The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 14, 1913, Image 2

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California's Allen Land Act Becomes
Effective President's Repre-
tentative Arrives In City
of Mexico
Tokio. So much Interest has been
tftken In the question cf rlghtH of Jnp
nnt'so women that important puhllcn
tlons have gathered a symposium ol
views of prominent turn. Tho groat
majority favor an extension of privi
leges to women. Viscount Uchlila,
former nmhassailor to Washington,
declared It finite jiistlllahlt' for edu
cated Japanese women to follow the
examples of their western sisters In
claiming political rights, lie feels,
however, that tho long established and
strong Inlliience of tho family system
In Japan will be effectual In checking
a general sprend of the movement for
eomc time to come.
Llnd Arrives at City of Mexico.
Washington. John Llnd, personal
(representative of I'resldent Wilson to
Invcstlgnto the .Mexican situation, ar
rived safely in Mexico City Saturday
night, accordng to advices received at
tho Htato department from Chargs
lO'ShnughneHsy of the United States
'embassy. Secretary Rrynn remained
at his desk until after midnight to re
ceive the news. News of tho safe an
rival of Mr. Llnd with his wlfo and
(party In the Mexican capital followed
'seven houra of suspension.
California's Bill Over Which Two Na
tlons Exchanged Notes Goes
Into Effect.
Sacramento. At midnight Sunday
California's alien land act, tho sub
,Ject of diplomatic Interchanges be
tween the United States and Japan
and 685 other bills passed by tho last
lleglslnture became effective. Tho
alien land net, the provisions of which
have been variously Interpreted, speci
fied, briefly, that aliens not eligible to
citizen ship may acquire, possess, en
iJoy and transfer real property In Cali
fornia In such manner and to such ex
it en t or Is provided In nny treaty now
existing between the United States
and tho aliens country and In no other
way, nnd may, In addition, lease lands
for agricultural purposes for n term
not to exceed three years tho same
provision is made ns to companies In
"Which a majority of tho members nro
such aliens or In which aliens hold a
mujorlty of the stock.
Large Shipment of Cattle.
Now Orleans, La. Arrangements
are being mado to hamlln tho largest
nhlpmont of cattle ever brought to this,
nnd probably to any. American port.
Tho tlrst s-hlpload of a movement of
93,000 head will dock here from Tarn
plco, Mexico. Virced by tho continu
ance of tho Insurrections in the south
ern republic, tlio owners nro going to
this vast expense as tho only means
of saving any portion of their prop
erty. Sold $2,000 Pearl for $20.
Lansing, In. John Wondt, elammer,
who found a penrl of fifty grains whllo
nt work in tho Mississippi river hero,
being Iffnornut of tho value of tho
pearl sold It to a Chicago buyer for
120. Experts Informed Wondt that It
wbh worth a much larger sum. somo
von putting the value as high as
Earthquake Wipes Out Two Towns,
lima, I'oru. Nows has reached hero
that an earthquake Wednesday dei
stroyed tho Peruvlon towns of Cara
Tell and Qutchcha. Thousands of tho
inhabitants were rendered homoless,
and extended relief measures will bo
Rejected by Head Camp.
Colorado Springs, Colo. Tho appli
cation of the Companions of the For
est, asking recognition ns an auxiliary
of the Woodmen of tho World, wan,
refused by tho head ramp of tho Pa
clflc Jurisdiction in session hero.
Colorado Springs, Colo. A cloud
burst hero Sunday has demoralized,
railroads! nnd street car trafllc In thu
Pike's Peak region nnd soveral fnnil
lies nro reported to bo homeless at
Colorado City, whero the rainfall was
heaviest. Water thrco feet deep ran
through tho principal streets of tht
towns and hundreds of houses worn
flooded. Tho flro department was
called upon to rescue a number of per
sons marooned In their homes be.
tween Colorado City and Manltou.
Several bridges on the Midland rail
road have been washed out,
Bones cf Prehistoric Race.
Palisade, Minn. What Is believed to
hnvo been the burial ground of a
'tribe which antedated tho Indians was
uncovered by a railroad construction
crew hpro, Tho bones Indicate that
the unknown race was of powerful
Much Milk Is Rejected.
