The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 19, 1913, Image 4

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Red Cloud, Nebraaksi
Entered In the I'imtt Itlrc nt III 1 ( loud, Nob.
no Second Clans Matter
Yes, Ked Cloud will eolebrnte and
you are Invited. This effort msy not
quite equal Hie dlsplny in Now York
City but It Is nl mod to make tills
year's event the greatest ever pulled
en In this county. Every effort Is be
ing made for your comfort and we
want you to come. llrlng the liable4
and Grandpa.
With nil due respect to the city
Council wo suggest that thu city
should comply with its own ordinances
Some time ago nolieu was served on all
residents of thu city to cut all weedy
mid tall grass found abounding and
abutting on the municipal t hominies,
mid notice also stated that failure to
comply with this request would result
in the city assuming the Job and tlm
costs would bo assessed Hgaiusl the
property. Now a number of citizens
have compiled with this law adopted
by the City Council, their lawns and
ul ley h Hie clean uud neat but the ap
pearance U much spoiled by the muk
vegetation growing in tlu streets.
This is a queer condition of h flairs.
If the city deslies to have all private
property present a splc and span ap
pearance It should tet a good example
bv cleaning the streets. This would
have a most wholesome effect and
citizens would more readily fall in
with the plans of the city futhcis il
they themselves would obey their own
Just what to do with the auto
mobiles is a problem that is confront,
ing the smaller cities of tho state.
Uurown council sought to eonllne thes-e
machines in rest lie ted districts but
owners who have considerable money
invested In their nutos do not like to
leave them where they are. liable to
meet with mishap and thievcty. On
tho other hand it is an injustice to the
merchant uud his customers to luie
the entrance to thu stores stopped up
with' a lot. of machines There arc two
sides to tho question. Merchants
want all the trade they can got and do
not want to drive any trade away by
Irksome regulations. Superior hah
bty upon a plan to stack all machines
iu'the center of the streets thus al
lowing the cars to bo in plain sight
od'tbe stores easy of access. This
plan seems feasible and we believe
ahxmld be given a trial. Owners of
cars seem to think it an Injustice to
them to be forbiddett the streets while
no effort Is made to stop buggies and
wagons from the side walk. Cities
that have a square In tbe center of the
bpsinessi district have escaped the
difficulty. Someplau must be adopted
bo it will be agreeable to all concern
Nebraska Crsa UmAUmm
Report on the condition of Nebrnska
crops June 10th:
Ukkkiiai. Conditions. The o r o p
season for ID ill seems most Mattering.
As noted In tho May report, wheat,
alfalfa, and fruitpiomlse record-breaking
yields. Tho weatjier has been
characterized by generous preclnltu-
Baking Powder
is the greatest of modern
time helps to perfect cake
and biscuit making. Makes
home baking pleasant and
profitable. It renders the
food more digestible and
guarantees it fafe from
alum and all adulterants.
tlon and cold weather, which has hIvoh
small ralu mots excellent chance for
development. Dampness ban been ie
llewd by sunshine Mid warm weather
the first week In June. We have pass
ed through the early season with little
diimnge from Hoods or washing taino.
Tho lush period Is now on with the
farmers, and there Is evety reason to
belluvo that the year will be nn except
tonally profitable one for Nebraska.
Wi.sii.ii Viii:.v,t Reports from vari
ous sources coveting all sections of the
state Indicate that the estimates on
the Nebraska wheat situation have
been exceptionally conservative. They
Indicate a wheat crop condition of
about.107 as compared with the normal.
The llurllngtoti railway has made a
careful atid extended study of the
yheat crop. Their reports for the
week ending June 7 show that tiie
average for the Omaha division wasl0:i
as compared with 101 the week before
On the Lincoln division the estimate
was J0. in compared with 1011, while
tho V)iiinie division reported 100 in-
stead of the 107 of tho week before.
For the .MeCook division the estimate
was DO Instead of 81.
Hut the liuilliu'toii authorities ad
mitted Jthnt tho estimates could bo
atsed 10 to 15 per cent and still be
very conservative. In this regard tho
tabulations agieo witli those of the
State Hoard of Agriculture, 'which in
dicate tho following: Umatm division
105, Lincoln division 107, Wj more div
ision 107, MeCook division 01. On the
MeCook division there was a general
rain after the tabulations were made.
