TSSSSSSSiSSZaiigiKSiisws RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF "S Why Poison Ivy Poisons. '"U Ivy liafl long been n mystery dentlstB nnd laymen; why ""'nanner It causes tbo po- IrrltatliiK Infiainmn- both botnnlHts nnd at tho reason haa - .. Dr. Mlrnndo of Paris read to tho Xcadomy of Sciences In that city recently tho results of his study of tho poisonous weed. Poison Ivy contains pruBBlo ucld. This 1b found principally In tbo youug leavos and buds; In the older leaves thcro Is very llttlo of It. In threo nnd oue- hnlf ounces of young leaves thero Is bout a quarter of u grain of tho ncld. As with other plants In which prusslo acid IsTound, tho poisonous substance loes not exist In Its perfect form, but develops ns Boon as tho leaves aro bruised, a chemical action being set up through tho union of an enzyme with a glucosld. Futile Reform. "What 1b this 'uplift movoment' 1 bear so much about?" . "Well, In a great many Instances It ecems to bo a painful spcctnclo of too nany people trying to talk at onco." "Linn! llnnnH UUII I l!IUJD just because your ap petite is poor, the di gestion weak and the bowels constipated. " What you need just now is a short course of HOSTETTER'S! STOMACH BITTERS It tones and strengthens the "inner man" and helps vou perfect health iness. But Nebraska Directory SMOKESTACKS Write ns for prices. WILSON STEAM BOILER CO.. Onihi Music Students-Attention Wo givo a Music Lesson every day for the same cost formerly charged for two lessons per week. All artist instructors. Send for catalogue. LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE 4LIVER BLOC. OEPT. A. 13TH P STREETS REEN GABLES The Dr. Ben. F. Bailey Sanatoria Lutcola, Nebraska Its brick and stone buildings so taste fully furnlshtd and thoroughly equipped, In the beautiful park of 25 acres, with staff of experience and a nursing corps of unusual merit, offers you most per feet hospital results, yet always pre serves the atmosphere of a delightful country HOME. Write for particulars. i A back to perfect health 1 Jm and happiness. But I ffl he positive you get! Y "Hostetter's" I HBJHBHBJiBBBHIHBJBBHBBBI PwKi4 tUsHi bW " VI i -A mm$$SkvW&t Don't Burn Your Straw It is Worth $2.S0 a Ton You can't afford to go on from year to year let ting your land run down, raising smaller crops -or to l0 your crop by moll blowing. You can't afford to burn straw stacks. Agricultural experts have proved beyond any question of doubt that straw contains fertilizer valuo worth t2.K a ton, besides t umlnhlnar humus to tho soil that prmvontm moll blowing and Inmurom eropm In dry BLBkTw(lir&. BLmivttw BBBBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBBBBJ I. D. RICE, Gea'l Mgr. ounpitx ssrtaacr sBg. Co. 'boIvcs the straw Bpreadinj? problem. No longer is it necessary to do this tiresome work by hand.' The "SIMPLEX" does tho work docs It easily and In exactly the right way and at the lowest cost. It ts the best crop Insurance you can buy. You can make a net proQt pi is w a ton on your straw because you can spread itat odd times and the spreader will last for years. Scat ters straw wet or dry, or old rotten stack bottoms over a space 12 to 20 feet wide. Han and boy can easily spread 80 acres or more a day. depending on distance to aaal. Pays for Itself In S Days The"Slmplex"Straw 8preader Is the greatest advance in zarra saacnin- . . fry sine the days of the self-binder. Farms which hare been growing wheat year after year can now be spread wit fertiliser at small cost and the worth of straw will pay for your saaoauM la less than tares days' tune. 30 Days If k.n atar on inm fa ran T about. Inordertothorouirbly Introduoe tho'Staples'SpreaderlotheUakotaaandMlnneaota ais.eeaeoD. i will sen a a epreanaron