The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1913, Image 2

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    W8MSfWtoMtawwiM- w wrtnwwt mm. i-r4iirwMm m, . jmuumuiW im,hi,
wtuAMHevWiM-AiwiwnflynftlMM .p jeajp.jsr r- srcwst, - -friers, rsavz - n rr stk-3 wre -ir --v- e m"T-"raytr r ruriK" wiwrnf 9 r -. w r
MKW WO sentiments, nays tho "little his
" tory of tho province, which a wIbo
ha educational commit too has provided
Dl for tho chlldron'B uso In old French
jK Cntnlonln, two sontlmonts aro nntlvo
J2 t0 tlu llfnrt of every Bood Catalan
lovo or iiib cuuiury unu inu iuva ui
liberty. An ardent Indopcndcnco, as
tho same authority explains, and a
distinguishing capacity for pursuing
eronoly their solf-appolntcd way hava always
markod this hardy peoplo. Honco It Ib that to
this day tho Catalan rotalns his racial character
titles, cherlBhes his old traditions and Catalan
to Catalan speaks In tho ancient tongue.
Again and t again his country has changed
hands. Tho seaboard plnlns and tho lofty high
lands upon tho eastern Spanish frontier known
to the mediaeval world as Catnlonla, hnvo shared
the usual futo of border territories. Peoples from
the north and peoples from tho houUi Hoinatm,
Visigoths, MoorB, Franks, counts of Rousslllon,
kings of Arragon and of Majorca, rulers of
Trance, rulers of Spain In turn havo conquored
or poBSOBcd tho laud. Hut tho Catalan has never
ceased to foci himself a Catalan or lout his mas
tering son so of raco.
Tho namo Catalonia Is usually taken to Imply
merely the Spanish provlnco, and to mention tho
Catalans Is to call up disturbing visions of In
dustrial strikes, evoking memories of anarchist
activity and dcBperato Uarcelona riots. The pic
ture, It may, par paronthoso, be said, Is perhaps
hardly fair to tho men whoso energy has created
the largest, most flourishing seaport of Spain,
who, all said and done are certainly tbo most pro
gressive, most Intelligent, most resourceful of
King Alfonso's subjects. In any case, the Cata
lans on the French Bide of the border aro un-
m f : svassssfc: ttBBBBBBBBBsMQrMa
Bw"aBBeevaBa"vaB"aBBSBWTHewaBne', -"-s ; K0imbV1BhV1BhV1BhV1BhV1BBC3psS&Xi9sI
ir I iBHfiaSK&SSHWBHBBHXsiiSu fiM 1 I
11 Fjuzr I -B:3BiSSIilrs3SSrM IihHH I
111 jBunAdbv I I BMBMBMlBaLA s 7 -- . 'BMBMBMBMBMSMwI I
1? WsQ&Q I (BMkHKli' '" f ' r IBHBksBHBHI I
known to newspaper fame, nor does tho traveling
public know very much as yet of tho beautiful
and varied land which they are so proud to
It Is the Frenchman's boast that samples of the
world' best scenery and tho rnngo of all Its de
sirable cllmatcB aro found within tho boundaries
of his native country. In these respects French
Catalonia which (with a portion of old Langue
doc) la defined upon tho modern map as the
department Pyrenees Orlentalos may be de
scribed as Franco In miniature Mont Canlgou,
admittedly one of tho most majestic, most Im
pressive of the Pyrencan peaks, Is 9,500 feot
high; Pulg Mai, a less conspicuous neighbor,
stands a trlflo higher; nnd, clustered closo, are
other splendid heights. Tho srenery among those
giants Is of the kind we usually term "Alpine,"
but from the snow-slopes of tho Canlgou you may
look down upon the sun-burnt shores of Spain
and the bluo, gleaming ujr of the far-stretched
Mediterranean. Or, ddsortlng the heights, and
starting, say, from Mont Louis, loftiest of tho
fortified towns of Franco, and a new ccntor for
winter sports, you descend tho winding vnlloy of
the Tet, and In an hour or so you And yourself
arang the olive orchards. Soon magnolias, the
pointed aloe, even palms, are seen among the
vineyards and In the roadsldo gardens, while If
It be springtime, mimosas flaunt their feathery
plumes, and near and far under tho sunny sky
stretch fields of pink peach blossom.