The precipitation was reported as fol
lows: Mi n den .&!, Ked Cloud .'.,"i,
lleiikelmau .-.", liohlrege .7.1, Orleans
l.ul), Imperial .fin, Arapahoe .'2.1, Me
Cook .51.
There can be no doubt that tills rain
fall assisted materially in improving
tho wheat situation.
Si'iiiNO Wiikat, Spring wheat is to
ported in excellent condition, being
held back somewhat by damp, cool
weather. Figures are not yet available
on tiie acrcHgc.
Oats. The OHt situation shows con
tinued improvement with a decided in
crease in acreage. The stand is report
ed salistactory Uud growth has been
Cokn. Accoidiug to the Kiirlington
emulates, corn crop conditions are
ilxcd at 100 per cent as compared with
tint uoimal. The wet weather held
buck the planting, but the entire crop
is now in thegiAuud and theie is every
reason to believe that r0 per cent liur,
boon cultivated once.
(iood growing weather has aided ma
terially in ovcrcSmlug'thc backward
uojs of tho season, and there is no
reiisjn for pessimism in regard to the
outluok on coin,
Ai.r.t.rA. The llrst crop has been
harvested except In the high altitudes.
Tho yield lias been enormous. Grow
ers experienced considerable difllculty
on account of the wet weatjier uud
much of the tlrst crop was spoiled as
to color. ,
Live Stock. The year has been ex
ceptionally good for dairymen and
stock growers. The pastures are in
excellent condition in all parts of .the
state. ,
Fuuit. In genera), the orchardists
are optimistic in the extreme. The
apple crop is expected to break all re
cords, while the peach, cherry, and
berry situatlonls entirely satisfactory.
Damp weather will slightly reduce
the yield of the Winesaps, but all other
varieties are promising the best of
yields. The orchard ex pert 8 are devot
ing their attention to spraying and
many arc already looking for help to
aid in picking uud packing a bumper
Hall was reported in two localities
of eastern Nebraska. Comparatively
little damage was done. Seventeen
year locusts made their appearance
neur Nebraska City, but the damage
will be coullued to the twigs of tins
fruit trees, while the yield will not be
affected for this year. Precautious
have been taken to stop the ravages of
these insects uud the fruit men are
not alarmed by the visitation.
Acrrafir. Reports
Aecoidltig to tho tabulations of NV
biaska assessor there is a tremendous
Increase in the planting of alfalfa for
Itll.'l. If tho average of tho llrst five
eastern counties reporting is continued
Nebraska will pass Kansas and be
first In tho Union in alfalfa acreage
and production. The figures of the
assessors In these counties show nn in
crease of iiO per cent in alfalfa acrcHge.
For winter wheat the Increase in
acreage In five counties has been 'JO
per cent.
On corn the increase lu acreage is
apparently 41 per cent.
Market gardeners report ideal condi
tions. Ktrawbpnies have been excell
ent and small fruits are lu flue condi
tion. The liurliugton crop report
declare; that there will be such a large
cherry yield lu eastern Nebraska that
to harvest and handle the crop will be
Real Estate transfers.
For the week ending June 17th, 101 It.
Compiled by M. V. Carter, Uonded Ab
stracter, lied Cloud, Nebr.
IMwln E. lturr and wife to draco
llagau, wd, iic.f mvf 'Jl '.''. '8 S300
L. II Uust and wife to Hugctio
W. Smith, wd, lots yij. 'J7, ','8
and !'.!, Dlk. 1, Kaley & Jack-
sou's Add lied Cloud
C. U. & , Hail 'loud Co., to Ov
car J. Doos, deed, lots 1, 5, Ulk.
lu, Hlue Hill
.lolimm l'ohl and wife to William
II. Lutsch, wd, lots 1, '-', Ulk. 0
llluo Hill . ...
Leroy E. Spence aud wife to
Henry L. and Helena Curmiue, mM
wd, lot 7, Ulk. 1, Spence's '.hid
Add Itlddeu 17.
I". U. Overman aud wife to
Frank J. Munday, wd, pt An
nex lot lil, lted Cloud 1
E. U. Overman et. ul , to The
Public, Dedication Deed, Annex
lot IS, Uud Cloud
Eugene W. Smith and wife to W.
