The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 11, 1913, Image 6
tv.mwHJw 3fl r5kj vm w 'Otti zmtmm&mmsfflmi m ?1 alU:SU.3.. TJ5 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF it IE til it P E HELPING REFUGEES TO FLEE FROM MEXICO. IS SHROUDED IN MYSTERY Decomposed Bodies of Two Boye Found In Pasture Near Havelock- Thousands Homeless from Hot Springs Fire. Washington. Th! United State! roiermiient has Instructed consuls In "Mexico to fiirnlHh first-class tritnnpor tit (Ion tn the United States to any who desire It, the only condition being that tin- refugees later reimburse the government If they are able and at their convenience. The adopt Ion of this llheral policy was made necessnry by the likelihood that many Americans would needlessly linger In the trouble torn districts unless every facility foi their departure was afforded. Horn Washington olllcials comtnented fot Hie llrst tlmo on Provisional Presi dent lluerta's declaration that If tin American government were reltictan1 to give the refugees llrst class trans oortation he Kindly would do so. Thousands Homeless at Hot Springs. Hot Springs, Aka. St untied by the ilestructlon of more than half of the city by the fire which burned most of the city, the citizens of Hot Springs estimated that sixty blocks hud been wiped out and that the property dam ape would exceed f 12.00(1,000. (lover nor George V. Hays has offered the assistance of the state In arranging quarters for the 2,500 homeless, now camping In the vicinity of the Oak lawn race grounds, The burned area parallels the business district and seven times shifting winds threatened to turn the tire In that direction, hut free use of dynamite and the opportune iblftlng of the wind saved It. SHROUDED IN MYSTERY. Two Dead Bodies Found In Pasture Near Havelock. Havelock, Nebr. Almost locked in each other's arms, as If in fond em brace, the bodies of two Havdock boys, George Dlmer. ft years old, and John Hys, It! years old, were found in the pasture on the It. K. Moore farm, two miles northeast of Havelock Sat urday evening. The bodies were In n bad state of decomposition, the boys having probably been dead since Thursday afternoon, the last day they were seen alive. Besides the boys lay two guns, a loaded lOguage shot-pun and n 22-callber rifle with an empty cartridge In It. The mystery surround Inp their death was heightened by the findings at the post mortem examina tion Sunday morning. It was found that the boys had met death from gun Khot wounds, Kys being shot through the left breast and Dlmer through tin khdomeu. Roman Catholic Athletic Contest. Home. An International Homnn Catholic, athletic contest, under the patronage of the atlcan, opened hero Saturday. Unlike the last occasion in 1108. no clubs from across the Atlantic entered representatives. The '"Catholic league." is comprised of 2.000 clubs throughout the world with 1S0.090 members, several thousands of whom have gathered here. Carried an Accident Policy. Lincoln, Neb.- Deputy Fire Wardet Paul H. Thompson, who disappeared tit Kansas City several days ago, ob tained accident Insurance of a Lincoln company r few days before he left Lincoln. He took out a policy for $1,000 and gave his note for $25." Think Girl Carried Away by Lion. Krsklne. .Minn,- Three hundred men have given up the search for the three-year-old daughter of .Jacob (ianthorn. who is believed to have been carried away by a lion which escaped from a circus at Crookston two weeks ago, Mrs. Pankhurst Coming. 'New York. Mrs. Kmmellne Pank hurst, the Kngllsh suffragist leader, has nrranped to sail for the t'nited States on October 4, nccording to ad vices received here. She will speak In Madison Square garden on October J, Have More Names than Needed. Lincoln, Neb.