The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1913, Image 1

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-. Soi'lftV
3 ,-s - :-.
$ I his uovernment wont rut
.' . - -.
Its Money
In a hank that docs not guarantee it against loss.
Why Should You?
The United States will not deposit a dollar in a
National Bank, on any other bank, .unless the bank
furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited.
The United States Government can at any time
make an investigation of any National Bank and learn
to all abrAit its resources. But
to mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU to
to have -protection. to
Your deposits in this bank are protected by the
State Guaranty Law no matter what happens
sssaa-aaaaasa-a &mmmm &
The Farmers Trust Co., of Beatrice,
Nebraska, formerly Smith Brothers
will give lowest rates on first class
The rate on well improved farms in Webster
County now is 5 per cent interest with moderate com
mission. Loans run 5, 6 or 7 years with option.
If you are considering buying more land, making
improvements, or renewing loans soon coming due, and
want money, write to us. We will do the business with
you direct, which will save you the commission usually
paid to a local agent.
The Farmers Trust Co.
I. 0. 0. F. Pienic
A Big Success
Quite a number of ttic members of
Ben Adhera lodge of this city attend
ed the big Odd Fellows picnic at Guide
Rock last Wednesday. The Guide
Rock brethren had everything In readi
ness and were well prepared to give
all coiners a good tlmo. The Oberhelde
grove just north of town had been
cuiotully prepared by sprinkling the
ground so that ttierc was no dust or
dirt to unuoy the peoplo when they
ate their basket dluuer.
The Guide Rock band entertained
tbo audlonce with plenty of excellent
jnuslo. This baud is worthy of a good
.deal of praise andUs one of the coming
Joands of the state.
The speakers were Past Grand Mast
er Kelly of Beaver City, Rev. Fowler
h of .Hardy, and Prank Munday and E.
J. Overing Jr. of this eity. After the
program there was a base ball game,
horse shoe pitching contest, nail driv
ing contest, running races, sack races
.and plenty of amusement of all kinds.
This picnic was well attended and was
a success In every particular.
Weather Report For August
Temperature: Mean temperature 81
degrees, maximum 108 degrees on the
27tu, minimum 45 degrees on 30th.
Precipitation: Total 0 40 Inchos.
Number ot days clear 25, partly
cloudy 5, cloudy 1.
Dates of Thunderstorms 10, 14, 15th.
Prevailing wind Dlreutlou S. E. 11
Remarks 22 days of '100 degrees and
over. Rainfall since April 1, lo.ll
Inches. Mean maximum 101 degrees.
Cius. 8. Ludlow.
Attention School Directors
We can supply you with all the
Cntinnl Itnnks UL'L'dcd Ut Prices that
will save you mouoy.
Ciias. L. CorriNfl, The Druggist
&va-A-a -iaa.
.-. -.
still the Government de- to
It Sounds Like
Wedding Bells
The Chief .this week received a letter
from Keller N. Coplen, who formerly
resided here, being in the Webster
County jank, but who is now living In
Garden Grove, California, where he Is
connected with The Hunk of Garden
Grove. He encloses a draft for SI. 00
and requests that we send him the
Chief for one year, and states that
California is a real paradise, and that
Nebraskr does not look good to him
any more. Keller tells us he has been
in the bank there for about eighteen
months and is getting along tine, lie
states that he has bought him a fine
home, and Is preparing for his sister
and a friend, who are coming out to
stay with him awhile. While be does
not say so, yet by reading between the
lines we would judge that it was some
one else's sister Keller was preparing
for, and he intended to detain her for
keeps. Hotter write to us again,
Keller, and tell us the facts. We'll
promise not to tell.
Miss Myra Cook is spending the
week Id Omaha as the guest of her
sister, Mrs. EllaNPatrlck.
Mrs. M. W. Carter has for her guests
this week her sister, Mrs. W. H.
Murdook and Miss Alice Ruddle of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lethon were en
tertertaing Mr. and Mrs, Raymond
Roach of Berkley, California for a few
days this week.
Sheriff Oliver Hedge left Tuesday
morning for Norfolk to secure a gentle
man by the name of Hoskins who Is
charged witlt wife desertion.
Nelson Lcland, the young man who
keeps the muchinery oiled and the
tapes running the correct way and also
occasionally assists in tho construction
ot some of the heavy editorials in the
Corn-Ad., office, spent several days
with friends In the Cowles neighbor
hood this week.
A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
The Biggest Joke
of the Year 1913
A writer in Inst Friday's Omaha lino
can come nearly as u1om to lolling tho
truth ut did the authors of Gulliver's,
I'ravols mid Aiahiuti Xighti, or In:
is too ignorant 10 bo worthy of notice.
