m-?"' jr efnuiw,' .- fr WCAl fViVtrif'flfrTftrtfhrfBfMtnfH.1.; -L"' .!MM WWfW ' jfI;WY3 ttKJQt5. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ymy r r t - l- - rm BE. I fe iv -. ts'ftt 'B!t I, rv a. X V 15 ft. '" i f . i:r hj THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rei Cloud, Nebraska. PUULlBIIfcD LVEKY 1 1IUIIHDA Kntcrtd In the I'uMofltco at Hnl Uouit.Neli r" Tm'HccofurClnHS Mutter 0 H. HALE l'OIII.IMII'.lt fUB ONLY IIKMUCHATIU PAP Kit IN WKIWTKH COUNTY There Isn't a leaky roof in Kod Cloud. The Guide Hock chnutauuUH Iihh proven to have been nn un(HHllllcd success and wo hasten to extend con gratulations. It was a financial micccsh and a platform succcsr. We have beard nothing but praise for thin cbautauqtia. The people of Guide Itock have determined to continue for another year and we wish them well. Judging from the advertising efforts of the manngors of the Webster County Fair to be held at llladen noon, this year's event will surpass all others. They have learned how to conduct a successful fair and this year promises to bo bigger and better than ever. Notwithstanding the smullncss of the corn crop the fair ought to bo ii suc cess. The iigrlculturul display aloiio will be a surprise to many losidoiits of the county and the livu stock ought to to bo of the very best. Now that tliib city is to havu.'an agri cultural bcliool in connection without high school the expense of an agricult ural education will be only nominal and many more persons will undoubt edly avuil themselves of securing such un education. We uiu far behind the people of I in ope when it eoino to farming. The government schools of (Jeriimiiy, IJcntnuik, Sweden and others teach their citizens how to make u living on twenty acres of ground. They hive learned what In tensive farming Is Wo in this country bavo much to leain. The main busi ness of this country is farming and while wo have been slow to adopt a curriculum that . mid most assist us wu trust that we will make the most of the opportunity. Industrial edu cation appeals to ninety por cent of our population. It is just what the country needs and everyone should aid the new departure as much us possi ble. August Midwest Magazine The .August number of Midwest, published at Lincoln by Wm. M Mnuplln, Is leplete with good things and as usual boosts for Nebraska. A Nebraska Fanner pays his respects to the "Modern Absiiloins," and the edl lor shows wherein tho new insurance code works an Injustice to home insti tutions. Ada Caroline Wurl man's "Opinion of Cousin Caroline" make Bpley readings for those who keep abreast of the times, and Nat M. Ayers contributes another Ititciestiug histo rical sketch iu which ho tolls of a fam ous hold-up on tho Union l'Hdtlle "v in early dujs. A brief history of the Nebraska State fair is given, nnd in this connection Will Mauplin contrib utes his report of another "Memory Excursion" whcitiu he takes you on a visit with him to ilie little old county fair of your child-hood days.. Why not a ccmi-rriitt-iiiiuil exposition cele brating Ncbuishu's half century as a state? Midwest tells you about it iu thy August number. There aie u lot Of Bpley anecdotes, peisonal and oth erwise, and you will be Interested in the department of "Snap Shots at Men In tho l'libllc Kje." They are all Ncbratknus that you will like to read about. Midwest's every Issue is a liberal education iu the greatness of Nebras ka, and every Nebiuskau Interested, in his state's development ought to be a regular subscriber. The magazine do serves a place Iu every Nebraska home, and should be In every Nebraska pub IloBcboot. If your news dealer doesn't handle it.seud direct to Midwest Mag azine, 430 Baukeis Life Huildlng, Lincoln, Nobr. Subscription Sl.r.Oper year. Attractive Exhibits In order to see what Nebraska can produce iu a dry year, attend tho state fair at Lincoln, Sent. 1-fi. Tho agri cultural, horticultural and fruit dis plays will be especially strong this Tear. Many counties have prepared exhibits which will burpriso thoso not familiar with tho resources of tho state. Attention School Directors We can supply you with all the School Hook Deeded at prices tbnt will save you money. Ciias. L. Cottino, The Druggist. EAR NEVER STOPS GROWING The Only Portion of the Human Anat omy, According to Physicians, Which Does This. Persons who huvo largo cars In their youthful dnys nro decidedly un lucky, according to students of anat omy, for no other portion of tho hu man body In so ambitious In its growth. Wo get old and shrivel up and decrcaso In stature, but the ear till grows. A woman with small oars at twenty .probably will havo medium-sized ears 'at forty and largo oars at sixty. Again, it Is said, as the result of tho examination of 40,000 pairs of ears, ;that probably no person In the world (has ears perfectly matched. In most people the two ears differ perceptibly, not only In shape, but In size. Fre quently they are not placed on the head at exactly the same angle or at the same height. It Is declared by those who have de voted their time and abilities to the study of cars that tho age of a per son can be Judged by them with great 'accuracy by an expert. ' After the age of ten, cars assume an increased form and glvo the clue to the ago of tho owner. Nordau, Lorn broso and others luy great stress upon tho car ob an Indication of character; 'yet some of tho best men wo moot havo outrageous cars, while almost (everybody can recall soma bold, bad man of IiIb acriuaintanco who has small, well formed and well placed cars. NOT AN OCCASION FOR MIRTH Thoughtless People Laughed at Hu morous Sight, but There Wan Deep Pathos in Incident. Why will wo bo so much nmused at the other fellow's woo? Tho olliei fellow In thin stoiy waB driving, ami the horse was going at u clip, so tho driver had hifi hands full to steer j.ifely through the crowded streets. Tho only other occupant of tho con vcyanco was a largo nanny gout, standing on tho swat. Sho was sonic what, uneasy at tho uniiBtial means of locomotion, and ln-lng of a loving din poultlou, who would snuggle up to the driver and lick across tho face, ami ao.o his hair whenever tho swaying vehicle gave her a chance. To a bus full of people with nothing to do hut look on It was very funny, and calls nnd jeers to thu busy driver did not add to his pcuco of mind. Hut had tho hooters only known that tho goat was being hurried through the city streets to save a little lifo! Not far from Washington square thero Is a little house where a young mother lay dead and a sick Infant was crying for comfort, and the man with tho queer passenger had that picture before him whllo nanny and tho on lookers made frco with his dignity. New York Press. Wasted Eloquence. Having recently escaped annihila tion by tho width of a flying coattall, tho minister meant every word of his Formon against motor carH. So gen ulna was IiIb emotion that ho was ablo to preach without notco. Ordinarily ho refrained from dese crating tho pulpit with u text on mun dane nffulrs. I tut motor cars wcro different. They had boon instru mental iu sending to many people to heaven that thoy had almost ceased to bo mundane In anathematizing tho people who run their cars on Sundays and run thorn too fast the young man sur passed himself In eloquence. He know ho had spoken well, but ho wanted somebody elso to tell him bo. After church ho asked tho candid parishion er what ho thought of tho sermon. Tho candid parishioner looked out upon tho smiling bluo Bky, the glint ing sunbeams, tho opening leaves. "It Bounded all right," ho said, "but I doubt If It will ilo much good, be cause thcro wasn't a soul hero that owim a motor car to hear It." Many French Playwrlnhts. Plnywrltlng seems to ho more of a hobby than a profession In France, Judging by tho figures of the French Society ot rjrjinuilc Authors. The fnoinbers" of ilio Kocloty number, all told, 5,400. Hut during tho last two yoara GO. of Jhls number havo suf deed to furnlBu the dramatic 7aro of tho community, comprising every work In proso and versa staged throughout tho country in tho thea ters and cafe concerts. Tho other B.H40 members of tho socletjS are awaiting tholr turn to cater for tho public toBtea, and in all probability will wait a long time, for tho major ity of French theaters havo their ac cepted playwrights, whom thoy com mission to write their plays, and tho lucky 60 Jealously guard their priv ilege and do all they can to exclude now aspirants. Tho members of the society Includo recruits from nearly cvory profession and calling lawyers, ,army and navy officers, business men, dorks, etc. who assiduously produce works which never seo tho light of day. .Hunger the Least of HI Troubles. A Dayton, Ohio, newspaper, In recit ing some of tho tragic scenes which occurred In that city during the recent flood, recounts this episode, which goes to show that even the mo3t awful disasters are not without their 'occasional tinges of humor: A fat ,man was sitting astride tho roof of a barn floating complacently down the istream. Some of the rescuers on tho 'bank yelled to him and aBked htm If ibs was hungry. "Hungry? No! Thtrt at fourteen hens in the hay loft tad they lay twelve eggs r day I" GOATS FLAYED ALIVE. Cruel Tortures Inflicted on Animals In Many Parts of India, In an Illustrated pamphlet Issued by thu Animals' Friend society of Eng land attention Is drawn to the Indian practice, of linking live goats. This cottiinn-lil barbarity Is prevalent throughout Iloiigul and Is dono in or der to obtain longer measurements for the market, so called long necks com manding a higher