atoiU5JLatiSJll swijtj , ,'.. , -Hi(!iJwiHSXAWr.4-JWr,W 1 X Head of the UsBSbsWmLV j ?'79wlv ' " rTii'r&'f?j yoS svcXaByhB The strange cliff-Buddha of Kiatang, whose head is here pictured, is about 150 feet in height. It Is full length and the feet are washed by a foam ing mountain torrent. It was, Indeed, to guard against the dangers of the rapids here that the figure was cut In the cliff-side by the life-long labor of a tingle priest. The rock is rather. soft and, as can be seen, there is much earth In the crevices which has been utilized for a monstrous growth of hair, eyebrows and mustache. GRAVE OF "PRINCE" CARROLL Un in iSl i 7.TJ If--, H UilTt'W' f,fJ lmw-uaifciNi ..'; It is not unusual for a dog, the pet of a family, to bo given burial on the stato of his owner, and It often hap pens that a tablet of ono kind or an other is erected to his memory. Dut It is seldom that theso things fall to the lot of a horso, although In his liv ing hours he may havo been none the less faithful to his master's interests. "Princo" Carroll's Ufa was unusual ly happy if horses can be happy mnd now IiIb grave Is marked by a fine monument. His home was at Gorham, Mo. His master, John. Carroll, a man of means, loved blm. Prince had a playground all hlB own, whero he dally romped, forget ting his advancing years. And when ISM if 1 U.,hwMyiiijifii;''n'W)';'Mf sjMW'isrfiwwwwVWi Wonderful Painted House In Locarno on Lake Maggiore stands the remarkable painted houca here shown. The formerly blank side of the building has been painted to represent the front entrance of a large villa. The Illusion Is perfect until one has approached very close to the house. Then only Is It seen that the loggia, the window with bojtle glass panes, the projecting side column with gar goyle and cornice, the foliage on the arbor, the round window under the caves and all the sculptured decorations art merely painted on a flat surface f cement Cliff - Buddha ho died not long ago John Carroll saw to It that he had more than a decent burial within plain sight of tho Car roll homestead. The grave is marked by a monument which bears tho In scription: "A Loving and Faithful Friend, Prince." , HENS THAT HATCH FISH As is generally known, a big quanti ty of fish spawn is annually lost. To avoid this, fish rearers In China care tully collect spawn from tho surface of tho water, and when they havo fee cured a sulllclent quantity they take a number of hens' eggs, tho contents of which havo been carefully emptied through a Hmnll aperture, and refill tho bIibIIb with the spawn. .Tho holes are then sealed up, and tho eggs put under broody henB. Tho henB aro allowed to Incubate tho eggs for a ccrtnln number of dayB, when the eggs aro again broken and their contents put Into water that has been previously warmed by the sun. In a very short spaco of time the spawn hatches, and tho young fry aro then kopt in pure, fresh water until they attain a sufficient size to be put Into the ponds containing old er tish. The Chinese have long under stood all the Intricacies of incubation, and wero amongst tho first to use In cubators for tho hatching of hens' eggs, long before such machines wero made in this country. At ono time a considerable business was done ln this Btylo of spawn hatching. Week ly Scotchman. FIGHTING SEA-SICKNESS I At last, It Is claimed, sea sickness tn going to bo abolished. The groscopo Ib what 1 relied upon to accomplish this exceedingly desirable consumtiia tlon. You Install n graduated selec tion of these sclcntlllc double spin-nlng-tops aboard our ship, and forth with she ceases to roll or pitch. So, at least, says tho Inventor of tho apparatus; but tho ordinary Indi vidual will probably "hao his doots." Ho has heard the samo story beforo. For Instance, thero was the famous anti-seasick steamer, Hessemer, with Its adJUBtnblo "swinging oaloon," which, It was intended, should always praBcrvD a horizontal floor. Ab a mat ter of fact, tho Hessemer rolled worse than any tramp. Yet another attempt to overcome tho evil was that made by a French man named Llazln. In elTect, his idea was