"!" r i .ff RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF FINISHES Ft MARKED PROGRESS PROMISED DURING PRESENT WEEK. TRIBUTE TO MAYOR GAYNOR Jew York Pastors Pay Tribute to Memory of Mayor Gaynor American Refugees In Rebel Hands. Washington.- With tlic tnrirf bill lin ing ((ii)litc(l nml I lie currency bill ( uiuk'r way In tho house t ho present week In congress protulHrs marked progress toward tho Inscribing on tho statute books of the legislation pressed by President Wilson. Tho senate and house conferees settling points In tho tariff bill In disagreement between th two houses, Jiiivo uindo much progress. Tho house IIiIh week will take up tlio currency bill In detail. Refugees In Hantj of Rebels. Mexico City. One hundred Amen caiiH, Including .a uutnber of women and children, refugees from Ton eon. arc reported to have fallen Into the hnnds of rebelH while proceeding over laud to -Saltlllo. The authorities at Halt lllo decline to take the rcHpousI blllty of sending u force to their rcHcue, fearing, they nay, that the robcls might make an attack on Die refugees, which posHlhly otherwise would bo avoided. ' PAID TRIDUTE TO GAYNOR. Mayor Was Mentioned In New York Sermons. New York. From the pulpits of many churches Sunday tributes were paid In Hcrmonfl and pruyeiB to the memory of Mayor Gaynor. At a scoio of churches It was announced that sermons dealing with the life attain ments of the Into major would be preached next Sunday. These ser mons will bo delivered while the body of Mayor (laynor lies In state at the city hall. Veterans at Chattanooga. Cnttunooga, Tenn. llcadqiiuitcis for the forty-soenth annual national encampment of the firand Army of tho dlepubllc. wero opened here Satin day. When Commnnder-ln-Chler Peers and the advance guard or vetetans orrlved hero they found Chnttnnnlgn smoth ered In bunting and as much enthusi asm over tho old flag as they ever haw In any northern city. The (i. A. It. has never had more complete arrange ments made for Its entertainment than this your Jiy tho state of Tennes see. All tho cltlrons of Chattanooga, which la to bo tho first camping place of tho union veterans In the old south, necrn to hnvo entered Into generous rivalry to boo who can spread tho most bunting and contribute most to tho entertainment of tho visitors. Methodist Conference at Lincoln. "Lincoln. Tho Nebraska conference of the Methodist church composed of tho Nebraska, the southwest Nebraska and tho north Nebraska conferences. Is In session hero this week. About 460 delegates to the conference are present. Sundny In many of the Meth odist churches of tho state reviews of the year'B church work woro consid ered nnd In somo Instances leave tak ings of pastors were fentures. Insidious Lobby" Located. Washington. President Wilson's charge that an "Insidious lobby" has been operating at tho national capital will be sustained by tho reports of tho senate nnd house investigating com mittees. A canvass or the members Indicated that the democrats, at least, are a unit in tho belief that evidence developed so far backs up the presi dent. The house committee has planned to closo Its hearings and be ln preparation of its report. Body Mangled by Cars. Lincoln. Phillip Omsler, elghty-llve years old, was instantly killed by a freight car on tho Rock Island cross ing nt Twentieth and Q streets Satur day. Ills shoulders and both legs wont broken, his right foot crushed and par tially amputated, and his head badly bruised nnd cut. Mr. Omsler was walking across tho tracks toward tho west, going to his home. Sallna, Kas. Consideration or plans o bring about an extension or the par cel post system, Including tho raising or the weight limit and the lowering of rates, was one of tho problems be fore tho annual convention of tho farmers' national educational and co operative nssoo'atlon In session here last week. Rome. Cnrdlnnl Joseph Calasano tlus Vivos y Tuto, prefect of the con gregation for religious affairs died hero Sunday. Recently ho had under gone au operation ror appendicitis. New York. Tho body of a man killed August 31 nt Pelhnm parkway by a Now York, 'Now Haven & Hart ford railroad train, has been Identified by several persons as that or "Rig Tim" Sullivan, Uio congressman who