!f fcV HH PWMWS ttoc i m '' rnwwtMtiiij!Rgai,cwwwa& 3iJl?aaRXfir'9BStBSSa!0! 3Wl,msMSTOr K It. IP. Hi-. i Hi H . BV 1. m- in M I ? I II: B- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHXEI The '.RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. MbUkllkV MHO 'JUL1 BSD A Entered In the I'liMi.tlWci nt Hut ( loinl, Nil'. m Hicoml C'lnim Matter' 0 H. HALK l'mii.ihiii'.n fftltS ONLY DKMOUHATIU I'AI'KH IN WKI1STKH COUNTY In Hn Increase in timber sales this year nnd in cleercnsolii receipts from timber trespass iih cotnpaied with lust jrcor, tmtiuiml forest offlcers suo a growing Use of tliu forests uiul totpect for tlio federal finest policy. The good rnliiH vu luivo been having tJatoly are jiiKt what wo linvo been looking for. After sued an iinusiinlly Jnngdiy spell Mium; rniiiH tiro very to freshing. The croiinil Is now in ex cellent I'onilitlon nnd tht fanners are taking advantage f the moisture A large iiinouitt of winter wheal liiis al Tcady been planted mid n sUN liirgiir ..jtcrongi) will hi) In tlii' ginuiid befoie itMiiy ria' or October have passnl. There K one ft attire ol otiruvic life Unit might be gt nitty impiou-d.' We Jiuve icfcioucp to the huge,' umi(;iOf;u itlons of young men on the sheets Sunday evenings. IVrluips the boys Hiijoy themselves but sueh gatherings ro not guod mhei tlM'iimits fur nut atr city. Wo nre fully confident Hint these young men would be much bet "tor educated If they would attend church services nt thai hour or eUe improve their inoiiiciits by reading some good booh. Cily Marshal Christy way be depend ed upon to featlessly do his duty when dour laws mu violated. I'tiday night lio sui rounded M'ven eiap shooters mid bi ought tin 111 Into the presence ol Ills honor in less time than it takes to lull it This foi m of amusement hud "licc.oiiie to lake on good si::cil propm Alotis but our elllclent city marshal Jins a great loud uulsu like inlrt, and his honor bang Hint old familiar tune oof live nod costs. , iu, Missouri and Colorado have been Mouriug Into Omahii to attend the iniiiial Ak-Sar Hen festivities. The .arty Indications were that with fair weather all record attendance would lie broken. The parnd es aro attract ing unusual attention this ycTir as well as the cm nival show?. The fnct that the shows have been compelled to stand a ilgld Inspection before open ing their doors has icsulted in a much higher grade of shows, which has been appreciated by visitors. The general excellence of the parndes has also caused n larger attendance. That the Ah-Sar-Hcn attractions are much superior in general character is the concensus of opinion. The Ilooster IMItlons of the stale, as published by the Nebraska newspapcis oiiummI much discussion among Hie commercial secretaries who attended theiranuiial meeting in Omaha .hist week. Sixteen slates weto' leprc-ent-1 d and the st-urelnrleH were ununimoi.s u.di'Vlnrliig thai the booster editions as published In Nebraska was ilie mo"-t progicsslvo and exhaustive pub licity campaign ever attempted In any st ite. Many stated that they were going to attempt similar campaigns in their own states, Mncli good will eotne to Nebraska from then; editions said the secietarles. Hut it is not every stato that can wage such a campaign, for every state has not an organization like the Nebraska Press Association. 'Veiling biinglng with iter Hie sweet 'nviith of the meadows, whoso velvet nrf and crimson clover even now uingle their fragrmico in the memories of the dear old summer days. With nore than pleasure wo remember liiafliug ilei) mugs of sweet, rich .nilk she had brought us from the blue .jiiiss pastures. Many of us yearn to nice more spread on our hi end the uind of butter mother used to make from such milk It is with concern or her that we hear of a shortage of crops in many sections. TI1010 ie- mains the fact, however, that the two llrst cuttings of alfalfa we 10 much tiggt-r than other eais mid that the 0111 crop-may not be so bad after all, o the family Hoss Is safe. x:Lrua-mrm ..naiarvtigaaai oncgr jraiMwCiiitXMiUMnMl OURS IS THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX Ml In the County Court of Webster County, Nebraska. IN tlie nirittcc.uMK-estate of Alice l'lnk ulilniJtjrrteiVasfd. 