! j Vv , ;v k - .w AVAV.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.Vj HONE NEWS Bulletin of The WmIi'i Dolnf a rVWWWWWWVfti W. E. lloweu spent Sunday In Gutdc Rock. " , 1 tlouse1 to rent. Inquire at New house's store. Ice cream and soft drinks served at Warren's Restaurant. adv i Miss Cira Warrtn is visiting friends at Stipend this week. C. D. whitaker and family spent) Sunday vwlting in Superior. No More Chips We pay cash for Produce. Weesner Perry &. Co. Miss Carrie Neuerberg is spending the week visiting in Grand Island. Miss Florence McDowell returned from Stella, Nebr., Friday evening. 50 Acres of Good Pasture for rent Inquire of W. C. Ruj-aud R." F. I). No 3. Chris Fa&sler of Blue Hill was at tending t business affairs in this city on Monday. 'N. E. George of (line Hill whs at tending to btisint-s mattets iu the city today. You porter cash for your produce. We pay chsIj. No More Cliiis.--Wees-ner Perry X Co. ispriug and Summer Suits and Coats at iVi per cent discount at Miner Bros. Co. H(lv. E. Seaton returned Tuesday from an extended It'rlp through Washington, Oregon au'd California. Mrs. Dr.jWedemyer is entertaining her brother!, Master Hardin Watson of Kansas Clfa this week 3.')K percent discount on Women's Spring and Summer Coatsand Suits at Miner Bros. Co. adv. About twelve ladies from here at tended the district meeting of the Rebekabs at Guide Rock last Friday. Mrs. Mary Rhoads and children are lu the city the guests at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Pierce. WANTED Job on farm by man and wife could go now or next spring. J. W. JlENNETr, corner house east ot cemetery. Mrs. John Wolfe and daughter of Wheeler, Mas., is visiting this week with her sisters, Mrs. R.'heggett and Mrs. Bert Leonard. Mrs. Cliff Jny aud children returned home the last of the week from u hhort vNituWith her mother who re sides in Lawrence, Kansas. The W. C. T. U. will meet Wednes day afternoon, July iud ut 2:30 with Mrs John Coon. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested. Coroner Amuck weat to BloomiuK fcou Saturday aud removed the body Of Joseph McClelland from the'eeme tery at that place to the one here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Sutton (nee Miss Gladys Fry) returned to Red Cloud thrust of the week from Hust ings, where they were inairied on Wednesday. It is reported thut'lsl Jamison , tiie painter, bus disappeared us does vapor, und that several of Red Cloud's business men were left "holding the back." . It. S!rtv.son, the ice man had th misfortune to run an Ice hook lu his left arm on Monday morning. The wound while a painful one, is not, we are pleased to annouuee, of a serious nature. Cultivator Shovels! Set of 4. $2.50. set of 6. $2.75 sharpened and polished. Sickles: 5 ft $2. 6 ft $2.25.. 7 ft 12.60, 8 ft $2.90. Rower and Bind er Tonftuesj Clear Oak $2.50. Clear Fir or Pine $1.65.-C. F. Wallli. adv Alex Mcintosh aged about 4o years, ond a sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcintosh of this city, died at the home of his sister in Grand Island on Wednesday morning. The body will be brought to this city for burial the funeral to be held tomorrow. Mr. aud M,rs. Gleuu l Walker com pleted their honeymoon which was spent In Deuver aud other western points, and returned home on Tues day. They have begau real life In their new home, the house recently vacated by Dr. Trumble. CASH FOR EGGS. Not a new pio- nositiou. This store has ALWAYS PAID CASH FOR EGGS or oue cent more iu trade, and will continue to do so. Other produce bought the same' way. Wo make a cash or trade pi ice, optional with our uustoiner. F. G. Turnuret Son. udv. The school board Is completing the excavatiou under the Washington school building aud will soon have two moie excellent looms for class room purposes. These rooms will have plenty of light .and ventilatlou and: for solentltio purposes will be much better thau any rooms or either floor. Work of a noisy or disturbing character can be carried on hero with out interfering with the activities of the rooms above. This arrangement will settle for a while the question of building and will provide facilities for the larger-enrollment which is-sure to occur as soon as school opens. . ;; i Fresh caudy, peanuts and cigars at Warren's Restntuant. Attorney John C. Stevens of Hast ings attended court here Tuesday. Mrs. Emily Hadell Myers returned home from Long Island, Kas., Sunday morning. Spring and Summer Suits aud Coats at 33 X percent discount at Miner Bros Co. adv. I Mrs. T. E. Dunn after a short visit here returned Saturday to her home at Ecklay, Colo. G. C. Peterson of Lebanon, Kansas LAas.'attending to business matters In this city Monday. Mrs. Miner and daughter, Miss Irene left Wednesday morning for a short visit in Superior. Editor W. D Edson was attending to business affairs in Superior and Nelson on