au aajr iree I. to ten men la every couotr-no money down -no noU-oo deposit o nepoalt or chock, lint common 11 oil men. lukoalTtherlik and all Mint irehMk. Iti.t common hnn eeiir among men. 1 Uko all the rlik and all una I ask la that yon give the 8prenlerm fair trial. Write me todsr so that fesDsenl yoa a full deserfptTooof lhV'8luipleir'Hpidpr. how It works, how It Is made, bow to use It, and rur offer to DM Is M ituva KlianTntui. fi U eatistaetorr la every way am sBuasraaiwomMiy rree. ir rou oon nnu snd the most valuable TIE SIMPLEX SPIEADER MFG. GOT HER CHICKEN TENDER All Right for Mrs. Newlywcd, But It Was Rather Rough on the Butcher. Mm. Newlywod did not know much nbout housekeeping and was always, cheated whon slip went to tho nearby butchor storo after her supplies. After n particularly tough bird had boon with dlfllculty disposed of she went onco mora to tho butchor and said: "How many young chtckons havo you today?" Tho butchor said: "I have but threo In tho chop." "1 want two of tho toughest you have," said Mrs. Newlywed. Tho butchor was surprised, but brought out two nnd assured her that these were tho toughest In tho place. Had them thero for a week or tnoro, he said. "Well," said tho lady after much thought, "I'll take tho other one, please!" Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Tlnnra thu Signature of C6&ffjfa In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Taking No Chances." "lllobbi In a mean man." "A mean man, ou say?" "Yoa. lloforo handing the morning paper to IiIh wife ho always tours out tho page advertisement of Sklnnlm &. Hla&h." Before rnd After. Mrs. Outlatp Wlmt time of night la It? Outlate Slinmu time Ijishod to go homo when I was courtln' you. New York Sun. Hired for the Occasion. "Uuslness seems lively at thiB booth. What's the utti action?': "Milk is being served by a musical comedy dairymaid." Unconsciously. "A writer says husbands should en tertain their wives." "A great many husband do." Moralist "The outsider who buys stocks is a gambler, pure and simple." Ticker "Especially simple" Judge. But an ounce of (lattery beats a pound of truth It you have an ax to grind. STOP THAT BACKACHE There's nothing mora discovraglng than a constant backache. You are lams when you awake. Pains pierce you when you bend or lift It's hard to rest and next day it's tho same old story. Pain in tho back is nature's warning of kidney ills. Neglect may pavo tha way to dropsy, gravel, or other serious kidney sickness. Don't delay begin using Doan's Kidney Pills-tho remedy that has been curing backache and kidney troublo for over fifty years. A MICHIGAN CASC ''Kttrv PMurt , TVIl. n lit or v." IVtnr tourks, Lcwla nan Bl,Frnkfort.Mlcb., lira: "Iliad awful buck nclirs brunjihlun liy Imrd vurk. 1 cuuwin't control Uie kidney svtrt-tluos nnd in the rnurnln i wan au Inuio acd tired I could hardly not out of bed. Mj buck Bulled terribly and If t tried to stoop, I bud tli.up minx es. I often cut o dlnr 'that I nlmoit top pled over. After tho doctors hnd fail ed, 1 tried Doan's Kidney Pills and sis boxes cured me." Cst Doan's at Aajr Store, BOe a Box DOAN'SWiTlV FOSTEJUULBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. L7ADM EUR QAIP Norfronih no snow, w.s rAnm run dale, uuivit,mtiiuLA, rixuiA am hi hti --i season by rotMlnlng moiaturo and protecting tho young crop. Straw spreading solves tho wheat growing problem. Tha "Simplex" Straw Spreader i Ml I U I I faU B-eBBalLaBWaaB MW Free Trial Tiavn a. nronosltlon TOU OUffht to knOff not. thoroughly satUBed-TwIir pay tho fralgbj iKjth ways. I hsye shipped hundreds to the wheat Uclds of Kansas and Nebraska, on this proisltlon. and. noloaa thiilr owners coqld duplicate them oil onoldn't buy them today for twice their cost. Write me at once if you want a rile me at i free trial Blmplox Spreader nntMAlii. lllafttrstaif clrcQinr trend Iniponaat information tree, i u, uitc, manager, "-" ".' . m mZ -ilir rf." - CO, 330 W. 10th St., Kansjis City, No. INTER E NEW FEATURES FOR ORGANIZED AGRICULTURE. