mHw, fM l r I y Poor John. "John," said Mrs. Newly wed, 'Tvo got to Imvu somo money nml some now clothes nml some now bIioos and a hat nnd a now coat." "Gracious!" replied John, "you don't have to have nil that, do you?" "Well, 1 really do, but I'll compro mise on tho money." Unlucky. Chollle Do you bellcvo tho number thirteen Is unlucky? Mollle -Indeed, 1 do. You wcro tho thirteenth man who proposed to mo. BLUE AND DISCOURAGED Mrs. Hamilton Tells How She Finally Found Health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Warren. Ind. "I wan bothered ter ribly with f cmalo weakness. I hnd pains nnd was not regular, my head ached all tho time, I hnd bear ing down pains nnd my back hurt mo tho biggest part of tho time, I was dizzy and had weak feel ings when I would stoop over, it hurt mo to walk any dis tance and I felt blue and discouraged. "I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound nnd am now in good health. If it had not been for that medicino I would havo been in my grave a long time ago. "Mrs. Artie E. Hamilton, R.F.D. No. 6. Warren, Ind. Another Case Esmond, R.I. "I write to tell you how much good your medicino has dono me and to let other women know that "there is help for them. I suffered, with hearing down pains, headache, was ir regular and felt bluo and depressed all the time. I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and commenced to gain in a short timo and I am a well wo man today. I am on my feet from early morning until late at night running a boarding houso and do all my own work. I hope that many suffering women will try your medicine. It makes happier -wives and mothers." Mrs. ANNA HAN SEN, Esmond, Rhode Island. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver Is right the stomach and bowels are right CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS gently butfirmly com pel a lazy liver to do its duty. Cures Cob- utipation, In digestion, Sick Headache. and Diitraia After Eating. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Nebraska Directory iAAMAAMMAAAAA BOILER REPAIRS Hxpsrt boiler makers sent anrwbere anytime. WILSON STEAM BOILER CO.. Omaha COTNER UNIVERSITY TkaStkMlef trtOrsfe Wrft law SlFMM. llflHT MrABTMNTS. College of Liberal Arts, Acad ftmr.lllbllcal, School of Educa tion, Medicine, Music, Kspres slon and Art. Well-equipped laboratories and good library. Tuition low. Board at College flail at SI at a week, rail semes ter opens September 18. for Wlltlia OtKlf er, Cksscsllsr, Islkaiy (LlKsts), Ktfe. iree catalog writo GREEN GABLES The Dr. Ben. F. Bailey Sanatorium Lincoln, Nebraska Its brick and stone buildings so taste fully furnished and thoroughly equipped, in the beautiful park of 25 acres, with staff of experience and a nursing corps of unusual merit, offers you most per fect hospital results, yet always pre serves the atmosphere of a delightful country HOME. Writs for particulars. .?.ii;'"n'ii. i. , '! l !li .! .i iniii' t T "D -25.. j lilWi1 SBBJSBBBT- ' ' gfssssssBnADTrDC .SaaSHBH BBIITTI r .BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST BBBB lUai BW 4Lr jesgj . , - , S$ZUJ?&&zg ngSSgsgsHSRellR?:v0efl UgwzwzwKSsslrjgslriir ""Jfc t ' BwrntVetrnssHlifllKsIll ,fi&lr Don't Poison Baby. FORTY YEARS AQO almost every mother thought her child must haft PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produoe Bleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce tho SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many ore the children who have been killed or whoso health has been ruined for life by paregoric, lauda num and morphlno, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them " poison." Tho definition of "narcotio" is : "A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but ichich in poison ous doses produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death." Tho taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold undor tho names of," Drops," " Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," eto. You should not permit any medicine to bo given to your children without you or your physician know of what it Is composed. OASTORIA DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS, If it bears the signature J - at Chaa. H. Fletcher. SI -J97FZM- ftanlae CwtorU always bean the ilgaatare of -&Jc7yT' &&, WOE BROUGHT MOTHER FOX Tragic Moments for Vixen After She Had Carried Poisoned