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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1913)
ft'J'..'Wm;)MW(Tfftvt;niw?.w.-r RED QLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 'I i -'J THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Re J Cloud. Nebraska. evnh)thbv mhy 'jhuiisday I 1 - ..,,,,,.. ,- -. 6SS9waMssssaMn'v ssss vaBnsiaBm9S9ee Enttrtit In the I'oMolllce nt Ilnl clotul, Noli. fH Hicoinl ClnM Matter 0 B. HALE PUIII.ISIIKH CUB ONLY DEMOCRATIC I'Al'KK IN WKtlSTKIl COUNTY Jlegln now to get ready to Hit end tlio Fanner's Institute. The program this year Is a hummer ami yon certainly flight not to miss a single session. The premium list has been prepared nd the gifts are generous. Let us make this year's effort the best ever 'Wo chii if we will ami the nilicers arc .doing their part. The cltlrcns of'uny prosperous town ,ro always public spirited and united, titand together, work for the Interests .of the whole town. Always btatid -ffeady to do your part. Don't grumble nd spend your time in prophesying -failures, but help to make every enter--prise a success, be it great or small. lie energetic and enterprising and your rexnmple will be imitated. The greatest problem that confronts our people at the present time is that f dogs. In the langimgc of our fore fathers, there arc dogs, more dogs and 'Jots of dogs; in fact a stranger visiting our city and uu-acquainted with the xlor of our population, would declare without hesitation, that he had got off t an Iudian Village, where there are always ten dogs to every Indian. What is to be done to rid our city of dogs, is Something that the present council should busy Itself with. Sincere sympathy goes out to the (Pdd Fellows of Superior by reason of -the unfortunate fire loss which they sustained lust Saturday night. The ili'e not only destroyed their new hall fbut It oousumed nearly all of their ex- .pensive regalia, their records and other valuable assets. The loss will be in 41ic neighborhood of eight thousand dSollars. How the (Ire started remains mystery. It is a fortunate thing for ?ur sister city that her firemen so ably flsonfined the flames to the olio building. ,l s Npcaking of advertising: There is jm business that cannot be Increased ittid benefited by advertising. No class f advertising pays us well as a well 'written newspaper ad, There is no isvnrk you could do that would bring ;you as great returns as to use thirty .minutes tinio euch day In the study of advertising, if you are in business. 'The great trouble with most advertis er in a country town is that they write 3D ad invoicing their stock in tradu AJul expect by letting it stand week jgftcr week in the country newspaper iogct direct returns from it. former deliberations were taken up with civic Improvement matters but regardless of the name such an organ isation ought to bo kept in a flourish ing condition. What this community needs more than anything else is an opportunity to discuss its own affairs. We have no public opinion and no means of finding such a thing. We nec( to talk, about our city afTairs, our school affairs, our needs and our wants. President Wilson has occupied the executive chair eight months and the country has had an opportunity of testing his ability and statesmanship. Practically the entire country is well pleased with his behaviour so far. He has shown that lie knows what he wants and that he is mindful of the people's rights No serious blunder can bo laid at his door, he has care fully avoided and unpleasant foreign entanglements, has kept tils party united and has "done things". Ho has shown that a "school teacher" can be efllcletit if given the oppoitutilty. He had the theory before and now he has the practice. Regardless of political nfllliatlons President Wilson has earned the re spect and admiration of our people; that he will continue to direct the ship of stnte carefully and skillfully goes without saying. He has had many trying situations thrust upon him but ho has emerged each and every time with the laurels all his own. There is no question about Woodrow WUboii being presidont. Isn't it about time that the Educa tional