Chicago. Hundreds of enns of millc
intendrd for consumption in Chicago
wcro rojected by health department
authorities because '.bo temperature
was nbovn tho maximum 60 degrees.
Result of Deliberations on Mors Im
portant Measures Given In
Condensed Form.
Tho Senate Met at noon.
Immcdlnto legislation to make of
fcctlvo tho agreement reached at Tlu
llaguo opium conference urged bj
President Wilson in an executive
Committee agreed to favorably ro
port resolution authorizing President
Wilson to accept bust of William Pit I
from Ilrltlsh admirers and reported
favorably nomlnaton or James M
Sullivan as minister to Dominica ro
Senator Smith (Mloli.) In speed
declared Mexican revolutionary Juntt
here had attempted to Influence stutt
General debate on tariff bill ro
Scnntor Kunyon declnred It wni
more Important to destroy or control
trustH than to rovlso tariff.
Senator Williams in speech declared
It as his opinion that tin organized
tffort was bolng made to bring ubout
war between tho United States and
Sonator Fletcher Introduced bill to
provide a national rural banking syiy
Adjourned nt 6:30 p. m. until noon
Tho House Not in session; meet
it noon Thursday.
Tho Senato Announcement vat
made of tho death of Scnntor John
ston of Alabama and adjournment out
of respect to his memory was taken
at 12:07 p. m. until noon Saturday.
James A. Emery of tho nntlona!
association of manufacturers contin
tied his testimony beforo lobby Invcs
tlgntlng committee.
Tho House Considered miscellane
ous bills.
Representative Hoddenbury's resig
nation as u member of tho house
lobby t Investigating committee was
accepted and Speaker Clark appointed
Representative Ferris of Oklahoma to
the place.
Representative Hidings Introduced
a bill designated to cllmlnato gam:
bllng In stocks and bonds and in
warehouse receipts of all commodi
ties. Hoard of engineers recommended
extensive improvements to Knst river,
New York, to cost $1:1,400,000.
Adjourned at 12:54 p. m. until noon
Tuesday out of respect to the late
Senutor Johnston.
Tho Senate Report from Attorney
General McReynolds was road denying
that department of justleo innlntnlnod
cspionago system over federal courts.
Sonator Borah, speaking on report
flatly charged agents of tho depart
Juent of Justleo had Investigated fed
oral judges to Inlluenco action, Sona
tor Norrls endorsing his vIowb In part
General debato on tariff bill was
resumed with Senator Warren at
tacking agricultural bchedule.
James Emery, of nntlonal assocla
tlon of manufacturers, told lobby
commit teo of formation of national
council for industrial defense.
Senator Owen Introduced bill to au
thorize treasury to buy outstanding
government 2 per cent bonds at par
and interest. .
Senator Penrose introduced amend
ment to tariff bill to prevent foreign
countries from "dimping" surplus
goods- In United States at lower rates.
Senator Chamberlain introduced a
resolution for Investigation of fees
received by clerks of federal district
and circuit courts.
Debato of Mexican situation pre
cipitated by unsuccessful nttompt ol
Senator Clark of Wyoming to gel
action on his resolution for Investlga
tlon of conditions.
Considered nominations In exocutlv
Adjourned at 0:0(5 p. m. to noon Frl
Tho House Not In session; mooti
at noon Friday.
James L. Khvoll, former omployo ol
national association of manufacturers
testified before house committee,
To Dispose of Reservation Land.
Washington.-Secretary Lano of tho
Interior department had Issued regula.
tlons authorizing tho disposal under
tho registiatlon plan of about 44,00'J
acres of land within tho former Fort
Niobrara military reservation, Nc
brnska. Applications must bo present!
ed at Valentino, Nub., between Octo
ber 13 and 25.
Discontinue Sale of Dead Letters.
Washington. "Dead letter bales,'
which have been an annual feature of
Washington for years, huvo been abol
ished by Postmaster General Burleson.
