mZzmxZZM RED CLOUD, 'NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1 iiiiii inn , f X I tJ V I -MM M mitf H 5 ' tl A i I il 1 3 I m I! l!f Hi w THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. 4 kmwouo, neoraiKBi ,. t.-.-p,.,. i ,.in ms been caremiiy JK "KH f, PUbLlMlhD LVtKY nilUKMJAY 1 fCnttrtd In tliu f'oMoftlce nt Kid Cloud, NO. ill Hcctmil Claim Matter 0 B. HALE 1'UllMMIKII CHE ONLY OEMOCHAT1C PAPER IN WK118TKU COUNTY It was truly real refreshing to note the return of tlie school mar'ins atitl to hear again the ringing of the old school bell last Monday morning. The school library does awake an Interest In the pupil. It gives him a good appetite It stimulates. Itorens the channels of usefulness. It has a powerful tendency to keep the boy in school longer, and thus In the above enumerated ways aid in the develop ment of thoM! traits of chaiifcter that will be boncllclul to the men and wo men of the fittute, anil also to those with whom they come In contact through business and social life. The must petllous hiiirot a poison's lifu is when lie is tempted to despond. The man who loses Ids courage loses all. There is no nunc hope lor him thuii tor ii dead itiiin; hut il mallei mil huw pi or he may In-, how much pushed by ciicutustuncc-, how much (levelled by li lends, how much lost to thewoihl; if ho only keeps, his cour age, holds up his head, works on with his hands, unci witli unconquerable will deteimiue to be and do what be comes a mini, all will lie well. Oiii advice to the luiineis is to hold mi lo their young cattle and cows. Cattle will be higher limn eei UeXl j ear, as the diuulli lias many thousands of cattle to bu ki'iit to nun Uet. Among them being many cows and cuius, ami lot' this icanm cattli hid sine to bu rciticc and high Uo.l year. Save jour cattle and tabu them thru the winter If possible, for il will pay to do .so. HI' ionise, fat cattle should be sold, but hold on lo the cows ami young cattle by all muuii. The Chief olVeis a column it its pages to tlie citizens of the city toi any discussions pertaining to the well tart: of the county or the community Ai tides I'm publication must be sign ed but names, will not be printed nil Ic-s the writei has no objection. Wi dest! c to malie this a peimaueut leat uie of the papei and asdc joii to use the column licely. Anything thai will build us up, conserve our i essoinees givo us a better way of doing tilings enlarge our onllouli, will be gladly welcomed. This column will be for ion to use as joii see lit ami we usl; you to gel in and "bun so aiouiitt" to youi heat I'm content. An OKhibiiuia politi"ian billed an editor who dauil to ciitieie him last l'riday. We'll but a million dollars the editor has lemleied valuable ser vice to the scamp Ihtoiigh many a haul louglit campaign. It has ivcr been thus In tit her idltoo; tlie politician loves us while he can use us and seebs to destroy us when we date to thiiilt for ouisehe)-. 'lbelefiie, le it le solved thai as newspaper men we giind out own iiislead of tlie oilier fel low's Mini that we swat blin wheietilr- tie wore her beads wlienevei he conies in reach. The only red enemies the Appeal has In the world me men who owe it a debt of giatitude instead of a grudge. Most any other newspaper man can testify to thu same stale of things. Monroe County Appeal. lo auswer to a few inquiries that have been received at this olllcc we will say for the benetlt of our out-of-town readers that thu new county court house has not been built yet The commissioners are very desirous of doing thiugs just right and they are carefully plauning to avoid mis takes. As far as we can learn it is the plan of the board to build a house that will be tirst, last and all tlie time useful. All frills are to be trimmed. They fully realize tlmt such a build ing should le built for business pur poses and not. forhcttingolV the beauty of thu trees or the greenness of the grass At tho same time this docs not mean tlmt the new stiucturu will nut be attractive