-In the secretary ot state's ofllce It Is shown that some thing like 32,000 names have been re ported on referendum petitions for the workmen's compensation law. All that is needed Is 26,000 to make the call legal. Chicago, III. With the thermometer at 07, about 20.000 children "played hookey" Monday, the llrst day of school, according to estimates of ab sentees made by the nsslstant super intendent of schools. New York. -Not a wheel moved In tht Vw York subway between Nine ty-slxth street In upper Manhattan and the Hrooklyn terminal during the rush hour of the work-hound crowds Friday morning, causing one of the worst con pestlons In tratllc the city has ever known. Over thrco Inches of rainfall during the night Hooded the subway tracks to a depth of three feet or more iiud nine miles of four tracked subway were put entirely out of commission. It was nine o'clock before the streets nssumed anything like normal condl tlons. HELPINGTH HI AWAY DOINGS IN CONGRESS WHAT LAWMAKERS AT WASHING TON ARE DOING. Result of Deliberations en Mora Im portant Measures Olven In Condensed Form. Saturday. The Senate Senator Smith, Georgia, Introduced agricultural extension bill, Consideration or tariff bill resumed. Hanking committee continued hear ing bankers on currency bill. West Virginia coal operators con tinued their testimony before strike Investigating committee. Finance committee struck from tariff bill countervailing duty of wood pulp and senate agreed to this change. Itejrcted amendment for tariff com mission, :i2 to ::t. Held night session. The House.- Itesumed consideration urgent dcllcicncy hill. Lobby committee continued its hear ing, with .lames A. Kmcry testifying. Itepresentatlve Levy Introduced moil I Med agricultural extension bill. Adjourned at 3: 15 p. in. until It u ii. Monday. Friday. The senate -In session 2 p. in., and resumed consideration of tariff bill. West Virginia mine operators con tinued testimony by strike Investigat ing committee. Currency revision committee heard opinions on currency bill. President submitted nominations of loseph K. Willard as ambassador to Spain and .lohn Kwlng as minister to Honduras, Adjourned nt 6!M to 10 a. m., Satur day. The House.- Hanking committee voted to favorably report administra tion currency bill Monday. M. M. Mill ha II testified before lobby investigating committee. Adjourned at 6:35 p: in. until noon Saturday. Democrats held caucus on patron age. Thursday. The Senate Senator Weeks intro duced resolution to defer final action on currency legislation until Decem ber term of congress. Resumed consideration of tariff bill Hanking committee resumed iti hearing of bankers. West Virginia coal strike investi gating committee continued to hear operators' stories. Senator Hrlstow, discussing Mexi can situation, declared constitutional ists should be permitted to buy arms and ammunition in United States. President Wilson submitted nomin ations of Thomas II. Birch as minis ter to Potugul, and ("hales J. Voplcka as minister to Balkan states. Adjourned at 6:50 p. in. to 2 p. in. Friday. Tho House- Hegan consideration of urgent deficiency bill. Cross-examination of M. M. Mulhall continued before lobby investigating committee. Itepresentatlve Lindherg proposed amendment to currency bill to permit federal reserve banks to operate on 50 per cent of their required $5,000,000 capital paid In. Itepresentatlve Kent Introduced a joint resolution for appointment of a commission to recommend plan for government owned explosive factory. Adjourned at 6 p. m. to noon Friday. Wednesday. The Senate--Itesumed eonslderatini of the tariff hill. Amerlcnu bankers' association com mlttee outlined before banking com mitten their views on currency legis lation. Foreign relations committee report ed lavorably nomination of Henry Morgenthau as ambassador to France. Lobby committee temporarily closed Its hearings. West Virginia coal strike coinimtteo resumed Its investigation, with coal operators Notifying. Adjourned at ti:10 until Thursday The I louse -Passed Hetch lletchy reservoir bill granting San Francisco use of Hetch lletchy basin. M. M. Mulhall continued his testi mony before lobby committee. Adjourned at 5:25 p. in. until noon Thursday. Swift Retribution Overtakes Negro. Fremont, Neb. A coroner's jury Frl day afternoon fixed responsibility for the murder Tuesday of Mrs. Rasmus Peterson and her daughter Hilda on -loe Waters, the negro who died from injuries sustained by falling from n train near South Omaha. In examln lug Waters' effects taken from his per son a Juror found a piece of paper torn from a Danish newspaper wrapped around locks or hair resembling the hair of little Hilda. The paper from which this was torn was found under Mrs. Peterson's bed. This was taker. to clinch Waters' guUt. uoors v,iosea to Juvenl es. i Boston. Thousands of "children ot (he mills" nnd juvenile employes un der sixteen years In manufacturing es .tahllshments In Massachusetts have been thrown out of work by tin. opera tion of a new state law which pro ihlblts the employment of anv child under fourteen years old. Ran Francisco. Fourteen former guards In the United States customs .service have been Indicted by the fed eral grand Jury for alleged smuggling of opium. EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT tnJmwlLlA Yl I PrMfr T ! 