The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 16, 1913, Image 10

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TTl (fa-a-ai-a-a-ai-a-a-a
i, f
In Cincinnati, Brooklyn nnd Waplilnp-1 tho cheer masteru fell l.ut In Chi- ww
Ion, during most ct the aeaBOU. haicaEo.aUlenwThhnwJnr-h.lMHrAJ
Jul M
s$mj nkwij hijmkiii i-.
. f1
District Court
U 'ml rcleiHi'il,
State vs BettMll'er.
Defendant dtRuhurjfc 1.
Stnte vs Win. Ci.illmillli. I'.mile
broken. Warrant IkmumI for Ml anv-t
State vs CIiiin. Ku-slur. Found not
guilty, by a Jury.
State vs Ulrns. Mndley. Continued
for term J
State vs Low Walters, Fined grjoo
on one count oMicr enio continued
for teiin.
State w Ihiry Cluwon Case lh
Htate va Win IJidiicr. Defendant
pav il n and costs (IImiiIs-ciI.
.1. h Daily vs White llunhviiic Co.
Verdict forplnllitliV for'.o r.3.
Reeves .V Co., vs .John Ilnrter et nl.
Cotitiuuu 1 for teim.
O. 11. Hoycfi vs Hansen. Continued
by ugiecmiMil
Gerhard Monnii'li vs .SpitiiKir. Din
missed at plain' ill'' cosfn.
Lola Hilton vs Josie Xyburg. Con
tinued. Puiklnsoii v- Klin.'. Continued.
Daniel O'Dnnilell vs C. It. & Q Set
tled and dlstuN-i'd '
MeCuxtion vs c li ,v Q. .luilnient
for plalntlir Will "
Barnes vsC II. AM Jiuluiiieiit &V.
Otlio Owens vo Robert Mltclitdl.
Dismissed wlllrnit pivjndlc at plain
tllfs costs, on motion of ptitiutlir.
V. II'. Serlvuer vs C. It A- t). .Itidg.
Lota A WliittnVur vs lliel U. Wlilt.
taker. Sale cniitlrmed. !
John Fussier vs llnhlsi Fas-slur. Con-'
Phillip Flimsier vs Rudolf Strelt
Continued. ,
.lolin Soreucon vs St. Pan' Insurance
Co. Judgment t'J-.".
Frances E. Payne vs John Illhuey et
Hi. Title quieted.
Wallace A. nyuard vs Moses Ilass
i-t al. I ille (iileted
Chtis. HiitTi'lt vs John li. Christian
Leave given tleftnd.itit to answer in
20 days.
hi the matter of the Estate of Mary
A. llealon, deceased. Jur. disutfieud
titid dischn'igMl,
llnttie X. Glass vs .Milton Glass
(Mdei of publication.
Ilattie X. Glns vs Ellen M.KltcliMi.
Continued for term.
Stale Hank of Red Cloud vs Wlxon
Si Albt lfrlit. Continued.
Ilattie Carey v.s J. .I.Carey. Divorce
ror plaint I it.,
Hutli Gardner vs A. V. Gardner. 01
voice for plalntitV
Minnie Turner va John Turner. !)!
vnrdi- for filuf iiLitV. &'ir) per montli
Net.,-, Electric To vs CH or Red
Cloud. CoiiIIiiiimI.
Ontiul EhetilcCo. vs City of Red
Cloud. Continued
Nelir. Telepuone '. s City of Red
Cloud. Continued by tigieciin-ut.
Augu I Sh'ii vs Maude V. Slen. 1)1
oice for plaint 1 IV.
John W. Grivm vs John I'olfas
Jiidymeiit for plaluiltV for IM CO.
Joseph Hidy
Clias lilndley was an Oniali i pass
enger "" Wednesday
Mr. and Mis Will llalley were Guide
Rouk visitors on Tuesday
MiM. F. W. Cowden has lur her piiest
this Mis. Di umbilici-of St Joe.
One of the inly vttlci.s of Webster
county, Mr. .looi-ph 1 1 lily, dhd last
week, and l lie funeral drew together
iultc a cnmldciuble assemblage of .the
older settleis and nelghboiHiin I otheis
who have known and tespteted him in
the many yea is gone ly.
Ppoii the death of bis wife, which
occurred a number ol yeais ago, hu
went to leside with ids hsi, Mr. Will-
lam J llldy, at Trenton, Nebraska.!
lie has (eon living tiieie for the last
six yeais. He has been a fcovercslllFer
er for a long time pusl.