Society began operations again? "We think that is hardly thd proper manic for the organisation since its Magpie Chatter "She did?" "Get me. kid?'' "Nothlu' doing." "Dig in, John!" "Get busy, kid I" "What's trump?" "Oh! Hcll-O." "Yes, she's well." "Let tJcorgc do it." "(live me a Nobo." "I don't believe It " "I played the low." "I'll take a chance." "Oh, you mustard!" "Don't care for a thing." "Thanks, I have enough." "Pass the pickles, please." "Ain't you the dollrboyfr. "Call again when in town" "All up to the deck hands." "Say, don't you ever work'."' "Mamma's little manny, man." "Oh! you mackerel snappers!" "(lood morning, Cheese Cake!" "No, thanks; I just had supper." "What's this, cinch or sovon-up?" "We got the rag out didn't woV" "How much do 1 owo you now?' "Doyoii belong to the Gliu'mo Club?" "I've vun this paper cutter for lo years!" "Don't worry pupa; mamma's work ing." "Chess'." The guy that started that must, be some "cheese." "Had your morning's morning this morning?" "How's everything on the farm?" "All right; what'll you have?" Ex. Our dinners advertise thomsclves, II . Ludlow. adv What Your Money Buys Here Whatever you buy here, be it a Wooltex coat or suit, an article of fur, a dress, waist or skirt it represents in actual intrinsic value the full worth of your money. Comparison with similar articles sold else where in this city will invariable prove that our prices, when values are considered, are the lowest obtainable. - S s Cotrrlitil 1911 bjrlbcll.BlackCch Then there is the additional advantage of selecting here the very latest word in style, for certainly there is no other style organization pro ducing such authoritative garments as Wooltex. For this wonderful styling ability we make no extra charge, and yet when your friends see you in a Wooltex coat or suit they give you credit for having paid many times more for it than you really paid. fkl 'n I !l 1,1 1 I I JS2 8 8 Ci-mitto 1911 by The H. Mick Co. 1 69690MBHBeS69aHMMA, 69 69 -vOMBBHB iHMM H've3Iue3i g9vii iywi THE MINER BROS. CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" A Few More Locals Mrs. Roy Oatman Is visiting In Hastings this week. friends BLANKETS Will Bailey and wife arrived homo thin week from Walnut, Iowa, where thay tih4been visiting Mrs Halleyl&il patents. The Christian Science people hava, moved from the Tepee to the M. W. A,; hall where they aie'now holdiug their, Sunday service. On another page of this paper will be found the Farmers' Institute pre mium list and the dates of the Insti tute are Nov. 11 to 14. President Wilson has issued ,hl Thanksgiving day proclamation ami has set a'ide Thursday, Nov. 27, to be observed as Tliauksgiviug day. S9!n ii :Si vflh 69-vvlI 'Tis Time to Put That Old Straw Hat in the Discard, Get a Gordon or a Gimbel Out of our new Fall Line and you will get $3.00 worth of satisfaction. .. s 8 1 New Suits, Shoes and Shirts are now here. Let Us Show You Mr. and Mrs. Diet', who have been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huffer, returned to their home at Cheyenne, Wyoming. Monday. It. M. Owen and Shirley Klmberling eturued to their homes at Fraukllu Friday oveniug after completing the carpeuter work ou Dr. Cross' residence. Prof. Heck, Paul Llndley and saver al more of Rlverton's foot ball en thusiasts were down last Friday and witnessed the Smith Center vs Red Cloud High school foot ball game. Mr. and Mis. Wm Wolfe entertained o"i guests at their homo Tuesday even ing at a Hallowe'en and birthday party in honor of their daughter, Miss Mario. Everybody present had a good time. Mrs. It. M. Grlce nnd son Flave re turned home Thursday evening from au extended visit at Omaha, Chicago and points in Michigau and Oklahoma. They report as having the best time of thuir lives, Tlie'ltlankct season is here and i we are well able to supply your wants in this line. Cotton Itlankets at from 60c to 31.60. Cotton and Wool mixed at $1.50 to $3.25. All Wool Blanket- at $2.50 and up. Crib Blankets in the best grades at moderate prices. OUTINGS Now is the time to make your quilts for your own protection on the blizzardy nights a-coming. Our line of outing is com plete. Priced at from 