The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 11, 1913, Image 7

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" "
l,jdla sat In the library alert to hear j
tlie doorbell that would announce
Dick Fellowes' arrival or tho sharp
whirr of the telephone that might de
fer IiIh coming.
Something ho had whispered last
veiling had hinted at his errand, and
tiltii tuna utrlrtti iL'ltli Imr ttnmtaf lciVl
for him; and charming In her favorite '
jialo blue gown with a pink rose at her
"t!i telephone bell whirred and -ho
eard Hlddy's light step as she went '
i i ., , ii . i
rough the hall o answer 1 e
slit; heard the girl's musical Irish ;
"You? What never. Mick Doolan.
not if 1 never married all my days!"
and lllddy slammed up tho receiver,
and Lydla heard her heels clicking
toward the kitchen.
A little smile crinkled the corners of
l.ydta's red lips. She had heard from
Hlddy of the Importunities of Micky
Doolan who waB wild to marry the
Ford's pretty maid. Hlddy was quite
fascinated by Andre, the chauffeur.
who flirted outrageously with her. and
so poor Micky who was elevator start-
nr in a big ollice building hud been
relegated to the backgiound
Hut Lydla soon ceased to think of
lllddy and her love aftalrs. It wus a
pleasanter pastime to dream about her
own Hut where wus UleU Followed
with his story, now "
At ten o'clock Ljdla went softly up
stairs and sat with an open book be
lore her which she did not lead, ller
oyes were more often llxed on the bed
Hide telephone.
"That is ull over," said I.dia tragic
ally as she snapped out her electric
light and crept Into bed. That she cried
herself to sleep no one knew but liei
Up In Kiddy's chambet under the !
mansard roof, another girl was weep
ing Into her pillow. The cook had told
Biddy that Andre was keeping "steady
company" with a French manicurist.
"Yes, old Dicky went to Canada on
that hunting trip he talked about." bab
bled Willio Ulalr In Lydia's pretty pink
ear the very next evening.
"Went today?" asked Lydla with a
dlaey look In her brown eyes.
"Yea grouchy as a bear, too. Flem
ing sold Dick's girl had given him the
mitten you know ho was some sweet
on llttlo Alma Raymond?"
"No, I didn't know It," answered
poor Lydla with a pitiful attempt at a
"Yes," went on the gentle gossip
amiably. "I put two and two together
and the sum I make Is that poor old
Dick has been put out of the game,
and that explains his sudden depar
ture." "How could he leave business at
this time?" asked Lydla Indifferently.
"Prescott Is taking his place Isn't
this our dance?" and Mr. Blair changed
tho topic as they circled the ball room
in time to the dreamy music of the
palm screened orchestra.
When Lydla reached home that
night lllddy let her into the house and
followed her upstairs to her pretty bed
room. Lydla sank down In a soft
chair and extended one little tslippered
"Oh, Biddy, I am so tired," she said
with a llttlo catch in her voice.
"I'm sorry, Mise Lydla. Shall I bathe
them? I'll have the basin ready In a
moment." Presently Lydla was com
fortable in dressing gown with her
pink feet In Biddy's capable hands.
Biddy rubbed vigorously while Lydla
sat there with closed eyes thinking of
what Willie Blair had said about Dick
Fellowes and Alma Raymond.
It couldn't be true, she told herself,
not after what Dick had whispered to
her the night before last. A muffled
sob startled her and she opened her
eyes to see Biddy's hot tears falling
on her feet.
"Why, Biddy, what Is the matter?
Are you in trouble?" asked Lydla sym
pathetically. Biddy wiped away the tears and lift
ed her reddened eyes. "Excuse me,
Miss Lydla, I didn't ought to break
down before you but " her voice
quavered into silence.
"But what, Biddy?" asked Lydla gen
tly. Biddy drew a tong sigh.
"Men Is deceivers, ma'am," she
"I am sorry you have found them
so," faltered Lydla, startled at this
voicing of her own troubled thoughts.
"Yes, ma'am."
"It Isn't Micky Doolan?"
"Partly, ma'am."
"And Andre, Biddy?"
