The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1913, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week's Doings
The vacation days look sick.
Smoke Ulue Hill Cigar Co. No. '21
Cigars. adv.
V. Richards of Heaver Creek was In
the city Saturday.
Harry Banks and wife spent Mon
day in Franklin.
A. K. Atkins and son autocd home
from Itlair, Sunday,
Ice cream and soft driuks served at
Warren's Restaurant. adv
Wcesner & Koontz shipped two cars
of hogs to Kansas City Sunday.
Ren Williams of Geneva spent Sun
day in this city with his parents.
Floyd Turnure and Wallace and
Web Hay spent Sunday in Bladen.
E W. Coplen and wife left Monday
for Lincoln to attend the state fair.
Ed. Taylor returned the tlrst of the
week from a short visit iu Missouri.
Mrs. SR. McBrlde is (.pending the
week in Amboy at the home of her
Dr. D. 0. Plumb left Monday morn
ing for Itoston where he will practice
Uoono S Hinders left Monday for
Hillings, MVmtiuiu, to attend to busi
ness matters.
.1. II. Hllinger shipped a car of cat
tle to St. .Joe, Sunday, he chaperoning
th shipment.
Druee Beekwith of Racine, Wlscon
sill, ariived on Friday to visit with his
mo'ther anil sister.
Win. Koutworthy and family left
this week for Des Moiuc, Iowa, whole
thoy Intend to locate. Heads and
Abnlono I'enrl Jouolery at New
house's jewelery store.
First time in town for California
Floral Reads and Abulono Pearl
Jewelry at Newhouse's of course.
Roy Fearn and wife after a visit
with relatives in this city left Sunday
evening for their homo iu Superior.
Brakemen Roy Robins came down
from McCoolc on Sunday to spend a
few days at the home of his parents.
Miss Vernon Storey who has spent
the past few months iu Europe and
other foreign countries, has returned
Mrs Ella Cook Putrick returned to
herhoTriein "Onialia tfie llrst "of the
week after a visit with relatives iu
.this city.
Mrs. A. S Thomas and daughter
left Sunday morning for Mt. Sterling,
Ohio, after a visit at the John Crans
home iu this city.
Homer (Hies left Monday for his
home In Valllsco, Iowa, after a short
visit in this city with his sister, Mrs.
Win, Shoemaker.
Lowell Kobblns left Tuesday morn
ing for Central City where he has ac
cepted a position in his chosen pro
fession, that of marble cutting.
Ed. Ilerrick who for some time past
has resided in this city being employ
ed as wire chief for the Llncola Tele
phone and Telegraph Company, left
Monday morning for Hastings where
he will be in the employ of the same
company in the same capacity, but
being able to enjoy a larger and
greener pasture. Ed. made many
friends during his sojourn in this
city who regret to see him leave, but
wish for him success in his new field.
His place here has been taken by J.
C. Geer, of Falrbury, a man of con
siderable experience in his chosen line,
and possessing all the ear marks of a
Anyone looking at the wonderful
array of products that Webster county
sent up to the state fair this week
would never think for a single minute
that the county had just passed tnru
the hotest, dryest season in the history
of the state. There were water melons
two feet long, musk melons of gener
ous size and excellent flavor, onions
that could not be excelled in the most
favorable conditions, beets big and
red, alfalfa, apples, and yes, even corn.
Soma of the ooru in this collection U
twelve and fourteen inches long and
the kernels firm and well formed.
, Jhe only vegetables lacking this year
were pumpkins an squdshes every
thing else was well represented.
A prairie schooner belonging to N.
J. Clark who was enioute from Flagler,
Colo., to eastern points caught lire
Sunday afternoon about n mile east of
town, where Mr. Clark had stopped
for a short rest. At the time the tire
was1 at its best W. E. White and family
came along In a buggy and stopped to
watch the blaze. In the camp wagou
were some 32 cartridges and the tire
reaching them cuuscd them to explode.