looldiig or meiely a mass of Illicit and Mono We are conlldcnl that when our new court house i erected it will meet tho icijuireniuuts of Webster county and will lellccl the good common benseof hcrcitlxcus Tlie city council has persued the; right nlaii in leganl to the sewer sjs teni. Kvery detail has been carefully gone over, the cost has been ascer tained and tha plans have been care fully piepared. This Is as It should be. There Is no leap In the dark and everyone can know just what Is con templated. This sewer system will fill a long felt want. Our wells need to bo preserved and no better time than the present could be selected for the installation of this project. We cannot be too careful In safeguarding the health of our citizens. The eess pools are becoming so numerous in the city that there Is danger of contamin ating all the drinking water and it Is high time to eliminate these danger ous cess poolH. llceause we have been fortunate in the past iu escaping seri ous trouble is no reason why wc should shut our eyes and trust to lock. With a proper system well cared for risk will be set aside. The following grasshopper stuiy taUen fiuin Hie .Ictinoie Wepublicun, is a i loli one: It is tepoited that one ol our fanners lost his can of -ynip while tubing his poisoned hum home Mluulay. Having tin iiip lo mix (III, l.l. Ill In, Ii.llnllli1.(l In l.l'V llll I - I '. pcilmcnl. Ho had n lull quart l II. 1.1.1. I ,!,.,! t. til, II... I.I'..,. ""m' "mu" '" """" " v ' iu place of thu syitip lie icjoits i thai the hoppvis m'imii to tahe to tin-J tuixtuio even better than the ordinary bran ml.xluio. lie s-avs thai olie obi male hopper would como along, take a I , ,. , , I bite of the bum. jump about lour led high, spit, a stioam of tobacco juice, j light down and take another b.le, ami . then start out lo lick tho llrst hopper, he met In this way all the hoppeisjhls. Noted iin-n have come from t:n- In tho Held were soun llghliug each other and tho carnage Wits awful. As toon us. one hopper would kill imolher bo would jump mi lo another hoppei. and this I'ontiuued until Iheie was but one big old imppei left. 1'ietlj mioii an old n oster came along and iiiuile a dive for this big hopper, but Mr. Hoppei, instead of allowing him self to bo quietly eaitn, juuijud up and kiclud thu old rcostei iu tlie face, spit tobacco juice ti. l.fc, eyes and 1 J ! oliiibi'd him under the burn. COWLES L. It tiiegoiy left for York .Monday moiiiiug., Itollio Cecil has letuiiicd to bis Inline iu Cliestei. lilenn lliblietli of Tienlon is visit ing relatives beie. .Mis. Starke and daughter, licncvu, i etui lied 1 1 oni Not man .Monday. Miss Carrie llolsworth spent thoilay, Wcilnesilay. between linins visiting .Mr.s. C. C. Uonuett. The ball game with I'laiiivlew Satur day was a goud one and resulted in a si'oie ol d lo I in tavor of Cowles, CH-llMWKU.I came in from Yora I Sulmday evening to visit home fulKs. lie Icliagalu Wednesday morning. Miss Mabel Fuller leliirucd Ir.iin Coloiudo Friday evening wlieie she had been on it two weeks outing. The lied Cloud Auto Co, has pur chased C.C lleliuelt's Kultigc. lieoigo Holt will limli after business lieie. Miss .Mable Tliomas who has been isitiug her si.ster, M:s. Ida Knelt in Colorado, i'L-tiii in d home Wedncsiiii alteruoou. The Xcbiasltu League sea-ou closed Monday and Da." Vance who has been pitching witli Superior in mice I more seen on our streets. lames Sauudeis teturiied from St. Joe .Saturday night wheie he went lo buy tall goods. He has puicluiscd the brush car tiom A. A. lioieu and will use it to deliver goods about town. Post Ottlco Inspector, Cobel, visited the ottlec of our city Wednesday morn ing, lie reported every tiling In good condition. While on the streets, he remarked about our maiiyoutomobllcs and our busy town. The surprise on Miss Lottie Dcakln Friday night was a success in every way. About eighty young people were present and they enjoyed a good noisy time ou the church lawn. Miss Deakiu left fur l'eru Monday. The male quartet furnished the music at the Methodist church Sun day night. The music was good, but owing to tlie threatening weather was not enjoyed by a very large audience. Messrs. Ciegory, Waller. Swigart and Cecil are the members of the quartet. While he-was reluming fioiu lted Cloud Wednesday evening, Ileniv Hose'.s team liecame liightened and ran liuni Wm.'