The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 28, 1913, Image 5

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,1 .
Bulletin ot The Week's Doing
C. V. Fogle was hi Guide Rock yes
terday. Ote Friiziur of Edgar was In town
this week.
Dr. Asher of Campbell was in town
this week.
y Chas. Buffer spent Wedncsdny in
Guide Kock.
Ueo. Smelser went to Superior Tues
day morning.
ltye Shepardson of Rlverton was in
? town Mouday.
No. 21 Gc Cigars as good as gold.
Try them. adv.
Ice cream and soft drinks served at
Warron'a Restaurant. adv
H. C. Cutter shipped a car of hogs to
Kansas City Wednesday.
P. l. Shields, editor of the Taiuorn
Lyre was iu town Monday.
Wm. Hummel and family moved to
Rlverton the first of the week
Chas. Fox has gone to Grand Island
where he has secured a position.
Ed Puyne and John Wilson of Cath
erton precinct were in town Monday.
Mrs. Frank Uiilfcrand daughters at
tended the picnic at Guide Kock yes
terday. We uso only home boiled hams in
our Sandwiches, 5 and 10c, at the Puri
tan Cafe. adv
-' John Yung, the banker, was up
from Superior between trains Wednes
day morning.
Mr. and Mr.s. Will Kent and daugh
ter Tlllic took in the picnic at Guide
Rock Wednesday.
E. S. Garber was a passenger to
(Uiide Rock Wednesday morning to
attend thu picnic.
lid Hanson and wife went to Guide
Rock Wednesday where theyattended
the Odd Fellows picnic.
(Jeo. A mack was a passenger to
Guide Rock Wednesday where he at
tended the Odd Fellows picnic.
Mrs. Van Dusen who had been visit
ing at the home of Frank Mister and
wife left Sunday for eastern points.
Ted Harris, Harry Gilliam and Frank
Mizerautoed to Guide Rock Wednes
day to attend the Odd Fellows picnic.
Several of our citizens attended the
anniversary at Lebanon the last of the
i week and report a good time was had
iT by-ail. ' ..' : .
Mrs. W. A. May of Lincoln arrived
Wednesday morning to visit her moth
er Mrs. Marker who lives in Cnthertou
Miss Remy who had been visiting at
the home of It. G. Hassinger and moth
er left Wednesday morning for Con
cordia, Kus
V. M. Hughes of Guide Rock was In
town Wednesday morning. Ho had
been to St. Joe with stock aud was on
his way home.
John Doyle and family moved to
town, Wednesday, into the residence
which he recently purchased on North
Webster sti eet
Miss Laura Hedge arrived home
Wednesday from Fraukliu where she
had been atteiulinir the Franklin
County lustltute.
.1. E Butler, the popular meat cut
ler at Win. Knoii's meat market, and
his wife attended the picuic at Guide
Rock Wednesday.
The baud boys gave their regular
concert Monday evening and the music
was up to high standard which our
band is noted for.
lleury Rathjeu and Guy Day, who
live north of town, took the train foi
Guide Rock Wednesday where they at
tended the picnic
MUsts Loternoau of Aurora, Kan
sas, who were here attending the fun
eral of Mrs. Lougtin returned to their
home Friday morning.
Try our 10c Lemouades, they are un
excelled. Milk shakes 3c aud the best
of soft drinks and ice cream always on
hand at the Puritan Cafe. adv
Mrs. 1'hares arrived home Monday
evening from Chicago and other east
ern cities where she had been buying
her fall aud wluter dry goods.
Roone Saunders and Attorney
Munday were in Guide Kock yesterday
where they played ball with the Red
Cloud Odd Fellows vs Guide Rock.
Guy Humes and Frank A mack and
their families who live in Garfield
came in Wednesday and took the train
tor Guide Rock where they attended
the picnic.
Last Friday our married men and
the single men met on the ball dia
mond where thoy proceeded to have a
base ball battle. The game went ten
innings and there were many sensa
tional plays pulled off by the players
The single men won the game by a
score of 14 to 13. Coroner Aniack,
John Havel and R. W. Stewart did the
umpiring stunt. Harold Turnure and
Lloyd Hlncs were the batteries for the
single men and Chet Sheeley and
Chief of Police Christy were the bat
tery for the married men.
