The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1913, Image 3

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Clever Ruse Whereby Popular
Maiden Rids Herself of Su
perfluous Admirers.
Mies Lena Wultors wat troubled tn
her tnlnd. When a girl has four differ
ent admirers and can't say which she
prefers, it's a mighty solemn situation.
Well might she pause and reflect. Na
tions havu risen or fallen over easier
problems than that.
No. 1 had curly hair and a lisp. -Ho
was simply delightful.
No. 2 had a drooping mustacho and
arched eyebrows. Ho was charming.
No. 3 not only had tho poetic expres
sion, but ho also wroto sonnctB. He
had written one sonnet to her eyes
nnd another to her chin.
No. 4 sat and sighed most of the
tlmo when ho called, and he had eyes
out of which a lost soul seemed to be
Mr. Walters was a business man nnd
rather brusque. Ho paid very little at
tention to society, and to who came
and went, but nfter pumping against
a score of young men In the hall at
one tlmo or other ho said to his daugh
ter: "Lena, you toH tho cook to havoher
young men como to tho kitchen door
after this."
"Why, the cook Is a married wom
an," waH tho reply.
"Are they chums of the butler?"
"Of course not."
"Then what do they wnnt hero?"
"Why, papa, they arc my callers."
"Humph! Hotter get rid of all but
one. They 'wear out tho rugs."
And, being troubled In her mind,
' Mis Lena did a much moro senslblo
thing than to retlro to her room nnd
fling herself on the bed nnd woep. She
put on her hat nnd took n stroll to do
some serious thinking.
' The father hadn't spoken seriously.
. and nono of the four admirers would
I bo bounced, but suppose that crisis
ill had come? Supposo tho young lady
found hersolf compelled to say to num
ber one:
"Rirdlo Rockingham, your hair curls
In the most delightful profusion and
confusion, nnd that lisp la something
to make an angol sit up and listen for
more, but this is n llfo of sadness and
disappointments. I wish you well, and
I will bo a sister to you, but you must
make your hlko. Find some other
angel and be happy with her."
Miss Lena was finding cold chills
creeping over her when a voice at her
elbow addressed her:
"Say, you, don't you want to buy a
It was a gamin of about twelve, and
In his arms he had a dog a French
bull dog.
! 'Mercy on mo. Is that a dog?" cried
tho girl as she started back.
"You bet. He's worth 50, but I'll
take 25 cents!"
The French nation sends us chic
dresses nnd hats and cloaks, but
when It comes to bulldogs they are a
dead failure. It 1b as If thoy took a
coon, a rabbit, a sugar beet and a cab
ha go head and boiled them down to
gether and poured tho hodgc-podgo
Into a mold nnd called it a dog. They
are warranted to scare babies into fits
and tho elephants of tho country In a
slnglo night.
"Ho can't bo a dog," protested Miss
"Ho suro Is, miss," was tho reply.
"He's homely, but he's all tho go In so
ciety. The terrier and tho poodlo are
not In It with him." f
"nut you have stolen him!"
"Not a bit of It."
"Hut you can't own a $50 dog."
"Say, lommo toll you something. He
was given to mo this morning by a
young indy."
"Then he can't bo a nice dog.1'
"Hold on a minute. Why did she
give him to me? Bekase she had
'bows." "
"That's no excuse."
"It hain't, eh? Not when he's bitten
every one of her bows and driven
them away? They have all swore that
either tho dorg muBt go or they
"He bit tho young men that camo to
call on her, did he?" asked Miss Lena,
all at onco Interested.
"Fiercely." ' '
"And sho gave him to you on that
"I'll cross my heart on It."
"Maybe I'd buy him If he wasn't so
"That's what high socloty Is after
homely dorgs. The homelier tho bet
ter. Got any bows?"
"Yes," admitted tho girl with a
"Any you want to get rid of?"
" "Y-e-s."
"Then don't bo two mlnlts closln'
this deal! One of your bows como In
and bows and scrapes and takes a
cheer. About the time ho has got bis
legs crossed and is ready to talk lovo
Nero sneaks around and takes a
"And what follows?"
