The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1913, Image 3
cv. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF s C.J Tt might mid to hnpulnens if doctors had bargain days. Coughs come from Inllaiucil llronchlal Tubes. Dean's Mentholated Couch Drops aa,l the irritation 6c at all Drun Store, Very Important. Some men constitute a whole rccelv tag line In thetnselvcB. ASK FOB ALLEN'S FOOT-KA81 he Anttneptlc powder to nhnko Into yonr ihwt. Re Hstm Corn, llunlonm IngninlBK Wall,tnolknnJ weetlDK fott, Illlslori nd Callous pot. Bold crerj where, Mm, Don't acttpt any tutnHlutt. Sample VBBB. Addreat, A.M. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N.Y. AdT. Must Be. "What do you think of my talo of a fop?" "It's a dnny story." A CLERGYMAN'S TE8TIMONY. The Rot. Edmund Heslop of "Wig Ion, Pa., Buffered from Dropsy for a year. His limbs and feet were swol len and puffed. He had heart flutter ing, was dizzy and exhausted' at the least exer tion. Hands and feet were cold and he bad such a dragging sensa tion across the loins that It was difficult to more. "jr v BB1 Her. . Heslop. - Kidney Pills the swelling disappear ed and he felt himself again. He says he has been benefited and blessed by the use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Ser eral months later he wrote: I hare ot changed my faith In your remedy aince the above statement was author ized. Correspond with Rev. E. Hes lop about this wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills, 60c. per box at your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. T. Write for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English and German words) and re cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free, AdT. Genuine "Key West." Yes It's another. Professor Van Onsen was vainly trying to unlatch his front door with a cigar, to the amusement of a friend who had ac companied him homo to talk over the fourth dimension. "Look here, man," said the friend when he could talk without betraying his amusement, "do you know what you're trying to open that door with?" . The professor looked, then gave a start of dismay. "Gracious!" he blurted out. "I must .have smoked my latch key!" FACE ITCHEDAND BURNED 383 No. Union St., Aurora, 111. "My ailment started with a little pimple and it always Itched and burned ter ribly. I scratched it and in a few days my face was all covered with ores. It ran up to my eyes and the day after I could not see out of my right eye. I was unable to get any rest I couldn't go to bed, being afraid of getting the clothing all tolled, although I had my faco all bandaged. "I was given two Jars of salve but It kept getting worse. It waB some thing like a running sore because very time I used some of the salve I had to wrap bandages around my neck to keep the water and pus from running down my body. I wrote for a ample ot Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment and in a few days I received these and washed my face with the Cutlcura Soap and put on some Cuti-, cura Ointment and the next morning my face felt cool and somewhat re lieved. After using the sample I bought some Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment at the drug store. I followed this treatment Just twenty-six days and after using one cake of Cutlcura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Oint ment I was cured." (Signed) George Miller, Jan. 1, 1913. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." AdV. Some Good Advice. The restaurant manager stood be hind the cashier's desk, wearing his stock-in-trade sinilo for each cus tomer. ' An old gentleman came up. "I no tice," said he, fumbling for hlB wal let, "that you advertise to make your own ' pies." "Yes, sir," answered the manager proudly, "wo do." "Will you permit mo to offer a suggestion?" "Certainly, sir; certainly. We should be moat happy to have you." "Well, then, let some one else make em." . Where It Takes Effect. Mayor Rockwell of Akron was con demning the claim, often put forward by the rich, that poverty Is good for the character. "Poverty 1b good for nobody," he aid. "It embitters the mind, hard ens the heart, causes unbapplnesB and fear and Buffering. "'There's nothing like adversity, a millionaire once said to