'MhtsasBW'nu ff J liVTV i W-BjsEaB3iBWBsiiftjpB mm j M f"-Des Moines THINKS CHANCES ARE GOOD HOT SPRINGS. ARK., DEVASTATED BY FLAMES. General Diaz Expects to be Next Mex- lean President State Fair Closed Friday Mexican Envoy Coming. Hot Springs. Ark. Fire, which Marled In a negro cabin Friday after noon is slowly dying out at the foot of West mountain, the southern extremi ty of Hot Springs, after reducing to a smouldering mass of wreckage an area more than a mile in length and from seven to ten blocks wide In the east ern section or the city. The monetary loss Is roughly estimated at ten mil lion dollars. Governor Hayes has ar rived i. nd probably will order a mili tary patrol of the burned district at once. United States troops also are ex pected from Little Hock to add to the guard on the military reservation. In the path of the flames were houses, hotels, a number of more pre tentious residences and public build ings which are in ashes. State Fair Cloed Friday. Lincoln, Nob.--The Nebraska state 'air came to a close Friday night with tho smallest attendance record for the six days since 100!). when but 83,138 people passed through the gates. The record for this year was 30,778 below tint of last year year. During the six days or 1012. 166.064 admissions were tallied at the gates: this year the to tal attendance reached a mark of 127. 180. Friday was the only day of the 1013 fair which exceeded the mark of the corresponding day for the yoar 1012. Tho attendance was 15.525, as compared with 15,475 for the year be fore. A crowd or people rrom Omaha swelled the attendance record and the red badges or the visitors were in evi dence on every part of the ground. THINKS CHANCES ARE GOOD. Gen. Felix Diaz Expects to be Next Mexican President. Berlin. den, Felix Diaz, now In this city, says all the reports received by hlin concerning the prospects of his election to the presidency of Mexico la re favorable. He declares his chances ,of election are good. General Diaz ex presses the utmost confidence In his own ability to restore order In Mexico Un case he should be elected and de clared that any strong president can .restore order. General Diaz refrained ,from expressing any opinion regading (President Wilson's policy and said he ,hnd no political mission In Berlin, merely wishing to see Germany. Negotiations with Mexico Continue. Washington. Developments In the .Mexican situation probably will await 'the arrival In Washington of Manuel de .amaconn e Inclan, personal envoy of the Huerta government, to continue with the Washington administration, the negotiations began by John Lind, IK-rsonal representative of President Wilson In Mexico. Administration of ficials had not decided whether they would receive Senor de Z.amaeona un less he brought positive assurance of lluerta's elimination from the situa tion In Mexico and was ready to act upon the other points In the American proposals for tho establishment of Peace. To Improve Agricultural Conditions. Mlnden. Nebr. A meeting will be held here on September 12 to consider means of Improving agricultural con ditions in tho Platte vnlley. Governor ,Morchcnri, Dr. G. 13. Condra members of the state waterpower commission, and Superintendent Blgnell of the Bur lington are expected to attend the meeting. Several means of rellovlng ilrouth conditions In this section of tho state havo been suggested, and the meeting Is called to decide the bet ter plan to pursue and to discuss and suggest other plans. s- J 'fCi. J Register. mtej. BAD ST0RM AL0NG Atlantic COAST. Policy of British Government Declared By Noted Speaker To Pray for Peace Pope Pius X is Indisposed. Charlotte. N. ('.