-wtwl RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF if E-y--'. 1 Nebraska Directory llW'NW THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nibraiks EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from f 1.00 up alosle, 78 ceuta up dou tin CAWE PMCCS REASONABLE The University School of Music Liaeola, Nebraska The foremost school of music in the West. Twentieth year begins Sept. 9th. Send for new free catalog to Willard Kimball, Pre. 1 lth and R Streets Liaeola. Neb. Lincoln Sanitarium mmimmmmmmmmm Sulpho Saline Springs Ucated on our own premliaa and und In tha Natural Mineral Water Baths Uniarpaiaid In lha Irtatmanl ol Rheumatism Haart. Stomach. Kldnsr and Liter Otieitsi MODERATE CHAROEt. ADDRESS ns. n. ttf. ivcaiTT. Mr. 1405 M street Lincoln, Nab. O.. TtMMa4 (1004) Kill raalllM wa tod to Rrltto In UarrlaonCo.Tftias. Klniila daclutap. firm? rain lall.tlmtHir.nllru da, uralrnuiosxhurchn .achools. ifor Inf. write leasf aWe Bealana aa,Banfc4U, Tuu, W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 36-1913. jMt wwcfzsrm P 20 HA3IMERLKSS REPEATING SHOTGUN The Model 1912 Winchester is the lightest, strongest and handsomest repeating weighs only about 5 pounds, yet it has great strength, because its metal parts throughout are made of nickel steel. It is a two-part Take down, without loose parts, is simple to operate and the action works unknown in guns of other makes. See one at your dealer's or Strut to Wlnchitttr Ktpiatlng Armt THE LIGHT WEIGHT, NICKEL STEEL REPEATER. 'WANTED HOMES FOR FAULTLESS STARCH DOLLS' Rand S ton. from ton cent rHtnrch anil ten cent In stamp, (to .cover pottai.o ami packlus) and get Ml" Jillzaueth Ann, a Incln-.l tiiith. Bond three tops from lin c nt .ucl air and rnurcem. in aiampaana it Jn roiniwi-niumwr iklua i.itv KhKn t .IvAlni liAahlch. Hutnl tniia from flro cent psckagit It pu reqairvci. uui inia au. oui. euro or onoicn cenior oneaa. win uouccupvcu Write your namo and THC IIST STAICH FAULTLESS kanbas TOOLS TO TIE TO are those so well made and o suited to the purpose that the dealer will agree to replace them if you find them unsatisfactory. Such are Wright & Willielmy's Double Guaranteed Quality Tool. ynajiKwtec taticta ajaaaaajSJreyy. aHTraaaaawaMaw aej-SMaMajr vwgcvTTfW aaaBiaaaaajaafjawPt .J! ageaBjSBjBBswawawawaSBBjMwWWaw &JBaB'ni?watTMrcHn H . 3asin9 wMiaaaaaiaAaaaaafcaaaaaiijiyiM--'.-, r i.rnr.sawawawaT VJftVSSSSBSBf WWStVllUB lirarurAixaa The Utica trade mark on Wafers and Pliers It assurance that they will do good work and do It indefinitely. 1 he tool here pictured It the title Black Ball Tkrce-Peal Sialic Filler, the beat, the handled and the ejtlftM staple nulling tool nude. 1'uiU staples straight, drives eUples Mr.iiihti cuta wire, stralghtena wire, splices wire, alretchea who, It Is not aaly biaay as a leaea tail, however, but a neo!.it v around tlie'tarni. barn. olhce and house, at a aaaa ollllly Hal. Farmers will tind this an ideal tool for uie in cold weather, as it can be used without Ukiug ott the glove. Beara the Double Guarantee Tag The FENN AUGER (Adju$tablo) Digs different size holes. Digs full size clear to the bottom. Digs in any kind of soil. The blades are rmde of high carbon ste?l and aro flexible. Works fine in black soils, wet clay, and wet gumbo. Flexi bility of the blades permits easeof dumping not obtainable in other post-hole tools. Made lor service and will stand any reasonable usage. It is made to dig post-holes and will do it to suit any one. Will handle hard pan and heavy clay soils twice as fast as any other tool made. Beara the Double Double Guaranteed Quality Hardware me.ins Best Factory U rands guaranteed by the maker find by us, the wholewlu distributors hardware th.it Your Dealer Will Replace without question if it proves u satisfac tory. Each Double Guaranteed article bc.irs a three-colored Guarantee Tag, which is absol to insura co for you. WRIGHT ft WILHCLMV CO., Omaha, Nebr. aQCTflpJP What It Cottt. "Politeness coats nothing." "Nothing, e!i? Costs tno my seat twice a day," dcclured thu tired strap hanger. No Wonder. "My business Is always humming.' "What Is It?" "I keep bees." Mra.Wlaalnwa Boothia Syrup