RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF f- t in, GAS OR BAD STOMACH Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do some foods you cat hit back taste good, but work badly; ferment into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, aour, gasay stomach? Now, Mr. or Airs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sourund upset you. Thcro never wau anything so Bafcly quick, bo certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomuch Is disordered you will gut happy relief In five minutes, but what pleases you most Is that it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so you can cat your favorlto foods -without fear. You feel different as soon as "Pope's Diapepsin" comes In contact with tho tomach distress Just vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, niako tho best Investment you ever made, by getting a large llfty cent caso of Pape's Diapepsin from any store. You realize In live minutes how needless It Is to suffer from indiges tion, dyspepsia or bud Btotnuoh. Adv. He Was on Duty. Herbert stood on u chair. The chair stood In tho pantry. Tho jam Htood on the shelf. Her bert's mother stood on tho threshold Herbert stood his ground. "My son." said tho mother, polntinp At him with astonishment. "I n-m su-r-priBcd! To think that my little boy would do a thing like that." Horbcrt, resourceful and not at nil abashed, lookod nt his mother straight In the eye. "Please do not Interfere with tho 'mlnnuvres' of a boy scout," he Bald. ."A boy scout?" "YeB, mother, after supplies." Sure Proof. "Thoro wcro bad spirits nt that aplrltuallstlc seance I attended last night." "Why, could you smell 'em?" The Cause. "Tho speaker yesterday was In very bad voice, He had a regular croak." "Maybe ho had a frog In hit throat." At the Door. "What's that noise at the door? Op portunity knocking?" "No, It's the wolf." CHILDLESS WOMEN Th women ooeo cl)lldle, now liappy nnd ehjrtlcully wall with healthy chlMrenwIll tell how Lydia K. I'limhiun'a Vegetable) Compound nm.Ia mclila (KMwlble. Iloro tiro the names atidcorrccc addresses write tlioin If you wnnt to, and learn for yourself. Thoj ro ouly a fuvr out of lunur 'thousands. - . . , uur nrsi DiDy is etroiiK ami hoaltliy and wo attriuuto tii re sult to tlio tlmoiy uso of your Compound. " Mr. nr xoillnn, Kent, Oregon. " I owo my llfo and LMriMBalenjer my uauys gooi iinaun to jjour Compound." MB. W. O. SrcxcKR, It. V. D., No. 2, Troy, Alabama. "I bavo three chil dren and took your Compound each t lino." Mrs. Johh Howard, Wilmington, Vermont. "I have a lovely baby boy and you caa tell every one that he laa'Pliikliam' baby." Mrs.Louis Fischer, S3 Munroa St., Garl stadt, N.J. "We are at last blewod with a sweet llttlobabyglrl." Mrs. O. A. IiAPKBOPBB, Montogut, La, "I havo one of the flnMt baby girls yoa evor saw." sirs. O.K. OoonwiK, 1013 8. 6th St., Wilmington, N.G. "My husband is the happlwt man all re to day." Mrs.. Clara. h m lMtjCK .ggaU. Mt em E? UARnnAKtc, .TJ7 Mam la 81., Buffalo, N.Y. "Now I havo a nice baV girl, tho joy of our homo." Mrs. Do 8VLVA Cote, No. 117 1 So. Gato St., Worctw tor, Mass. " I havo a fine st rone baby daughter now." Mrs. A. A. Ours, DowittviUo, N.Y., Itouto 44. y m, V.ip- "tI, "Ihavo able, fat, neaiinyooy.-' mrg.A. A.(ALKVOEK, It.F.D, No. 1, Baltimore, Ohio. ArvJoHnHorvdrd Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You're Tired-Out of Sorts Have No Appetite! CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS will put you right in a tew days. They do. their duty. Cure Con stipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature I BlOojaSjrup. TwtM Oood. Vat tatlmf. Sold fcy Dnucliti. MmmmTk DTCD'C mwamw VITTLC BBBBBBBBr VLK JESSE PILLS. wr f i yf DEFEATED DROUTH OF PAST SUMMER AVERAGE GOOD CORN PARMER PLOWS HIS CORN AT LEAST THREE TIMES. STORY OF NEBRASKA FARMER Story of Nebratkan Whose Crop. Will Yield Fifty Bushels to Acre In 6plte of Drouth. Near Contrnl City, Nob., Is a field of corn that will yield fifty bushels to the acre this year, In splto of tho drouth. Adjoining it, with only a barbed wlro fence between, 13 another field of corn that will not yield enough to pay for cutting. Tho corn of ono field is green and Its ears nro full. Tho cornstalks In tho other aro seared nnd yellow and tho winds rustic them In their dry ness. , And yet each field ha3 exactly tho same soil, the samo level of surfnee, the same drainage, the same degree of moisture, nnd the same qunntty of rain fell upon each. Thero nro three reasons why ono fold Is yielding n large crop of corn