The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1913, Image 8
iiinwnmiwwiwiiwwniwixiawiiwwumwiw trtiwwwnww wawwwwmwBn t RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF BAR DOCKET OCTOBER TERM DISTRICT COURT '"WWlWHf iPHfPHPrt 4 ft K 'fc W CRIMINAL DOCKET State of Nebraska, " IVed E. Maurer vs. I .'Hoi William Galbralth nml f Hcrnard McNony licit Miller ) Keporton I'arolo State of Nebraska, ) Fred K. Mnuror vs jmh Charles Kosslcr I Illegal Snlo of Intoxicating Liquors. Pardon K Fairfield, Vfi. Isabollc J. Fairfield. State of Nebraska, ) Fred fc3. Mnuror vh. aim Charles 11. Llndloy ) Illegal Salo of Intoxlrnl iiiir LWpiois. Stato of Nebraska, ) Fred K. Maurer vs. V llr.O Low Wallers ) Illegal Salo of Intoxicating Liquors. State of Nebraska, ) Fred 10. .Mauror vs. f :ir.i Lew Walters ) Illegal Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. State of Nebraska, ) F. K. Maun-r v. alios Henry Clawson ) Illegal Salo of Intoxicating Liquor. CIVIL DOCKET 1 t. L. Dalley, " K. V Ovorman vs. I F .1. Monday The White Hard- IVlM ware Company. L. II. Maekletlgo J It. W. Turner Appeal Reeves & Company, ) Fred E. Mat vs. mill John Ilarter, et h1. ) L. II. Ulacl Foreclosure, Charles 8. Olmstead, ) Walter M. Crow vs. 330S IS. U. Overman. I Overman & Monday Petition. 0(cnr R Hoyee, ) F J. Muudny vs V 310(1 l'eter Hansen. ) llernard MoNeny l'otitlon. Uertiard McNony 3308 Tlbbctts, Moroy & Fuller L II. Illackledge Dlvorco. C (lerhard Motitilcli, vs. Mary Springer and Merman sptingcr Chat-Ion llaffko L. II. Dlacklodire r 3315 llernard McNony Lola Hilton, vs. Josic Nybcrg Petition. lohu C. St ovens .'Kl'.'tl ' L. II Mhickledgc Menial tl McNeny Petition. Hannah Nlhel I'aik- 1 K. U. Overman i-oii, ot nl., F. .1. Monday vs .'1327 liollm II. King, in his own right and as Lxo outor of .Small A. King, Deceased. j Partition. 0 Daniel O'Donnoll, llernard McNetiy vs. I 33SS The C. H. & (. It. It. Company. j L II. Blackledgo J W. S. Morlan. Damage. 10 lames II. McCuNtion,-) liornard MoNeny vs. :t.'K' The C. It. & Q. It. It. 5 Company. L II. lilackledL'o J W. S. Morlan Damage. 11 Ilium Barnes, "1 Bernard McNony vs. 3330 e C. B. &. Q. It It. Th Company Otho Owens, . vs. Robert Mitchell I L. H. Illackledge W. S. Morlan Damage. 12 Bernard McNony ) Bcrm I 3331 . ) L. II. Damage. Blackledgo t.'l Christian II Kolllng, ) Bernatd MoNeny vs. J. 3332 IMherM Wauflle, et al. ) Ficd U Mnurcr Pending Stay. 11 Valentine II. Scrlvncr, vs. TheC. M. Q. K. R. Company V. 13. Maurer Bernard McNetiy 3333 L. II. Blackledgo W. 8. Morlan Damage. 15 Arthur F. Sohouboe, 1 A. J. Shafer vs. j. Denial d MoNeny A. 13. Lundberg, et nl ) XttC, Pending Stay. Lora A. Whlttaker, et ill., 1 13 U. Oveimiin 1 Fraolf ,1 Miluday vs. f 3:1:10 F.thel Kllcti Whlttaker. J Bernard McNony Conllrmatinn of Sale. 17 .lohn ('. Scoles and Jessie 1 L. II. Illackledge 13. Scolos, n Minor, by j 3337 .lohn C. Scoles, Her Brother and Next Friend y vs. Samuel II. Uuuton, Jr., ( Bernard MoNeny et. al. J Frank ,1. Monday Quiot Title and Partition. IS Kli.abcth M. Stoucr ) Bernard MoNeny vs. 333 Harvey F. L. II Blackledgo Petition. John Fassler, et al., ) A M Walters vs. I Him Hulda Fassler, et, al f A. I) Ilannoy J Bernard McNeny Partition 2() Amboy Milling & Ele- L II. Blackledgo vaior uo. : ,ish vs. Henry C. Harris Petition. 21 Phillip Fassler, ") Bernard McNeny Petition vs. . ! 3123 Rudolph Streit, et. nl ( L. II. Blackledgo J E U. Overman 22 llernard McNeny John Sorenson, ") Hern vs :nv T'V! S.1, VftUl Fin' Montgomery, Hall A & Murine Insurance I Young Company J Petition. 23 Frances E. Payne, vs. John Blbbey and the Un known Heirs and Devi sees of John Bibbey, Susannah Bibbey and the Unknown Hid re and De visees of Susannah Bibbey. Petition. 21 Wallace A. Maynard, v. Moses Bass and the t'n known Heirs and Devi sees of Moses Bass, John M. toting, and the un known Ileiisand Devi sees of John M. Voting. Petition Bernard McNeny 33)3 Bernard McNeny 3351 Rosa Jones, George ones, ) Ben vs. t a3:5 i 13. Francis, ct. til. ) Bernard McNeny Petition. 20 B. W. Stewart Gilliam ) B. W. S 32.