-.--- a'c-.v: ". .Xjw.I -&. nr.r. .trftKrwir.-iKr.i,5U!. IIP CLOUD, W11IAIIA, CHIEF itftmito f-w ir - ijfvk ci u i H r . 1 , fm.f. IV r i n IIT tt H fiv. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nabraaka. FUDLlbHKD EVERY TIIURHDAi Katcrcd In the PoMolnce at Hcd Cloud, Nili. M Hccond ClftM Mnttcr' 0 B. HALE l'Ullt.lhllKK CSB ONLY DEMOC'UATIU I'AI'KIt IN WKIWTKH COUNTY Governor Hodges is taking exception to the, report in New York news papers to tiie effect thnt Kbushh is taffering as a result of the drouth. admits a shortage of rain, but bays Kansas Is not in need of sympathy. Hiuce the impeachment of Governor Balaer of New York there are two Gov mora on the job there, both signing orders. Lieutenant Governor Glynn iiaa been recognized by a few of the tern state. Good rains are reported Saturday night throughout parts of Mlssiourl, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The weather prophets are saying that the drouth will now end. We hope they are right and that there may be relief from the heat soon. President Wilson and Secretary Ilryau seem to be working harmon iously as to the situation in Mexico nd averting any serious trouble. -We believe they should Iiuvh uspcclul credit for not running the United States) Into a war that can be averted. At last it has raiuod down in Kan sas. That state certainly has panhcri thru a trying time this year. No rain and no water in the wells for nearly nine weeks. Whilo we have not suf fered anything like this yet we feel that we are too close to Kaiihas this jear. ' A farmer's wife brought some butter and eggs to town one day this week and accidentally let the butter fall on to the cement walk and before she could pick it up it hud melted, and in her haste to reoover it two or three eggs dropped out of her basket and smashed into the melted butter and were fried to a beautiful brown in a few seconds. Campbell Citizen'. We presume that the authorities immediately lined this poor woman for running a restaurant on the street without a license. For the first time in many years this city has had plenty of wator dur ing the dry season. Not n single day baa gone by this summer without plenty of water. A good hIiuio of this water comes from the M inner sprlugh which are (lowing as steudlly and us plentifully as they do in tlio most rainy of seasons. Puiiuestionubly these springs are the outcropping of Home large underground body of water and even an extended period of drouth falls to iullueuce their How a partlcal. The city and the liurllngton railroad certainly are fortunate to have hud this plentiful supply of pure water during a trying season. Two hundred and live newspapers of Nebraska will get out special editions in September. Tho combined circula tion of those papers means that more than 300,01)0 papers boosting Nebraska will be sout out of the state next aaouth. Through the co-oncratlon of "Val J. Peter, the committee In charge has secured tho promise of eighteen German newspapers to publish the story boosting tho state. These in elude papers in Iowa and South Dakota. The Bohemian papers will also carry the Nebraska story which means that with the German, English and Ilohemlau papers co operating, the tost complete distribution of matter relating to Nebraska ever accomplished Surely the people of Nebraska should be proud of (heir live wire editors. Everybody else is, includlugthe met ropolitan press of tho east. Harry K. Thaw' has tlnully escaped from the asylum at Muttcawan wheie lie has been coutined since his trial for the murder "of Stanford White .After the expenditure of vast sums of money to procure his release by legal aaethods In vain, be finally succeeded 5a Making a rush past the guard tin a an open 'gate and leaped into an auto Ja waiting which swiftly carried him atataa the state line into Connecticut. Via wealth may prove of use to enable arisatoshpn recapture. N9The caae II Jaateates.the approaching perfection jf arimjnal administration in New 3tak. .cJlltt, hi. money, united with the strong case of Insanity established In dils behalf would have secured his release long ago. The plea of Insanity, In his case, only Heciircil him in an asylum which proved u hopeless prison. One of the Held demonstrators of the United States Department of Agri culture who has been Investigating the effect of the tick, has found that this cattle pest has damaged hides so badly in many southern districts that average market value of hides of tlcadufested cattle S II. 20 or 3 cents per pound on an average, less than the hides not damaged by the tick. A prominent tanner In Pennsylvania, who specializes in the making of chrome leather with the natural grain left on, states that the tick so