this year while tho other is yloldlng only a few bushels: First Careful selection of tho seed planted. Second Deep plowing of the soil. Third Cultivation of tho soil five times after the corn has como up. Tho Held of corn that Is yielding fifty bushels to tho acre is owned by tho T. D. Ilord Grain company. This company haB 1,250 acres in corn this year in different fields near Central City, and all of It Is In good condi tion. Very little of It will yield fifty bushels to tho acre, and very little of It will yield fewer than twenty-flvo bushels, which Is a good crop this dry year. The Hord company's fields of corn are always bettor than other fields In the same neighborhood where the same methods of seed selection and cultivation aro not practiced. The Secret. A representative of tho Kansas City Star wont to Central City to get from Hcber Hord and his farm manager, William Mlllor, tho secret of fruitful corn growing, and here it is: First, and the utmost Importance, Is tho selection of tho seed. Tho man who selects nil of the seed plantod on the Hord farms gave this account of bow It Is done: "Select tho eara for seed In your own fields and as early In tho fall as possible. Degln going through the field early looking for ears ripe enough to pick and select those that ripen first because the seed of ears that ripen early this year, If planted, will mature early next year, thus avoiding possibility of damage by early frost, and making suro of an early develop ment and avoidance of damage by lata trouth. "Pick ears for seed just before they are ripe enough to sholl, but when the kernels are hard and dented good. Pick tho largest and best shaped, best developed ears, going over all the field (or them, picking ono hero and one there, and so on. "It Is very Important that thla corn be so thoroughly dried before frost comes that there is absolutely no moisture In It. And tho best way to do this It to lay it out in the sun. If thero is any moisture In tho grain when frost comes It will freeze, and froozlng kills tho germ of llfo. Many farmers, every yoar, plant corn that has been frozen and then wonder why only a part of It comes up. "After the corn Is thoroughly dry se lect the best ears, with straight rows, docrt grains and well filled out over both ends. "Remember always that you can never tell by tho looks of corn whether it will germlnato or not. The only way to find that out Is to test each ear, and tests all parts of the ear, for we have found that often1 the grain from one-half tho length of the ear will grow when planted and the other halt will not. And often the grain from one side of an ear will grow and from the other side It will not. "From each ear tako six grains, one from about two inches from ono end, the next from farther along and from two or threo rows away, and ao on ARGENTINE BEEP IN DEMAND. Consignment of a Hundred Tons It Quickly Disposed Of. New York. Tne consignment of 100 tons of Argentine beef which arrived has been disposed of. Part of It was sold to dealors in this city and found Its way Into retail trade. When sold as Argentine beef tho consumer got the benefit of a 4-cent reduction on the pound. The moat sold so well that butchers are beginning to inquire for It, but they will have to wait for the next cargo, Here are some of the down the ear, taming the ear in your hand at you pick out the grains, so that the six grains are from all parts of the car except the two ends. Grading the Seed Corn. "Then that onr is numbered and laid oa a rack and the six grains are put in a similarly numbered compartment In a tray, and the nix grains from ear No. 2 are put in compartment No. t, and so on, until yo-t have the traya ol your corn tester filled. "Then you pour water 70 degrees warm over tho grain, abut the tester, light the lamp which keops the tern pcraturo of tho seed nover under 70 nor over 90 degrees. In twenty-four hours the corn will bo swelled up. Then draw off tho water, shut the tester, with the samo temperaturo for twenty-four hours moro, keeping the seed damp by sprinkling, and at the end of tho third twenty-four hours the corn will havo sprouts from ono to three Inches long, and roots of corre sponding length. "If nil six of the grains havo sprout ed you grado that ear 100 per cent and to on. If It grades under 85 Kr cent throw tho ear away, It Is unfit to plant. "After you have tested each car and saved nil that grades nbout 90 por cent or over, you shell the cars, throwing away tho corn from tho length of nbout two Inches at each cud. The com left you run through