One of the bullets struck Mr. White's
littlo girl in the back of the head
coming out on the top, but only pass
ing between the skull and scalp. Tho
Injury, while a painful one, is not of
serious nature. The camp wagon
aud contents were completely destroy
ed with the exception of the running
No. 21 m Cigars as good as gold.
Tiy them. adv.
Missas Mary and Josh t'vlg woie
Superior visitors Tuesday.
Apples for sale. 20c for wind-falls
t"iOc for picked apples. Cecil MeCull.
Attorney Kernanl fc McNeiiy spent
Monday In ltloomlngtoii attending to
business matters.
Bernard MeNeny left yesterday for
Smith Center, Kansas, to attend to
matters of a legal nature.
Den't NlSS seeing some of the Inst
UaiM 6ames this year at Sntrir
September 3-4-5-0-7-8.
Parties having rooms or wishing to
board and room students are requested
to notify Supt. R. D. Morltz. adv.
Fred Hedge lost a stack of alfalfa
containing 25 tons on Monday even
ing, the stack being ignited by light
ning. John Yost, Harry Stroup, Fritz
Moede nnd Orris Matklns left yester
day for Lincoln via the auto route to
take in the state fair.
I have the best rate in tho county on
farm loans. See me hiuI be convinced,
My motto prompt service.
A. T. Wai.kkk
Rev. J. E. .larboc and family accom
panied by Miss Kathryne Thomas left
Sunday for Chicago where they will
spend the coming year iu educational
Lawrence Doyle, George jSiuclsei',
Jake Saltman and Jim Tanquury re
turned Tuesday evening from Super
ior where they had been building a
cement silo.
Sid Lcugtin left for his home at
Great Falls, Montana, Saturday night,
after spending a couple of weeks in
this city where he was called by the
death of hjs mother.
Miner Sherwood was entertaining
his friend Wayne Carroll of Lincoln
on Sunday aud living over again those
days "a college life and a knowledge
life, is the life of all forme."
Miss Grace Stewart aud sister, Miss
Florence, left Friday for Kansas City
for a visit with relatives, after which
Florence leaves for Chicago to attend
school while Grace will return to this
Dow Kaley, Harold Turnure, Will
Storoy, Paul Polnlcky, Ray Saunder.s,
Vernon Taylor and Allen Dlackledgu
left Monday for Heweese whore they
will remain this week enjoying an
David Falrchild returned to his
home in Mount Clair Sunday nfter
spending a week in. this city where he
assisted in getting out this greatest of
all great luformatl6u butoaus The
Red Cloud Chief.
Tho W. C. T. U. will open the next,
year's work with a Temperance' Rally
and basket picnic ut Mr. Duvid HeUlo
bower's next Wednesday, Septomber
lUtli. A cordial invitation is extended
to all who can attend. Cotno and
bring your basket.
Hariy Lotson manager of the Miner
Bros. Co store, returned the latter
part of the week from Chicago and
eastern markets where he .went to
purchase fall and wlutcr goods for
this popular mercantile firm.
Frank Cowdeu returned Friday
evening from eastern markets where
he purchased a complete line of fall
and winter goods for tho popular
gents outfitting emporium The
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Compauy.
M. T. Forsythe, who came here a
few months ago from Akron, Colo.,
and installed a barber shop In the
basement of the Potter building has
disposed of the same to Mr. C. H.
Potter. Mr. Forsythe left the latter
part of the week for uortbern Colo
rado points in searoh ota new location,
Fritz Pbares is enjoying the luxury
of a few boils which adorns his other
wise handsome countenance. Tis an
old proverb that a boil Is worth a ten
spot, but we are of the opinion were
we lu.the market for any, could secure
a few from Fritz for a trifle less, and
perhaps with only a small payment
down. '
Last League Games at
i Superior vs. Columbus Sept. 3-4-5.
