "stay put" to restore to your hair the well-groom- ol appeatance ou want It to have to mMiuomi' the unnle.tsaut, oily odor of the hair and I. avo Instead a delight fully dainty, ft esh rose fiagranee Har mony Half Beaittlfler will ploaso you, or jour money back. Very easy to ap ply simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time befole brushing it. Contains no oil; will not change the color of the hair, nor dat ken gtay hair. To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free and clean, nbc Harmony Shampoo This pure liquid shampoo gives n rich lather that Immediately penetrates to every part of hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thorough cleansing. Washed oil as quickly, the entile operation twin-!, oitl v a few moments. Can't harm the hair; leaven no harshuess or stick I iirss. just a sweet cleaullness. Both pteparatlons come lit odd-simp-ed, verv ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Ilaitiiony Hair Beau tiller, 81.00. Harmony Shampoo Ooc. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money luck. Sold in this commutiltv only at ourst ire The llexall Slot i nun ot the inoie than 7.0C0 leading ding stoic-, of the United States, Canada and fiteat Britain, which own the big Ilaruiony labotator ies lit Boston, iwboro the many cele brated Harmnny IV fumes and Toilet Preparations mo made 11 W. (irlce Drug Co., Bed Cloud, N'obr Dress Goods in all the Popular Weaves f , juft received a new line of Silks for dresses, from $ I to $ 1 . 7 5 yd. Also all colors in 36-inch Satin at $ 1 . to $1.25 for petticoats. BefoTa you buy that underivjr corns and look at our3. Can save ycu money BHRBHRK PHHRES Butterick Patterns Warner and American Beauty Cor3ots UnaaSSH HxsA 11 USSwl USw-ll A Delightful Commtty. 9upmrbly Mounted, finm Supporting Commdy. Artlgtlc mocnery and effects 25 - 36 and SO Cents I .Seat Now Selling. LEGAL NOTICE. TOMII.TONH. tll.ASh- You are not tiled Hint on tho -"Jod day ot July lUHMIattloN. linn tiled a putllloii In tho District Court ot Wnlwtur County, Nc lirasku. aualnHt you. the olijtct and prayer ol whleli In to obtain a dtcreeiif divorce on thogroiutd ol extreiiH)trut'll. You are rt-uulrid toniiHucr ilioald petition on or before lliu Hth day ot Nowmber, l!ii:i, or a decree will lo iiiiind anltiNt you an prayed tor la nald y tltlon. Jiated OctnlMirSitid, WIS. II Mill-. N. Ill.vss, IMnltltlll. Itv ISuruard McNeuy, her attorney. J. H- EkliHIGER Have you seen those New Coats at Miner Bros. Co.! A new lino jiwt io eelved Weduesday morning or this week. Prices range from 80 00 up lit thu Women's sUes. General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... Write or Phone Red Cloud, -' Nebr. Do Ihese Winter Tourist Fares Interest You? There aio Winter Tourist Rates to Florida and Gulf Besotts that Include aiso tne route tinougii Aew Orleans and WiiHhlngton, nn intcrchting cir cuit tour of the li'stotlcal Southland. Kor Southern h.n.Unnbc .ii.i ttlpsof lioiter duiition, thero are still lower Winter H.viiursloii fares the Urst and third Toe-d.iv if each mouth. Burlington main line, high clas trains and bt. Louis, uunututiiig iu Union Stations wjth all run to K himis Citv trains to the Soui'i Or, ll It he southern I'allloi nla tills Wintir? if joii would o in the gie.ttest comfort, over tho Inteivsting and scenic wav. the Buillngton'8 petsonally conducted e.Ncut.sious via Denver, Scenic Colorado Salt Lake Citj. ' tin 111(0 ask to go ahout Call or write for Winter l,uhllcitlotis,-"lo.v Kates South," "California Tourist Kxoitislons" "I'liolhu Coast Tours," Desctllje your proposeil tour and let us ln)p you nmplify to Include ull.nosslhle attractions. H. e. roe, Ticket Agent. L, W. WAKCLCY, General Peenenger Agt. T I i i l U .' - iv: 0tmtytfato4mt A tJ r HlllimM