The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 14, 1913, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week's Doings
L. I. Frisbie was in Superior Mon
ti iy.
Smoke Bine Hill Cigar Co. No. 21 fie
Cigars. mlv.
H. C Scott of ltlne Hill wns in the
city Monday.
Miss l'earl Hartley is spending the
week In Alma.
Ice cream ami soft drinks served' at
Warren's Restaurant. adv
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Totter arc spend
ing the week in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waller of Cowles
spent Sunday in this city.
Miss Elsie Tabor of Fairfield arrived
iu the city Tuesday evening.
Roy Oarber of Hebron was visiting
bis parents the first of the week.
Elwood Stlne of Superior attended
the circus in this city on Monday.
Mrs. W. I). Edsou left Wednesday
morning for a visit at Central City.
Mrs. R. 0. Runchey attended a Sun
day School picnic iu Cowles Tuesday.
Frank Abel was in Franklin Monday
evening What Is the attraction
We use only home boiled hums In
our Sandwiches, 5 and 10c, at the Puri
tan Cafe. udv
Miss My i tie Doner has returned
home from it short visit with friends
iu Kansas.
G. L. Caulleld and family have for
their guest this week Stanley Farney
of Alliance.
Foi: Sam: Registered White Face
Bull. C. H Coulson, ou the Stone
breaker farm. adv
Mrs. Susie Kalcy left on Monday
morning for Pacific coast points on an
extended visit
Miss Iua (Sittings of Superior was
visiting her sister, Mrs. Paul Pope, the
Hist of the week.
Dr. Ctoss has purchased the resi
dence property or Rev. Colo in the
west part of town
Chas. (iarber of Ksboti, Kansas, was
the city Mouday visiting his brother,
J. J. Garber, ami wife.
Mr. ami Mrs. J. U. Myers have for
their guest this week Mr. F. L. Jones
of Clay Center, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Stevens returned
home the llmt of the week from a visit
with relative? In Indiana.
Mesdames Weldenmn and l'ntmoie
returned the first of the week from a
visit with relatives iu Iowa.
Ed. Aiuaclc, 'Dr. Nicholson, T. .1
Diamond and Aaron Hedge wore ill
Smith Center, Kansas, Sunday.
Six auto loads of base ball fans
from this place attended the ball
games In Blue Hill on Sunday.
If joii need glasses or have trouble
with your eyes, ears noie or throat,
see Dr Warrick, .Monday, Aug.,18.
The Yankee Robinson circus which
exhibited hero on Monday showed to
a large crowd at both performances.
Remember the ball game this after
noon. Red Cloud vs. Uuldo Rock. It
will be a good game so do not miss It.
Try the new barber shop iu the
basement of the Potter building when
In need of a shave or hair cut. adv.
Charley Kizer of Bryan, Ohio arrived
la the city the first of the week for a
visit witli his uncle, S. B. Klzer, and
Ed Derrick left Tuesday morning
for his homo in Hebron, where ho will
spend his ten days vacation with the
old folks.
Mis. Dan-el Hi.rdun left Tuesday
morning for Kansas City and other
eastern markets to purchase fall
Scveial citizens of this great me
tropolis takeli intheBarnuuut Uuilcy'.i
circus which exhibited iu Hastings
last Saturday.
Rev. E. N. Tompkins deliveiod a
very able sermon on Sunday eveuii g
at the unlou bervlce held in Washing
ton school Park.
Mark Parkes returned home the
latter part of the week from Denver
and other Colorado poiuts where lie
has been the past month.
When in need of anything iu the
tonsorial Hue try the new barber shop
in the basement of the Potter building
Mercer's aid stund. adv.
Mrs. Lucy MoMann, after having
visited at the home of J. 11. Bailey for
the past few weeks, left Tuesday
morning for her home iu Ohio.
Try our 10c Lemonades, they arc un
excelled. Milk shakes Be aud the best
of soft drinks aud Ice cream always on
hand at tho Puritan Cafe. adv
I have the best rate iu the county on
farm loans. See me aud be convinced,
My motto prompt service.
At Superior York Plays
State League Base Hall
Sunday, August 17
Also 18-10. Beatrice Plays 21-22-22
GteneB Called 3 p. m. Admission 85c
Will Mountford. wife and children
are spending the week iu Itlooinlngtoii.
Foil Sali:: A good milch cow, fresh.
