The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1913, Image 6

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Pine Qrove Near Banning. Cal.,
ttroyed by Fire Bravery of
Boy Hero Savei Many
Washington. Tho banking nnd cur
rency committee of llio senate, pre
paring to continue Its hearings on the
administration currency bill ns pnsaed
y the house, hns decided to Invite
Frank (J. Vnndorllp, president of the
National City bank of New York, to
discuss tho measure before the com
mittee. Later Vice President Talbot,
of the name Institution, will bo Invit
ed to npiwar. The committee has de
cided to have In attendance mi expert
from tho oftlco of the comptroller of
the currency to keep the commlttco
tralght on technical questions during
the examining of witnesses In future.
Elevator Boy Saves Many Lives.
St. J'nul, Minn. To tho coolnesk
and bravery of a youthful passenger
lerator operator, whose name l not
known, because of the fact that he wan
working na rullef, scores or the em
ployes of the Louis P. Dow company,
an oftlco fixture manufacturing con
cern, owo their Hvcb. Ilepentedly the
boy ahot hla car up to the upper floors
of the six-story atructure and brought
girl nnd men to safety from tho
flames, which fatally Injured two men
and calmed n Ions of $310,000 to the
tnmpnny and, building.
One of Finest Pine Groves Destroyed
Near Banning, Cal.
HannlnR. Cal. One of the finest pine
groves In tho Cleveland national for
est and a portion of the watershed
from which the Uedlands. Riverside
and Ran Tlnrnnrdlno citrus fruit grow
era obtnln their .Irrigation supply, was
destroyed by a forest tire, which, after"
eeveral dajs steady progress, reached
the south fork of the Rnntn Ann river.
There are three distinct fires, one
threatening the Seven Oaks mountain
resort. District forest rangers regard
the fires as tho most serious of tho
last three yenrs.
To Make Holiday of October 12.
Ttoston, MnsH. A movement to make
ColumbuH day n generally recognized
pan-Amerlcnn holiday by Joining tho
observance, In this country with "Dis
coverers' Dny," already an event In
evernl Lntln-Amerlcnn countries, la
to he launched here during TloRton
Columbus day celebration, An an
nouncement to this effect wns made
by a commlttco of the Cltlrens Public
Celebrntlon nssoclntlon which hna tho
affair In charge. John Rarrett. direc
tor of the pan-Amerlcnn union. It la
expected will Bound the call for gen
eral observance of October 12 ns i
holiday by American countries.
Not Punishable Crime.
Mexico City. The dentlts or the lnte
Francisco I. Mndero nnd Vice Prosl
dent Jose Marin Pino Runre? were not
brought nbout by a punishable crime,
according to a declRlon pronounced by
tho military court here. The Investi
gation lasted six months. It wns start
ed by the military commnndant of tho
federal district, immediately on tho
conclusion of tho ten days' battle In
tbo streets of Mexico City last Febru
ary, which resulted In Provisional
President Huerta's coming into power
Pastor for 8tate University Students.
Lincoln. The atnte university will
be supplied with n Methodist pastor.
who will devote hla time exclusively
to work among the students, accord
ing to tho decision of the Methodist
conference Saturday afternoon. There
are 1,000 students of Methodist denom
lnatlon In tho university.
Fremont, Neb. The Bnptlsts of the
Omaha district In Nebraska, In session
at Fremont, went on record In favor of
a law In Nebraska requiring phvsicnl
samlnatlons of candidates for mar
riage. Tho ministers pledged them
elves to work for 6iich a measure at
4ae next legislative sceslon.
Helped 8urvey Nebraska.
Atchison, Kan. Charles s. Prim,
aged 82 years, who helped survey Ne.
raska and Kansas territories nnd In
the early days wnB n freighter ncrosB
the western plalnB, died nt his hom
near here Wednesday.
Feature of French Maneuvers.
Cnstel-Sarrasln, France. A pitched
battle In which 120,000 men clashed
was fought noar here In the presence
of President Raymond Polncaro. It
was the closing feature of tho French
Hot Weather In California.
