The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 17, 1913, Image 1

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UiKiinJylliiiiiiiiiiiiiic&?i ESaBBBBBBBBBBBBBEeBBsVfiS&ssz'HLH
wggMlraaEEpT?Tssl -T. EiiiiiilKjiiMvdflfBhLiiiiH
& This Government Won't Put
Its Money
In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss.
Why Should You?
The United States will not deposit a dollar in a
National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank
furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited.
The United States Government can at any time
make an investigation of any National Bank and learn
all about its resources. But still the Government de
mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU
have protection.
Your deposits in this bank are protected by the
State Guaranty Law no matter what happens
Blue Hill
No. 2i
aaas99w iawwi
Nebraska State League at the Ball Park in
Sunday, July 20th
The special election July 8th carried two to one in
favor of Sunday base ball in Superior
Superior vs. York
Also a game at 1:15 p. m. between Red Cloud
and Republic City, Kas. Admission 35c. Auto
mobiles 25c. -:- Other fames in Superior
Superior vs. Beatrice, July 17, 18, 19. -:- Su
perior vs. York, July 21, 22. -:-' Superior vs.
Hastings, July 23, 24, 25. -:- These games called
at 2:15 p. m., when Missouri Pacific train going
north will be held until close of game. Admission
25 cents. Autos and carriages free.
Don't Forget The Datt August 16 to 23
Red Cloud -:- -:- Nebraska
tU lllilorlcul Sjtlcty
. I
!; i
; i
Cigar Co.'s
4 NewsMer That dives The News Fifty
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, ,11 1, Y 17, 1SI1.
As Others Seen
Our Celebration
The throe iirtlcici which urn quotoil ,
below reflect somewhat the feeling of
the big crowd which attended oar
celebration on I lie Fouith. There are
several different classes of people who
attend celebration and they all see
the biff event from their own view
point. Usually people see what they
look for. We are confident that a
great majority of our visitors on that
day were well pleased with their trip.
The fact that the flying machine man
did not appear sorely disappointed nil
the people, home folks and visitors,
and yet any sensible person knows
that had the aviator been on the
grounds, he could not have made
flight owing to the character of the
wind. The sceptical said that it was
all u hum bug, that there was no Hy
ing man, others satu that tuc city
could not raise the money and that
the Hying man was waiting for his
cash before he would come over. The
letter from the secretary of the
Lebanon Commercial Club made the
posjtiou of the aviator plain. He
would have made live hundred dollars
hud he made- his tlight, but he could
not, and consequently he received
nothing. This money was ull talsed
before.nny arrangements were mode
with him
There was not one word of com
plaint that we heard in regard to the
two free open air exhibitions. These
were splendid performances ami much
enjoyed by the crowd Hut when one
wants red Iciuouadu and wants it very
much peanuts are tasteless even tho
they are the best that can be grown
and that seems to be the condition in
a nutshell.
The crowd was large, there was
plenty of amusement and the governor
of this great commonwealth was pres
ent and delivered an able address. We
did our best to give the visitors a good
time and fell down in one point only,
and that was because we had no con
trol over the elements:
Most of the people of Campbell
stayed at home and devoted their time
to trying to keep cool. A number at
tended the celebration at Ited Clouil
and those whodid feel that they failed
to receive adequate returns for the
time and money spent. They report a
veiy largu crowd there but not enough
entertainment to keep evoijone Inter
ested. The failure of t lie Hying ma
chine to put in an appearance was the
crownirg disappointment that added
much lo tho grouch of thu visitors.
Sovetal picnic parties wore held in
this vicinity and really enjoyable
times are reported by those attending
A good mauy spent the day in the
harvest Held and no doubt felt as
good or better than if they had at
tended some crowded affair all fussed
up iu a stand up collar and being jost
led around in the sweltering beat
Quite a large crowd gathered iu Camp
bell at night, some to attend the dance
and others to visit among old friends,
and it would have made quite a "hit"
had the business men provided a ulcc
display of fireworks for their amuse
ment. Campbell Citizen.