-To this favored land," said "Ds;jonot." writing
In the Referee, "Nature has been moro than kind;
she has been effusive." But a sun-flllod, spar
kling air and the striking contrasts of tho natural
scone are not the only charms of Catalonia. For
the historian, tho antiquarian or the archaeolo
gist the country abounds In Interest Its succes
sive conquerors failed appreciably to mold the
temper or to change the habits of Its people; In
evitably they left behind them concrete vestiges
of occupation. Local tradition makes much of
les Arabes and tho curious tall towers upon tho
mountain spurs, of which tho Tour de Goa, near
Vernet-les-Halns, Is a conspicuous example, are
popularly ascribed to tho vtgllanco of tho Saracen
rulers. Obviously, however, theso watch towers
are of far later construction, and, Uko many oth
er so-called Moorish remains, dato from tho Ar
ragon dominion, or more probably from tho
tenancy of tho Mnjorcan kings. It wbb tho kings
of Majorca who made Perptenan, now the chief
town of the department, a royal capital. The
architecture of Porpignan cathedral as, Indeed,
of most Catalan churches
Bhows marked trace of
Spanish Influenco.
A llttlo below Porpig
nan is tho small town of
Elne with tho ruins of an
abbayo and somo beauti
ful, richly-ornamented
clolstors. The Visigoths
mado Kino tho seat of an
Important bishopric. In
ltonmn times the llttlo
town, which then stood
actually upon tho coast,
' wnfl known ns Helena, so
called In compliment to
tho mother of tho "good"
Emperor Constantino. Col
llourc, tiny but extremely
picturesque, also owes Its
namo to the Romans.
Port Vendros, another
fishing port, still nearer
tho frontier, was built upon the Bite of a temple
dedicated to tho goddess Venus, and was origin
ally "Portus Vcnerus."
Tho Romans were BOO years In Catalonia, and
besides tho building of numerous roads, they
naturally found tlmo to exploit somo of the many
mineral springs. Tho Insignificant townlet,
Prades, still possesses the remains of baths
which wero constructed by tho Romans; local
chroniclers assert that they also discovered the
healing wnters at Vornet-les-HalnB. Vernet.
which stands among tho foothills of Mont Canl
gou, Is n vcrltablo "beauty spot" of tho Pyrenees.
For centuries It has been frequented by French
men and Spaniards; latterly It has leaped Into
favor with tho English as a winter spa. Tho old
village of Vernot, which faces the luxurious
grounds of tho modern etabllssement, is a typical
Catalan village, and, owing to its situation, Is
strangely picturesque. The red roofs of tho
crumbling Iioubcs cover both man nnd beast, and
the narrow, twisting streets follow the outline
of tho hillock in the manner usual with southern
mountain hamlets, but they- are crowned by a
mediaeval church and chateau, and framed by
distant bluo and purple heights. Near at hand
Mont Canlgou erects his snowy head. For tho
Catalans Mont Canlgou Is tho "delectable moun
tain," an object of admiring wonder, almost a
legendary god.
Another spa, mado fashionable by tho Romans,
Is Amelie-les-nalnH, a trim, Spanish-looking town
closo on tho frontier, whoso warm climate at
tracts tho French consumptive. Not far from
Amelle Is tho pass across which Hannibal led hlB
legions on tho historic march to Italy. Tho
Romans had previously sent ambassadors to beg
tho Catalans not to allow tho Carthaginian mer
cenaries to traverse their territory, but to turn
them back. Hannibal, however, contrived to
flatter the owners of the soil; Catalans and Carth
aglnlanB made friends, and the soldiers were al
lowed free passage. The Col de Pcrthuls Han
nibal's route and another Catalonlan col are the
only two passeB across the Pyrenees which are
nractlcable throughout the year; they offered a
convenient means of egress or retreat to Moor
Ish nnd Spanish Invaders. Had there been no
good passage through tho great chain the his
tory of tho Catalans must have beon less cheq
uered and tho Catalonlan seaboard might not
havo formed a fairway for the restless warrior
peoples of mediaeval Europe.
