The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 26, 1913, Image 4

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    ywWIWWii4HwHMmyiiwwiiiA'M' ' " "
Rod Cloud, Nebraoka
Bntcrtd In the I'lmtofflce at Kid cloud, Nth.
m Hecond ClftM Matter'
Weiibteh county
The city council 1 to be commended
for the excellent work done In remov
lajr, obnoxious weeds from the street.
Tale It right example tp set before all
itlaons. Let every one Join
.make a clean sweep.
Did you ever notice when the
whistle blows that every man on the
atreet will take out his walch to see
how it compared with the whistle?
If you never have just notice next
time aud you will find that your own
hand is after your watch even before
you think to look at the other fellow.
One peculiar feature of this habit Is
that probably not more tbati one man
In ten can tell you the time of day as
aoon as he has returned the watch to
his pocket. '
The man who handles the local de
partment of a country newspaper
learns after due experience not to ex
ject even briefly expressed thanks
from a column of pleasant things, but
he knowcth as surely as cometh the
winter that a single line in which
there is an unintentional represeuta
vtlon will cause some one t6 be heard
from as if from a house top. And we
might also add that when he has made
pleasant mentioa ODD times of some
person, place or thing but on the
thousandth time fails to do to, he
must not expect to be forgotten. The
omission mny have been from accident
inadvetaucc or even an entire lack of
knowledge. Jt matters not. The
simple fact remains aud he will, be
judged by that.
We have been readlug in the state
papers the lludlugs of the University
experiment station as to the relative
value of different rations in the pro
duction of beef carried out ou the
eame old Individual critter" record
that was obtained nt that lii&tlt Jtioti
ior a number of yeuis with similar
findings us to facts h'eictofore recog
uized year after year. Those who fol
low feeding as a business In Nebraska
usually feed in car load loth, or mote,
and (Jo so in open feed lots with only
shed protection, not in btunchloued,
sanitary barns. Why should the state
university continue the same old ex
periiueuts year after yearV Why uot
give our funnel .something of value
by uiukiug feeding tests utuler the
conditions which prevail ou thousands
of Nebraska farms? Such results
would give feeders valuable Ituowl.
edge hs to actual conditions existing
In the individual feud lot.
Fishing is au exeitiug pass time or
a thrilling occupation just us you look
at it. Judging from the number of
-'licenses grunted by the county clerk
two thirds of the men in this commun
ity arc either lWhlng or going to ilsh
sometime during the year. Up to
date anticipation is keenest enjoy
ment connected with the tlsiiiug busl
ness. To ptcparc the hooks, select a
good'rod, secure sutllciont bait Is joy
supreme. The real tlshlng Is done at
vt that time aud if the dtssallusiou
comes later ou it cannot mar the pleas
ure of getting ready. At glorious nib.
The only Baking Powder marie from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Makes delicious home-baked foods
of maximum qualify at minimum
cost Makes
pleasant and profitable
hie or a mil live turtle often compen
sates the wenry fisher who lias lolled
for hours in the hot sun. Flf-hltig Is
au optomlstlc occupation, next time 1
sure to bring better results and every
nerve tingles when one considers what
might happen at the next opportuni
ty. Fishing makes better roads and
gives a lot of men something to look
forward to,
One morning a few weeks ago, a
progressive young farmer of an ad
Joining county sent three loads of
wheat to market, selling to three ele
vators owned by one company in near
by towns along the same railway line.
The towns have the same freight rates
on grain in carload lota to the prin
cipal markets. Under our Anti-Discrimination
Law the company oper
atlng in three towns should pay the
same price for wheat at each of the
three elevators. Do they? In this
case the farmer received two cents
more per bushel at the intermediate
town. Why'.' The fact that a 'Farm
ers' Elevator Company with a rather
aggressive management Is located
there may have some inilueuce. If
the "line elevator" is paying a fair
price when there is independent com
petition, bow about the price they
offer in other towns? It seems evi
dent that marketing as well as pro
duction of farm crops demands atten
tion At the present time prices for
grain are far from uniform. The real
question Is, "what are we going to do
about it?"