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Chairman Mellor of ornaulzod agrl culture lias outllued plans for tho mid winter meeting to bo held In Lincoln, January I9-LM. An apple show, an ex cellent dtapluy of cured incuts nnd ninny striking advances In Bcluntlflc aKrlculturu aro beluK planned as fea tures of the proKrnin. The following committee Is In chnrj;e: Chairman W. ill. Mellor, Dean K. A. Burnett, J. It. Duncan, Prof. C. V. PiiKsley, W. S. Whlttcn, Frank 0, Odell, Seoretar George W. Kllno, Tho following societies imtko up the roster of organized ugrlcultuto: St. He Im.ml of :KrlcultiiP 1'itsldviit, ,liisrii Hnb.'t M. Ki union I. Mcurul.it) V. K .Mfllup, Lincoln. Stiii li utli'ulttii.il boololy I'rfclilfiU, i'. II. ll.min.i'1. ThIiIc Hook; houiftmy, J. It. Dtiiiinn. Lincoln , , Slnlo l.lvr Stool; liiilitoM'is' iiHHiioliitlnu I'rrslili'iit. J. . OUIm. Oul; ncctct.uy, II. .1. (iiiiinlldi, l.hu'oln. . . NpIii.ihI..i Ilnrso Itnt'ilriH' untniMutlmi I'ri'itlili'iit. Pr.ink lliiuiinl. IMwiuo City, Hcoti'l.ii II .1 ili.nntli-li, l.lncnln. Htntc Slinitliiini Hiix-ilorH' iiHsnol.'alnn lMiililviit, O. II, ClmjH.-li. Kfiitiify: Mt'C li'lury. It In i:. WHmvi. Ili-hlili'io. St.ltO IlflPfOIll lloi'(liM' llSKlloLltlDII I'lPMlili-ut, Itnhcrt Miiuil, I'.imlirlilKf i Btcictury. fJcorRii O. HcnB'T. C illiiwiiv. .MjlTlI'Vll .I1KII1 Illfl'lll'IH lIKMOClUtlon rrclili-nt. ('. S. lti'i-v. Hlnuon; ecit-tary, 1). X. Svforil. Miiroln, StlltK Itl'il Polll'it llH'l'clPIH iiKSiclutlon ricfihli'iit. I.uki' whim, iMaiiMiiimiii: eve rt't-iry. Klllott luvli, llnlliruuK D.iliv Ciltlf Hii'piWmh' iiKsni'l.itlon PrcHlili-nl. II. ('. ymmu;. Lincoln; srcio t.iry. i:. W. Kiont. tViitnil City. .St.ito liiilnmi'iiV iiBMOcliitUm I'rrHl dint. H. W. .MoUIihiIh. I'u'inoni; hih-ic- luriv S. f. HlHsfll. Cllilion. ' Stale Suliio U.mmIcih' n?cocl itlnn -I'lflilpnt. r. C. I'lockif. rilloy; m-cro-tnrv. (J. .5, TlnuiioiiM AhIiI.iiiiI. XiOinihUa Slii't-p nttu'ilerx' nnil Wool C.rmwrV nnsocl.itlon -l'roHliU-nt. Itnlini Tailor. Pi-nir.il City: scrroury, 1.111m Hall. CnitK . , Coin Imprnvers' nivopliitlnn I'ri'slilont, R. llomii', Cri'ti-i societal y, T. A. Klf- UPll'IICll, I.llH'olll. Xi-limMcii 1'nri' drain and Pood Oroi';rM nnsoolatlonPio'-ldpnt, Vrank .1. ..ulsti lluniliolilt; xvciQtiiry, T. A. Kkxutljacli, l-liiooln. . . . m Stnt riotlsts' Focloty President I. F. Ktoy. Lincoln; secretary, Lewis Hi-ndot-nnu, Omaha. Stntp npo Kpppori association Prpsl drnt. Hpv. Alois J. Kloln. IJialnard; bpc rct.iiy. Frank O. Odull. Lincoln. Statu Homo lleononilcs association ProsUlont. Mrs. A. H. Davisson. Lincoln; Hccnt.iry, Mrs. John P. Mann. Uothany. Association of Slato, Conntv nnd Uls trlct Fairs PrpsldPiit. II. r.-Wllion, Ge nova: Hi-ciPtary. W. II. Sinltli. Suwtird. Oood Roads association Pi csldcnt. w. II. limnliip. Vnlon. secretary, w. II.. Campbell. Claiks. JVailciiHiirnl Dcvelopmont Commission of Koliniflkii President. C.irson.IUIdreth, Krnnklln; secretary, W. S. W'hltten, Lin coln. Valuable Relic for Historical Society. Ono of tho five living Civil War vet trans In tho Omnha trlbo at Indlnns Jn Nebraska, Henry Blackbird, baB given to the state historical society museum an object greatly reverenced by his people, a Bymbol which has been used to secure pence for tho Omaha trlbo with unrelated groups many scores of -times. Tho valuo of this gift Is greatly enhauced by tho fact that on but very rare occasions will an Indian part from ono of