mch 'there's nothing like adversity to bring a man out' "'YeB,' i replied, 'out at the el bows.' " An Odd Arrangement. "Come in with me and get a pick-me-up," said the Genial One. ' "All right," replied the Sad Joker, "but whyfore? If I take a pick-me-up, It will bo only to put It down." His Fault. "EHIo'b young man is one of the best fellow's going." "Yes, but be never goes." OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- HE SAVED THE DAY t By BURTON CLOSSEN. Reno eyed the telephone specula tively. It was within easy reach of her hand, Just next to the drop tamp. Qucntln had uot remembered It. lie had (dammed tho door and the key had turned with the click. "You will Btay there until you como to your senses," he had told her. "Dad and mother will bo home on the 11:10, and they can handle you after that, but by George, I'll keep you here until they come." It was about half past ten, she thought. Thrco quartern of an hour to eavo tho happiness of a lifetime. Once her father and mother crime, it would be tho samo old heartache over again, the same old arguments and objections that had been advanced for nearly a year. And there was no reason under tho sunswhy they Bhould object to Stanley Pitch. Ho was young, twenty-four, Just out of college, with excellent pros pects. Perhaps that was why. Her father had fought his own way up from boyhood In the samo firm. Ho despised a college training as a busi ness asset. Qucntln, her only brother, was llko his father, and had slipped through schools doggedly, and into tho nearest chair to his father down at the office at eighteen. But Rene was like her mother. She often wondered how her father had ever persuaded Georgette Lolrct to marry him and leave Paris for Now York. She loved to listen to her mother's stories of her homo life there, of how her father had admired the pushing young American's business pluck and success, and had deemed the anion a wise one for her. "But did you really love father? Rene had urged. "Don't you believe in love, mother, not at all?" ' It had been the night before their departure on a week-end visit out of town. Rene and her brother were to remain at the house with tho servants. Mrs. Howard had listened with a cu rious little smile, one hand on Rene's tumbled mass of fair curls, as she bent over her. "They say It comes of Its own ac cord after a wise marriage, dear heart. Is that not better than having it leave ot Its own accord after an unwise one?" "But why can't I marry Stanley?" "Your father thinks he is not form ed In character yet, that he Is too boy ish, too unsteady to trust our own daughter's happiness In his keeping." "Oh, dear me," Rene exclaimed, helplessly. "Must I wait years and years until father thinks he is staid and stout like he Is?" "Wait a year," said her mother, aoaxlngly. "At least a year." And she had waited. Stanley had gone abroad for the whole summer. She had not even tried to see him sincelhls return. It seemed as though all the fair winds of fate had united to blow tbem together again. He had not been in New York a day before she met him face to face on a Fifth avenue autobus. .They had leftjt at the park, and tramped all that long splendid autumn afternoon together over paths that seem sacred to sweet hearts. Stanley had mapped out their future. It was a brave one, full ot hope and promise. As foreign repre sentative of an old established bank ing Arm, he had made good. They would send him back In December to take full charge of their Interests In Italy. And there was a certain villa on the outskirts of Rome, with tho glimmer of tho sea to the south, and north the vineyards and gardens lead ing up to the olive groves. Rene could see that villa now, as Bhe sat In the study a prisoner, and tho picture gave her strength. She reached for the receiver and gave his number softly hut distinctly. Qucntln would never hear through tho thick fireproof walls. The answer set her heart beating fast. Was Mr. Fitch in? Ho was not He was nt his club. She set her teeth, and called tho club. It seemed hours before they called him to the tele phone, and she heard his voice. "Stant, listen. ' dear," she almost whispered. "Quentln has lockod me In the study, can you hear me? And father and mother will bo back on tho 