8an Bernnrdlno, Cal. What Is be
lieved to hao been tho maximum of
Meat In California this jear wns
reached at Silver Lake Wednesday,
when tho mercury slzrlcd nt tho 127
mark, according to Information reach
ing horo. Considerable crop damagt
was reported.
Mlneola, N. Y. The will of the late
Or. Oliver Livingston Jon?s, father of
"Clenoral" Rosalia Gardner Jones, tho
suffrnglst leader, leaves an estate val
ued at $10,000,000 to his widow.
Result of Deliberation! on More
portant Measures Given In
Condensed Form.
The Senate -Not In session; meets.
Hanking committee continued hear
logs on administration currency bill
Tho House Not in session; meets
The Senate Hanking commltle
continued hearings on currency bill.
Received currency bill as passed
by tho house. Referred It to bank
uig anil currency committee.
Considered nominations In execu
live tension.
Adjourned at 4:2.1 to noon Monday
Tho House Took up administration
puircncy bill for passago and Incor
porated the so-called "gold Htaudnrd
Representative Illticbnugh brought
tho progressives u message from Col
onel Roosevelt endorsing their cam
paign pTaiiH.
Passed democrat Ic currency bill, -Sfi
to M.
Adjourned at 3: 50 p, in. to noon
The Senate Not In session; meets
Dunking committee continued hear
ing on administration cuircney bill.
Public lauds committee agreed on a
day for a final vote on the lietch
Hutchy water bill.
Tariff conferees continued their de
liberations. The House Met at noon and con
tinued discussion of the administra
tion currency bill for amendment.
Tho Senalo Not In session; meets
Hanking and currency committer
continued hearings on administration
mrrency bill.
Tariff confereos resumed work and
leured end of adjustment of differ
ences between the senate and house.
Tho IIouso Met at noon and re
sumed detailed consideration of admin
istration currency bill. Adopted
amendment Introduced by Representa
tive Buckley of Ohio to permit mem
ber banks unlimited rediscount privi
leges with tho proposed federal re
serve banks. Adopted several minor
amendments from tho committee.
Adjourned at 6:25 p. in. to noon
Memorial to Eugene Field.
Chicago. -Eugene Field, the chll
flren's poet, whoso verses have alter
nately wrung tours and laughter from
the people of many lands, Is to have a
memorial. A plan to erect a memo
rial has been started and It Is hoped
that subscriptions will be made not
only by people all over tho United
States, but by residents of other coun
tries. The Hague Indorses Peace Plan.
Washington. Secretary Bryan's
peace plnn for the settlement of Inter
national dllllcultles through tho forco
of sober second thought and the good
offices of nn Impartial commission wua
received with acclaim at the recent
meeting of tho Intor-Parllumentury
union at The Hague.
Red Man Government Official.
Washington. Gnbe K. Parker, a
Shoctnw Indian of Academy, Oklu., the
first man of his rnce to be register of
the treasury, has been sworn Into of
fice. His signature will appear on all
currency nnd he declined he regarded
his appointment ns a signal recogni
tion of the red men. '
Will Make No Move at Present.
Washington. So far as the Wnsh
Lngton administration Is concerned,
no move Is contemplated In the Mexi
can situation at piesent. The elec
tions of October 2ii now nro awaited
with keen Interest and the next step
In the policy of the United States Is
likely to make Hb appenranco there
after. Sulzer Loses First Round.
Albany, N. Y. Counsel for Wllllnu
fiulzer lost after the first skirmish In
a legal battle begun Friday at tho sec
ond session of tho high court of Im
peachment to prevent tho nccused ex
ecutive from coming to trial. Their
objections to permitting four senntor
to sit ns members or the court were
overruled. They next attacked the
validity of the Impeachment with n
motion to dismiss the proceedings, but
failure to completo their argument
when adjournment wns taken preclud
ed a decision In tho matter.
Is Democratic In His Style.