has been missing from his brohter's homo In Wllllamsbrldgo for two weeks. His mangled body was Identi fied by his stepbrother, Larry Mulli gan, after It hnd lain for thirteen days Jn a local morgue. Sullivan, who was 111, evaded his nurses early on August SI. and wa sstruck and killed by n train at l'elham parkway. -W DOINGS INJONGRESS WHAT LAWMAKERS AT WASHING TON ARE DOING. Result of Deliberations on More lm. portant Measures Given In Condensed Form. Saturday. Tho Senate. Not In session j meets Monday. Conferees continued deliberations on tariff hill. Committee Investigating West Vir ginia mine stilko continued Investi gation, Tho House. Currency debate con tinued. Adjourned at 11:110 p. m. until noon Monday. Trlday. The Senate-Not In session; meets Monday. West Virginia strike Inquiry com mltteo contltiticil Investigation. The House Ilepresentative Ander son introduced resolution for commis sion to Investigate practices In the house. Labor committee voted to favorably report bill regarding convict made coods. Former Representative .lames K. Wali-on denied ehatges against him made by Martin M Mulluill before lobby Investigating committee. Adjourned at 1 0 : :'. 0 p. in. to II a. m Saturday. Thursday. The Senate Met-at noon, and after falling to agree on a legislative pio gram for next week, adjourned at I: IS p. m. until noon Moudu). Committee Investigating West Vir ginia initio strike heaid coal oper ators. Tho House Sent tariff bill to con ference. Continued debate on the adminis tration currency bill Ilepresentative Anderson of Minne sota resigned from ways and means committee, denouncing democratic enucuJ methods. Resinned currency debate. lleptesentatlvo Treadway of Massa chusetts announced the death of his colleague, Representative Wilder, and after adopting resolutions of sympa thy and respect, the house adjoin net' nt 9:117 p. in. to 11 a. in. Friday. Wednesday. Tho Senate. Steering committor conferred with Piesident Wilson Agreed to currency legislation. Continued nomination of Thomas Fox as postmaster at Sacramento ufter long debate In executive session. Adjourned at 8:.ri0 p. in to noon Thursdny. The House Agreed to close debate on administration currency bill Satur day night and hold day and night ses slons meanwhile . Representative Ksch Introduced a bill to authorize Interstate commerce commission to compel Installation ol automatic train stops, Recessed at 0:10 p. m. to 8 p. in continuing currency debate. Tuesday. Tho Senate Continued debate on tariff bill, and later passed It. Insisted upon senate amendments to tariff bill and asked the house for conferees. Adjourned at (1:10 to 2 p. in. Wed nesdny. Special committee investigating West Virginia mine stock continued hearings. Tho House Administration cur rency bill brought In from the bank ing committee. Adjourned at a-15 p. m, to 11 n. in. Wednesday. Confederates Welcome G. A. R. Washington. A committee of con federate veterans of Vow Orleans, representing over) confederate organi zation in tho city, welcomed a carload of California members of the G. A. It. here Saturday. Tho committee met the Callfornlans at the rallwu station, escorted them to a hotel and there pave a reception In their honor. The visitors were on their way to the Chat tanooga reunion. The confederates told the visitors that the spirit of the recent Gettysburg reunion was alive. Spain Will go Half Way. Madrid The foreign minister an nounces that na soon as olllelal noti fication Is lecelvid of the elevation of the American location at Madrid to an embassy, the Spanish government will at once raise the Washlngon legation to tho embassy rank. Washington, D. C An olllccr or the reclamation service will visit south western Nebraska this fall to Investi gate and icport on the feasibility of obtaining a water supply for Irrigation purposes. Nebraska Federation of Labor. Grand Island. The sixth annual convention of the Stato Federation ot Lnbor closed Its sessions hero Thins day. The following olllcers weru elected: Prcsldont. T P. Reynolds, Omaha, stercotypers union; vice pres ident, H. C. Pente, Lincoln, typo graphical; Nels Larson, Omaha, brow, ery workers; James Whiting, Omaha, stage employes, and M. U. F.ricson Grand