RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r r 0 T I i 7 i-'T ww.wvvw.w.v.w.wv "- HONE NEWS Bulletin ef The Week's Dolngt ?ASV.W.SV.'.W.V.V.V.V.V. Ice cream ami soft drluks served at Warren's Restaurant. adv Herb Ludlow and wife returned the latter part of the week from a visit nt Hardy. , Rev. Geo. W. Hummel went to Blue Hill Sunday where he conducted a funeral. We use only home boiled hams in our Sandwiches, 5 and 10c, at the Purl tan Cafe,. adv Roy Garber returned to his home in Hebron the last of the week after a short visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Warren return ed Friday evening1 from 'an extended visit in the cast. Wc use only home boiled hams in our Sandwiches, 0 and 10c, at the Purl tan Cafe. adv Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Burden re turned home Friday from a visit with friends in Kansas. Mrs. W. J. Scrivner and children went to Lebauou, Kansas, the last of the week for a visit. Mr. Wllley, connected with the Lin coln TeleDhone Company was in the city Monday evening. Miss Rose Roats returned home the first of the week from a visit with friends near McCook. Ed. Burr of Guide Rock was attend ing to business affairs In tills city the latter part of the week. Fred Arnold of Inavale chaperoned Weesner & Koontz's shipment of stock to Kansas City Sunday. Wm. Waller and wife of Cowles spent the latter part of the week in this city visiting friends. I). H. Bhtcklcdgo and wife who have been visiting In Ohio for the past month are expected home next week Try the new barber shop in the basement of the Potter building when in need of a shave or hair cut. adv Vern Bailey of Brighton, Illinois, ar rived in the city the first of the week for a visit at the home of J. H. Bailey and family. Kodak goods have reputation for quality and so have we. Thats why you find, only Eastman products here. Newbouse, Jeweler. adv. - I have the best rate in the covntyon farm loans. See me and be convinced) My motto prompt service. A. T. Wai.kkr When In need of anything in the tonsorial lino (ry the new barber shop in the bnsemeut of the Potter building Mercer's old stand. adv. Jaine9 Klzer left the latter part of the week for Denver and other Coir rado points before returning to lib. home lu Bryan Ohio. Zeph Roseucrans of Belviderc, Illi nois, left the lust of the week for east ern points after spending several days in this elty purchasing stock. Try our 10c Lemonades, they are un excelled. Milk shakes Gc nud the best of soft drinks and Ice cream always on hand at the Puritan Cafo. adr Mrs. Chas. Leuszler ami, brother, Eugene Strayer, returned homo Fri day evening after spending u week in Mankato, Kansas. Mrs. Geo. Lemlnff aud daughter, Edna left Monday morning for their home in Lincoln after a visit at the homo of Wm. Parkes. Mrs. Bert Hatfield and daughter, Vern, returned to thelt home in James town, Kansas, the iirst of the week after u visit with Mrs. T. W. Hatfield. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Mitchell "returned Saturday morning from Colorado points where they had been the p-ist few weeks enjoying a short vacation Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bohanon returned to their home at Ord, Nebraska, the latter part of the week after a short visit here with Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Simpson. Couuty Attorney 'Fred Muurcr and wife accompanied by Miss Mamie Reiner, left Saturday for a trip to Denver and other Colorado scenic points. Ex-Mayor Dell Turuure and family are now located in Portland, Oregon, where Mr. Turnure has purchased an interest in a wholesale dry goods bouse. Mrs. J. M. Weesner was entertaining the latter part of the week the Misses Ruth Youug and Myrta Boitler of Superior and Miss Ruth Morguu of Bostwick. Miss Luclle Stubbs and Lew Hum mell and daughter of Thurmau, Iowa, are In the city this week, they being guests of the families of Geo. W. Hummell and A. B. Pierce. The simplicity, convenience and efficiency of the Kodak system has made it possible for every one to make the HOMEipiotures you. like. 11.00 and op at NewhouM'a. adv. ChwreV-taier.fter spendlnjjwyeV 1 weeke at tb, bone' of his' ,prenU Mr. ndMw.SB., tbfacil swffiSdjnEo loot prmaiwSfctt Rev. Jatboe returned to this city Tuesday. Geo. W. Hutchison is on the slek list this week. Mr. House of Inavale was in tho elty on Wednesday. Bert Dawson of Guide Koek was in the city on Monday. Fritz Moede spent Tuesday in Blue Hill with his parents. Mrs. Harwood and daughter went to Guide Rock Wednesday. Fon Sau:: A good milch cow, fresh. Inquire of W. E. White. adv Mrs. Rufus Miksch Is spending the week with relatives south of Klrerton. Miss Hazel Rust is In Guide Rock this week visiting friends and taking in the Chautauqua. Prof. Moritz and family and Frank Cowden aud family are enjoying an outing at Deweese. Mrs. Jim Lesley of Hebron, formerly of this city is spendtg the week with friends and relatives. A. A. Parsons of Waukesha, Wis,, arrived Tuesday evening to visit with friends aud relatives. The best of workmanship at the new barber shop in the basement of the Potter building. adv. Mrs. Ernest Davis is enjoying a visit with her two small sisters, Syvilla aud Marian McDowell, this week. Sidney Longtln of Butte, Montana, is iu the city being called here by the death of his mother, Mrs, Longtln. