RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF f I- 1 f t FOOT BALL Friday, October 31st At 3:30 Sharp This is not a High School game, but a match game between town teams of Bloomington and Red Cloud. The local team will be composed o! former stars as Jernberg, Ray, Turnure, Phares, Crow, Johnston and others. Will be well worth the price. :-: :-: Admission 25 Cents AHTISTIG PPPJ1TS ii i4 U y il il ilyf il il il tttittittttniAlJ ilAlriftAlAtal& 3 l Exclusive Do sign a In Monutnonts Is Our Mpocialty 3 r tf R " ra r r r 3 I 3 We constantly have on hand a large supply of ihc very best of Marble and Granite. m CONSULT US jl SxcdUv'llaev88ivi,JI)oTVkmaus j 3 2 s 3 a 3 a Report o? sfiu Condition - ii niK- Webster County Bank Wit) uouu, REBRA8IU, Charter .No. Ml.i, llicoip irateil In the Mute ol Nebraska, at I lie eloMitl IiiiMih-ih Oct. '21. IU1I. uiMuirm'Ki: l.oiir.SMIld WmniiiiiIs .... SWUI.BI )( nlnilK sicimri nml iimiciirtil iiiM.&7 I'lirnlturonml I Ktmes l.ryio.oO ('nrrint fxin'ii'ifsanil Im.ncm pulil .. Til'J.lW Duo from national mul statu litnkH c2l,S84i.yi CI(('I;k 1111(1 III DIM Of l-M'llSIIIKD il-S IH (Jiirmicy J.OMKUU Sller, nickels and cents UtiT.lM I'otal ciihIi (hi limiil To'.iil .11.5IJ.I0 ' I'Jl.ITd.'tS i.iAiiii.i i inj: Capital Mori, paid m iivotx'.on surpiiM fiimi '.'.Vio.uu Uiiillliliilirn:iiM 'J.H'jI.II lllllh Idlllll deports bUllRcl lo cluck . liil.lllli') I'lmu vet (llleutciuil deposit SUiTSM Total deposits lK),0!il.i:i depositors' niunmty (mul T.ll.ll Totiil t I'2t,l(l.:t8 ST.VIV.or N'UIIIASKA, I ss County iii Webster. ( I. S. It. I'i.ohax i:. cashier ol tliu above iiiimiMl liiink, do hereby swear lhaUhcaloo NtiitiniLiit Is a correct mul true copy of the report made in the Mate UnukliiK Hoard. S. 1. Kl.nltANCi:, aiii.hi: Cashier. II. I". Mii:ii. Director. CI. I'oi'K, Dlrnlur. Niilwwrlbcd and sworn to before mo this '."Jth iluy ol Oct., Ililil. O. C. Tkki., (skai..) Notnry 1'ulillc. THE TEPEE Program Monday and Tuesday NOVEMBER .1rd-4th HIS CONSCIENCE-A dramn adapt, ed from Fielding's story "The Accus ing Hand." THK LONELY HEART Drama. WHEN (i LASSES ARE NOT GLASS ES A good laice that is very enjoy able. Tuesday Night Only TA E N K H R A S K A-MINNESOTA FOOT BALL PICTUKES-Showiiig the great gHtue wherein Nebraska t'nlvcr ity team defeated the Minnesota team 7to0. &xaYavteeAt OVERING BROS. & GO. 3 3 1 Red Cloud, - - - Nebraska f Wednesday and Thursday NOVEMBER .ri-(! A 1 iwl program for these 2 nights commencing with MARY STUART. In thieo i eels. adopted from the drama by Frederick Schiller. A supeib pro duction portraying the Inst lin years of tho great struggle, or the English throne l etweeu Mary. ueon of Scots, and Queen Kliziboth. The tragic fate of thu beautiful Mary and tho plots which preceedod it. from a story of gripping Intensity. It is hcautifullv photogruhed. The program will conclude with a good comedy. She the Guid ing Star Alright Chnrloy Hale, who used to swing himself gracefully on tho lirnWcwheol of u hay colored ho.c ir when the "narry gauge' was doing tho railroad business around this part of tho coun try, hut who Is heap big Injun on the Uhlof, a paper published at Red Cloud, the county seat or Webster county, 'Newbraskey," hands this hunch of posies to the f-choolma'ams, and we'll pass It around to tho patient and long Hiifl'cring women who, without Jiny blowing aio leading inir young hope fuls in the way of knowledge both In hooks and deportment, mid her task is ii(.i easy one, lequlring the tact of n diplomat mid the patience of a JoO and then some when the youngstets stait something "agin the rules." IJui heio's the Cliiefo boquet: "The sohoolma'atn is the guiding star of tho republic. She takes the little bantling fresh from the home nest, full of his pouts, his pets tind his passions, ungovernable In many cases, a rampant, ilotous little wretch whose own mother often admits .she sends him to school purposely to get rid of him. The M'hoiiliiin'aiii takes a whole carload of the-e little anarchists, half of whom singly and alone cannot he handled by their own mothers, and she puts them in the WHy of becoming useful citizens. Win Held, (Iowa) Beacon Real Estate transfers. 