Thereafter all undelivered third and
ifourth class matter which has been
cent to the division of dead lettora
will go to tho postofflce at tho head,
quarters of the railway mall service
of tho division In which tho matter la
destined, There tho mattor of maul.
fest value will bo held for oue year,
rubjcot to reclamation nnd then sold
at auo'lon.
f ll WKm ssCJT afM sMassMBltssRMsssfassssBMsssss
u iyC?'l)BIsSSSSJST,fti?v','
Chase County Court House, Imperial,
$30,000. It Is built
In Need of Vast Sum for Proper Move
ment of Grain Corn Crop
300,000,000 Bushels
Washington. Four Nebraska finan
ciers wore represented in the confer
ence held at the treasury department
Friday between western bankers and
Assistant Secretary Williams, In
which tho proposition of having gov
ernment funds deposited in widely
scattered banks to prevent a posslblo
stringency nt crop moving time was
discussed. They wcro's. K. Warrick
of Scattsbluff, J. D. Richards and A.
II. Davis of Omaha nnd J. C. French
of South Omaha. In general satis
faction was expressed over the plan of
tho department to aid the banks. It
is expected that about $1,000,000 will
be placed in Nebraska banks when
the apportionment is made, which will
not bo for n week or ten days. The
one criticism on which the greatest
stress was laid was tho absolute con
dition laid down by Assistant Secre
tary Williams that 10 per cent of the
securities to bo furnished by the banks
must be government bonds. This is
regarded by many of tho bankers who
attended tho conference as a scheme
on the part of tho treasury to bring up
the price of bonds, which they allege
l.nve been depreciated by tho manipu
lation of Now York banks.
, August Crop Report.
Washington. A loss of 300,000,000
bushels of corn, tho nation's greatest
farm crop, has resulted from the great
damage wrought by drouth and other
conditions since July 1. the govern
ment agricultural experts estimate In
their Atigiia crop report. A total pro
duction of 2,f.72.000,000 bushels of
corn was predicted. This Is 4.2.000,
,A00 bushels loss than last year's crop.
Tho general condition was placed nt
75.8 per cent of a normal, compared
with 80.1 on July 1. Kansas wns hit
hardest, tho condition having boon re
duced from 81.(5 per cent In July to 30
por cent on August 1. Oklahoma
enmo next with a condition of 44
ngalnst 87 In July, nnd Nebraska re
ported 67 against 91 July 1. These
ithreo states hnve almost 19 per cont
pf tho total area planted to corn this
In Need of Millions for Proper Move
ment of Crops.
Washington. Representatives of
thirty-six southern cities gathered at
!the treasury department to discuss
with Secretary McAdoo nnd Assistant
Secretary Williams plans for the dis
tribution of tho south's share of tho
fifty million dollars of government
funds about to bo deposited in banks
throughout the agricultural sections of
tho country to aid In financing the fall
movement of crops. Arrangements
Tor handling tho money was agreed
upon tentatively, although final planB
will not bo announced until after tho
conference to bo held at tho depart
ment with tho bankers from tho mid
dle west nnd tho Pacific coast cities.
Wants One Cent Postage.
Washington. Ono cent postage
rather than reduced parcel post rates
was tho plea of Senator Bryan in a
speech in defenso of his opposition to
postmaster Burleson's orders reduc
ing parcel post rates. "If wo loso on
7 cunts a pound in tho transportation
of newspapers and magazines, how
can wo expect to make a profit in tho
transportation of merchandise which
is liable, to bo much more bulky and
expensive?" he asked.
Mexican Catholic Convention.
Mexico City. Tho convention of tho
Catholic party for the nomination of
(candidates for tho presidency and vice
(presidency opened hero Tuesday. Del
egates represented every state. M.
p.ascuraln, who was minister of for
eign affairs tinder Mudoro, Is consid
ered tho probable head of tho ticket.
New Minister to China.
Washington, Dr. Paul Samuel
Rclnsch of tho University of Wiscon
sin has been nominated by President
.Wilson for minister to China.
Neb., Erected in 1912 at a Cost of
of pressed brick.
One Railroad Protests Against Parcel
Post Twenty-six Countries
Have Approved Bryan
Peace Treaty.
