The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1913, Image 4
('Mww'ivMi4avTwwMiiirm iwiftmww . jv ew RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF tare; is u. I f fr ( I THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rei Cloud, Nabraaka. Kotcrtil In the I'ontc nice nl IUi! ( luml, Nil . fin Hicond ClnH Matter .0 B. UALK l'UHI.IIIIKII 9MK ONLY DKMOCHATIU I'AI'KK IN wkiihti:h COUNTY There In not much In tlio tnuntton of Rood roRtls to enlist entliuslHsm. Wo have rcntl of good roHds for years and there In not n person this hide of the .Atlantic who could not toll just how to cotiHtruct one without a moment's reflection. Still tho fact remains that there tiro ninny roads oven in this county thnt nre fur from perfect. Wu have ninde progress It Is tiuo hut there is much to ho done. Recently two governor donned their overalls nnd lend n force of live thousand men for two days. This helped soun.( Utit now comes the ptopo'itl to uialie a highway reaching from the Atlantic to tho I'licltlc. A roiul thnt will bo the delight of the auto dilu ', tl,o tutiii on h bicycle, the coach and four, and the farm wagon loaded ultli grain. This iiii,1ciliilliig ought to bo big enough to give us all enthusiasm tor good roads Wu nil know the arguments for good roads but the way to lime them Is to build them. An Kxchunge sajs: "We once knew a man who whs too stingy to take the newspaper in his home town and nl ways sent over to borrow his neigh bor's paper. One evening lie bent his on over to borrow the paper, nnd in bis haste the son overturned a stand of bccB and in n few moments his face resembled a summer tquash. Hearing Hie agonized cries of the son, the fttth r ran to his assistance and fell into a barb wire fince, butting u good big chunk of flesh off his anatomy and ruining a ll.OO pair of trouseis. An u'ri cow took advantage of the hole in the fence, got into tho cornfield and killed herself eating green corn. Hearing the racket, tho wife run out 4)f the house, upsetting ft I gallon c'iurn full of cream into "n basketful o" kittens, drowning thu whole llocU. She slipped in tho cream and fell down .'airs, breaking a leg and a 81v.3.'luiail rdcr so t of teeth. Tho baby, left nlonc, '.Crawled through thu cream into the purlor and ruined a f 10 rug. During the excitement the daughter eloped -with the hired man taking the family savings bank with them. The moral is that every man ought i be a aubsoriber to his borne news- sjhools and high schools. Much an notion might bo branded by some as tho req.iest of u highly eccentric cln?s of luforiiicrs, seeking either publicity or soiuu sort of cheap notoriety. Hueh docs not seem to us to be the case. While the newspaper hns always been granted wide freedom of speech and thought in this country as an Inherent right, there seems to us littlo question but thnt tho pnper should consider the persons who mnku its existence possi ble nnd seek to serve thoir Interests. Editors of "yellow" publications de fend themselves with the pica that they publish what tho'people demand, nnd that they are only doing It be ciiubc of this fact. The truth of the matter Is thnt tho newspaper of nny circulation whatsoever has n vast re sponsibility thrust upon it thnt of nn educator nnd leader in u greater or less degree for nearly all of Itsreadeis Despite the fiequent assertion that "I never believe anything 1 see in the paper" the magic of print really can les conviction to the average mind, whetli cr tha reader really reallzos it or not. The average political crank, or crank along any