"What toilers? Lemme tell you that
what follcrs would mako a hen laugh!
There's a sudden Jumpln' up. There's
a sudden swear-word. Thorn's a gig
gling In which vou do all the work,
Then there's n sudden 'good-night,' and
n-gettln' out doors, nnd that bow nev
er comes within a block of tho house
agin'. Can't you tmaglno It?"
"You como back to tho house and I'll
got tho money for you," said tho girl,
ns sho softly gtgled at the picture the
boy had drawn.
The money was paid and Nero
hanged hands. Ho mnde no objec
tions, and ho seemed bo content and
(gentle that the new owner had her
doubts about his biting anybody. In
fnct, hor father looked tho dog over
and doubted If ho would bltu a uiuttou
chop. "What did you get such a rat for
dog?" was asked.
"To blto bouio of my callors,"
"Go ahead. I guess uu'll pick out
tho right ono from the gaug.
It wbb the poetic young man's eve
ning for calling. He had spent the
whole day composing a Bonnet to Miss
Lena's nose, and had finished und
brought It along. Huch was his ltnpiv
tlenco to read It, and hour her words
of pralso that he took no notice of
the dog. He had scarcely boon greet
ed when he took tho manuscript fioiu
his pocket and began:
"No blooming rose
With Lena's nose,
In soft repose
Can tho devil!"
"Why, Mr. DavlBl" exclaimed tht
owner of tho noso.
"Some darned thing bit mo! Thcro
It Ib a wretched little rat of n cur!'
"Yes, bit mo to tho bone, and II
may bo a case of tho rabies!"
"Hut you can have a case of the
rnbicH and still bo a gentleman, can't
"No, sir no, sir. I can't! If you
have started In to keep a mad dog In
tho house ou must ahem excuse
mo from "
And out ho bounced nnd made hla
way to the first hospital to bc treated.
It wasn't tho evening of No. 2 to
cnll, but being at the umbrella mend
er's on the corner, he thought ho'd run
In for a moment nnd nsk Miss Lena If
her father's business had been unfa
vorably affected by tho tariff. He was
cordially greeted, but hardly had he
opened tho subject nearest his heart
when ho Jumped a foot high nnd yelled
"Holy smoke, but I've run against
a llvo wire!"
"It's only Noro," tho girl calmly as
sured him.
"What, that lltlo cur? Why, Iio'b bit
ten mo!"
"Yes, ho bltea most every ono!"
"Well, you must oxcuso me If 1
don't call again until I hear of hla
"Oh. certainly!"
Number four ho of tho sad eyct
and sadder sighs called tho next eve
ning to ask for Lena's hand and heart.
It was patent to her tho moment sho
looked Into those sad eyes, and she
looked furtlvoly nround to hco if Nero
was on tho Job. Ho waa. Ho was
looking at tho sad-eyed man's right
"Miss Walters Lena you must
have Been you must realize that I
I thunder and blazes!"
"Why, Mr. Pilgrim!"
"Your Infernal llttlo cur has bitten
"And I'm going to keep him right
along!" ,
"Then then," and out went the Bad
eyed man, never to call again.
There was only ono more left h
of the lisp nnd the curly hair. He
called next evening. Nero was ready
for him, but the moments lied into
hours, nnd thcro won no crisis. At
length he proposed matrimony nnd hla
case was taken under advisement.
Next day Miss Lena asked her father
"Pnpn, will n man who lot's a do
blto his leg for two hours and novet
mako a complaint mako a good hus
"Tip-top!" was tho answer. "Hotter
havo tho wedding noxt month!"
Tho bridal tour had been mad
when the brldo said to her husband:
"Havo you any scars whoro Norc
bit you that night?"
"Not a single scar! I was wearing
Bole-leather loggings!" ,
(Copyright, 1913, liv tlm Mrfluro Ncwnp.v
por SyntllrntP.)
First Night Critics.