-Scenes of desola tion mark virtually the entire North 1 Carolina const as the result of the bur i rlcnne that struck this section Thnrs 'day. Dispatches just come In oer makeshift lines or communication In dicate that the town or Hell Haven was wiped off the map, while the town , of Washington, N. C, not only suf Tered rrom the wind, but also lost heavily by flood. The loss in Beaufort county, in which Washington is situ ated, alone will exceed $2,000,00, it is estimated. Bridges were swept away by the high waters and the wind at Washing ton, where buildings crumbled under the fury of the blast as they did at Morehead City, Oriental, Bayboro and a number of smaller towns. At Newbern several streets were Inun dated and the thoroughfares were lined with debris, The damage In that city alone probably will exceed $500,000. To add to the terror of the oitizens fire broke out during the tem pest and was controlled with difficulty. Two railroad bridges, one of them a mile long, were swept away. Mexicans to Pray for Peace. New York. One hundred and thirty four pilgrims from Mexico who are relying on the efficacy of prayer as a means of bringing about peace and prosperity In their country have ar rived here on the steamship Monser rlatt, on route to Home and the holy land. The party Is In charge of Arch bishop Leopoldo Hulz, of the diocese or Michoacan. Mexico, who said that the pilgrimage was the result or a widespread belief In Mexico that prayer would bring peace to the coun try. FOR UNITY OF THE NATIONS. Address of Lord Haldane Intended to Promote It. Philadelphia.-The address before the American bar association at Mont real or Viscount Haldane. lord high chancellor or England, was an official announcement to the world of the pol ler declared b the British govern ment according to an authorized state-1 ment made by Francis Hawle or this city. Mr. Hawle was chairman or the committee that received the lord chan cellor upon his arrival at New York last week. The address In a largo measure concerned Itseir with the unity of nations, particularly those of Anglo-Saxon blood; their working to gether for the good of the world, Its peace and betterment. Cattle Shipments Heavy. Kansas City. Mo.Nlne thousand cattle were received at the local stock yards Thursday, bringing the cattle re ceipts Tor (he llrst rour days of the week to 101,327, and establishing a new record. Omaha. While sitting on the bank of the river watching the slicks float down In the swift current. Jerry Do lulll. a ten-year-old boy. fell Into Uio water and was drowned. Tnlo. Kas. A. Holloway and Charles Weldon were killed here when a tire extinguisher which they were using In fighting a tire at a radiator factory ex ploded. New State Pacing Record. Lincoln. Columbia Fire, Kd Bohan on's fast pacing stallion, established two new state records Tuesday In the free-for-all event nt the state fair races. Columbia Fire stepped the mile In 2:0S thereby beating the host previous time of 2:0Si by Dick Allen on the Lincoln track three years ago. He also paced the fastest race on record In Nebraska. Time for tha three heats was 2:00. 2:08Vi and 2:08, Best previous tlmo wns set by Ella M on the Fremont track last year 2:08, 2:0S& and 2:10. IRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. The Syracuse Commercial club has been reorganized. Hastings has leased ten acres of ground for school agriculture. The state bankers' association will meet in Lincoln September 25 and 26. Tho Nebraska colony at Los Ange les now numbers more than 3,000 peo ple. Former York residents at Salem, Ore., have organized a club of over sixty members. The fortieth annual meeting of the York Baptist association was held In Bellwood last week. Crowds at the state fair last week while not up to normal, were much larger than anticipated. t'arl Christian, aged 67, a pioneer of Norfolk, was drowned In North Fork river near that place. Hubert Mechlin, one year old, at York, Is in a serious condition from drinking a quantity of kerosene. William Murphy, thirty-live years of ngc, was killed by lightning on the farm or Henry Kohrs, near GraL The elevator at Bartllng caught tire luring a high wind Monday and burned down with a loss or $10,000. 