H5Si5SiMwl5EMiSiiSHa(iiWi mmmm ..i$mMrt.M-Va.TV AfcMt-f-fclr vii ..! i i r.s RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF VSS TgSn; IVET HANDLE THE f Kentucky and Superior GRAIN DRILLS Two of the meat Know Grain Drill on the Market Today. V 8 Notice of Special Bond Election. .SEWER BOftl PKOPC'tlllON. ilhCSlI 1& vTc Whitaker & Buckles SSvsAeS'i, 3nE 3n3C 7 Sotl( Is In rcl. kIm 11 lei Hum Ii dor of tin ill ol Unli limil, Wi biter coiinij, Nehru ktii pursuant Ion irwiliitloii iiiloi tnl liy the nmor mill council of said cltj, t :i riuular MiiilliiH then of Suploinber 'Jnd, Illl.l. by m lili h resolution tin- count II Mete ruiluiM up mi ii MjNtPin ol ii-Muriiiiu ami tlio ntlniatoof Ihiicoit lliinof, Unit a sptohil election Is rallnl mill will bo held In wild city, nt Un usual oIIiik place then In t.ilti In tin llrl -ard at thnulllccof the city uatcraud lli!litKiiiirliili iiiliiitanil In the second ward nt thel'lronum' Hull, on Die lltli day of October, llii:i, helium the hours of H o'clock a. in. mill 7 o'clock p. in, at which the follow tin; proposition IsHUbinllted tuboNolid upon: "hlmll tlio .Mayor ami Mty Council o( tho ell) ol lliil (.loud, Nebraska, ho autliurliil to Issue (onpon liiimlo to In) ili-iiionlatiil sew r llmiilsof said elt ol Itul ( loiiil, Nt luaska. In tin- aiiiounl ol llltun ihoiisaml ilollius hull nominal Ions ol ihi hiiiulnil ilul SCHOOL ntMMBMiiaiHH SSi DRESSES School timo is almost here. Have you your children properly' outfitted yet. or are you going to wait until the last minute and then be rushed. Better prepare now. "Toile Du Nord" Ginghams. 12c. 14c and 15c per yard. -:- -:- "Red Seal Zephyr" Ginghams. 15c and 25c per yard. -:- -:- These Ginghams compare favorably with the best on the market. They mane excellent every day dresses. Get yours now. Now that Fall House Cleaning is here you will begin to think about that new RUG You are going to need. We carry a full line in all sizes. -:- -:- -:- HOW ABOUT THAT IRON BED We have them and the price is right. Evarthlng In the Furniture Line ROY SATTLEY Furniture Dealer and Licensed Embalmer (SUCCESSOR TO 4. E. ATKINS) AIL THE PHONES r ilollius hull uniuliuillinisnl llw iiiiiuinii mil j Tp lursi ach, p.ijalili to hi an r to hi mini ilin J m ' ji ii t m it fit r tin ilalc thereof hut p.i.uib'ol j W) am 1 1 no a Iti i tin i iltatlon ol iim wiiimii 0'Un opiii.noi .ahl i li.i. anil hc-ininc not jP im'iiiIIIm pi '( cut animal intin si ami in i f 1 hi iluliil tin il.ij ol their Issuance, tut list 1 rpri y.hrf f J ami pi liu Ipal to he pa. ahlc at the oltlcc of lHJ'y' WJIi BARBARA PHARES Bulterlck Patterns Warner's Rust Proof Corsets w3 nU 3 A s SMOKE s tin Ntali In-nsiiicr of Ni lnaska. Said btintls to he sold not less than par value H li ac itiii d liitiicsl ami proctitis lliciot lo he ntilh) Mildcitj (or tlio consti iictlon Hint cs ttihllshluu a sjstcin of ew rattu In and for hiiIiI (lt., said system not to Include any lateral or district sewer: and .shall Hie nuinr and ioiiikII of said city annually levy the niccssary tax upon all thulaahle property within nalil city, In iiililltion to all other luxes, to pay the Interest upon said honils, as the same limy hi conn; (Inn and to furnish u sinking (mill tor the payment of the prill el pal of mild homls, and an annual lax of not to exceed two mills on the dollar of assessed valuation of the property ol said city tor the purpose ol malntaluliiK and repairing said b Htein ol hum craie." The form of the hallot to he used on said elecllon shall he as lollows: Vote tor one I 'or sewerage hondsand taxes Against Mewerane honds and taxes j And to he Mited and markej hy making a cross In the space provided In the ustiiil man ner as provided hy law. Should ti majority of the hallots cast nt such an election he In fa or of said proposi tion the mayor and council of Mild city will ho authorleil to Issue and negoti ate said honds nccordlni; to the eondltlims and for the purpose spccltled In tlioforcKolug proposition hiiiI UK nlKocouteniplatid hy the statutes ol Nehraska as In such cave pro Ided and It Khali ho the duty of the mayor ami clerk of said city w licnso aulliorliilaiid h order of the city council to slmi ami attest said hoods ami allK thereto the sial of said cll. The procteds ol said homls shall ho paid lo the treason r ol said city of Hull loud and kept h. him In a sept rate fund, apart Iiomothu mom .vk, to he known as a sour nun fund and paid out only hy older of Hid council and uairnnt diawu aualiist thes.uue for said purpose spcclllul ami noollni. Dated this 'Jml da of neptetnhi i P.ii:i. llist: n.i.1 i:r.L, n. i:. al,niu:ks. seal, i H. clerk. Mavor. KANSAS PICKUPS I'ioiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OlllltJ I !'