In either cast he should not be taken
heiloiisly, and woie it not for tho fact.
that hU utterances are u dirty slander
on this pint of Nebraska tho editor of
the Progress would give little heed to
his falsifications. Tho very first
sentence of his jumble of misrepresenta
tions would be u real gem of comical
ity were It to appear in l'uck of Judge,
but it doesn't read well or listen bet
ter In a reputable dully newspaper.
Here it is: "As u result of tho drouth
that has extended over southern Ne
braska and Kansas this summer many
farmers throughout tho afilictcd dis
trict lire killing their pigs because they
luck corn with which to feed and ma
ture them," Now thut is quite a like
ly story when there are buyers on
hand to suap up all the pigs offered ut
live and six cents a pound. Even at
those prices the stockmen and feeders
around Franklin are unable to get us
many as they want. Conditions uie
practically the same here as elsewhere
in the South I'lulte country, and if a
pig has been slaughtered in Franklin
or adjoining counties it has been for
the purpose of providing n good tat
roast for u lamily thut is no nearer
starvation than was tho pig.
The joker winks oil" little more bile
in this wise: "In Red Willow, Webster
and sevciul other counties in that part
of the state wheio there is absolutely
no corn crop, pigs are positively runty
and a hog that sliinis signs of develop
ment is u curiosity." Here is some
moie of it: "And because it is im
possible to retain pigs and starve
them to death farmers are killing their
entire supply." That might sound
i easouable to persons utterly uufuml
liar with conditions, but wheu the
price of pork is taken into consider
ation and with corn no higher' than It
is such a canard is absolutely ridicul
ous. The greeny coucludes:
"The railroads which are suffering
from the drouth by laok of freight
busluess are working on a scheme to
transport hogs and pigs to farmers,
gardeners and dairy men who occupy
well chosen lands where they do not
have to depend on rain for moisture.
It is thought that muny places around
Omuha occupied by truck gardeners
and dairymen arc favorable to matur
ity of hogs, and if such is the case it
is probable thut scores of the small
pigs and shouts will be transported
from the drouth-stricken parts of the
state to Omaha for distribution."
Scores of pigsl That shows about
the calibre of the modern Huron Mun
chausen who is going to have the
truck gardeners and dairymen around
Omaha feed the hogs of the drouth
stricken district of Nebraska, when
all the truck gardens in Douglass
county wouldn't hold ono tenth of one
per cent of the lusty squeal of ourlOlft
pig crop. Franklin County Progress.
"Art" Robinson Given
A Real Surprise Party
Last Friday evening Art Robinson
and wife and Ernest Davis and wife
bad laid their plans to go out to Rube
Schult.'s south east of town, aud
spend the night and enjoy a few quiet
hours of fishing in the errly part of
Saturday morn. Uowever, when Art
went home to supper he was more
than surprised to find about sixteen
of bla immediate relatives present, and
it was some time before the young
man could realize thut his wife had
only sanctioned the said fishing trip,
as a means to direct his mind in other
channels, whllo she propared a sur
prise purty for him, the occusslon
being his 33rd birthday. Art soon
rallied from the shock and a sociuble
evening was spent including a real
birthday supper which carries with it
such delightful trimmings as ice cream,
chocolate cake, etc.
School Board
Holds Session
Hi t I'l.orn, Nunc , Sept. i, iii:.
Hoard met in icgular session Mem
beis piesent- llhiok ledge, Coon, till
ham, C'relghtou, Stoiey and Tiirimro
Minutes of previous meeting road
and cppinved.
A delegation headed by .John Most
appealed before, the Ro.ird and re
quested a school bouse to be built in
the north end of the district for the
accommodation of 15 children.
Upon motion the Ituildlngs and
Grounds committee was instructed to
Investigate the needs of the district
and loport at tho next regular meet
ing. Secretary reported two additional
applications for the jajiltorshlp-Chas.
Kediuger aud II. F Huffer.
The following bills were read and
ordered paid:
J. C. Slbss I 40 70 paint
Nebr School Sup. Co., S3 25 supplies
O. E Merrill Co 38 72 books
American Rook Co.,... 11!) 15 "
Scott Fososmun '.'2 00 "
CllntuVCo., ....!-.... 13 S "
Roach & Fowler 2!) 00 "
Dulton &Co., 7 H) "
Puabody Fur'tuic Co. 2711 1)1) furiiituie
Upon motion Secretary was ordered
to sjh 'duplicate Diploma to Chuiles
K. ferry a graduate of Red Cloud
High School In the class or I3!3
The Hullding and Grounds commit
tee reported tho following bids on
tracts of land for iigticulturnl pur
poses: C. F. Outlier n.'j acres north of Mrs.
Dnckor's residence at $1300.
.lou.Topham tract ut.g.'tOO per acre.
I! Royd Smith lot No. 28, contain
ing. 11. 27 acres at J.'HioO.
C. F. Cather in Yelser's Add ft acres
at 31200.
C. F. Cather annex lot 0 containing
8 acres 81000.
