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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1913)
S,A;hTT!&rSwr3wn!3w' jj- iTWOTtt? 'K.ttX.1U!:itrB. MK4 .fv ...J&. .wwWi,safJWTfi3liWr3BS RED CLOUD, NEBRA SKA, CHIEF IV. rt in V ' ?! ri? :s? I i HU .w W "M. &. to J; i 'i ! r :t '' i Lw6amJ9im mSm How Would You Like To Be The Washer-Woman? Do you think you could make that soiled suit "DO" lor an other season? Soap and water will fade and shrink the garment. You will save your back, save your garment and save your money by permitting us to Dry Clean Your Clothes Tiy Us once and be convinced. R. G. Hassln&er Gleaner and Dyer ithPhne 9 9 Red Cloud, Nebr. DOYLE BROS. 'Live Stock and General Auctioneers 1IOTII PHONKS ; Bed Cloud Lebanon 17 on 8 3 on 187 GARFIELD Mrs. Stillvati of McCook whs visiting her mother lust week. l-'lno weather this week after the way the wind blew lust week. Clrntidiuii Anmelc who Iihh liien very sick for the past month is better. Louis MHiiley mid fiimlly were pleas ant callers at Will Fishers Sunday. The rumble of the corn shioiltlor has been ho ml on wind mill row for the passed week. Charley Campbell and Fred Smith have been doing the work. Anv one wishing a dog would do well to see lloy Kent as ho has unu he would like to dispose of. lie says that It Is a good dog to run tlio eows and help hunt the cstgs. The llnllowu'uu box social at Ulst, 8. was a sm:ee-s und everybody had 11 good time. The diildien spoke their piece-, well mid ueted out tliolr parts tine which seems to speak well for the teacher, Miss Laurn Osboin. KANSAS PICKUPS (I'roiii Smith County) Clair and Ola Upp visited in our vicinity u mv diijs last week. .Mr. and Mrs. Haivc lilalr spent Sun day at the home of F. M. lirowu's. Clius, Hooper and family spent Sun day as the quests of Ora Prill and wife. Mrs. (leo. Mutsou went to Lebanon Saturday to get some dental woik done. Mr. and Mis. Edd Stoiitlmore, E. E Spurrier and family visited T. S. Spur rier atid wife BundHy. K. L. Skaggs the piano dealer of Lebanon, sold a Smith & Darns' piano to Dr Watt's last week. Mrs. F. M. Brown who has been un der Or. Morrison's care for some time is reported better at pioscut. Mrs. llertha I'ayne and daughters and Samuel Asbury and family were Sunday visitois at the Bert 1'uyne home. T. C. Dnzarth and wife have moV'd to Lebanon. An other good neighbor has moved awn.y, but our los Is nn other's gain. Mts. A. O Khradct and daughter Vclmn, have returned home from a two week's visit with lelutlvts in Smith Center and Franklin, Nebr. T. S, Spurrier and wife and .Mrs. E E. Spurrier drove down to Lebanon Tuesday to see the former's daughter, Mrs. II. M. Tweedy, who Is coutlned to her bed with a broken limb. Hev. V. E Urimes commenced a re vival meeting at the l'tiwnce church Monday evening of this week. He choose for his text the words of David: "Return thyself unto Us, .(J Loid." Song service begins nt :W. Every body invited to come to these meet ings. Some Farmers Waste Money Buying Seed Corn Probably the bestseed for ne.t year's planting will be the home grown, caie fully selected and tested seed Thous ands of dollars have been wasted by I u riners in the state of Nebraska by buying seed from' a distance. It may look better, may oven take prizes at some of the bhows, but when it. is tested with carefully folei'led nacive seed doe: not always give the yield. The Lincoln Experiment Station in bulletin l'JO reports tests . of native grown seed and seed not native It was found that on an average the na tive grown seed carefully selected yield ed six bushels more per acre than cuie fully selected seed brought from a dis tance. In testing some prize sutuples secured from the National Corn Show it was found that carefully selected native seed yielded nine bushels per acre more than the prize corn. With these facts iu miud it would seem that we should select home grown seed, even if it dues not look so well. The stalks tills year which have produced seed in spite of the dry weather should give high yielding strains. School Board Holds Session 2 4r. :i 37 i r.u 'J J!8 1 1.1 Hi: Ci.orn, Nr.tnt , Nov. a, IMP, Donrd met in regular session Mem hers pie-cut Ston-y, Gilliam, Turuure, Hlaekledge, Crelghtoii. Minutes of previous tegular and special meeting lead and approved. Superintendent's repot t received and placed on Hie. The following bills were read and ordered paid: Denver Fire Clay Co S II 20 Peaboily School Furniture Co.,. 7 M) Wiley & Son 4 7.I Oiaugo .1 add Co., Chemical Co., II. W. Mumtoid Webb Pub. Co., Iveiiyoti Pi int. fc Mfg Co' St, Paul Stationery Co 11 !'. Ued Cloud Chief 5 01) Thomas Charles Co., 0 4'2 Ed Ainaek 80 r.S Underwood Typewriter Co...... r. 'JO h. P. Fox l r.O Ed Hanson lldw. Co., 4 r0 Upon motion Superintendent Moritz was delegated to represent the Hoard and Red Cloud schools at the Nebras ka State Teachers' meeting to be held at Omaha Nov. it h to sMi. Upon motion the Hoard proceeded to the selection of u .1 acre trict for ngri cultural purposes Moved by Hlaekledge and seconded by Cieightoii that we purchase fioni C.J. Piatt for $13"( live acres facing on Walnut .street between the Long and Coleman tracts extending a stitllc lent distance west to contain 5 acres In a rectangular plat. Roll call re suited as follows: Turn tire aye, Storey aye, Uilham aye, Crelghton aye, Hlaek ledge aye. The motion was declarod carried. Hoord adjourned. R. D. MoKlT., Sec'y. Our dinners advertise themselves, H. Lndlow ndv Krw l-v -NN vVI tV Yi lWw-PU?Vi,r11 k 3feK OLIVE OIL EMULSION vtn BTrarutrmiu I lfcM4T. .. J fa!rMMH.4.4 lteM. iUHh'.'NJ tfat-l.-.t fJl 1ft I .. ' - Mtm mm m. m.