.s place to town. I'hey turned the cot net by K. A.tjuod's house and demolished a tieu ou bis lawn. Mis daughter was with him. Two wheels passed over her bod.v, but .slie was only slightly iiijaivd. The buggy wai badly bioki u up, but the huiscs escaped injuiy. NEBRASKA LIKES ITS AK-SAR-BEN Support of ReslliDlt of Stale Miku Ore mizitloo Possible. SAMSON APPRECIATES II people f Thlt Ortat Commonwealth Visit Omaha Inetltutlon ana Mingte With Their Brother of the Cty. oth Better for Cloetr Friendship; TAK-8AR-BEN PROGRAM, OMAHA, SEPT. 30-OCT. 4.) Tuesday Afternoon, Sept. 30. TAutotiomlle Floral Parade. Wednesday NlKUt. Oct. 1. Elcc trlcal Parade. J Thursday Afternoon, Oct. 2. Ifictmtiu Hay Parade. 1'ild.iy Night, Oct. 3. Corona J,lIOII Uilll. ,r, Hi tit. "7 to Oct. .1. trwln'a Wild .... " i q, wctii, unci noun aim uvt-u-.t, I flag. A fllg Show at Auditorium. 1 !; i:ery 13enlng -Ak-Sar-Ikn IIlp ' Xpoilroine and oilier attractions on ',. ! tfthe .Midway. -: ::"-$;"::-m::"5 :K--X'-i- m V E. V. PARRISH. King Samson, ruler of llio land of (iuera nMti momiuh of all he aurvi .n in the i calm ol Ak-Sur-Hcn, bits mm!.' loine rcmui liable succes.-a in 11. iilueteuu yiriit, of hip rehn. Hut never. in these via is, liatt his Bojourn been mm bed with the pomp mid d'gnlty us tlmt which characterizes tblrt year's ncjiVt0M. in the nineteen yearn, much has nr-eninpllabeil. Ills loyal subjects ftoiu nil pints of tl.o grnt dr.naln ol Nt,ht.a,i. j.v paid lilbute to him ufd UniH it sih'cb; preaKiFiiiH r.avo homage to h in; Henntois and rorr- seniatlvea linv? bowed In meek sub mlsn'on to the music of bis wuil; bci'utltu''es from every part of tho globo hnvr- paid their repperts. King Snin-on, nlwaya one of the pro. grcsiive ml ih, has pioflted from bis ONperleiice. I'rom his mistaken, which have been fe.v. SntiiRon baa been en bled to build up a Kinrdo'ti for N'o brnakn, nrt. and for h's most immedl tte subject", which has gained tho re spect of the entire world. King Samson appreciates tlmt hi i1 f'lll,Jrt',s succcsful and happy It, tit. ,1m l.ttMnc ? 'nlil'ltVn tlluftA ft 111 Lltl'll iijur-n Ul ttcuaiDitU, m.nuo n playground a year. And King" ynniMMi thi year, biluglng tho re marknbln icn'iircis of all his helper to h! coir.mnud, has nrriumxl n wr-' lor fculvitlis wi'b'h w.ll surpass any tltlnj? he has over offered for tha ap proval of bin people l iore rsouD or- his wor.K. pioud of the siu feds of his yati a work, proud ol t'... visit of the thou anmlb and thousands of loal Nebi..B kens, Sainsun bus outdone blms. 1 Am thing that In bin opinion mlKh. add or bit to tlie ple.i. an of tf coimtlei'-, tho'i'ii'ds, who .ill i : '.i the r annual pltgilmni,c to Omalui u September .mil October, na.s b"ut ci cm ed by King Samson. Ali-Sar-Ilen. ilrst. laxt. ami nil Hi. lime, Ib for NeluvHUa. To sin h an e tP"1 ',,"t. in -oIoetli.S the name, tb Kiviu MtiiU ioii:raLii. iinii hi iiu behold was developed a name that to day stands as much for the state hk the name hrelf Without tlu unsi lfi-li co-ier:it'on of the Nebraska peop e such woul I never have been neioni pllahed. Hut tcvluy, thanlts to thei' untiring effoitn. AUSar-Ibn Is- a .' luasba tnpfi itlon, Unown when u fciitlvltlca 'ii" Krown. TTnhlue in Us organization, .b-Si Ron has lie -n able to build an liwt 'i tlon whUh stands lor Nobraslta an' for all that 's sood iu N'ebiasUa. 