Superior vs. Fremont Sept. 0-7-8.
Doable Header
Sunday, September 7th
Game called 1:15 p.m. Adtu. 8.1c.
Other days 3 p. m. Adm. 2So.
Smith Brothers have been doing a
farm loan business continuously in
Webster county since 1878 long before
others were willing to part with their
money, aud loau it to Webster county
farmers. They are still making loans
at tho 5 per cent rate to all who have
high grado security to otter. Sec the
advertising card of tho Fanners Truttt
Co. in this issue.
Govoruor Morohoad has given out
the Information that he would soon
issue a proclamation calling upon the
people of Nebraska to devote two days
to the building of good roads iu the
state. The governor has signified his
willingness to don workingman's
clothes and assist iu any capacity he
could. No definite date for the Is
suance of the proclamation has been
set but it is expected that the an
nouncement of the dates for the work
will be made public in a short time.
Col. ( K. Hesse was a Lincoln visit
or this week.
Miss Anna Gllham was a Cowles
visitor Wednesday.
Miss Blanche Foster is spending
the week In Oniiiliu.
Miss Belle Spangole Is spending the
week In Lincoln witli friends.
'The Infant baby boy of Mr. aud Mrs.
Johnnie Rutledge died Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Grimes are spend
ing the week iu Lincoln attending the
state fair.
George Pope and wife left this morn
iug for Osnkis, Minnesota, for a visit
with friends.
Mr. II. II. Fisher of Fresno, Colo ,
Is In the city visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Coon.
Mi. and Mrs Johnnie Rutledge are
the proud parents of a baby boy born
Sunday morning
The scholars of the Baptist Sunday
school enjoyed a picnic at the Topham
grove Wednesday.
The pupils of the Congregational
Sunday school held a picnic at the
i-'hlemau grove Monday.
The Ladles of the Baptist church
will hold a market at Wullbraudl's
store Saturday Sept. Oth.
Mrs. Warren Long tin entertained a
few friends to luncheon Sunday even
ing in honor of Warren's birthday.
Miss Nora Leggett is spending the
week in the country visiting with Mrs.
Mel Ilerrick and other relatives.
A couple of the Sunday School
classes of the Christian church expect
to hold a piciilu to-morrow at Amboy.
Rev. J. M. Bates returned Monday
from his vacation and will hold ser
vices at Grace chinch the next two
Mr. and Mrs. Fied Moiteu of Blue
Hill were Iu tho city Tuesday attend
ing the funeral of her mother, Mrs.
Mr. anil Mrs. Kenneth Williams of
Geneva were heie Tuesday attending
the funeral of his mother, Mis
Mrs. G C. Bailey and' children who
have been spending the summer at
Jtocktori, Illinois, returned nomc
Frldny evening.
Miss Laura Hedge departed for
Franklin Sunday evening where she
has been engrged as one of the
teachers at the Academy.
L. E. Conrad who has beoti laid up
the past month with rheumatism
again resumed his duties as driver of
tho Standard Oil Wagon on Friday.
Mrs. It. W. Koontz and daughter
returned Tuesday from Long Beach,
California, where they have been the
past few months, going there for the
bonellt of Mrs. Koontz's health.
Several of "the boys" around town
who are noted for their pleasing man
ners and doll like appearance spent
Sunday evening iu Franklin, where
tis said reside certain young ladies,
who to these, said boys possess all tho
qualities of being the 'Weotett
flowers tho garden ever grew."
O. C. Teel loft Tuesday morning for
Lincoln to attend the state fair aud to
visit a few days with his sister who
resides at that place, but who is male
lug preparations to move to California.
Oscar said it was a chance of getting
two birds with one stone and he could
not resist.
Frank Ellinger, Harvey Rickerson,
Aaron Hedge and Frank Abel spent
Sunday evening In Campbell. Whether
the boys went, to gaze at the tall
buildings and enjoy a few street car
rides, or whether they weut just for
the pleasure of spending a few hours
with some fair maidens, we have been
unabje to learn.