for Children teething, softens the arums, reducee Inftamma tlon.aJla.ja paln,ouraa wind colic J6o m bottlejaw It takes a wife with true faith to brag about her husband's ability, even when she doesn't believe In It herself. "You're Safe" so long as you keep the Stomach, Liver and Bowels working regu larly and when the first sign of weakness ap pears be sure to take HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS promptly. It will help you keep the appetite normal, digestion per fect and liver and bowels active. Try it. Catarrhal Fever 8 to 6 dour often cnr. One Au-cent txittln NI'OltN'N guaranteed to cure a case. Hafe for unr mure, liorse or lolt. liuii-n bottle i lb. Hot It of druggltu, harneia dealers or direct froaa aniifuctnrrni.eiprrss paid. 8f UUN'8 la the tieat pruvenllTe of all forma of dlalempor. Sl'OHN MEDICAL, CO., Cbemlata and lUcterlologlsts, Uoahen, IiuL, IT. 8. A. GAUGE shotgun on the market. It with an ease and smoothness Co, Nrm Haven, Com., tor circular. THC FAMOUS rarkacra of FaaltloaaX wleh, but twice aa many are iuiii im npir . u , two dtb coniini". vu,j wn nuu .....w---. address plainly. f OR AU PURPOSIS STARCH CO. city. mo. UTICA PLIERS ETaVfiBBa1 11 ' Will r handle 111 hard ill 1 etc. IHvlaml Guarantee Tag URGES AMERICANS TO LEAVE MEXICO President Recommends Isolation of Republic and a Patient Policy. SELF-RESTRAINT IS ADVISED Huerta "Singularly Isolated" aa Result of "Unfortunate Misunderstanding" Which Led Him to Reject Friendly Overtures Brought by Llnd Can not Constitute Ourselves Umpire In Disturbance Americans Muat Be Protected. Washington, Aug. 28. Kmphaslxlng the fact that tho United States must remain the linn friend of tho people of Mexico In their prooent stress and trouble, President Wilson todny read his loug-nwalted inosungo on Mexican affairs to congress. Tho massngo was distinctly specific In tono nnd contains ttttlo In tho way of recommendation for futuro policy except the slnglo one that this govern ment must urgo enrnostly thnt all Americans should lcavo Mexico at once and that tho United States should assist them to got out of Mexi co in every way possible. The president counsels delay before further action Is taken, and says: Impatience Would Bo Childish. "Impatience on our part would bo childish nnd would be frought with every risk of wrong and folly. Tho door la not closed against tho resump tion, either upon the Initiative of Mex ico or upon our own, of tho effort to bring order out of the confusion by friendly cooperative action, should fortunate occasion offer. "So long as the misunderstanding continues wo can only await tho time of their awakening to a realization to tho actual facta. Wo cannot thrust our good offices upon them. Tho situ ation must be given a little more time to work Itself out In tho new circum stances, and I believe thnt only a little while will bo necessary. Tho circum stances are new. The rejection of our friendship makes them how and will lnovitably bring Its own alterations In the whole aspect of affalro. Tho actual situation of the authorities at Mexico City will presently bo revealed." Text of President's Message. , The message follows: "Gentlemen of the Congress : It Is clearly my duty to lay before you very fully and without reservation the facts concerning our present relations with the republic of Mexico. The deplora ble posture of nffalrs In Mexico I need not describe, but I deem It my duty to speak very frankly of what this gov ernment has done and should seek to do In fulfillment of Its obligation to Mexico herself, as a friend and neigh bor, and to American citizens wIiobo lives and vital interests are dally af fected by the distressing condition which now obtain beyond our south ern border. U. 8. a Friend of Mexico. "Those conditions touch us very nearly. Not merely because they Ho at our very doors. That, of course, makes us moro vividly and mora con stantly conscious of them, nnd every Instinct of neighborly Interest and eympntby Is aroused and quickened by them; but thnt Is only ono element In the determination tf our duty. Wo aro glad to cull ourselves the frlands of Mexico, nnd wo shall, I hope, hnvo