11:15. It will take them about twenty minutes to make the run up here In the car. I packed what I needed nftor a quarrel with Quent, and was running away. No. not to you, of course, you foolish boy. I was going to Aunt Le nore's out at Montclalr what? But I can't get out. I'm locked In, and Quentln Is on guard." "Ill be there In a few minutes," said Stanley, a bit hoarsely, and cut her oft. She stood up, waiting, holding her breath at what she had done, but the handB on the clock were creeping fast It was twelve minutes of eleven, and she knew the club was far down town In the West Forties. It would take Stanley nearly as long as It would her father and mother to reach her, and even when he did get there, there would be Quentln to deal with, Quen tln, twenty-two, but Btrong and dogged as some young stag. And suddenly she heard a crash In the room beyond. An other came, and a heavy body swung agalnBt tho Intervening wall. She called with all her strength, pushing against the door. It wob unlocked, swung back, and sho faced a stranger. He was eyeing her with n surprised grin. Quentln called huskily to ber: "Rene, call on tho 'pbone for help!" Before sho could movo the man had cut the wire. Ho hesitated, his clasp knife open, but Rene never stirred. Behind her was her father's prlvntti safe, hidden by her dress. "Sit down there," sold tho followj pointing to a chair away from the door. "Where 1 can sco you. If you niako a noise, you got whnt I gavo hi in." Instead, she tili'dto slip by him The wrenching grasp when ho seized her wrist almost made her faint with quick agony, but sho snw Quentln ly ing In the hallway, motionless, and the sight nerved her. Sho bent her heud nnd bit thu hand that gripped her auything to keep him engaged utitt'.l help came. "You cat!" hn muttered, letting Ro( "Scotch, don't yer? (lot down on ymn knees and .open thnt safe." "I'vo forgotten tho combination.' said ltene. Sho bent over the safc'j moving the lock around slowly. . "Opon It," repeated tho burglar. "I1 hato to hurt a pretty kid like you.) but" The electric bell rang sharply. Ifl was the one In the outer hall. Stanley must have been passed the hallboys. "You'd better go. There's the pollc" I rang the alarm." Ho leaped past her, down the long hallway to tho kitchen. The servants were asleep, or out. she know. Ami they were on tho eighth floor. Rene opened the door, every nerve trem bling. She almost fell into Stanley s arms, telling what had happened a? she clung to him. "I think he has killed Quentln." "You give the alarm to tho elevator men nnd havo them call tho police,' Stanley told her. stoadlly, "and don t lose your nerve now. glrllo." Ho turned back Into tho apartment alone, and stepped over Quenlln's form as he made after tho fugitive. When tho car di.- "P. and Mrs Howard alighted with her huBband sho found Reno In tho marble entrance hall with patrolmen and hall boys ir- Ing to get a connectoa siory ir' her. But upstairs Stanley mot them at the door, coat off, shirt torn, bis hair rumpled, and smiling. "It's nil right," he said, cheerfully, "t 'nt him on tho Are escape, and he onmn hack with a little thumb persua- slon. You'll find him In tne linen closet, and I hope he has not mussed things up, Mrs. Howard, but 1 didn't know where to lock him up, and Quentln needed attention " "Quentln got It." said the latter, looming up with a heavily swathed head. "I've got an Ice pack on. Mater. Behold our burglar catcher, and gen eral surgeon. Rene, I give my con sent." The police were busy extracting the party In the linen closet Ho seemed subdued and glad .to leave. As the door closed on the whole group, Stan ley turned to Mr. Howard, with his quick, boyish smile. "Can't I have her now. please, Mr. Howard?" Howard put out his hand. "Thore happens to bo about $300,000 In that safe In bonds and gold, that I took nut an Frldav Intending to trans act a certain deal tomorrow for the firm. You've Baved the day, boy. I guess you can take her." (Copyright. MIS, by the McClure News, paper Syndicate.) TROUBLE OF BASHFUL MAN Most Unfortunate . Misunderstanding, That Prevented the Coupling of Two Lives. A bashful swain took a violent lik ing to a fair lady ot his town, and after a great deal ot hesitation finally brought his