Inter feres with the usefulness of the bides for this purpose that he has practi cally stopped purchasing southern hides. The cost of eradicating the tick is only about 50 oeuts per head. Cattle producers therefore could pay for tick eradication and make a clean profit of about 70 cents above the cost of the hides alone. This Is apart from the increase in the general value of stock when freed from ticks. It is estimated that tick eradication in Tennessee has raised the generul market value not less than 87 per head or a profit of tOLO above the cost for getting rid of the tick. Having been encouraged in their disrespect for law and oitlcors whose. duty it is to enforce law, bv an edi torial In the Guide Hock Signal, a bunch of Ouide Hock toughs, aided aud'abbcttcd by the lethargy of the Red Cloud marshal, uenrly precipitated in a riot last Saturday, when a gang of the aforesaid toughs made n public disgrace of themselves by loud and intimidating language hurled at Game Warden Cook who was in lied Cloud on business. Wo had presumed that Guide Kock citizenship was composed of respectable, law abidlug men, but If this Is a fair sample of their citizen ship, then we are thankful that they don't live here. They couldn't come luto this town and rulse hell, even If they did in lied Cloud, and don't you forget it Klvcrton Kcvicw. If the Uevj'ew editor had taken tho pains to investigate this" disgraceful affair he would have found that the shoe was oil the other foot. The two "olllcers of the law" were here and had been drinking and also had their auto tilled with liquor. Had it not been for the prompt action of Marshal Christy there would have been a riot. lie ordered tho aforesaid olllclers out of town and saved the day. 19 Schools Get Agri cultural Appropriation Nineteen high schools in Nebraska says the Superior Express have quail lied under the Shuimvay uct passed by tho last legislature to share In the $15,000 appropriation for the promotion of agricultural instruction. State Sup erintendent Del.ell has v' therefore designated them as agricultural high schools. They will receive allotments of funds iu proportion to tho amount of work agricultural training provided for. If the money wore equally divided and tho entire appropriation were used this year, It would glvo each school about 8700. Superintendent Dolzell thinks it may bo expedient to appropriate tho entire tln.OCOthtsyeai as tho next legislature will meet be fore the end of tho following school year and can make further provision to carry on tho work. The schools which will receive state aid for agricultural work the coming year are: Alliance, Alma, Aurora, Beatrice, Blair, Fairfield, Gothenburg, Hustings, Holdrege, Kimball county high school, O'Neill, Pnwuee City, Red Cloud, South Omaha, St. Paul, Stromsburg, Tecum sell, Wahoo and York. In order to secure part of tho ap propriation, the board of education lit each place had to meet the following conditions: Furnish not loss thin live acres of land for experimental farming. Employ one or more trained instruct ors iu agriculture, manual arts and domestic science. A uumbor of ,other conditions rela tive to the granting of state aid are provided for iu the act. The maxi mum amount of aid to uuy ouo school is fixed at S 1,850 per year, but owing to the limited appropriation uo school will get as much as that this year. Let Kodak pictures tell the story of the motor trip, the fishing trip or the travel. The Kodak way is the sure, easy,, convenient way. Prices Sl.oo up. Ask for "catalog Newhouse, Jeweler. adv. , ,.. . . MIGHTY SWIRL OF WATERS World's Qreateat Whirlpool at Junc tion of Two Great South Amer- lean Rivera. In the Wide World Mr. W. .O. Symon gives an Interesting ac count of his experience In South America. In regard to the Junction of the Madre de Dlos and Inambari river Mr. Symon says: Just before the Junction of the lat ter river divides Into two arms, with an island some two miles long in between. The right arm, which la usually the safer for navigation, was at the time of oar arrival, Impassable, owing to the recent and excessive drought that had formed the forma tion of perilous rapkta. We had, la consequence, to take the wide left arm, down which the mala volume of the river was flowing. The reader can Imagine the eaor mous force of water that was being hot Into the Madre de Dlos when he realises that the Inambari at its left arm projection was 300 yards wide, perhaps 30 feet In depth, and flowing at six knots an hoar. This great mase of water met the Madre de Dlos, Itself 400 yards wide here, at a right angle. The current of the Inambari being faster than the Madre de Dlos, the termor river cut Its way through the latter, right