-mm)-J0 M &A 4m nra-ft-n -v-' r . -j W fLT - . w - voGicf rlicocA ttomriQ rv uwk$) ftVKr.iuvv v. w.. m, j JkM W Jg2& OI.IVE OIL tMUUHON MMA t-r-TwJTJr SMALLPOX is prevented by vaccination the injection of vaccine. DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injection of anti-toxin. These enable the body to produce substances which prevent the growth of smallpox and diphtheria germs in the blood There are many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, and far more common typhoid fever, the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, rheumatism, and a score of others that can be prevented less painfully and more easily by making the body strong to resist germ infection. 'excJ2H Olive Oil Emulsion (With Hypophosphites) Is designed for the prevention as well as the relief of disease by enabling the body to overcome the germs. It, at the same time, strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes the blood, puts the entire system into a proper healthy condition to combat and successfully resist disease. -Every person not in perfect health has incipient germs of some distressing ailment in his or her system. Cold weather, over-work, excesses of any kind, are liable to bring about just the conditions under which those latent disease germs will ,get the upper hand, and put you on your back " down sick." Vou who are run-down, tired-out, nervous You who, though not sick enough to give up, ttlll don't feel good You who are apparently well, and vant to tlay well Take home a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion' to day, and use it as a means to get well and keep ueli Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve-food tonic. In this it is different from most other so-called "tonics" which either have no food value and do noth ing more than temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in a worse condition than before or, having food value, still Sold in this community only at The IR&KaJUL Store are so unpleasant to take that many people can't keep them down. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take. The Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerves. The pure Olive Oil nourishes both nerves and blood Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens you, puts snap and ginger and vitality into your system. It makes you feel better and stronger. It improves your digestion and your bowel action. contains no alcohol nor any dangerous or habit forming drugs. It is guaranteed to be just as represented above to do all that is claimed above to satisfy you in every way, or your money back without quibble or question. Enough for full two weeks treatment, $1.00. Sold only at The Rexall Stores the World's greatest Drug Stores and always with a full guarantee of com plete satisfaction, or your money back. H. E. CRICE DRUG CO. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA FURNITURE We have all the latest designs of. staple articles, and can fit you out, from parlor to kitchen. The prices are right too. Come in and see. -V ED. AMACK MJL1CKN!;!) UNDERTAKER IX NEBRASKA AND KANSAS ALL THE PHONES rKr( IWV- vsA- A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm offer them. Try can us. P. A. Wullbrandt The Heme Grocery 'i 1 Groceries?! J i A Frame Construction Is Most Preferable for home buikliiiK not only on account, of lis economy, but be of Us Hcluptubitity to cluing Iiik conditions. Homes built of wood tiro easily nioveil f rom one locution to (mother; tliby c;m bo altered or cnliirfjtd without injur iiitf thuir Kcnoriil iipnuiiriintio for the reason tlmt painting will muke the old look us nooil us the new. Instead of pnintlng being consid ered an expense It .should really be held ub au improvement becuuso it freshens up the whole appearance of your home, nud instead of ulti mate decay ami deteriorated value as is the case with (substitutes that can only be renovated by building ti whole new house, your home be comes constantly more valuable This 1b only one of the little things to consider when building a home "Little drops of water, etc.. make a a mighty ocean." Come iu uiul we'll tell you more about lumber. "There's No Place Like Home" Saunders Bros. Red Cloud. Nebraska I F I RE THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF EIRE for the man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart conies up In his' throat if the Hie 1r anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COMT OE is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly b' considered. The f reedoni from 1 wowy alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. ' O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. LAND Improved Alfalfa, Grain and Stock Farms in The Great Republican Valley Bought Sold Exchanged Any desirable Real Estate listed up and advertised for cash sale or ex obango without expense to owner. Cash buyers for improved farms and ranones secured through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farms in Webster and Franklin Counties Ne braska now listed. Several farms for sale that will pay good interest on the eutlro purchase price and enhance greatly in value. Several good farms for sale on easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The largest list of local farms for sale to select from and situated in the Huckle End of the Corn Kelt. FARM LtANS-Ubcral amounts, opuuiiui jjuywoum, luwi-nii mica. Money always ready. Daniel Garber E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE. NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FREE Riverton, Nebraska I have the best rate in the county ou farm loans. See me and be convinced, My motto prompt service. A. T, Walker Paste This In Your Hat! All 1913 Taxes Due Novem' bar 1, 1913. Personal taxes delinquent Deoember 1st, 1013 Distress Warrants Feb. 1, 1014. Ileal Estate Taxes Delinquent May 1, 1014. W. R. Koontz, Couuty Treasurer Louis VavFicka ns Auctioneers Terms reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. I speak either Bohemian or the American language. .. .. R, F. D. Nt. 4. Re4 CIwhI, NebfMlw .i....-.- .. . fTIWW'S rCMIM, k The recent act of April 10th, lOOSl gives to all soldiers' widows a nension 112 per month. Fred Muurer, the at I torney, has all necessary blanks. vY y