many an occasion, In happier times, as well aa In these days of trouble nnd confusion, to show that our frlenduhlp Is genuine and disinterested, capable of sacrifice and very generous mani festation. Tbe peace, prosperity, and contentment of Mexico mean moro, much more, to us, than merely an en larged Meld for our commerco and en terprise. They mean an enlargement of the field of self-government and the realization of hopes and rights of 1 a nation with whoso best aspirations too long Ruppressed, and disappointed we deeply sympathize. Wo shall yet prove to the Mexican peoplo thnt we know how to servo them without first thinking how we shall serve ourselves. World Wants Mexican Peace. "But wo nro not tho only friends of Mexico. The whole world desires her peace nnd progress, and the whole world Is Interested as never bpfore. Mxlco lies at last where all tho world looks on. Central America Is about to be touched by tho great routes of the world's trade and Intercourse run ning free from ocean to ocean at the Isthmus. The future has much In store for Mexico, as for all the stntcB of Central America, but the best gifts ' can come to her only If she be ready and free to receive them and to enjoy them honorably. America In particu larAmerica, North and South, and upon both continents waits upon the development of Mexico; aafl that de velopment can oo souna ana lasting only If It bo the product of a genuine "Doll Cure" 8aved Child. The "doll euro" for a pining twin waa successfully employed ut Fins bury, Middlesex, England, not long since. Ono of tho twins died and tho other wasted and got rapidly worso until tho mother, on the suggestion of a neighbor, put a largo dull lu bed with It. From that moment tho child began to Improve. "Dolls often cure babies," she says, "especially when doctors have io hopes and glvo thorn up. It's a sort of 'tnfluenco' or some 'thing like that, I think. freedom, a Just and ordered govern ment founded upon law. And so can It bo peaceful and fruitful of tho bone fits of pence. Mexico has a great and envlnblo future beforo her, If only she chooso and attain the paths of honest constitutional government. No Peace Is In Sight "Tho present circumstances of the republic, I deeply regret to say, do not seem to promise even the foundations of such a peace. We have watted many months, months full of peril and anxi ety, for tho conditions there to Im prove, and they have not Improved. They have grown worso, rather. Tho territory In some sort controlled by the provisional authorities at Mexico City has grown smaller, not larger. Tho prospect of tho pacification of tho country, even by urins, hns seumed to grow moro nnd moro remote, nnd Ub paclllrntlon by tho authorltluH nt tho capital Ih evidently ImpoHslbln by any other means than force. Difficulties moro and moro ciitniigla those who claim to constitute tho legitimate gov ernment of tho republic. They have not unido good their claim In fact. Their succpsscb In the Hold huvu protvd only temporary. Wnr und dis order, devastation nnd confuHlon, seem to threaten to become) tho nettled for tune of the distracted country. Ah friends wo could wnlt no longer for it solution which every week heoms fur ther away. It was our duty nt loaBt to volunteer our good ofllces tho offer to ncHlbt, If we might, In effecting some arrangement which would bring relief and peace nnd set up a uniform nlly acknowledged political authority thero. Tells of Instructions to Llnd. "Accordingly 1 took tho liberty of sending thu Hon. John hind, formerly governor of Minnesota, as my person al spokesman and representative to tho City of Mexico with the following Instructions: "Press very earnestly upon the at tention of thoso who are now exer cising authority or wielding Influence In Mexico tho following consideration and advice: "The government of tho Unltod states does not feel at liberty any longer to stand Inactively by while It becomes dally more and more evident that no real progress 1b being mndo towards tho establishment of a gov ernment at tho City of Mexico which the country will obey and respect. "Tho government of the United States docs not stand In tho samo