these treasured relics of past dnys. It seems a simple enough looking affair on a cursory glnnce, composed of a, pipe stem on which Is mounted a pro miscuous collection of feathers of gaudy color In fantastic design; But when Its construction, with tho mean ing of each detail, Is explained by Mclvln It. Gllmore,( curator of tho museum, It becomes a fascinating curio. This object was used In a peace ceremony called "Wa-wa," .meaning "to sing for some one." It Is said to bo the most persistent of cere monies still used by Indians after others have decayed. The PawnecB have brought It twice to tho Omahas on the Nobraska reservation. The population at the Btato pent tontlary Is tho lowest It has been for twelve yenrs, prison officials said yes terday. Thero are but 334 prisoners at tho penitentiary now. Tho low figuro Is partially duo to tho fact that mnny prisoners were recently paroled. N'lnetocn were sent out at the last jneotlng of tho bonrd. Tho population will bo increased considerably within tho next two wcoks, however. Twenty or twenty-five are coming from Douglas county, several from Lincoln nnd two from Falls City. At this time of tho year the numbor Is usually Increased on account of of fenders being convicted at the fall term of court. .""" Tho state board of agriculture, the 3. A. R. headquarterBj the stallion registration board, the state veteri narian, livo stock sanitary board, the adjutant general, labor commissioner, fire and hotel commissioners will be moved to the new fourth floor of the state house, according to action taken by the board of educational lands and funds, Ask Perpetual Injunction. The date for tho final hearing of the petition of minority stockholders of the St. Joseph & Grand Island rail road for a permanent Injunction re straining the majority stockholder! and the Union Pacific from improving tho road to suit the purposes of the latter carrier, was set for December 8, according to announcement by Judge Mungor, Thursday. At tho same tlmo n hearing will ba given -to the majority stockholders to show cause why a receiver should not bo ap pointed for the road. The suit, which MID-W IT BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Tho Baptists at Oxford aro remod eling their church building. There 1b it movoment on foot to Incorporate the tillage of Howe. New wells at Nclaon aro furnishing 300,000 gallons of water per day. Tho 7.1cm Kvnugcllcal Lutheran church ut Hastings was dedicated last Sunday. Mrs. Dlnnh Uekol of Beatrlco was found dead In bud, a victim of heart troublo. , l-'alrbury Intends to Join the stnte lenguo next summer If thero Ib a pos sible show. Weaver brothers at Falls City are packing apples at tho rate of (100 bar rels per day. Tho now reservoir at Clny Con' 'r is completed nnd will hold 55,000 gal lons of water. Nebraskans drew seventy per cent 3f the farms at the big laud drawing U North Platte. Tho new bridge over the PlaMo river opposito North Bond has Just been thrown open to travel Tho mid-winter sessions of organ ized agriculture will be held in Lin coln, January ln-'JS, 1914. Mildred Ilatlcllffc, n two-year-old Oninha girl, Is dead from entlng the heads of parlor matches. The new Carnegie library and Y. M C. A. buildings ut Sewnnl havo been thrown open to the public. After seventeen years of service a postmaster at (irceley. W K. Morgan has tendered lil.i resignation. Rev. I). .T. Fppler or West Liberty, Iowa, Is to lie the new pastor of tits Christian chut eh at Fairfield. In a fnll from a porch Mrs. Robert Cllbb, near Teeumsoh, suffered a" com pound fracluie of her left lower limb. More lee cream cones are made In Lincoln than in nny other city be tween Chicago and tho Purine coast. After being defeated twice