Food to Her Litter. On ono of tho largo estates In Illng ham, n few weeks ago, n fox was found to bo destroying poultry. Tho tlmo of tho raids, and their boldness, woro proof enough that tho fox must bo a fcmnlu with young. Poisoned meat was propnrcd for her, and at onco the raids ceased. A fow days later ono of tho workmen of tho cstnto enmo upon tho den of a fox, at tho mouth of which lay dead a whole litter of young ones. They had been poisoned. Tho mother had not eaten tho doctored food herself, but had carried It homo to her family. Thoy must havo died In tho burrow, for It was ovldont from tho signs Hint sho had dragged them out Into tho fresh nlr to rovlvo thorn, and deposited them gently on tho sand by tho hole. Then In her per plexity sho had brought vnrlouH tid bits of mouse nnd bird and rabbit nnd placed at tliolr noses to tempt thorn to wako up out of their strango sleep nnd 'eat ns hungry children ought to eat. Who knows how long sho watch ed beside tho still forms, nnd what her emotions wcro? Sho must havo left tho neighborhood soon after, how over, for no ono hns seen her slnco about tho estate. Dallas Loro Sharp, In tho Atlantic. THE RIGHT SOAP FOR BABY'S SKIN' In the care of baby's skin and hair, Cutlcura Soap Is the mother's fa vorite. Not only Is It unrivaled In purity and refreshing fragrance, but Its gentle emollient properties are usually sufficient to allay minor Irri tations, removo redness, roughness and chafing, soothe sensltlvo condi tions, and promote skin and hair health generally. Assisted by Cutl cura Ointment, It Is most valuable In tho treatment of eczemas, rashes and Itching, burning infantllo eruptions. Cutlcura Soap wears to a wafer, often outlasting several cakes of ordinary soap and making lta use most eco nomical. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Samplo of each freo.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv. Just Wanted to Be Sure. Four four entiro hours had tho lady remained In tho shop. She had vis ited every department and worrlod tho majority of tho salesmen without spending a penny. Toward tho closo of the afternoon ono of tho salesmen, feeling somewhat exasperated, ventured to make a mild protest. "Madam," ho asked sweotly, "are you shopping here?" The lady looked surprised, but not by any means annoyed. "Certainly," Bho replied. "But what elso should I bo doing?" For a moment tho salesman hesi tated, then blurted out: "Well madam, I thought porbaps you might bo taking an Inventory." Then tho lady molted away among tho shadows by tho door. Taking It Out of Clients. A well-known Milwaukee attornoy had Just returned from a northern Wisconsin city where ho tried a caso. Ills partner was just closing a minor legal affair aB tho attornoy entered tho office. Thero had been a long night ride to Milwaukco and tho attornoy was greatly exercised ovor tho' poor rail road accommodations on the train. "Well, I Just cleaned this little mat ter up today," said the partner. "How long did it take you?" "About two .hours. What shall we charge our client?" " these railroads, anyway. Charge him $1,000." Brutal "My husband is one of the most stubborn men In the world." "He can't bo any more stubborn than mine." "Oh, yes, I'm sure ho must be. Yes terday I had an engagement to meet him at threo o'clock." "Yes?" , "Well, it was nearly 4:30 when I got thero, and ho won't admit yot that tho rest he got whllo ho was waiting did him good." Honkl Honkl "Did sho como to the door when you serenaded her with your mando lin?." "No; but another fellow came along nnd brought her out with an auto horn." Never put off till tomorrow what any ono 1b willing to do for you U day. Some folks never learn to let bM enough alono. FEEDING TIKE CANAL 5EKPICKARD Colon, C. Z. In writing or talking about tho Panama Canal tho superla tive degree Is very likely to bo over worked. Tho canal Itself is tho big gest thing of tho kind ovor under taken; the locks are unequalled in slzo; tho work of tho department of sanitation la tho most remarkable ever carried out, nnd ro U goes. nut thero is ono other feature of tho building of tho canal that calls loudly for the superlative degree tho commissary department and tho way In which It has fed tho Zone. Not fed It only, either, but largely clothed It and supplied it with household neces sities and even luxuries. The commissary department is a de partment