'Il.i. r.pirlt Is roil TtiMl months in advance when bcndie-N of Omaha Ii i-i "ion glw of their time and brulim t' porfeit an fiiterlalnuienl that wlp fmulsh d'veralou and pbasure fo tbouandH of admiring friends. DIFFERS FROM OTHER FESTIVALS In this, It differs from the regular festivals, tn that for months preceding an entertalrment Is Riven every Mon day evening, to which tho people of the world aro bidden. Then, ns a gigantic climax to there weeks of toil, the an nuul festival la offered, where tb brothers of Nebraska may meet upon a common ground. September 24 to October 4 are the dates which Kinc Samson has dealg nated as the play-time dates thla year. From tbe opeilsr hell, which will rlr up the curtain on tho evening of Sep tember 24, to tbe tip of the gong which will sound the death of Kir.p Samson, Thu Nineteenth, on the even Ing of October i, there will bo aome thing doing "every minuter Other attractions that will centei the attention of" the visitors are the Bhowa ou the Mldwav, Irwin's Wild West show, which wi'il hold forth at Hourko's baseball park, the Ak-Sar Hen Illppo'lrome show, the big show nt the AuilKoriiun and the Hough. County Fair and IJve Stock assoct.i t oil's show On Tuerdav aflernnnn. Setitpmli. t I 30, the Automobile rioral parade wib lie tho gal.i event, with entries fio.n r'l inula of the state; en Vdnesd.i. "'slit the lV.ectucal parade will wend ! u wa' th'tniRli the stre.ta of Oma iwi, more iji-iiiiuiiii man t ' er, ami on Tht'isiiay ai'tmioon tl'c v T.aaLii(LiW Students! Here's the neatest, cleanest, easiest-to-fill fountain pen you ever saw Sclf-Flllina Fountain Pen Just think!-for the same price that you would pay for an old style dropper filler pen, you can get a CONKLIN that Fills itself Cleans itself Never leaks Never "balks" Writes superbly All biyles and sizes of holder and point. Some special Myitis for students. SOLD BY CHAS. L COTTING The Druggist. Frame ConscmLiction Is Most Preferable f" tn Oil.- 1 I' : t, it hi y Init $l nee 'tint f I. y Clt-" o. it-. . tl i,t.mi.i t tn V....U.- iug e in.ii I'i.i- 1). iiu- In. Ill HU ! HI. .l-li III i. ed IVnlll Hit Inl'll MJl: '! ill, l l, I t ny mill 1), lIlleiriiiM ill Ii;'. ! Will. Hit Ijtjui lug liieir m n -i il u, ; .i.-'i.c lui the I e ;-,.t.i IIhiI i,iil I14 Will tlililit If). I'll! ..1 t.tii'1 a-, lilt.' i.t-.i. lllStt',1,1 Iti l ..l.illllH II .I, lOIISlll- en il uu . ,j i. v . I si.i. . i i u in i;, I i lie ii ; -. mi .i;.,n .'. , t.ii I Ikh'.iii-.. i :m r. 1 1 1 nia us uw in- i .i i. .1 pe ti i.ii i Oi j II li' tl.i . i II I .li ill lilt. Ill Hi' i l l i i . til. ' I i I i li .1 i lil lit' us i- . i i s ..tli i - i '. i s i , a . ii w l.i .ii. f -I n , II. O.'ti - I... ' I ni.i.i i t J I. il rilir ! in. ' . , ' lit II ii. t- In - 'I iiii- ,i i .1 ..i ii J e ii II ill u- t liiiigs v. i i,- i. Hi,, ii ! i til i . . - i , i I. , i i i. e .i . . l ii.. ', I iMlil1 in . llil u ii h w 1 1 ,- Uj.iii' ' ill i'i SSiwiAMPmcB LiKt. Mod" SiftiBdws Brsa & 0 ?u!':. xcbr-siia il CAMP (HE Sccl4.lcu(f, -s- Nebraska Pli.MK; itill. 2t'2 Dr."iy T laiiQht. Run away iiom ,c.ip as from n ccaii'.i Uii, i-'d aOiJ In lour souls 1 ,. . t i. r.v tir bolltude. I Aib v" ,;.lu! (bbifJjikM A Mighty 3f AAAE are these days receiving ship ments of fine new merchandise in all departments. Well be glad to show them to you whether you buy or not. We wish to impress the ladies of Red Cloud and vicinity with the fact, that our line o flem Fall Goats Are of the higher type and class of fashion usually found in southern Ne braska. Our line has that attractiveness seldom shown in a city the size of ours. :1 a very ! r;go ;.;orlment to select : . )m - h ' 7C f.X mother and all the ) pleasing prices. Make Our Store fl GSNERA1 iffilPff Rffrtc Pn sss3ss -ximm- sssssssso (5-vr"$SgS&'v 5 9 Tie Tim testa &traw s&ss Gordon i Out of our new Fall Line and you will get $8.00 worth of satisfaction. New Suits, Shoes and Shirts are now here. Let Us Show You Paul Storey $ THE CLOTHIER dvSdB Ufi ys',yr&99 mmmmmm 33'vv'r 1 1 firocerie$?l J li A nice fresh clean stock at li A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them. Try us. P. A. Wullbrandt The Home Grocery s PIMC9 To Trmd 99 . daughters and at 00 Your Hoacfquartors MERGKAKTS '3g$B(JM to Put Thai . i Hat m SS&1S. a A the 1 I . I i V .im.JMAU4Mii )i iJe-'