Once moro we hear talk of an unslnkable ship,
remurks the Now York Commercial. An English
Inventor claims to havo solved tho problem, but
his experiments have been confined to a small
model only four feet In length and nine Inches
wide, so the problem of applying his system to a
vessel COO or 1,000 feet in length Is by no means
Few people outside of practical shipbuilders and
navigators understand tho difference between a
largo vessel and a small ono In point of structural
strength. The strongest vessel that floats In the
water Is a common rowboat. One can take an or
dlnary rowboat and carry It by the ends or It
can rest on cleats under each end without break
ing In tho middle, but the strongest man-of-war
or ocean liner that floats today would break In
two If subjected to a similar strain. The larger
a vessel tho weaker It becomos in this respect,
and for this reason many apparently good ideas
which work out well In model form have failed
utterly when applied to largo vessels.
It Is doubtful If any real progress in building
ships haB beon mado since tho days of the Great
Eastern, ns far as tho UBe of water-tight compart
ments and bulkheadB Is concerned. Tho designer
of tho Great Eastern divided that vossol Into col
hilar compartments, and po Improvement on this
plan has ns yet been made, although It Is not used
extensively becauso It requires too many hatches
for the loading and unloading of cargo.
The Invention to which reference has beon
made consists of surrounding tho vessel with a
water-light belt divided into cells for the purpose
ol giving tho vessel greater buoyancy as It Blnks
In tho water. Thoro is really nothing new In
this idoea and It has been applied successfully In
building lifeboats and other small vessels. It
adds to tho wdth of the vessel above tho water
line and the inventor Is wrong In claiming that it
would not interfere with Its cargo-carrying capa
city. . L ,
Modern steamships are safe enough when at
sea, so far as the storms and lashing of the waves
are concerned. The dangers that threaten them
aro collisions with other vessels, with derelicts or
with Icebergs, and, of course, running ashore or
on a rock In a dense fog. Take two vessels of
equal size crossing each other's paths, let one
strike the other amidships and the vessel struck
would bo cut In two If the other wero going at full
speed. The trempndous force of the blow Is al
most boyond calculation. In the case of a ves
sel the slie of tho new Imporator, It would prob
ably be equal to a striking force of 8,000,000 foot
tons. No cellular belt or any othor concelvablo
construction would save a ship under such condi
tions. Tho thing to do Is to nvold all such risks
as far as possible. The Titanic was lost because
Its captain had too much confldenco In its unslnk
ablo construction.
"Those who are unlucky In lovo nro said to be
lucky at cards," remarked Mrs, Gnngg.
"If that'a the caso," responded Mr. Gnngg, "I'll
bet I could break the bank at Monte Carlo."
(By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Evenlna
Department, Th Moody Bible Institute,
LEBSON TEXT-fcx. J0:1-1L
.OOLDKN TEXT-'Thou slialt love th
Lord thy Qod with alt thy heart, and
with nil thy soul, and with all thy
strength, and with all thy mind." Lulu
The decalogue divides Itself into
two parts; the first has to do with
man and his relations to Qod, the sec
ond deals with man and his relations
with men. We consider today tho
first part. From Deut. 5:22, 23 we
learn that tho words of these eternal
principles were spokvan to the whole
assembly from tho midst of the burn
ing mountain and that they stand
apart from tho Mosaic law. It was
God himself who spako (v. 1) to this
redeemed people (v. 2). Afterwards
he wrote them with his own finger on
tablet of Btono, Deut. G:22. This law
was done away with In Christ (CoL
2:14, 1G, 17; 2 Cor. 3:7, 11) but never
theless each ono of those commands,
excepting the fourth 1b rolteratod in
tho New Testamunt, emphasizing th
eternal fixedness of their principles
The principlo of a day of rest one daj
In- seven has not, however, been sol
aside, as we shall see hereafter. Th
purpose of the law Is to bring to men
the knowledge of sin and theroby tc
lead them to Christ, Rom. 6:20, 7:7,
13; Gal. 3:10, 24. John -the beloved
tells us "that his commandments or
not grievous." Men who understand
the spirit of the docaloguo know that
every commandment tends to mak
better citizens, better parents, bettei
children, In fact to enable one to llvt
satisfactorily with himself and blf
neighbors and his God.