Marti ft Please All
The town was more or less depopu
lated last Friday, July 4th. A great
crowd came In from the country and
ook the morning trains for Red
Cloud. Nearly all of those who went
to that city to spend tho day, returned
last evening muttering words of dis
pleasure and disgust. They declared
it to be principally a celebration of
drunks, and that the program was a
one-ring affair when It ought to have
been a three ringer. The airship fail
ed to arrive and the ball game was
punk tbey tell us, while the famous
band were tight wads with their
music. This is theklnd of a bowl'we
have beard from a hundred throats.
Now we opine that the situation was
overdrawn; that indeed Red Cloud
- tin Weeks Each Year Fer $l,0.
presented a good program. Where
she fell down and where in.niy another
town fails down, is iu trying to en
toitaill ten thniiMiiid people with a
one ring line of attractions It can't
be done. Double and triple sets of
iimuseinenls must be cnrrleil on sliinil- j
taneousiy to entertain such a crowd.
It costs money to do It, but a tremend
ous crowd ought not to be solicited to
a city unless their complete entertain
ment is looked after. The trouble Is
that we ex pent too much these days
from entertainment committees. It
was a bad day to handle a crowd and
while neoiile are free to criticise, still
they should be compasionatc River-!
ton Review.
As per anticipation, the editor of the
Herald spent July 4th iu Red Cloud.
About fifty of our citi.etis went along
to keep us from getting lonesome. We
are told that No. 4, was loaded to the
limit and did not stop at Hiverton and
Inavalc, and No. 1(1 was so crowded
that at Hiverton the sleepers had to
be opened to accommodate the crowds.
A special of 12 coaches was run from
Wymote. The crowd was estimated
between 8000 and 10,0o0 souls. The
jam of humanity on the main streets
was terrific.
The Ferris wheel, merry go-round,
trick cyclists and 'movies' furuished
amusement fur the younger set. There
wus ine seedy countiy youth with his
sweetheart and a roll of bills in his
jeans; thoro was the callow dude with
his girl, and a pack of cigarettes and a
few dimes In his packet. Grandma
down to the baby were there. Kvery
body who didn't go elsewhuie went to
Ited Cloud.
The object of our visit was to get
acquainted witli the newspaper boys
and to renew acquaintance with
Father Fitzgerald whom we as a boy
knew at Auburn, where he was in
charge of the Catholic ohurch. He is
known dowu there as Red Cloud's
grand old man; he is a friend of all,
not a child or street urchin but who
knows bis pleasant smile or loving pat.
Older people Hud lu him a sage advisor
and good counsellor. lie was solicit
ous of our parents' welfare and asked
that we express his regards to them.
He readily acquiesced, when asked to
pose for camera. We hope this flue
old man will be allowed to live for
many years.
Ked Cloud has many beautiful resi
dences and her citiens vie with one
another us to who can have the pret
tiest lawn.
Red Cloud aiho has a courthouse.
(We found it, de-spite thu fact that
Uio. Halo would not tell its loe.ition.)
We wonder not that you are ashamed
of it. Really It. is more disreputable
looking than the Itlootningtou 'shack'.
It is a disgrace to your beautiful city
and, the site on which it stands.
The flying machine did not fly and
the ball game did not Interest us, so
we boarded No. 1 1 for Naponee and
arrived in pleuty of time to see a fine
display of fireworks set off from the
school campus Naponee Herald,
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Coroner Amack
Proves Efficient
Coroner I'd Amack, after a faithful
search since taking iu charge the body
of tho unknown colored man who died
at the depot last Tuesday morning.
has succeeded In locating Ids mother
at Topeka, Kansas, mid word was re ,
coived from them requesting that 'the
body be held until today, as she was
making at) effort to raise the necessary
amount of money to defray the ex
pense of having him sent home
There was nothing at all about the
man, by which he could bu Identified,
except the mark, "Harvey E" which
was found on the inside of his vest.
However, Coroner Amnck immediately
got busy and exhausted ever know
clew, before locating the right parties.