Mexico City. President Hucrtn's
prestige among Mexicans In the capi
tal undoubtedly has been strengthened
by what Is regarded as his defiance of
the United States. Even those who
had been lukewarm in their support
of tho administration profess admira
tion for tho soldier-president who
dnred to talk back to Washington, al
though not all of them agree as to the
wisdom of his course and many of
them consider that ho acted precipi
tately In view of the officially defined
Intentions of Washington. Just what
course President Huerta will tako in
the event that John Llnd, President
Wilson's personal representative, con
tinues his trip to Mexico City is a mat
ter for speculation. No official decla
ration has been made as yet as to
what this course will be.
Powers Approve Peace Plan.
Washington. Tho first of the Inter
national peace treaties embodying
S:retary Bryan's plans has been ac
tually signed. It, was between the
United States and Salvador and soon
will be sent to the senate for ratifica
tion. The terms of this convention
practically are identical with the de
tails of the International peace pro
posal submitted by Secretary Bryan
to the nations of the world. Twenty
six countries, Including most of tho
great powers, already have approved
the plan in principle.
Protest by One Railroad Against the
Parcel Post.
Washington. Complaints from
mnny railroads against alleged In
adequate compensation for Increased
weight of mall matter under tho pur
col post system has culminated in a
notice to tho postofllco department
from tho Toledo, St. Louis & Western
company that at tho end of sixty days
it will dscontlnuo tho transportation
of mail. Tho company's contract will
not expire for two years and tho de
partment has informed the manage
ment that discontinuance will not bo
Baptists Shut Out in Russia.
St. Petersburg. Tho Russian min
istry of the interior Is credited by tho
Novoe Vrcmya with the intention of
permitting the holy synod to proclaim
tho Baptists) "a sect especially harm
ful to tho state," and therefore not
eligible-, for registration and not pos
sessing tho right of liberty of worship.
The uctlon of the government Is at
tributed by tho newspaper to the re
cent refusal of Baptists to tako the
military oath.
Refuse to Issue License.
Lincoln, Neb. By unanimous action
of tho Btato banking board, tho West
ern Savings, Investment and Loan
company of this city was refused a
liconso to do business In tho state.
Tho concern Is officered by former
Governor C. II. Aldrlch, his former
private secretary, L. B. Fuller, and
H. C. M. Burgess and other local
Lincoln, Neb. With winter wheat of
nearly 11,000,000 bushels over lost
year, Nebraska farmers have no Inten
tion of looking down In tho mouth be
cause of conditions surrounding the
corn crop.
Colon. Richard Leo Metcalfe of
Lincoln, Neb., who Is to succeed Mau
rice H. Thatcher as governor of the
Panama canal zone, arrived here
Thursday. Mr. Metcalfe 'was accom
panied by his family.
St. Paul, Minn Fifty-six thousand
seven hundred laborers will be re
hired to harvest the crops In Minne
sota, the Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska
and Montana, according to figures
compiled by railroads traversing those
states from reports of agents at points
of their lines.
Jefferson City, Mo. Governor Major
will take charge of a gasoline traction
engine and four road graders, August
20 and 21, the day set apart in his
proclamation for Improvement of the
public highways
Sunday baseball was defeated at
Ansley. .
Garrison has had o rain slnco the
middle of June.
George McClaln was killed by a
freight train at Syracuse Saturday.
Df. Bailey of Pella, Iowa, Is the
new president of Grand Island col
lege. The Tecumseh Milling company Is
going to bo reorganized and Incorpor
ated. Madison has bought a sprinkler and
will attempt to keep the streets freo
of dust.
A harvest home picnic will be held
In the park In Garrison, August 16
and 1G.
Burglars and safe blowers have been
nt work In Nebraska City during the
past week.
Thirty green fruit trains from the
souMi have passed through Falrbury
the past week.
Charley Kinsley, a Lincoln lad, was
bitten by n rattlesnake while In Salt
creek bathing.
The Hamilton county teachers' in
stltute will convene In Aurora Mon
day, August 11.
August 23 has boon settled upon as
tho date for Havelock'a nnnuul gala
duy celebration.