Island, clgnrmakers; secretary, treasurer, F. M. ColToy, Lincoln, typo graphical; Bcrgennt-at-nrms, Fred F.ls. ler, Lincoln, curpeuter. GREETINGS I HlHKHA Cacky ! H kBiHf Hsw.rKIHH uw Matt , HfcMHI. ASSSSBsSVWKVsSSIBSSHISBlSSilSsflBlBlslVMiBBBalA JssVsVHIjSTSSBKSSV&y'3BBB Store! - Wf nr fttcfi r viturmiL taik M Jill-UNO TlCTUUt r C. STH. MONEY TO AID AMERICANS' REPUBLICANS OBJECT TO DE FECTS IN ITS PREPARATION. House Passes Emergency Appropri ation Body of Mayor Gaynor Lies in State in Liverpool. Washington. The piogiess of tho currency bill through tho debating stage In the house was inaiked Friday by vigorous republican attacks on the way the measure was piepared by the majority and by a defense from Repre sentative llardwlck of Georgia, who, though he declared the bill was far from perfect, and pointed out what ho considered weie delects In its struc line, announced that. In spite of all Its .faults, he expected to abide by the Judgment of ids paity and vote for lis passage. Body In State in Liverpool. Liverpool. The body of William Jay Gaynor lay In state Filda.v at the loot of the grand stall way of the town hall of Liverpool. It was au unprecedent ed mark or respect that Liverpool paid ,tho dead executive of the American metropolis, for never beforo hnd any ono laid In state In the historic edi fice. Covered with the stars and stripes and with the Hritlsh union Jnck draped over Its foot, the casket rested on a catafalque brought here from Westminster abbey, Iondou, and on which has reposed the bodies of many of Knglnnd's most famous men. It last was used at tho funeral of Field Marshal Lord Wolseley in St. Paul's cathedral last March. MONEY TO AID AMERICANS. House Passes an Emergency Ap propriation. Washington. In response to nn urgent demand from tho stnte depart niont, the house has adopted a joint resolution making an emergency ap propriation of 1100,000 to be used for 'the relief of destitute Americans In 'Mexico nnd for their transportation to the United States. Majority Lender Underwood presented the emergency resolution nnd rend a personal letter from Secretary Uryan asking Immedi ate nctlon. Tho secretary said the de partment was using f 2,000 a day to aid Americans In Mexico, nnd that but $12,000 was available for that purpose. The resolution will go Immediately to the senate. Japan Demands Indemnity. Peking. Japan's demands growing out or the killing or several Japanese at Nanking have been presented to tho Chlncso government. Though full details were not aavlhible, sufficient Information was gleaned to show that the demnnils wore tantamount to nn ultimatum. Au apology, au indemnity and the punishment of the guilty sol diers and ofllclals at Nanking aro re quired to accept the terms without de lay and wlthnutbnrtciing Another Mysterious Disappearance. Lincoln. Glenn Q. Pierce, closo friend nnd late roommato of Paul II. Thompson, the missing deputy fire warden, has added another puzzling element to the mystery surrounding tho dlsappearajico of Thompson Pierce went to Kansas City to help hunt for Thompson, over n week ago. He did not return on tho day he said ho would bo back, and relatives hero nnd In Wnvcrly have heard no word from him since, and are worrying over tho additional complication of the case. Finger Bowls to Be Relegated. Sioux City, In, Because or n too prevalent theory among cortaln people that linger bowls are or close kin to bath tubs, these bowls will no longer be a part or tho "menu" In tho hotels of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and tho two Dnkotas. The Northwestern Hotel Keepers' association has reached such an agreement nnd local hotels nre making announcement. Finger bowls may bo had upon request, but thoso ig norant of their use shall not have them thrust upon them. . . && OAi MAYOR OF NEW YORK STRICKEN IN 'MID OCEAN. German Manufacturers Will Take No Part In Panama-Pacific Exposi tion For Coast to Coast Highway. New York. -William J. (lav nor, mayor of New York city, voyaging over sea on the steamer Ilultlc tu tho hope of regaining his strength to enter the three-cornered municipal campaign as a candidate for re-election, died suddenly on the Raltie. as the steamer was within a few hundred miles of the Irish coast Thursday afternoon. The first news of