Report of the Cossnlon
Webster County Bank
Charter No. 10ID, Incorporated In the Htato ot
Nebraska, at the close ot business Aug. 2fl,
Loans and Discounts 78,l&2.t
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... 2M.20
Furniture and Fixtures 1,600.00
Current expenses and taxes paid....... 390.21
Duo from national and state
banks. fS4.aOW.73
Checks and Items ot exchange 4687
Currency...... 2,888.00
Hold coin a. &8TJ.00
Hllver, nickels and cents....
Total cash on hand :W,Wt!.m
Total , UIIIWJ.0-2
t'ajiltal Htnck paid In ..(Wj.OOO.OO
.SurpHiH (unci ... 'J.wo.oo
Undivided prolltK l,ir).(H
Individual 1cokIIh subject
to check .... iH,:il.,.04
licmnnd and Time ccrtlll-
cntLH ot deposit , t!l,H7lil
Total deposits W,ViWa
HepoHltorh' Ktmrauty fund 731.11
Total S IllW-UK
County of Webster. f
I,K, It. ri.oiiANCK. cashier of thu above
nauiid bank, do hereby Hwourthnt tho above
statement Is u correct and into copy of the
report uiiido to the .State liaukliiK Hoard.
H. K. I'l.OHANCi:,
AirKsr: (.'ashlir.
II. F.Mikkii, Director.
Wm. Ciiaiiim., Director.
Hubscrlbcd aud sworn to beloro ino this
3rd day of Hept., 1013. O. C. Tkki.,
(hkai..) Notary l'ubllc.
Citizens To Vote
On Sewer System
On Tuutduv evening the City Council
met iu regular notion In the council
cliRiiiher, with Mayor Saunders in thu
chair, and Cnunrilmcn Storey, Cowden,
Foe and CrntiB present.
City Clerk, pro tern Geo. 11. Ovcring,
read the minutes of tho previous and
Intc.vening sessions, which were ap
proved. The matter of the suit of the Bell
Telephone Co., the complaint was laid
over to another meeting for investiga
tion by the city attorney, M. J. Mun
day. The sewer system and plans were
taken up at this juncture and fully dis
cussed by the mayor and council, and
after taking the matter up from all
corners, a vote was called for bb to
whether the matter should be put be
fore the people, and when Clerk Over
ing canvassed the voto it was found to
have been unanimously carried and the
election was called for October 14, 1913.
Tho report of City Treasurer Flor
ance was read and filed.
The report of Police Judge Burden
was read and approved. This was the
first report ever made by a police judge
in litis city. The report was placed on
The application of CHIT Jay for raise
in salary, was carried over until a fu
ture date for action.
The following bills wcro nllowed:
Guy Zeigler, Balary $1120 00
Cliff Jay, salary 75 00
W. II. Patten, Biliary 70 00
Carrie Fry, drayaga HO fti
S. II Plorance, cxpcnBe nc. ... 110 (ill
O. C. Tel, expense tic 35 01
Grand Christy, Balary ('. 00
Frank Etherton, policu .'! 00
It. F. Oatman, urct sewerage. 8 HO
W. II. Fuller, " " .. 151 01
Weemicr-Perry acct S. Fair., fi '18
J. W. Stockman, " " .. -15 00
Gen. ClawBon, milary 80 00
Frank Clawson, street work.... 18 22
Gen. II. Ovcring, city cng
Geo. Overinp, acct. xnwerng..
S. A. Finchcr, street work....
43 oo
41 (11
7 00
Otis Leggett, ant. city cng. . . .
Wm. Bohrer, " " ....
Finkenbiiulcr & Walters
S. T. Mountford. W and L....
Id 00
2 or
181 00
4 ro
American Engine Co 42 8'
Troy Engine & Machine Co.... 5 87
Mid West Electric C 1) 8!)