A R. Wiggins lot No. C, 'iV.i acres
A. R. Wiggins 12.2 acres north of
Clark tract 12100.
Chas. Piatt tract at fr.oo per acre and
accept In part payment vacant lots
owned by District No. 2, at 11000.
Upou motion the selection of a tract
of land was deferred till the next
regular meeting.
Chair appointed Fred Turnnre to
act on Text Rooks and Course of Study
Upon motion the resignation of
Tress Hurwood ns janitor was accept
ed The Chair ordorcd an informal ballot
for the election of janitor which re
sulted as follows after 13 ballots had
been taken: Wiggins 2, R Robertson
Upon motion the Informal ballot was
made formal and Reach Robertson de
clared elected janitor. Salary of jani
tor was fixed at 930 per month.
Hoard" adjourned.
R. D. Mobitz, Secretary.
Mrs. W. A. Williams
Has Gone To Rest
Mrs. W. A.. Williams died at the
home ot her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Merten, la Rlue Hill on Saturday,
August 30, 1013, aged 63 years 7 months
and 20 days.
Miss Rosa M. Sheldon was born In
New York state February 10, 185U and
was united In marriage to W. A.
Williams March 30, 1873, at Winona,
Minnesota. To this union were born
five children two of these proceeding
their mother to the home beyond.
During young womanhood she unit
ed with tho Winona lluptist church.
She leaves to mourn her loss the
husband, who is very sick at this time
at tho home of a daughter, Mrs. Mayo
Varnum, In Montana, two daughters,
one son, eight grand children, ono
brother and one sister besides u very
large circle of friends.
Funeral services were conducted
'Tuesday afternoon from the Baptist
I church lit this city, her pastor, Rev.
I W. F. Cole olUclatlng.
w - STa fcw. i
Tharo la a apaolal charm to ploturaa
you mako youraalf. Lot uo ahow
you how almpla ploturo taking la.
PREMO CAMERAS $5.22 to $25.
BROWNIES $1.52 to $12.2
7 Optometrist
Joint Public Sale
The undersigned will sell at public auction on the Tobler farm, 3)4
miles east of Oulde Rock, the following described property, on
Friday. September 12, 1913
Malm Begin at
Mules and Horses
1 brown mule 4 years old, wt
1 Iron gray teum of mules 5 and
yrs old, wt 1250; 1 sorrel driving
yearling past; I gray mare 7 yrs
yrs old, wt 1200.
Head of
I red cow 8 yrs old; 1 black cow 5 yrs old; 1 red cow 11 yrs old;
1 red heifer 2 yrs old; 3 spring calves; 3 heifers 2 yrs old coming
fresh soon; 1 cow with calf 0 yrs old; 1 red bolfer oomlng 3 yrs old;
1 red Polled Durham bull coming 2 yrs old; 2 heifers just fresh; 5
yearling heifers; 1 cow 7 vrs old with calf; 1 cow 0 yrs old giving
milk; 2yrold heifer; 7 months heifer calf.
17 spring shoats, wt about 75 lbs each; sow and 0 pigs; sow and
5 pigs; sow tnat will farrow soon; male hog wt 350 lbs; 14 shoats wt
about 70 lbs.
About 3 tons alfalfa hay in stack; 3 tons prairie bay in stack; 2
busbols 1913 seed corn; 4 bushels alfalfa seed; 30 aores corn in Held.
34 Moline wagon nearly new; steel truck wagon with rack;
Deerlug mower; hay rake; Superior disc cornstalk drill; McCormlok
binder; Peru 14-in gang plow; SO in slac plow; 3-sectlon harrow;
Brown lister; Canton lister; 1, row Canton cultivator; 2-row flying
Sweededlso: Sattley 2 row disc; 20 II. P. Marseilles bone power;
blacksmith drill; vlco and thread cutters; 3 sets lln work harness;
set buggy harness; single harness; circle saw frame; 2-row stalk
cutter, etc.
10x0 granery; Oxlfi hog house; 400 lbs barbed wire.
TERMSl All sums of 810.00 and under cash; over that amount a
credit of 10 months will be glvcu purchaser giving note with ap
proved security bearing 10 nor cent interest. No property to be re
moved until settled for. Free lunch at 11 o'clock. '
Col. G. G. Denny, Auct.
E. M. Parker, Clerk.
Wramm s "Hsf3'
T.BMi'rw a && 3: mi)JtPt S -.Bf6U(2"!
and Jeweler
.- - Nebraska S
12 O'clock Sharp
1000; 1 bay mule 5 yrs old, wt 1150;
0 yr old, wt 2000; 1 gray horse 7
mure u vrs old, wt 1000; 1 gray colt
old, wt 15U0; 1 Iron gray gelding .1
of Hof a
A. J. Tobler,
Geo. Winkler,
-' t
f '