across to the farther bank. There the Inambari was thrown back, and surged around in a huge circle 200 yards In diame ter to Join up again with the water flowing to the bank. The whirlpool thus formed was probably one of the lurgost In the world. (I have pur posely used past tenso in this descrip tion, as the course of tho Inambari is constantly changing Its mouth.) The circles of seething water curled Inward and downward, screw fashion, to their center, which appeared as a great hole, at least six feet below tho level of the outer rim. NEWEST IDEA IN EDUCATION Cinematograph Films Are to Be Put to Use In the Higher German Schools. According to ofllclal Information re cently received by tho United Slates' bureau of education, the use of mov ing pictures In education has had a significant Impetus in German govern ment circles. Tho Prussian ministry! of education Is now considering the feasibility of employing clnemato-, graph HlmB in some of the higher edu cational Institutions, as applicable , to' certain courses of Instruction, and ai number of film manufacturers .nave; been given an opportunity to show the authorities what films they have that are adated to educational piirJ poles. t ' A well known 'philanthropist has re-, cently donated two full equipped mov ing picture machines to tho BchoolBjqf Ilerlln, one to be used in tho Continua tion Institute for Higher Teachers add the othor in the high schools of Great er Merlin. Movlug picture films aro' now available in Germany for anato mical, biological ' and bacteriological courses, and It 1b believed tbcro that tiu enormous field for them will be opened up when educators fully realize their value, Monnrchn Well Protected. Though tho days have gonu by when tho monarch wan protected during tbo hours of slumber by nn attendant uluoplng lu a bed drawn acrosn thu door of hlB chamber, King Georga U by no means left unprotected durlns tho night. Not only la tho outslda of tho palace guarded by soldiers and detectives, but several night watch men paco up and down the corrldora through tho hours of darkness. They aro shod In thick felt slippers, so us not to wako tho royal sleeper, and one of them Is always near tho king's room till his majesty Is called by hla valet In the morning. Every door and window In tho pluco Is frequently examined and It would bo Imposslblo for any Intruder to get in without his presence being discov ered in a few minutes. TIiub tho Ulng Is as well protected as tho czar of Rus sia, who has a guard of armed Cos sacks outside his room, or tho king of Spain, who 13 watched by a cquad of specially picked soldiers, who keop tho keys of all tho doors during tho night Cat 8aved the Canary. A lady had a tame bird which she was in tho habit of lotting out of Its cage every day. One morning as it was picking crumbs of bread off tho carpet, her pet cat, who always beforo showed great kindness for tho bird, seized It on a sudden, and Jumped with It In her mouth upon a table. The lady was much alarmed for the fate of her favorite, but on turning about InBtcntly discerned the cause. The door had been left open, and a strange cat had Just come Into tho rooml Af ter turning it out, her own cat came down from her place of safety, and dropped tho bird without having done it the smallest injury. Future Clothea to Be PaperT Paper clothes were worn by the Jupaneso troops during tbo war with Huasla, and they were found to be very serviceable and much warmer than those of cloth. Paper dressing gowns, ball-robes, and similar articles of attire are now being turned oat b the cart-load la England, France, Oar many, and otaer aroaeaa covatrlM. The- papar of watah taay are aaaa to or taa -Mattaf vaitocf. aaa after betac trmaa tj a av liaises to dyed la ot Hiatal wtoV . a)VfJl -gWMr' a natty are aaaae of to adraatate .atpkla of Mat y.JTTT-rJTM., .. ....- ata.-.a ttoa. m far tba aaaat aaaalaalt. albs, ra-.aaaiWsat to aaaab 'wtMaJI V i alwa.wltowlMWa.lgij flj f)fcfHaWalaawttaattog, , Mi HaaMarfftfver. T ' LAND Improved Alfalfn, 'drain and Stock Farms In The Great Republican Valley Bouiht Sold Exchanged Any desirable Keal Estate listed up and advertised for cash sale or ex change without expense to owner. Cash buyers for improved farms and ranches secured through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farms In Webster and Franklin Counties Ne braska now listed Several farms for sale that will pay good Interest on the entire purchase price and enhance greatly in value. Several good farms for sale ou easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The largest list of local farms for sale to select from and situated in the Buckle End of the Corn licit. FAIR MANS-Liberal amounts, optional