I Stelnin in
was u Hastings
s lit
Fresh candy, peanuts tuiil I'iyar
Wan en's Rcstiiuniut.
l-'oit St.l
A good milch cow, fiesh.
inuulieof W. R White. adv
Mr.s. Condi us of MeCook visited her
sister Mrs. Ed Gordon the llrst of the
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Polfus expect
to move on a farm near Guide Rock
Mr aud Mrs. Cy Norrls entertained
u few friends at luncheon Tuesday
Rev. W. F. Cole attended the Haptlst
Association at York, Nebr., the first
of the week.
Miss Gladys Keagle is spending the
week with her grandmother, Mrs. L.
Lew Greenwood left Monday evening
for a short visit and to take in the fair
at Norton county, Kansas.
County Clerk K. W. Ross, wife and
daughter Miss Marie left Tuesday for
Kansas City to visit relatives.
Parties having rooms or wishing to
hoard ami room students arc requested
to notify Supt. R. D. Morltz. adv.
Mrs. Chas. Cowley and two sons of
Minden, Neb , visited her mother, Mrs.
W. U. Ciainer the llrst of the week.
Mr. aud Mrs. A, J. Krout south of
luavalu were visiting hor parents, Mr
and Mrs. Joe MeCracken Tuesday.
John Largent, who lives in Texas
and is visiting friends and relatives at
Guide Rock, was In this city Monday.
Mr. and Mis. Sim Robertson left to
day tor Lincoln where they will visit
their daughters and attend tho state
C. A. Shellak and family moved into
the residenco formally occupied by
Wm. Ilnmuu-l on Rim street this
Mr. Leonard Cramer of Kansas City
who has been visiting Mrs W. H
Cramer returned homo Saturday
Max Mercer, a nephew of Marion
Mercer, came down via motorcycle
from Gibbon Wednesday to visit him
tud his wife.
Ed Amack and Sheriff Hedge dittoed
to Guide Rock Wednesday afternoon
to attend the picnic and shake hands
with the boys.
A handful of Kodak pictures will
tell the story of your vacation trip in
the easiest way. See the new Kodaks
at Newhouse's. adv.
Special: Maple Ice Cream aud
Strawberry Sherbet every Saturday
and Sunday at the .Puritan Cafe. II.
Ludlow, Proprietor. adv
Wm. Barnes, who has been Iu tho
custody of Sheriff Hedge the past
week as an insane man wns found in
sane by tho board Monday and was
parol led out in charge of his wife.
Mrs. .1. A. Cramer and daughter Mis,
Gardiner of Kansas City visited Mr.s.
W. It. Cramer the latter pait of last
week. Thoy have been visiting iu
Denver and wore on their way home.
Mr.s. Mary Able and hor dtiughtcr
who visited at Mr. aud Mrs. Geo.
Coon's, returned to their home iu Den
ver Friday evening, utter a two months
visit in Nebraska, Missouri aud Okla
homa. Mr. aud Mrs. Henry RuKart enjoyed
i visit with Mrs. Amanda Snider of
Corydou, Iowa aud daughter, Mrs.
Baker of Russell, lowa last week.
Mrs. Uogart and Mrs. Suider are
Farm LoanM-l have a limited a
mount of private money to place lu first
mortgage farm securities, short or
long time, at lowest rates with optional
payments, Write or phono. Daxiki,
G., Rlverton, Nebraska.
Over at Mexico tho Bible Class iu
the Christian Church has been trying
Moses for killing tho Egyptians, and
ho is to be tried without boing iu court
but it does not matter to Moses what
the verdict may be, the olticors will
be unable to find him.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Parker of
Omaha arrived in this city Tuesday to
visit with Win. Weesner and family
and W. N, Richardson and family.
Mr. Parker formerly lived near Salem,
Kus., aud was an extensive cattle feed
er and an old pioneer of that locality.