n grader eo the grain saved for Heed will bo uniform In slzo, and will drop with uniformity fiom thu planter. "HnIng taken this much care In so lectins your seed you will ho suro that each grain planted will come up, and that It will make a strong and lusty stalk, Hint will mature early and havo the most drouth 'resisting qualities, and will produce tho biggest and best cars." Cultivation. .Mr. Miller gives tho following method of cultivation used: Never plant corn after corn. Al ways rotate tho crops, following wheat with corn. Every farm ought to havo a alio. Then tho corn can be cut ono year when there Is plenty of Julco In tho stalks and before tho kernels havo be gun to dry up, nnd put In tho silo, leaving tho ground ready to plow and sow to wheat. After tho wheat Is har vested tho next July is tlmo to begin plowing again for the next crop of corn. Plow nine inches deep for corn and never less than olght Inches deep. This Is very Important and there are good reasons for It. The deep plow ing throws to tho surface a little new soil and, as corn roots nover go deeper than the earth has been stirred, deep plowing gives the corn roots mora room to go down for moisture In a dry season and the deep plowing makes a deeper seedbed and holda more moisture than shallow plowing. Keep on Plowing. We nover plant corn before May 10, no matter what tho season. Tho risk of a cold spell Is over thon and the ground Is warm. Wo havo dlecovored that when tho soil Is warm the corn comes up quicker nnd Is strongor. A lot of vitality goes out of seed that lies In the cold earth olght or ten days. We begin to prepare the soil for planting as soon as It Is fit to b worked. First we disc It one or more times and harrow It with a 4-horsa, 3-scctlon, 16-foot harrow. As soon as we have planted the corn we harrow It with the same harrow I have described, to kill any little fine weeds that have come up. When the corn Is up one to three Inches wo har row It again. When It la four Inches high wo go through It with a plow, using a common z-horso riding shovel cultivator. The object of all our plowing la to leave tho ground level and ridge It aa little as possible, because ridges give a chance for the moisture In the aoll to evaporato out the aides of tho ridges, while If the field la left level thore Is loss surfaco space for mois ture to get away through. This la very important. Cheating the Drouth. When you havo cultivated the field once, turn right around and cultivate It again. Plow It as many times as you can. Thcro is no time to bo Idle. The average good corn farmer plows his corn threo ttmos. That Is not enough. Wo plow every Hold of our corn five times. 'Tho fourth and fifth plowing of a field of corn will add ten bushel an acre to tho yield. Mr. Miller spoke of tho field of corn that 1b yielding fifty bushols to the acre while an adjoining piece will yield practically nothing. "That field was plowed nine Inches deep," he said. "Tho best selected seed was planted and It was cultivat ed five times and after that I went through It with a 6-tooth drill culti vator when the corn was up so high you couldn't ece tho mules' backs. I did that because I saw the drouth coming. Tho frequent cultivation con served the moisture." prices at which the meat was sold: Porterhouso and fjjrloln steaks, 18 cents a pound; prime rib roasts, 18 cents; round of beef, 18 cents; chuck roast, 12Vj cents, and soup meat, 10 cents a pound. Crowd Feasts on Melons. Webster City, la. It Is estimated that 10,000 men, women and children from tho surrounding country and near-by towns Thursday attended Webster City's annual celebration of watermelon day. Ten thousand mV ons were served fro to visitors. REDUCEDTHE MIES APPLE SHIPPERS SECURE REDUC. TION IN RATES. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. The order of tho rnllway commis sion establishing n distance tariff rate for the shipment of fruit in Nebraska is In most respect h all that tho grow ers and shippers of apples In tho east ern part of tho state asked for. Hop rcBonlallvn O. A. Corbln of Vrstn filed tho complaint on v hlch tho commission based It order. Tho now rales will go Into effect October 2a. Tho re duction ranges from to to 50 per cent, "tho greater reduction being on long distances, in ono Instance, tho rate on npplt'H In bulk from Nehawka to Lincoln will bo Increased from 5,1)5 cents per bundled to 7 fonts per hun dred. As six months' storage In transit Is given without ohnign. this Increase for a short haul v. Ill not matei tally affect shipments. From most of