The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 16, 1913, Image 4

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Red Cloud, Nabraaktv
' PUI3LlbHKl .HiY 'J1ILM18-DA5
Entered In the I'ostofllce nt IMd ( loud, Net-.
M Second Class Matter
takes of men III governing 1 ho church,
yet It U dlvlno, nml to crltlclm It too
freely, too harshly, before our chil
dren, Is to nnir Its illvliio beauty In
their eyes tinil really to do them mi
Injury. M.idlson, (Mo.) Times.
Han Francisco recently received Ith
tflrst cargo of lumber from tlic Ton-
jtaas national forest, Alaoha. The
felptnent consisted of l.fJuO.oCO feet of
i'JBitka spruce.
Over ono hundred acres on
Florida nntionnl forest will be sown
,io Mnrltltue pine seed this fall.. This
fine is tho source of the French tur
pentine Industry.
October marks the beginning of the
.Institute season. There Is usually n
ffood attendnnce because the corn
harvesting season is not yet really
started nud the weather is unusually
Ifood, u fHct, October is gno of the,
"""best months for Institutes. Institutes
will be held at fifteen d liferent points
in October at which places a total of
twenty days' woia .VI II be given. In
-addition to this there will be four
'Hbort Courses at the towns of Hershey
Paxton, Utica Hnd Farnam, making a
total of twenty more days work, This
tjnakes a grand total of nineteen points
.and forty days' work for the month.
Hoys are men thut have not got
as big us their papas, mid girls are
women that will bu Indies by and by.
Man was made before womnn. When
(Sod looked at Adam he ''aid to himself
"Well I think I can do butter, If I try
again.' And he made Hve so much
better than Adam that there have been
more women than men.
"Hoys are n trouble. They wear
everything out but soap. If I had my
way half the world would be girls and
tho rest dolls. My papa is so nice
that I think ho must have been n little
girl when ho was a little boy.
"Man was made, and on thesorcnth
day he rested. Woman was than made
and she has never rested feincc."
Pittsburg Advocate
At the end of the ilrst week of regis
tratlon In the University of Nebraska
'this year there woie exactly the same
BUinbcr of students registered as at
.the cud of tho first week last year
'S070. In tho College of Agriculture
however, there was an Increase of
bout l'O per cent. The agricultural
college students now registered num
bers 410. Just think of it, about ono-
fifth of tho total number of students
iu the entire university. In addition
to this over one bundled students reg
istered In the Agricultural high school
At Curtis and the Indications aro that
registration at the school of agricul
ture nt Lincoln will be larger than
ever before. The attendance at the
Farmers' Institute and Short Couises
ao far this year is also the largest, on
M( tillers of the chinch make a mis
take when they criticise tho church iu
',lfae presence of their children, It
treatises the children to form a mistaken
judgmcut about tho church. They for
jtct that it is a divine institution and,
.jiotwithstaudlng all the mistakes of
jatn and women Iu administering its
affairs, yet it, and it alone, has the
dfarglveuess of sins and the promise of
taternal life, aud while the mistakes of
xwen will pass away, yet the church re
jBaki9 forever it is immortal even on
uaarth because it is divine. Christ
Aaew how much we would need It
when bo built it and gave it his own
tdlvino life. In the face of all tho mis-
The NatlwalCrwrYntltrt Ctnjtress.
Washington, T). C. Oct. 15 Through
an annnoncemeiit made here today it
became known that tho National Con
servative Congress lias arranged to
establish an organization in every
state for the Ilrst time in the history
of tho Conservation movement. The
state organizations are to be under the
directions of the Congress and are
being formed uudcr a policy that will
give powerful Impetus to ttio state
work of tho national body. Plans
have been made for nation-wide, activ
ity by the state organizations prior to
tho Fifth session of the Congress which
Is called to meet iu Washington
November 18, IU and "M.
Through tho machinery thus created
the Congress expects to bo able to set
in motion iu the various states con
crete plans for putting into practical
elfeet the conservation principles for
which the Congress stands. Horo-to
fore the Congress has contented itself
for the most part with working up
public sentiment thiough its annual
meetings, in this it has been highly
successful. Each of tho four groat
initial meetings of tho body has had a
noticeable effect oil sentiment and
The Congress Is already powerful iu
Its function as a clearing house among
the stato Conservation Commission
and the Conservation committees of
various national organizations. Thru
these, and particularly the latter, It
has been able to exert great intlueuoe.
President Charles Lathrup Pack feels
that Its scope should become- still
bi under. To this end he has caused
the state organizations to be perfected.
Each state organization will con
sist primarily of a state vice president
and a state secretary. Contraay to
custom these otllclals will not be mere
figureheads. Active men of known
influence have been selected and are
committed to edergetlc application to
the work iu hand.
The Vice President for Nebraska is
Geo. Couplaud of Lincoln and Sec
retary A. B. Sheldon, Lincoln'
Work for Greatest Artlata.
