The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 28, 1913, Image 1

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    .) Historical Hn-lcty
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This Government Won't Put
Its Money
a bank that does not
Why Should You?
The United States will not deposit a dollar in a
National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank
furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited.
The United States Government can at any time
make an investigation of any National Br ik and learn
all about its resources. But still the Government de
mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU
have protection.
Your deposits in this bank are protected by the (0
State Guaranty Law no matter what happens 9)
Here's the neatest, cleanest,
easiest-to-fill fountain pen
you ever saw
Fountain Pen
Just think!-for the same price
that you would pay for an old
style dropper -filler pen, you
can get a CONKLIN that
Fills itself
Cleans itself
Never leaks
Never "balks"
Writes superbly
All biylea and slze3 of holder and
point Some special styles for students.
chas. l. cutting
The Druggist.
i': Catalog Houses Flood The
Country With Catalogs
The mailing of fall catalogs by mail
order houses In Chicago began Aug
st 12. Postmaster Campbell said that
day's Installment was the first of nlue
thousand tons of such mall which will
leave Cbioago before September 1.
The mall order houses have submitted
estimates of the amount of extra mall
ing which they expect to do. "To
gain an idea of how much mail this Is,''
said the postmaster, "forty ilvo trains
of ten cars each will be required to
carry It out of the city, each car can
talning twenty tons. Couuting seven
ty feet to a car, the tralus would cover
a distance of over six miles if placed
end to end."
Under ordinary conditions from
seven hundred to nine hundred tons
of mull is sent out each day from the
Everybody knows that mail of this
olass is carried by Uncle Sam for Jess
than cobt. The loss on these ulno
thousand tons of catalog is paid by
the public.
Everybody knows also that those
guarantee it against
catalogs will bring thousands upon
thousands' of orders for millions ot
tons of merchandise that will in time
bo carried by Undo yum via Parcel
Post, also lit less Hum cost; and this
loss, likewise will be paid by the
Everybody knows also that very little
of tho inouoy paid for this merchandise
over goes back to tho community
whole it Is produced. On the eon
tniiy, as tecently published figures
regarding the o.vnoislilp of mall order
houses showed, most of this money
from the rurul community goes into
the pockets of Wall Street millionaires
and billionaires.
So far as the rural communities are
concerned, the money would better be
burned or hurried. They can't get it
back, they can't borrow it next year
or any other year when they need it
to move their crops or build up their
Money sent to a mail order catalog
house never will build a rural school,
roads or pay the piemiuma for a Farm
ers' Instttute. But if instead it were
paid to local merchants for merchand
ise just as good or better and just as
cheap or cheaper than can be bought
by mail, the local merchant would in
turn deposit his surplus and profits in
the home bank, and next fall when
Mr. Rural Citizen wanted to borrow
money to finance his business he would
not be turned down. Neither would
he be begging for goverumout aid iu
securing credit as nt present.
The laws of finance and trade are
not turned aside at the whim of the
ignoramus who habitually ignores or
defies them. The man who persists in
sending money out of his community
contributes his mite toward depriving
Ids community of just the surplus It
needs In time of stress, at tho same
time that he helps to concentrate in
the large cities the wealth and power
that ultimately will eoaapass his de
struction. American Lumberman.
There were sixteen sacks of these
catalogs received here the last of the
week by Postmaster Hacker aud were
distributed by the rural Jmall carriers
on their routes.
Campaign to Save Corn
Productive of Much Good
The movement corn for fod
der, which has been waged by the
newspapers of the state for the past
two weeks, has been productive of
much good. Reports to the Omaha
liureau of Publicity, from every part
of the btutc, say that farmers are gen
erally storing their corn in silos.
Meetings held In Seward, Central
City and Beatrice were attended by
many farmers, who showed their in
terest iu the methods of saving corn
for feeding purposes.
This campaign demonstrates what
the newspapers and farmers can do by
co-operation. It nieaus a big saving
to the state.
4 Newspaper That Gives The Mens Fifty-two Necks Each Year For $1.50.
Ki i Ci.01 i, Aug 21, HUH.
The Hoard of County Coniinl-Moncrs
invt puistiaut to adjournment. Ment
hols all present, .: Chaplin, .Me
Call, Ohtustedo, llnli'iiian and Chair
man Storey
Commit to appointed to view tho n'j
of section IS I 12 and adjust tho claim
for excessive tax reported that they
had visited tho same laud and recom
mended that assessment stand as it Is.
Moved and seconded that the above bo
aud is the order of the Itoaid. Motion
In the matter of the warrant In
favor of L. 11. (Jeneroux which was
destroyed by tire the Clerk was and Is
instructed to draw duplicate warrun t
bearing same date and number.