tin' applo growing count let In tho south enstein part of tho stato tho rate to Lincoln In lower than formerly. Prom Julian to Crawford, In the oxtremo northwestern part of tho stnte, tho old rate of 12 5 cents per hundred Is reduced to 27.15 cents. Tho reduc tion on peaches Is very great. Electrocution for Death Penalty. "IlniiRlnghy the neck until dend"ng tho penalty for capital crimes In Ne braska will pass nut of existence on October 1, nnd tho moro modern method or putting to denth by elec trocution will tako lis plneo. This change la provided for In tho Hunter net pasted by tho legislature of 1913. This Is the only law enacted by tho ,rcccn' legislature which has not yo.t ,becomo effect Ivo. Other measures which did not have tho emergency clnUBo went Into force July 17, but tho Ilcuter law, by Its own terms, post poned tho tlmo of Its operation un til October 1. It wns specifically pro vided that nny erituo occurring before that date should bo punlshablo under tho old law. Must Be Full Weight. Barrels of flour In tho future must ontnln 19(5 pounds net and sacks of tho product must weigh out forty .eight pounds net, nccordlng to tho new weights and monBurcB enactment which tho stnto food commission Is Just beginning to enforce. Anything under thoso nmounta will bo put off sale by food Inspectors. Cornmeal, too, must weigh out nt forty-eight, twenty-four and twelvo pounds, ir spcctlvcly, for tho bushel, half bushel and fourth bushel sacks. Thcso pro visions will bo appllcablo to all mer chants of tho state without regard to any contracts or ngreement thnt might havo been made by millers and wholesalers, Bank Deposits Reach High Mark. Nebraska stato bank deposits reached tho highest amount over be fore known In Nebraska during tha quarter ending August 2G, according to the consolidated report of tho stato banks, Just complied by tho stnto banking board. The total Is $94,101,. 160.83. or an increase of fG.G03.710.45 over that of the previous qunrtor. Tho total number of depositors was 290,370. Tho number of banks reporting Ib 710, with deposits of $94,194,166.83, nnd an average reserve of 30 per cent. Loana havo Increasod $7,834,000 Blnco a year ago, and deposits havo Increased $8, 498,000, and the number of banks ha' Increased twenty-five. Tho material for a passenger elo vator In tho stato houso has arrived and workmen havo started construe, .tlon. Tho old car, which was used 'moro than twenty years. ago, will bo equipped with electric lights and elec trie nower nnd new cables and run ways will be put In tho shaft. Thoro ,nro two old shaftB In tho stato house, wit only one will be refitted for use. .Tho eighteen rooms being fitted up In tho fourth floor of tho attic will bo ready for uso within ono week. Chief Range Officer. MnJ. J. M. Dlrknor has been desig nated as chief rango officer for tho 'Btato shoot to bo held by selected teams of tho Nebraska national guard, ,on tho government rango near Platts (mouth, October G to 11. Captain Kes terson of Lincoln and Captain Lloyd lof Omaha, small arms Inspectors for 'the two regiments, will assist him. (Four lieutenants will bo nsslgned from "each regiment as other assistants. 'Two of them aro Llcutennnts Cruncle ton of Beatrice and Lieutenant Urowr lot Hastings. After a conference with State En gineer Price, the county supervisors of Dodgo county, tho county commission ers of Saunder county, representa tives of Stupp Bros, of St. Louis, nnd subcontractors who havo fho task of building a state-aid brldgo across tho Platto at North Ilond, Oovornor More head and Attorney General Martin In dicated that they will stand by the county boards and tho stato engineer In asking fulfillment or tho contract Tho county bonrd and tho stato board which will pay for tho brldgo have .been Inclined to hold the contractoi FALLING-HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE Save Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Bottle of Danderlne Right Now Also Stops Itching 8catp. Thin, brittle, colorless nnd scraggy hair Is muto ovtdenco of n neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. Thcro Is nothing so destructlvo to tho hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair of Its IttBtor, Its strength nnd Its very llfo; eventually producing n fovorlsh ncss and Itching of tho scalp, which If not romcdled causes tho hair roots to ihrlnk, loosen and dlo then tho hair falls out fast. A little Danderlno tonight now nny tlmo will surely savo your hair. Oct n 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton'a Danderlno from nny