Designing, etching, and engraving
of fine bookplates 1b a thriving pro
fession in Vienna. Some of the great
est artists are engaged In the produc
tion of these works of art
The Currency Bill
The following article fiom the jten
of our friend, K. A (lood, the popular
lumber man of Cowles, was observed
by us In the column failed "The Public
Pulse" of the World lloraldafew days
ago. It contains much food for
thought aud as a con'cquenco we re
produce It.
Cowles, Neb., Oct (). To the Editor
of the World-Herald: Of course its
nothing new to lake an editor to task
for expressing views contrary to the
writer's own. Sometimes when I see
the criticisms they publish I think
were I an o litor there soon would be
some censoring done, but I have h
complaint to make and so here goes,
Why doesn't the World-Herald be a
"sure enough" democratic paper? Let
mo show you how you mislead one
who takes you seriously. From oft re
pcatcd headlines, cartoons, editorial
articles and general makeup of tin
paper I was led to the concluslou that
the currency bill of the administration
had little show to pull through the
references to it were such that I fell
that the public and their elected re
presentatives had a general apathy
aoout currency legislation and that
Mr, Wilson had takeu on a white ele
phant that no ono wanted to touch.
Imagino my surprise when the house
passed the bill '283 to 84. Now if the
World-Herald didn't know that the
bill was a popular one its staff is a
powerfully 'weak one. If it did know
then why didn't you lot me In what's
a newspaper for any wav? One of your
cartoons a few days ago shows that
the bill is to be detained iu the senate
and today's issue, a head liner pro
claims that "Currency Situation Per
plexes the Presldeut."
Now there are very few people whose
opinion is worth while that will deny
the proposition that wchavothe worst
currency system of any powerful na
tion on earth if that Isn't a situation
that would make a live president gel
busy why, you name one that would.
Aud when he gets behind a bill that
even its critics admit is better in many
ways than the one now extant, am
one that neai ly every democratic re
presentative and a good big bunch of
the republicans voted through iu the
lowor house, then I say lt a bad time
for a paper that claims to be cither
democratic or republican to knock on
Here's a present situation: Nebras
ka banks have more money on deposit
than ever before. Go to one .of them
and tiy to get a loan on a year's time,
or, iu fact, any time longer than three
months and they will tell you that
while the bank has a big surplus thai
they hare" by '.'previous Experience
found that in a short crop year de
posits after tho first of the year will
Hiinnit uuu iney uou i want, to ut
caught In a pinch a beautiful system.
isn't it? Laud has not shrunk a dollar
an acre, you can't hire a hand for tl'i
conts a day less than yoi. could a yeai
ago, securities are just as good as ever,
but everyone Is embarrassed; If- a
country can thrive In spite of 'such a,
condition what would it do it it had a
currency bill that gave the common
people a chance?
Let me add that if the situation
within his own party perplexes the
president heMnust have been looking
over the World-Uerald or talking with
Senator Hitchcock say, it perplexes
me, too. F. A. (loon.
The Value of a Woeltex
i Label In a Ladles9 Garment
'Tis Time to Put That
Old Straw Hat in the
Discard. Get a
Gordon or a Gimbel
Out of our new Fall Line
and you will get $3.00
worth of satisfaction. .'.
New Suits, Shoes and
Shirts are now here.
Let Us Show You
Better Not Take His Word.
Declaration from a learned source
that the "day of Judgment" Is mythi
cal may comfort such among us as
have lived without duo regard for the
hereafter. Exchange.
Annual Statement of the Condition, of
October 1st., 1913.
Stock ami fixtures on Hand S 7Hi:i.'ii
lUlls unci Accounts lleeelvnblo 11101.1."!
Cash On Hand IS.t.08
8 luJUO.W
Capital Slock 8 7700.00
llllli Payable 'J07.7I
Surplus Fund ... '
ii. b. muck,
K. I.
The value of a signature on a
bank check depends upon' the standing
of the man who wrote it.
The same is true of labels in mer
chandise. The Wooltex label is the signature
of the makers of the highest type Coats
and Suits for women.
Keep this thought in mind when
selecting your fall Coat or Suit.
Ccpyrlitit 191!
by Ttc H. Black Co.
Coryrltfct 1911
b TU II. Blick Co.
The Store That Sells Wooltex
Coa.ts Suits
"A Nighty Safe Place To Trade"
The UlanUet cason fs here and
we are well able to supply your
wants n this liim.
Cotton lllunkets at from 60c to
Cotton and Wool mixed at
91.60 to $3.28.
All Wool Blankets tit 92.50
ami up.
Uiib Blankets in the best
grades at moderate prices.
Now is the time to make
your quilts for your own
protection on the blizzardy
nights a-coming.
Our line of outing is com
plete. Priced at from 9c
to 18c per yard.
Cotton Bats at 10c. 12c.
15c, 20c and 25c. .These
Bats are the best on the
market at these prices and
are full weight.