other line for that matter, him acqulied most of the foundation for his Ideas from the cheap frothiiigK of some lnesponslble nnd highly ptu judiced editor. Tho man who has read real authority on tho subjects on which ho aspires to argue is the man who knows reason. So it seems to us thnt the public has u right to do maud that tho newspapers give thought and consideration to what they publish. That the details of such crimes as are mentioned by the California school board are better left unknown to the child mind can not be denied In any sense. We aru heartily with the school board iu such a re quest. And we fully expect that in tha course of time it will come about that the public will demand morocaie ful editing of all news matter, thnt it may bo safe to believe what is printed Notice of Probate. In Tlie comity Court ol Welisttr County, Nebraska, Statu ol Ntlirnikn, t m. WcliiW-r county, f Toall pirsoiiH InicriHtul In the islntu of .Inn i cm MePnrilnml, Ixci-aMil: TAKK NOI'K'i:, that a t tltlon linn Ik m lllid praylnK thnt tho Mini In thlH court on tho mil day ot Hcptcmhtr, I'JIJ. purporllriK to he the Inst ulll mid UMnintnt ot Kiild d conned, limy he promt nnd nlluwid and recorded lis tho Inst will and tettaitii'iit ol Jamt'H Mrrnrtlnnd, iliccnRtd; Unit Raid liiHtriimiiit hondmlttid to probate, and the ndinliilHtrntlon ol Kald iHlnlo he Krnntid to Anna Mul'a tlnud, Kxtcntrlx ol nnld Inst will and tcRtntncnt. It In hereby ordered by the court, that all permuiH Interested In said estate appinr nt the County Court to be held In nnd (or said county on tliefflth dny ot .September, ll)i:i, nt tea o'clock a. m, to show cause, If any there he, why the prayer ot the petitioner should not ho Krnuted, nnd thnt notice ol tho pend ency ol Raid petition nnd the hcarlnic thereof heaven to all persons Interested In until matter by puhllsliliiK n copy of this order In tho lied Cloud Chief, n lcnl weekly news paper printed In said county for three con- sccutlvu weeks prior to said day of luarliiK. Witness my hand and the sen I of snlil court this nth dny ol September, A. I.. lUCI. A. I). ItANNKV, (Heal.J County .Imluc. Notice of Special Bond Election. SEWER BOND PROPOSITION. In oue of the leading cities of Call dfornia recoutly tho Board of E lucn tioti adopted a resolution asking the .newspapers circulating in their city to refrain from publishing details of heinous ci lines or highly immoral hap 3oniugs. The icqucst was made in the -.uimeof the elilldun of tho public OURS IS THE STORE THAT SELLS WO0LTEX WElSHALL AGAIN EXCELL IN WOMEN'S WEAR In the County Court of Webster County. Nebraska. IN the matter of the estate of Catherine Htmtfhakcr deceased. Cltt:iITOHSnt mild rotate will take notice, that tho time limited for thu presentation and IIIIiik ut Chilian ngnlnt unlit estate Ik April lllth, l'JH; and for the payment of debts Ih September imh,' 1914; thai J will examine hear allow or arijuit nil cIhIiuh, deniamlH, or objections duly lledjitn sessjon of o coun ty court to bo hold In tho eoilhty court room In said county on tho 17th dny or April, 11)14. at tho hour ot 10 o'clock A. M.