Cody, Wyo. Prince Albert, ruler ol
Monnco, hns fallen In lovo with the
town of Cody, Wyo. Tho town ot Cody
has also fallen In love with tho prince,
who has won the hearts ot nil by his
democratic ways. Ho Is tickled ut tho
honor. "You aro almost, too hospltr
klrt vA H nnltl (llfk Hlnnn ...til.
ble to me," snld tho prince with a
mile. "I really don't desorvo nil of
this honor, but it makes mo feel glnd
just tho sanio. 'If I wcro not tho ruler
of Monaco, I should llko to bo mayor
if Cody."
J rrsow o,isrc jgk, v m J
Negotiations with Mexico Can Be Re
' sumed at Any Time Makes Plea
to Increase Wesleyan
Chattanooga. Ten n. Former United
States Congressman Washington (Sard
ne'r of Albion. Mich., was elected Fri
day commander-in-chief of the fiiand
Army or the Republic at the final busi
ness session of the forty-seventh nn
tiual encampment. Detroit, Mich.,
earlier In the day wns selected as the
meeting jilncu for the 1014 encamp
ment. Other oltlcers elected by the
national organization were: Thomas
JI. Sward, Guthrie, Oklu., senior vice
commander; William I,. Rowe. Pitt
field, Mnss., Junior vice commander:
J. L. Wenver, Morrlstown, Pa., sur
geon general; Horace M. Carr. Per
sons, Kan., chaplain general.
Plea to Increase Endowment.
Lincoln. Neb. At the Nebraska
Methodist conference, held at Grace
church Friday. Rev. Thdmnts Nicholson
of New York plead for a larger endow
ment for the university and for a more
liberal patronage from the church peo
ple or the state. He said the univer
sity now owes about $100,000; that tho
jncomo from students, according to
statistics, Is about $99 per year and
the cost por student about $149, leav
ing a serious deficit. The university
now has property worth $(500,000 and
nn attendance of 1,000. lie urged that
the members of the conference see
thnt tho church give to the school an
amount eminl to SO cents per member
year. This, he said, would maintain
the school and decrease tho debt.
Negotiations Through Mr. Llnd Are
Still In Order.
Washington. President Wilson
takes tho view that there was nothing
In Gcnernl Huerta's message to the
Mexican congress In any way incon
sistent with the Interpretation adopt
ed by tho United States of the last
note transmitted by the Mexican min
ister of foreign relations to John Llnd,
tho American envoy. Tho administra
tion considers that Huertn, having
been declared In the Gambon note In
eligible for election as president, will
not bo a candidate in the approaching
elections and the American govern
ment Is prepared at any time to re
sume negotiations through Mr. Llnd
on this basis.
WIN Sow Large Acreage.
Tablo Rock, Neb. Farmers report
:he ground to be In much better condi
tion for fall plowing and seeding since
the recent rnlns. There will be a
larger acreage of fall when! sown than
usual. If the weather still continues
favorable. On bottom tlelds and on
the upland there will bo some corn,
but a majority have cut their corn for
toughness. The pastures begin to
show n greener hue, nnd will furnish
much feed If tho rains continue.
Now York. Butter rrom Siberia and
Australia Is here In bond waiting to
make Its debut Into the American mar
ket along with Argentina beer, which
Is soon expected.
Promising Wheat Acreage.
Falls City, Neb. Wheat tested for
iced In this locality shows up well.
Farmers In Richardson county are
making c special effort to put In a
'urge acreage of wheat.
Packers Fear Meat Shortage.
Chicago. Otllcei s or tho American
Meat Packers' association doclnro thnt
Iho organization at Its annual conven
tion to be held here will gq on record
against tho unnecessary slaughter or
heirer calves ns a step In a campaign
of education to prevent a further short-
ngo In tho country's meat mipply. An
. i 1 .. t .. l i .1 m
other movo contemplated Is tho adop
tion of resolutions urging rnrmcra to
ralso'hogs for tho market on a lnrge
scale, ns tho present high prlco of pork
should mnke the business exception
iiv profitable
Tons of Argentine Beef Quickly Dis
posed Of Membership in G. A.
