The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1913, Image 2

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I I missionary, stepped from
I .1... . ., .,lr rf 1... A 1 1 n .
tic Transport liner Minne
apolis in Now York, took u
urfaco cur ovor to Uroadway, wont
to Twenty-third ntroot, stared up at
tho lofty height of tho Metropolitan tower, and
If you had been closu enough you perhaps
would havo noted that It wan a queer, mlrthleBs
llttlo laugh. Then tho Hov. Mr. Iianka went over
clo8o to tho utono rlso of tho great building nnd
patted it. lie had reason to. It wan that build
lng that had saved his Ufa threo months beforo
fts ho sat in a tent In tho middle of the Arabian
desort with thirty murderous Arabs squatting on
tho ground around' him nnd monotonously whet
ting tho long knives with which tlioy would cut
him Into small pieces. Could you blamo him for
a feeling of friendliness for that cold, ruthlesB
granite which ho caressed?
Mlsslonury Hank tells it thus: "I had been
working nmung them for threo years tho desert
Arabs," ho began. "I'd lenmed 'their Inngungo
and their customs, nnd I was practically ouo of
them, riding and pitching my tent and working
with thorn like a brother. And they were broth
ers worthy of tlm nnmo, thoso wllil, freo men
to whom honor Is tho (lrst consideration. Now
York could tnko many a lesson from thorn In
morals nnd In respect townrd women.
"Ono night we pitched camp after a hot day's
ride, and as darkness fell wo wero suddonly
aroused by a courier ftom another of our camps
with tho news that tho Aneza, a warlike and mur
derous trlbo, had attacked and carried off soveral
women and children.
"That was a signal for nil our able-bodied men
to rldo to tho other enmp nnd try to recover tho
kidnaped women and children. In flvo mlnutoa
tho bent of tho hoofs of tho ponies had died out
In tho dark, and I was tho only man loft In our
"I crawled Into my tent nnd wont to sloop. It
must havo boon near midnight when I was awak
ened by the sound of hoofs. I imagined our own
men returning and paid no attention until tho
flap of tho tent was laid back and five strango
Arabs entered. Each held n long knlfo, and bo
foro I could roll off my blnnkot thoso knives
woro forming a circle within an Inch of my
throat. I lay still.
"Silently moro and moro mon entered tho tent,
all with tho long desert knives. I know thon
they woro tho Anezn. Thoy had learned of tho
departure of our men, nnd had slipped Into tho
camp to steal In tholr absence.
For a tlmo not a word camo from tho lips of
this ferocious desort band of marauders, bont
upon plllngo nnd murder. Stealthily thoy crept
About the tent examining our luggage Thoy
broke open my chest nnd tumbled out upon tho
blanketed ground tho few treasured books I pos
sessed, tho trinkets I had saved as memontoos of
my Journeys through tho wild regions, a few
gifts thnt Borved to remind mo of pleasant memo
ries among tho tribes In which I had passed
months of plonsurablo labor.
Tho gaudy trinkets of American manufacture
they pouncod upon like children turned looso In
a toy shop. Thoy woro quick to npproprlnto ex
tra blankets, boots and a couplo of saddlos. Hut
all tho while I could havo no doubt from their
men, nnd I doubted not tholr actions when my
nationality and my mission should bo discovered.
"Ono hugo black follow seemed to bo tho
loader. Then, for tho first tlmo, In tho tlnro of
a torch ho carried, thoy seemed to notice that my
kin was white. In nn Instnnt tho discovery
created tho greatest excitement. Sovoral lunged
forward with tholr knlvos, as though to cut It
short right there, but tho chief waved them back,
crt for all tho attention they bestowed upon mo.
Tho search ovor, thoy gnthorod around moro
closely. Meantime It Is needloss to say I was
frightened. I knew tho ferocity of these wild
All this time but llttlo attention had been paid
to my prosenco. I might bo a natlvo of tho des
actions thnt. they wero hunting for gold. Thoy
wore convinced the party was well supplied with
money and proposed to havo It. Thoy wero de
termined on that score, and thoy hold life- worthless.
"I did not
know then,
t li o ugh I
learned aft
erward, that
thoy had
h o o n I) u t
o n o whl to
man boforo.
That m (i n
nover has
coiiio out of
tho desert.
1 1 o was
ulaln ns a
sacrifice. It
looked ns
though 1
was about
to sharo his
"Tho chief
add rcsscd
mo In Ara
b I c, and
wan surprised when I answerod him In tho
) same tongue.
wo musi kiii you, no sum, wi n.-
no hurry. Wo shall wait.'
