's- Iffol J .- .fcMf. -wv-a-f fjt-v(ri! BED CLOUD, NIB1AIKA WS5,fflV4W,MW . r . OHiir v ' (5)69 ANNOUNCEMENT nine aLCn. Having purchased the Stock of Furniture and Undertaking business of A. E. Atkins I will continue the business with a full line to supply your wants. I will guarantee the same square dealing ' you have received in the past. I have secured the services of Mr. Atkins to remain with me indefinitely. -:- -:- -:- -:- ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking Icensed Embalmer and Funeral Director AIL TNE PHONES )WG xnrav immr display or NEBRASKA'S FINISHED PRODUCTS f6LD;P DISPLAYS fflXlfelj FIREWORKS mw . I M tsMmm'9r'm HnajriiiSimi.Vlx.. U. uinmutjoanu & vraitu uucra vu. x grjKIYE RACES DAILY! PaTTIRSON'S SHOWS.YAUDIYILLL WHTOVRMINT FOR R.R.RATftl, Evei y thins Back Promptly Except dirt, soil and spots Hassinger keeps these and charges only a reasonable price. Garments to look smart must be pressed smart, and in the latest style, and in our Scientific Dry Cleaning and Finishing. We see how much Quality can be put into the work not how much profit taken out. R. 0. HassinSer ILEANER AND DYER J Red Cloud, Nebraska ? QroGeries? A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them." Try us. P. A, Wullbrandt The Home Grocery N0T THE SAME UNCLE JERRY Circumstances Had Mad a Change In Hit Position, and He Wanted It to Be Understood. j At Sumter, N. C, there was a largo I crowd of colored pcoplo at the depot I as tho train pulled in. An old bald ( headed Uncle Jerry had his head out of the coach set apart for colored pas ' sengors, and a man on tho platform ' recognized him and called out: "Hello, MlsHor Stivers! Is dat yo'?" The old man looked straight at him hut mado no response! "Hello, Mlsser Stivers!" I No rcHponsu. , "Say, .Mlsser Stivers, has yo' lostes iyo' hearing?" persisted tho man ns Lie drew nearer. "Hoy, was yo' talkin' to me?" de manded tho old man. I "Sartln. Wliat's do matter?" "Hoy, does yo want anything of ;mo?" "Why, how yo' talk! Reckon yo' has got do hoodoo." "Does yo' evidently reckon yo ,knows mo?" "Of co'so I knows yo'. Yo' is olo man Stivers." , ' "When did yo' know mo?" "Las' fall. Why, I dun worked wld (yo' fur throo months." "An when yo' dun worked wld mo what was I a-doln'?" "Drlvin' dem mewls fur Kurnel .Johnson." "Exactly sah. Dut I want yo' to understan' dat dero Is a heap o' dif ference atwixt drlvin' dem mewls fur 'Kurnel Johnson an' rldlu' on do klv ured kyars along wld white folks. I might n-ktiowcd yo' last fall, sah, but if yo' deslar to pcrmoato uny elongat ed conversation wid mo yo' mus' git .womo responsible gem'len to introduce yo'." Chicago Itecord-Hcrald. rJW "' n-- - -yA, aAwv3SS 6969"w.wi Our Job Department Has A Reputation For First Class Work. DON'T NEED TO BE LABELED ,Any Man of Genso Would Know That These Two Stories Wero Merely Fnble6. Onco upon a time there wns a beaten golfer who admitted ,!that ho hud missed no sliort putts and that his winning rival Hud "gobbled" no long ones; who confessed-that ho .was on his game and that while beat- on by tho margin of 3 and J2, Without great luck tho count would have been S and G. Moral They backed him up' against n bunker and shot htm at sunrise bo Tore ho becanio more violent; Onco upon a tlmo there was a fan who left tho ball park and called out to a friend: "Greatest game of tho year, pal; they, beat us 3 to 2; but if the ump hadn't slipped us a couple 6f close ones, the count would have" been 3 to 0. They played better ball and won on the level." P Moral Thoy didn't even wait until sunriso to pot this guy. Another ten minutes, uud ho might havo been be yond all human control. Grant land Rico, in Collier's Weekly. That