courage up to the sticking point and mnde an evening call at her house. He found her busily en gaged pressing a garment with a tai lor's goose. She, however, received him very courteously and continued her work. A bevy of tho lady's fe male frlendB dropped In a few minutes after tho poor man had subsided Into silence, for he found It absolutely im possible to maintain a conversation with her. The sudden entrance of tho visitors, instead of relieving, only added to his embarrassment, nnd he sat in silence until it became a matter of serious concern to tho company how to put him nt ease, for ho was well known to nil of them as a man of great worth, bashfulnoes being his bnly weakness. Tho young lady finally got through with her work and called out to the Bcrvant In the kitchen: "Jane!" Tho door opened and the domestic replied: "Jane, will youtako this goose outf Tho bashful visitor sprang to his foot In an Instant and exclaimed: "I beg your pardon, madam, for In truding on you, but I'll go out my self!" And before she could explain nor meaning out he flew. We are sorry to add that the llttlo misunderstand ing made an old bachelor and an old maid. Japanese Parliament. Tho Japanese parliament Is com posed of two bodies the upper and lower houses. The upper house occu pies the name relative position as the senate of congress, but its member ship is much larger. There are 300 members of the upper house, some of whom are elected, some appointed by tho emperor, some who hold their Beats by reason of their being pcors of the realm, and others by Inheritance. It is a very much mixed body, but a highly competent one and, for tho moBt part, tho members take a deep Inter est In all' legislative matters. The lower house, which ranks with tho house of representatives, Is elected by the people, and Us membership Is In excess of that of the upper brunch of Parllamcint. Altogether, thero urn i about 700 members of the Jupanese parliament ANOTHER GOOD YEAR IN WESTERN CANADA MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA HAVE 8PLENDID CROPS. The results of tho threshing throughout Western Canada shows a more wonderful yield than usual of wheat, oats, barley nnd flax, all of which wns harvested and threshed In perfect order. Not only wan the av erage yield excellent over the entire country, but tho quality was of the highest standard. Without going Into figures, it In suirtclent to say that wheat graded almost universally very near tho top. Reports nro to hand showing yields of wheat from ninny Holds which averaged forty uub!io!s per acie, and weighing (55 pounds to tho measured bushel. Oats were very heavy, running from fifty to ono hun dred and fifteen bushels to the acre. Barley also was a very heavy ylelder and kept up tho reputation of Western Canada us a producer of that cereal. In many parts of tho country the yield of flux exceeded tho earlier expecta tions, but In other parts, there was somo loss on account of winds blow ing oh tho boll. Hundreds of farm ers who havo only been In tho country three or four years, with but little means when they arrived, will, out of tho crop of this year, clean up all their Indebtedness, and be able to put some thing asldo for further improvements on their farms nnd homes which are now freed of Incumbrance. Tho writ er has Just heard of the experience of a man in tho Battleford district that is worth repenting. He went to (he district seven or eight years ago, with no money, worked for a time, got a team ot horses, did somo freighting and homestended a quarter section ot laud. He now owns 480 acres of land, clear of all incumbrances, and hnB wheat, oats, barley and hay, as well as a good number of horses, cattle and hogs, feeding rough grain to tho stock. He is a Arm believer In mixed farming. The fifty dollars that ho first earned In tho country has now Increased to $25,000. Ho has never had a crop failure. Instances of thlB kind could bo repeated over and over again. There is a Dane, named Key, east of Saskatoon, whoso oats this year went 110 bushels to the acre, and his wheat 40 bushels. Ho has paid oft tho mortgage on his farm, and now contemplates a trip to Denmark, to visit his old homo. Ho has no more cares or worries, but Is anxIouB to havo moro of his