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whltely and baby of Nelson were spending last week with his parents on Walnut Creek. Marlon Mercer wont over to Lebanon, Kansas on Wednesday to play with the Smith Center band at the Lebanon anniversary. Misses Mabel and Blanche Pope lie compaiued Miss Mazlc Sprachcr to Cowlcs Wednesday where they will enjoy a short visit. Misses Martha and Nellie Rust have returned to their home near Bladen after a ten days visit with relatives and friends In this city. Miss Grace McCall returned home the latter part of the week from Valparlso, Indiana, where she has been attending the University. Mrs. Cy Norrls and children returned home Saturday morning af tar spending a week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whltely south of Inavale. Will Arnold, the popular pharmacist Bt Cotting'a drug store, left Tuesday qfarpibg for Roseland to spend a' few Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling of Cowles spent Saturday in this city the guests of Mrs. King's sister, Mrs. It. G, Runuhey, v A handful of Kodak pictures will tell thu story of your vacation trip In the easiest way. See tho new Kodaks at Newhouso's. adv. Special: Maplo lee Cream and Strawberry Sherbet every Saturday aud Sunday ut the Puritan Cafe. II. Ludlow, Proprietor. adv Bon Williams, a tormor Red Cloud boy, who has been working as Jeweler at Storm Lake, Iowa, has moved to Geneva, Ncbiaska, where his lias secur ed a good position. Farm LoaitS-l have a limited n mount of private money to place in first mortgage farm securities, short or long time, at lowest rates with optional payments. Write or phone. Daniel Gakiiku, Riverton, Nebraska. Lawrence Doyle, who is building eemeut silos according to the Polk system for Piatt & Frees, returned from Gothenburg, Nebr., Monday even Ing and left for Superior Tuesday whero he will erect u silo near that place. All parties desiring to make exhibits at the state fair are requested to bring their exhibits to the depot by Wednes day, August UTtli aud by not later than Thiusday morning at 10 o'clock. There will be a man there to receive it. Geo. W. Hummeli,. Harry L'etson, the popular manager of the MlnefBros. Co., has our thanks for a copy of the Denver News which we received the latter part of the week. The paper contained many in teresting articles about the Knights Templar Conclave as well as atiy number of pictures of the big parade, decorations, etc Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bonner are ex pected to pass through the city this evening on their way to Red Cloud. Mr. Bonner was at one time principal of the high school here, They will visit at Red Cloud for a few days aud Mrs. Bonner will then return here for a visit with the Gittiugs family. Mr. Bonner will goon to Aberdeen, Wash., where he Is employed in a school. Tuesday's Superior Journal. Geo, W. Hummell was lu Guide Rock Tuesday where he spent the day in looking after exhibits for the State Fair. Mr. Hummell reports the pros pects good, even. In spite of the dam aged corn crops, of having a good ex hlbltlon at the fair, and nays that the only thing he thinks Webster county will be short on will be pumpkins and squashes, but believe there is aohanbe '6t kecurlng sdme 'exhibits -even aiong "H1'0 t,-fKiV : House to rent. Inquire at New houso's store. No. '21 5c Cigars as good as gold. Try them. adv. Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars at Warren's Restauiaut. Mrs. John Barkley returned Tuesday from a visit nt St. Joe. Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was in the city Saturday. Miss lva Carter Is spending the week with frleuds in Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dickson are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mr. Cook, the Game Warden from Rivetton, was in our city Monday. Apples for sale. 20c for wind-falls 50c for picked apples. Cecil McCall. J. H. Bailey left on Sunday morning for a short business trip to St. Louir. Mrs. T. J. Diamond left the latter part of the week for a visit in Missouri. John Corbctt and family returned Tuesday evening from Wichita, Kansas Aaron Hedge, Frank Abel and Har vey Rlckerson spent Tuesday evening in Franklin? Nova Brown returned to bis home in Cambridge on Tuesday night after a short visit at the home of Al Spires. Harry Lctsou, manager of the Miner Bros Company store, left Wednesday morning for Chicago to purchase fall goods. The second division of the M. E Ladies Aid Society will hold a market at Wullbrandt's store Saturday, Aug., 23d. Mrs. Karl Patrick left Inst night for her home In Omaha, after a month's visit nt the home of her father Dr. Henry Cook. "Dutch" Hill in the employ of the Lincoln Telephone Company spent Monday in this city making some re pairs on the switch boBrd at tho Cen tral otllcc. J. F. Grimes and wife returned to Blno Hill Saturday. Mr. Grimes had been here duriug tho absence of Geo. Warren attending to business matters for him. Miss Tlla Cook returned home from Chicago nud other eastern markets on Tuesday. Mrs. Phures who went east. with her on a purchasing trip will not return however until the first of the week. All of the Knight Templars from this city have returned from the big Conclave In Denver, and are loud iu their praise of the treatment they re ceived, and all report having had a ?'ry enjoyable time. Will Storey was In JYanklln Mon day evening, where wc learn he whs entertained, by n handsome lady school teacher who reside in Campbell, but wht was attending J,bo 'institute Hi that place. Mr. Willie McCord ac companied him up there. There is to be an I. O. O. F picnic at Guide Uock on Wednesday, August 27th. Nearly all members of I. O. O. F, Lodge No. 180 of this place are making preparations to attend as such men as E. J. Overing, Rv. E. N Tompkins of this olty, and Past Grand Master Kelloy of Beaver City, will be present an address the gathering. The city council met on Tuesday evening but owing to thu absence of two of the members, Frank Cowden and Paul Storey, no ofiicinl business was attended to. Mr. Fuller, the con sulting engineer to City Engineer Geo. Overing was present, and submitted his plans for a sewer system. The .members present looked over the plans and the matter will be taken up more thoroughly at another meeting yheu all members aro present. Considerable excitement was caused Saturday evening at tho bakery and restaurant of Victor Springer. Spring or had sold out to a party by the name of O'Brien, who it seems was to assume tho liabilities against Springer. Cred itors began to appear early on the scene and were not accomodated by Mr. O'Brien. This caused some dis satisfaction among our citizens. In u short time Sheriff Hedge in his. genial but impressive way appeared on the scene with court orders of various kinds and soon convinced all concern ed that matters must be adjusted. The matter was concluded by Springer taking back the business and the dove of peace now hovers over the place. Commissioners9 Proceedings Ri:u Cloud, Nkii., Aug. 13, 1913. Board of Couuty Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Members present T. J. Chaplin, G. Ohmstede, W. G. Hoffman, Floyd McCall and Paul Storey Chalrmau of said Board. Chairman Storey appointed McCall, Chaplin and Ohmstede to view u Section 18-4-12 in regard to claim of excessive tax. Moved and seconded that the Board investigate and measure up all bridges that have not been measured and ac cepted. Motion carried. Iu the matter of the Sidney M. True claim for witness fees In the sum of 141. Moved and seconded that said etabjt be and is hereby rejected. Motion carried :U-4otUs County Clerk U btre- by authorized aud instructed to draw a warrant on the General Fund in the sum of $'.20,00 iu favor of Rosie C. Bowling' for the term of 0 months com mencing Aug. 15, Unit and on thu 1.1th of each mouth thereafter until 0 war rants have been drawn In favor of said Rosle C. Bowling, by order of County Judge, in ease of dependent children Oil motion the Cmmtv CUrt iu lin! by authorized and Instructed to draw warrant on the General Fund In the sum of t2T.00 in favor of Louise Green for the term of six months, commenc ing August 15, 1013 aud on the 1Mb of each month thereafter until (I warrants have becki drawn iu favor of said Louise Green, by order of Countv Judge, in case of dependent children. Moved, by Floyd McCall that the County Clerk be and Is hereby In structed to correspond with the state engineer and request him to come to Red Cloud' or send a representative from Iu6 office to go with the Board and determine ou what kind, style and size of bridges should be erected at places where bridges are in con templation of being