to construct u steamer on wheels, Not paddle-wheels, be It understood, but seinl-submerged hollow steel discs, which should i oil partly tliioiigh and partly over the water, bearing the ves sel with them. Alus for his hopes! Tho roller boat proved Impracticable even In smooth water, while In rough, for which It was specially designed, It simply would not go tit all. LAKE DRIES, THEN REFILLS Near l.orrach, In tho Mack Forest, Is the strangest lalto in tho world. It Ib called tho Klchener Seo, and Is per fectly dry for from ton to thirteen years nt a tlmo, after which periods subterranean springs rellll the lake without any pro lous warning, Hooding and destroying any crops that havo been planted. Tho soil In the bed of tho lake Is very productlvo, but tho farmers and peasants never know In what year their work will bo useless nnd their young crops "drowned." A few weeks ago tho Klchener Seo, after hnvlng.boen dry for tho last ten yeuro, began rulllllng with water, which in tho deepest part Is now fifteen feet, tho uverago depth being twelvo feet. Tho wntora of tho lako generally re main a year or two, and then gradual ly disappear Into tho earth, leaving a rich soil behind. LADIES' HATS IN KOREA Tho illustration shows a Korean maid attired in the latest product of tho native milliner. It Is probable that to Korean eyes American fern Inino headgear would appear as out landish us this does to ours. TWICE-PAWNED CROWN To carry on tho war In tho Balkans tho Turkish government havo pawned tho crown Jewels, and this has recall ed tho fact that tho crown Jewels of Kngland were on at least two occa sions placed In tho safe-keeping of "my undo." They wero pawned to tho Lombard merchants of London by Ed ward III. In 133!) and by Henry V. In 1115, In both cases to meet tho charges of tho monarchs specially do lighted. So far as Is known the crown Jewels of Scotland never saw tho inside of tho pawnshop, though they wero lost on ono occasion forHovcral years. BEE SWARM SEIZES AN AUTO At San Ilernardino, Cal., a big swarm of bees took possession of an automobile belonging to W. II. Rogers, which wns standing in front of a chop house. It is believed tho bees mis took tho hood and radiator for a hive. It wob a long time beforo thoy could bo coaxed Into a box, nnd tho opera tion attracted a big crowd, many of whom wero stung as the result of their curiosity. WORD'S BIGGEST SCREWS The longest screws in the world havo recently been turned out of a Pennsylvania engineering works. Tho castings aro screws uboi In a machlno for pressing oil from fish. Each screw is 19 feot 4 inches lontf, and tho thread upon It la 29 V4 Inches wido at tlio largo end and 20 inches at the small jnd. Tho sharp on which tho thread Is formed has a six-Inch core running through Its entiro length. NATIONAL SUNMTSCIiOOL Lesson (By 13. O. SKM.UKH, Wroctor of Kvcnlnw Department, Tlio Moody Hltilo Inntltuttv Chicago.) LESSON FOR JUNE 15 JACOB BEFORE PHARAOH I.nsSON TKXT-Clon. 7:M2. GOLUKN Tr.XT-"To them that lovn God nil thinks work together for Rood." Horn. H'.iS, 11. V. I. Joseph and Jacob, vv. 1-C. Jos eph's meeting with his ugod father la u beautiful picture. Agulu Judah comes Into promlnenco as a sort of ambassador in leading tlio old man Into this new land and to present him beforo his son, who now Is exalted so highly among the ruhuB of tho earth. In this ho Is a prophecy of that day when the descendants of Jacob shall gather before llliu "whom they pierced." Joseph does not await their coming but "went up to meet them" (4(5:29) us they passed thiough tho provlnco of (ioshen. It Ih true that Jacob and his sons cntno to Kgpl nt Pharaoh's personal .invitation (45:17, IS), yet thero wero sufficient lensoiiH why Joseph might havo been ashnmed of, or fearful to associate with, theso his kinsmen. 