before, water bonds carried by two votes nt n special election held recently at limn ing. The Hastings flro department mado nine trips to tho ruins of tho Stors; beer vault which burned thero re cently. Four horses were burned to death by a flro which destroyed a barn on tho farm occupied by Frank Sulllvnn near Cortland. Adam Lemke of St. Mary lost an eye when a nail ho was driving with a hammer Hew out and struck him on that organ. Frank Harndon, who shot Goorgo, White during a quarrel at Fremont, lias been sentenced to seventy duys in the county jail. Little C-yearold Arthur Kcarstcdt of Norfolk Inhaled a kernel of corn ind choked to death. The corn lodged In the windpipe. A remonstrance has been filed with ('the Lancaster county clerk against the granting of a saloon license in the rlllage of Kramer. John Sneddon, a farmer living iwelve miles from Lincoln, committed iiilcldo by shooting himself through the head with n revolver. Anton Stolllng a nineteen-year-old Endlcott boy, fell from a trco whllo hunting Fiiulrrols and received In juries which may result fatally. Owen Dally of Lincoln was victor ious over Max Brenton of Iowa In two out of threo falls at a wrestling jnatch at Lincoln Thursday night. .Otis Bushnoll of Hastings collided with a clothes line, which caught him in tho face, with such force that all of tho teeth of his upper Jaw woro pulled out. "Fainting Bertha," Just released from Iuglc3ldo hospital, Is In trouble ngaln this time at Omaha, where sho was Jailed for bolng Intoxicated on tho strcot. Tho price of milk. In Omaha Is gen erally being raised to 9 cents a quart, 1 cent higher than tho prevailing prlco heretofore and 2 cents higher than the current price prior to Octo ber, 1012. University athletic officials have re fused to consider seriously tho con troversy raised by Kansas over tho playing of Clinton Ross, negro guard, In tho Kntisas gamo November in, Many of tho property owners of Be atrice aro paying their paving tax In full, although tho law allows ten years' time, tho deferrod payments drawing 6 per cent interest. Thero Is a great demand for corn huskers at 4 cents per bushel on the part'-of the farmers In tto torrltoiy tributary to Walthill. At least 200 men could be given work Immediate- V. The combined age of 182 old folks who attended the Methodist Sunset social nt the First Presbyterian t irch nt Hastings was 14.C61 years, nn nvor ago of SOU years. ' Cole Brothers' circus has gone Into winter hendqunrters at WJllard, N. M being strunded. This circus was 6r ganlted in Falrbury last April, being tho former Campbell Brothers' circus. An attempt was t?ada to fire the livery barn .of Greenfield ft Stnnnard at, Hastings by throwing lighted kerosene-soaked cloths Into the hay loft, but serious damage was averted by Its prompt discovery. Frank Kaiser, a 13-year-old Crofton boy, was seriously wounded when some one accidentally or otherwise fired a Bhotgtm Into the room where he was standing at a dresser combing his hair. Commercial club directors have signed up a contract with tho pro moters of tho 1914 tractor demonstra tion, whereby the big exhibition of farm machinery will be held upon 800 acrea of land uear Fremont, A flro of unknown origin completely destroyed tho Wakefield roller mills and a large elevator, the property of the Benson Grain company. OLDEST MAN IN U. & Thomas Morris of Nebraska Was Born in 1794. Hat Reached tho Remarkable Age ol One Hundred nnd Twenty Years Has Great Antipathy for the Fair Sex. Chicago. Probably tho oldest poi sou In tho United StatoH today Id Thomas Morris of Custer county, Ne braska. Charles Mytton, with whom tho aged man lives, doelaroa that Mor ris will havo reached his hundred and twentieth year tho lGth of next Jan