-UtA Historical aociei b I ' V- If1 . ...,-', tKirRfl?s y.l--- j i ILqW' y-jy,w.j.t:.sgg "L "JHZ'-'l- 'n'!!IIZ3fflB iMffimyilpi THTr IIDriyr 1 hiY TimBPiMll i f M ' wfllY TBI TMJ iTiii Z - "sSftWWHiBsKTMIEn" VeHMWaEaESSarKJUaaaH fcTTr m Jwt'fBR g n "jisj"" -JLj?jWHFMI m Ml n iMaMeaaflMaFJrMC VvWMKMaw wflaVflaVflaHaPBaVMMBEjVTORtejif - - fc-JJ.i MBB.MMBMBk.i B mb HHEBPfjMKV2TRB A Newspaper That Hives The News Fill) -two Weeks Each Year For $f.til). VOLl'ME XXXXI IIKI) OLiOIJI), N IflUUASKA. ,Il?Ni: LM, .Mil j2' Of Oir til to - - .' 'm7 3.i Put This Government Won't Its Money ,In a bank that does not guarantee it against loss. Why Should You? Jhe United States will not deposit a dollar in a National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. The United States Government can at any time make an investigation of any National Bank and learn all about its resources. But still the Government de mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU have protection. Your deposits in this bank are protected by the State Guaranty Law no matter what happens YOU CAN'T L09K ! - WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA m m m m s m m m The Union Sunday Service The Sunday evening service in the school house pail; w;is well attended. There wcie many more present thrfn iiuld have benn cnmlortubly seated in uu hall in t lie city. Kvcrybody seem ed to he interested and pleased with tliebpiritof Christian unity and fel lowship exhibited. Urothor Colo in,ade tlie opeuiug prayer, Brother Uayne rend the lesion and brother Tompkins H-enchcd the sermon. f He choose for his text the passage, "Choose Ye First the Kingdom of God and IIlsRihteoU9iieN, and Alt These Things Shall Be Added Unto You." secure- this unity of purpose nnil action than these open air union services. Tjio speaker quit while the audience was still eagerly waiting to lieur him longer, which, perhap-. is the best compliment that can he paid to a speaker, and which, unfortunately can not always bu paid to senuoni. Mr. Tompkins lias u good voice, a tine elo(utimt,,nnd the art of keeping Ids hearers expectant. " One surlons defect in the .services was the lack of organization of the music. There ought to be two or three choral anthems from the united choirs and the congregation needs such lead ing us will seoure the hearty partici pation of every voice. Perhaps, if the choirs should take it in turn to be re sponsible for the stage singing, and yet insist on' the other choirs aldlug as mm Bssrass Without saying so, the assumption much as possible, tlm might permit was that the visible church was the ' two or three well rendered autheina kingdom. Without giving a full syu opsis of his discourse, the point that most appealed to us was tbe oonclud ' Ingone, The Christian Church was the great institution that ' stood i for, purity and the sanctity of the borne life, the chastity of the maiden, the loyalty of the wife, and, in conse quence, the charities of the domestic relations While we de not attribute the pre valent reverence for pure womanhood ' entirely to Christianity, there- Is no doubt that the teaching of the Christ ian church baa emphasized that object. While history tells us that the Ger manic races, from their first appear ance were noticeable to their Roman adversaries because of the loyalty of the man to the woman, and the faith fulness of husband and wife to the obligation! of marriage, there cau be ilodoobt that the pure and sweet etbtcs of the gospels hallowed and en ebled the relation of tiMveexei Into chivalrous devotion characteristic of -o other peofle and no other religion. Christianity ' touched the Tentoalc iaamarfw0aa , wltb a 'divine poetry and emotloB, and gave 'It an exaltation, a toae, a life as if from beaten. Tbe speaker urged upon his audience the truth, that, whatever may be the forms qt tbe several churcheei how ever, we ay object to minor points in jemch.or all. of them, every Christian 'organization stood for, championed and battled for that sweet sanctity, Chat lovely purity in the relation of the sexes, upon which Is built the family with its endearments, its aspir ations, its borne building, society building consequences. He emphasized the duty of every taan who desired these results to co operate with the church, and become allitant for the oause. The Chief believes that every ser mon during. the summer might be de Toted to this theme with 'advantage to the community. Tbe Chief believes kat the people of this vicinity will be ,lad to unite tneamlves la a'comawa warfare to TaocoaVplish thWeade. There are Mo peeas more elective' to If a dozen or more scattered in the audience should be charged with the duty of leading those near them, general participation might result. Tbe Chief would like to hear five hundred voices lifted lu a song ser vice, and could readily pardon a trifling discord or a few irregularities in time. District Court Holds Session The district court held a special sesslou on Tuesday, June 21, when tbe following cases were beard: State of Nebraska vs Wm.Qalbralth. Before the court for having broken parole. Paroled again for eoe year on bond of 1300. 