Biddy's face went Into nor hands,
reddened and rough with honest toll,
filer shoulders shook with her deep
sobs. "It's him mostly, Mlse Lydia,
tbegglng your pardon for telling you
any troubles, and you that tired after
'.your dancing all night but there's no
liody but c-c-c-cook to tell, und she
warned me against him!"
"Tell me nil about it, Hlddy."
"There ain't no moro to toll, ma'am.
Andre was married this afternoon to a
iswell French girl who works In a maul
euro place on Twenty-third street. He
'had the Impldence to send c-c-cards to
jmo and c-cook."
"Never mind, Hlddy. Andre did very
wrong to pay attention to you when ho
was already engaged, and I know that
under tho circumstances you will bo
glad to hear that he gave up his posl
tlon this morning father says he Is
going to operato a toxlcab."
"It's so-some comfort to think I
won't see his false face no more,"
flobbed Biddy, as she dried Lydia's lit
tlu feet unit tucked them Into bluo
satin slippers
"Ami how about Mlokj Doolon. Hid
dy Will jou In- glad to know tliut hi
has boon lilrt'il to take Andre's place
Kiddy's head was bt'iit onoi tlio
'"Tin him that's worse than Andte!"
"' bl1 oul wltl ulii anger "A
"" " c "" m; "
ask me to marry lilin that nlht when
I heard him with my own lips tho
l.ydla was startled "Told you lie
didn't ask you to marry him?" she
asked "How could ou make such a
In,,?t": ",1,,',;";
Twus by telephone, ma'am. Sev
eral nights ago I answered It and a
' ,,a., n" rm u 'Si,!,'
'" ""' , ' I hut you HI. My hhn
" ' i11"' "" he 'Uurllti, this Is
rvc me m,m, afWr n nm
i I'm iitikln' jou this way Will ye?
marry me you know 1 love youse!
.lust fast like that, ma'am, and says I
'Not If I never married nobody all my
days" and he muttered something and
rung off And I went to the kitchen
and told cook and says she 'Wake
up out of that dream nu glrrul ' Hut
'twas no dream, Miss Ljdla, for he
asked me plain as could be.
"Yesterday evening, It being my
night off, he come around anil asked
me again, and I as to mm .mi ok
l)wthm , ,,,, voz ,UH, IllRhl llll(, ,
niMit u fjn, . ,, tllL V,U, up
,uhJ ,u, tl(1V0r 0,lll(1 IIU, ,, .,,.
phone thai night and that when he
asked me to mair him he'd look me'
In the cl' And I asked him who was
it asking mo m) Intimate, and bo mivh '
nastj-llki! that he'd like to know, for
he'd punch him In the ejo And ho
wont mm and it's two dajs and l"v
never seen him since " '
l.ydi.i's face was pale ami red by
turns ller ojos shone like stats I
"No, or mind, Hlddj, I am sum' there Is !
some mistake You know Hidd rounds
sotnotlilng like tn own name -and -
peihaps I was opoctlug a message
myself and I never leceivod It."
HIdd arose ami looked down at her
pretty mlstrohw. There was tellef and
shame In her comely face. "Oh. If It
was for jou, Miss Lydia. I shall die ol
shame, for taking It to myself. Hut his
voice was deep and rich like Micky's
I will say that for Mick, lie didn't have
a squeaky French voice like Andre!"
"Never mind, Hlddy, it was a natu
rul mistake, and it has helped to make
things all right between you and
Micky, hasn't it?"
"It will, Mls Lydia, If he ever asks
me again," returned Biddy, rather dole
fully. "He can't help it If he is here all the
time." smiled Lydla, drawing the tele
phone directory toward her.
When she was alone she obtained
connection with a hotel In Montreal
While sho waited for Dick Fellowes'
voice, her heart beat tumultously, and
the color came and went in her cheek
At last It came, a thin reedy call,
"Mr. Fellowes?" she asked.
"Yes, who Is It?" came back the an
swer. "Lydia Ford. Oh, Dick, did you call
me on the telephone Tuesday eve
ning?" "You should know that I did," cams
a little sharply.
"But I never got your message." she
"What?" he shouted.