-.0 ) J. S. Ul Charles Barrett, vs. John L. Christian Appeal 27 III the Matter of the Bernard McNeny for Estiito of Mary A. Proponent. Heuton Deceased. L. II Blackledgo for 3357 Contestant. In Re-Probate of Will 28 Hattic N. Glass Milton S. (Bass Bernard McNeny 3358 ) Bei V 335 Divorce. 20 Hattie N. Glass. vs. Ellen M. Kitchen, et al. J Quiet Title 1 Bern I 33M) arnd McNeny rman iroy, ) E. U. Overmn S 3301 Caioy, ) SN0KE Number 2 J Sc CIGAR And Get Satisfaction For Your Money. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTimr OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud B a - Nebraska V E. A. Creightdh, M. D. T 30 The Slate Bank of Bed ") Bernard McNeuv Clotld, j 3.100 vs. Edith Wlxson and I Bartos & Bartos L P Albright J I, II Blackledgo Appeal 31 Hattio Carey, vs. James J Can Divorce. 32 Ruth Gardner, ) Fred 13. Matirrr vs. :m-i Alexander V. Gardner ) Divorce. 33 Minnie Turner ) 13. V. Overman vs 33G1 John Tinner ) ' Divorce. 31. Red Cloud Creamery " Bernard McNeny Association, I. 3305 vs Joseph Jellnek, j F. J. Monday Appeal. 35 Nebraska Electric Co., ) F. 13. Mauier vs. 3201 City of Bed Cloud ) F. J. Monday Appeal. 30 Central Electric Co., ) F. E. Maurer vs. 3205 City of Red Cloud ) Appeal. 37 Western Electric Co., ) Bernard McNeny vs. I 3215 City of Red Cloud ) Appeal. 33 Nebraska Telephone Co., ) Bernard McNetiy vs. 3172 City of Red Cloud ) F. J. Muuday On Mandate. 39 Ulysscss O. Martin, et. al.) L.H. Blackledge vs. 3300 Louella Proctor, ct. al. ) Foreclosure. 40 Ulysses G. Martin, et. al.) L.H. Blackledg vs 3307 Lizzie A. al. ) Foreclosure. I K( "N( EYE. NOSE AND THROAT Groceries? 1 (i CONSULTATION FREE A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them. Try us. P. A. Wullbrandt The Home Grocery J. H- EhhlNGER General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... IvsAAvi -WM kWH V yj" vTC) FDRNIIV We have all the latest designs of staple articles, and can fit you out, from parlor to kitchen. The prices are right too. Come in and see. :- -:- -:- I SaA ED.AMACK LICENSED UNDERTAKER IN NEBRASKA AND KANSAS ALL THK PHONK9 ViA AAf i y E i 1 i AfvA Write or Phone Red Cloud, - Nebr. Frame Construction Is Most Preferable for homo building not only on account of Its economy, but be cause of its adaptability to chang ing conditions. Homos built of wood aro easily moved from one location to another; they can bo altered or enlarged without Injur ing their general appearance for the reason that painting will make tho old look as good as tho new. Instead of painting being consid ered an expense it should really bo held as an improvement becauso il freshens up tho whole appearance ot your home, and Instead of nil! niuto decay an I doterlor.ited value as ib the case with substitutes that can only be renovated by building a whole now houso, your homo be comes constantly more valuable This is only one of the little things to consider when building a homo "Llttlo drops of wator, etc., make a a mighty ocean." Come in and we'll tell you more about lumber. "There's No Place Like Home" Saunders Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska Weesner, Perry & Go. & Are Now Showing AN Their New Fell Lines of- q Ladies' and Children's Coats Wool Dress Goods Silks and Velvets Dress Trimmings Ginghams, Outing Flannels Kimona Goods, Etc. Blankets and Under-wear (FOR EVERYBODY) s We have by far the best and most complete stock we have ever had and are going to do all we can to reduce the high cost of living, by marking our goods as low in price as possible. We wish to especially call your attention and also invite you to see our line of Coats, Suits, Skirts and Ready-to-Wear Goods. No old goods to show you but everything new and right up to the minute for style. I leesnef , Perry & Go. ' RCENTS FOR Cortlcilll Silks, Armor Plate Hosiery. McCall Patterns. Royal Worcester Corsets wiSS IF your printing must be of .the highest class-combining good composition, the harmonizing of colors of paper and inks, see us before making contracts. ryfrwwm trpsn ; i m wwtiwrw'rffyfrrwitr , .WrTrUOr" frr tXafs . . . -.