payments, lowest rates. Money always ready. Daniel Garber Rivtrton, - Nebraska Price-Per-Thousand i On Building Lumber is not infrequently used by manu facturers of substitutes to confuse prospective home builders, but to tho man who knows quality, the characteristics of the different fav ored building woods and their prop er application, this bugbear causes little apprehension. We've helped many builders righj here at home beat the building game to a frazzle and can help you too if you'll bring your plans in or tell us just what you contemplate doing. Selling lumber Is only a part of our busi ness the personal service we render our customers being of equal Im portance but we're willing to donato this service for the sake of the community and tho indorsement of our customers. Before mnlclng your final decision on your new house come iu and get at first hand the real facts about this lumber business and just what "prlcc-per-thousand",mcans to you. There's Ne Place Like Hme" Saunders Bros. Red Cloud. Nebraska E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FREE F I RE fr THE ALARM Is a dreudrul thine OF FIRmT for tho man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat if the fire Is anywhere near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THE COBT OF is so small that it IMUUmANGK need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry aloue is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, H0ll0bl0 Inmuranom. Dr. A. B. flardin Physician and Surgeon Eye, Ear, Note apd Throat Dis rates Treated. . Glauct Fitted. Inavatet Nebraska DR. CHAS. E. CROSS OKNTimr Vim STAffl aUH t .P-Hgaaaa&i I''" til jQJmnsS IrlaRliiMjjIB'' M Jim IlV F mr' BOOST! The Chief it Going The Wonderful Resources of Webster County, Red Cloud and the Great State of Nebraska in a Bif, Special "Booster Edition" I i OF THE i i Chief Issued Sept. 18 th ORDER EXTRA COPIES NOW I Help us ad vettise our wonderful country by mailing a copy of this great edition of the Chief to all of your friends. RESULTS FOR ADVERTISERS ! The com bined circulation of the regular and special edi tion of The Chief will make it very valuable for advertisers. Regular rates for this -big edition. Let's All Boost For Webster County and I Nebraska. You smoke: Blue Hill Cigar Co.'s No. 21 Cigars H. E. GRICeTdRUG CO. DISTRIBUTORS nSaASSSS' -kWWWW 6S69wwv aOuW. miXj. Ranked at study and practice of right farming, and he succeeded mightily, for hp made $4,000,000 in the business of farming. David Rankin said: The manure spreader is the most efficient money-maker on the place." It's warm praise to be ranked above all other farm machines, but the spreader deserves it. Soils rebel when crop after crop is taken'from them, without 'return of fertilizer. Return every bit of manure to the soil. The I H C manure spreader will save you much disagree able hard labor, will spread evenly, and will make one ton go as far as two tons spread by hand. I H C Manure Spreaders are built to suit you, to do best work for the buyer in every case, to convince him that he ha9 made the wisest purchase. Every detail in the construction has a purpose, for which it was made after thorough tests and experiment. They have the maximum of strength and en durance. You will find all styles and sizes in the I H C spreader line. They will cover the ground with a light or heavy coat, as you choose, but always evenly, up hill or down. There are high and low machines, with steel frames, endless or reverse aprons, but always giving best pos sible service. Tractive power is atsured by position of the rear wheels well under the box, carrying nearly three-fourths of the load. Study the I H C spreader line at the local dealer's. Read the catalogues write us. International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Lincoln Nab. Pallet Rely en Finger Prints. Francis Gallon, tager print eipert aad aataority, estimates that ta. caaaoea of tadlag taa Angers of two peraoas givlag exactly taa same lav rasa! oo are not greater taaa oa. M,MMM,M0. Police experts ragara agar attats, wllca can aet b. 4ta mtaai, aa far taa f Martlaattoa, I BOOST! s to Tell to the World Will Get the Benefit I the Very Top -v- '.aV&C XL.. . - ft Vis-1 F3 AVID RANKIN was a big farmer and nc knew his business. He owned the largest corn farm in the world, about 35,000 acres down in Missouri. He devoted his life to the Dlcasant Ta Keep Silver fertght Silver will keep bright, and nacM laborious cleaning and. aollsataa aavsd, If enoe a week tUe lamerasa1 ta .ear Bilk and. left taere for twaatjf la auaatas orieager. Waea H (a van H . St ,vattr aai yoaab M sMkly J vis' nm. -. m ' -.' to .aae''.ks , I'd mmmmmm f i i p 9 A Wi; Of IT V at l w ;;. itcteM