She repeated the words, and added
the Information that Hlddy had re
ceived the message and answered It
under the Impression that it was from
a certain Micky Doolan.
"That's all I Just found It out and
I wanted you to know," she ended.
"Oh, Lydla, darling!" There was
nothing sharp about his voice now.
"Shall I come homo now?"
"If you want to," Bhe cried gladly.
"I am waiting for you "
"Coming now good-by, sweetheart!"
(Copyright. 1913. by the McClure News
paper Syndicate.)
Origin of "Yeggman."
William A. Plnkerton introduced the
word "yeggman" to the knowledge of
a world above the gutter about a dozen
years ago In an address delivered to
the National Bankers' association. He
establishes the word as existing in
tramp and criminal dialect, therefore
in police speech by evil associations,
as indicative of a tramp who blows
safes and postofflces with the aid of
nltro-glycerln, which is known in the
same dialect as "the soup." On lest
sure ground Mr. Plnkerton credits the
name of an eponymic Johnny Yegg,
puntatlvely the first or the foremost
practitioner of the art.
Lets "Hubby" Oo the Riding.
"I see you have a Baddle horse now,"
observed the man In the cafe.
"Yes," acknowledged tho other. "My
doctor advised me to go In for
riding. I've never done any of it be
fore." "Do you get a good deal' of amuse
ment out of it?"
"Well, yes. Hut my wife enjoys ft
more than 1 do."
"I haven't seen her riding with
"Oh, she doesn't ride. Sho says
it's safer and funnier to sit on a
park bench and watch me go by."
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Modest Start,
do you suffragettes
"We want to sweep the country,
"Well, do not despise small begin
nings. Suppose you maku a start
with tho dining-room, my dear"
Fins Garden.
"How's your garden getting along?"
"Fine. Over three weeks ago I
decided that it had got to tho point
where It was able to tako care of
Coiffures Adapted
k V tBlJ,''Hse..BBBBBBW. W
HbmMiHbbk aiiiiMBBBYrTJBBsiiiiiiin'
F,fiScBBBiaaaaaaV .BaaaaaaaaaaVflBsSBBBiaY'
I jA' x & I
SB t? i -.. BBBBBBBL'' . SV
m - JJ sbLB " v M
Tin small hat is launched upon one
moru season of popularity and hair
dressing must bo adapted to it.
Hut the very simple colffuies which
havo prevailed during the past year
have become too tiresoinely popular
to suit women of fashion, or women
who strive for individuality in dress.
They want something new. Therefore,
those dlvinltlea that shape our ends
(so far as the arrangement of hair Is
concerned) have developed souio love
ly new coiffures.
These truly remarkable and beauti
ful styles accommodate the new hat
shapes, and at the same time answer
tho demand for moro dignified and
elaborate hair dressing than the pass
iug mode displayed.
There are three different styles to
be featured. One shows the hair
dressed high on top of the head In,
another, It is colled low on the crown,
Washable Materials Will Be Favored,
With Linen, Duck and Gingham
Most Popular.
The chic shirtwaist this fall will be
"No starch" is the verdict for tho
fashionable shirtwaist.
Many waists of chiffon will bo
Chiffon waists ma be washed if
stiffened with a somewhat stronger
um water, two teaspoonfuls of the
stock solution to a cupful of water.
Plain shirtwaists will be worn this
fall linen, duck and gingham being
Extremely simple cuts aro the rules
in shirtwaists.
Very close to the man's shirt is
tho fall waist for women, elongated
shoulder line and short yoko being
the rule.
Cotton crepe, voile, satin and bro
caded waists must all have the short
For a plain tailored waist of linen,
madras, pongee or wash silk the yoke
may be omitted and the plaits at
both front and back run to the shoul
der. Stitching: will be made prominent on
tailored waists.
"Round stitch" will be used on
many ot the tailored waists.
Model of creme charmeuse and tulle,
trimmed with edgings of pink ribbon.
Lace fichua.