of tho Panama railroad, which Is owned by tho United States end of which Chairman Goethnls is president. As officially stated: "The commissary department of tho Panama railroad Is operated by tho subsistence department of tho Isth mian Canal commission for tho pur pose of supplying employes of tho Panamn railroad and Isthmian Canal commission nnd their families with foodstuffs, wearing apparel and house hold necessities, nnd nlso supplying food for tho hotels, hospitals, messes, nnd kitchens operated by tho Isthmian Cnnnl commission and for tho United States soldiers nnd marines located on tho Isthmus of Panama, nnd ships of tho United States nnvy. It 1b esti mated that tho department supplies about 70,000 people dally, computing ono dependent for each employo. "The business of tho department for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1912, was $0,702,355.08, to transact which it Is necessary to carry a stock valued at about $1,000,000." That sounds decidedly prosaic, but In truth the operations of this great busi ness machine nro almost romantic. The vessels of tho Panama railroad In unending procession bring to tho docks at Cristobal tho vast bulk of supplies and as Continually theso nro sent out to tho scoro of stores main tained by tho department along tho routo of tho canal and at Porto Bello. Every evening each storckedpor tele graphs to tho headquarters in Cristo bal the list of supplies of which ho is In need, nnd during the night tho enrs nro loaded. At 3:45 o'clock each morn ing the long tApply train starts out from Colon. It consists of 21 cars, 11 it which nro refrigerated, and tho food and ice are distributed along tho routo to that thoy may bo delivered to tho quarters of families by 8 o'clock.. In Cristobal Is tho biggest store of all, and It compares well with tho huge department stores of American cities. There may be obtained all kinds of food stuffs, American and European; clothing for men and wo men, furniture, household wares, sup plies for travelers, cigars and cigar ettes Indeed almost anything one might call for except intoxicating drinks. Articles from foreign lands, beings Imported by the government It self, of course pay no duty, and con sequently such things as fine English chlnaware can be bought there at prices far below those charged in the states. It Is said on the Isthmus, and generally believed, that the members of congressional junketing parties which from timo to time go down to inspect the canal always carry homo with them a lot of this choice por celain. At the head of the commissary de partment 1b the subsistence officer, Col. Eugene Wilson, whoso huge phys ical bulk 1b well matched by his great executive ability. It would scorn that no better man could possibly have been found for the position, for ho haa in hand every detail of tho immense business and It runs like clockwork. Seldom Is a complaint heard from even the most exacting of housewives, and when one is registered It is cour teously received and the fault, if ono exists, promptly rectified. "Cleanliness before godliness every time" Is Colonel Wilson's motto and though it Is not posted on any wall, every employe understands that hlB Job depends primarily on his cleanli ness. In Cristobal are the great cold storage plant, bakery, coffee plant, ico plant, Ice cream plant, 'corned beef plant, butter printing plant and laun-' dry, and in every ono of them the un written rule "be clean" Is adhered to with the utmost care. Nowhere, If It can be avoidod, is there pcrspnal con tact with the food, and the numerous and Ingenious automatic machines are kept scrupulously clean. Now let's got back to figures, in ordor to obtain some idea of tho mag nitude of tho commissary department's operations. Take tho cold storage plant first. In its 192,230 cubic feet of refrigerated space aro kept constantly on band meat and vegetablo supplies for ten days at least, In tome in- -esTlESsae- sgsisisHBgalsMBVi.v: KIBfjeBBrjisaiawBkttMgSBwzawzawzawzawzawzawzawBw "rel Ms H-V? 