prL-e on account of tho extra length. The dreadful process Is carried out by beginning the Haying ot tho eyes and mouth of tho living goat and working down the tjeck, aft er which tho throat Is cut. In one of these eases, which enmo tinder the notice of tho Hon. Mrs. Charlton, tho flaying had Iweii partially carried out, and tho animal, though rescued from his tormentors, finally succumbed in misery to the agony he had endured. The Initial act of torture was perform ed under the cyo in the shape of a cut m tho form of a St. Andrew's cross, and tho skin, torn away In flaps, fell down the nnlmal's neck; The practice of branding domestic animals for ornamental purposes and slitting tho cars nnd nostrils of donkeys Is prevalent in many parts of Indln. Theso cruelties result In much suffer ing, though they nro. erroneously sup posed by the poorer clnses of tho popu lation to convey some benefit to the animal. Itullocks with ono side of the fuco almost burnt away arc to bo seen everywhere throughout tho eiiHt, nnd but little comment Is aroused by tho plight of theso unfortunate creatures, which toll yoked to a heavy, III bal anced cart. These poor animals nro instillleleiitly fed, habitually overladen and overdriven, and their shrinking necks show tumors and ulcerated sores caused by the incessant working of tho clumsy yoke in dally use. In Delhi nnd elsewhere secret places exist where bullocks are turned Into monsters for exhibition In religious processions. "I myself," says Mrs. Charlton, "saw one of these poor man made monsters at I raid war, a sacred place In tho Dun (Pultod provinces), and secured a photograph. It was be ing led about In charge of a fakir, who showed me with pride several legs which had been engrafted nn Its back, nnd the process must havo been most painful." In performing this cruel op eration more than one animal Is killed In the greatest agony. KING OF WILD BULLS. India's Gaur Combines Courage and Audacity With Great Str.ngth. Tho gaur Is often wrongly termed "bison." The mime Is not correct; the bison is tho bos bonassus of Lithuania and the Caucasus. Tho gaur, found In Indo-Chlua, is certainly tho finest of all tho wild hulls; ho overawes all op ponents by his courage, uuducljy, and great strength. Ho is a bune beast and sometimes measures six feet to the root of tho tall. Ho Is distinguished from all other wild cattle by the prominent hump between the two horns. The hit ter are massive, tint at tho base, and ringed, and they describe a very wide curve from the root upward. The coat Is of an olive brown tint, shading in black, with very short, fine ' hair. The gaur Is found both In the forest and on the mountains, for, Iu spite of hh great size, he Is extremely agile, so ' tli.it lie can rim up the mountain slopes and climb tho rocks with ease. j I.Ike the elephant, he feeds on grass and plants, aiid when he cannot get these he falls back on bamboo shoots ami the buds mid branches of trees. The gains feed until about 11 o'clock In the morning; then they return to tho bamboo forests and clearings to sleep. Later In the afternoon they come out to graze ami drink. They are not timid, and several shots can be tired among n herd before they become alarmed. nuke of Mont poller Iu Wide World Magazine. Seacoast Defensei. It seems rather odd, come to think about II, that all of our big coast de fense villi's are only available to shoot t an enemy coming lu from e:i. In I their rear I hey arc without piotccllon Jid won hi require an army to protect ineiii agniusi invauers who uiiglit eiiinu over tho back fence after us. These big guns have a horizontal" swing Vf only about ten degrees azimuth. Wouldn't it be vl--e to so make theso big .shooting irons that they could bo swung clear around the circle, so that they could defend themselves, so to speak? We could then load 'em with broken up stove plate, bolts, newspaper Jokes, family portraits and various Junk and slay everything for miles around.-' Oakland (Cil.) Kmpiirer. French Offictrs Are III Paid. Tho poorest men In France nre the army oillceis. In fact, they would starve to death If they had a faintly unless they can double their oltlclul re sources by pilvate means. captain has an Income of .sSl'ii a year. Tho verago captain, aeeordlu- to statistics, has a wife and three children and can not live on less than $l,(,!iri, No won der tho places of army ollleers go beg King In Franco. Hoton Tost. Ho Dodged. 'So Ktirroughs owes you money? Well, I think he'll pay you buck somo day. but you can't make him hurry." "Pon't you believe It. The mere sight of me walking iiIoiik tho street has made him hurry several times lately "-Philadelphia Press. Catching Her. She (pouting) Before we wer mar ried you often used to catch ' in your arms. lie-Yes, and now l-catcn you In my pocketa.