Tuesday. Miss Fern Avevill has for her guest this week Miss Lela Machatnerof Cen tral City, Nebraska. Vern Wlttwer has been spending the week with his brother Lew and wife in Vermillion, S. D. Geo. Smelser left Sunday for Omaha where he goes to receive medical treatment for his eyes. 33 percent discount on Women's Spring aud Summer Cunts and Suits at MiiieMlroft Co. adv. The Congregational ladies will hold heir munthlr market ut Wullbrandt's store on Saturday, June2;h. Weo. II Overing left for Upland Monday to attend to business matters for the firm of Overing Bios. & Co. A very good program was given at the Metliodist church on Sunday morn ing. The event being Children's Day. Fourth o! July hetd-quartera-Everybody'a Five and Ten Cent Store. W, H. Seemann stopped off in Red Cloud Monday on his way home to Blue Hill after a trip to Slloiun Springs, Ark. Rev. W. F. Cole attended the ordi natiou ceremonies of Rev. S. J. Miner at the Baptist church in Superior on Tuesday. Dr. Cross goes to Kansas City July the 7th to attend the National Dental Association and ills office will be closed all that week. Rev. J. M. Bates leaves in the morn ing for Alliance where he goes to assist in the consecration of the new St. Mathew's church. Mrs. Edgar Cowden returned the latter part of the week from different Iowa points where she had been visit iug with relatives. NoTlcr.-The BANDIT lias been captured. The II. E. Grice Drug Co, have received the reward. He is now on exhibition at their place of business. A. B. McArthur returned home fiom Long Island, Kas., Tuesday morning where he had been visiting his aunt, Mrs. P. J. Carl nnd family for a fqw days. Mrs. L. Pegg returned from Rivcrtou Tuesday morning where she has been caiing for her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Martin and reports a twelve pound girl which ai rived Saturduy. Farm Loans-l have a limited a mount of private, money to place in first mortgage farm securities, short or long time, at lowest rates with optional payments. Write or phnr.e. Damei. Gauiikii, Rlverton, Nebraska. Do you notice tha J. H, Bailey is making the most of the farm loans? He is sole agent for Trevctt, Muttis 4fc Baker, and Is oll'eiing the best rates, terms and option lu the market aud that is the leason. , adv. The city Council should set the street fountain going ut once now that we have oceans of water. It Is hltrh time Mr. Mayor. We need a drink. Com.-Ad. I Wc are strongly iu favor of tills first suggestion being carried out aud be lieve it would be a good plan. But as to that lus,t sentence, surely Bro. Hos mnr has mistaken his feelings. Who ever heard of a printer needing a drink? At Superior last Sunday the author ities stopped the game which was to have been played betweeu Kearney aud Superior. Tills was done after the crowd had parted with their "good old silver" in order to secure admis sion aud instead of refunding the money tickets were issued to all so unfortunate as to be on the luside, which they were told would be good for a game some later day. Whether or iiftftlie paper is negotiable at the bank wo have not heaul, but it looks to us like qutttt a few are holding the sack. The band coucert given on Monday night was up to the usual high stand ard and was enjoyed by one of the largest crowds which have ever turned out to one of these popular entertain incuts. 'Bandnlaster Bet, informs the Chief that the usual weekly band con. cert will be given on next Monday night. Owing to religious duties, base ball games, etc., It is a hard matter, the Professor says, to secure "band men enough on Sunday to wad a shot gun", aud he is of the opinion that Monday eveniug is a more favorable time for holding thlsaid popular, entertainment. Alf Mef'all made a trip to Kansas City the first ot the week. G. B. 1'ohou spent Sunday In Frank lin where he visited his family. Chas. Bennett of Cowles was attend- Jng to business hereon Tuesday. For your Ice cream and boft drinks go to the Bon Ton Bakery. adv. Only seven more days till July the Fourth. Gee, but It is hard to wait. E. C Foote wife and family ot Hast ings are iu the city this, week the guests at the home ' of Rev. E. N. Tompklus. Alf. McCall, Frank Cowden, Frank AbelW. A. Sherwood and Col. Jake Ellinger went to Hastings, via' auto, on Wednesday. A. K. Longren. the aviator, who will be here at the big Celebration July 4th with one of the largest air ships iu America wilt give his exhibition at the base ball park. Or In other words, It will be from this place where the large air ship will start to fly. , C B. Hale, the lightweight editor of the Red Cloud Chief, was in Superior Tuesday. We do not mean he is a light weight meutally, but physically. Superior Express. Thanks awfully. How plain it is to us that ''nobody loves a fat man." Misa Lttlic Huffer and Mr. Chas. E. Diet, were united in marriage at the home her