Pinnacles of Thought.
I. The First Commandment, w. 1-3.
Instinctively one thinks of two other
pinnacles of religious thought, "In the
beginning God," Gon. 1:1, and the
first two words of the disciples' pray
er, "Our Father," Matt. 6:9. Eternity
alone can furnish us a measurement
sufficiently great to enable us fully to
comprehend the fulness of this
thought. God the creator, law giver,
father. In tho beginning, at this
mountain and in his son, teaching us
of his character.
Up to this time everything had been
done for the Israelites. Hereafter they
must keep tho law in order to obtain
life. Rob. 10:5; Gal. 3:12. In this
Gospel dispensation we obtain life as
an enabling agent whereby to perform
or to keep the law, Eph. 2:1, 8-10. Tho
Christian's higher law Is Christ him
self, Inasmuch as the righteousness of
the law is fulfilled in tho Christian
who walks aftor the spirit, Rom. 8:4.
The foundation of all of this is to
"have no other gods before (or be
side) me," Matt. 4:10.
II. The Second Commandment, w.
4-6. This Is negative In that we shall
not attempt any visible representation
or likeness of God, and posltlvo in
that wo shall not bow down in wor
ship nor servo any such likeness. The
wisdom of this is only too evident
when wo carefully study tho degener
acy of all forms of heathen religions.
Tho creation of man's hands Is wor
shiped In Ucu of tho creature sup
posed to bo represented. God did
sanction Images, Ex. 37:7, 17-20; I
Kings 7:25. The servlco of art In the
matter of religion is freely acknowl
edged but nevertheless It Is attended
by grave danger as Is evidenced by
Roman Catholic observances In many
parts of tbo world. True worship must
worship In spirit the Godl who Is spir
it, John 4:24; Phil. 3:3 R, V. He must
be supreme in our hearts and our af
fections. The perpetuity of either
blessing or curse for the observance
or violation of this edict may at first
seem to be rather harsh. Yet we must
consider that posterity is the continua
tion of one's self. We do what our
fathers did. Hob. 7:9, 10. God has
however made a merciful provision
whereby wo may turn the misery of
sin Into a blessing, Ez. 18:2, 19, 20 and
Rom. 8:28. Let us rather emphasize
the converso of this law of heredity,
viz., that the blessing Is likewise per
petuated, "to a thousand generations,'
Deut 7:9; Ps. 105:8, Rom. 11:28, 6:20.
Must Be Sincere.
III. The Third Commandment, v. 7.
Here is demanded absoluto sincerity
by all In the use of the divine name
and thus forbids all forms of bias
phemyJ This covers much more than
ordinary vulgar profanity. The flip
pant and sacrilegious use of divine
terms and phrases; the use, whether
In prayer or praise of divine names
and expressions which are not a part
of our life experience is a form of
blasphemy. Vain, empty, false usage
of God's name Is blasphemous. A
proper reverence towards God Is fun
damental to any true lovo for God.
IV. The Fourth Commandment, w.
8-11. Attention has been called to the
fact that nowhere does It say the
seventh day of the week, though that
Is what the Israelites observed. This
is the Sabbath of Jehovah. While this
was specially designated for the Jew,
(Deut. 6:1, 12, 16), and not literally
binding upon the Christian (Col. 2:16,
17), yet It has underneath it a groat,
wise and beneficent principle, man's
need for rest one day In seven. Phys
ically and nervously bo needs rest
and quiet; spiritually he needs the
rest and refreshment thus provided
It was a merciful provision for maa
Awful Contingency Youth Had Not
Foreseen In His Laying Out of
, the Future.
Eleven-year-old Tommy has quit
decided opinions as to the duties ot
fathers to their little boys. The other
day he was describing to his mother
the sort of father he intends to be
when he grows up.