Klght "prairie schooners" passed
through Madison ono day last week en
routo to Wyoming.
Fremont signal corps arc becoming
quite proficient with the aeroplane at
tached to that body.
John Kautz, 60 years old, committed
suicide by taking acid In the clt
jail at Beatrice.
Tho saengcrbund sessions Just
closed nt Lincoln will hold Its next
session at Council Bluffs.
George Brenton wns Instantly killed
nt Nellgh when a wngon loaded with
brick passed over his body.
The building and grounds of the Ne
braska school of agriculture at Curtis
will be dedicated August IB.
The convention of the German
American nlllnnco of Nebraska will be
held nt Lincoln October 14.
Henry Nelbnuer of Paul, who was
badly injured in nn auto wreck Bomc
time since, is slowly recovering.
Alnsworth's first chautauqua Just
closed is said to havo been a grand
success financially nnd otherwise.
Norfolk's first big fall festival will
bo held September 17, 18, 19 and 20.
Hereafter it Is to be an annual event.
Paul O'Harra has arrived at Hast
ings, having ridden on a motorcycle
the entire distance from Greenville,
S. C.
The city of Wisner has let the con
tracts for extensive improvements to
tho present electric lighting system of
tho town.
R. B. Wnhlquist has been appoint
ed postmaster at Hastings. He held
that position under the Cleveland ad
ministration. The committee in charge of financ
ing the "big four" fair nt Fremont
have sufficient funds to warrant Us
complete success.
The Logrolling association, dormant
for fivo years, has been rovived, nnd
will hold tho annual picnic at Blair,
Thursday, August 21.
Albert Tlbbetts of Hastings hnd his
foot badly mangled when tho Jack he
was using In repairing an auto slipped
out of plnco, tho machine catching him
as It foil.
William Worthman and wlfo had a
narrow escape from death when tholr
nuto went .dead on a railroad crossing
nnd was struck by a fast freight near
Louis Westermann, for twenty-three
years a resident of Lincoln, Is dead at
his home in that place. Ho was sev-enty-flvo
years of nge. Heart failure
Is believed to havo been tho cause ol
In transferring n threshing engine
across the Missouri river at Moore
head island by means of a ferry boat
the boat sprang a leak and sank with
its cargo. Tho engine belonged tc
Dixon brothers, and they are making
an effort to recover It.
Paul Barrett, a three-year-old boy,
was bitten by n monkey at Antelope
park at Lincoln, nnd blood poison Is
Dr. Frederick Cook, tho Arctic ex
plorer, delivered a lecture and told of
his dash to the pole, at tho Nebraska
Citly chautauqua laBt week.
Grace Booth, a 14-year-old girl near
Broken Bow, was dangerously wound
ed when a .32 calibre revolver was dis
charged as she was examining it.
Tetanus, resulting from running a
splinter into her foot, caused the death
of Uttlo Rose Zamunskl at South Om
aha. Tho state association of rural mall
carriers of Nebraska will bo held at
Norfolk September 1.
Martin Brott, ono of tho very first
settlers of Tecumseh, celebrated tho
eighty-second anniversary of his birth
last week by Inviting all his old sol
dier friends to his homo to partake of
an elaborate "mess."
Mrs. Emma Brlnton of Beatrice and
Mrs. Emma Recso of Wymoro have
been granted $15 a month each toward
the caro nnd maintenance of thelt
children. This Is tho first action taken
under the "mother's pension act" in
Gage county.
Will Marsh, Jr., residing on n farm
four miles east of Doniphan, suffered
a loss of over $3,000 when fire of un
known origin destroyed hlo large
barn, full of bay and grain.
Whllo tho family or Charles Ed
wards of Sbubert was at dinner, the
houso was discovered on Are, suppos
edly from a defective flue. It waa l
burned to the ground, together with a
grent part of the household goods,
Despondent ovtr a love affair,
George Arnold, twenty-three years ol
age, killed himself at Br o sen Bow
Saturday night by swallowing Itryca-nlna.