uary. It appears that soma years ago records of his birth wcro destroyed by II ro mid It 1b. largely through memory that tho prcBont facts aro retained. Morris was born in Uio year 1794, tt Berrcy, Montgomeryshire, North Wnles, and If ho lives until tho lHth of next January ho will havo reached tho wonduful ago of ono hundred nnd twenty years. It Ib not unlikely that tho ccntcnnrlan can claim thu dis tinction of being tho oldest living man In tho United Btntcs. Considering tho great ago ho has reached, Morris' llfo him been rather unoventful and ho had always boon a hard worker up to thu tlmo old ago Incapacitated him. Tho old man Ib a nhouninkur by trade, but nt ono timo nerved ns a gamukeoper to a largo cstato In Eng land. Ho enmo to America In 1S71 and passed through Chicago tho Sun day after tho big flro. Locating at Illackslone, 111., ho quietly followed his tradn in that town for ten years, loiter on, ho moved to Harrison coun ty, Missouri, where ho lived for four yenrs. Ho reached Custer county lu 18S0 and resided thero since that tlmo. Morris can Justly bo numbered among tho pioneers of tho west Tho ubovo plcturo Ib nn excellent likeness of tho nged shoemaker and ahows him ub ho Is nt tho present tlmo. Ho is able to walk about, although considerably hampered by a club foot, and thor oughly enjoys basking in tho uun HghL Ho talks but llttlo nt tho present tlmo, but generally manages to raako hlmsclf understood. Tobacco la his constant companion and ho appears to dorlvo much nourishments from largo quantities of coffee, which ho drinks at all hours of tho day and night. Ho Ib unablo to read or wrlto, con sequently haB never been ablo to tako notes of any interesting experiences that may havo come his way. It Is hardly likely, however, that ho haa had any glaring adventures, as his Thomas Morris, 120 Years Old. life, according to those who know hire best, haa been a remarkably qulel ono; although It would appear that ono who hns passed over such a great number of yeurs nnd has lived In "ya olden times" that wo read about, must necessarily havo bumped against sometiiing during ins career tnai was worth chronicling. Morris is a bachelor and u confirmed woman hater, and right horo is whore a grain of romance inserts itself. In his youug days, it Is said, many years before ho came to this country, ho wan engaged to a buxom English girl. Tiio wedding day had boen fixed, but before Its arrival the girl sickened and died. Morris so cherlBhod tho memory of his beloved that he could never bo brought to look with favor upon any other woman. As tho years passed, his antipathy inward the fair sex Increased until, at the present day, with one hundred and twenty years to his credit, ho stands forth, an openly avowed wom an hater. Who knows, but what this aged man, as be dreams In tho Bun light, has visions of that long ago face and that ix gradually draws near er and becomes moro distinct as ho himself approaches tho goal. Lincoln's Barber a Suicide. Decatur, 111. Dalton C. Steward, eighty-four years old, 60 years a bar ber, shot and killed himself here. IIo shaved Abraham Lincoln In 'Spring field before tho Civil war, and was also a Janitor for a time In Lincoln's & Hernden's law office. kx&.'' ;!'''' bs BaBaBaaaBaRvC .!'j. s sTv JsbbbI HHEffSil V . aaVual SBBaVOBBBBBnlr.VV. 