I 11. Stanley, wd, lots I'd to 29,
lilU. 1. Kaley it Jackson's Add
Red Cloud 70
V. II. Stanley and wife to Frank
& Hurley A. Starr, wd, sjt,
Ulk. Hi, Ked Cloud M0
Grace 1'. Hicks Cousins and
husband to John 1'. Kropp,
wd, lots S, I), 10, Klk. (i, Uladen 900
John P. Kropp and wife to Trus
tees Uladen Lodge No. 1117, 1
O. O. F., wd.lot S, nJi lot '.,
Ulk. 0, Uladen
Charles Hunter to J
0. Silby, qcd, lots
A. and N.
Il, 10, Ulk.
11, Uladen 1
William Irons aud wife to J. A.
and N. O. Silby, wd, lots (!, 7, 8,
,. il), 10, Hlk. 11, Inavale IFiOO
Mortgages filed, Si205.
Mortgages released, 8,000.
A baby girl arrived at the Van lief
lin home last Friday.
Contractor Uain began work on F.
Kelly's new house last week.
' Two of the Carpenter children have
been quite sick tbe past week. , .
Lyman Herrick atd wife of Camp
bell spent Sunday at C. L. Herricks's
Mr. and Mrs. II. Paulson and Mrs.
Morrison visited at Frank Wartnan's
Children's Day exercises at tbe M
E. church Suuday evening were well
attended, the church being crowded to
the limit. The children all did except
ionally well.
Mrs. M. E. Morrison, Who had been
visiting at the borne of her daughter
Mrs. Heury Paulson the past week, re
turned to her home at Helvi'cre .Tues
day. "COWLES
Mr. Daruell has a brother visiting
lilin from the western part of the btute.
(Hen Walker and Clias. Pharcs of
Red Cloud was in Cowles for a short
time Wednesday.
Mrs N'ola Herrick and children cmue
in Wednesday for a short visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mra. W. W.
Homer Hanton of Axtell, Kas., at
tended the funeral of AJr. Morso. He
use to work on the farm for Mr. Morse
and had known him for over thirty
Mr Kanun Sprinkle and Ed Hill
went west In the new Ford car last
Saturday returning home Tuesday.
Mr. Hill says it Is pretty 'dry out a
round MeCook and Wilsonvllle.
Mrs. C, C. Dennett has been enjoying
a visit from her brother, Mr. 11. Todd
of California. He left Monday for
Illluols where ho has a son residing.
Mr, Todd holds a position as a brldgu
inspector lor one of the branches of
the Union Pacific Road.
The passenger train Tuesday even
ing ran into a hand car loaded with
cable wire, used in guying the posts of
the telegraph line. The engine tossed
the car off the track and proceeded to
tangle up the ball of wire and take it
along. All went well unttll tbe sect
ion platform was reached then it
picked it up and took it along for1
nuaaoer or rods before they could
stop. No damage of any consequence
was uooe.
Base Ball! Base Ball!
Nebraska State
Sunday, June 22
With Kearney Also
June 20-2)1
June 23-24-25
With Columbus
Games Called at
3 p. m.
Admission 25c
Grand Stand 15c
This coupon will admit bearer
to grand stand free JuncISlh.
Red Cloud
Dr. E. V. Wedemeyer
Veterinary Surgeon,
Physician and Dentist
OFFICE: Uriel; Livery Burn
Both Phones 8:2
Ilotiie I'honu Rural a.'ll
Red Cloud, Nebraska
E. A. Creighton,
M. D.
To make more money during your
spare hours than at your regular
work. Become a salesman. An old,
well-established automobile manufac
turing company wants an agent In
every township and district where It
has oo representative. You need no
experience. You can sell your neigh
bor.. Some of your neighbors are go
ing to buy cars. Why don't yon sell
,fbem? Will you do It now or will you
miss the opportunity? ... .
.Write this minute to . . 1k
Great Western AntemeMIe Ct
Pen, lit
Cut Your Weeds.