Hat old Wiggins, son of Col. Wiggins,
met with a serious accident last Fri
day afternoou while witnessing the
ball game. Some boys playing uear
by threw u clod and hit him in the
eye which cut it quite bad. He is
getting along as well as could be ex
pected at this writing.
A Chicago doctor testified iu a di
vorce cuse id that city that Idle men
are more loving than those who tiro
busy. He said It is probably due to
the busy man's preoccupation with
business affairs. If this be true theie
arc several very loving husbands in
Red Cloud without a doubt.
While looking over the World Herald
of August 2T)th. we find among thu
promiuunt Nebraskaus, who will re
present the state at a prison assooiat
Ion meeting to be held at Indianapolis
October lltu. to 10th. We find the
name of our little sheriff, O. D. Hedge
who was appointed by Govenor More
head as a delegate.
111 Kuelin was In Hastings Tuesday,
Will Konts wotit to Kansas City
r.llas l.ookhnrl of ltladcn was ill the
city Monday.
Lawieuco Doyle was up from Super
ior over Sunday.
Ed Gather aud wife spout Sunday In
Guide Rock with friends
Harvey Rlekeisoti spent Wednesday
iu Guide Cock with frleud(s).
Mr. aud Mrs. Roy Fearn aro visiting
iliclr parents here this week.
Chas. Walters is able to be about
again after a short sick spell.
Oris Fearn was homo froln Full-bury
over Sunday visiting his paretits.
Weesner & Koontz shipped three
cars of stock to Kansas City Sunday.
Apples for sale. 20c for wind-fulls
fiOc for picked apples. Cecil McCall.
Several of our citizens attended tho
Chautauqua at Guide Rock Sunday
Hugh Gulliford Is home from Cole
rado where he has been for sometime.
Dave Saltzmau was home this week
from Grand Island visiting his mother
Attorney MoNcny was lu Smith
Center, Kansas, Tuesday, on business.
Several of our base ball fans autoed
to Hlue Hill Sunday ami took In the
ball games
Miss Katie Krallck spent a few days
the last of tho week with relatives in
Father Fitgeiuld and his sister left
the last of tho week for Colorado to
enjoy an outing
Chas. Whilakcr and family departed
Wednesday for Denver where they will
visit his brother.
Will West and family left this morn
ing for Waverly, lowa where they will
make their home.
Leonard and Harold Wallorof Cowles
weie visiting at the homo of Will
Bailey and wife this week.
Mr. mid Mrs. Gilmore, who live in
Kansas City, are in the city visiting
with A.T. Walker and wife.
Mr.s. Will Edson returned home the
llrst of tho week from Central City
where she had been visiting.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Hint and sons of
MeCook were visiting her inotkorMrs.
Peter Conovor here this week.
Mrs. A. S. Thomas and daughter 'of
Mt. Sterling, Ohio arc in the city visit
ing her eister. Mis. J. 1). Craus.
Chas. Amack of Bird City, Kausan
was in this city Friday visiting his
brother Geo. Amack aud family.
'I he Congregational ladles will5 hold
their monthly market at Wullbrandt's
grocery store next Saturday odv.
.1 H. Kellogg and wife returned to
their homo ut Piatt Center Wedpl-sduy
after a pleasant visit with his parents.
Rort Gurbcr returned home tho lust
of thu week from lloise City, Idaho
whore ho had been for several mouths.
Mrs. Walter Wurren and daughter
Kovuuriivcd home from Iowa this
morning where thoy hud been visiting.
Mrs. Josie Murphy of Great Falls,
Montana arrived iu this eity Wednes
day morning to visit her mother, Mrs.
Mrs, Colgau, who was here attend
ing the funeral of Mrs. Lunglln, re
turned to her homo at Kansas City
Friday inorutng
Dr. Boles was on u Chautauqua tour
tho last of thu week, flu attended
thu Clmutauquus at Alma, Fraukliu
and Guide Rock.
Meredith Itutlor who has been work
ing at Gothenburg building a silo was
home Sunday visiting Ins parents, J.
E. Butler and wife,
Chas. Fulton aud wife, who live iu
the eastern part of Kansas, arrived iu
tho city last night for a vjsit with A.
