The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 13, 1913, Image 3
a - u j XiJ v u,- MJDOftnoiVAUH IK F TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Qlrlsl Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Qlouy, Fluffy, Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderlno you cannot find qingle traco of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will plcaso you most will bo after a fow weeks' uao, when you bco now hair, fine and downy nt first yes but really new balr growing all over the calp. A llttlo Danderlno Immediately dou bles tho beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and craggy, Just moisten n cloth with Danderlno nnd carefully draw it through your hair, taking ono small trand at a tlmo. Tho offect Is amaz ingyour hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, and havo nn appearance of abundance; nn incomparable luster, oftness and luxuriance Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlno from any Qtore, nnd provo that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It if you will just try a 11W tie Danderlno. Adv. Her Status. "Jennie Is a very bright girl." "Then why did they send her to a polishing school?" "All Ready" Comes the call to din ner. Are you interest ed? Is your appetite keen, and waiting? Is your digestion normal and bowels regular? If not, we urge a trial of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS at once. For 60 years it has proven a great aid to sufferers from Stomach, Liver and Bowel disorders. Magnificent Crops in All Western Canada Is 1913 Record All partsof theProv Incra of Manitoba. Snakatchewan nil Alberta, have tiro- duced wonderful yields of wliont. (, barley and Has. Wheat (Traded from Contract to No.l Hard. wHffhpfl lipfivv Ami yielded from SO to 45 bushels per acre; 12 buobclu was about tlie total average. Mixed I'tirmlng may bo conbldered fully as profitable nn Industry a grain ralftlng. The excellent full bt nutrltlou are the only food re quired either for beef or dairy purpoHen. In 1812 at Chicago, Western Canada carried off the Championship for beef steer Good schools, markflta convent, nt. ellmsle eicoltent. tor the homesteader, the man who wishes to farm itenilvlr, or the Imea Uir. Canada oners the blmest op portnnliy of any place on to oontlnant. Apply for descriptive lttaratnre and reduced rallwuy rates to Bo- Eerintend, nt of Immigration, Cn twa, Canada, or to W. V. BENNETT. e Building, Omaha, Nab. BOOK BARGAIN CATALOG HOLIDAY BOOKS & BOOK8 IN SETS AT UNHEARD-OF PRICES Send postal today for Catalog , 50 THE TABARD INN BOOK COMPANY 1302 Filbert St, Philadelphia Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nabritka nionDMii di ay Booms from II .00 np single, 75 cents up double. CATK PRICES REASONABLE Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho Saline Springs Located on our own premltet and used In tho Natural Mineral Water Baths Uniurpttied In the treatment of Rheumatism Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Dlteaiea MODERATE CHARGES. ADDRESS DR. O. W. EVERETT, Mr. 1409 M Street Lincoln, Nab, BSrl iVUaataD.aT I mm rgmm PSftfll Ufisavj jjfffef m&$mm CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EN AND WOMEN By JULIA BOTTOMLEY. Vhc Immense variety In ribbons per mits an unending variety In fancy bugs, and they will play their usual prominent part at Christmas time. Tho rich brocades und heavy weaves in plttln ribbons are used for opera bags und for the handsome shopping bags which city women find It convenient to carry with them when they have small purchases to make and Intend carrying them home. Itlbbous In light er weight, such ns the Dresden, In taffeta, which are round In -o many beautiful designs, arc chosen for nil those bags that form accessories to tho furnishings of tho home Among thaso, thoso with flowered pattern on a plain silk ground