111b fathor was a plain countryman. Ills brothers weio not an altogether reputable crowd. And, further, they wero shepherds and "every shepherd 1b an abomination unto tho Egypt Inns" (4G:34). lint they aro his brethren nnd ho was glad to confess them even as Christ will gladly confess us. Joseph's Great Wisdom. Wo have hero another evidence of Joseph's great wisdom in that ho coin, mands 'tliein to remain in Goshen whllo ho goes beforo them unto Pha raoh to pieparo tho way. Even so not all ate to come nt once Into Pha raoh's prcbencc (47:2). In ActB 7:13 wo read that this cavalcade consisted of three score and llfteen souls, though this probably did not includo slaves nnd other dependents. It Ib very significant that Joseph Bccures Goshen( for his kinsfolk. It wns near to himself (15:10); It was separated from all unnecesnary contact with tho Egyptians (v. 34) and It was a placo superior to all othcra for them as herdsmen (v. G). Joseph anticipates Pharaoh's question (v. 3) and gavo his brothers instruction how .to an Bwer, but they seom to havo gone somewhat beyond in that they raako request that they might dwell in Goshen. Joseph charged them to speak of themselves as keepers 0)f cattlo. II. Jacob and Pharaoh, vv. 7-12. Pharaoh does not seem to bo overly enthusiastic over theso flvo brothers whom Joseph presented (v. C). Asldo from tho fact that they wero Joseph's brothers, thero was nothing to com mend them. No more havo wo any thing to commend us In tho sight of God except that wo nro Chrlst'B brethren; though that Ib an abund ance. Pharaoh and Jacob. Tho plcturo of old Jacob in tho presence of Pharaoh Ib striking In ono respect at least, tho fact that ho who came to this land for tho blessing of tho sustcnanco of life, should bless Pharaoh. Jacob confer red upon Pharaoh In his blessing inoro than Pharaoh conferred upon Jacob by tho opening of all Egypt to him self nnd his family. Thin act upon tho part of Jacob la suggestive of tho dignity of age, and significant In Us revelation of Jacob's relation to, and knowledge of, tho purposes of God. Pharaoh inquires as to Jacob'B age and ho replies that his "pilgrimage" bad been 120 years. lie who bad entered Into all tho rights of tbo birth right and the blessings of God's cove nant people, exercised those rights when he stands beforo tho great Pha raoh. He bad caught tho truth that an earthly life is but a pilgrimage. Conclusion. Not included in our lesson, but in this section, wo havo set beforo us Joseph's administration of the affairs of Egypt which glvo us further insight Into tho greatness of thia" man. In tho close dV tho lesson proper, veraen 11-12, thero Is presented to us Joseph's provision for his father and his brethren. This is a typo of Christ in ils caro for us. In tjio midst of dangers (Jno. 10:10, 2S) nnd famine, and misunderstanding Ho i& over near. Joseph la now satisfied for ho has '.is own near unto him. Jesus Christ Is longing that we may bo with Iflm in tht placo which No hnB gone to prepare for us, John 11:2, :, 17, 24, though Ho has not left us comfortless during these day of separation, John 11:23. Joseph fed Ills brothers on tho best tho land afforded (v. 11), oven bo wo may havo tho old corn (Josh. C:ll) and the new wlno (Prov. 3:9, 10). Wo thus see bow God Ib work ing out His purpose concerning tho Hebrew people, Taken away from tho peril into which Judah fell (chapter 38), and the threatened famine, also from tho hos tility of the other shepherd racea among 'whom they dwelt, thoy ore brought into Egypt and aro thero sep arated and yet supplied as God's plan develops and they becomo big enough and ready to bo lod back Into their promised possession Canaan. God'e plan works for both tho Immediate and the ultimate. The true .value ol any experience Is not within the ex porlcnco of the boor. Tho exllo ol today Is the princely possessor of to Borrow. UniEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Wymoto will have n ehnutauqua In July. Tho village of Stelnnuor Is getting ready Tor electric lights. Citizens of lleatrlco nro talking of csturfllshlug a horse market. Nearly 3,000 people attended tho first open-air band concert at Hastings, Funeral directors of tho stato will convene at Lincoln, Juno 10, 11 nnd 12. Norfolk la considering tho advisa bility of purchasing an autotnobllo lire truck. Tho state Sunday school convention will bo held