"As though acting on tho suggestion, tho
thirty black fiends squatted In a soml-circlo
about mo and fell slowly and deliberately to
sharpening their knives.
'"There Is no hurry,' tho chiof said again.
'Wo must do so beforo tho coming of day,
thnt Is all.'
"Then In a flaBh It camo bnck to mo that I
hnd 1 card from men of our own trlbo that tho
Anezn wero sun worshippers, nnd that It was tho
greatest of nil religious crimes among them to
com..iit murdor when tho sun tholr god was In
tho ascendancy. Like a shot It camo to mo that
If I could delny tho execution until sunrlso my
life would bo suved. Hut how?
"Tho hopo seemed futllo. I wondered what
tlmo It was. I know It wns nftor midnight. Ab
I lay on my blankets, watching thoso hideous
blnck fnces that wero doubly black and grotesquo
In tho weird llamo of tho torches, I began to work
my hand slowly toward my pocket whoro I kept
my watch. I got It otiUnnd dropped my eyes 4o
tho face. s In tho gloom I could mnko out tho
hands pointing to 2 o'clock. It wns nearly throo
hours to sun-up. There was not tho ghost of a
chunco of holding thorn off until then.
"lint, Just tho bamo, I kept trying to figure It
out In my mind to dovlso somo plan to that end.
And mennwhllo I began to witness the services
thnt wero to precede my death. Squatting there
with tholr black legs crossed that grim soml
circlo of fiends began to rock slowly bnck nnd
forth from tho hips, humming n strango, un
canny, minor monotone. Out In front tho big
chief led them. It wns tho Aneza sacrlllco pre
lude, so to Bpeak. And I was to be tho sacrlllco.
"I tell you, It got Into my nerves. I don't think
I nm a natural coward, but half rythmlrnlly,
keeping time, ns It woro, to the beating chant of
thoso voices and tho sway and swing of tho black
bodies, I heard my tooth begin to click.
"1 glanced ovor my shouldor to tho other (lap
of tho tent. An I did so tho Arab chief seemed to
dlvlno my thought, for at a motion of his hand,
tho soml-circlo moved forward a couplo of feet
closer and, squatting again, wont on with tho
gruesome ceremonies. Thoro wns no chance of
cscnpo by (light, that was certain.
"Hut never for a moment did 1 stop thinking;
struggling to drng an Idea out of tho confusion In
my brain. And all tho tlmo the Aneza went on
wliettlng tho knives nnd crooning nnd swaing.
"Half an hour, then an hour went by. I count
ed tho minutes, for I know they measured the
time left me yet to llvo. And then, suddenly, I
turned cold. My heart leaped and something till
ed my throat. It was tho Idea 1 had been comb
ing my brnln for, nnd It wns n chance, ever bo
faint, perhaps, but still a chanco.
"Across tho tent, not ten foot distant, was my
trunk with my sterooptlcon lantern, nnd my
slides slides I had mado of New York city, of
tho Metropolitan tower nnd Mroadway, and nil
tho othor sights of homo. Could I but 1 I
must! Speaking in Arab, I addresosd tho chlof.
Heforc tho tlmo enmo to mnko tho sacrlllco I had
something to show them something tho like of
which thoy had nover seen! Would thoy llko to
sco It?
"Hreathless, I nwnlted tho answer. Thero wob
sllenco; thon It cntne. Tho chief would llko to
too. I pointed to tho trunk. They brought It to
mo. I unpacked tho lantern nnd set It up, tho
long knives wero following mo not two Inches
nway tho while. Tho Bldo of tho tent was tho
screen. I lighted tho lantern nnd dropped In tho
first slldo. Across tho clrclo of light floated In
color tho groat Metropolitan tower. As It did so
tho muttering murmur of tho death prelude wav
ered nnd died out.
"Thoro was n sllenco; then sharp words of
mystery, or wonder, of fear. Working swiftly,
I killed tho exterior of tho tower nnd shot Into
Us plnco a vlow of its Interior, then another and
another. I followed with pictures from Its top
pictures of tho river, of Hroadway below, of
motor cars tearing nlong with no visible means
of locomotion, of tho loom of giant skyscrapers
In tho distance, of hugo bridges acrosB tho Kast
river, of steamboats and llnors running out of tho
harbor, of Miss Llborty on Dedloo's Island nnd of
tho marvolous tanglo of Conoy Island.