82." For the week ending Oot. 23th., 1013 Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bonded Ah stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr II. B. Moninville and wife to Farmers Independent Tele phone Co., wd, lot 11, Blk. 0, Red Cloud S Harry J. Citirk, et. a!., to .Maiy E. Clark, qcd, ne'f 21-4-12 Dolphy II. Clark and wife to Mary E. Clark, wd, all my In terest in neji .'4-4-12 Sarah E. Smith and husband to Charles M. Smith, wd, lots I lo (i inclusive in Blk. .'!, Smith A; MoireV Add to Red Cloud .. . Dor.i Peters, et. :l in D.u-ihu. Lowry, wd. w'j lots lo, n, rJ, Blk 3, Vance!, Add to tiiiide Rock v .... Chicago Burlington ic Qulncy Rail Road Co , to W. N. Rich ardson, deed, part nj mvj. Sec. 3-1-12 .". William lions and wife to Trust ees of Cluistian Cliuich ot inn vnlp, wd, lots 7, a, 0, lo, 11, 12, Blk. ., Iuavalu Glen L. Irwin and wife to Ray mond Ungate, wd, lot l.ltlk. 3, Grussell's Add to liluu Hill.. .. Thomas L. Stratton and wife to Raymond Hogate, wd, the un divided 4 lot ii, west 2 feet of lot 10. Blk. 3, Kohl cis Add H'ue Hill i - Mortgages Hied, 512,720.00 Mortgages released, 67,!ilO.OO. 1310 !m I2."i( V A-Vi FIRNIIURE We have all the latest designs of staple articles, and can fit you out, from parlor to kitchen. The prices are right too. tome in and see. -!- ED. AMACK suci:naEI) fndertaker in Nebraska and Kansas all the phones' -; J Iv- Vs( I i WA l I Groceries?! 1 1 A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them. Try us. P. A. Wullbrandt The Home Grocery )N.Avv SMOKE A LOVELY FACE BUT UGLY HAIR Number 21 Sc CIGAR And Get Satisfaction For Your Money. LAND Improved Alfalfu, (train and Stock Farms in The Great Republican Valley Bought Sold Exchanged Any desirable Real Estate listed up and advertised for cash sale or ex change without expense to owner. Cash buyers for Improved farms and ranches secured through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farms in Webster aud Franklin Counties Ne braska now, listed Several farms for sale that will pay good interest on the entire puichHse price and enhance greatly in value. Several good farms for sale ou easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The largest list of local farms for sale to select from and situated iu the Buckle End of the Corn Belt. FARM lOANS-Idueral amounts, optional payments, lowest lates. Money always ready. Daniel Garber Riverton, - Nebraska Df. A. B. Hardin Frame Construction Is Most Preferable for home building not only on account of Its economy, but be cause of Its adaptability to chang ing conditions. Homes built or wood are easily moved trom one location to another; they can be uttered or enlarged without Injur. lug their general appearance for tho reason that painting will make the old took as good as the new. Instead of painting bolng consid ered an expense it should reully lie held as an Improvement because It freshens up the whole appearance of your home, and instead of ulti mate decay an 1 doturlorated value as Is the case with substitutes that can only be renovated by building a whole now house, your homo be comes constantly more valuable This is only one of the little things to consider when building a home "Little drops of water, etc., make a a mighty ocean." Come iu and we'll tell you moio about lumber. Physician and Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dis eases Treated. J Glasses Fitted. lnivale, Nebraska "There's No Place Like Home" Saunders Bros. Red ClMd, Nebraska How often you see an otherwise lovely face spoiled by homely hair n faeo that would be most charmingly beaut llul If she only had prettier hair. What a pity! and how foolish! Be cause that ugly hair, stringy, dull, lifeless-looking though It may be, can be made is glossy, soft, silky and beau tiful as the heart could desire if only taken proper care of. Harmony Hair Beautifler Is just what it is named a hair beautitler. It Is not a hair, dye or hair oil It is just a dainty, rose-perfumed liquid dressing to give the hair