'Pardon E. Fairfield vs Isabelle Fair field. Divorce. Plaintiff given leave to file amended petition in ten days and to take further testimony upon payment of costs and alimony. Arthur F. Sohouboe vs A. F. Land berg. Decree of foreoleenre of sale. Stay of twelve months. In the matter of Guardianship of Lola Hilton. Petition in error, sus talned. , June 24th., I9l3,'t o'clock p. m. This hour having heretofore been set aside by the Court for hearing the report of a committee on- resolutione touching the death of former Judge Ed. L. Adams. Said committee consisting of J S. Qllhain, Bernard MoNeny and L H. Blackledge make their report and said resolutions were read and tbe fol lowing members of the bar spoke to the resolutions: J. S, Gilliam, Bernard MoNeny. L. H. Blackledge, Fred Maurer and Harry S. Dungan. Bald resolutions were duly adopted and it was ordered that they bemade a matter of record and spread at large on the minutes of the court. FOR8ALE-J. I. Case Threshing Outfit; engine 23 horse power; sepera tor 30xS8. AU la good rppnlng order, For fall particulars phone or' call on Vavrieka Bretaers. ' One of the Largest Air Ships in America Will fly at the Big Celebration at Red Cloud, July 4th. A big free attraction that is worth corning miles to see. Don't miss it. PROGRAMME For Red Clqud's Biff Celebration To Be Held July 4th -:- 9:30 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 m. Opening Concert by Red Cloud Band and Grand Free Open Air Performance by the famous Harrison Troupe of Cyclists. ' Grand Free Aeroplane Flight by the Celebrated Aviator? Alvin K. Longren, weather conditions per mitting. Exercises at School House Park. Address by Governor John H. Morehead. Vocal and Instrumental Music. Basket Dinner at School House Park, Court House Park, or on Any Lawn or Yard in Red Cloud. 2:00 p; m. Grand Free Open Air Performance by the La Moure Bros, of Minneapolis, Minn. Troupe of Acrobats and Trapeze Performers. 2:30 p. m. Parade to Ball Grounds Headed by Red Cloud Band. 3:00 p. m. . Programme at Ball Park. Free Ball Game, Blue. Hill vs. Red Cloud. RUNNING RACE to Yartl Dask $10. 1st. $& 2d SO Yard Datk $7.50 lit $2.50 2ml Fit Mti't Race $5.0 1st. $2.10 2id. , - aUy't lUce, uder 15 yri. $ 3.91 lit $2.00 M. Sack Race $2.00 1st $1.H 2. 5:00 p. m. Free Open Air Performance at Exhibition Stand on Main Street by the Harrison 1 roupe or Cyclists. Free Aeroplane Flight by Aviator Longren. Grandest Street Carnival and Electrical Illumination Ever Seen in Southern Nebraska. Open Air Per formance by La Moure Bros. Troupe of Acrobats and the Famous Harrison Troupe in Fancy and Acrobatic Bicycle Riding. Bis Concert bv Red Cloud's Famous Band.' -The Main Street Wll be Illuminate by Over 1200 Eiertnc Colored Bulbs. ' " ".'," 7:00 p. m 8:3o p. m. NUMBElt'JG ProeedfiU h the slow consumption tlmt puts Into the vitals of progress. It throttles ambition tuul makes drones of people who would and could "irnike good." Yours ago folks sild, "competition Is the lite of trade." Fiddlesticks! Ideas are the life of trade. Uood idea, well " carried out, are th hack bone of all successful business. The locomotive that pulls tbe "Pennsylvania Special" from New York to Chicago In 18 hours onoe lived hs a big idea in the brain of Stevenson. When we started in the jewelry bu&incts wc hnd a little money nud ii big Idea. The Idea was tn impress on you that wc are s-olllup; the very best In jewelry nt reasonable prices. And Judging from the splendid growth of the business you have tried It out and found it true. iStlJ-tl(oy nie a Tew sceptics a few ".show me" folks. To these we say one little visit one small pur rlnihi' will convince you that wo have the best goods nt tho right price. Try It and prove it. Perhaps you are thinking of making a"glft, .If o, ItereV year cliauue to wive money. (Jems, jewelry, cut glass, watehu.s tuul novelties, silverware an ariuy of bargains are entnpud in our store .Supphse you come in and look them over today while the best are Mill "on dock." You will be glud you came. E. ff fJEWHOUSE elllnf Agents fer South Bond WttchM Red Claud, Near. Rebekahs Hold District Meeting Tbe Bebekab District Association No. 28 held their meeting in Guide Rock last Friday, June So. A large number of Rebekahs from this place were lu attendance and all report hav ing bad an enjoyable time and tbat tbe following program was well render ed: Opeulog of District Meeting... 7 Address of Welcosae Guide Rock Response Hardy Readlag ofeMiautes'. JUUOeilef DeleaetM TretMrer'eJteport School of Instruction Ooiteet of 8eeret Work Blecttoft of Oaacers i. IsiUatioB..: Preaklls- Ciose of Meeting .... ttueio Guide Rock RidlDg Buskin Paper Good of Order Reel Cloud Seeding Quid Rock PP" Superior' Muslo Oowlei The degree staff of Guide Rook In itiated one oandicate. Tbe staff did splendid. The Red Cloud installation team installed the following: Mrs. Woodward, Free., Guide Rock Mrs. Hull Vice Pre., Ruslcln Mrs. Hayden Warden, Franklin Miss Hughes, Seo Guide Rook Mrs. Rose, Trees., Hardy. The district meeting will be held at Franklin next year. After Iodize waa closed. Ice aream an1 n.lra a auvk by the Guide Rook lodge. Guide Rook is a gooi place to go to be royally . -tertslned. v I hart the bMt rtm in th nnnBisx J. farm loans. See ae and be miMu' 4M f nsotto 'rbapt eervlot. ' " A. T. Wautaa, 'i f M l! w, " w A v lift 1 PA ail i ill i mi mi Ml if, : 1 I ill VI li 4 M 'T m swTirMSVtai narfJkMafij m sMif!.. tuitJWftUutt. -eajMMre- .l 4- t. twwrri w dOWK e, r " f f hv ,trSiTfc(Mriweipiiipt JiJ'Wti