his death, Hashed by wiieless and i clayed by cable from lOurope, stated that he had succumbed to heart failure. That tho mayor's heart had been In a weakened condi tion for years was the statement of physicians who treated him at the time he was shot in the neck and nl- I most done to death by au Insane dls- I charged employe of the city In August, 11110. They would not declare their belief that the wound inflicted by tho assassin's bullet hnd led directly to his death, but did alllrin that his gen eral resistance hnd been lessened thereby to n very great extent. For Coast-to-Coast Highway. Des Moines, la. Governor George W. Clarke will head the Iowa dele gation which Is to go to Lincoln. Neb., September 211, ior n permanent orgnnl atlon of the Coast-toJCoast highway, which had Its Initial get-together meeting in Den 'Moines August 14. The governor will urge tho state highway commission to attend. Governors of three states, Iown, Nebraska and Colo rado, will bo present and lend their Influence to the cause of this great new highway which already has its organization complete for an unbroken and uniformly marked road from Chi cago to Salt Lake City, a distance of over 1,600 miles. GERMANY WILL NOT EXHIBIT. That Conclusion Reached by Manufac turing Firms. Herlln. Tne commercial treaty or ganlzntion, engaged in furthering Ger man trade, considered the advisability or Germany participating In the Pana ma-Pacific exposition at San Francisco In 1915. It reached the same conclu sion as the government commission nnd Is ngalnst German participation. Manufacturers onnosed representation anil the railure or several scores or firms to renlv to the association's re quest ror Information Indicated that they were not concerned In the expo sition. Quakes on Martinique. Fort De Francet Martinique. A scries of enrth shocks occurred here Sunday morning. The shocks iium beied thirty, but no material damage Is reported. Bad Fire at Norman. Hastings Neb. Hair or Norman, a small vlllago southwest or here, Is In ruins as the result or nn early morn ing fire that started In tho Williams hardware store. All or the buildings nre on the east side of tho strcot and Include tho hnrdwaro store, the hotel, cream station and postofllce. Fortu nately thoro was little wind or the whole town would have gono, Tho flro was discovered at about It o'clock and tho prevailing theory Is that oiled rags In the hardware storo Ignited spontaneously. Report Currency Bill. Wnshington. The administration currency teform bill, ns approved by the democratic caucus, was reported to tho houso from the committee on banking nnd currency by Chairman Glass, A voluminous report, Including n lengthy technical discussion of tho theory of tho bill, accompanied tho measure, setting forth the views of tho democrats on tho committee Rep resentative Hayes of California pre seated n report from tho republicans, criticising tho measure and proposing I various amendments. I 10 II SPEC! SC HIS TAX COMMISSIONERS FIX DATES OF MEETING. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Flans for Inspection of high schools which nre to benefit under the pro visions of the Shumway act of the last legislature, were outlined at n confer once held by State Superintendent Delzell, High School Inspector A. A. Heed, Principal H. K. Bradford of the stute agricultural school, 1'. II. IJarker of the agronomy department and Dean Rurnult or the agricultural college. Nineteen schools In nil have been des ignated to receive aid rrotn the $15,000 fund provided In the Shumway law. The amount each receives will depend upon the extent to which the work is undertaken In each institution. The schools which are to take up the four eur agricultural courses are: Alliance. Al'iiu, Aurora, Hcnlrice, Ulalr, Crete, Fairfield, Gothenburg, Hastings, Hoi drege, Kimball count) high school, O'Neill, Pawnee City. Red Cloud, South Omaha. St. Paul, Stromaburg, Tecum ten, Wuhoo and York. Claim Allowance Too Small. Only about 40 per cent of the volume of water claimed by the Kearney Water & Klectric Power company as the amount which it is entitled to take from the Platte river bus been allowed by the state board of Irrigation. In n set of findings prepared by State Fn glneer Price, which