'S9aJHpEK9clBp4giwMlIgasasassii MM- V ; Cf Sr.gawzaT tMatsMBawzaWBaHl H tVSsBwzRSsW gasasaTBgaTiwsasli BU.5"" ' V ekewwNugwMMMHMMvMiemwiMWM'' i "1" mTw lUiiimuataasWtaiiliiitluiP ZONE : F ntancun much mora. Hnngtng In long rows la thu icy cold roomB aro tho carcasses of 400 beoveB and hogs and sheep In due proportion. In other rooms, not so cold, aro 150 toiiB of po tatoes, and vast quantities of onions, turnips, beets, carrots, cabbages, yams, celery, tomatoes nnd other veg etables. In yet other rooms aro ten tonB of poultry, and clflowlioro nro boxes of fruit without number. And this enormous supply Is daily depleted and dally renewed. Adjoining tho cold storage plant Is tho bakery, in whoso immense ovena ure baked each working 'day about 20,000 loaveB of bread, 2,200 rolls and 380 pounds of cako. Tho cofTeo de partment, which roasts and sends out about 300.000 pounds of tho roasted berry each year, receives the especial attention of Colonel Wilson, for ho is himself a groat cofleo drinker. Ho personally makes up tho formulas for tho blends, and ns something of a cof fco connoisseur myself, I enn testify that lie knows what ho is nbout when he does it. Tho people ( of tho zone, whlto nnd black alike, nro vory fond of Ice cream, and to supply the demand the commlsslary manufactures about 140,. 000 gallons a year, of threo grades. Tho first grade -is ns good Ico crcntn ns ono can got anywhere, nnd oven tho third grade Is mighty welcome nftcr a hot dny in tho Culebra Cut or tho Pedro Miguel locks. Aro you tired of figures yet? If not, please consider that the Ico plant at Cristobal makes nearly 40,000 tons ol ice a year, tho corned beef plant has an nnnual output of about 270,000 pounds, and that almost 335,000 pounds of butter 1b handled by the butter printing plant, all of tho butter being brought from tho United States. Then we will move to tho laundry. In this Bpaclous building, with Its long rows of washing machines nnd dry ing and ironing dovlces, nil tho laun dry work of tho Zone, excepting that of tho Ancoiriiospltnl, is dono, nnd In addition that of all tho steamship lines running to Colon except ono. "Wo nro now handling," said tho manager, "nn average of about hnlf n million pieces n month, nnd in tho months when tho tourists come In greatest numbers tho figures mount to about 800,000." Tho figures I havo been giving aro npproxlmato only, for thoy nro chang ing continually with changing condi tions. Hero 1b n list of somo of tho moro important importations of food products during tho last fiscal year: Pounds. Poos and beans In bulk 1,163.003 fiugar 4,ir.,M7 Tea 100.1S5 Preserved fruit in sirup In tins nnd Klaas 887.173 Jama, Jollies nnd prwrves in tins and Klaus .V 249.K24 Milk, evaporated and condensed. ...3,025,M l'eaa and beans In tins C3I.S7K Pickles and sauces 203,691 I-rd 61S.HS0 Codfleh 1,092,71 Hlce 1,941.373 flour 6,9G9,333 Confectionery 116.C07 Macaroni, vermicelli and spa ghetti 428.617 Fish, canned 200,443 Freeh meats 6,453,13? Cured' and pickled meats 97S.44R Cheese 142,71 Butter, fresh 427.6S1 Poultry , 6O3.!i90 Potatoes, whlto 6.R43.CM Potatoes, sweet 1,010 392 Onions 9C.W) Turnips 12S.310 Carrots ir.,25n Cabbage C77,234 Yams 300,on Other veRetnbles 741.027 Apples 9W.C22 As will bo readily understood, the commission 1b able and willing to sell food at very little above cost. Conse quently the housewito on tho iBthmus can buy at prices that aro never above those In tho states, and that nearly always aro considerably lower. An important part of the commit sary plant is tho industrial and ex perimental laboratory In Cristobal, where all tho foods aro tested and many things, such as flavoring ex tracts, are manufactured. The commission conducts more than a dozen hotels for white Americans, where good meals are furnished for 30 cents each; a score of mess balls for European laborers, whero a day's board costs forty cents, and about twenty-flvo kitchens for West Indian laborers, where board castB thirty cents a day. Something liko a million meals are served each month In these various establishments, for nearly ev ery employe of tho commission euts at a government table. It hns been raid that no private contractor in the world feeds his employes as well as 'tho Isthmian canal commission. Very few of tho men ever nto better meals than they aro getting on tho Isthmus, and this is true of tho Amer icans as well as of tho Spaniards and West Indians. No, you cannot avoid the uso of tlw superlative degreo In speaking about Colonel Wilson's commissary depart ment fBtKtkWtkmKkwKkmtswsmlKMttfkwkwkmttk D. H ITSJIEW HOME Franklin's Old Print Shop Made Permanent Quarters. Annls Stockton Chapter Dedicates Burlington, N. J., Headquarters With Most Elaborate Cere monies