"Tho death prelude was forgotten. Tho fear
gavo place to an overgrowing wonder. The
semicircle leaned forward, a mass of pooring,
crowding black heads and black shoulders;
caught, lost, enmeshed In tho spell of tho old
magic lantern.
"I alone, I bellovo, remembered tho present.
My murderers wero too engrossed, too nBtoundcd
by what they saw, to remember. Hut I prayed
only thnt tho pictures would hold out; that tho
spell would not fall. It was n trying time. Aft
erward I found 1 hud bitten half through my lip,
but nt tho tlmo I felt nothing. I dared not pnuso
to glance at my watch, but still I held them thero
ns tho minutes dragged to hours.
"At lust tho final picture went Into tho lantern.
For a desperate Instant I felt my heart go down.
What could I do? Would thoy remember If I
repeated? Would thoy Hut beforo I could
comploto the thought In through tho canvas on
trnnco of tho tent thoro stolo a thin, golden
thread. It crept across tho floor nnd rested on
tho face of the black chlof. It was the sun!
"With a short cry tho chlof Jumped to his feet.
Tho othors followed, talking excitedly. For a
moment they glanced nt me, but I sprang to tho
(tap of the tent nnd torn It back.
"'The day!' I shrieked in Arab, and nt the cry
thoy fled pell-mell from tho tent and beyond the
camp to their horses."
Tho Itov. Mr. Hanks stopped nnd smiled.
"When they woro gone," ho said, "I sat dowu
on tho ground and cried."
Sheridan's writing wns n scandal to his school
nnd puzzled tho town. He onco wrote a "pass"
to Drury Lnno, nnd tho doorkeeper stopped Its
bearer nnd Immediately pronounced it to bo n
forgery, bocniiBo ho could decipher It! To
mnko matters worse, Sheridnn was nlso uncertain
In his spelling. A "which," a "where," nnd a
"whother" In IiIb hands, for Instnnce, wero aa
often as not deprived of their "alches," and a
"thing" was to him always a "think" and nothing
The atrocious writing of celebrities recnlls th
claim once made on behalf of Ilnron Uramwell
that ho wroto threo hands: "One which ho nlono
could rend, anothor which his clerk could rend
and ho couldn't, nnd a third which nobody could
road," and tho last-nnmed was his usual style.
Lord Curzon, when a young man nt college,
onco found his bad handwriting stand him in
good Btead. Writing two letters, ono to a rela
tive, tho other to a chum, ho encloses them In
tho wrong envolopes. It chnnccd that In tho sec
ond letter he had mado somo uncomplimentary
referenco to his relative, and on discovering tho
mlstako ho had mado ho awultcd developments
with anxiety. Thero presently camo n letter from
tho undo. "1 havo tried to decipher your eplstlo,"
It ran, "but your writing Is so ntroclous that I
cannot make head or tnll of It. However, I guess
tho drift of It to bo that you need somo money,
you rogue, bo I enclose n check."
Had handwriting Is not nlways a handicap In
life. The late Lord Goschen onco said that his
father attributed tho foundations of his fortune to
tho fact that ho wns nbllged to found n Arm be
cause he wrote such n bad hand that no ouo
would tnke him for a clerk. Of Goschen himself,
Mr. Arthur Klllot records that "his handwriting
got steadily worse, and In his Intter years he
might hnvo spelt as ho choso. At length his
script became undecipherable, oven by himself.
Ho could not, when spoaklng in parliament, make
out what It was that he had put on paper, nnd
he thus camo in later days to abandon almost en
tirely his old practlco of making notes."
Professor nincklo hnd n peculiar "fist." An
elderly compositor on tho Scotsman, however,
knew nearly all about tho professor. One night
thero wns a particularly difficult manuscript from
tho professor. It wob put boforo tho expert, with
an Inquiry ns to whether or not ho could set it.
"I could not do that," said tho veteran from
Inverary; "but If I'd ma pipes hero I could play
her." Tit-mts.
Tho ancients employed nmbor ns n medicine,
and It Is still prescribed by physicians In France'.