the board adopted, tho Kearney company Is given authori ty to divert 140 cubic feet per second for power purposes and 22 cubic feet for irrigation. In its application filed with the board last December, the com pany asked permission to take 400 cubic feet per second for power and Hi" cubic feet for irrigation. Tho com pany cluims that lis needs are meas ured by these figures and it will prob ably appeal from the allowance mad by the bonrd as Inadequate. Tax Commissioners Make Dates. Members or the state tax commis sion have fixed tho first and third Fri days or each month as regular meeting da.es ror the body. Special gatherings will be held from time to time on the call of the chairman or upon a unani mous demand from the other members. The woik or future meetings is to bo subdivided Into sections nnd differ ent subjects are to be considered nt each meeting. On September 10 tho commission will hear representatives of the various insurance companies of the state give changes which they be lieve should be enacted in the laws governing the tnxntlon of such con cerns. During the state bankers' meet ing the problem of bunk taxation will be given and problems affecting coun ty assessors nnd county commission era will be taken up at the state gath erings to be held here In January. Will Pay All Expenses. "Tho Nebraska state fair will pay out," declared Secretary Mellor of tho stato agricultural board after officially reviewing the receipt and expense nc count of the big exhibition. "We have made few permanent Improvements during the year nnd although our actual expense list was Just us largo as ever, we believe that we will not lose a cent by reason of the decreased attendance. Wo are glad wo drew the crowds that we did. The big showing inndo the flnul day through tho efforts of our Omaha and South Omaha pec pie was what told the talo of loss or gain for this year. If they had fallen down on us we would huvo been up against it. As It was, their aid made Friday the best day we have ever had In the history of the state fair." Miss Minnie Murphy of Humboldt has been recommended by Warden Fenton of the stnte penitentiary for tho matronshlp of that Institution. The board of control will fill the place within it short time. Promulgation of a rule by the board prohibiting em ployment of more than one relative of an Institution head caused the resigna tion of Mrs. Fenton, who has been act ing ns matron since the first of the year. The supreme Trlbo of Hen Hur hns filed nn application In federal court asking for n permanent Injunction against the Insurance code law which went into effect In July. The petition asks that John H. Morehend, governor of tho stnto of Nebraska, Grant G. Martin, ntorney general; William B. Howard, auditor or public accounts, nnd Lnwson G. Brian be ponnanontly enjoined rrom eniorclng any of tho provisions of senate file 3C4, or from performing any of the duties of the bonrd of Insurance commissioners cre ated by this law. Drouth was Costly. The dry weather will cost tho state considerable money, according to Hen ry Gordees, of tho bonrd of control. As nn example, ho said tho stato has 2G5 ehoats at tho Kearney Industrial school for boyo nnd there is not a grain of corn on tho land of tho Institution to feed them. AH tho corn raised there has been cut up nnd put Into a silo. Thero aro 150 head of cattle at the In stitution nnd somo of tho stock must be disponed of or the state must buy low priced cn" kiUlC- A Fact. "My dear, those high-heeled shoe were a blunler on your pnrt." "I guess I did put my foot In It." For Sunburn, Insect Bites. Ivy Poison or any other skin Inflam mation ub Tyree's Antiseptic Powder and get quick relief. 