First In 8tate. Burlington, N. J. Benjamin Frank? Iln's old print shop, In which ho turn ed out paper currency for thq Colonial government of New Jersey was open ed hero with elnbornto ceremonies as tho homo of tho Annls Stockton Chap tor, Daughters of tho Aiuerlrnu Itovo lutlon. The exercises eonteied about tho presentation of a high Anietlciui ling by tho Now Jersey Soeloty, Sons of the American Revolution', to tho patriotic w oiiR'ii.l who from their headquarters hero will open n cam paign to appropriately mark the va rious Pilots of Revolutionary Interest In thlH section. Mtb. Harriot N. M. Pnnconst of Pal myra, regent of tho Annls Stockton Chapter, presided at tho opening ol the homo. Following tho address ol welcome by Mayor K. K. Mount! John S, Morrill of Trenton, president ff the Now Jersey society, Sons of the American Revolution, with hi a Htnfl and color bearers and escortr.d by troops of local Hoy Scouts, presented the big ling to Mrs. Panconst. Thu history of tho old house, as It appears on tho county records, nnd tho tradi tions attached to It, worn related by Henry S. Haines, Btnto nurveyor gen et al. Tho principal address was mndo by Mrs. Chniles Ynrdloy, Hast Orange, state regent of tho 1). A. R. Tho Antiis Stockton Chnptor, by these exercises, becomes the first so ciety of tho 1). A. It. In Now Jersey to purchnso nnd own Its own historic liendqiiiirlorH. Tho olllcern of tho chapter aro: Regent, Mrs. Hurrtet N. M. Panconst, Palmyra; vice-regent, Mrs. Richard Iloleman, Mount Holly; Becretnry, Mrs. Frank IHnckhurn, Pal myra: treasurer, Miss Bessln Warnlck, Woodbury; chaplain, Miss Sara K. Batchelor, Rlverton. Tho truBteea nro: Mrs. It. W. Rico, Rlverton; MrH. David O. Balrd, Beverly; Mrs. Joseph Roberts, Rlverton; Mrs. Lnwrcnco D. Flxnry, Palmyra. Becauso of the significance of Bur lington as tho easly homo of Annls Stockton, tho chapter selected this city ns tho slto of their permanent homo. As Annls Boudlnot, tho fa mous womnii after whom tho chnptor 1b named, spent her youth hero with her brother, Ellas Boudlnot, nnd later married Richard Stockton, ono of tho five Jerfloymen who signed tho Decla ration of Independence. Tho Franklin cabin U ono of tho oldest buildings In South Jersey, hav lug been erected moro than two cen turies ago. It is near what was tho Franklin's Old Print Shop. end of tho New York post road in colonial days, where tho Philadelphia boats tied up at tho old Burlington wharf. In tho history of his own life Frank lin tolls how ho stopped in Burlington as a poor boy whllo en routo from Now York to Philadelphia. Ho missed tho Philadelphia boat and, awaiting tho next passnge, stayed at the home of nn old woman, who "was vory kind and with utmost good will" gavo hltn n dinner of beefsteak. When his aged hostess learned ho was a printer, sho advised that ho open up a shop in this town; but with only a few cop per coins in his pockets he could not flnanco tho project and wont on to Philadelphia, whero he had already procured a position. Ills employer later recolved an or der from tho government of Now Jor soy for a big lssuo of paper money, nnd Franklin, as a trusted and expert foreman, was sent to Burlington to ,sot up tho print shop and print tho currency. He mado Burlington his ilionie for many months before com pleting tho work and then returned to Philadelphia, later to establish there a publishing business still In exist ence. During Ills employment here tho author of "Poor Richard's Al mannc" won tho closo friendship of ninny prominent BurlingtoulniiH nnd In later years frequently visited this city, Curious Woman Loses Fingers. Philadelphia, Pa. Curious to know what was in a "tin box" which her husband had brought home, Mrs. Fred erick Ihrlo tried to pry It open with a knlfo. It exploded und removed three of her flngera, It, was a rail road torpedo. arV AROU CAMP FIRE 33D ILLINOIS' FIRST FIGHT Attacked by General Jeff Thompson, the Noted Guerrilla, and One Whole Company Captured. In Soptombor, 1861, tho Thlrty-thlrd Illinois loft Camp Butler, near Spring field, III., for tho front. On arriving al Pilot Knob, Mo., whoro Colonel Thnyei of tho First Nebraska was In com mand threo companies of tho Thirty third Illinois were statlonod on the Iron Mountain railroad: Company K (Captain I.lpplucott), with 00 men, at I.uwsoii'h Station; Company E (Cap tain milott), at Big Rlvor bridge, nbout