. .M. Ilrowii tun ulinscd ii coin him ur down at UuitO.iI;, Miss Ada WiiKtiur lotnriied to tier Immo in Lulmiioti after a week's visit with Sanili C! recti. Wesley Atisliutz and wife visited over Saturday and Sunday with rela tives in this vicinity. B. B. Spurrier, I). K. Orewell and Andrew Uppare repairing the Oriole setiool house. Miss Btliel (irewell is 9taylnjr at her uncle Win. Motiford's at present. Corn binders are very busy itt this vicinity. F. M. Uroun and wife are spending the week in Topeka takiiiL' in the state fair. Louis Barns is haling hay at B. B. Spurrier's this week. Mrs. Wui. Helihan has returned to tier home in TopeUa. Mrs. U. L. Skaggs and children re turned to their home in Lebanon .Sun day, after a ten days visit in the country The three little children of Mr and Mrs. Btnest Ingram are lecnvering f i urn the fever, and Mrs Xohle wtio has bun urn sing them leturned to Iter home ill Republic City Tuesday. '' &3 i 1 1 irSSwvii tiitYifiattiiiaiiiiu a(fifiuAatia owwafiiitia4i to 1 ARTISTIG POXOHEKTS Avrmuwi Hi mm pivii n-rvn s s Number 21 5c CIGAR And Get Satisfaction For Your Money. G. A. R. Nebraska Headquarters Special Train TO Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 13, 1913 FROM OMAHA, 4:35 P. M. FROM LINCOLN, 2:10 P. M. FROM ST. JOSEPH, 9:30 P. M. BURLINGTON-M.& O.-SOUTHERN RAILWAY Convenient connections from all Nebraska towns aie made with this 0 Mo in I train at Omaha, Lincoln or St .losepli. Standard And Tourist Sleeping Cars Reservations Should be Made Early by Addressing J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha 1 Notice ot ProlMti:. In I hi ( o'llily (null ol WrhsW'i Count). Ni In list, ii. -i ,ti ni i tiniska i K " I ' Ml I Olllil.l. I" fill I llstllis lll'.l IISlllI 111 tho Ihtiltl) ol I tuns i I'.n it iii.I. ii ci usul: , I M Null! I.. Hun ,i ) i it 1. til hus I11111 ill. .1 u:iliu that tin iiistrummt tit it In ihlsioui t on thi'iith ihi) ol s-i ptciiihi r, I'.il.l, I jiui port Iiil; to hi' thi' hist will Mini ti'staiiKiit I ol siilil ilu i Usui, iiinj hi ir iul ami allow ul I ami rti'oiihil us tlio last will ami testament ol Janus Mcl'artlauil, ikcinMil; that sahl Instrumi lit lii-ailmlttiil to prohate. nml the iiilmlnlstiatliiu olsahl rstato ho urautiil to tiua M ! I'a-tliiiul, i:Liutrlxolsalillust Mill anil testament. It Is herehy onleriil hy the court, that all persons luicresti'il In sulil estate appear at the County Court to he hehl in ami for miM county mi the '.Huh ilay ol .September, llli:i, at ten o'clock a. in., to hIiow cause. If any there he. why the prayer of the pctltlonur xhould not he Krauteil.niiit that uotli oof tho ptuit eucy.of said intlllon ami the lit arlnit thereof huKlvun to all persons Interoteit In sahl matter hy puhllshliiK a copy ol this order In the UeilCloiul Chief, a let-al weekly iicwh paper printed In said county for three con secutive weeks prior to said day ol hearliiK. Witness my hand anil thescal ol said court Ihlsdtli day ol September, A. D :i. A. P. IIAN.VUY, ceal.l County . I mlite. G. W. BONNELL, C. P. A.. 13th and 0 Streets Lincoln 0vvv. s T( vvv0 FURNITURE Order to Show Cause Mate ol Nebraska i i Ti. , .,.... ,..!. Webster Couiily i " ' "e l ounl t ourt. Ala County t otirl hi Id at the County court rooiu In and for said county Septem ber 'Jml, A. I). Illl.l. In theinaiterof thncstnteol llcj I'lnktu binder, Hicuiscd, o.v rcaillnu and llllim the petition of Michael nnkenblmler prayln that admin istration nl said estate may he urautiil to himself, as Administrator. DltlM'.KI'.li, that I'rld.iy the null day of .September A. i. Illl.l, at ten o'clock a. in., Is asslKiied for hearlm; said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter 'may ap pear at a County Court to be hi Id in and lor said County and show cause wby prayer of petitioner should not he urantul: ami that notice ol the pendency ol said petition and thehearluu tluriol be ulwn to all persons luti tested In said iiiattir, by publishing a cop. of tliK unit r In the IU dl loud Chief, a wiekly iiewspapii' pilutid In s-ild counlj, for thn e cousieull o w 1 1 ks pi lor to said day ol hearlm;. A. 1). ItXNNKV, tv:ih County. I uiIkc. Widow's Pension. 