built aud furnish plans and specifications for such bridges. Seconded by T. J. Chaplin. Motloueuiried. Ou motion Board adjourned until August 1, UU3, 0 o'clock a. m. August 14, 1013. Board met pur suant to adjournment. Moved aud seconded that Board pay not to exeeed S33.00 per thousand for bridge lumber and pay not to exceed 6.1 cents per sack for eemeut and that said Board visit all lumber aud cement dealers whom they have boon purchas ing such materials aud notify them of their action. In the matter of unsafe bridge on section line between sections 18 and lit Stillwater Precinct, ns reported by Commissioner Chaplin. The Board recommended that a cement bridge 10 by 20 feet roadway bo built on plans furnished by tho Statu Engineer. Motion made by McCall aud seconded by Ohmstede that the above bo and Is hereby the order of said Hoard. Motion carried. In the matter of unsafe bridge on Section 2, Harmony Precinct, 3 miles west and 1 mite south of Bladen as re ported by Commissioners McCall, Ohm Btede aud Storey It is recommended that whole Board investigate tho said bridge on Monday, Aug. 18th., and ar rive at a conclusion as to what typo, f bridge to placo at this point. Also that in tho matter of unsafe bridge on line between Section 10 and 17 Walnut Creek ifreeiuot that it be and is here by recommended that u cement bridge 12 feet loug, -20 .feet roadway -with eemeut fioor be built ftt'this place on plans' Jfyrnihhed by Statu Engineer Ou motjon by, Chaplin yuv seconded by Ohmstede that the above ,was and is the order of tho Board. Motion carried. ' Ou motion the following claims were audited and allowed and thu County Clerk authorized and instructed to draw warrants ou their respective funds in payuiout of same. Gem'iiai, Fund Ed Amuck 5 J. O. Butler .Ins. Burden T.J. Chaplin A.M. Cook E. li. Doiighman Dr. Damerell Blue Hill Farmers' Institute.. W. G. llolTmaii Hammond & Stevens '(). D. Hedge E. L.Jones Klopp & Bartlott H. J. Mir.ircr Floyd McCal G. Olunstudu 1!) 10 :i ir 'i oo 0!) 10 r.7 mi 69 00 Ml 00 2.r) 00 85 no r7 30 10 00 10 .10 :ih no 111 CO 77 4 70 00 II. S. Reed.. jr. oO I ! Paul Storey AlmiraSlaby..., bauuders Bros,,. 01 Ml 10 2: 11)11 00 L. K. Speucu. in (:c I State Journal Co,, A un io Belle Spauoglo. SI i'i 00 8 80 F. G. Turuuru & Son... Dr. Wegman Webster County Argus. H.C.Wright Dr. Damerell F. E Maurer .'.... R. B. Fulton C. E. Vaughau J. R.Horn E MoUrlde Geo. G. Holt o oo 17 10 57 15 74 00 0 GO 8 25 8 35 i SI 4 00 1 -5 Bridge Fund AJam Alber 8 0 00 LoeArnett 410 00 A ' II Bowman 240 05 J.P.Burns 8 00 John Beyke 53 00 Mint Bargman :t0 00 Bladen Lumber Co., 801 34 Crow & Seeley 2170 Chicago Lbr. Co., Blue Hill.... 001 8o Chicago Lbr. Co., Rosemont... 208 05 F. A Good lr.07 00 V.S. Hall 870 80 Dwlght Jones Id 35 Fritz Meyer 27 Oo JohnS.-Marsh 20 70 R. B. Mcllllce 0 05 OmuhK Structural Steel Works 2306 72 R. 8. Proudflt Lumber Co 2467 47 G G.'jyok'ard. ', 12 00 Jacob Jtk)kunk...., 187 20 J. A. 4itafjLumber Co.v. ..... 43 60 C. M. HMlM..wt..i.v.i'A4.'.,..v.'i-' 61 35 On iMfttoa)"B oat d 'adjourned to lWr'-t'l9fci CSSSCSn mmmmmm neseses oelz.- rlorsheim OXFORDS ssi m n -iiBBr--H S2 WORTH 94.60 and $5.00 Other mid-summer at tractive bargains to de mand your attention. he Qomden-Kaley frothing Qo. First Door North of Post Office 4 The "Wonder Through the Northwest Have you ever besn to Glacier National Park? Have you ever, been . 1 to Yellowstone Park'.' Have you over been to the North Pacific Coast'.' ' ' . Well, I would like to have the privilege of explaining how you can arrange a summer Tour to include all three, stopping ut (Hauler ou the way out and Yellowstone on tho way back. It's a most interesting trip, and Railroad, Hotol and Stigc facilities uru so perfect now, that tho trip is a joy from start to finish. I would like to send you maps and pictures and booklets describing these places, and I would like to help you plan a trip ami tell you all iibinit this service nud thu cost. SSSaSSSSSSEa Be Gasoline Engine But it will cost Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. kt mmmmmm nt'm FOR FURNITURE GO TO TH5 OLD RELIABLE Furniture Store I Fn AMAfK I MmM 9 Licensed Undertaker j ii i i ALL THE iBm fmmkmkwkk 4 tflLLLLLLLLLB - - fAkkkkkk m. i? Ak mkAk. a - ss Tour" JT. E. FOE, Ticket Agent. L, W. WXKKLEY, General Faanenger Agt. No. 61 Progressive A man can thrash his grain with a flail lint time costs money and it doesn't pay You can do your work without a Stickney you time and money. Ed. Hanson EXCLUSIVE AGENT si Co., Red Cloud, Neb. -aJb AAVABi - .no 'n u in Nebraska and Kansas f PHOMMi ."' ' .. M 'I V J ,1 l.TI i ! I 1 t l a 1 i i: ii v 46 u il 4 tft r f H t o .'Hip' Si. WlMMMMPtM