S ilv bbbBTRbbbWW
LbbiIBB '"BisMBBiK1-' MiBsBv v' tirV
VHL' .ahaBMBBMBM'iBBBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVaT
BBllH BBBllliV
to the Small Hat.
and in a third the regulation Psycho
knot is worn In sommuI of tho new
stles a higher and slightly curled
fringe appears across the forehead.
In all the new styles tho hair is
not much waved, and In all of them
thu ears aro covered. In tho ma
jority of coiffures three very short,
tiny curls nestln somewhere, either at
neck or pooping out from tho knot, or
displaying themselves resting on the
hair Just above the car. .They aro Just
about tho prettiest llttlo finishing
touches that can bo Imagined. Women
call them "cunning" and perhaps they
are; for those little curls appear to
rivet the attention of the masculine
mind with extraordinary force.
By the way, few people reallzo how
much men ndmlro pretty styles ot
hair dressing and good grooming In
tho women they know.
Fashion Had Good Reason for Its
Popularity, Which Is Almost Car
ting to Continue.
There is no doubt that the trans
parent waist of cotton net was the
leader In the race for popularity. The
model In It which sold by the hun
dreds and is still In fashion has a
long shoulder Beam, slightly gathored,
and a looso sleovo that hangs abovo
the waist with two box plcatings or
lace. Tho long V shaped neck is out
lined, and thero Is a lining, also of
net, which 1b trimmed across its top
edges with a smaller laco pleating.
On the majority of these waists
thero is ribbon attached to tho lin
ing. It is done more or loss well.
Sometimes thero are three bands
around the figure ending in stiff bows
In front; again the top of the lining
is gathered Into a two-inch ribbon
band which is finished with a large
flat bow in front.
Tho whole blouse is loose and ap
pears to fall from the figure, and the
corset cover that goes with it is of
chiffon In flesh color trimmed with
tiny button roses. Now If the blouse
is still selling wherever you are, buy
It. It Is unusually becoming. If you
don't like the ribbon, take It out, or
adjust it to suit your taste. Washing
ton Star.
Dainty Flowered Hatpins.
The methods of making flowered
ornamental hatpins is easy. An or
dinary hatpin, with a round or pear
shaped top, such as Is bought for
penny or two, is utilized. Tho bead
ot the pin is first Bwathed In wadding,
and then covered with colored silk
or satin, on which should be em
broidered colored beads to represent
tho center of the flower. Pieces of
ribbon are next taken to form tho
petals. Such flowers as popples,
daisies and roses aro particularly be
coming. The result when finished is
eminently satisfactory, and often adds
a pleasing dash of color to the gen
eral effect.
Flower Muff.
Have you seen the huge summer
muffs made of artificial flowers?
They are exceedingly decorative, and
aro composed of muny different kinds
of blossoms, such as roses, Parma vio
lets and orchids. Some of them aro
finished with long hanging branches
of tho same (lowers. Of courso, they
havo come from Paris, whero they
were fashioned for evening fetea and
gay dinners.
Novel Hosiery.
Wonderful Ingenuity Is exorcised in
the matter of smart hoslory, and for
women who like novelties in any form
there Is plenty to choose from. Curi
ous effects are contrived with atrlpoa
In laco or silk stockings, varying from
about an eighth of an inch to a Ann
hairline. Theso are so cunningly
wrought that they gtvo eleganco to
tho ungainly ankle.
(Uy K O HF.lXi:US, nirortnr of Hwnlng
IVtmrttui'iit. Th Moody Itlblo Institute,
CtllOllKIl )
i.i:ssin TI'.XT '. m 12-21
tlOI.UK.V TIJXT "Tliou fihnlt Into tli
linl thy iloil. wltli nil thi lii-ivrt, utiil
with nil thv ioiiI, mill wild nil thy
rtri'tiKlh, anil with nil thy iiilml an. I thy
nt'lKhtiiit iin tliVHolf" l.nku 10 ITi
Kvury commandment contained in
this second table of the law Is comil
tloned upon and rooted In that which
Is commanded In tho first table, and
all has been reiterated In tho Now
V. The Fifth Commandment, v 12.
Tho word "honor" while contlned to
this commuudment the relation of
child to parent is predicated upon
man's relation to (lod on tho onn
hand and on tho other It Hashes Its
light upon every subsequent command.