Inquire of W. E White. adv
We use only home boiled hams in
our Sandwiches, 5 and 10c, at the Puri
tan Cafe. adv
(5. T. Carpenter of Hastings spent
several days the first of the week with
relatives iu this city.
The best of workmanship at the
new barber shop in the basement of
the Potter building. adv.
Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Banks spent
Sunday with Mrs. Bauk's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. It. F. Shields at Franklin.
Mrs. Walter Warrou and little datigli
ter, Reva. left this morning for Garden
City aud other Iowa poiuts for a visit
with relatives.
A handful of Kodak pictures will
tell the story of your vacation trip in
the easiest way. See the new Kodaks
at Newhouse's. adv.
"Lessons from the Drouth" will be
the subject of the sermon at the Con
gregational church Sunday morning.
(Sood music. All welcomed.
SPeciai.: Maple Ice Cream and
Strawberry Sherbet every Saturday
and Sunday at the Puritan Cafe. II.
Ludlow, Proprietor. adv
Mrs. licit, of Guide Rock was In the
city tho first of tho week helping to
e.ire for her daughter, Mrs. Martin
Polfus, who has btetupiitc ill.
Kodak goods have a reputation for
quality aud so have we. Thats why
you find only Eastman products here.
Newliouse, Jeweler. adv.
Sheriff Oliver Hedge accompanied
the sherilV or Smith Center to that
place Friday, having ill charge one
Chas Ashley, charged with boot-legging.
.1. A. Sllvey, mauiigcr of the Silvey
Lumber Company of Inavale, return
ed home the first of tho week from his
home ill Missouri where he had been
Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will
meet eye, ear, noso and throat patients
and those needing glasses at Dr. Dam--rell's
office in Red Cloud. Monday,
Aug. 18th.
Bernard McNeny and wife and Alf
McCall and wife returned the latter
part of the week from' Colorado points
where they had been visiting the past
hrce weeks.
The simplicity, convenience and
ouleiency of the Kodak system has
made it possible for every one to make
the HOME pictures you like. 81.00
and up at Newhouse's. ndv.
Let Kodak pictures tell the story of
the motor trip;-the fishing trip or the
travel. The Kodak way Is the sure,
easy, convenient way. Prices SI. nil
up. Ask for catalog Newliouse,
Jeweler. adv.
farm Loans-l have a limited u
mount of private money to place in first
mortgage farm securities, short or
long time, at lowest intes with optional
p-iyments Wiito or phni.e. Das'iki.
Gauhkii, Klverton, Nebraska.
O. C Teel, wife and daughter Miss
Fay, left Monday morning. Mr. and
Mrs Teel will spend a couple of weeks
at Colorado Springs and .Miss Fay goes
to Berkeley, California, where she will
attend thu.jtuivur.slty the coming year.
At Superior York Plays
Stut, o League Base Ball
Sunday, August 17
Also 18-10. Beatrice Plays 21-22 U'.'l
(i.imes Called . 'I p in. Admission -Tie
Alfred II. Usboru, aged -.'! years
died on Wednesday, August 0th, at
Seattle, Washington, of consumption.
The leumiiis wcte shipped to hishonie
over near North Branch, Kansas, from
which place the funeral was held on
The Webster County Teachers' In
stitute opened iu the Washington
sehool building on Monday morning
iiud closes Saturday, August liith.
The Institute is conducted by MUs
Gertrude L. Coon, the able county
superintendent of schools.
Frances M Richardson of Los
Angeles, California, will deliver her
famous lecture, "The (irowth and
Triumphs of the American Flag," in
this city on Saturday morning, August
Hitli, at 10 o'clock. The lady is n
speaker of oousidorable note and this
lecture will, no doubt, prove to be
very mteresiing.
Lonzo Rakestraw died at his homo
iu the south part of town on Monday,
August llih, from consumption. Mr.
Rakestraw was aged CO years, 11
months and 'Jl days. He leaves a wife
and several children. The funeral
sorvlco was conducted by Rev. K. N.
Tompkins at the Methodist church on
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Tho band concert was given on last
night in place of Monday night it
being postponed on account of the
circus. Now wo are not speaking for
everyone, but to us it did truly scem(
to be the best one of the season. A
large crowd was iu attendance, a big
per cent of them being some of the
real good looking school mar'me, who
are uttending the institute this week,
and perhaps this fact had a tendency
to Inspire the band boys to "blow"
their best aud show the"ladies what
real musicians tbey are,
Inquire at New-
house's store,
(ieorgo Rose of Blue Hill was in this
city on Wednesday.