25c. at drug gists. Sample sent free by J. S. Tyree Washington, U. C Adv. A Better Bliss. "Don't you think a man must bo happy when he takes his queen by tho hnnd?" "Not as happy ns tho man whe takes four queens In his." THE BEST TREATMENT FOR ITCHING SCALPS, DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR To allay itching and irritation of th icalp, prevent dry, thin and falling hair, remove crusts, scales and dan druff, and promoto tho growth oad beauty of tho hair, tho following spa tial treatment is most effective, ngrco ablo and economical. On retiring, comb tho hair out straight all around, then begin nt tho sldo and make a parting, gently rubbing Cutlcura Oint ment Into tho parting with a bit of soft flannel held over tho end of the linger. Anoint additional partingB about half an Inch apart until tho whole scalp has been treated, the pur pose being to got tho Cutlcura Oint ment on the scnlp skin rather than on tho hair. It is well to placo a light covering over tho hair to protect tho pillow from posslblo stnln. The next morning, shampoo with Cutlcura Soap nnd hot water. Shampoos nlono may bo used as often as agreeable, but onco or twice a month Is generally sufficient for this special treatment for women's, hair, ' Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each frce.wtth 32-p. Sktn Hook. Address posk card "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, Boston." Adv. Japanese Courtesy. A country where courtesy Is a busi ness, and business but a gentle avo cation, reflects Its peculiarity In tho most trifling details of conduct. Such a country Is Japan and such a detail recently came Into notice when a city electric bureau of Tokyc asked the patrons on its street car lines how they preferred to bo addressed when it was necessary to urgo them to "move up." Out of tho 2,710 sugges tions sent in the Independent sulccts. and translates six, as rollows: "Thoso not getting ofr. to tho mid dle, please!" "The middle Is moro comfortnblc!" "I'm sorry, but all movo on by one strap!" "There's a pretty girl about the middle or the car!" "A pickpocket has just come on board!" The municipal authorities frowned, somewhat upon the last throe sugges tions, but the conductors will be taught to uso some of the other forms. Is It posslblo that the Japanese hope to enjoy an efficient traction service on Buch terms? Apparently they hope to, and we pass along the Jnpanese Idea as a helpful hint to tho gentle men who Jerk a gong ( the hear of our own street cars. Perfectly Safe. "Uetter lap up that split milk," said the first cat. "If tho missus sees the mess you'll catch fits." "Not me," said tho second feline "The woman I live with blames every thing on her husband." Louisville Courier-Journal. Everything Relative. Madge This summer seems to be much cooler than last. Marjorlo You must remember, dear, that you'ro not wearing so many clothes. Judgo, At Last. "I have Just taken a parting look, at Mrs. Gadders, who died yesterday." "Did she look natural?" "No, her chin was still." GROWING 3TRONGER Apparently, with Advancing Age. "At tho age of 50 years I collapsed from excessive coffee drinking," writes a man In Mo. "For four years I sham bled about with tho aid of crutches or cane, most of tho time unable to dress myself without help. "My feet were greatly swollen, my right arm was shrunken and twisted Inward, the fingers of my right hand wero clenched and could not bo ex tended except witli great effort and pain. Nothing scorned to glvo mo moro than temporary. relief. I "Now, during all this tlmo and for nbout 30 years previously, I drank dally an average of 0 cups of strong coffee rarely missing n meal. "My wife at last took my caso Into her own hands and bought some Postum. Sho mndo it nccordlng to di rections and I liked it fully us well as tho best hlgh-grado coffee. "Improvement set in nt onco. - In about G months I began to work a lit tle, and In less than a year I was very much better, Improving rapidly from day to day. I am (now In far better health than most men of my yenrs and nppnrently growing stronger with ndvanclng age. "I am busy every day nt somo kind of work nnd nm nblo to keop up with the procession without a enno. The arm nnd hand that woro onco almost uboIcss, now keop rnr ahead In rapidity or movement nnd beauty of penman ship." Nnmo given by Postum Co., Rattle Creek, Mich. Wrlto ror copy or tho lit tle book. "Tho Road to Wellvlllo." Postum comes In two forms: Regular PoBtum must be well boiled Instant Postum la n soluble powder A teaspoonful dissolves quickly In i cup of hot water nnd, with tho addl tlnn of cream nnd sugar, makes a de llclnus boverago Instantly, "Thero's a reason" for Postum. J .'SuAfa't lk n- .!'. ,-liU, ft V im miM ML3m&4MU kWMsVfafcU 'fWaf-fcrtLwxuwrt.s-' UW.-4MV Jjw jfji niki