5 !rt
According to the reports of the
weather bureau, June is our mouth of
heaviest rainfall. The average for
May aud July Is a little less thuu June
while August has but three-fourths as
much as July aud September. Corn
uses the most moisture in July aud
August. One of the most important
factors of successful corn production
in Nebraska is conserving the moist
ure which falls in May aud June so
that the plant may use it in July and
August. Considerable moisture will
always be loht by suiface evaporation,
but a good dust mulch otters some
lty far the greatest needless loss of
water from Nebraska cornfields is the
water used by weeds. We do not
usually lutvtt auy more moisture than
the corn 'needs, so that the amount
used by other plants is a direct Toss to corn ciop. It is usually considered
thai weeds which come up after thu
corn shinies the ground will uot reach
suiHcteiit &lie to sap the ground. The
damage generally comes from weeds
which were left when the coin was
cultivated. They have grown with
the corn aud always seem to absorb
their full share of nourishment aud
Our wheat harvest aud second cut
ting of alfalfa come ui it time when
ihe corn still needs attention. liccuuse
ot this the weeds loo often gel a good
start aud in an vifott to cover them
tne shovels are sei down deep and thu
dirt Hies. This last cultivation should
be shallow aud the Held should be lelt
as level us possible. Kidging up thu
corn serves no use! ul purpose, but in
creases suiface evaporation. If the
coin is clean after the tirsl aud second
cultivations it is uot necessary to stir
the giouud deep the third and lotirlh
limes over, as the smull weeds are
easily covered.
Auto Drivers Take Notice.
It having come to my notice that
automobile urlvem'uslug West 4th Ave
nue, especially, and other streets of
the city, in particular, are exceeding
the speed limit, which is both danger
ous to life and limb. Therefore take
notice that all infractions of thu speed
limit in the corporation of Ked Cloud
MUST be stopped. Drivers please
govern yourselves accordingly and
thus save trouble and avert accidents,
D. W. S.U'NiiWts,- Mayor.
home baking
hogs to
Will Fisher took a load of
Ked Cloud on Wednesday.
Miss Alma Ailes visited Miss (iracc
and Ella White a few days last week
Corn is growing some now and most
all of it Is clean from weeds but it
needs a rain.
The wheat is most ready to cut and
it looks the best we nave seen in Oar
field for a good many years.
The cherry crop is a good one and
everyone that is not busy at some
thing else is picking cherries,
The mail man on route 2 takes the
mail in an automobile and the mall
boxes are all standing up yet.
There was a good turn out at the
show in Red Cloud from Garfield on
Saturday night and It was pretty good.
Muriel and Ethel Fisher were able
to be out to church on Sunday after
their long spell of sickness with the
Chris Hansen was taken to Omaha
last week aud was operated on Monday
and at the present writing is doing
well. Henry, his son, went with him
and returned Sunday.
Some boys tbBt were in this neigh
borhood on Sunday at the river found
a boat tied to a tree that belonged to
Mr. White and when they could not
get It loose they took a pole and broke
up the boat, Anybody that 1b low
('own and mean enough to do that and
as big' as those boys is ought to be ar
rested and made an example of for
destroying property.
First In The Union
It ia with commendable satisfaction
that the state board of agriculture calls
atteution to the condition of crops in
Nebraska. Data the state
board agrees in every way with the
skilled investigation of the govern
ment experts. The state and govern
ment reports appear ut the same time.
The government estimate make Ne
braska the first state in the .union on
crop conditions with a credit of 12.7
percent above the average on all crops.
Iowa is second with nn average of 7.(1
One of the big increases In crop acre
ages seems to be in planting of alfalfa.
The crop report of the statu board of
agriculture, issued June 10, says:
"According to the tabulations of Ne
braska assessors there Is atrcmendous
increase in the planting of alfalfa for
l!)i:i. . if the average of the first five
eastern counties reporting is continued
Nebraska will pass Kansas and be first
in the Union in alfalfa acreage aud
production. The figures of the assess
ors in these counties show au increase
of 50 percent iu alfalfa acreage.
"For winter wheat the increase in
acreage in five counties has been 20 per
"On corn the increase iu acreage is
apparently 41 percent".
THE ALARM is a dreadful thing
OF FIRE for the man without
insurance. Every time he sees the
engines racing along his heart comes
up In his throat If thu tire is anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THE COBT OF is so small that It
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. The freedom from worrv
alone is worth Mt many times over
Have us insure you to-day,
Rallabla Insurance.