No. 2t fie Cigars as
Try them. adv.
J G. Peterson of
Tuesday in tills city.
good as gold.
Hastings spent
Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars at
Warren's Restaui ant.
Attorney A. M. Walters or Blue Hill
was iu the cltv Wednesday.
Miss Mario Holllster Is spending the
week with friends near Blue Hill.
The Degree of Honor met on 1'ues.
day evening and had an enjoyable
Mrs. .1
the sick
Mrs ,T
W. Kiusell, who has been on
list, is able to be around
C. Sloss and children are
spending the
L icolu.
week with friends at
Mr. Deck and wife of Everybody's
Store arc iu Omaha attending to busi
ness matters.
Fred Wlttwer had the misfortune
to have one of his horses kick him in
the left side on Tuesday.
Mrs. Hedge hud tho misfortune to
cut her left, hand quite badly on Tues
day while opening a glass jar.
.Mrs. Chas. Davison and daughter re
turned to their home in Superior ou
Tuesday after a short visit here.
Chas. Whltakei of the linn of Whit-
aker A; Buckles spent Tuesday In Alma
attending to business matters connect
ed with that Jinn.
Prof. Bet, spent Tuesday in Cowles
the band of that place furnishing the
music for the Sunday School picnic
which was held there on that day.
Mrs. Ruth Gtimiu after spending
Mivcral weeks in this city as the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Ed A mack left the
first of tho week for her home in Illi
nois. E. C. llubbel, wife ami family of
Lebanon, Kansas spent Monday In this
city the guests at the home of Chas.
Gilliam. Mrs. Gilliam accompanied
them home for a visit.
John Weesnor and wito autoed to
Pnradlse, Kas., Sunday aud spent the
day with relatives. Their aunt, Miss
Jennie White, who had been visiting
here for sometime accompanied them
Cards have been received from Mr.
and Mrs. Dr. Wedemeycr, who recent
ly moved from this place to Sioux
City, Iowa, announcing the arrival of
a seven pound baby girl at their home
ou August till.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Strayer, who
were called hero by tlie death' of bis
mother, Mrs. H. Strayer, departed for
their homo at Orleans Sunday uight.
Mrs. Ottis Leggott and children ac
companied them for a short visit.
Tress II arwood has resigned his
position us janitor of the Washington
sehool building, a position which he
has creditably filled for several years
We do not know what Tress' plans for
I ho future are, but do know that the
sunonl board will haven hard time in
securing another man, that will be as
good a man as Tress was.
Harvey Riukursou, the distinguished
looking barber who holds down thu
first, chair iu tlie Mercer barber shop,
spent a couple of hours ou Monday
evening "dolling up" after which he
mule a run for No 1.", spending the
evening iu Franklin. We are confi
dent It was "just borne girl" he went
to see, and while we should like to
know her name, we would be satisfied
did wo only know where and when he
met her'.'
The editor of this grctt organ of
the church aud home circle, which is
read by every man, woman and child
throughout the whole wide world, has
been confined to his bed for tlin past
week, siifi'eriiig from what tho doctor
fears might ivsult iu typhoid fever.
Wo trust that It does not develop Into
anything so terinus, and that he soon
gets back to normal, and able to
come down. This stunt of keeping
the boat sailing, without a captain, is
rather n hard grind, even when tlie
s.'a Is calm.
Equalization Board
Holds Short Session
Run Cloud, Neil, August 13, HUM.
Board of Equalization met pursuant
to call of County Clerk. Members
present T. J. Chaplin, (I. Ohmstede,
Floyd McCall, W. G. HoiVniau, J. O.
Butler and Paul Storey Chairman of
said committee.
On motion the levy was made against
a ;c?sed valuation of all taxable prop
erty hi the several school districts t.s
House to rent
No. 1, 35 milU on the dol
2, 30
3, 8 "
4, 15
5, IS "
6, 20 "
8, 8 " "
9 12 " "
loj 18 "
11, 15
12, 3 "
13, 15 " "
14, 20 "
15, 15 " "
18, 20
20, 10
21, 12
22, 12
23, 12
24, 7
25, li
20, 11
27, 11
28, 15
29, 12
30, 5
31, 35
32, 4
33, 10
34j 11
35, 7
36, 25
37, 12
38, 7
89, 20
40, 16
41, 12
42, 7
43, 11
45, 12
46, 20
47, 8
4S, 11
49, 29
54, 15
55, IS
50, 10
58, 12
59, 15
CO, 25
61, 10
02, 20
03, S
04, 10
65, 18
to, , IU
77,- 35
78, 12
On motion the following levies were
made upon all the taxable property of
WebsterjCoipity, Nebraska, for county
purpose'sTfor the year lfM.'J, viz:
(leneral Fund, I mills ou the dollar.