peoplo Bcttlo In that part. It Is not only tho farmer with limited means and small area of laud who Is doing well, and haB done won derfully In Western Canada this year, but the man with means, the man who Is able to conduct successful farming on a large scale and many opportuni ties offer for such In Western Canada, also has Increased his bank account handsomely. A farmer in Southern Ajberta raised 3G0.000 bushels of grain In 191S, and mado almost a fortune out of It In Saskatchewan and in Manitoba is to be heard the same story of what has been done by tho farmer working a largo area, which be Is ablo to do successfully, by the use of improved farm machinery, en abling him to cut hundreds of acres a day, and plow tho land Immediately with large traction outfits. No better recommendation could bo given tho country than tho fact that during the past year, upwards of 400,000 settlers arrived in Canada, tho greater num ber of whom went to tho farm. There are still many thousands of home steads still available, capable of pro ducing such crops and maintaining such herds as has mado rich men out of the thousands whose experiences could bo reproduced woro It neces sary. Advertisement A Mean Comment. "Who gnvo Miss Antique away when sho finally got marled?" "Her wrinkles." THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Beautify Your Halrl Make It Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Danderine, you cannot find a single i traco ot dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will i please you most, will bo after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, , fine and downy at first yes but real- ly new hair growing all over the scalp. A llttlo Danderine Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, .faded, brlttlo and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking ono small strand at a time. Tho effect Is Im mediate and amazing ypur hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearanco of abundance; an Incom parable luster, softness and luxuri ance, tho beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's Danderlno from any store and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by carelesB treatment that's all. Adv. When duty calls It Is frequently told that tho lino in busy. PUTNAM Color more soods brighter and faster colors than You can dye any garment without ripping apart. CRITIC OF THE GERM THEORY Writer In Indiana Newspaper Has Some Pertinent Remarks to Make on the Subject No Inconsiderable body of physl clnns and .these not of any ono school, many oven of (ho "regular profession," are beginning seriously to question whether "get ins" lire the greatest, or, as some hold, Hie only cuuso of dis ease. The Pulled States department of agriculture has issued a bulletin "to determine the best way of pas tcuilltiK milk mo us to kill tho dis ease germs and jet not give tho milk a cooked llinor or lessen Us nutritive value." Where are Sukey nnd dear old Bossy of yesterdaj (lone, with out ever having entertained the slight est suspicion that their lacteal prod uct was not nhovo reproach. Then science comes In to east doubt upon all their daughters. "A healthy child," says the Homeopathic Knvoy, "grow ing up where germs swarm becomes n strong man, while another fed on pas teurized milk and guarded by 'steriliz ation' may glow up a weakling. Why? Olve It up! Perhaps thoro aro funda mental causes not recognised by the theorists. If milk will cuuso dlseuso, will heating make It wholesome? If milk Is pure, will not heating cuuso It to loso Its best nutritive qualities? If tho germs come from tho cow, why use her milk? If they como from without, why not keep thorn out In stead of killing thum after they gut In tho milk?" Indianapolis News. ( Size of It. I bet on the Giants In Boh tho series. Dick That's why tall losses. j ou have such Sounded Like It. "Mr. Wombur says ho Is an enthu siastic disciple or Isnak Walton." "Somo new freak cure, I s'pose." IsYourBodyPoisoned? Well kidneys keep tho blood free of uric ncid, a deadly poison thnt is con stantly forming inside thf body. Sluggish kidneys allow the uric ncid to accumulate, causing rheumatic attacks, headache, dizziness, gravel, urinary troubles, weak cyci, dropsy, and heart disease. Doan's