3 3 a 3 3 & & e ? & Kxclutiv Detlgnt in Monuments Is Our pectalty & & We constantly have on hand a large supply of the very best of Marble and JGranite. CONSULT US 5xcdVew'WlamaV8iwd"JDoYWaxsVvv I: 1 &avartveer si I he rei'i'iil net nt' April li'th, l!0 nives to all Milillers' wulms a pension J 61- per inoiitli. I''ivd .Mnuicr, the at tiiriiuy, has all neeess'iry blanlu. LAND 1 Improved Alfalfa, Crain and Sti'eh r'urins in The ISreat Ilepuhliean Valley Bought Sold Exchanged Any desirable Heal Kstate lifted up and advertised for cash sale or ex change without expense to owner. Cash buyers for Improved farms and ranches seemed through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising Some of the best farms in Webster and Franklin Counties Ne braska now listed Several farms for sale that will pay good Interest on the entire purchase price and enhance greatly in value. Several good farms for sale on easy pay ments and special terms worth tlio money. The largest list of local farms' for sale to select from and situated in tlio Ititckle Knd of the Corn licit. FARM lOANS-Uberal amounts, optional payments, lowest intes. Money always leady. Daniel Garber Riverton, - Nebraska OVERlflG BiJOS. & GO. 1 Red Gloud, We have all the latest designs of staple articles, and can fit you out, from parlor to kitchen. The prices are right too. Come in and see. -:- -:- -:- I AA ED. AMACK LICENSED UNDERTAKER IN NEBRASKA AND KANSAS ALL THK PHONK9- W WW WwaA( DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIBT OVER STATE IANH Red Cloud ' ' ' ' Nebraska E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FREE Notice of Probate. In the County Court o( Wehster County. Nebraska. KrATKorNKIIKASKA. I Webster County. ( To all persons Interestul In tlio estate ot Catherine Stmlutmker, lieceaseil: TAKK NtM'ICi:, Unit a pelltlon lias bicn llleil nrnylm: Unit tlio Instrument tiled anil probated In the County Court nl NtciciiMiit County Illinois on tlin loth May nt Iiieeiiiher tiw. purporting to be the last Mill anil tistanunt ol hiiIM MieeascM, nun bo prn I'M anil allow nl anil riconli it as the Inst u 111 ami testament of Catherine MuMi bilker, Miiensi'M; that salil liistruuient be ailiultteil to piobate, ami tho ailiululstrallou ol snIM estato bo urautiil to Michael l'liikcnbiulrr. asAMuilnlslrator wltli the wilt anneMil. It Is hereby orilertM by the court, that all persons Interested In said estato appear at the County Court lo beheld In and lor said county on tho null day ol September, I'.U'l, nt ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, II any there bu hy tho pra) er of the petitioner hIioiiIiJ not bo uraiitcM, and that notice, ol the pendency ol said petition and the hearlm; thereof, be Klvcu to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing' a copy ol this order In the Ucd Cloud Chief, a legal wiekly newspaper print ed In said county, for three coniecutlvo weeks prior to said day of hearlm;. Witness my linmt and tho seal of said court this Jnd day ot September, A, . inn. (HK.W.) A. l. ItAXXKV County .liulte, Nebraska www we VN.,vn GOOOJAR See the Good Year Casings and Tubes before you buy. We handle all sizes and carry a large stock, you want to remember that the Good Year people made a reduction on the 1st of April of 10 per cent on all of their castings and tubes. It is not very often that a Good Year casing or tube goes wrong, but when you do you will find their adjustment very satisfactory. We also carry a good stock of Presto Tanks for ex change and can show you the famous Presto Inflator. which can inflate your tires for you with less work and very little expense. Get Polesine oil to lubricate your cylinders and Panhard oil for your transmission and your car will run smoothly and with less wear. The best oil is none too good for a car. We invite you to come and see us, village. when in the CHAS. C. BENNETT, Agent Cowles, Nebraska naSSCS naA. aa xswiSSSvtAi Dr. A. B. HaFdin To th OvermodMt . Give what you have. To aomeone It may be better than you dare to think. Longfellow. Physician and Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dis ease Treated. J Glasses Fitted. Inavale, Nebraska Uouis Vavrieka Auctioneers Terms reasonable and satis faction guaranteed. I speak either Bohemian or the American language. .. .'. I. F. D. Ni. 4. trt Clttf, Nekraski nUll awtmmtm !2Sffi!!2gr3: -. )MHill,WIOT-rtlreJIM''-wrl