Bridge Fund, I mills on the dollar.
Road Fund, 3 mills on the dollar.
Tlie matter of the petition asking
for a levy of I mills for trfo year 10 13,
101 1 and a sulllcieiit levy for the year
101.1 which added to previous levies
will raise tho sum of to lie
used for the erection of a court house
coining ou for hearing.
t'pnn due consideration wo find that
there are 15S1 signers to said petition,
that siid signatures aro genuine, that,
each of said signers is a resident voter
of Webster County, Nebraska. That
the average vote east in Webster coun
ty for the years lilt I and l!M2 was
2S2i votes. That said petition is sign
ed by more than 51 per cent of the
voters of Webster County, Nebraska
as shown by the average vote In said
county for the years l'.Ml and 1912.
The following resolution was intro
duced by Commissioner ('. Ohmstede:
Resolved that whereas nioro than 5 1
per cent of the resident voters of Web
stnr County, Nebraska, towit lOSl
have signed 11 petition askiiiir for a
low of I mills for lOl.'l. I mills for
101 1, an amount, not exceeding I mills,
for the year UHfi sufficient to iiilso the
sum of 800,000.00 for the purpose of
erecting a Court House on tho present
Court House grounds at Red Cloud,
Nebraska. Therefore be It resolved
t nit said petition be granted, that a
tax of 1 mills be levied ou all thu tax
ablo property iu Webster County, Ne
braska, for the years 1H13, 101 1 and a
lew not exceeding 4 millu. ivlilr.ti ,1,1.
ed to the amount raised by the two
provious levies will raise the sum of
800,000.00 far the vear 1015. Said
levies which added to other levies for
county purposes not to to exceed the
sum of 15 mills.
The proceeds of such levies to be
known as the "Special Court House
Fund" and to be used only In tho con
Htruutioiinf court house, tearing down
or removal of the present court hotuc
and improvements in tho present
court house grounds The total cost
of said court house finished, furnished
and ready for occupancy to cost not to
oxcood the sum of SUOJOO.oo. Said
caiirt house to be erected upon the
present court house grounds at Red
Cloud, Nebraska.
That the Board of Commissioners
proceed to accept plans and specifica
tions for tho new building, advertise
for bids and let the contract as pro
vided by law. Said resolution was
seconded by Floyd McCall.
The roll call was taken which re
sulted a "follows: Ayes McCall,
Hoffman, Ohmstede, Storey and Chap
lin. Nays none. Motion carried.
On motion Board adjourned sine die.
CSeseSn wmm nseses
aelz." rlorsheim
Awm mW CI ""M
WORTH $4.80
Other mid-summer at
tractive bargains to de
mand your attention.
-iii 1
Jhe Qoiuden-Kaley frothing Qo.
First Door North
Chance for
In the Big Horn Basin
Go with me on tho next excursion to the Big Horn Basin
where you can rent improved farms for a share of the crop.
No cash rent required, but you can now secure a good farm
for next year and move out in the Spring.
No Waiting For Rain
You simply turn the water on when your crops need it, and a destructive
hall or wind storm has never been known in the fanning region of thu
basin Country.
If you prefer you can take Up a (Joveininent Irrigated homestead or lllo on
bind iindur the Carey Act. Write today for particulars, maps and folders
be without a Stickney Engine.
Ed. Hanson
wmammmmmamm exclusive agent immbimhhh
Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co., Red Cloud, Neb.
k mmmmmm vv
Furniture Store
Licensed Undertaker in
i mi i rur
mM A -
and $5.00
of Post Office
the Renter
D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska
A Stlckney Hnine compared to the aver
age engine is like a macadamized road to a
gumbo road You may not be able to have .
a macadamized road, but you can't afford to"
Nebraska and Kansas c
mm C
I '1
i p br i-fatrwfWtt j.ffiiiwrmni rt MVf rt "" ib s wnig
wiii-viLMiwntrtiwyujair.tiyift jMaciMarwM4AJfcy