'mWLWmW WmmW SBaaaXSBWaYaYaaaaaaflaBbTaaailBBrJL v I 9be$: "bwbh araarJBVMaraaraaraaraarJHBafjBBK& tl- 9aatx VbtbI bBbbIB :!lBHBUv9BBfikUBBBY vflB KbbIVbbKI e9bbKb0KCTbbbbH K JB' ffflp iwJWPBBgi f jK3l BBBBBalfc,BBftfe3kSfrSlWigBlBBBi BjSjSjaaawB. AawarraSSklMf -y &3vxf. jHHararJ bbbbbbbKbbVBtmp'wvKbbbbH ENDS DYSPEPSIA, iraiON GS "Papo's Diapepsin" cures sick, sour stomachs in five minutes Time Itl "Really does" put bad stomachs In Drdor "really doca" ovorcomo indigos, tlon, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn aai sourness in flvo mlnutea that Just that makes Papo's Dlapopsln tho lar gost Boiling stomach regulator In ths world. If what you oat fcrmonta Into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructato sour, undigested food and acid; head Is dizzy and aches; broaUs foul; tonguo contcd; your Insldos filled 'with bile and Indigestible waste, r member tho motnont "Papo's Diapf sin" comes In contact with the stomach II such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the Joy Ib its hnrmlesBiioss. A Inrgo fifty-cent caso of Papo's Dia pepsin will givo you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction. It's worth Its weight In gold to men and women who can't get tholr stom achs regulated. It belongs In your homo should always bo kept handy In caso of a sick, sour, upset stomach during tho day or at night- It's tha quickest, surest and moBt harmless stomach doctor In tho world. Adr. Mr. Plnkley's Long Head. "So you sold that mulo for $8?" "Yes," replied KrnstUB Pinkloy. "He kept n-bentln' mu down nn' a-bcatln mo doun, till finally 1 Jest sold him da mulo nt hie own prlco. I didn't want to miss do chance of do mulo's turnin' loose nn' ktckin' dat man's stingy heud clean oft 'im." Washington Star. Tho whlstlo on tho engine makes tho most noise, but it doesn't holp to pull tho train. WOMAN ESCAPES OPERATION By Timely Uie of Lydim E. Piitkham's VegcUbU Compound. Hero Is her own statement. Cary, Maine." I feal It a duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound did for me. Ono year ago I found myself a terrible suf ferer. I bad peine In both fides and sneb a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached, I bad no ap petite and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be bo tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It Bcemed almost Impossi ble to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would bo any better un til I submitted to an operation. I com menced taking Lydia E, Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I hod no pains, slept well, had good appetito and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a family of four. I shall always feel that I owo my good health to your med icine." Mrs. IIaywako Bowers, Cary, Maine. If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If yoa have tho slightest donbt that Lydla K. Plnkhum's Vegeta ble Compound will holp yon,wrlte to Lydia E.Pinkham AlealclneCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass for ad vice. Your letter will be opened read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cur CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegcta. me act surely out genuy on tnc liver. Stop after dinner dis tresscure ! indigestion." improve the complexion, brighten the eyes, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICI. Genuine must bear Signature Pain In Bickand RhtnnitliH are the daily torment of thousands. To ef fectually cure these troubles yoa must re move the cause. Foley Kidney Pills bagia to work for you from the first dose, and ex ert so direct and beneficial an action in the kidneys and bladder that the pain and tor ment of kidney trouble soon disappears. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. ff.ifa.iiouTorsoaii--BOMDowM,or'ooTTHBai.us sum from KiDMtr. iLADDia, Maavous DiasAiaa. ohionic wBANiw.uu:as.taiN iiurTioMi.riLaa, writ, for mr PROa book, ths most IMiTauCTIVS HioicALaooKivaawaiTTBNjTTaLLaaLLaMuiii THE lfll'.lhar.m. Ahlu,.lVBI BUo.co,jUvTocaaD,UAMfTaAO,LoaBoi,aa Hot Caask S jraa. Tmtm (hot, Vm la lima. Sold y Diagswa. 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