Our duty to (lod Is pre-eminent. If wo
neglect or disregard nod's rights, thu
rights of man will soon be lost sight
of. A duo niul proper regard for thosu
to whom wo owe our being Is our llrst
obligation and Is hero placed boforu
those laws that deal with our tola
tlons to outsiders. Hespoot, esteem,
obedience ami support are nil a pari
of that honor which Is commanded,
soo 1'rov l'S; Fph. ti Ml; Matt, lfii-l-tl.
Notice also (hat woman's place Is
here made oiiuiil to that of tho man.
It Is Paul who emphasles the fact
that this is tho "first commandment
with ptomlse," mid also that to neg
lect this duty Is to Invito punishment
(I'ph. t;:'.', .1). It Is the business or the
child to honor tho parent, no matter
what tuny be his character; ho must
not sit In Judgment. On tho other
hand, tho parent has an obligation to
tho child, Eph. 6:4.
Human Life Sacred.
VI. The 8lxth Commandment, v. 13.
This Is a rev 'ttlon of tho sacredness
ot human life. Cod alono has the right
to take away or command to take
away human life. One reason for this
Is because we are made In his Image,
Gen. 9:6.
VII. The Seventh Commandment, v.
14. This commandment deals with
tho sanctity of the married relation
and indlcatos the sacrodness of parent
hood. There is no other sin that so
speedily undermines human character
and overthrows families, tribes and
nations, It is the source of, or leads
to, every crime In the calendar. It de
molishes tho moral sense, wrocks the
body, brings a hell of remorso, misery
and despair, and effectually bars man
from heaven, I Cor. 6:10, 11; Heb.
13:4; Rev. 22: 1C.
VIII. The Eighth Commandment, v,
15. Hero Is a statement which deals
with the sacred rights of possession.
To take that which rightfully belongs
to another is to steal. It does not
matter If It be done "within tho law"
by withholding a Just compensation
or by gambling, It Is Just the same,
Dcut. 24:14, 15. This works both ways.
Tho employe who steals bis employ
er's time, the buyer or tho seller who
cheats, lotteries in the church or out
ot it, these are forms of stealing In
that they take something without ren
dering a Just equivalent ot value.
IX. The Ninth Commandment, v. 16.
Thla commandment recognise the
sacred rights of character and insists
upon absolute truth as a standard ot
Judgment Reputation cannot be
passed on from father to son; it is
much harder to secure than money
and is far more valuable. Backbiting,
false slander are not compatible with
love for your neighbor. To give wlnga
to a bit of saandal you have received
Is to violate this law.
The Most Severe.
X. The Tenth Commandment, v. 17.
This Is perhaps the most severs re
quirement of any in this second group
of laws. The man who keeps this will,
readily and easily keep the four which.
Immediately precede It. All desire fori
those things that belong to another Is!
Inconsistent with true love, and In the,
light of this law such a desire Is sin,
yea, more, it Is Idolatry, Col. 3:5.
Hard as it Is there Is, however, a way!
to observe It, vis., to "love your neigh
bor as yourself." Such love will de
sire that he shall have the best things
and consequently makes it Impossible
for us to covet his possessions.
The effect (v. 18) upon the people of
this manifestation of God's glory and
the giving ot tho law waa that they
wero filled with fear and besought
Moses rather than God to speak with
them. This Is a commentary upon the
words of Paul Just referred to, and
an illustration of the need of tho law
as a revelation of sin. Moses respond
ed (v. 20) to their fear with words of
assurance, and explained to them that
this fear was to prove them that they
should not sin.
LIfo that Is truly rooted In religion
expresses itself In morality of tho
highest type. Without right relations
with God wo cannot oxpect that chil
dren will properly honor their parents,
that human life will bo safe, that tho
marrlagn relations will bo hold as
sacred, that the rights ot property will
bo recognized, that truth will be tho
basis of Judgment, or that covetous
nesa and envy will not bo tho Inspira
tion of fraud and wrong doing of all
kinds. On tho other hand, vvherovor
God Is suprnmo. Tho lives of mon,
hurroonlzo -with tho professions of
their lips.
when the nnpctilu
nortnal and you are
able to cat without dis
tress; but how quickly
you go "down to de
feat" when the "inner
man" becomes weak.