- Dated this IDlli dsy ot September, lUlil. (Seal). A. 1). It ANNKY, Counly JudKe. In the County Court ot Webster County, Nebraska. In tho mnttcr of tho estate ol Alico Pink cnhlndc r deccMcd. CHKDITOItS ot HUld estate will tnko notice, that the time limited for tho presentation and IIIIiik of clnlniH melast said estate Is April UHh, 11)11; and for the paymentof debts Ih September lllth, lull; that 1 will examine hcitr allow or adjust all clnlms. demauds, or ohjccllonx duly llled at a session of tho coun ty court to ho held In tho county court room In mhl county on the 17th day ot Apill, nil I, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. Ddled this 1 1Mb day ol September, l!ii:i. (Seal). A. II. UANNKY, County Judi;. -NSS V Tls Time to Put That Old Straw Hat in the uiscara. Get a Notice Is hereby glvm to the electors of Illi cit)' ot lied Cloud, Webster county, Nebras ka, pursuant ton resolution adopted by the mayor and council ol Mild city, at a r ijulai meetllii! thiieof September '.'nil, IUI.I, by whk'h resoliillou the council dLtermluid up on a system ol suwernco mid tho estluialeof the cost thereof, that a xpeclal election Is called mid will ho held In said city, at Un usual votlui; places therein to-wlt: In the tlrst ward at thoolllceof the city wntcrnud lUbl superintendent and In thu second uard at thel-'Ireman'H Hall, on tho llth day of October, lill:l, between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. nnd 7 o'clock p. in. at which tho follow liiK proposition IsHUbmltted to ho voted upon: "Shall thu Mayor and City council ot tho city ot Kcd Cloud, Nebraska, ho nuthorlnd to Ihhuu coupon bond to ho deuuuilated Hewer Ilunds of Raid city of Ited cloud, Ne braska, In thu amount of tUleou thousand dollars ludeuomlnatloiiHof five hundred dol lars each, payable to benrer, to become due 'JO years niter the dnte thereof, hut payable any time nfter the expiration ot live years at tho option of said city, nnd hearing not to exceed live per cent mutual Interest and to ho dated tho day of their Issuance, Interest and principal to ho payable nt the olllce of tho state treasurer of Nebraska. Said bonds to hesold not Ickh than par aluo with ac crued Interest and proceeds thereof to he u-ed by Mild city for tho construction ud es liiliMsblnu a system of Noivenmo In and lor said city, said hy.dem not In Include nny law lal or (II Uriel sewer; ami shall the mayoi and council ol Mild city annually levy the iteccMsnry tax upon all Iho taxable propel l within said city. In addition to all otlur taxcti, to pay tho Interest upon Mild bunds, an thoKaiiid may becoiiiudueaiid toJurnlsh asloklim fund for tlu paymcii of thu prln el pal of vild buads, and an annual ta ol not to exceed lo mills on tho dollar ol iMCssi-d vamalloii of the pro erty ot sal I eltylor the purpose of malulaliiliiK and rcpaliluc salil HjHtem ol .'. urn up." 'I'hofeitin y( Iho luillert to ho used on said ulii iluu khall be as follows: Votp for one l-'or Niwerae bonds and taxes .' J Aualiistsuivenuu h'.inds mid lax s j And to bo voted and market by making n oro-H in tho space provided In the mm il milli ner as provided by law. Should u ninjoiit) of the Ii.iIIoIh cut at uich an eltelion bit In favor of sahi proposl don tlio mayor and council ol said c-H .vlll bu iiitthortyed In Ismiiu uiulllieotl ate siid l-iil. aceoidini! to the e millions and for tho purpose specllled In the toreijolnv proixrltliaitiiidasahocoriteuiplnttsrhy tlu Uatuies ol oiiia-,ka ni In suc.'i case provide-) ami It hIiiII be tlu duty of thu uiajoi and clerk o viidelty whenMinuthoiledaud by order of tin- city council iokIkii niidnlltM said iMinddaiid alll Iheieloll.u seal of said city. 'J'hu imi. ils ,ii Mild bonds sh-ill hi paid lo ibe lre.t..i..i. ol said el ) ulKuliIo ii iihl !..," "i ' ini.iie fund, j.p.trl Iron, o'lii i m ,. . t . ;., ;.,. i. .iov ti a i. i w .tj,u ! 