caso with the other great governments of the world In respect to what is hap pening or what Is likely to happen In Mexico. Wo offer our good oIIIcob, not only becauBo of our genuine desire to play tho part of a friend, but also becauso we aro expected by the pow ers of tho world to act as Mexico's nearest friend. Acts In Interest of Mexico. "Wo wIbu to act In those circum stances In tho spirit of tho nioai ear nest and disinterested friendship. It is our purpose In whatovur wo do or propose in this porplexiug and dis tressing situation not only to pay tho most scrupulous regard to tho sover eignty and independence of Mexico that wo tako as -a matter of courco, to which we aro bound by every ob ligation of right and honor but aUo to glvo ovory poBslblo evidence that we act In tho Interest of Mexico nlono, and not In tha Interest of any person or body of persons who may have per sonal or properly claims in Mexico which thoy may feel that thuy liuve tho right to press. Wo aro seeking to counsel Mexico for her own good und lu tho Interest of her own peace, and not for any other purpose whutovcr. "The government of thn United States would bo Itself discredited it it had any selfish or ulterior purpose In transactions whoro tho peace, hap pineBs and prosperity of a wholo peo ple aro involved. It Is acting as Its friendship for Mexico, not as any selfish interest, dictates. All America Cries for Settlement. "The political situation in Mexico Is Incompatible -with tho fulfillment of international obligations on tho part of Mexico, with tho civilized de velopment of Mexico herself, and wltli tho maintenance of tolerablo political and economic conditions In Central America. It Is no common occaclon, therefore, that the United States of fers her counsel and assistance. All America cries out for a settlement. "A satisfactory settlement booms to us to be conditioned on: (a) An Im mediate cessation of fighting through out Moxtco, a definite armistice, tol emnly entered into and scrupulously observed ; "(b)Securlty given for an early und free election In which all will agrco to tako part. Huerta Must Not Be Candidate. "(c) Tho consent of Oenernl Huer ta to bind himself not to be a candi date for election as president of tho republic at this election; and "(d) Tho agreement of all parties to abide by the results of tho election and co-operation In tho most loyal way In organizing and supporting the now administration. "The government of tho United States will be glad to play any part In his settlement or in its currying out which Is honorable and consistent with International right. It pledges Co-Operation Among Insects. Tho wonderful Intelligence of ants haB often been described, but It Is not generally known that the common black aut keeps largo colonics of green fly, known scientifically as "aphides." Tho ants protect tho flies from beetles and other enemies who would devour them, and thn flies in return furnleh tho ants with honey, of which thoy are intensely fond. Tho ants extract tho sweet fluid from the bodies of tho flies by stroking them with tbelr anteunae. Itself to recognlxo and In any way proper to assist thu administration chosen and sot up In Mexico In tho wny nnd on tho conditions suggested. Taking till tho existing conditions Into consideration the government of the United Htatos can conceive of no reasons sufficient to Justify those who are now attempting to shape the pol icy or exercising the authority of Mex ico In circling the offices of friendship thus offered. Can Mexico give tho civ ilized world a satisfactory reason for rejecting our good offices? Llnd Showed Great Tset. Mr. Llnd executed his delicate and difficult mission with singular tact, firmness, nnd mndo clear to 'the au thorities of tho city of Mexico, not only tho purposo of his visit, but also thu spirit In which It hnd been under taken. Hut tho proposals ho sub mitted woro rejected, lu n nolo, tho full text of which I tnko tho liberty of laying beforo you. "I am led to believe that thoy wero rejected partly because tho authori ties nt Mexico City hnd been grossly misinformed nnd misled upon two points. They did not realize tho spirit