nt Lincoln, Juno 17, IS and 19. lllshop Tlhon confirmed a class ol over 100 nt tho Catholic church nt Wnhoo, recently. Dog poisoners are killing off the valuable animals nt Wyinoro, giving tho cuts the go by. Lightning struck tho elevator nt Scotia. Monday, destroying the strut' tute and Its contents, A carnival company opened nt Val entine Tiiemlny and tlio city waa etnuded all the week. The Hcbekah lodge of York Initiat ed twcho new members Into that older Tuesday evening. MusiclnuH ol Fnlrbtiry will hold their annual picnic at lleatrlco the second Sunday in Angst. The hitching post question, which has been agitating Ficmont, will likely ho settled by a compromise. Great damage to wheat fields In the vicinity of Fremont Is thought to havo been caused by the Hessian tly. Four cars of hogs were shipped out of Deshler ono day last week, for which over $0,000 was paid out. Tho Thayer county Institute will he held nt tho court houso In Hebron during tho chniitatiqua, August 11 to 15. Tho graduating class of the Fre mont high school has set a limit of llvo dollars on tho cost of graduating frocks. Mrs. John Gllmoro was burned to death nt llrokcn How whllo trying tc fill a gasoline stovo which sho sup posed empty. While trying to subdue a fraction! pony, Postmaster Jules Hanmont ol llrokcn How was seriously Injured about the head and body. V. CJPnikcr, a Young Men's Chris (Inn association swimming expert, hns launched a swimming school at the Fremont association's nntatorlum. Tho Methodist, Presbyterian and Christian churches of Plattsmouth havo begun a revival campaign which will Inst during tho month of June. While tho little son of J. It. Grimes of Callaway was riding a pony ho wns thrown from tho anlmnl's back and re ceived a frncturo of tho arm nt tho elbow. From Juno 12 to 22, a Chautauqua will bo hold In lleatrlco. The jnrk commissioners havo granted permis sion to hold tlio. chautauqua nt tho Charley park. According to ihe lntest report of the fedoral land odlce, thero aro 832,750 acres of Nebraska land still subject to entry. Much of this Is in the sand hill region of tho state. According to a decision of tho Hast ings hoard of education teachers ol tho city schools nro not allowed to nc copt Rifts nt tho hands of pupils dur ing tho services In tho schools. Prof. T. C. Tlllotson of Abilene, Knn., has been clcctod supervisor of music In tho schools of lleatrlco to succeed Prof. L. F. Stoddard, resigned. Fred Loseo was found dend In a ham yard at his homo near Hnstlngs. He was a largo man, weighing over 250 pounds, nnd It is thoughtovcr ex ertion In the heat caused his death. Mnrguerlto McLaughlin, a six-year-old girl near Mnrslaud, died from tho effects of a blow In tho. head, caused by venturing too closo to a board her brother wus swinging at arm's length. Tho Fnrmors' Croamory company of Hcmlngford Is taxed to its capacity al ready In tho season. Owing to tho heavy run of cream It Is necessary to operate tho creamery Sunday to keep up. Open air band concorts will bo ?lvon nt Hastings weekly during tho summer. Postmnsters of tho state will gather at Lincoln next week for their annual convention. Mrs. Henry Shaffer of Humboldt, whllo disking for her husband, was thrown from tho plow ns It rnn over a Btump, and sustained sovoral severo cuts. Grading tho ronds of Gage county, lining the Inhcrltnnco tnx funds mndo avallablo by a bill passed by tho lust legislature, Is being pushed rapidly In all parts of tho county. Tho Uov. Charles It. Scovllle, who recently conducted tho big revival in Lincoln, Is now at work In Nomnjia county. Fruit, growers of southeast Nebras ka are apprehonslvo that help to gath er tholr immense apple crop Is going to ho hard to secure. ' Mall carriers on tho two rural routes out of Deshler havo purchased automobiles and aro making their de liveries of mail with them. Leonard Hadnchek of Wyinoro noarly lost a finger when a hook at tached to a trout lino caught it as ho threw tho heavy slnkor in tho river. Tho cherry crop promlsos to bo so big In Lancaster county that tho fruit will be a drug on tho mnrket. Fremont