R. Ranks Showing Effects
of Time.
Washington. The complete revision
of American bnnklng and currency
methods, prepared in tho democratic
currency bill, wus started on Its way
to the statute books Thursday. By a
vote of 286 to 84 the house phased the
bill In practically the same form In
which it was originally proposed.
Twenty-four republicans and four
teen progressives Joined witli the
democrats In voting for the bill. With
this overwhelming house majority and
the endorsement of President Wilson
behind It, tho measure was sent over
to tho senatn. There It was referred
to tho banking nnd currency commit
tee, in which hearings on the subject
are already In progress. The commit
tee may not be ready to icport for
several weeks.
Many Pass Away During Year.
Chnttanoogn, Tenn. Gen. Alfred 11.
Beers, commander-in-chief of th
Grand Army of the Republic, Thurs
day delivered bis annunl address.
General Beers announced thnt more
than 11,000 union vcteruns of the civil
war died during the year ended De
cember 31, last. Tho present enroll
ment of the organization, nccordlng to
Its commander, Is 160,000 members.
Only members of the G. A. R. were
admitted to the meeting, which was
Conslanment of a Hundred Tons
Quickly Disposed Of.
New York. Tho consignment of 100
tons of Argentine beef which arrived
hero Monday, tho first big shipment
ever brought to tho United States, all
has been disposed of. Pnrt of it was
sold to dealers In this city and found
Its way Into rotnll trade. When sold
as Argentine beef the consumer got
tho benefit of a 4-cent reduction on
tho pound. The meat sold so well
thnt butchers are beginning to inquire
for It, but they will have to wait for
tho next cargo. Here nro some or the
prices at which the meat was sold:
Porterhouso and sirloin steaks. 18
centB a pound; prime rib roasts, 10
cents; round of beef, 18 centB; chuck
roast, 12 cents, and soup ment, 10
cents a pound.
Will Discuss Refrigeration.
Chicago. More than 2,000 delegate
are In Chicago to attend the interna
tlonal congress and exposition of re
rrlgerntlon nt tho Union stock yard
amphitheater. Among them nro R00
representatives or foreign govern
ments who came direct from Washing
ton, where they were received by
President Wilson. Important ques
tions of the world's rood supply will
be considered. Tho largest refrlger
ator In the world hns been construct
ed nt tho amphitheater by the gov
ernment. Thaw Will Carry Up His Case.
Littleton, N. H. Counsel for Harry
K. Thaw has laid the foundation for
plnns to carry his case to the supreme
court of the United States. When the
governor or New Hampshire passes on
the matter of the extradition or Thaw
to fcw York, at the hearing to be held
at Concord, tho findings, ir adverso to
Thaw, will be reviewed by the United
Stntcs district court, and should a de
cision ngnlnst him then be rendered
successive appeals will be taken until
tho case reaches the highest court In
the land.
Cost of Living Crawling Higher.
Washington, D. C The cost of llv
ing on Juno 16 wns approximately CO
per cont higher thnn the average be
tween 1890 and 1900, more than 3 per
cent hlghor than it wob a year ago,
nnd noarly IB per cent higher than it
wns two years ago. Investigations of
rotnll prices in forty cltlos conducted
by experts of tho burenu of labor show
prices practically nt tho same level as
last November when the high records
of the last quarter century were
Apple picking hits begun at Shubcrt
A volunteer flro department has
been organized at Peru.
Tho Nebraska M. E. conference was
hold nt Lincoln last week.
Efforts aro being made to reorganize
the Y. -M. C. A. at Kearney.
Efforts aro being made to reopen
the Paddock hotel at Beatrice.
The Central States Orthopedic soci
ety will meet In Lincoln next month.
Woik has begun on the $17,000
waterwoiks extension nt Columbus,
The next meeting of the state feder
ation of labor will he held at Lincoln.
New steel flreNescnpes are "being
placed on the Paddock theater at Bea
trice, Isaac N. Clarke anu wife celebrated
their golden wedding at Sutton last
Work Is progressing on tho reser
voir of the city wntcr works nt Clay
The Nebraska synod or the German
Lutheran church held a session at Lin
coln last week.