"I'm going to be the best father to
my boys. I'm going to play marbles
with them and baseball and every
thing they want me to and I'll give
them dimes 'most every day and tell
them they can buy all the ice cream
they want, and I'll get them each a
pony, and, well, my boys'll havo lota
of fun."
Tommy's mother, with a twinkle la
her eye, said: "But, Tommy, what If
you shouldn't have any llttlo boys;
what If your children are all girls?"
Such a possibility never entered
Tommy's head. The suggestion was
appalling. A look of blank dismay
passed over the child's face.
"Geo! that would be the dickens!"
he ejaculated.
Klngsvllle, Mo. "My trouble began
eighteen years ago. Nearly half of
the tlmo there wero running sores
around my nnkle; sometimes it would
be two yenrs at a tlmo before they
wero healed. There wero many nlghta
I did not sleep becauso ot tho great
suffering. The sores wero deep run
ning ones and so soro that I could not
bear for anything to touch them.
They would burn all the time and
sting like a lot of bees were confined
around my ankle. I could not bear to
scratch It, it was always so sensitive
to the touch. I could not let my
clothes touch It. Tho skin was very
red. I made what I called a cap out
of white felt, blotting paper and soft
white cloth to hold it In shape. This
I wore night and day.
"I tried many remedies for most of
the eighteen years with no effect.
Last summer I sent for some Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment. The very first
time I used Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment I gained relief; they relieved the
pain right then. It was three months
from the time I commenced using
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment until the
sores wero entirely healed. I have
not been troubled slnco and my ankle
seems perfectly well." (Signed) Mrs.
Chnrles E. Rrooke. Oct. 22, 1912.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free.wlth 32-p. Skin nook. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, DoBton "Adv.
Getting the Vacation Fund.
"I've got $100 laid aside tbat I'm
going to blow in on a Jolly vacation."
"Fine! Mow did you do It, old
"Writing jokes about fellows tbat
go on vacations and come back and
wish they hadn't."
"I hear that young author sends yoa
somo very clever stuff."
"Yes," replied tho editor, "but we
always give him as good as ho sends."
A bachelor guesses that most of the
woman haterB aro married men.
backache Rheumatism
Kidneys and Bladder
Is constantly growing in favor because it
Docs Not Stick to the Iron
and it will not injure the finest fabric. For
laundrv Durooses it has no eouaL 16 os.
package 10c 1-3 more starch for saon money.
DEFIANCE STARCH CO.. Omaha. Nebraska
Uncle Sam's last big land
openinp 1,345, 000 acrcsof rich
prairie land thrown open to white
Mttieri. 8,406 homesteads of 160 acre
each are waJt'ng. Located in Northeast
ern Montana, just north o( the Missouri
River, on the main Una of the Great
Northern Railway. Rich, sandy, loam
soil capable ot raising 20 to 30 bushels of
wheatand40 to 60 bushels of oats par acre.
Register at
GUiiew, Havre m Gnat FaOs,
Daily Sept. 1 ta 2t kclasha
Drawing at Gtatgow, SM. 23
This had has bean appraised at fJ.M ta I7.0S
Kr sera. Csn be ukra up under United States
oraesUied laws. ,
VUW lUtutratedmsp-folderand foil Inform
r IXCiC, ttion afaeat this bin land onanlnc will
be ami free if m write at once. Send a postal
atlon about
or letter to
lasmlfratloa Ageat
Dept. 0000
lies! land uppuriunltjr initio weau KUh pralrlo land
in wi'H touted mm unliy. CVmxI ciluiatr, suod
Winer cimhI chmilH. Muln line I'nlon I'uciflo. Good
i ru f ttuul,uaia,rit,ttux,poiutir,uliuira. On
ul Die ni'ki ioii loiint Ick In Uiillxl HiatiMi. Uw
prlie unjoin? terms, rurlunhnr information writ
i Uli.N M.AI.IY CO., HiiriH. Wyoming-
MasrassiBJsfJA WateoaK.t'olenian.Wasn.
- a tf . t 'JJIJmjlJ
te.. . J-