will enforce her' curfow ordinnnce, and no children will ho al lowed on tho streetB after nine o'clock unless In care of a parent or guardian. Six head of young work horses be longing to Ed Abler, and valued nt 51,100, wero killed by ono boK of lightning in his pasturo near Croston. Jofferson county farmers are busily engaged in cutting tholr first crop ol alfalfa. Thoy report tho crop bottor this year than It has been for a num. ber of yean. THOSE RHEUMATIC TWINGES Much of tlio rheu matic pain that comes in damp, changing weather it the work of uric acid crystals. Needles couldn't cut, tear or hurt any W'orse when tho af fected muscle joint is used. If such attacks are marked with head ache, backache, diz ziness and disturb ances of the urine, it's time to help the wenkened kidneys. Do an's Kidney Pills quickly help sick kidneys. A MIcHljftin Cttao .1mlll llcxiTcr. :in M Cittinrlnn SI.. nT Mlih . itrMt "Mr tiAi-k ffnt mi Imtl 1 rntlMri iioiia of rr. iniii-n noriuii , intit i nan omit ilonli mill n't. Ikirtm tull-vl tn lixlp m, mid 1 wnmwlr Itilu tn.) rk. Donn'n Klil nor I'llt nrlll tight tn llin Mint, tlirrn Imii, rnrltn! iiiecuinulvW-lf. 1 tuTo liu no truublo linen' Gil Dona's l Anr Store. SOe Bos DOAN'S WAV FOSTERMIUIURN CO., DUFrALO. N. Y. SAW HOPE FOR THE BEAR Dirthday Gift Had Every Possibility of Doing Received as One of the' Family. Pago, a trim little southerner, Is lav ishly endowed with tho traditional "family spirit." His sensd of family. Indeed, Is so strong that ho regards any ono or anything belonging to bis own household ns In some mysterious but very real way superior to all Uie of tho world. Pago has a dog whom ho loves very dearly, and It grieved him much when, not long since, Jlckoy declined to havo anything to do with tho stuffed boar Hint camn as a birthday gift. Present ly, however, ho becamo normally; cheerful and began to play happily.1 A visitor sympathetically inquired it Jlckoy hns decided to adopt tho new bear as his frlond. "Not yet," Pago made smiling an Bwor, "but ho will soon, Aunt Annie. You see, -.llckcy's only a dog and he doesn't think ns quick an wo do. He thinks tho bear is only paying a call hero. Hut Just as soon ns ho knows that the bear Is ono of tho family boTJ tnko to him nil right." Many Plants "Left-Handed." Habits of plants analogous to the right-handedness nnd loft-handednoss of man havo been roportcd to the Cambridge, England, Philosophical society by R. II. Compton. In nn examination of eight varieties of two-rowed barley tho first leaf waa found to twist to tho left in 58 per cent, of moro than 12,000 seedlings, und nn excess of loft-handed growth was found also in millet and In oats. In corn thero seemed to bo no mark ed tendencyvclther way. No evidence of hereditary peculiarity nppears to havo been obtained nnd no qpeclal significance- of tho results Is pointed out Solving a Problem In Arithmetic. Little Marlon was busy with her "homo work." After a great many perplexed frowns nnd much nibbling at her pencil sho looked up and said: "Tho only answer that I can got to thlB exnmplo Is flvo and three-fourths horses. Do you 'sposo that is right, mnmma?" "Well, I don't know," answered her mother, cautiously. "It sounds rather queer." A long pause; then tho small arith metician's face lit up with a smile. "Oh, I know," sho cried. "I'll reduce tho three-fourths horses to colts." Ad Homlnem. Man with the Dulbous Nose One or two baths a week, I tell you, are about all a busy man has time to tako. Man with the Bulging Brow How do you knowT A heavy sermon znaketb a light col lection plate. In Summer When the body needs but little food, that little should be appetizing and nourishing. Then about' the best and most convenient thing one can have handy is a package of Post ' Toasties t This food is fully cook ed crisp, delicious and ready to serve direct from the package. Post Toasties with fresh strawberries and cream are hard to beat "The Memory Lingers" Soil by f rocers. f Poitura Cere ftl Company, Limited, i Battle Crwk, Mich., U. S. A. I I ' v m i'Mi ! HI 1 4 i ' 'rfi 1 ' 9 1 i f 4 i " ,