G. Washington Incident. Small William, aged three, and John, aged five, had taken special In terest in the approach of Washing ton's birthday. Fond grandparents' and other relatives had been tending them many cherry-tree and hatchet .post cards. Of course the lads' mother had to explain the meaning of the different post cards. She tried to impress, upon her sons also the lesson about, the "Father of Our Country" never telling a lie. Several nights before the natal day of the much celebrated and greatly lamented American, another consign ment of post cards was received by the two boys. They were presented to their mother at the dinner table that evening to get her to tell of their significance. Among this last list of cards re ceiver wore several showing the chopped cherry tree. "And Georgo Washington could not tell a He,'" raid tho devoted parent, as sho iiiiibhcd relating tho much herald ed incident. Master William was silent for a moment, nnd then, in all seriousness, said: "Why, mo'ver, what was tho mat ter wlf 'im?" Tim to Kick. Thoro was an excitement In tho old Inn at tho cross roads. The ancient proprietor was bristling up llko an angry porcupine. "It's got to stop!" ho thundered, as ho brought his list down on tho ink spattered register. "Ho gosh, it's Oot to stop, or I'll cloao up tho ho tel!" What's the trouble?" naked thocof-t'-c drummer. "Troublo enough. I could stand those olecp-walklug motorics crawl ing under the bed and ham mering on tho springs, 'causa ihoy thought they wore under an au tomobile, but I'll bo blowod If I am going to put up with dreaming avia tors climbing up In tho celling and knocking all tho .plastering down, Jest 'cause they lmnglno they are tinker ing with their Hying machines. No, slreo. It's got to stop." Little Bit of Irony. Louis J. Horowitz Is noted In Now York for his trenchant wit. Thus, in tho discussion of a recent contract, certain rather niggardly proposals were mado to him, and Mr. Horowltx rebuked their niggardliness wjtb the quiet words: "Only so much for a flfbien-atory building? Come, gentlemen, make It 95 more and we'll run you up a sky scraper that will overtop the highest." SCHOOL DRESSES OSSvd School time is almost here. Have yoii your children properly outfitted ye. or are you going to wait until the last minute and then be rushed. Better prepare now. - " t "Toile Du Nord" Ginghams, 12c. 14c and 10c per yard. -:- -J. "Red Seal Zephyr" Ginghams. 15c and 25c per yard. -:- :. These Ginghams compare favorably with the best on the market. They make excellent every day dresses. Get yours now. BHRBSRH PHHRES Butterlck Patterns -Warner's Rust Proof Corsets dvACSG ilyygrr 0 , 1 . 1 J69wv KANSAS PICKUPS (t'rom Smith County) Charles nnd Arthur Fruit are each (Hitting uphllob. P. M. Ilrowu made a business trip to llurr Oak, Monday. Many from around hero attend the Tabernacle meeting at Woiuer. Otto Peterson has none to Iowa for an extended visit with relatives. The Infant bubo of Mr. and Mrs. J 1I111 Fair's Is very ill at this writ lug. Mrs J. C. Peterson is quite sick. Dr. Frank lldlhnn in tho attending physieiun. Mr. and Mrs. John Diok were visiting Ui'it Payne and family the first of this week. Joe Morgan is back in our vicinity. He has spent the hummer in the West ern statos. Andrew Lederbraudt ami Charles Fruit shipped 11 oar load of hogs to Kaunas City this week. Mrs Myrtle Stevens of Red Cloud and brother, Dewey Cole, are visiting at the Andrew Upp home. Mr. Tegley, the hardware man nt llurr Oak, sold eight corn binders In this neighborhood last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tweodc Shrader havo returned from a two week's visit In Chorry and Thomas counties, Nebras ka. They report crops looking well and live good rains within the two weeks they were there. Farmers are busy putting up their prairie hay. The hay is short and thin excepting on very low ground. Corn planted on old grouud is still green in spite of the dry weather. Real Estate rnmsrers. For the week ending August 10, 10)3. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bonded Ab stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr. Marion Killiugsworth and wife to Thomas fl. Vaughn, wd, lot 2, Blk. 11, Vances Add Guide Rock g 300 Leroy E. Spence, et. al., to I. P. McNalr, wd, lota 80, 21, Blk. 3, Spence 4 Bennett's Add Blad en 180D Leroy E. Spence, et. al., to I. P. MoNair, wd, lot 10, Blk. 3, Spence & Bennett's Add Blad en 375 Grace E. Hicks Cousins, et. al., to C. C. Stout, wd, self 3-4-13.. 15000 Leroy E. Spence and wife to George H. Ross, wd, lots 3, 4, Klk. 1, Speuco's2nd Add Blad en X0 Oliver D, Hedge to Charles Uoll, Sheriffs Deed, s lots Is, 13, It, Blk. 0, Rohnr'h Add Blue Hill 325 William P. Colu and wife to Churles K. and Carrie K. Cros, wd, sj-f lot fl, and all lot it, 131k. !i, LpDiks's Add Red Cloud .... 1 100 Geo. G. Ho t aud wife to Ktnina Poyer, wil, h.H 11, 12. lillc. 8, Toe it MoHrido Add Cowles. ... 100 Thomas II, Vuughii and wife to Klnyd T. Simpson, wd, hltf lot 2.111k. II, Valiums Add lltildo Rock l.'O Maggie Thomson to Floyd T Slinison, w.l, lot 3, lllit 11, VhiiivV Add (Snide lioulc L'7fl Mortgages filed, Sl'J.JIflO.tm Mortgages released, $3,0TS.'JO. Splendid Attractions The statu fair at Lincoln September 1-fl will bo tho suonu of u'larger num ber of free attractions than ever he fore. Llberatl's band, ten grand opora concert stars and eight different vaude ville attractions head the list. 'I he speed program and the fireworks will also break all previous records. RALPH E. CAMP, n r 625 Elm. Street, - . . Red Cloud, Nebr. GRADUATE OP TaVmev ScWV o CVvwopvacWc "Chiropractic Fountain Head" Davenport, Iowa Consultation and Spinal Analysis free Phone: Independent ais mmimtimtmii, imxiai;o; ibMiAiAMfc 1 fiiRTISTIC PflUpflTS P T t 1 v f . i ! 1 We constantly have on hand a large supply of the very best of Marble and JGranite. 'g Exclusive Designs In Monuments Is Our Specialty '3 3 CONSULT US ie p. Ec6Tv1(ls,e,TattTvi"MDovVm&TV8Vvv ci New fclrted of Dairy Cattle. A new breed of dairy cattle known as the lllawarra breed has been de veloped in New South Wales. ,It was obtained by crossing Shorthorns, Longborns, Devons and Ayrshlres. This new breed of cattle has become a favorite for dairying In the lllawarra district, New South Wales, though It Is hardly known In America. Farm ant fireside. 3 1 Red Cloud, &xavaTefc4 OVERIHG BROS. & CO. Nebraska & immmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmm XV.VN xV-l QoooMm AKKONUMIU See the Good Year Casings and Tubes before you buy. We handle all sizes and carry a large stock, you want to remember that the Good Year people made a reduction on the 1st of April of 10 per cent on all of their castings and tubes. It is not very often that a Good Year casing or tube goes wrong, but when you do you will find their adjustment very satisfactory. We also carry a good stock of Presto Tanks for ex change and can show; you the famous Presto Inflator, which can inflate your tires for you with less work and very little expense. Get Polesine oil to lubricate your cylinders and Panhard oil for your transmission and your car will run smoothly and with less wear. The best oil is none too good for a car. . We invite you to come and see us, when in the village. T CHAS. C. BENNETT, Agent; Cowlti, Nebraska ' t i U J5toifia5BTO5S8BP8SB8 'Mm-?ixiAimK. fmMM"M4!MVfpm WB""'"'WWWMJWMaKll &""- 7NMM?a Jt..TT.