brother's, Chas. Huffer, Wednesday eveniug by Kev. E. N. Tompkins. They leave Saturday morn ing for Cheyenne, Wyoming, their future home. The Chief extend con gratulations. The Degree of Honor of which Miss Llllie Huffer is an honored mem ber, gave her a shower of different things at the hail on Monday evening Different kinds of games were played. She received many handsome and use ful dishes and linen. A lunch was served which was enjoyed by all. All left wishing Miss Huffer much joy and happiness in her new life which she intends to take. In as much as this city will have hundreds of visitors here on the Fourth we should put our best foo forward aud make our homes as cheerful and pleasing as possible. We therefore ask all persons to act with us to make the entire city clean aud presentable. All front yards, alleys, terraces etc., will look mucli better if freshly cut und raked. If every oue twlll act in unison with this committee we can show our visitors the prettiest little city iu the state of Nebraska. - Over t!00 people taken advantage of the special train which was run to Blue Hill from this place on Sunday in order to see the two ball games which wore played there. The ama ture game between Red Cloud und Blue Illll resulted in a score of 7 to 8 iu fuvor of Red Cloud ; and was a far belter game thuu the state league game between Hastings aud Columbus which wus won by Hastings by a score of U to 11. However, all the fans seemed satisfied they had received their money's worth. COWLES Frank Cowden passed thru Cowlc Wednesday. Mis. Bernice Mallick was iu Re Cloud Tuesday. Henry Keeney and family autoed to Hastings Tuesday. Mr. Glebe was down from Blue Hill Wednesday evening. Jack Waller and Nick Thomas took in the ball game at Superior Tuesday. Ed Koou is taking a vacation in Denver this week. He expects to be back home Saturday. Tile Cowles aud Rlverton base ball teams are to play at the Cowles xball park (today) Ihursday. The school district of Cowles is no- iug to vote on the bond question whether they want to build u new school building Thursday. C. W. Fuller, Lewis Fuller and Freddie Fuller came in from Lincoln Wednesday in their auto. Thev renoit a rain from Lincoln down. Horace Morse left for the sand hill country Wednesday. Horace has a section of land iu the sand hill coun try which he is holding for speculation. The enterprising firm of Wells & Me Taggart have sold fourteen binders this summer. This looks like the farmers around here expect to harvest something. Seward Brubaker, who has been workiiiK iu the Chalmers' factory for the last two years, has arrived iu Cowles and Intends to stay here lu the future. Chas. Ollyviu purchased a new Ford car at Bennett's Garage Saturday. Charles may occupy more than his share of the road for a while but he will soon straighten out the kinks. Conditions Ideal Poultry fanciers 'cannot find more Ideal conditions for their, industry thau iu Nebraska. So declare Dr. Luther P. Luddeu who has taken a keen interest in the affairs of the state poultry association. The first organ, izatiou was in Pawnee City iu 1850 and the society has bad a steady and consistent growth since that time, Wild West Pictures See the gieat lul Ranch Real Wild West pictures nt the TEPEE luwi Monday evening one night ouly. Three reels of the wonderful 'seenee of western life taken on the famous 101 ranch. Cowgirls and cowboys In real con tests for supremacy over real out-la u horses, the champions of the Chey enne and Oklahoma tournaments. The Real Wild WestCheyeniie Hough Riders. 1 Nothing like It has ever been shown here In pictures. Our word for it, you will find it great. One night only Monday, June ,10th. First show at 7:30. adv Base Ball Association Makes Public Statement Superior, Juue 23, Uilll. To the People of Superior, Nuckolls and stu rounding Counties: Superior is proud of Its name aud proud to be known far and wide as u live up-to-date city and that the action of a few, backed by a legal subterfuge that no man of houor would ever dream of resorting to, causes us with the deepest regret to apologize for the treatment hown to the mauy strang ers visiting our city for the ball game Sunday. The following are the facts of the baseball position here act! we leave It to the fair judgment of all to decide whether the majority Bhall rule or not. As Is well known our grounds are situated close to the heart of the citj and when Sunday games were request, ed from the Association, in deference to the wishes of a few, it was decided to hold the games outside of the de limits. During the last week in May a ma jority of the County Commissioners informally gave the required legal per mission, confirming it on May .11 at a special meeting, and ou Sunday June 1 a game was p ayed. The following week the commissioners dlscoveied their special meeting was irregular and requested our Association