Items of Interest Gathered from Rr
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
A total of $391,865 worth of property
wns Imperiled by flro during tho
month of July, according to a report
by Fire Commissioner Rldgoll. Of thu
amount the loss sustained on build
ings reached .$112,64 of which $G9,70!
was on the contents.
The totals are compiled from the en
tire state excepting Douglas county.
Aurora headed the list of losses with,
$65,000, Ucrtrand was next with $1U,
000, and Grand Island was third with,
$7,000. Lincoln was fourth with $3,
250. Unknown causes are attributed to
nineteen fires, children with matches
caused half a dozen and gasoline
stoves caused four conflagrations. Lo
comotive sparks caused five flreB. In
his report Commissioner Rldgell adds
tho following interesting comment:
"Wo believe that every city and
town in the stato should pay more
attention to fire prevention and 1 wish
to suggest to tho mayors and city
councils throughout tho stato that they
employ from one to four men (depend
ing upon tho size of the city or town
at least twice a year to make a thor
ough investigation of their cities anil
towns and whero defects are found
and parties refuse to correct them
they report those who refuse to do so
to the mnyor of their respective towns,
and to tho stato flro commissioner's
office nt Lincoln and would, suggest to
tho flro commissioners of Omaha,.
South Omaha and Lincoln that they
select ono man from ench Are station
or district whoso duties shall consist
of inspecting und causing defects to
bo removed and report to the captains
of said stations and to tho office of tho
state fire commissioner.
"Tho report of fires for July, 1913.
outside of Douglas county, showed
total of fifty-four fires, fully 75 per
cent of which were due to careless
ness and could have been prevented.
State Board Fixes Levy.
The stato board of equalization for
tho first time since tho present law
was passed in 1904 accepted the re
turns of county assessors without at
tempting to change them. The totnl
levy for state taxes was increased to
7.80 mills, which la 2.60 mills higher
than tho levy of last year. The board
raised tho general fund levy to 5
mills, which is tho limit permitted
under the constitution, and then made
other levies which uro required to be
made by laws passed by the leglsla
ture, including eighty-tlvo hundredths
of a mill for tho support of stnto nor
mal schools, ono mill for tho support
of tho university nnd thrco quarters
of a mill for a special building fund
for the university nnd one-fifth of a
mill for tho stato aid brldgo fund.
Tho state levy In mills is as follows:
General fund 5.00
Normal school S
Stato aid brldgo 20
Stato university 1.00
University building fund 75
Totnl 7.S0
The last legislature did not appro
priate funds out of tho general fund
for tho four state normal schools, but
Instead provided n levy. This makes
that much to bo collected by taxes for
the general fund, but with tho normal
schools provided for by special taxa
tion, the appropriations made from the
general fund by the last legislature
far exceeds tho amount which will be
derived from a 5 mill levy for the gen
eral fund.
Tho state board of equalization wilt
begin nt onco equalizing the values of
live stock as reported by county
boards and assessors. It has divided
tho stato Into three districts and wllli
try to cquallzo as between counties In;
these districts. The eastern district
Is bounded on tho west by a lino run-,
nlng north from tho western bound-
nry of Nuckolls county, and tho con-,
tral district Is bounded on tho west by
a lino running north from tho western,
border of Dundy county. There Is n
great difference In tho assessed valua
tion of llvo stock In different coun
ties. The board desires to get tho nv-.
crago valuation in each district and.
then bring nil counties within tho dis
trict near together as to value of tho
different kinds of llvo stock.
Gust Fellows of Humboldt has boon,
appointed a member of tho examining;
board of cmbalmers. ' He Is ono of!
the oldest undertakers in tho state
and received e highest rorommenda
tlon from the state cmbalmors asso
ciation. Will Modify Drinking Cup Law.
.Efforts of the board of secretaries
of the stato board of health to abolish
tho one-fbr-all communion cup In
churches will go for naught. Mem
'bers of the board of health proper,
that Is tho governor, attorney general
and state superintendent, who must
approve the recent public drinking
cup order, are not willing to accept
the provision relating to churches and
will thercforo strike that from the,
manifesto. In other provisions It will;
likely receive the board's Indorsement
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