T. Walker and wife.
Mrs. Jay Pope returned home the
first of the week from Denver where
she had been visiting her son, Wini
fred Pope and family.
Mr. aud Mrs. Loternoau roturued to
their home at Aurora, Kansas, Friday.
They were called here on account of
the death of Mrs. Longtln.
Ed Her rick the popular wiro chief
of the Lincoln Telophone Co,, returned
Friday from Hebron where he had
been spending his vacation.
Rev. Jarboe and wife and Lora
Whitakor and wife are attending the
Brethren Sunday School Association
meeting at Juniata this week.
Wednesday the R. it M. weed burner
whllo passing by Starke Bros, ranch
set fire to an alfalfa stack aud burned
up thu house formerly occupied by
Ernest Starke.
Tho simplicity, convenience and
efficiency of the Kodak system has
made it possible for every one to mako
the HOME pictures you like, 81.00
and up at Newhouse's, adv
Wednesday morning at Cowles oc
cured the wedding of Miss Auva Dow,
daughter of Mrs Fannie S, Dow, to
Mr. Ralph A. CanUuld, son of G L
Canfluld, who lives north of this city
They wore married by Rev, Davis,
pastor of the M. E church at that
place. The young people arc well and
favorably known In this olty and will
make their homo at the Mrs. Dow
On Tuesday afternoon the inurleil
men and the slnglo men met again on '
the hill ilhunoii I and proceeded to
wipe eai th with each other In a game1
of lue ball. The married nun won
ii... i . .i . .
""- Kmui' iiy u score o i -il i o i i
I'rol. Ili-u was ullleial umpiie mid we
umlei stand he did not have to tine
any of the playeis. The Batteries
weie ns follows: Married men Chef
Slu-eley and Grant Clnlsty, limine
Saunders: Single men Vernon Zeiss
and Paul Poluicky. Each side has won
a game now and wo understand they
they will meet again and play off the
Which Daily Paper?
Readers of The Lincoln State Jour
nal are getting homo very important
news nowadays about the tariff, the
currency bill and the trouble In Mox.
Ico. This paper wants you to road it
awhile just to see If it is not the paper
yon will want all the time. A cut-price
offer Is made uLonc dollar from now
until January t, Mil I, for The Dally
and Sunday Journal. Tho paper will
bo stopped at that time. This special
nite Is made only to Induce you to try
the paper and llnd out for your "elf If
It is not Nebraska's greatest news
paper The sooner you send iu your
dollar the more papers you will get
for your money. Address Slato Jour
nal, Lincoln, Neb.
iI'imiii smith ('i)iiuty)
Geo. Mat son Is on the sick list
I tort I'ayni) and finilly were Sunday
guests at the Samuel Asbury home.
MissAtlie Morris ofJMuskatlno. lowa,
is visiting Miss Ethel Million this week.
Mis. i;. ). Spurrier went to Lebanon
Tuesday to get some dental work done
Mr. and .Mrs Clair Shrader are hoi t
frmn Thomas County, Nebraska, visit
ing relatives.
Mtss Mcllm Spun lor Is visiting in
Lebanon at the home of her uncle, IV.
Tweedy and family.
Mis. lhuma Dunn aud daughter LI In
have returned I'lotti u visit with home
folks in Yuma, Colorado.
Misses Ethel and Minnie Million
were the guests of their brother Frank
and family over Sunday.
Miss Alzluu Matson wont to Rod
Cloud Tuesd.iy to arrange for entering
high school at that place.
Condition of The Crops
According to the figures of the Crop
Reporting Hoard of thu U. S. Depart
ment of Agi culture, Issued August
8th, there is a considerable increase
over 101" iu thu aeerugu of winter
wheat, riee, ami wheat iu general. Of
this, winter wheat shows an aeerage
of .'10J I8,0i)0 acibs, or hi. I pel cent more
than was reported for lOl'J. Riee
shows an Inert-use of II percent iu
acreage, and all wheat shows an in
crease of 8 !l percent. Corn, oat-, rye,
buckwheat and white potatoes show
substantially the muiio iiorengu as for
l!M'2, wilh an increast) of 1.1 percent
recorded for oats. Spring wheat, bar
ley and tamo hay show decrease Hing
ing from :i,7 to 'J.5 per cent. Flax
shows a falling oil of 11.!) pur cunt.