In an article in tho American Maga
zine, Walter Prlchard Eaton writes:
"The theater door man Ib an im
portant person on first nights, because
as he passes out return checks be
tween acts he hears the comments ol
tho audience. HIb cars are wide open
on such occasions, and, mingling with
tho crowd In the lobby, aro other at
taches of the theater, all seeking to
overhear the comments, and. all rush
ing to report to the manager. Not long
ago tho last act of n piny in Now York
was entirely changed nfter tho open
ing night, solely because the women In
tho audience, as they left the house,
were nearly all complaining of the
tragic flnleh. When a piece hangs In
the balance between success and fail
ure, when 'tinkering' can perhaps turn
tho scale, these frank comments over
heard In the lobby are of great im
portance to author and manager. In
other cases thoy are a bornmetor of
success or failure, though tho ultimate
test, of course, Is tho subtle attitude
of the audience In tho auditorium, its
spontaneous enthusiasm or Its cold
ness and slgnB of boredom."
Sand Pot for Flowers.
A sand pot kopt conveniently at
hand on ono of the porch tables,
where slips broken accidentally or In
the necessary pruning from tho va
rlous bloomers may bo stuck immedi
ately, is n great convenience for the
home gardener. Tho majority of slips
will root without further troublo if
tho sand Is kopt moist. ,'
A novel plan for keeping cut flow
ers fresh also calls for n sand pot, or
an opaquo vnso that will not show
tho Band. Arrange tho flowers In the
vnso and fill with water, as usual;
then carefully sift Into the vaBo, by
means of a funnel, sufficient sand to
fill It nearly to tho top, shaking it to
settle the Band about the stems. Cut
flowers In ornamental porch vases
keep a long time by this method.
Ladles World.
1 li ' r-v
Mr. Wllllnni A. Itntlrorrl will anawar
qut'xtlonn nrul kI inlvlcf rilUHf OV
COS I' on all qubJei'tB pcrtnlnhiK to tho
subject f bullilliiK, for the renders of thin
puppr. On niTuunt of his wlih oxporlonoc
tin IMItnr, Author nml Manufacturer, ho
If, without ilnntit, tho hlKhcxt authority
on nit th"o subjects. AMreiH nil Inquiries
to Wllllnin . UmUnnl, No ITS Vrt
Jnckson IioiiK nrd, Clilenno, III., and only
enclose two-cent stamp tor reply.
A seven-room cottage hduso that
may ho built for about $2,000 under
favorable circumstances, Is illustrated
In the architect's perspective and
floor-plans hero given. Downstairs
there are a parlor, dining room, and
kitchen, with one bedroom, besides a
bathroom having ono entrance from
the bedtoom nnd another entrance
from the kitchen, which facilitates
warming the bathroom from the kitch
en when there Is no lire In the fur
nace. Thcro Is a convenient grade
cntrnnro to the cellnr, which may bo
reached by four steps down from tho
kitchen. This arrangement leavoB
room In tho corner of tho cntranco
for n good-Hired refrigerator a pro
vision that Is valuable In any house,
nnd one that Is appreciated by every
The size of this little cottage Is 28
feet wide by 38 feet long, exclusive of
tho porch, which Is not very lurge on
the ground nnd not very high: but
thcro is room for four rooms down
stairs nnd three rooms upstairs, with
a good, unfinished attic for storage;
nnd there Is plenty of closet room. A
woman never gets too many closets.
Architects aro often worried because
of the demand for moro closets than
they can find room for. One advan
tage of arranging bedrooms In n roof
like this, Is that tho low portions of
tho roof may be used to advantage for
this purpose. Somo women prefer an
attic over the bedroom, but many
would rather have a storeroom of this
kind because It savea climbing two
pairs of stairs. It Is impossible to
have every good thing Included in one
plnn. Cottage houses may bo lighter
In construction than two-story houses,
nnd they are more economical where
the roof space Ib utilized as It Is In
this house. The three bedrooms on
the second floor represent Just that
. ' . ' , "
much room that you do not have to
provide siding for. Tho roof answers
for both cover and side enclosure.