-London Telegraph. We AreLeaders CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES e Let's make the little ones comfortable with a pair ofjour Easy School Shoes. They stand the rough wear the children give them. : : j2r5-'W-it-5f?' BAILEY & BAILEY tfS?.G East Side Price-Per-Thousand On Building Lumber is uol. infrequently used by nitinu faeturers of substitutes to confute 1Jl''''?!(,LveJi5'l"u. builders, but to the mitii who knows quality, the characteristic-, of the diifureut fav ored building woods and their prop er application, this bugbear causes littte apprehension. Wo'vo helped many builders right here at home beat the building game to a frazzle and can help you too if you'll bring your plans in or tell us just what you contemplate doing'. Selling lumber is only a part of our busi nessthe personal service wc render our customers being of equal im portance but we'iu willing to donate this service for tha sake of the community and the indoi-ement of our mistomcrs. Ilefore making your linal decision on join new house come iu nnd get at first hand the real facts about this lumber 3 business uinl ji-1 what '"pileeppr- thotisaiul'mcHtib to you. 'There's No Place Like Hoinr." Saunders Brcs. Red Cloud, Nebraska How To Eat Watermelons To enjoy a wntoi melon to the su perlative degree, Arabella, you should obier ve the following suggestions; "First, be sure you have telocted a melon that is ripe. To do this, press gently but firmly with the forefinger upon the rind. If it the rind, not the linger j lelds to the pressure you may hand over your niozuuin with full assurance that tho ripeness is there, as advertised. Next, lay the melon full length upon tho ice nnd do whnt you cun to forget it for three hours, by which time the right degree of frigidty will have soaked through from rind to rind. Third, tho most import unt of all, steer clear of a knife, for more wntermelon joy has been slashed out of existence with steel blades than by frost, flood or drouth. Just carry the melon to the appointed place tho back porch or kitchen table Is to be preferred place tho left hand on one md and tho right hand on the other; lift the melon gently but (Irmly to a height ot twelve inches, suddenly re move your hold, and reach for your share as rind splits from end to end and the great, dripping, heaven-sweetened heart bursts from its moorings. While there is no denying that water melon tastes very good when served iu more conventional ways, auybody who whs ever a boy with neither jack knife nor time to perform an operat ion on such melons as ho could beg, buy or steal will tell yon Nature's way, as indicated above, is the one to follow if you would realize all tho possibilit ies which lie burled beneath a broad expanse of shiny green rind. Monroe Appeal Paris, Mo, Smoke Blue Mil Cigar Co. No. 21 5c Cigars. adv. Shoe Store. Newhouse Block. s - BOOST! The Chief is Going to Tell to the World The Wonderful Resources of Webster County, .Red Cloud and the Great State of Nebraska in a Big, Special "Booster Edition" 3 OF Chief Issued Sept. 18th ORDER EXTRA COPIES NOW! Help us ad vertise our wonderful country by mailing a copy of this great edition of the Chief to all of your friends. RESULTS FOR ADVERTISERS f ti, tp hincd circulation of the regular and special edi- n tion of The Chief will make it very valuable for jt advertisers. Regular rates for this big edition.. Let's All Boost For Webster County and Nebraska. You Will Get the Benefit wSSvsAeS-v 5M0hF (Number 21 Sc CIGAR J And Get Satisfaction i For Your Money. House to rent. Inquire at Now house's store. We use ouly home boiled bams iu our Sundwiches, 5 and 10c, at the Purl tan Cafe. adv I have the best rate in tho county on farm loans. See mo and be convinced, My motto prompt service. A. T. Walk kb Picture taking opens a new woild of entertainment to tho children and they never tiro of the fun. Tho Kodak puts this pleasure in the hands of young or old at small co.-t. Is simple enough for a child to use with good results, so etllclent tho expert cannot exhaust its possibilities. Ask us about this. Newhouse, Jeweler, adv Daily Thought. Let your first effort be not for wealth, but independence. Whatever 1m your talents, whatever your pros pects, never be tempted to speculate away, on the chance of a palace, that which you need as a provision against the workhouse. Lord Lytton. BOOST! THE E E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FREE DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIBT OVER STATE I4NH Red Cloud a Nebraska Wktow's Peashm. The recent act or April 10th, 1003 gives to all soldiers1 widows a pension $12 per month-. Fred Maurer, tha at torney, has all necessary blank. s s i m miu ;. vVfi VK.cwJfa , . A.i, .aaa& u,i&t.. .v .... j.., ... J i....b, . -..L,.,. aAA -.