As the city authorities are going to
have the streets between the terraces
cleared of weeds, all citizens of lted
Cloud and owners of vneant lots aie
requested to cut the weeds on their
property and terraces. If weeds are
uot cut, the city will have them cut
and the, uost taxed nguinut the prop
erty its piovided hy ordinances,
l). I:. S.iuXDGiia, Mayor.
Estimate of Expenses.
The Annual estimate ol i:xiciimh lor
riHcal YenremllUK May IUU anil UoveiiucH
for year uiuIIiik May itlliluf Hie City "1 Heil
liloiul Nebraska an nilupieil by the City
Council at tin Ittuliir Adjournt.l meeting
heldJunolu, lui.l.
OlIlccrH SularleK ., t MO
Streets, Alleys, Cross W'uIkH, ami
mruut.Kxteiitlou .
Law and order Includ'K City Attorney
and Marshall . .'. .. ... I'JOO
LltlKatlun 100
Hcnu IncltwUkt; i'lru Dcji't and Wntur.. 610
KIetluiiN 7&
I'oor- so
Salary Water and Unlit Kut lUX)
Hatary 1st Knglneor...... uoo
Salary 'Jn Knglneur . 780
Fuel tiouo
Oil mid Wnito uoo
liettirmtntK Water aud Unlit System UOoo
Olllce Kxpenso Water and Light Dept. UK)
Kxtralieli Water and Light Dent - :uu
Interest on Water lloiuls 1010
Intertut on Klectrlc Light lloiuls 4,'i)
Sinking (uud lletlrlug Water lloiuls 1100
MtsvellaueouH Kxpeuses ............. I W0
. '1000
ltuveuuvH (or year ending May l'.UX
Occupation l'uiul .....f tiSll U)
Water (Cost) Fund Sloj IK
Water Levy Fund ISK 00
Ueneral Fund . :t)(0 00
Klectrlc Light (Cost) Fund............... 97(H H
Klectrlc Light Levy Fund 'JltfO 00
Judgment Fund . 32BO 73
Firemen's Fund........ . i 170 00
KU497 02
Intcretton Water lloudi K percent. 1210 00
Interest on Klectrlc Light Uouds
83 percent vtl W)
3I(H ia
, rawed aad approved J une 10, 181.1.
O. c Tbil, I). K. Haundisks,
(Beat) city clerk. Mayor.
? For All
The (Diner
'A Mighty Safe
mssnssss b ssssni
Tbe Game of
F you follow the game of good clothes
and keen in touch with thp crnrpc
t l
you know that the
is to buy
flart SGhaffneF & jJarx
and that this store, is the place to get
Suits in all Models; sacks and Nor
folks: for men and young men at
$18. $20, $25. $30 and higher. Best
values ever shown at $25.
33 ai. esi
On Building Lumber
Is not infrequently used
by matin-
faeturers of substitutes to
con f iiso
prospective home builders, but to
the man who knows quality, the
characteristics of tho different fav
ored building woods and their prop
er application, this bugbear causes
littlo apprehension. We've helped
many builders righ here at home
bent tho building game to a .frazzle
nnd can help you too if you'll bring
your plans in or tell us just what
you contemplate doing. Selling
lumber is only a part or our busi
ness the personal service we render
our customers being or equal im
portance but we're willing to
donate this service for the sake of
the community aud the indorsement
of our customers, lleforo making
your tinal decision on your new
house come iu and get at first hand
tho real facts about this lumber
business and just what "price-per-thousand"
means to you.
inert'. Ne Place like Mm"
Sawders Bros.
lb M. Nebratki
Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars at
Warren's Bestaurant.
of Your -4
Bros. Go.
Place to Trade'
Good Clothes
best thing for you .
You Like Square Dealing
You appreciate courteous treatment.
When we tell you a thing is so and you
find it to be so your faith in us begins
to grow. After we have told you many
times how thoroughly we 'can cleanse
and renew men aud women's wearing
appaiel. JIow nice they will look and
how little it will cost, and every time
you find it just as we told you then
you will tHfce our word at "face value"
and consult us when ever your gar
ments need cleaning, pressing or re
pairing. See the point'.1
Clothes called for and delivered
any part of the city.
CMfi an Oyr
uceeeeer te Will C. Crekfer
RedClewl, Nebraska
Special attention given to diseases
or eye and ear. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stoeknan, Red Cloud, Nebr.