'ttKIUTnllSofMililistnle will tnfce notice. that the time limited lor the iirt'scutatlun I ml MII11.! ol claims ,ik Inst snlil iitute Is irll li'.tli, I'.H I; anil lor the p: incut ol dfhtc 1 September luih. IUI I: Mint I will oxnmliie 'aar allow or adjust all Chilian, ilinm-K or lijictlcm duly lllid at tiMM!on ol the couu- v court lo he laid ill the count) court room :i H Id county on tin 17th day ol April, tilt I, 't the hoiirot IU o'clock A. M. IMtul Mils I ith ilay iilSvpli mliir, Will. iScali. A. Ii. ItANNKY, Countvltidisc. Citizens of Nclunslcii, as well as Jown, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kan- The civilized world pays tribute lo the cow. Ah H. C. Adamssuld, "She is the one thing that man can always gel something out of." And Hie thought that family cows may sutler as the result of the unusual drouth this sum mer arouses sympathy in the minus 01 many men anil women The cow is the symbol of contentment, the ono thing needful in American life. She is lite Itself to countless babies having lo de pend on the barren lnunlt utul hallow hearts of many modern mothers. Those of us so fortunate ns to have known family cows while we were boys and girls remember tier as coming in the WE SHALL AGAJN EXCELL IN WOMEN'S WEAR Order to Show Cause s into. if Nebraska , , Tlll(.(mty Courl. Webster County f Ara County Couit laid nt the County i ouri room In and for snld county Septem hcrUOtli, A. D. lllhl. IN the matter of the estate ot Christian llussor, PecuiM'd. (IN riadliu; and" Illlm; the petition of William Itnsser, lllid on the :Wth dny ot .Suptemhcr, A. I.. 11)111, praylnc lor the ex- amlnatloii and nllowaucuof IiIn tlnalnccoimt of the same date, an ordir dlalrllnitliig the r.'Mtdueof inrsonal estate nnd there upon nu order dNcliaridiu; him from further burden and Kurvlce In his hnld oillce ns Kxccutor. oitlU'.llKI), that I'rldity the ITthdnyol (ictohcr A. I), tlitil, at two o'clock n. hi., Is hhsIkiuiI for hcarim; said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may ap pear at a County Court lo ho hi Id In and tor h 1I1I County and show cauno why prayer ol petitioner should not ho granted; ami that notice ot the pendency of said petition and the liearlim thereof hu i;lveu to all persoliK InUn-tcd In said matter, hy pahllhhlu a copy of this order In the lied Cloud Chief, a weekly ucuKpapir piloted In Mild county, lor ihreo coiitecutlM! wieks prior to said day ot hearltiK, A.l). ll.VNNKY, (Seuli County .lude. 0 u R S I S T H E S T 0 R E T II A T S E L L o V 0 o L T E X IN THE POINT OF VALUE, VARIETY AND EXCLUSIVE STYLES AS THE ONLY AGENTS' IN WEBSTER COUNTY OF THE WORLD'S FAMOUS WOOLTEX COATS AND SUITS into our assortment any oilier store in this 3528 (Copyrltht 1911 by Tbe H. BUck C. Many styles enter mat never reach locality, and as to price, wc undersell all others,. quality considctcd. An assemblage of handsome styles are here for your inspection. Come in and see them whether you intend to purchase or not. 4-4KL 7 so ,', 1 1 3320 ! Cpry'tiit wn krlbell.BlKkC. ft. THE MINER BROS. CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" ' OURS IS THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX 3 0 u R S I s I T H E S T 0 R E T H A T S E L L S W 0 0 L T E X m-vssi u-esi IS3vH Jv3 CSvU 'Tis Time to Put That Old Straw Hat in the Discard. Get 3 Gordon or a Gimbel Out of our. new Fall Line and you will get $3.00 worth of satisfaction. .' New Suits, Shoes and Shirts are now here. Let Us Show You Paul Storey Notice of Special Bond Election. SEWER BOND PROPOSITION. THE CLOTHIER M! J svi eSvsAts V V( WM IFIRNITIRE We have all the latest design! of staple articles, and can fit vouout. fromnarlor to kitchen. The prices are right too. Come in and see. :- -:- -:- CD. AMACK LICENSED UNDERTAKER IN NEBRASKA AND KANSAS ALL THK PHONK IWi Notlco In liprcby kIvcii to the electors ol the city ot Hcil Cloud, Wetwter county, Nclmw ka, lnirHimnt to a resolution mloiited by the innyor and councilor Hnld city, at a regular meeting thcrtol Hepteniber '.nd, lt)i:i, by whtcli resolution the council determined up on a syBtcin ol tewerage and tho estimate ol the cost thereol, that a special election Is called and will bo held In said city, at the usunl voting places therein to-wlt: In the llrst ward at thcotllcool tho city water nnd light superintendent and In the second ward at thcKtrcman'B Hall, on tho 11th day ot October, ltlCI, between tho hours ol 8 o'clock a. in. and 7 o'clock p. nt. at which the follow ing proposition Is submitted to bo voted upon: "Shall tho Mayor and City, Council ol the city ol Ited Cloud, Nchraska, be authorized to Issuo coupon bonds to be demontated Sewer llonds ol said city ol Ited Cloud, Ne braska, In tho amount ot Itltccn thousand dollars In denominations ol live hundred dol lars each, payable to henrcr, to become duo 'JO years alter the date thereof, but payable any time after the expiration of tlvoyenrsnt the option of Bnld city, and bearing not to exceed live per cent annual Interest and to bo dated the day ot their Issuance, Interest and principal to ho payable at tho oillce ol tho stato treasurer of Nebraska. Bald bonds to bo sold not less than par valuo with ac crued IntcrcHt and jiroceeds thereol to be used by Bald city for tho construction and es tablishing a syttcm of sewerage In and tor said city, snld system not to Include any lateral or district sower; mid shall tliu mayor and