A i r I X t. .u I (vl l m'i .- it an ' U i f - , HBMHBHBnH SiIT,' S C02WWNC TO (red cloudI ONE SOLID WEEK STARTING Monday, June 16 15he Lewis Stock Co. Presenting a Repetoire of High Class Plays OPENING PLAY rHE WHIRLPOOL" A A Scnatttonal 4-Act Comedy Drama Show Lot South Hansen Laundry Under Waterproof Canvas Theatre PRICES: Adults 35c. -:- Children 25c DOORS OPEN 7:30 -:- CURTAIN 8:30 i ' " ' ' - . FOX Sl S7VTELSER G Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators D When, in need of anything in our line give us a trial. We ate confident that we can please you. Rural Phona 199 -;- mall Phone miaek 227 RED CLOUD, - -J . NEBRASKA RALPH E. CAMP, D. C 62S Elm StrMt. ... ffii c.a u.i. I GRADUATE OF TJaVmev ScWV o Cvopvacvc "Chiropractic Fountain Head" Davenport, laws Cantuttatlan ang Bmlmal AnalyaJa Pram Phone: Independent aia VA CA TION TOURS THROUGH THE WEST lUMMffff 1913 ' PACIFIC COA9T: IO.i-yl.yHxoir8lon fares from June 1st, to San Francisco Loh Aiitfulot. Jutland and Seattle witU approximate hash inn i ,ii, ,L,r i,nVo,.",f.,tt.ctVS,Th shJ "-. '" YKLLOW9TONK PA)Kt This i ecreatloii land will bo opaneil about Juno 10th. There ar il k lu.U of vacation tours, either rail .u.l coach!,. tours, rill ami camplni Low exunrton rate to Denver, Colorado reports, Estes Park Hot m. a, ror, rct Agant. L. W. WXKKLKY, Qanaraimaaaangar Don't Be A Sucker Scientific famine a .' Akinm fc wy oirf yfcd o vour com and remove tht .. aaaaaaaaaaaHBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV ' -asis-ar - I ; , Ed. Hanson I sMBaaaafcaaal IXCLUS1VI AGINT BaaaBBaaBBsaaJ . Hanson 1 OoW Hdw. Ip. Co., RW Cloni, Net. 4aPaaaaaaaaBjBjBjBBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBBaj I To keep mosquitoes away ajt tiilit mix an ounce of oil of citrouella and spii its of camphor with a half ounce of oil of cedar. A few drops on a bath towel huns at the head of the'bed will usual ly keep the mosquitoes away. 'SEEKS TO CREATE IMMUNITY Movement In Pittsburgh to Combat Tuberculosis by Safeguarding tho Health of tho Sablea. ' An Interesting experiment for the purpose of creating Immunity against (tuberculosis Is being tried In Pitts 'burgh under the .dlrectlqn of the Tu berculosis league of that city. Dr. Wljllam Charles White, medical- di rector of the league, says it will prob ably tako ten years before definite re ults of the work will be appreciated. The experiment Is being conducted on the theory that much, if not allJtuber .culosia Infection .begins .In 'qhildhopd. In vloyc-f thhi.fact, tho league Is aim ing to suporylse thp growth, of every baby born for the nqxt .ten, .years. In tho South sldo, district of 'Pittsburgh. Tho babies and their inothps vwll be taken In chargq atUie blr,th'of the In fant, and everything possible will bo done to Increase tho resisting power of the child to dlscaso and,,to make It thereby lmmuno to tuberculosis Infec tion. Tho theory of tho society Is that by fortifying tho body In tho earliest period of a chlld'B life, tho In fant will, In roost cases, become' Im mune to tho cf-spayeB with, which he redity and environment may threat en it. . t OIj i It Reminded Him of Something. "I fear tho beautiful institution of friendship is slowly decadent," com mented Mrs. Knox, with ,a hopeless shako of her expressive head. "Alas, one's coterie of true friends Is very small, these days. I, for one, long ago Jald aside the sugar-tongs with which to handle mine I give sincerity and I demand sincerity in return." Oliver Knox looked up from his magazine with a dubious smile. "You Just think you do, Amy but don't be Hove everything that comes into that little head of yours. The trouble with you idealistic women is that you ex peet your friends to pretend to n deraUad yourselves. Oh, uk, by the way. I Jt thought of soaaethlag I never fixed that door la the basement you told ate about last week. I thiak 111 go and do It this minute." Mere Pellteneee fer Tokle Pellee. Since the appointment of Mr. Aa raku aa the superintendent .of the Metropolitan Police bureau, instruc tions have been given to the