Kidney Bills restore the nor mal blood-filtering action of the kidneys. This drives out uric acid and ends uric acid poisoning. i AN ILLINOIS CASE "F.vtry Picture TtUi a .Story." Charles raster. E. Walnut Bt. Wat oka, III, My: "I had rheumutlam nnd kidney troublo for year a. The pain atiirti-u In my bncK nnd went to my llniba. I woa laid up for months and doc tors said thry could not htlp me. On a friend's advice, I tiatd Doan's Kidney I'll la and thn ftmt box reltrTcd nie. Half a dosen boxes flied me up In good nape," Gel DeaVe al Aay Star. tOe a Bom DOAN'S DiTiV FOSTEItMILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. U Pleases to know that the article she uses to have tho best. Only the best The Enterprise Neat ind Ftod Chopper has the trie calllsf prhclsle; a four bladed steel knife revolving against the inner surface of a perforated steel plate, which cuts like a pair of shears. Iecfllied as ttandwd all over the world. Makes Isoi chssslsf easy. Made in forty sizes for hand, steam and electric power. Manufactured by tho Enterprise Manslicfurlof Ceapioy I Pa., Philadelphia, U. S. A. Bears our Dauble Guarantee Tag 1847 ROGERS BROS BBBBkHBBBb BBBBBBBtaer KK?W 'lBBBaRValBBaatl The OH Celeay The original and genuine electro-silver plate and the only brand with a guarantee backet1 by (he scluil fest si sixfy-five years. You don't have to guess on quality when you buy RtfCrs BiOSe silver, you know. The standard for three generations. Made by the IslemsUsssI Silver CsH Meriden, Conn., Successors to Meriden Brittania Co. Bears tho DallUe Osarsalee Tea FADELESS DYE any other dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. WK1TK FOR FKKB booklet, calendar, blotters, A GOOD REMEDY FOR THE GRIP. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome try CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act 6ureiy and gently on the liver, euro Biliousness, Head ache, IHzeI. ncss, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL rill., SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature tui mshw paa-meM styinv. M.t.N-9.1 THERAPION 8SSS3. ileal lucrcia, CUM CHSOMicwBAaHain.iJSTTiaoa, vm. BinNBV, blauubh, msbassb, blood rottov, riLR. BITMBB NikllRUOOIftTftorMAILtl. TOST S CT rciimrRACo..BKBMNr.NwiropLvii;iSBi TIUONTU. WBITB fOB If MB BOOB TO OB. LK CUM Mnn.Co,IUvimtocBltD,HAMrTBAD, LOHUOW.SB. TRVHtWIlRAOSSUASTrt.B!UrOBMOr fcAIV TO TABS) THERAPION EWcu... SB THAT TBAPB MARBBO WCIBO 'TMBBAflBW IS OBJ sair. aovt. aiaur avruso to au. osmuibb Messrs. TellaatotilaarrUitstaUl. MinM "d Yog ramie lawkl "aJ- B-na gtitivci - at . . a Stewart Ca.. WKSS PARKKPt'S HAIR BALSAM A tolltt areparatloa of saerH, nuipa to aradleaM eeaaUaeT. For ReaaataBS Cater aael Baaatr toCr a I eae.anaTtwasI raMHeerJ WWMft leklnillaaam inrlialloa, caaaaaT rfnot- Ma wind. Booklet fTM JOHN IT110MItiON HOMHUO.,Tlojr,N.Y. YOUR OWN NAME ?!-uo3&y7offi Inn thorn tip. Hand natan and addraaa for panlaa lar. A. II. J- Itos 168JI, Philadelphia, Fa. Nebraska Directory BOILER REPAIRS Hipert boiler makers sent anrwaere anf Una. WILSON STEAM BOILER CO Omaha W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 47-1913. a Woman is the best in its line. It pays her bears our Doufclc Qsarsolee TS. MERU-lf RUGHSI bWMp ' BBBBBBBBH.AUIhtf't .BaaaaaarWITTLC .BBBBBBBSF laBIVPR BBBBVaBBrW IBrlttX ear JmEMj m i &seJi?&z Bparwa w iiMjaa" 5iSa"3CctiTB S" S3 r ii HI OT) A HBpaVHmB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAL-'''BBBBBBBaBl SOuhBUK RS9kBB7 fSlsWHJSra WaaBaaaaaJ I llPwllfaVgfaVJajtfaa ..'W f S Laf ffjNA rV VrP A - Silw "" Clfe That PT Wiars Every Woman Is Assured of Quality When She Buys Dtuble Guaranteed Quality Hardware Every article bears our three-colored Beetle SsaraafM Tfl a guarantee from the maker and from ns which authorizes the dealer to replace tho article tree of charge, if for any reason it proves unsatisfactory. Battle SsarMleee' SjaWy Hardware includes only the Best Fadery Brata'f, the time tried and tested brands. Ask for hardware bearing the name ot a reliable maker, backed by tho Double CstrialM Tea . Wright & Wilhclmy Co., Omaha, Neb. They dye In cold water better than aay etc MUNHOE PBUQ COMPANY. Qi other M4y (I M ill a Sal I , I ! kal ) BBj 'lj I 1 bbbPj 1 !f OM.L M IH. Tii! jft ,kMSi '&