On motion the following claims were
audited and allowed and Clerk in
structed and authorized to draw war
rants on their respective funds in pay
ment of same,
A. E. Atkins 8 (5 00
Vance Sorgesou 20 00
II. .I.Maurer Ill fiO
Louis Vavrlcka 11 00
J.C Slo,s 20 (10
E. A. Creighlou l."i t)0
fan 1 Storey r, 00
Chicago Lbr. Co , or Blue Hill.. 2t ST,
F.rcd Pol?. v 1 1.1
S. E. Bailey a :.'0
On motion the Hoard adjourned to
Sept. 0. 1013.
The Sewerage
System Question
The plans and specifications of II. F.
Fuller for a system of sewerage for
this city are in the clerk's oflice. A
very fair presentation of them has al
ready been published in the columns
of the Argus, and the matter Is ready
for public dlBOUsalon. It does not
seem necessary to refer to the parti
culars of the system with more detail
at present
As a whole the measure commends
itself to the Chief. It seems as if the
general features of it must be observed
in any feasible scheme. We are ad
vised that Mr. Puller is a very com
petent gentleman for the work he has
The Chief is strongly in favor of the
adoption of a system of sewerage ut
the ourliest possible date. We should
like to see the Council take up the
matter ut the uext meeting, adopt the
plans of Mr. Fuller and call an election
for tho issuance of bonds.
The need of the city for sewers is
rapidly becoming imperative. Under
the circumstances there is no point in
delay. Rather the conditions favor
the beginning of the work as soon as
may oe. xnero are many or our
people out of work at present, and
more will be. The failure of the crops,
while it stints the farmer in his ex
penditure, should be the occasion for
the expenditure of money by the city,
when that mouey is obtained by the
sale of bonds.
Hard times are the times to vote
and issue the bonds which will be
paid in good times. Meanwhile our
laborers can be put to work.
Again the cess pools In various parts
of the city will soon require to be
cleaned out, while all of them are ap
proaching a more or less dangerous
condition. Opportunity should be
furnished as speedily as possiblo for
the drainage of tho refuse Into later
als connecting with the main system.
Again tho sooner the sewerage Is
provided, the sooner will the private
wells of the city be secured from the
danger of contamination.
The city engineer informs us that
tho water in the private wells of tho
city is on very different levels. Wo
had supposed that the wator level will
practically uniform throughout the
city, Uui this does not seem to lo
the case. Under this mistake, it had
bee; thought that any contamination
of the water would lu time all'oot all
tho wells. This may not bo tho case.
It nny be that with n system of sewer
age, the ma joiity of the private wells
In the city could he piesorved serine
ft Olll eoii'iiptlon.
School Teachers
For This Year
The following arc the names of tho
teachers who will teaeh iu the school
distiietsof Webster County for the
your lPlH 1011 as reported by Miss
rlerliude L Coon County Superintend
ent. District Number 1, (Soldo Rock
Joy' I J Morgan Su p e r I n t e n d e n t,
Lizzie Ueyuou, Piiuclpal, Alma Whit
ing, Mabel McCIiutock Lillian Porten
lor, Mary Christian, Susie Cary, Ora
Harwell, Anna Oillium, Inez Doner.
District Number '-, lied Cloud
It. D Moritz, Superintendent, Annie
L. Richards, Josephine Richards, Ruth
E. Johnston, (icrtriidc Dlackledge,
Vernon Storey, Minnie Christian, Elslo
Arnold, (Catherine Burke, Florence
Kellogg, Maiin Woiiderlv, Alice
Coombs, Ruby Coleman, Miss Shutuak
er, I rum Gi lines, J C. Monnett.
District Teacher
,'i Veda Ludlow
i Lena Ohmstcdc
5 l.uello Haines
(I May Dickerson
S , Transports
.i Yci da Huuslck'or
10 Irene Crow
11 Llda'Gllham
12 Monnie Spenco
lit I. onorn Springer
II Claude Plerco
l.'i Ethel Wiseoarver
Hi Myrtle Homier
17 Rose Hrehm
18 Adellc Koon
20 IJeda Peterson
al Vernn Chaplin
S2 Harry Robinson
S3 Ilertha Chaplin
21 Evan Hutchins
3.1 Margerite Richardson
20 Mamie Rleher
37 BellMcIntyrc
SB Alice Fowler
39 Daisy Portenler
30 Christine Patmore
31-Uladon B. L. Randall, Frary L
Rhea, Nova Thomas, Laura Koon,
Florence StofTregen, Edith Adamson,
Rosalie Dryden, Gladys Wright
32 Transports
3.1 Grace Leonard
31 Irene McGulrc
:tr Anna Zimmerman
3(5 Mrs. A. J. Gross
37 Elmo Fuukn
38 Katio Fox
39 ,r W. O. Shannon
40 . .- liessie Thomas
41 Guy Dunbar
43 Mrs. Edna Williams
43 Anna Boontje
45 Ida Armstrong
40 Fred Watt
47 Alvin Rathjon
48 Mrs. Delia McCallum
40 Amanda Ohmstede
riO Gertrude Goll
Cl Fern Strickland
r.2 Ulna Hale
.13 Sadie Curts
54 Ollie Spence
nr. Mabel James
GO Nellie Christy
r.S Venia Henderson
59 Margaret Turnbaugh
00 Emily Walker
01 Walter Portenler
03 Otto Hunnlcutl
03 Ivy (Irannis
01 Ida Hill
05 Noble Lund
CO Irma Bruce
08 Ivan Robinson
00 Blanche McCartney
70 Emma Peterson
71 , . .Transports
73 Elsie Mlksch
7.1 Cowlcs Asa Wolfe, Fern Hedges,
Grace Boner, Mildred Koon, Floy
71-Hluo lilll-G. F. Bixby, Caroline
Osborne, Colia Parker, Mildred Kay,
Blanche Buinhurd, Beiiluh Ilrawner,
Grace L. Story, Mabel Wilson, Helen
- " l 1''-' --y- - -mgaa-MCrt7.rajr
The auction sale of
my stock positively
will close Saturday
This sale has proven full
of money saving opportu-
- nities. Make it a point to
attend and get your share
of the savings.