ten miles north of Lawson's Sta tion, nnd Company B nt Victoria, 30 tulles from St. I.ouls. In addition to tho regular govern ment rations, nbuudanco of fresh milk, butter, eggs, chickens, etc., were obtained from tho country folk, and tho boys got fat, wrlten William H. Edgar of Chlcngo, In the National Tribune. I.nto In October, one morning, while tho company was at breakfast, two soldiers canie running Into camp, and reported to Captain I.lpplucott that Company E, at Big Rlvur brldgo, had been attacked by den. Jeff Thompson, tho noted guerrilla, with 700 men, and needed Immediate help. Tho captain called for 50 volunteers to go to the relief of Captain Elliott. Ab wo pro ceeded up tho track occasional shots wero heard In tho timber from Thomp son's plckuts, nnd soon after, following a big curve In tho track, we camo In night of IllnckwcU'a Station, nbout half a mllo distant, with n straight track In front, a cornfield on tho right full of corn shocks nnd a deep rocky cut extending the wholo dlstnnco on tho left of tho track. A switch, wltb soma cars, wero stnndlng on It, and some woodpiles about tho station, which afforded shelter. Tho company proceeded cautiously, wlion suddenly -a fierco volley camo from tho corn, field, nnd It was apparent nt ones that tho Johnnies had captured Com pany E, nnd wcro moving down on Company K, nnd wcro massed behind 'the cars, station nnd .woodpllos, and woro well secreted in tho corn shocks on tho right. Tho company at once ;doploycd along tho cornfield fonce, a few feet distant from tho track, and directed Its flro upon tho corn shocks, which seemed nllvo with Johnnies. And there for 20 minutes tho boys with tho old Fremont muskets in theli hands learned nbout "hot shot" all ithey enred to know. When tho captain saw that the -enemy was surrounding us ho ordered n retrcnt. A number, including the -first leutonnnt of tho company, were taken prisoners, whllo those not taken began n hasty rotreat down tho track, .encouraged greatly by tho bulletB of tho pursuing Johnnies. About n dozen of tho boys took; refuge In n cavo. Several squads ot Johnnies pnsiod and repassed the place, until finally tho first lieutenant of tho company, with sovoral men who had boon parolled, came along, and ho ordered the men to come out. This they did, and wero passed Into camp as prisoners of war. The John ,1110s fearing rolnforcemonts from the south did not pursuo tho company very far. and on arriving at camp tents wero struck, and the company marched to Mineral Point, ten miles to tho south, where 2,000 Union sol diers were encamped. Captain Elliot's entire command waa captured and at once paroled. Ob the day following the writer, in chart of a squad, proceeded on a hand oar to the cave, and secured the guns and equipments he had left there. It was a pleasure later for thla company to participate In the battle at Fredew ickstown, which put Jeff Thompson and bis raiders to flight, and drovt them out of the state. Halleck and the Teamster. General Halleck, like General Sher man, was in military aB well as per sonnl affairs a man of some odd ways. When in camp ho was accustomed to put on citizen's clothes and to private ly take a look at men and things. Dun lng ono of theso toura ho helped a teamster out of the mud, and then gnvo him a sovero lecturo for not drlr lng carefully, Tho teamster, aftei floundering through it, and, having reached tho top of the bluff, rolloved himself of volloy after volley of oaths upon everything in general, and upon General Halleck in particular, for not having the creek bridged. The crltfc cism was Just, but tho general had al ready ordered tho construction of a bridge, and, being incognito, hugely injoyed the verbal castlgation. Looks Like It. "I suppose that runaway prUonet was an uthloto." "What makes you think thatT" "Just his Jumping his ball." Too Tar Away. "Flerger, you were ten minutes late again last night. Where were you?" "I I was 'with my sweetheart and sho lives so far away that " "How many times must you follows bo told that discipline does not bothea with lovo affairs? If you must fall in lovo, do It near camp." Obvious Way. "How do theso Wall Street specula tors and their families manage to gel into tho swimT" "They plunge." i M ' n Iffl 4 ! ! '3 J ' i i - Vi - !, It i i 1 h i-ii ff '(J. m , i I: t 5 $ 5 vl i,l tri L !' T -" u to t svi it i J ' 'tf!& &,