having wide bor ders of gauze are tho nowcbt and most beautiful of the season's offerings, Such a ribbon is shown hern In the pretty corset bag pictured A new dcBlgn In u shopping bag which may be mntlo long enough to answer for a music roll as well, Is pic tured. It Ib inn do of brown ribbon and a figured ribbon stitched together. A narrow stiver braid is placed over tho stitching. Tho top of tho bag Is edged with tho samo braid and a lit tlo finish of silver ball trimming Is placed along the bottom. The bag Is not gathered at the top, but Is pro vided with four cords by which it Is held. It Is laid In a few plaits nt ench side, held in place by an ornament made of tho silver cord. A substantial ribbon Is required for this novel de sign. A collar bag of figured silk suitable as a gift to a man Is provided with a pasteboard bottom, with sides two or threo Inches high. Tho lid of a round, oblong box Is used for this foundation. It ls covered with the Bilk. A strip of Bilk ten Inches wide forms tho bag; one edge Is dewed to tho bottom around which the silk fits smoothly. Tho upper edge is gather ed on an elastic cord run in a casing In the horn. Silver cord provides bangers and the bag Is furnished with an ornament' mado of It at each side and a bit of silver braid outlining tho support at tho bottom. This is a con venience that any man will appre ciate. Tho fine art of Japan puts even the least expensive of Japanese fans in a class by themselves. If one must look for gifts which have an artis tic value to make them attractive, and at the same time may be had at a small price, the products of the Jap aneso are more likely than any others to meet the requirements of fine taste. Here Ib a little group of fans which illustrate this fact A fan with white enamel sticks, fin ished out with gold, has a shaded ground In clear, beautiful blue, merg ing with whlto. Carved sandal wood makes a fan for a lifetime, which depends for or namentation upon tho way In which tho sticks arc cut out in a laco pat tern. They nro held togother by a narrow ribbon. Tho faint and deli cious odor of tho wood mukes this a fan to treasure. Nothing but n satln-llho paper und brown wood sticks form the ground "upon which Eomo artist has distin guished himself In tho Inst fan. Such fans may be found ranging In price from about CO cents to 12. , imaaa if JX I 1. flHHk. BBBaaWHSVYflrMRaaaaaSBBBv HHHBnBTbKKjBrjasBBBBBBBBBBBsm BBsMaLxX.&lfry;'' 'ViVIBal Hnk.VkVtlltkiC ' ' sSEBSSl BBJBJB9tSktsskjaiiaJLwr iSSJuRaal aTaBTQt7i2NusV?ffljnflBBa3&0TOBB!BTgi yfiklssf UMlM$Jmm When It comes to selecting things for men two facts should be homo In mind. Men appreciate whatever nddt to their personal cotnfort and they urn attracted by things that are convent- out nnd useful rather than by mere prettlncss. Hero are pictured a few of tho many attractive things, mado of cretonne which will lit appreciated by tho men folks. The closet bag shown in the picture is made of cretonne having a white ground with red roses nnd green fol iage. White tape serves to bind tho edges nnd fasten the compartnientB to the back. A ynrd of cretonno is re mitred for It. It Is fourteen Inches wide nnd tho remainder of tho yard will make the compartments with, enough loft over to cover a pin cush nV- -JL Kfr3 fj V - ion or make one of tho other small pieces. The wasto paper basket is made by pnstlng cretonno to a heavy paste board foundation and 'tho lining may bo of cambric or paper. Four sides aro cut out and covered with cretonne. The lining is pasted over In one piece, holding tho sides together. Or tho pieces mny bo covered separately and afterward tied together with narrow ribbon. Tho small box for handkerchiefs or ties is mado by pasting cretonno over a strong pasteboard box. Tho top la padded with a sheet of cotton wad ding. A set of three boxes for tics, gloves, handkerchiefs, with