chiefs of the police stations In the city in connection with the better treatment of the public, in order to prevent un necessary ill feeling on the part or the people. The new superintendent has issued another Instruction to modify the language used by the po lice to a more ppllte form. Hitherto, the police have been accustomed to use unrefined language In the impera tive mobd, such as "01! oil" or "Kora! koral" which signify, "Hi! hi!" or "Here! here!" These utter ances will be replaced with more po lite and gentlo words, such as "Moshl, moshl." or "Halloo! Please sir!" London Telegraph. Agt. Base Ball! Base Ball! AT SUPERIOR Nebraska State League JUNE 13 th Games Called at 3 p. m. Admission 25c Graid Stud 15c This coupon will admit bearer to grand stand free June IfJth. Preventing Mosquitoes The destruction ofj mosquitoes bis 'received considerable attention at the hands of ttclentints. niltnlnatliif- these pests Is often simple. First destroy nil breeding places. Wliure the rain water bane' uud the rulu water tank are iucesaiy tin y should be ticrceued. About a house the waste places In the Immediate vicinity should be curefully starched for tin cans, wooden or tin boxes or other recoptaclos in which water cull accumulate. These should be destroy ed or carried awny( Koof Kutteia should) 1)0 uxnmlticd for pools of watir. The chicken pans in the poultry yaul, thu water ill Hie Itoiixlis for domestic animals, and the 'water cup of the Kiindstc nu aio places wheic mosquito es will bleed and water should not be allowed to Hlaiid In them for tuoie than a day at a time. Water In llowt-r vafcts should be loolced after. Mosquitoes will also bteud in vutor pltuheis in un used guest looms, pipes under station eiy wash stands and other unsup,t,t ed places. 1'or ponds and neoes'ai.v bodies of water the larvae may be hill ed by use of crude oil which Is allowed t HDieail over tho'-urfnco'tlip w:it". "p i mm i mm-amL WEESNER, PERRY 8 CCVS I BIU &PMJAL SALE OF WHSH GOODS s "--------------esBWBsaBjsaaBssjB-si Commences Saturday, June 7th AND Closes Saturday, June 21st Our buyer was in market and picked up a lot of Summer Wash Goods at just about half price. We are going to give our trade the benefit of this buy. and will put them on sale in three lots priced at 10c, 15c and 25c per yard. In addition to the Wash Goods we are offering the following bargains- . . 57 in Swiss Eui In older v at per yd 45c 4.1-ln Swiss Embroidery at per vl 48c 45-in Embroidered Voiles nt per yd COc 32-ln Fine Ulnghams at per yd lOc I2jc Shirting at per yd 03o 17-in Hleached Toweling at per yd 08c 15c Long Cloth, a 10 yd bolt for $1 10 - Bargains From the Readv-fn-wpar nnarf-mAt. One Lot of Ladies' House Dresses that sold up to 91.50 at 98c each One Lot ol Shirt Waiata at 98c. 20 Per Cent Discount on Woo! Dresses 28 Per Cent Discount on Wool Skirts 33 1-3 Per Cent Off on Sprint; Coats 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount on Suits We have lots of other special bargains in this sale which we have not room to list here which will make this the biggest money saving sale ever held in Red Cloud, .v .--. " r Remember we are the store that pays the cash for produce. We do not five out anv chin nnr arrnf anv nn !,.. .i.... ur - rf r- -.---r- Weesner, Perry S Go -aal' 'lar..saaaaarsi.asiaB 1 aiMB---" ' i i MM . " " """ " Give Your Lawn A Hair Cut . . Now is the time to buy that Lawn Mower you needed last year and did hot get. We have a full lint, of The Daisy, Cardinal and Overall lUooiers In both the solid and divided reel patterns at prices to suit every purse. Fully guaranteed., I ' ' Edward Hardware and suiv tuivv, .- T j- 9 4 BIcAcTied Sheeting nt per vi! a ii n-w. tj..i ..a . . 111 "" nnes at per yd o0o All 40c Ratines at per jd 3-j All GOc Ratines at per yd . ,' 4q0 81 Oo Wash Silks, .'10-in wide, yd!!.. ".'!.'.". iiisse 8:o Grade Wash Silks, 30-in w ide, yd 70o 36in Silk and Wool Poplin at yd $1 oo 1 00 Grade Messallne Silk, yd 85o - vm siuics. T?e pay casn. Hanson Implements 5. NCR m N i iyj 7A I i J . "i.-ff' 1 (A . vt V i U