WmPegg, WandL 02 77
Ed i'egg, W and L, '.... 21 2.r
Lloyd Pegg, W and C 9 00
Piatt & Frees, supplies . 141 99
Saunders Bros '357 80
J Council then adjourned until next
fcgular session.
City Treasurer's Statement
Sept. '2, I'Jl.'l.
Honorable Mayor aud City Council,
Kcd Cloud, Neb.
I enclose btatcmetit. cover
ing receipt aud diHburhcincnls ot my
olllce for tlio period from Auk. ''. 11,i:i
to Sept. 'J, 1U13.
Occupation Fund
Amount on hand Aug. 5, '111.. 8 till lo
Receipts til &0
4117 tir.
Disbursements 101 07
lialauce Sept. 2, '13 8 330 28
Water Fund
Amount on hand Aug. 5, '13... 838 31
Disbursements ! 754 r0
Balance Sept. 2, '111 0 73 75
Water Levy Fund
Amount on haud Aug. S, '13. . .1 70 03
Disbursements 72 20
Balance Sept. 2, '13 J 3 83
, General Fund
Amount on hand Aug. 5, '13 ..I 33'J 01
Disbursements 14 T2
Bulance Sept. 2, '13 f 175 20
.Electric Light Fund
Amount on hand Aug. 5, '13. r.f G10 05
Receipts 70164
1220 M)
Disbursements ,.. 170 8U
Dalanc Sept. 2, '13 1 1OI0 70
Electric Light Levy Fnnd
Amount on hand Aug. 5,l3. ;.8 2C0 7.'.
Disbursements .V.... 2G 17
Balance Sept. :?, '13 "
Judgment Fund
Amount on hand Aug. 5, '13. . .1 484 21
Ualance Sept. 2, '13 481 21
Firemen's Fund
Amount on hand Aug. 0, '13. . .8 217 IS
Receipts 8o 00
llalanco Sept. 2, '13 8 S'.7 is
Occupation Fund $ 330 28
Water Fund 73 7r
Water Lovy Fuud 3 83
General Fund 175 29
niectrlo Light Fund 1010 70
Klectrlo Light Levy Fuud 2 fi8
Judgment Fund 481 21
Fireiuoti'b Fund 207 Ir.
Total .- 82123 09
B. R. Florakck, City Treasurer.
J Our buyer is back from the east
ern markets and is pleased to inform
the large number of people who look to
this concern for their clothes needs
we have got something to offer
season in qualities and prices
will be a revelation to those
looking for Clothes Bargains.
People are going to save what,
they can this fall and we want to
state right here that we are in a posi
tion now to sell our high grade merchan
dise at a great saving, as our buyer
was able to secure some wonderful bar
gains while east on accpunt of the
numerous cancellations coming from the
dried out districts.
Our stock of Kuppenheimer, Society
Brand and Cloth Craft Clothes will be
as complete as ever and our Hats, Shoes
and Furnishings are all new and up-to-date
he Qoiuden-Kaley Qlothing Qo.
Red Cloud's Fore
Homestead hand Opening
Fort Peek Indian Reservation Montana
REGISTRATION Register at Great Falls or Havre, Mont., daily
September. I st to 20th inclusive.
RATES -Round trip rates to Great Falls or Havre from Omaha,
Lincoln, Hastings and other Nebraska points, $35.00 on Sep
tember 9th and 16th.
CHARACTER OF SOlL-486,667 acres classified as
lands and 737,181 acres classified as grazing lands.
Write for maps and further particulars.
Number 21
And Qet Smtlmfmetlon
For Your Money.
We have all the latest designs of staple
articles, and can fit you out, from parlor
to kitchen. The prices are right too.
Come in and see. -:- -:- -:-
Most Clothcrs
D. Clem Dcaver, Immigration Afent
too Farnammt., Omaha, Maltraaka
' i
i Him