Rev. Joliu Williams, pastor of the
Chiisliaij chinch HI ( initio Rock, was
in charge of the luneral. and the de
caved was laid to reit beside his w Re
in the cemetery Mx miles north west
ofCowles tho service being he'd in
tho llurr.S liool House, on Wednesday
Fallowing is thu obituary which was
read in connect ion with tho funeral
Mr. Jo-cph llldy wax born in Lafay
ette county, Ohio, September 8, 1KM,
and died at the Stint Ion hospital,
S'l-itlton, Nebrtiskii, October (I, l'JIii,
lie was therefore M-venty nine years
and twenty sl. (Uys old at the time of
his death.
He was mairied to Mrs. Cams in the
jear I8."ii5. They wet e tho. parents of
' live children, only two of whom are
now living Win. J. Hidy, of Trenton,
N't'ln-nslci nnd Mm. Mm-r WuHilnV nl
i: 1 Curler p'"t Tuesday in Guide Mul(ml( olcllllli)I1,Ui
j Rod; attending t . business mullets. J Te (1,,tiiSll,, lmWh .....
-. i .
toplj al
i ..i. ii.i...... .....i ,.... .1 in ... ... .
On) a Man Die Refore His Time" , """'" ' " i-i:iiKiiHiiiiiimronl oe-
Methodlst cl.uich. Sunday si m inemib, io mourn nu
j loss.
-. I Mr. llldy was a metubor of the
Foil Sr.i:--Tvo incubators and 1 Christian church, an 1 to , the best of
rods of chicken wire cheap. Impiire Ids ability endeavored to llvo a., true
of W K. Denny. adv. Chi istliin life, lie was loved and io-
- ,spected by all who ltnew him. x
Seven hundred people were out toi
h-ar l'rof. Joy last. Sunday evening,' Charley Fort was noticed on our
October I'ith, lit Clay Owiler! Nebraska, streots this inorning.
F. E. Goble
Tho body of Frederick Goblo was
brought to this city last We liusday
for interment beside his wife his s ins
llnrrj nnd Frank aceompanlng tho
corpo. .Mrs Harry (ioblo al-o was
pfesont. For man v jears Mi. Goble
was one of the leading citizens of Red
Cloud, lie commenced his caieir in
this city as the book keeper of R. 1).
Jones, and eventually became asso
ciated with Mr. Jones as partner. At
one titne lie wa supposed to be pop&s
ed of considerable wealth lie owned
the well known Coble ranch south west
of the city. Unwilling to take the
chances that Mr. .Tone was ambitious
to tul'.e, lie withdrew from tho linn.
Rtil the Mil)s''(piciil collapse of the
business left him in possesion of
much of Mr. .(ones' paper which
proved uncollc'ttible. At the period
when he should be retiring from
active life, ho felt compelled to heck a
now opening and take up the bitideti
of llle again. He went to Oklahoma
where he has made his home for tho
last few yenrs.
Mr. Coble, at one timo studied, nnd
perhaps, practised law. Ho was a
gentleman of much and various Infor
mation, mi ngieenble companion, of
the strictest Integrity, good morals
and liberal inluiL lie seived one or
'more terms on the cilv council and
was regirded as a lender muting the
temperance foieesol the city.
His oldest child, Maude, was the
wife of V. R. Fulton, and the old
gentleman took a great ileal of pride
in Mr. Pulton'-, twins. UN wile died
several yeais ago, and following her,
his daughter, Maude, was laid b.'-idc
her mother. The two son. Harry and
Prank and the twin children of Mr
Pulton are lilson'y 'descendant-.
Mr. atil Mrs. II. J. Jors n left
Wednesday morning for their future
homo in St. Paul, at which place Mr.
Jensen has put chased u farm.
.. -t. .
PV "
Is like what you want
your hair , . 1 ,
LustkKis, bright and
glossy; soft, silky
and wgtvy.
To have beautiful
hair like this, use
It's just what its name implies just to
make the hair glossy, and lustrous, and more
beautiful just to make it easier to dress, and
more natural to fall easily and gracefully into
the wavy lines and folds of the coiffure, just to.
give that delightful fresh and cool effect, and
leave a lingering, delicate, elusive perfume.