The condition of the apple ctop is 5tl,'-i
per cent, which is about :.'.!! per cent
less than thu ten-year average.
The estimated yields show tho follow
ing conditions: spring wheat, shows
a decrease of !7,(J()(l,Ouo bu- la-Is; the
estimated yield of corn is about l.Mt
000,000 bushels below tho I'.ilt! figures:
oats, n decrose of about .'l'.i0,(K0,00ii
bushels; uurlcy, a ucoroaso or about
.'ili,000,000 bushel; potatoes, a decrease
of about-H.'.oo'J.oOO bushels; tobacco,
a decrease of 07,00,0l0 pounds; flax,
a decrease of 8,0(J0,U)0 bushels; and
hay, a decrease ot !M)00,)00 tons
Thoro aro also some slight decreases
shown iu the estimated pioductiou of
ryo and buckwheat
The increases are: In winter wheat,
thu preliminary estimate of which
shows an increase of ll,oo0,0oohushuls
all wheat, an Increase of 11,000,000
bushels; and rice, an increase of 'J,00o
000 bushels.
The quality of winter wheat is !).'!, 7
per cent, as against 0:),7 per cent last
year. It is, therefore, slightly higher
than the six year average, which is
01 per cent. The quality of rye Is
about the same as last year. Thu fall
In the production of oats Is somewhat
offset by theamouut of oats remaining
on farms August 1st , which is esti
mated at about ius,uuu,uuu misueis, or
about 09,000,000 more bushels than
were on the farms on August 1st. 101!;,
6eairal Review Of Cref CewlltleM.
General crop conditions of Augm-t
1st. averaged for tho United States
materially lower (U.s per cent lower)
than ou the same date last year, and
also lower (4..1 percent) than thouver
age condition on August 1st. of recent
years. Weather conditions about Au
gust 1st. were unfavorable for crops
in general.
Lowest conditions are found in
Kansas, with .'11.0 percent below, Ok
lahoma with 18.0 per cent, Kentucky
with l.'l.O per cent, California with '1.H
per cent, Illinois with l'-'.:i per cent,
and Maryland wilh 12. per cent below
average conditions. Highest condit
ions are In Wisconsin, with 7.0 per
cent, Washington with .'.,:) per cent
Florida with 5,i! per cent, ami Minne
sota with -1.3 tier cent above their
average conditions on August 1st.
It will be observed that the good and
bad spots are widely scattered,
The general or composite condition
of, all crops combined on August 1st.,
or at the time of harvest, 100 roprt
seutjng the average (not normal) con
dition, in the United States was 05.5
per cent.
flieSSSSS'v mmmmmm nS96SSS
X -m m A V-M
5 fcelz f-lorsheim
WORTH $4.50 and $5.00
Other mid-summer at
tractive bargains to de
mand your attention.
he Qomden-Kaley frothing Qo.
First Door North
The "Wonder
Through the Northwest
( Have you ever been to (tlaoier National Park',' Have, you eVer been
to Yellowstone l'ark? Have you ever been to the North Pacific
Well, I- would like to have tho privilege of explaining how you can
arrange a summer Tour to include all three, slopping at Glacier ou
the way out and Yellowstono on the way back.
It's a uinst iutorcUiug trip, an I R illr.iad, Hotel an 1 St-itfe facilities
are so perfect now, that thu trip Is a joy from start to finish.
I would like to send you maps and pictures and booklets describing
these places, and I Wfiutd like to help you plan a trip and tell you
all about the service nud the cost.
agrees that the Stickncy Engine
Ketl Cloud Hdw. & Imp.
Furniture Store
Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas f
-m W
of Post Office
JT. E. roc. Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKCLCY, Qoneralfancnger Agt.
No Devils Lane
A Devil's Lane Is the space be
tween two tine fences where the farmers
can't agree on the fence Everyone
is the best.
Ed. Hanson
Co., Red Cloud, Neb.
fa I