Some yearo ago a man built a house
like this on a good street in a thriv
ing city. All the other houses on the
street were larger, and he was abused
for building a small house; but he fin
ished It up nicely, planted vinea and
flowers In front and at the side, and
mnde' tho ground very rich to grow
plenty of grass for a green, thrifty
lawn. In less than a year's tlmo, his
little cottage was pointed out as be
ing tho moat attractive homo on tho
First Floor Plan.
street. Instead of being n damage to
other property, it was n valuable ac
quisition, A great deal depends on
tho way things are dono. It is ensy
'to put up a big barn or a home that
no one likes, and It is Just as easy to
build a cottage house like this for a
small outlay and mako It Into a very
Interesting property proposition.
' v W fPMSmmmmmmmmWmL & iVl'VM
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"Hose Cottage," as ho called his lit.
tie homo, was talked about, and soon
became known away bojond Its Im
mediate neighborhood, because It was
such n neat, pretty home. It wnH built
soon after tho hard tlmoM In the early
nliictltH, when building materials
wore plentiful and money was vcarce,
when grass grow between tho piles of
lumber in tho ards, and lumber fua
rotting In tho piles while good me
chanics were begging for work at any
kind of wages The lot coat $700; and
the house was completed, Including
plumbing, furnace, and piping for gas,
for Icih than $1,000, making tho whole
property cost about $1,1175, which was
Second Floor Plan.
$1,000 moro than the owner hnd to
put into it. It required good pcrsun
slve powers to Induce a money-lender
to advance such a fabulous sum aa
$1,000, nnd the borrower hnd to put
up pereonnl socurity aa a side issue to
a money shark to get the deal through
all of which illustrates the difference
between doing business in good times
nnd bad times.
It will be noticed that tho rooms,
whila not large, aro big enough to ac
commodate tho necessary furniture,
and big enough for comfort. There Is
not a room In the house that is small
enough or awkward enough to be
ashamed of. A house of this size gives
an opportunity to have a bedroom
downstairs a convenience that every
house does not possess. There Ib gen
erally, In most families, at least ono
old person who objects to climbing
stairs. It would be difflcult to arrange
a more comfortable bedroom than
this one; in fact, few largo houses
have a room of thlB kind. As a usual
thing, whon building, too llttlo atten
tion Is paid to the comfort of tho old
people. They have spent their lives
In tho interests of tho family, nnd it
is only right that thoy should be re
membered in their old ngo. We fre
quently bco aged peopla who are com
pelled to stay upstairs day after day
because thoy dread the trip up and
The appearance of this house de
pends a good deal on tho colors and
stains used for outside decoration. On
general principles, it 1b a good plan to
avoid all shades of green. Green
paint is almost certain to fade; nnd
during the process, it is likely to take
on somo very Blckly shades of color
that are extremely disappointing.
Nothing looks better than a light
shado of green when It Is first put
on; but nothing looks worso nfter It
has been exposed to the sun nnd
storms for five or six months. If a
man ever wants to kick himself for
doing something absurd In tho deco
ration line, It Is for painting a houso
green. Drabs and browtiH nro al
ways agrecnblo; and generally Buch
paints nre lasting. Colors, however,
depend so much on the quality of tho
materials used that great caro la nec
essary In making tho purchaso If you
buy tho paint yourself, or in making
n contract It you havo a painter do
the Job.
You cannot please a woman against
bar vill.
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lU.Awclcome addition to any party I
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Every one from Seville, long famed as the
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Daily September 1 to 20, inclusive
Drawing at Glasgow, September 23
Thew land ho barn nprrnlted at SM0 to IT 00 pr acre, and MB b
taksn up under tlie United Hiatei Ilumcstaad laws.
rorr writ tod7
ana diinni-a imorma-
mall to
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6 top. from ten eont packaitea of Faultlew RUreb
ten nu in aiauipa (to cornr I'O.tie aau rarataall
ami art Mlauiiii.ui Jinn.ainrnoa niau.
bml thrwitopt from tenconl pack.
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qulrtwl. Out tlil d. out. I
will Isn mcfJitttvA In nlurn nf
m limmmM aCaBvkaVsTa
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tan Mint r i tar fld ojsnt
Onlr mi. ail. will Ul
Kith taib application.
foaiWc of th,s paper desiring to buy
ICaUWI3 anythingadvertiaedlniUcol.
umns should insist upon having what they
ask for.refusing all subdlituteaor imiUtiooa
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