storo, nnd nfter tho first application your hair wilt tako on that llfo, luntnr and luxurlanco which is so beautiful. It will becomo wavy nnd fluffy nnd havo tho appear nnco of abuudanco; nu Incompnrablo gloss nnd softness, but what will ptoiiBo you most will bo after Just n few weeks' uso, when you will actual ly aeo a lot of line, downy hair now hair growing all over tho scntp. Adv. Real Excitement. "Yes," said tho mock-looking man, "l'vo no doubt jou'vo had tioino great hunting oxpciiouccH In your travels nbroad." "I havo, Indeed." "Htiffnlo hunting" "Yes." "And bear hunting " "Of eourso." "Well, you Just como around nnd let my wlfo tako you houso hunting and bargain hunting with her. Then ou'll begin to know what real excite ment is." Easily Spotted. "Ib tills dress apt to bo enslly spot ted?" slio inquired. "At least four blocks off, I should Judge," answered tho gontlomnnly clerk. "I can tell any ono'a ago," said thu parlor magician. Ml mi Ancient got up hurriedly. "Don't go, dear, ho wouldn't bo so mean as to tell yours." It In n wasto of tlmo to whitewash a character that could not bo saved by thick enamel. V r-9 i JU ..i-JL,. J 1 fit ti.Z FiP S ,, K ALCOHOL-3 PEIl CENT AfetJclflblc Preparation for As similalintf llieFoodHKinctf dia R ling (he Stomachs and Bowels of i m ik i Jtv 1 1 n n ;i i ji. m Promotes Digeition.Chcerful nessand Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Nawc otic fttff fOtdDrSAMVUmWI kl Si W.; .w- i ? fcr.o A Derfect Remedy forConslliw r.; lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Facsimile Signature of The CENTAun Company, NEW YORK. t;e ru . 1 I WT I 1 Guaranteed under the Foodanj Exact Copy of Wrapptr. bbbt ssWBHr?55,-:3HBfcB-'"S'Br AtiMSttJ I Mm Jd . I ClAt4 Smffr W mmkrwHD fMnr I SHrJv For DISTEMPER WmCffESTZR rv r xgy "Repeater" powder and shot.'. in this shell cover 7iof and all of them give a full measure of shooting satisfaction. , Look for tha W on the box. They ars HIGH IN QUALITY MODERATE IN PRICE a3?H LIGHTNING FROM FOG BANK Captain of Pacific Coast Schooner Tells of Strange Bombardment of Hit Vessel. Capt. A. Suudurbure of tho steam schooner Wasp, which piles between Heattlo and California ports, reports a atrnngo experience at sua on August 7. In a report mndo to thu Hydro graphic oltlco Captain Sundcrborg says that at 10 p. in., whon six miles east by south of Point Conception, his vessel ran Into a thick fog bank which hung close to tho water. Without tho fog rising In tho least, n violent electric storm broke out, nnd for ono hour nnd 14 minutes tho blnn ket of heavy mist was piurcod contin ually by discharges of atmospherlo electricity and vivid flashes of angular zigzag nnd forked lightning. At 12: IB a. m , August 8, tho steel foremast of tho Wasp becamo charged with elec tricity from the top down to tho spring stny. Captain flundorborg says this was nut thu usual dlsplny of St. Elmo lire, as tho mast gave out loud roporta as If from a powerful wireless appara tus. Whllo tho vessel was bombarded by lightning which coursed down her main mast, her ofllcers unil crow did not venture on dock. flormiuiy getH by fnr tho largest portion of Its tin ore from Itollvln. No' Let Up" H There will be no "let up" in that distress after eating until you 01 first help the stomach and digestive system back to health and j strength. For this work HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS is particularly well ad- am aptcd. It brings back h appetite, aids digestion, keeps the bowels open J and improves health in H general. -Try a bottle. H GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Pink Eye. Eplxootlo Shipping' Fever ca Catarrhal Fever yw U 41 ft Mr rur nA poritlv prtfentlT. no matter how hnrem at anr an are Infaetae nr"riKit." l.ljul(l,ElTt-n on tha toniruai acta on tba UIcmkI anil Ulao-lai tpH lb iiolnohntiiKfrmairomtualHNtr. Curealliteinr In l"g amlHhfap and Cholera IB 'oultry. farKMtrelllnif ll?a Mock remedy. Curra I llrlppe ainonir liuinan balnea, anil UaBneKMnor rMiiadr. IMo and tl a huttlm 1 and llo a dntt-n. uttnlaoul Kwplt. Hiowtoiourdrutfirliit.wlinwiilKatltfuri'ou. trea Uooklel, "Duwmpara L'auaea and Curaa." Hpav-lal Aganla wanlaj. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., bA.V.?. GOSHEN, IND U. SJi. K "Repeater" Smokeless Powder Sheila For a high grade shell at a reasonable price, the Winchester Loaded "Repeater" has the call among sportsmen who have tried all makes. Although moderate priced, the is loaded with the best quality Tho list of loads furnished most shooters' requirements, 4 .bJt&Jl