or tho American peoplo lu this matter, their earnest friendliness and yet sober determination thnt some Just so lution bo found for tho Mexican diffi culties; nnd thoy did not believe that tho present ndmlnistrtlon spoke, through Mr Und, for the American people. "Meanwhile, what Is It our duty to do Clenrly, everything that wo do must bo rooted In patience and done with calm und disinterested delibera tion. Impntlcnco on our part would bo childish, und would bo fraught with ovory rlHk of wrong nnd folly. Wo can afford to cxerclso thn solf-ro-strnlnt of n rcnlly great nntlon which realizes Its own strength and scorns to mlsuso It. It was our duty to offer our active assistance. It Is now our duty to show what truo neutrality will do to cnnblo tho peoplo of Mexico to set their affairs In order again nnd wnlt for a further opportunity to offer our friendly counsels. Tho door Is not closed against tho resumption, either upon tho Inltlutlvo of Mexico or upon our own, of tho effort to bring order out of tho confusion by frlondly co operative action, should fortunato oc casion offer. Urges Americana to Leave. "Wo should earnostly urgo all Amor IcnnB to lenvo Mexico at oncu, and should assist thorn to got away In ovory way possible Not becauso we would mean to slacken In tho least our efforts to sufegunrd their lives and their Interests, but because It Ih Imperative that they should not tako any unnecessary risks If It Is physical ly posslblo for them to lenvo tho coun try. Wo should lot everyone who nsHUincs to cxerclso authority In any part of Mexico know In tho most un equivocal wny that wo shall vigilantly watch tho fortunes of thoso Ameri cans who cannot got away, and shall hold those responsible for their suf ferings nnd losses to a definite reckon ing. Will Remain Neutral. "For tho rest, I doom It my duty to oxorclBo tho authority conferred Upon mo by tho law of March 14, 1912, to sco to It thnt neither sldo to tho Btrugglo now going on In Mexico re ceive any assistance from this side of tho border. I shall follow tho best practice of nations In tho matter of neutrality by forbidding tho exporta tion of nrma or munitions of war of any kind from tho United States to any part of tho republic of Mexico. "I nm happy to say thnt several of tho great governments of tho world hnvo given this government their gen erous moral support In urging upon tho provisional authorities nt tho city of Mexico tho acceptances of our proffered goad offices In tho spirit lu which they wero made." Mexico's Side of It. Washington, Aug. 28 Tho follow ing Is a synopsis of tho reply of Senor Oamboa to the proposals of tho American government conveyed through Hon. John Llnd, as transmit ted to congress by the president: In his reply to tho American pro posals Senor Gamboa, the Moxlcan minister of foreign affairs, urges the following points: That President Wilson's Imputation thnt no progress Is bolng mado to ward tho restoration of peuco In Mex ico Is not truo. That tho fuct the Moxlcan govern ment enjoys tho recognition of nearly all the great nations of the world 1b proof that it Is a true and honorable administration That tho proposal of on nrmlstlco Is Impossible, becauso nations do not proposo armistices with bandits. STo grunt an nrmlstlco would bo to rec ognize the belligerency of the rebels. That tho request that General Huer to should not bo a candidate for tho presidency Is "strange and unwarrant ed." Thnt the election of General Huerta was legal. That the American proposals are "humiliating and unsound." That Mexico's ambassador should be received In Mexico and that tho United States should send a now am bassador to Mexico. Concerning the Gentle Postage Stamp. Most doctors will tell you that It is an unhealthy habit to lick tho gummed side of a postngo stamp. May wo add that It Is moroly a waste of 1 1 mo nnd temper to lick thn other side. Uooks of Today and Tomor row. One Happy Result. Ilookkeoper (to chief) "Mr. Grouch, I'm going to got married." Grouch "Glad to hear It! You won't bo so ter ribly anxious to get homo early now!" WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Find Help in Lydta E. Pink- hain't