Improved Alfalfa, (train and Stock
Farms Iu The (treat Itcpubllcan
Bought Sold Exchanged
Any desirable- Heal Kstato listed up
and advertised lor cash sale or ox
chango without expense to owner.
Cash buyers for imprnvrd farms
and i amities seemed through care
ful, liberal and systematic adver
tising. Some of the lifSL farms in
Wobster aud Franklin Counties Ne
braska now listed Several farms
for Halo that will pay good Interest
ou the entire purchase price aud
enhauce greatly in value. Several
good tarnis for sale on easy pay
ments and special terms worth tile
money. The largest ist of local
farms for sale to select from and
situated iu the ltuckle Hud of the
Corn licit.
FARM UANS-I'lbera! amounts,
optional payments, lowest rates.
Money ulwajs read v.
Daniel Garber
Riverton, - Nebraska
' "" A'A
Rri Cloid ' Nebraska
Dr. E. V. Wedemeyer
- VUrintry Surgeon,
Phyiician and Dentist
OFFICE: Ilrlck Livery Barn
Both Phones 82
House Phone Rural 2J1
Ret Cloud, - Ncbrmskm
E. A. Creighton,
M. D.
On Building Lumber
is not infrequently used by manu
facturers of substitutes to confuse
prospective home builders, but to
the man who kuows quality, the
characteristics of the different fav
ored building woods and their prop
er application, this bugbear causes
little apprehension. We've helped
many builders righ) here at home
beat the building game to a frazzle
and can help you too if you'll bring
your plans in or tell us just what
you contemplate doing. Selling
lumber is only a part of our busi
ness the personal service wc render
our customers beiug of equal im
portance but we're willing to
donate this service for the sake of
thu community and the indorsement
of cur customers, Before making
your final decision on your new
house come in and get at first hand,
the real facts- about this lumber
business and jut what "prlce-per-thousand"
means to you.
"There's No Place Like Home"
Saunders Bros.
Red Clcud, Nebraska
You Like Square Dealing
Yqu appreciate courteous treatment.
When we tell you a thing is so and you
tlnd it to be no your faith in us begins
to grow. After we have told you many
times how thoroughly we can cleanse
and renew men aud women's wearing
apparel. How nice they will look aud
how little it will cost, and every time
you find it just as we told you then
you will take our word at "face value"
and consult us when ever your gar
ments need cleaning, pressing or re
pairing. See the point'.1
Clothes called for aud delivered to
any part of the city.
Cleaner and Dyor
Successor to Will C. Creider
Red Cloud, - Nebraska
Editors Favor Booailnft Edition
Omaha, Neil, June St. Thu plan for
the newspapers of the state to issue a
"boost" edition this fall is meeting
with favor among tho live wire editors
of Nebraska,
Tho plan as suggested by tho Itureau
of Publicity provides for u simultan
eous euitiou lurougiiuuv iuc smic, mu
edition to include a write up of the
state, hs well as a story on the home
town. Kach paper is to send one
thousand copies of the edition outside
of the state.
The plan has the indorsement of the
Nebraska Press Association and was
referred to the executive committee
with power to act. As soon as the de
tails can be arranged, announcement
will be made of the dates.
a S tTh
& For All
The (Diner Bros. Go.
m General Merchants ;
4 Mighty Safe Place to Trade'
iran v
1UG UCllllG Ul
WF you follow the game of good clothes
and keep in touch wiljh the scores,
you know that the best thing for you
is to buy
j Bart Sebaff
and that this store is the place to get
them. ,
Suits in all Models; sacks and Nor
folks; for men and young men at
518. $20. 525, $30 and higher. Best
values ever shown at $25.
r Groceries?! I
A nice fresh clean stock at
all times; bought right sold
as low s any legitimate firm
can offer them.- Try us.
P. 4. Wuilbrandt
The Home Grocery
zzm 5
- - ' i , ZZ. -
625 Elm'Street, - - - Red Cloud, Nebr.
"Chiropractic Fountain Head"
Davenport, Iowa
Caniultatlan and plnal Analyala Frmm
PHbne: Independent aia
of Your -&
69iivrvaaw j
nef $ fta
I llA
1 ,.