Gormnuy and Italy. Several chomlsts In Paris
keep It constantly In stock. It has boon worn by
ladles and children from tlmo Immemorial as an
nmulet, sometimes carved Into "nmphorno," and
has been pronounced of servlco, cither taken In
tornally or worn around the neck. Cnlllstratus
gavo tho name of chryselektron to nmbor of a
clear golden color, which, worn nround the neck,
cured nguo, ground up with honey and roso oil
It was a specific for denfnoFs and with Attic
honey for dimness of sight. Hut to como to moro
recent times, Perora says in tho third edition of
his "Mnterla Medlca," published In 1S53, that am
ber was not oven then employed as a medicine In
this country, but that "It was formerly used In
chronic catarrhs, amennorhoea, hysteria, etc., nnd
was given cither In tho form of a powder, In
doses of ton grains to a drachm, or In that of n
tlncturo, n formula for both of which Is contnlned
In porno of tho Huropoan formularies. Family
"I wish I had Rockefeller's monoy."
"Would tho possession of Rockefeller's money
mako you happy?"
"I don't know. I was thinking how unhappy it
would make Rockofoller."
Has Been an Independent Coun
try Since Year 1001.
It a Beautiful Land of Immense End
less Plains, Great Rivers, Lovely
Lakes, Deep Forests and Most
Magnificent Mountains.
London. Although tourists In Hun
gury have discovered mineral springs
and baths whoso waters coutuiu medi
cinal properties, they havo not yet In
vaded tho charming country districts.
Not fur from tho fushlonublo hotels
nnd fcanlturlums, are queer, quaint llt
tlo villages nover seen by travelers of
tho beaten path.
It Is a beautiful country of Immense
endless plains, gicat rivers, lovely
lakes, deep forests and magnificent
mountains. Since 1001 it has been uu
independent sovereign stnto nnd a
kingdom, over which nt present IiIb
majesty, tho Kmporor Franz Joseph,
iu king. Ills subjects include 9,000,000
Magyars, light nnd handsome, who oc
cupy the fertllo plains; 5,000,000 Slavs
in the outlying districts and Croatia;
3,000,000 ollvocomplcxloncd Roumani
ans on tho hills and mountains; 2,000,
000 Germans on tho edges of tho Car
pathians and Transylvania; 1,000,000
mixed races, a largo part of which uro
gypsies or Jews.
Thoro Is plenty of room everywhere
and everything is far apart. A church,
an Inn, and a few rows of neat little
houses mako up tho villages. Somo of
tho very best residences aro surround
ed by specious grounds and a hlgr
spiked fence. Many of tho cottages nrn
painted In pnlo yellow ochro and havo
roofs of brownlsh-grny tiles. A bluo
bund about two foot wide Is painted
around it Just below tho eves, and Is
stencilled by tho women with red nnd
orungo fruit nnd (lowers. A narrower
pl.-.ln bluo stripe surrounds tho bottom
of tho walls. This color denotes that
the occupants nro of Slnvonlc descent
Gypsies use yellow instead of bluo.
Tho gablo end of tho house Is usual
ly i.ext to tho toad, and etrctchen back
a long dlstnncc into n yard, where
there Is a draw-well. In a small arch
over tho doorway may be seen a pic
turn of tho Madonna. It Is not custom
nry to knock beforo entering nny
house or room, and all doors contain
bo much glass that thero is very little
privacy even In bed chambers.
Tho small homes aro lmmaculatoly
clean and neat nnd thero is .usually a
green-tiled stove. Tables, chairs and
boxes aro richly carved in old native
designs. Strips of handsomely em
broidered linen dono In indigo bluo or
paprika red, often hang from tho raft
ers or on tho walls. Tho towns aro pa
trolled at night by watchmen who are
ASBBvgB ails MfcY5C.iasflBVSJreg BEfjtfeyffif
"It tho dachshund wero the king of dogs, what
kind of a class would he be in?"
"I suppose, a sort of squatter sovereignty."
Typical Hungarian Village.
obliged constantly to blow a long, low
noto to provo beyond doubt that thoj
aro not uBleep!
Everybody dresses elaborately In a
riot of vivid colors, tho different vil
lages clinging to different styles.
Peasant women of Agram wear snowy
linen made with many pleats; Jackets
nnd sleeves are richly ombroldcrcd in
red nnd orango; purplo lino drapes the
head. In Zsdjar bodices aro orna
mented with broad bands of gold and
silver embroidery; sleeves being of
whl to linen with crimson nt tho
shoulders. Girls go bareheaded with
hair oiled down tight nnd (lut. Fas
toned to tho back of tho head Is n tomato-colored
sash which soparatos
Into threo streamers thnt pass beneath
the waist baud and reach to tho knees.
On their feet aro block top-boots with
fancy heels.