a larger ono for shoes, makes an elegant pres ent where ono wishes to give so much. Out one single box will bo appro elated. The traveling case Is cut from rub ber cloth first and compartments are sewed to It for tho wash-rng and sonp I tooth nnd n?'l brush. White tape li used to bind tho several pieces, Tho ciiso Is thon covered with cretonno bound to tho rubbor cloth with tapu miichlne-Btltched over tho edgos. Tills convenient case fastens with a snap fastener such as Is uaod on gloves. ." . ai st; ' as j,,n y "" ' - H"' A sH "iiViiar' 'V 1 TO E3R v- ( "flat ishL 1 Jk 'At IMI av -' , CmPvJLSm mm jl BBBjasajB Hsm ShbbbbT f y lf BSBIBHBIbBBBBBBBWT&v'!? BSBaHHSllsasBBPx" STOMACH MISERY m INDIGESTION "Pnpc's Diapcpsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes. Tlmo itl In live minutes all stoumch distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, add, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul brenth. Pnpo's Dlnpopslu Is noted for its speed In regulating upset Htutnnclis. It Is the surest, quickest and most cer tain Indigestion remedy In the whole world, and besides it Is hnrmlcBS. 1'leaso for jour nla get n largo llfty-reut ease of I'apo'u IJlnpepsin from uny store and put our Htoninch right. Don't keep on being mlser.iblo Ilfo Is too short you 111 0 not hero long, so innko your stay agreeable. Kiit. what you llko and digest it; en joy It, without drend of rebellion In tho stomach. Pnpe'H Dlapepsln belongs in your homo nnyway. Should one of the fntn lly eat voiuetlilng which don't ngieo with them, or In case of nn attack of Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stoninch derangement at daytime or during tho night. It Is handy to give tho quickest relief known. Adv. Daylight at All Hours. Dr. Herbert K. Ives of Loudon has Invented daylight, ho says. Scientific men hnvo worked for years trying to accomplish this task. Doctor Ives has been at work for at least a dozen, and ho nsscrtH he has llnnlly produced a light which Is In every way equal to sunshiuo. Tho scluntlst has designed .1 powerful Incandescent lump with n special mantle, which Is so placed In a cabinet ho Iuih designed that Its rayB nro Immediately beneath 11 rellec tor. This Is mado of metal, and tho light Is forced downward through a scries of delicately colored screens, so nrrunged that tho average rays which are not found In tho north light nro eliminated, und tho otTcct, it is said, Ib that of a perfect harmony of light similar In every way to the rays of the Bun. Near Tragedy. A Pittsburgh millionaire stood be sldo his $S,000.000 automobile wonder ing where to go next. A woman whom ho had known rushed out of tho hotel and sought to fiolvo this problem for him In n hurry. Sho shot nt him. but, of course, sho did not hit him. Instead tho bullet punctured tho chauffeur's leg. "Great guns, that was a narrow es cape!" exclaimed tho millionaire. "She might hnvo punctured a tiro!" Persuasion. "No," said tho timid man, "I don't want any flying machines today. I'm afraid of them." "Why, Blr," said the persuasive salesman, "a flying machine might Bnve your lifo." "How?" "You might bo out riding In one when nn carthquuko takes placo." Washington Star. Cheap. "Yes, my dear fellow, evory man has his price " "Oh, ludced! And what do you think is mine?" "Oh, you Just glvo yourself uway." Suggestion. Ho Don't you lovo birds? She Not Jnys. Dultlmoro American. "Brought you home something good, Mother" (LrVVSDDA) St mm Give your wife a treat. Save her some of the drudgery of housekeeping. Bring her one of those big, economical, family packages of Sunshine L.