Optometrist and Jeweler
RED CLOUD, - - - Nebraska
To Bertha Doyle
77 Gertrude Outman
! North-Murray Riukard
South-WUma Guy
80 Nellie DoTour
81 Druella'.Walkcr
83 Joe Springer
83 Jcau Laird
84 Philcna Faucett
85 Laura Osborn
87 .Lura Lambert
89 Ida DeGrofft
Improved Machinery
The machinery display at the Ne
braska state fair Sept. 1-6 will be the
best In the United States. The auto
mobile, farm implements and tractor
exhibits are without equal anywhere.
Then too, tho best of aimisemonts
have been provided. Llberutl's baud,
assisted by ten grand opera stars, will
furuish free music. Five state bands
will also give free concerts.
Irrigation In Humid Sections
The drouth which has prevailed in
many parts of the East this season has
caused a large demand on the Depart
ment for information as to the cost
and possibilities of irrigation. The
Irrigation Investigations of the Office
of Experiment Stations -employs two
men in the East whose time is devoted
to advising farmers and truckmen as
to the kind of equipment needed, the
cost of installation and operation, and
the method of applying water to crops.
Most of the wuter used for irrigation
in the East is pumped from streams or
wells by Individual users, gasoline
engines being used most commonly for
In the vicinity of Stanford, Flu.,
water is applied iu underground pipes.
The soil is underlaid by an Impervious
stratum aud is of such a character that
tho water spreads rapidly latcraly and
reaches the plant roots. Where simi
lar conditions do not exist this system
is not recommended,
For truck crops which are planted
bo close that horse cultivation is not
J practicable the overhead bpray is re
commended. A system of perforated
pipes, fitted with nozcls, placed high
'enough to allow of cultivation under
1 neath, Is Installed. Tho pressure neces
'sary for spraying the water Is obtained
J by pumping the water into a tauk ele
vated sntllclently to give tho necessary
pressure, or by pumping direct into
tho mains.
For field crops or orchards-, or any
thing that Is plautod in rows far enough
apart to allow of making furrows be
tween the rows, surfaoe application of
the water is rooomended. This Is much
less expensive than the other svatam.
as It requires less equipment and less
power, since the water Is destrjbuted
by gravity rather than nnder pressure".
The men referred will gladly give
advice as to the system best adapted
to the needs of anyone applying for it,
and the kind and cost of equipment.
Frank King was thrashing his alfalfa
Kent Bros, sold a bunch of fat cows
to tho butcher on Monday.
Mr. Albert Peary from Warner, Kan
sas was lu Garfield Mouday.
Muriel aud Ethel Fisher Hre homo
altera weeks visit with their grandma.
Miss Alma Alios was a pleasaut call
er utT. W. White's tho first of the
week. Will Fisher was cutting fodder with
his grain binder for T. W. White the
first of the week.
Charley Amack was a pleasant caller
at George Harris' one day the fore
part of the week.
The cry has been for two months,
O, I wish it would rain, but now the
the people are getting usetojdry weath
er and are looking for snow. ,
Maple Ice Cream and Strawbeny
Sherbet every Saturday and Sunday at
the Puritan Cafe. H. Ludlow, Pro
prietor, adv
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. O. Teel arrived
home this morning from Colorado.
Rich Country Drifting Backward.
Honduras, with vast deposits ot min
erals of all kinds, with untold thou
sands of acres of tho richest tropical
fruit and vegetable lands In the world.
and untold possibilities as a coffee pro
ducer,' has a smaller population than
It had SO years ago. Whllo other coun
tries less favorably uituutod hav
forged ahead, Honduras has slowly but
steadily drifted backward.
. I
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