Vegetable Compound. BetleTne, Ohio. -"I was tn a terrible) Ute before I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound. My back acheduntll I thougbfc Itwouldbreak.Ihad pains all over me, nervous feelings and periodic troubles. X was very weak and run down and waa losing hope of evee being well and strong. After tak ing: Lydia E. Pink- barn's Vegetable Compound I improved rapidly and today am a woll woman. cannot tell you how happy I feel and I cannot say too much for your Compound, Would not bo without it in tho house if It cost three times tho amount" Mrs. Chas. Chapman, R. F. D. No. 7, Bella . vuo, Ohio. Because your case is a dl(Bcult one, doctors having dono you no good, do not continue to Buffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflamma tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, lrrcgularltice, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need. The Plnkham record la a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the obstinate ills of womaa. ills that deal out despair. It is an es tablished fact that Lydia B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound baa restored health to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't yoa try it If yoa need such a medicine? The Army of CorutJDation U Growing Smaller Every Day, CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are responsible they , not only give relief. they perma nently cure cee- eUaatioa. Mil-. lions use. them for liliaasMii. kJisaitiea, Sick HaaJacW , Sale ask. SMALL rUL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICaV Genuine muat bear Signature FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS, Ilrouft.i'ouTorsoms'auHDuwN'or'ooTTKaanJiar euiraa Iron kiiihit. aLaiiDaa. naavoua Disaaii oiOHiowsN,aas,uLcss.siHiauFTioMS.HLaa, writ, tor mr PRaa book, thb must Ihstuctit MIDICAL HOOK VIWITTKK,irTH. La ll about tWM riAti4 and th. maim. ruaia arrrcTao b THI NIW FRINOH SIMIOY. N.1.N.3.M4L THERAPION STS Mil's th. r.m.ilr tor l nu. own allmmt. itoal mm aeMk AbutuulrPftaa. No'lollowup-circnlara. Ua Lacuna Mau.Cu. UAvaasroc Kciuursraao, London, HMO. Puzzle. "Dad, tell mo ono thing." "What Is it, my Bon?" "If tho fathers were to hold con gresses to agreo on what they wanted llko tho mothers, woiild they bo 'pop' concerts?" Important to Mothera . Exnmine carefully every bottle of CASTOIUA, a safe and euro remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Dears the 7sj VASjES Signature of Cfatyfyfefei In Ubo For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher! Caitoria Her Three R's. Schuyler What constitutes "the three It's" In tbe education of a debu tante T Van Puyster Well, I should say raiment, ragtime and, repartee. Life. Summer Annoyances such as prickly beat, Ivy poisoning. Insect bltea and offensive perspiration aro quickly relieved by applying Tyreo's Antlsoptlo Powder. 26c. at druggists or write J. 8. Tyree, Wash ington, D. C, for freo sample. Adr. Proper Dignity. "Is your cook easy to get on with?" "Oh, yes, indeed. She Is most kind and considerate, but she makes us know our place." FEEL ALL USED UP? Does your back ache constantly? Do you have sharp twinges when stooping or llftiog? Do you feel all used up as If you could just go no further? Kidney weakness brings great discom fort What with backache, headache, dizziness and urinary disturbances it M no wonder one feels all used up. Doan's Kidney Pills have cured thou sands of just auch cases. It's the beet recommended special kidney remedy. An Illinois Case) MKvtryPietur Edwin duokar, W a a t a r n Ava., fload. Hattoon, ll aaya: "I had terrible patna . In mr back. I loat neah. had a poor appetite ana couldn't ilsip Poctora said I couldn't live lone On taking; Doan'a Kidney TlUa, I gatnrd health and atrength nnd be fore long, I waa cured. I am now In the beat of health." Ttiu oiwv- Gat Deaa'a at Aar Stera. SOa a Bos DOAN'SWilLV FOSTER-M1LBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. SmSBBBBBsiniDTPK bbbsssssT alLT. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaa BSBBBJ BVIB.B.Bk $se7&frz Tl S, SsSVsaS JfksMl mm 1 MBBBBBBVaBalBBVBBVBBTaBaBBBJBaB. ' s."JU'JliXY: ih -k 1 V- 'M