-W. Soda Crackers. They taste so good home. They ve got so much nourishment they make muscle. They're so easily digested they're just the thing for the children. The Big f Try these crisp, flavory and flaky crackers, made under ideal conditions of cleanliness by the makers mous Sunshine Biscuits. And fresh in their triple-sealed, tight cartons, 25c. JopSE-y.LES fysCUIT (OMPANY Bakers of Sunshine Biscuits JOHN ALSO NEEDED MONEY As It Turned Out, Wife Need Not Have Dcen Afraid of What He Might Say. It ntt Christinas eve. A beautiful woman sat staring dolefully at tho embers of tho lire. "Christmas eve," sho murmured, "nnd no money to buy Imby a Chi 1st nins gift." Slowly her ejes wandered round tho room until, with a guilty start, they tested on something standing on the inniiteliilere. . It was baby's alonoy box. Her hands clutched the chair convulsively. "If 1 only daiedl" sho murmured. "Hut what would John say?" I "or it few moments she stood de bating tho awful question In her mind, nnd then she took the box In her hands. "John need ueor know," she whis pered Then, with guilty face, she broke open the box und emptied 011 to the tnlilo 11 collection of (in lacks, nails, etc John had been there tlrsl. Not Fit, But Fitting. "She must duiHs In nil the latest stles." "What makes you think bo?" "I Just overheat d her telling a friend that she hadn't a thing lit to wear." Dettolt Free Press. ?. EEaiMS 1H 5? ?, ALCOHOU-3 PER CENT ANetellc Preparation for As simitnting iheKooaarklRcfiula ling the S lomachs nnd Dowels of Promotes Digcslion,Chccrful ness and Rest Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic &? roM DrSAMvanram toynliVi S4 ' JlxSmnm AMtthUftt I tm SfJ I fhpgrrmtiU Km S.U - I CttSitti St J tfimhrrrttit Ffavwr I A nerXrcX Rempilv rnrrnntlna lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrtioea, 0 Worms .Convulsions.rcvTrish ncss and Loss OP SLEEP facsimile Signature of Tire Centaur Commkv. NEW YORK. nma ftiiiMAMlitfl unrlan Ia tZmt Alii Exact Copy of Wrapper. For PINK JCsfSZIfEisSSSZStMBBw aaasfc bbb ''aslsflk BswsBsfcTHsBBBsViiiifc?! li!!:n-'fiffiiaTgjinffl'fiiiiifta Ml vv K y CRACKERS you'll be eating them all the way Package of the fa always air .mmr Tmzmsmr m fill , II JM 1 mTrmtwrnki r Amm Have Yon a Bad Back? Whenever you use your back, eloei a sharp pain bit you? Dors your back acliu constantly, feci soro and lame? It's n sign of sick kidneys, especially If tho kidney anion is disordered too, pas sages scanty or too frequent or off color. In neglect thcro Is danger of dropsy, grael or Ilrlght's disease. Use Dean's Kidney Pills whiohhavocurod thousands, AN IOWA CASE Iwri Mit Mm.J.llnnt lMHnntfc Ultt 1 aisfjf Willi Hi., lulrflcld, la., .)! "Mr back iu so Uiun niul Borf I ronldn1!. On hit lion vmurk. I wts rrstloft snd tha pain wernunful. Iti&tllnco to lii'd nnd I cinldnt turn oterwIUmnt hrlp. My llnilis wrrs ter ribly swotltin ami I thought t vr ROlnir 0 to ilk'. When I liil V A almnst Klven tip, I n hrnnl about Doin'i 1 K I il n n y rilln nnd r usril thrill They Vornmnpntlr cnrM tun and t4iday 1 am In tho bttlnl liOiillli." Crt Dosn's at Any Store. 50c a Bo DOAN'SlV FOSTEK-MIUIUKN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. PATENTS U'ntunn i:.'tmnn,Woh. Iiinliin.lic. lkjuMlr. Itlan (nt ttlrrvucva. Krai rcsulta. TONIC FOR CV .j W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 40-1913. GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought .Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA EYE DISTEMPER CATARRHai. rEVEl AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES 'hpB. 5aW XOffVi of AAlf WW Mam Cure the tick and act aa a preventive for other. Liquid given on tha tonuue, Sufc for brood maret and all other. licit kidney remedy; 50c and SI a botttr; 5 and $10 a doien. Sold by alt drurolit and horaa sooda house, or lent, enprem paid, by the manufacturer. ' SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists. ftOSHEN, INDIANA W$W mm I aBaaaaaaaL-7iBTvaTtr.tTjTiaL u Bagrii BBSSSSSSSSnRaVRBBslBBBSSsVr ! kWWWSmWwfmWWWjmmS .slrAaaSuNSaakppBaaaaaaaaasBSSSMv SmWSSSmSmammm0SmaWMai ;-i I! lit 1 I VI m ." . !' f y