its natural gloss and brightness, its natural wavy softness, Its natural rich beauty. Very easy to applysimply sprinkle a little ou your hair each time before brush ing it. It contains no oil, and will not change the color of the hair, nor darken gray hair To keep your hair and scalp dandruff-free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous rich lather that immediately penetrates to every part of hair and scalp, insuring a iuick and thoiough cleansing. Washed otf just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Contains nothing that can harm the hair; leaves no nurslinesn or stickiness--just a sweet-sinell'ig cleanliness. , Both pteparations come iu odd-shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beau tiller, SI. 00. Harmony Shampoo, fiOe. Both guaranteed to satisfy you iu every way, or your money back. , Sold iu this community only at our stoic The Re.xall Store one of the more t hiui 7,000 leading drug stores of the United States, Canada .unU Great Britain, which own the big Harmony laboratories in Boston, where the many celebrated Ilanuouy Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made H. E. Grice Drug Co., Hoi Cloud, Nebr. Agricultural Books Free Every professional man has a work ing library if ho is accomplishing the best results. A farmer is a profess ional man and those doing the best work have their libraries. A splendid agricultural library can be owned by any farmer at a cost of only a few cents for postal cards The Univer sity of Nebraska publishes College, Experiment Station ;and Extension bulletins ou practically all agricuttui at subjects. These are written by ex perts and they are for free distribut ion. Iu addition to what is said in the Lu'letin tho authors will 'be very glad to take up by personal correspondence any problems confronting the readers To receive these bulletins a postal ad dressed to the Bulletin Department, University Farm, Linoolu, Nebraska, will bring a list of publications from which any number can be selected. In addition to the state bulletins, the United States Department of Agricul ture at Washington, D. C, has a splen did list. RALPH E. CAMP, D. C. GRADUATE OF "P&Vmev Scioo o CVvvvopvaeVvc "Chiropractic Fountain Head" Davenport, Iowa Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free Second House North I. O. O, Hall Phone Ind. 212 Lady Attendant 10 to 12 a. m, and 2 to 4 p. m. DOYLE BROS. Live Stock and General Auctioneers IIOTII I'llO.NIlS Paste This In Your H&t! -" All 1913 Taxes Due Novem ber 1, 1913. Pergonal taxes delinquent December 1st, UH.1. Distress Warrants Feb. 1, lull. Real Estate Taxes Delinquent May 1, 1011. . W. R. Koont, County Tieasurer Red Cloud 17 on 8 Lebanon Son 187 Ms Vavrieka Auctioneers Terms reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. I speak either Bohemian or the American language. .. .'. R, F. D. No. 4. Red CUudf Nebraska When It Is Better. The wuy some people when there's inythlng to he gained remind one of 3terno's "Taut pis" and "Tant mleux" Is amusing. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIBT OVER STATE BANK Red Gloud a i Nebraska F I RE Farm Loans- have a limited a mount of private money to place in first mortgage farm securities, short or long time, at lowest rates with optional payments, Write or phone. Danikl, Gakukii, Riverton, Nebraska. Go out and see the foot fall game Friday at !1:30 and root for our team, Look over our line of box candies before buying. The Puritan restaur ant, II. Ludlow proprietor. adv WMlW'8 PeRSlM. Tho recent act of April 10th, 1003 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 112 per month. Fred Maurer, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRE for the man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along bis heart comes up in his throat if the fire is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COBT OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure yon to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT .,'tTOtfnMialvitjvwtaA. namamai-umtn ..... ,., .,....i -1-.-.. . ) CONSULTATION FREE t V A "! VI u A mm r 1