You will do well to look
at our line before purchas
ing this class of goods.
Buttarick PatUrni-Wtnur's Rust Proof Coraeta
Ii the Canity Court of Webster Ceunty.
In the mntttr of tho estate l Catherine
CHKIHTOHSof naltl Chtixtu will take notice,
that the llnio llmttul for tho prcucutatlcm
and llllni; ol clnltux nualnt kIiI cMnto Is
April Will, 1UU; and Mr the payment ol ilibts
Is September IDtli, 11)11; that I will eMwnlne
hear allow or adjust all clalntH, demands or
olOectloiiH duly llled nt n session ol the coun
ty court to he held In the county court room
In Hnld county on the 17th day of April, I'JII,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. Dated thin
lllth day of September, mill.
(Heal). A. I). HANN'l'.V, County . I udge.
gvAC3 'IS3w
Widow's Pension.
Tho recent aot of April l!Ub, 1008
gives to all Hohtiers' widows a peublon
912 per month. Fred Maui or, tho at
torney, has all necessary blaukf.
Paul Storey
A i i t
Ner to Show Cawe
SK;lrNCorunntyft ' Tho County Courtt
At a County Court held at tho County
Court room In and' tor Knld county Septem
ber ;wth, A. I), mill.
In tho matter ot tho estate of Christian
HntiDer, licceaxed.
On rendliiK and HIIiik tho petition of
William Hansen tiled on the :wth day ol
Sejtcmler, A. I).. 11)13, praylm; for the ex
amination aud nllowanceof his tlnnl account
ol the muiiu date, an order tlUtrllmllnn tho
residue of personal estate and there upon an
order dlsoJiarutut; lilm fiom further Inirden
and sen ire In lils:ilcl olIlcenH i:ecutor.
OHIUMIKI), that 1'rldny the iTthdayof
October A. 1). IUKI, at two o'clock p. in., Is
assigned for hearlmt tald petition, when nil
persons Interested in bald matter 'may np
pcar nt a County Court to be held In and for
uald County aud hhoweauso why prayer of
petitioner should nut bo granted; and that
notice ot the pendency ol said petition and
tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons
Interested Iu said matter, by publishing a
copy ol this order In tho lied Cloud Chlcl, a
weekly newspaper printed In 'said county,
for three cousccutlvo v( eks prior to said day
of hcarliiK.
ISeal) County Judge1
. 9' Jnr
THK ALMHM is a dreadful thing
OF" FIRE for tho man without
Insurance. Every time he sees the
engines racing along his heart conies
up In his throat If tho tiro is any where
near hlb place. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THAT COST OF is ho small that it
INSURANCE need hardly bo
considered. The freedom from worry
alouo is worth it many times over
Have us insure you to-day.
Reliable Insurance.
Nebraska Forest
Reserve Opening
531 Free Homesteads of 640 Acres Fach
r 13th to 25tb
KGglSirdllOna Register at Broken How, Nebraska, Ootobe
1: o ushe.
DraWldg! The drawing will take place October 29th.
Filing! Pilings will begin November 17th at Broken Bow, Nebraska, for all
of that part of the Reserve north of the center line of McPherson count.
Character or lands: valuable chietiv r0P ... .-....,. . .
tlons have io to i00 acres of valley suitable for crop raising.
Maps and Particulars--
land, iiliugs, proofs, etc.
Write mo for maps and particulars about
fpppBiBBJaejBimBBBBBBBBBB j, j
D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent
1004 rarnam mt.t Omaha, Ntbranka
In the Vcunty Court of Wibster Ceunty,
In tho matter nt tho estate of James Mc
I'artlnud, lieeensed.
OUKIUTOKSOI'SAII) i:.STATi:, will lake
NOTICi:, ihat Iho lliuo allowed for IIIIiik
claims against ththamu Is hl mouths from
tho aid day ol October, ID13; and tor payment
of debts Is ono year from tho Silth day of
September, l'JIll: that I wDUItat tho eouniy
court room In tho Cuurt hoiiRo on tho 'Jlth
day of April I'JII, at tho hour of ten o'clock
A. M. to hear allow, or adjust all clalum and
objections duly llled.
Hated thlu'ilth day ol September, 11)111.
(Seal) A l. ItANNKV.County Jude.
In the County Court of Webster County,
In the matter of thocstato of Allco rink
cnblndcr deceased.
UltKIUTOitHuf said estato will tako notice,
that tho time limited for tho presentation
and flllnt; of datum niiMnst Mild estato Is
April lilth, 101 1; and for the payment of dobtH
In September link, 1DH; that I will examlno
hear allow or adjust all claims, demands, or
objections duly Mini at a session of the coun
ty court to bo held In llio county court room
In said county on tho 17th day ot April, I9H,
at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M. luted this
IDth day of September, ion.
(Hoal). A. Ii. IIANNKY, County Judgo.