Vounrj Child Killed in Front of Street
Car When Brushing Pet to
New York. In a desporato on
deavor to b.ivo a Bmall kitten whlct
had wandered on tho car tracks Id
Front street, Hrooklyn, from being run
down by a Fifth avenuo trolley car,
Tesslo Calabra, flvo years old, of G
Front Btroet, rnn fn front of tho car,
brushed tho animal aside and was nor
Belf run over instantly killed.
Tesslo and other llttlo girls wore
playing In front of hor home with sov
eral kittens which woro born recently
to tho Cnlabra family cat. Ono of the
llttlo animals Jumped out of Tesslo'F
lap, ran Into tho street and sat dlrcctlj
in front of a car. Without a moment't
hesitation Tesslo, amid tho warning
cries of her companions, leaped to hei
feet and ran Into tho street to save hor
pot Tho car, which wns going at o
high rato of speed, was upon hor be
fore sho could regain her feet aftei
having shoved the kitten to safety.
Rheumatism Is Torture
Many pains that pass aa rheumatism
are due to weak kidneys to the failure
of the kidneys to drive off uric acid
When you suffer achy, bad joints.back
nctie too, dizziness and some urinary
disturbances, get Doan's Kidney Pills,
the remedy that is recommended by over
150,000 people in many different lands.
Doan's Kidney Pillj help weak kid
neys to drie out the uric acid which
is the cause of backache, rheumatism
and lumbago.
Here's proof.
"PlM-V PIctUTf
lull a Slnry."
M. C. Wnlker.
DOS Grand Ave .
(.'onncravlllp, Ind.,
n: "l-'ur ten
Jra I had mus
cular rht-umiitltm.
I wns liihl up In
bed and couldn't
move n limb.
Dusters nnd hut
nppllcfltlona failed
Tlie flrl box of
Doan's K I il n i y
l'llls liPlpcd ru
nnel two morn
boxes prrmnncnt
ly cured me."
Cat Donn't at Any Store. BOe Bos
Canadian Has Pleasant Possibilities lit
His Proposed Raising of
Black Foxes.
Probably few, If any, men In this
province havo started a black fox
farm at less cost than Robert Row
ley, proprietor of tho Laurentldo pre
serves nt Lake Edward, says a Quo
bee correspondent of tho Montreal
Onzetto. While up at Robcrval Mr.
Rowley heard that a man there had
four young pups, part red and part
black. It Is said that nobody wanted
to buy the animals, though tho price
was about $10 or so n head. Mr.
Kowlcy gavo tho man his price. The
next morning Mr. Pridmnn, manager
of tho black fox ranch of Lieutenant
Governor Wood of New Hrunswick,
who had been scouring the country
for young stock, saw tho foxes and
Immediately wont Into tho hotel nnd
In front of every ono present offered
Mr. Rowley several thousand dollars,
but was refused. When tho villagers
realized tho offer somo of thorn al
most collapsed on the spot and the
placo has boon fox crazy ever slnco
Mr. Rowley Is nlso purchasing s
pure blnck dog fox at n very small
sum and will cross it with the llttci
which ho got so cheaply. He expecti
to hnvo a litter, of puro bluck foxei
next Bprlng.
Man She Wanted.
"Will you marry mo?" he asked.
Sho paused for a moment beforo
she replied. Then she said:
"Listen carefully, please. You are
a man of ordinary abilities nnd per
fectly conventional Ideas. You
haven't the slightest conception of
tho new world movement which la
now tnklng place. You are intensely
blind to all of its radicalism, intense
ly unoriginal, satisfied to be an In
tellectual nonentity, engrossed In thnt
"horrible, stagnating thing known as
business, nnd a mental slavo to tho
opinions put forth by your dally pa
per. I am a true feminist, an Individ
ual searcher, bound by no ties, seek
ing the highest self-expression In nd
vanco art forms and acknowledging
no preconceived standards. Will I
marry you? Of course I will. You're
lust tho man I want." Life.
The New Woman.
Mrs. Knicker Aro you going to taki
a courso in business college?
Mrs. Mocker Yes; I want to Hnd
out how to gut moro money out of
Juck. Judge.
A lot of dead ones In every town
tro holding out on the undertaker.
A correct guess passes for wisdom
with the mnn who makes tho guess.
and Cream
Thin bits of choicest
Indian Corn, so skilfully
cooked and toasted that
they are deliciously crisp
and appetizing.
Easy to Serve
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Post Toasties