9c to 18c per yard. COTTON BATS Cotton Bats at 10c, i2c, 15c. 20c and 25 ' These Bats are the best on the market at these prices and are full weight. You will do well to'look at our line before purchas ing this class of goods. BHRBKRH PHKRES Buttarick Patterns Warner's Rust Proof Corsets UnaCSE xaAoI 'iwC9i' 'IS3wsigi Walter B. Smith who has been with this office for some time resigned his position Saturday and left for other Holds Sunday. Friday, Novembot'7, Is designated as state fire day by Gov. Moreheud, when the public is expected to take some note of thuir possible lire liaanl and investigate all possible means of pre venting tires. Jas. DeWitt and family and A. W. Holmgrain and wife are moving to the country this week on the farm former ly occupied by Tom Hawkins and family. Mr. Hawkins is moving ou the W. S liense farm which he re cently purchased. m Roy Sattley mfotms us this moiniug tlmt Mr. William Wilson died at Inglo side this morning at 5::i0. The remains will be brmighu bore this evening for burial. The services will lie held at the Congregational church Friday morning at 10:110 conducted by a Seventh Day Adven minister. We see by Wednesday's (Jinahi World Her.ild that the following Web ster couiil, citizens were luclcy at the land drawing at North Finite and they are as follows: 3M-C. W. Fruit, luavale. (Kid John Hoffman, Guide Hock. 7hl A. W. Holmgrain, lied ('loud n Paul Storey THE CLOTHIER s H 51 v c SSwU The liiirllngtoti will discontinue No. 4 and 11 passenger trains west fiom here to Oxford commencing Nov. II. The traius will continue to inn fiom here to Hastings and will connect with 10 and lo at this place. This week the editor of tills paper received a letter from Geo. Atkinson who left here a few weeks ago for the south, (icorgo is row located at Nowata, Oklahoma and has a good position in the oil Ileitis at that place. He said that they had u big snow storm thero last Sunday mid have halt two frosts. ' Report of School District No. 41. WINTER EXCURSIONS Effective October 18th: Winter Tom ist rates to Florida and Gulf Resorts -Jacksonville, Palm lleach, Tampa, Key West, Mobile. New Orleans; slightly higher rates to Florida, one way via Washington, D. C Also to Florida, one way via Nu.v Orleans. biiccuve novomoer ist: n inter Tourist rates to Texas, New Galveston, Houston, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Dallas. Southern Landseekera' Excursions: First and Third Tuesday. To California: The usual Winter Tourist rales, nine months' limit standard and tourist sleepers. Train Service: Hiyhest class Uurllngtou City. St Louis, Chicago. Winter l,ubllcatlons-"Low lt-itcs South," "Pacific Coast Touts," "One Way Colonist Rites." Mexico, Cuba, Through through trains to Denver, Kansas 'California Kxeursions," Helow are the names of ttie pupils from the 27 enrolled, I hat have neith er been abt-eut nor tardy dining the past month of school. Keufiew Pltny, Ralph Pitney, Alva Michael, Leslie Rvigle, Thad llichler, Klnm Relgle, Dorcas Pitney, Jessie Kutledge, liesslu Rutledge, Annie I'ichlcr, Chester Pitney, Levi JctVery, Kills JciVery, Daisy Pichler, Jim Har vey, Honor Rutledge, Stella Rose, llachcl Harvoy, Kva liro.shinau, IJer nice Copley, Irene Pitney, Marie Pich ler, John Jeifery. ' Girv DiwiiAit, Teacher. 19. K. FOE, Ticket Agmnt. L, W. WAKCLCY, General lanenger Agt. H f- wmmmmm'mm i m mmmmtmtmmmiwk m Mm Mi pMM LEGAL NOTICE. TO.MII.TONM. (il.ASS:- Yoiiareiintlilcil that on tliu '-Mint day u( .Inly IUI.I, llatllu N.OIiikn tiled a petition In tliu HUtrkH cmirt ot Webster County, Nc lira.ska,aiilnsv jou, the object and prayer ot which Ik tn obtain u ilicrtunf divorce mi thuurouuil nl extreme rrui'llY. Vun are rniulrrd loaiiHtver tlicsiild pitltlon nnor bPloru tlieMth iluy of Nowmlicr, hli'l, orailteric ulll lo t Mi red nyulnst you us prayed lor In said petition. I i.itul October '.Mud, mi:;. II.mi'ikN. (li..ts, 1'lalntlir. lly nemanl McNeny, her attorney. J. ft EklilflGER General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... Write or Phone Red Cloud, - Nebr. A vi A fell d&anw-cCTyir 'tyi qir;v r- yww " tamwfMMMMMM nuiM4niLW&4WfrMM ' '' H f4jftg lilWSlWfWWiii mtmvjw