He nlaced an advertisement in the
Denver I'ost, wrote to the superintend
ent of the dining cur service of the
Rock Island, after learning lu a round
about way that the dead man had
formerly worked for this company. He
also wrote to several parties iu Kansas
City, after hearing certain things from
employees of the C. It. fc (j , dining
cur service at this place, who in fact,
claimed to know the man and that his
people resided at this place.
All of these, however, turned out
fruitless, and on Tuesday morning, at
the early hour of .1 a. m , when anoth
er employee of (he said rail road call
ed him f i oui his bed In tell him he
knew the man and his people, it was
with but a small bit of coulldcuco
lelt, that Coroner Amack called up
the Chief of I'olico of Topeka, Kansas,
and learned from him that the dead
mull was a familiar character around
that city, and was an epiletiuuud that
ills name was Harvey Enochs, and
that ho would Immediately notify his
mother of his demise.
Consequently Coroner Amack has re
ceived word from his mother to hold
the body until further word is receiv
ed tonight, and the chances are that
she will procure the necessary
amount lequired to have him sent
home. Even should she tint do so,
due credit should be given Coroner
Amack for the faithful way lu which
he set to work to learn the unknown
dead man's identity.
l'.H.t Model, Motor Cycles and Motor
Hottts at bargain prices, all makes,
brand new machlucM, on easy monthly
payment plan, (let ur proposition
before buying or you will regret it,
also bai gains ill used Motor Cycles,
Write us today. Enclose stamp for
icply. Address,
Look lkx 11, Titr.Nro.v, Midi.
. A spoolal examination for teachers'
certificates will be held Thursday and
Friday, July 24 and 2r. at Red Cloud,
ouly. A special reading circle ex
amination will be held Fiiday, July
Gertrude h. Coon, Co., Supt.
It is worth while to get all the information you can on the
Many of the things that determine the genuine value of
Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, are out of sight.
The exterior may resemble many other corsets, but there is
no other make of corset to which the interior corresponds,
"Warner's are made to neither RUST, BREAK, nor TEAR.
This guarantee covers every corset from 11.00 and up.
Red Cloud,
.s-j. -,f!-aasg2p
Precedent is the slow consumption
that eats Into the vltutsof progress
It throttles ambition and makes
drones of people who would and
could "make good."
Years ago folks said, "competition
Is the life of trade." Fiddlesticks!
Ideas are the life of trade. Good
ideas well carried out, are the
back bone of all successful business.
The .locomotive that pulls the
"Pennsylvania Spcolal" from New
York to Chicago In 18 hours once
lived as a big Idea lu the brain of
When we started In the jewelry
business wc had a little moucy and
n big Idea. The Idea was to Impress
on you that we are selling the very
best iu jewelry at reasonable
And judging from the splendid
giowth of the business you "have
tried it out and found It true.
Still they ate n few sceptics n
few "show mo" folks. To these we
say one little visit one small pur
chase will convince you that wo
have tho best goods at tho rights
price. Try it and prove It.
Perhaps yon nre thinking of
making a gift. If so, here's your
chnuuo to save money. Gems,
jewelry, cut glass, watches and
novelties, silverware an urmy of
bargains tiro camped iu our store.
Supphse you come in and look
them over today while tho best
are still '''on deck.' You wllf be
glad you came.
Selling Agents for
South Bond
Red Cloud, Nebr
Depaited this Life
Wednesday morning the sad news was
brought to Red Cloud that Mrs. Estclla
Hartwell, the beloved wife of A. F.
Hartwell, of Inavalc, had departed
this life, after an extended illness,
covering mnrb thun n year. For the
last nine months shu hud been seriously
ill, and but slight hopes prevailed of
her recovery. She was ;r great suffer
er, but bore her troubles with Chris
tian fortitude. She was married to Mr.
Hartwell 29 years ago and her husband
and two children, Donald and Dorathy
survive her. She was EG years of age.
Their many friends in Inavalc and this
city, extends heartfelt sympathy, in
this their hour of sorrow. The funeral
takes place at the home, in Inavale,
Friday afternoop at one o'clock, and
interment will be In the Red Cloud
Buy A Corset
i 'I