Will not change or darken the color of the
hair. Contains no oil ; therefore, cannot leave
the hair sticky or stringy.
Very pleasant to use, very easy to apply
simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time
before brushing it.
To thoroughly clean your hair ana scaip,
Harmony Shampoo
A liquid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft, smooth and beautiful. It gives
an instantaneous rich, foaming lather, penetrating to every part of the hair
and scalp. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only
a few moments.
It leaves no lumps or stickiness.
Just a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness.
Just a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance.
Both in oJJ-ihaped ornamental bottles, with sprinkler fops.
Harmony Hair Beautifier, $i.oo ; Harmony Shampoo, 50c.
Both guaranteed to please you, or your money back.
Sold only by tho more than 7000 R.xall Slurc Tho World' Gr.-to,t Driiit Store nnd
.a.'!i! our OHn bin Uo.tou Laboratories t'here all Iho delightful IIAIIMUNY, VIOLET
OULCt nd BOUQUET JEANICE Perfume and Toilot Preparation arc ntarfe.
Sold in this community only at
H. E. Grice Drug Company
Red Cloud, - - Nebraska
Did You Ever
Stop To Think?
rFl HAT it was better to trade where you can
have a full line to select from. When you Ho
to select that Kitchen Cabinet would you not rather
select it where you have four Standard Makes to select
from. Come in and let us show you our goods. The
Price and Quality is Right.
Furniture Dealer and licensed Embalmer
$3,000 STOCK OF
todies', JWisses
and Children's
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
October 20, 21, 22
Itttoef Bros. Go.
(From Smith County)
I RMsHa slMRl
A. O. Shriuler and wife visited at the
Frank Ryan home, Sunday.
J. Duun and daughter Nora were
Suuday visitors at J. C. Peterson's.
Albert Masterraan and wife spent
Sunday with W'm. Hooper and family.
Mrs. Samuel Asbury has returned
home from a week's visit with friends
lu Burr Oak.
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Blair and F. M.
Brown made a business trip to Burr
Oak last Thursday.
Jesse Green and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Stautimore spent Sunday at
the B. E. Spurrier home.
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Spurrier visited
with their daughter, Mrs. H. M.
Tweedy and family, last Friday.
Mr. acd Mrs. John Shadlaw of Nor
ton, have returned to their home after
an extended visit with relatives in this
Prof. T. II. Hooner and family of
Yuiun, Colorado spent Saturday and
Suuday with home folks, returning
homo Sunday evening.
Father Hooper's cottage is noarlng
noiii plot Ion and It scorns to me, I can
hour the ultimo of the wedding bolls.
Can you, Wilbur?
Doll Brown and wife are visiting In
Tonelca this week They wero accom
panied by Mr. Jaok Urowu who Is In
very poor health Mr. Brown will re
main In Topeka under the care of Dr.
John Crabb,
The base ball team of Oriole school
went over and played the Ml. Mope
school boys, last Friday. The Oriole
boys went home rejoicing. Practice
up s little, Mt. Hope and come o
and surprise the Orioles.
Fine weather this week.
George Harris thrashed his alfalfa
on Wednesday.
Tom Hawkins shipped his cattle to
market Wednesday.
Frank Ailes lost a fine mare from
eating Alfalfa last week.
Quite a number from Garfield at
tended the Isoia sale on Tuesday.
Jack Barnes bought a new baggy at
tha Ed Hanson'sale in town Saturday
George Araack and family were vis
iting on wind mill row Sunday at T.
W. White's.
' Ed Orary of Guide Rock was a pleas
ant caller at Guy Barnes' on Sunday
and Monday.
Frank and Charley Alles and Will
Fisher were hauling coal. Saturday for
Grandma Alles,
Charley Wolf has bought property in
Red Cloud and expects to move there
In the near future.
Smith Bros., T. W. White, Will
Fisher and Hurt King were dehorning
cattlo one day last week. They de
horned over one hundred head.
Tom HawUius has sold his eighty
acres of land to N. P. Campbell and
has bought thu Win. Benso placo
north of Red Cloud and will move on
It In spring.
Tress Harwood has eutcred the em
ploy of E. W, Coplen as driver on tho
uorth delivery route.
Mr, aud Mrs. S. Y. Ludlow and
daughter are spending the week with
relatives in Holdrege.
Mesdames M. B Corner and Leyarlo
4 sssnt one day the latter part of ths
week vlsltlug in Hastings.