Flro In the poultry house of S. B
Sorenson at Hnstlngs cremated oci
5.000 chickens.
R. K. Klrkpntrlck was thtown frotr
a horse near Morrill nnd died froir
Injuries received.
Fred Market of Nebraska City is ti
n dangerous condition from an attack
ot ptomaine poisoning.
Over liOO students were In attend
ance at the first convocation hour at
the Peru normal school.
- The German Lutheran church has
assumed charge or the United Breth
ren hospital nt Beatrice.
A country club has been orgnnlzed
at Madison, with a membership of
over fifty representative citizens.
C. A. Hudnnll, n farmer near Friend,
Is dead from Injuries received when
he was attacked by :i vicious bull.
Henry Lucck, who was injured in n
runaway at Nebraska City, Is par
si) zed and his recovery Is doubtful.
Roy Holsteln, a bull player at Stan
ton, wns seriously wounded when a
revolver he wns examining exploded.
Joints nt Chappel hne been receiv
ing thft attention of tho anti-saloon
league, and nro considerably worked
Gertrude Imhoff, a three-year-old '
Columbus child, wns killed when she
fell from a "teeter bonrd" at that
Citizens ot Fnirbury are circulating
petitions Tor n spcclnl election to se
cure the commission form of govern-'
The annual convention or the Wo
men's Christian Temperance Union or
Nebraska Is In session at Fremont this
Tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance com
paiiy of Scottsblufr has filed Incor
poration papers with the secretary of
Charles Hlckey, a very fleshy man,
If dead from heart falluie, resulting
from the excitement of a ball game at
George W. Kline of tho publicity
bureau of Uie state board of agricul
ture has been appointed editor of the
Nobiuskn Farm Journal at Omaha.
The committee in charge of the
German day celebration nt Lincoln,
October 15 nnd 16, nntlclpnte a larger
attendance than ever before In its his
tory. C. M. Bobbttt, southwest of Almn,
has discovered on his farm an endless
amount or moulders sand, so located
thnt It will be nn easy matter to han
dle the product.
Tho Fremont city council has put
the ban on tho nlrgun, making it ns
serious nn offense to carry an air
weapon or flro It in the city limits as
to carry or discharge real firearms.
Under the Nebraska state law ducks
nd geese can bo killed up until Oc
tober 1st, 1913. On October lpt the
federal game law goes Into effect.
This law permits no hunting on
streams except during the months of
November nnd December of each year.
The canning season at Fremont Is
aald to have been one or the best in
fears, over 40,000 cans of corn being
Iho output.
Some one with n sweet tooth broke
Into the bakery or Charles Ilostlg at
Kenesaw and enrried off a. quantity of
candy, enkes and cookies.
Owing to the good crop prospectB
.here Is considerable building, painting
if farm buildings nnd general Improve
ments In the vicinity of Albion.
All professional horse races have
been cancelled by tho Gage county fair
management and only Gage county
aorses will be permitted to enter.
The Superior fire department will
sold n fall festival and exposition at
thnt place beginning October 6,
York will entertain the stnte federa
tion of women's clubs October 6.
Nearly 300 delegates nre expected.
The body or A. W. McCurry, a
farmer living near Bentrlce, was found
hanging from a limb of a tree in tho
timber soine distance fro mhls house.
The Rev. U, G. Brown closed tho
seventh successful year of his pastor
ate at Centenary Methodist Episcopal
church at Bentrlce Sundny by farewell
sermons to large audiences both morn
ing and evening.
Arrangements are being perfected
for tho entertainment of good roads
delegates from Illinois, Iowa, Colorado
nnd Nebraska in Lincoln September
John Garvey, fho wns struck by
lightning at Albion and knocked out
of his buggy and ono horse killed, hi
not improving very fast. Ho wns un
conscious for some time.