'The Bed Willow county fair at In dlanola has Just closed with a larger tally attendance than In any previous year. The Syracuse picnic by the commer cial club will be held September 12 and preparations are being made for a big time. Anastoiius Maurikos. member or n grading gang employed near Hay Stale, was Instantly killed by a Union Paclllc train. Robert Atkinson, a 1 6-year-old York boy, has constructed an aeroplane with which he has made several ex hibition Mights. .Mrs. Nancy Owen, aped S3, was struck by a train at Litchfield and lied a few hours later in a Grand Island hospital. I Despondency over crop failure Is thought to have been the reason for the suicide or Fay Taylor, a young farmer near York. Elmer Willis was Instantly killed when he fell thirty rcet rrom a scar fold on a silo on which he was work ing near Central City. Carl Bulhman or Falls City, who stepped on a nail, has developed a serious case or lackjaw, and alarm Is felt over his condition. Cisterns are empty and many wells and springs have gone dry In and around Salem. Deer creek Is dry for the llrst time in Its history. S. It. Beck or Lincoln, Neb., a stu dent of the University of Nebraska, has been appointed physical director In the Iowa City high school. Columbus will have an agricultural show and aviation meet, and the dates selected are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 24, 25 and 26. Burr Bell, an employe of the Beat rice Electric company, came near los ing his lire by coming In contact with a live wire carrying a 2,300 voltage. Harry McHeynoIds of Mt. Pleasant, Town, was badly injured at the state fair grounds at Lincoln when he was thrown from a sulky In a trotting race. Frank McGlnnls, a well known rail road conductor, was found dead from asphyxiation In his home at Omaha, resulting from a leak in a gas stove. While trying to catch a horse Itob ert Walte, an Albion boy, received ii kick from the horse which broke both bones In the leg Just below the knee. Search lor the body of Paul Thomp son, the Grand Island man who disap peared at Kansas City a few days ago, supposedly the victim of foul play, has been abandoned. Sparks from the engine set lire to the straw around a separator while threshing on the farm of Mr. Wal brecht near York, and destroyed the machine together with several stacks of grain. The German day celebration to bo held In Lincoln, October 15 and 16, underthe a isplces of the German American alliance, promises to eclipse all former efforts in the line or dis play. Large numbers of silos are being erected In Johnson county by farmers who are desirous of saving all the feed they can for the stock. While attempting to board the en gine of a westbound freight, H. L. Dowllng of South Omaha, a student fireman, was thrown beneath the train and had both feet and hnnds cut off at Columbus. Rev. W, M. Elledge of Wellington, Kas., lias accepted a call to become pastor of the Congregational church at. Weepuip Watci to fill tho vacancy made some months ago by Rev. J. II. Andeess. who went to Sheridan, Wyo. Mr. C. H. Nichols of Albion fell down the cellar stairs, breaking her wrist, nearly tearing her ear off and bruising herseir generally. Otto Schmidt, 6-year-old- son of Otto Schmidt, residing near Benning ton, fell out of an npple tree, hreaklng his leg below tho hip and splintering the bone. University Place laid off Thursday to do honor to Its volunteer fire de partment. Stores and other places of business closed In the afternoon while the three lire companies gave demon strations and exhibitions on tho main street. Automobile and motorayclo racers from all over the west are planning to participate Jn Norfolk's first annual fall festival September 17, IS, 11 and 20. Frank A. Hnrrison of Lincoln and Col. Adam Breede, editor of the I last incs Tribune, luivo ilnn.irtmi tn r. short tour through Central America. I They will return about October 1. ! Tho body of a laborer was found under the Union Pacific bridgo nt Omnha so badly decomposed that after a hurried Investigation It was buriea at once. The case Is being Investigated. R D D SS ROUTE OF NEBRASKA MILK COW TRAIN. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. The state's floating indebtedness September 1 amounted to $500,016 more than It has In many years past. The sum represents the totnl of the registered warrants now outstanding upon which the state has to pay a 4 per cent Interest usually for an aver age time between sixty and ninety days. Tne state treasurer holds the legislature blameable for the big debt and likewise says that the county treasurers are not doing all that they can, because they do not make remit tances to the ofllce as often as they should. Back of It all the state's rev enue and taxation laws and the desire or the people to maintain their statu government and Institutions on a so called higher piano caused the In creased debt. Solution to tho prob lem, that is, i he submission of some plan whereby the state can operate In a more businesslike way than In th past two or three years, Is to be brought forward by the tax commis sion. Will Stop In Sixty-seven Towns. The milk cow train to be run under ;he auspices of the state university and the Nebraska Dairymen's associa tion in cooperation with tho North western and Burlington railroads will travel approximately 1,500 miles and will pass through and make stops of sixty-seven towns In tho following counties: Knox, Pierce, Madison, An ,telope, Holt, Hock, Brown, Cherry, Sheridan. Dawes, Sioux. Box Butte, rMorrill, Grant, Hooker, Thomas, .Blaine, Custer, Shermnn, Buffalo. Hnll, Perkins, Lincoln, Frontier, Dawson. Gosper and Phelps. Th's train, con sisting of a large furnlturo enr con taining representative milk cows ot the Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayr shire and milking Shorthorn breeds, from the university farm; a fiat car where the cows can be exhibited to the public; a baggage car fitted with exhibits from the dairy husbandry de partment or the university, together with an exhibit of books and reading maltei of interest to farmers and talrynien. the use of which is fur nished free to the people or the state by tho Nebraska public library com mission ; a lecture car and u combina tion sleeping and dining car for use of the lecturers accompanying the train, together with the five- lecturers and two herdsmen from tho unlversity and two representatives of the dairy men's association, will arrive at Nio brara, Knox county, on Monday, Sep tember 15. Where Should It Be Assessed? If a farmer lives In one township and has live stock located In another township not connected with his home place, where should the stock bo as sessed? The question has been raised many times In the last few years and under the present law tho state board of assessment and the attorney gen eral have decided that It should be assessed in the township whero the Htock Is being held. Tho district court of Wheeler county, however, In re versing the county board, decided that it should be assessed In tho township where the farm residence Is located. The matter hns come to tho attorney general's olllce In the hope that the suit can be appealed and tho supreme pourt can bo prevailed upon to voice Jts opinion In the matter. The point has never been passed upon by the higher court. May Put Ban on Mustaches. Promulgation of nn order requiring food inspectors to discard their mus taches and thus afford germs no hid ing plnces in dangerous proximity tc thelr noses may bo the next step taken by Food Commissioner Harman. Thus far ho has been merely discouraging the wearing ot the hirsute appendages, but his attitude has resulted in weed ing down the number now worn by his Inspectors to two. And tho pair, so it is said, will ultimately give in to tho wishes of their superior oilicer. Four transcontinental routes acrosF. live states will be represented at the good roads gathering to bo held in Lincoln, September 23, according to Secretary Parlsoe of tho Omaha-Lincoln-Denver Route association. From letters received from Colorado, Iowa, Illinois nnd Utnh, which arc affiliated with Nebraska In the movement, Sec retary Parlsoe believes there will be neveral hundred delegates present at the gathering. The meeting Is to be held for the purpose of consolidating all trans-continental route associa tions. State Treasurer Georgo hns re cently purchased bonds to the amount of $175,000 issued by counties, pre cincts, municipalities and school ills tricts of Nebraska. They will bo held as Investments of tho pormanent school fund. Blnme for tho Richfield wrecy on tho morning of August 12, when a number of the members or the Barnum fc Bailey circus wero seriously in jured, was placed principally on Con ductor Spence nnd Engineer Bell ot tho circus train. V w?r-i " v"r tna' .j-:i -uao. Mil rtHttwWM.way..1.