1 ai'd i i!J ' "j !; or' ' tl 'omieiland dinwnn-iaitnl theti'i'.u I (oi lid iiui-iuKi! sni-rllli"! -i 1 1 I miMtiit.r jv"D, I ntil thli.Jild day ol ,viu i.bur II' t. l iil.u; i. .1 :i.i., n i; s m i, (ii -ii) ejty i ii ii Mm , 0 u R S I S T H E S T 0 R E T H A T S E L L S W o 0 L T E X IN THE POINT OF VALUE, VARIETY AND EXCLUSIVE STYLES i s Kb Gordon or a Gimbel I Out of our new Fall Line and you will get $3.00 worth of satisfaction. New Suits, Shoes and Shirts are now here. Let Us Show You M CaI ILE,Jil htJy ,l!yjL & i iHiiNliuiH jpjpjpjpjij njnjnjnjnjn njnjnj nnnnnT i , wp- ,H CAMP v.v: Jmm 1 1 Vmi 1 II If III 1 yy 352 CopyrliM 1911 by Tlic II. nitck Co. AS THE ONLY AGENTS IN WEBSTER COUNTY OF THE WORLD'S FAMOUS WOOLTEX COATS AND SUITS Many styles enter into our assortments that never reach any other store in this locality, and as to price, wc undersell all others, quality considered. An assemblage of handsome styles are here for your inspection. Come in and see them whether you intend to purchase or not. jgir 7 'i t M 3--4 CopyrliM 1911 p1 be H. Black Ck THE MINER BROS. CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS 0 u R S I s T H E S T 0 R E T H A T S E L L S W 0 0 L T E X - "A Nighty Safe Place To Trade' OURS IS THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX HP ihCSH S3u UeSvu Dress Goods For Fall Wear W,ehaye much .to interest the woman looking for the very latest in Fall Dress Goods for street.homc and evdning wear. ..Avery large assortment of Fancy Brocaded Silks just received at from $100 to $1.2frpcr yard. Brocaded Wool Goods, Velvets, Serges, Dirgonals, and all the popular Fall Dress Goods in all colors at reasonable prices. Outings. Flannels and Blankets in a large variety of colors, weights and prices All marked very low. Children's and Misses Sweater Coats at from 60c to $5.00. Quality the best. The largest stock of Yarns in the valley, (EwSSH BRRBKRH PHHRES Butterlck Patterns Warner's Rust Proof Corsets UvsA 3SnaA1 SSI iICSwMi zz glw . T yJcaLsBBV -JBBBBBam MasatifeaaLsHaBaaBBBBBt THE CLOTHIER .Relliou', Nebraska Students! Here's the neatest, cleanest, easiest-to-fill fountain pen you ever saw fottlJjiik Self-FilUna Fountain Pen Just think!-for the same price that you would pay for an old style dropper -filler pen, you can get a CONKLIN that Fills itself Cleans itself Never leaks Never "balks" Writes superbly All btylca and sizes of holder and point. Some special styles for students. SOLD BY CI'AS. !.. C3YTING T!'e Druggist. California, Washington, yJ9 Oregon, British Columbia ONE WAY From Principal Nebraska Towns September 25 to October 10, 1913 Through Tourist Sleepers To The Coast Via Salt Lake Route. Scenic Colorado, every dtty; personally conducted Wednes rtnys nnd Saturdays. Via Western Pacific. Scenic Colorado, Feather River Canyon; personally con ducted Wednesday j and Fridays. Via .Seutheril Pacific, Scenic Co'-jrado, Salt Lake, every day; personally cod ducted Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Via Northern Pacific, evory day, through the Northwest, to Spokane, Seattle. Via Great Northern, every day, through the Northwest, to Spokane, Seattle. The undersigned will be pleased to ticket you, nrrange for your through berths in tourist sleepers. JT. C roe, Ticket Agent. L. IV. WAKCLCY, General Paenger Agt. '.ts:wvssi&' 51lSBBeSvAili IIS, '12 locfoini in' 't drlnus torvod a W'aircn'a Ro-.t uir in' . u I Dr. A. B. JMinlliouis Vavrieka Physician and Surgeon ' V Auctioneer '!', .., 1.1,. I i'.r. faction guaranteed. I speak either Bohemian or the a v,... ...;. i . . . . I .tuuuiii-uii 1UUUI1UUU IieuraSKtl r, p. d. , .i, rs;j Mi, Nebraska Ec, Eir, Nosi and Throat Di$ eases Treated. k- Glasrcs Fitted. inayalei