The coroner'o Jury investigating the
case of Mrs. Caroline Varga, who died
from wounds received in a charivari at
Lincoln, attributed her death to gun
shot wounds Inflicted by a revolver la
the bands of Charles Weir.
is won
The "banner of
health" is always won
by the person who
possesses a keen ap
petite, enjoys perfect
digestion, and whose
liver and bowels ate
regular. Get into
this "winner" class
at once by the aid of
It is for Poor Appetite,
1 1 Sick Headache, Heart
II burn, Indigestion, Con
1 1 stipation and Malaria.
60 years the leader
Nebraska Directory
Kijwrt boiler makers tent nywhfr-tijtlm.
The Dr. Benj. F. Bailey SaaaloriasB
Liacoln, Nebraska
Its brick and stone buildings so taste
fully furnished and thoroughly equipped,
in the beautiful park of 25 acres, with
staff of experience and a nursing corps
of unusual merit, offers you most per
fect hospital results, yet always pre
serves the atmosphere of a delightful
country HOME. Write for particulars.
Rebuke to Which It Is Hard to See,
How the Curate Could Make
an Answer.
nishop Ollphant of Llandaff had a
well-to-do young man as curato who
had rather sportliiK Instincts. Ho
kept his on n .horses and always drove
tandem. Tho bishop disapproved, and
decided to administer a rebuke on a
favorable opportunity. Both the bishop
and the curate, each driving in his
own way, met near the historic Cow
and Snuffers. Tho bishop, of course,
wbb driving two abreast, and tho cur
ate tandem, aB usual
"I really must protest," said tho
bishop, "at your driving about In such
a manner."
"Well, my lord," said tho curate,
"you are driving two horses, and so
am I. What Is the dlfferenco?"
After a few moments' reflection.
Bishop Ollphant replied:
"If, when you aro at prayers at tho
cathedral, tho congregation placed
their hands in the samo position as
you have placed your horses what
would becomo of the dignity and
solemnity of tho service?" London
Not What She Expected.
Ferdy You are not llko most of the
ether girls I know.
Sylvia (very softly) No?
Ferdy No, indeed! The others
tau, but you freckle! Puck.
Very Much So.
"I have a soft JcTb."
"What Is It?"
"Making feather beds."
Most Likely to Follow Proper Eatina-
As old age advances we require less
food to replace waste, and food that
will not overtnx the digestive organs
while supplying true nourishment.
Such an Ideal food Is found in drape
Nuts, made of whole whent and barley
by long baking mid action of diastase
In thu barley which chunges the starch
Into a most digestible sugar.
The phosphates also, placed up un
der tho outer-coat of tho wheat, are
Included In drape-Nuts, but uro lack
ing in while flour because tho outer
coat of tho wheat darkens tho flour
and Is left out by tho miller. These
natural phosphates nro necessary to
tho well-balanced building of muscle,
brain and nerve cells.
"1 have used Ornpo-Nuts," writes an
Iown man, "for 8 years and feel as
good nnd am stronger than I -was ten
years ngo.
"Among my customers I meet a man
every day who is well along In years
nnd nttilbutes his good health to
flrape-Nutb nnd I'ostum which he has
used for tho last D years. Ho mixes
Grape-Nuts with I'ostum nnd says
(hoy go fin o together.
"For many years before I bogan to
eat Grnpe-Nuts, I could not say that I
enjoyed llfo or know what It wns to be
able to say 'I am well.' I suffered
grently with constipation, but now my
habits nro ns regular as over in my
"Whnnover I make extra effort I
dopend on Grape-Nuts food nnd It just
fills the bill, 1 can think and wrlto a
grent deal easier."
"There's a Reason." Nnmajjlvon by
PoEtum Co., Dottle Creek, Mich. Head
'The Road to Wellvllle," In pkgs. rrnil tlip nlitnv Irllrrf new
onr miprnr from llmr to Mine. The
re Krnulnr, trur, nuJ full of hnmaav
In re rent.
. Mill, ,IWWN,WI.H i Willi...,. WlliH,.il.iM.
-A ..A,.., j.1,.-
'.,i&.e tWdttfi .
" .Y
U'J.w' ijtf'iim"