council ol mild city annually levy the necessary lax upon all tliu taxable property within said city, In addition to all other taxes, to pay tliu Interest upon said bonds, as thosaimi may become duo and to furnish a sinking fund for the payment of tliu prin cipal ol said bonds, and an annual tax ol not to exceed two mills on tliu dollar ol assessed valuation ol tliu properly of said city for tho purposuol maintaining and repairing said system of sewerage." The form ol the ballot to bo used on bald election shall bo as Uillows: Vote for one I'or sewerage bonds and taxes Against sowerago bonds and taxes j And to be voted and marked by making a cross In the spaco provided In tho usuul man ner as provided by law. Should a majority ot tho ballots cast at such an election bo In favor of said proposi tion the mayor and council of said city will bo authorized to Issue and negoti ate said ImiiiiIs according to the conditions and for tho purpose speellled In tho foregoing proposition slid as also eoutemplatid by the statutes of Nebraska ns In such ease provided and It shall be the duty of tho mayor ami clerk ol said city whenso authorized And by order ot the city council to sign and attest said IkiiuIs and altlx thereto tho seal ol said city. The proceeds o( said IkiiuIs thai I bo paid to tho treasurer ol said city ot lied do d mid kept by him In n seperatv fund, apnit from other moneys, to be known us a sewer age fund and paid out only by order of tho council and warrant drawn against the same for said purpose specified and no other. Dated this 2nd day of Hcptetabcr 1913. Attest: O. C. TKBL, . E. SAU.NDEUS, (Seal) City Clerk. Mayor. Svjo Dress Goods For Fall Wear Wc have much to interest the woman looking for the very latest in Fall Dress Goods for street home and evening wear. A very large assortment of Fancy Brocaded Silks just received at from $1.00 to $1.25 per yard. Brocaded Wool Goods, Velvets. Serges, Dirgonals, and all the popular Fall Dress Goods in all colors at reasonable prices. Outings, Flannels and Blankets in a large variety of colors, weights and prices. All marked very low. Children's and Misses Sweater Coats at from 60c to $5.00. Quality the best. The largest stock of Yarns in the valley. Butterlck Patterns Warntr's ftuit Proof Coraata (HwSlwCSg 5CSwHs;.S3w. In the County f on i o" .Webster taunt y, Nht k. In t! o inattf r ol tliu estate ot Catherine Studebakcr diet nt c (UllOniTOItSotenUI estate will t.ikc notice, that the tluto limited lor tlio presentation and llllng l claims usaiiit sahl rsinto Is April lllth. lilll! and lor the payment ol debts iHScptemlerlDlh. lull: that I will examine hear allow or adjust all claims, demands, or objections duly lllid ut a hicslon ot tho coun ty court to be held In tho county court room In said county on tliu 17th da) of April, 101 1. at tlio hour ol 10 o'clock A. M. Dated tills I'Jth dny ot September, lillli. (Seal). A. 1. HANNHV, County .lodge. Widow's Pension. 'I In- iviHMit uct of April ll'th. l'.ICS ,'lve.s to all MiUllurV willows ti uBflblun 41:2 pur mouth. Kreil M.inior. the fit torni'v. has nil neeessiir.v bluiiUf. w vAOHIWVvyv if I JijE .j $30 To Rsvlaatf. "Mah bredren," cried a Boston col' ored praacner, "ye mutt be like great Caesar's ghost above sussptshun." Ufa. THK ALARM Is u dreiutful thing OF FIBE for the man without Insurance. Every time he seub tbe engines racing nlonit his hwirt I'omes up in hit tin out if tho tliu is unywhciu near liU place. Wliul folly, what uilb taken economy. THK C09T OF lb so small that it INMUKANCK need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth It many times over Have us insure you to-day, O. C. TEEL, Rollabl Inturane: California. Washington. Oregon, British Columbia ONE WAY From Principal Nebraska Towns September 25 to October 10, 1913 Through Tourist Sleepers To The Coast Via Salt Lake Route, Scenic Colorado, every day; personally conducted Wedues diiyu uiid Saturday. Via Western Pacific, Scenic Colorado, l-'cathcr River Canyon; personally oon ducted Wednesday nnd Fridays. Via Southern Pacific, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake, every day; personally con ducted Sundays, Tuesduyaau I Thursdays, itn auho.. n..i0t- .i it . .. , .. . - tiu iiviim.ni muni,, uvury uuj, luruuKii mu northwest, to Spokane, Seattle. Via Breat Northera. every day, throuRh the Northwest, to Spokane, Seattle Tho undersigned will be pleased to ticket you, arrange for yourthromrb berths in tourist sleepers. b T. K. roKf Tlckmt Agent. L. W. WAKKLKY, Qiniral ramngir Agt. Dr. A. 8. Hardin Physician and Surgeon Eye, Ear, Now and Throat Dis ease Treated. j Glasses Fitted. Inavalc, Nebraska Louis Vavpieka Auctioneers Terms reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. I speak either Bohemian or the American language. . , t, F. D. Ptt, 4. kM CUM), NttmU