to pre sent a petition at their next regulai meeting, June 17, signed by the major ity of the voters of Beaver Precinct when they would formally give tlieii consent. A petition signed by 47(i voters out of an elcctutaiu of slightly over Co I was presented as requested aud th( h tliev decided to take uo act lou,. ' Iu thr meantime upon the strength oi wie womise oi tne lommissloiicis this Association had widely advertised the game for Sunday, Juue J'S2, und when ttfe failure to fultil their promise became known, steps were at once taken to have the games played iu Kansas in which state wo tire advised there is no law against Sunday base ball unless it is declared u nuisance by the surrounding community, lu iuii case tlie games were to be played iu a field far'awav fiom any house. The first uamc between CniieonHu and Lalvreneo was played without question but upon the appeal mice ot the State League teams, the shuiiff from Kansas Informed the Association he had warrants for the arrest of all the League playcis and If bontls wciu given for their release lie would con tinue to an est them repeatedly as fast as they came to bat. As Is well known anyone can be ai res ted ou any trumped up charge and the only remedy the victim has is to afterwards sue for damages for wrong ful itn est. In this case the only ob ject was to stop the game and iu doing this these Christian gentlemen who preach but do not piuuMce "Inotherly love" weie successful but we leave their uuiisunl action to the judgment of others. We were then advised if the game was played free of charge iu Nebraska we were complying with the law und accordingly transferred the game to our home grounds. Here the same tactics were gone through with aud as a consequence the game was called off as it is not aud uevcr has been the in tention of the Association to do any thing contrary to the law or the wish es of the majority. Uufortunately the baseball law is new tills year aud no two lawyers have the same opinion about it. We.do not care to subject our audience to the farce of a contin uous arrest of pluyers in order that we might test the law at some future date but we are immediately taking steps to have a city election at the earliest possible dato to decide whether or n tho games shall continue on om- home grounds and wo respectfully ask tho voters of Superior to give their judg incut on election day. Wu are. indee'd sorry to air our fam ily differences but we feel that iu jus tice to our Association and the good name of Superior all tho fuels should be known and we aie sure those who live iu towns (aud who have experi enced tho difficulties where a few narrow minded creatures not worthy of the name of men, try to run the affairs of nil Irrespective of the wishes of the majority) will appreciate our position In the present case. Superior Baseball Association, Celebrate the Fourth in Red Cloud. ",,M",,''BssssaawaBiaaMaaaBMaaawaaaBaaaaaMweMMMMMBM eseses esescsvw THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS FOR THF MfiTHFtK OP S Red Cloud We wan't you to tee our line of Spragues Wain Suitt for your boys aid the faaous K. & E. Waists Wash Suits 50c to $2.50 Wash Waists 50c to $1.00 The most practical and economical drew a 1 11 aft 1 I s s for ooyi ever aengnea. come ana tee them. It will oav vou. .. ? 15he CoaidenaleyClotningGo. r s s RED CLOUD'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS Hllii. .iirill Three cows aid a DE LAVAL will make more money than four cows with gravity setting Thousands upon thousands of cow owners have already proved this statement; any experienced dairyman will verify it for you. With such a big saving It Is hard to understand why any cow owner should try to get along without a De Laval Cream Separator. If you are selling cream or making butter, and have no separator, or else an Inferior machine, we know If we could put a De Laval on your place we would be doing you a personal favor. If you haven't a separator don't make the mistake of starting with a "cheap" or Inferior machine. When you do buy a separator as sooner or later you surely will be sure to get the best the De Laval. Remember, you can't make money by trying to save money In the purchase price of a cream separator. A De Laval costs only a little more than the cheapest and will save you twics as much and last five to ten times as long as other separators. GEO. TRINP RED CLOUD 0i ft 0 ft tf ft 0i ft ALSO Eggs, Butter Cream, and Feed of Highmat Market Price iiv S&fei )V MbW -T1 FOR FURNITURE GO TO THE Furniture Store ED. ANACK Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas ALL THK )WV and Vicinity I S9wva lit.. .i(ll CREAM SEPARATOR DEALER IN Parity. Hides, Flour j All Kinds. Paid For Your Stuff TA OLD RELIABLE t PHONCm- vAI N I r ". !l ij 1 f ji : m 1 i ai I M . 1 ni. r a If lf rj tf r - f iCSu,1mm mM nojtrtfM w3mui jv m ,-aite.t! MHMw.w,i?mm