Play safe, and at the
first sign ot" trouble
you had better take
Stomach Bitters
It will help you con
tinue to be a "winner."
Never Touched Him.
"Want to go to tho theater tonight?"
"I havo nothing to wear," Bald his
wlfo peevishly.
"That won't matter. I only meant
ono of thosu moving picture theaters,
whero It's dark," Ixiulsvlllo Courier-
Evening Things Up.
"Mamma," said four-year-old Thcl
ma, "Harry wants tho biggest pleco of
plo and I think I ought to havo It."
"Why, dear?" queried tho mothor.
" 'Cause," replied Thelma. "ho was
eating plo two yearH before I wan
born." National Food Magazine.
Important to Mothers
Examlno carufully every bottle ot
CASTOHIA, a safo and Buro remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Dears the
Signature of
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castori
Haste Unnecessary.
"Hurry up that order!" said a trav
olor in a railroad eating house down
south. "I'm afraid I'll miss my train!"
"Yas, Bah, boss!" tho waiter an
swered as ho hurried off.
Aftor what seemed an almost Inter
minable wait to the traveler, he re
turned with the food. As he set It
down he asked:
"la you do gentlomans what feared
he'd miss de train?"
-Yea," was the reply.
"Well, you needn't bo feared oh dat.
Bah, no mo'."
"Good! Is It late?" the traveler In
quired. "No, sab, it's done gone!" was the
waiter's affable and reassuring re
Wall From French Jurymen.
In Franco, as well as In England,
Jurymen have their grievances. The
latest can easily be remedied. The
French minister of Justice has re
ceived an address signed by citizens
figuring on the Paris Jury lists, pro
testing against tho bare appearance
of the courts whore they have to sit.
They point out that it tired of look
ing at the Judges, counsel, witnesses
and other parties to a suit they turn
their eyes upon tho walls, nothing but
an inartistic paper meets their gase.
In order to relievo this deadly mo
notony they beg that a print of Prud
hon's famous picture, "Justice in Pur
suit of Crime," may be hung In each
anans Eaters.
Americans used to be called a natioa
of pie eaters. Today a more appro
priate term would be a nation of ba
nana eaters. The United States takes
more than two-thirds of the bananas
shipped to the handlers in the world.
Part ot this pre-eminence In banaaa
consumption Is due to geography; the
source of supply on the Caribbean la
almost at our doors. Part Is due to
accident; a Boston skipper Introduced
the American public to this tropical
fruit while it was still unknown la
Europe. Whatever reason one may
choose to give, the United States Is
the world's chief banana market, and
though the use of this fruit is Increas
ing abroad, the American boy remains
the Jamaica grower's best friend.
Food Worth Its Weight In Gold.
We usually expect tho doctor to put
us on some kind of penance and give
us bitter medicines.
A Penn. doctor brought a paUent
something entirely different and the
rosults are truly Interesting.
"Two years ago," writes this pa
tient, "I was a frequent victim of acute
Indigestion and biliousness, being al
lowed to eat very fow things. One day
our family doctor brought mo a small
package, saying ho had found some
thing for mo to eat.
"Ho said it was a food called Grape
Nuts and oven as its golden color
might suggest It was worth Hb weight
in gold. I was sick and tired, trying
one thing after another to no avail, but
consented to try this now food.
"Well! It surpassed my doctor's
fondest anticipation and every day
slnco then I havo blessed the good
doctor and tho Inventor ot Grape
Nuts. "I noticed Improvement at once and
In a mouth's time my former spells of
Indigestion had disappeared. In two
months I felt llko a now man. My
mind was much clearer and keener,
my body took on tho vitality ot youth,
and this condition has continued."
"Thore'a a Itoason." Namo given by
Postum Co., Ilattlo Crook, Mich. Read
"Tho Road to Wollvlllo," In pkgs,
Eer rend I be above Irtterf A new
one nppenr from time to lime. The?
lire Kt-nulue, true, sad fuU oC hama
i i