The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 05, 1913, Image 8

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Vvi t'iw(iMxj!n,utTilw " oT"v5""r
'!" f A J
IJcul fcstatc transfers.
a.4iHI .j JU iH. MAAm.TH
WWfffiWP'WW&ti Mr W WatfiWlBHWW
i i
i .
day, Jiuie 14th
1-Vl. Tt "" Mi-wr t3eyvi".' ?r- .rTT-
In I tie
Sli 7? jQ 1
Ms? W du St
1st Prize Ford Touring Car
2nd Prize Diamond .Ring
3rd Prize-Gold Watch
The following voting schedule
iviU be in effect through the rest
of the contest:
Voting Schedule and Subscription Rate
The following voting schedule and subscription rate
will hold good during the remainder of the Contest:
hi ef one year $1.50, (new subscription) counts 1000 voles.
Chief one year S1.E0, (old subscription) counts 700 votes.
Nebraska Farmer to January 1 1915. S1.00 counts 1000 votes.
Chief (new subscription) one year and the Nebraska
Farmer until January 1, 1915. for 52.00, counts 2000 votes.
Chief (renewal subscription) one year and Nebraska
'Farmer until January 1, 1915, 52.00. counts 1700 votes.
' Five years subscription to the two papers, 510.00, counts
3000 extra votes.
Contestant should work for the combination subscriptions.
"I have sent for jou to draw up a
now will," concludtid Miss Anbury,
seating herself and motioning her
cuinimnlori to do likewise.
"1 heard it rumored " ventured
the lawyer.
"That I Intended disinheriting Phil
nda u too frivolous to bo trusted with
tho Anbury entate7" she smiled.
"And I did not contradict tho ru
mor. Ah 1'hllada'a nunt, and only
living rclath o, I cau hardly pay I
have bad an easy time of It since be
coming her guardian, five enru ago"
"i'hllada in a dtar -vlien she lias
her own. way. I noon kmIUciI my
lack of control and thcrcfoiu wished
to Ht'o her safely married. I must ad
mit It wasn't for Kiel: of onrortuuily.
Hut young men came, admired, and
were uent away until I was complete
ly out of patience. Phllada had re
fuoed, or was at outa, with every ell
nlblo man In town nnd tlmo wan hang
ing lather heavily on her Imndti when
ft wim announced thet lrry Ortttn
tnoiid, who hah mmle quitcj a name tor
himself abroad as an artist, was to
ppend tho summer at tho old home
fctead. "Well, they mot at a garden party.
Ho didn't call tho next day, as she
expected, nor tho next week, which
rather surprised her, but she didn't
nay anything. Then ho began drop
ping In casual like, but as far as I
could see thero was no lovo making.
"One afternoon I left them In tho
music room trying over somo songs,
and taking a book I went out Into the
arbor. I must have dozed, for the
(Irst thing I heard was a alight thump
and Larry's volco saying: TJicro,
now, 1 want to talk seriously with
you for r. moment.'
"'Help mo down this instant,' im
peratively demanded Phllada.
" 'You look cry graceful up there,
ho replied, lazily.
"I roso to leave the arbor, but sank
back at tho sight that met my eyes.
For thero was Phllada perched upon
tho high pedestal, fio:n which tho
storm had blown tho fern the night
before, and on tho grasB facing her
nut. Larry. Larry 13 six feet three
cud no doubt had tossed her up as ho
would a child. v
" 'Help mo down, she commanded.
"'I must return to my-ft-idlo next
month. I have been thinking the
matter over, and concluded I should
llko to take you back with me as my
limo '
l-'in- the wei'! i-inHuir .lime .'lnl, 101.". ;
Complleii 1m M W. Curt it, !J .nde.l Ab I
stl'HUter, l'il ( Xlslir
Ay OrtiNrik'lit to Ainui M.
lifiikei, nd, lnf, 10, 11, Ull.. 20,
i:inu mil ... ?
(lenrgi- A. l"iilhis ami wife to
ili'iny W, Itlei'limm, ml. lots l.
a, 3, seel Inn 111. I 12
Herman I'wrllni mid uife In
MoImj l'oiiilui, wil, lot n, see 10-t-i'-.
J.Titij Mtllh mid wife 'to .1. Al
i MIIN, deed, v$ 'H of se"
hi'-of svi'i siu. 1-:Mii ami
in ', of nvH see Mi.l-lw
(). .1 lloca and wifn to l.oul'-e
Core, -ul, lots I, ., 11,1c 1 ',
Hliiulllll . .
Mm-y S. Cielglitoii nnd hti-ibuii'l
to llvrtha 'nj"'ii!.,r, qed. lot n,
Hlk. '21, Ued Cloud
State of X bra-ka to (iem-pe .1
I Vi
I -id
Hiiki'i', deed, t ti"1!
.Slate oT XebncUa to CJeore .1.
IIhIm v, deed, tie'.f neH 10 .t-lS
lleitini Wiitfiiiiei and linsbntit!
to llemy Wllm-H, qeil, v'j lot
0, HIU. al. iteil Cloud
ivi I'uiiiiiu i n i wife t l't tiiiL S.
Klllllllll. qdl, lot, 1, ., UU. ll,
MortgHgci filed, SI t.noo.
.Mortgages leleased, cS,17..
Cut Your Weeds.
As the city authorities are gnlnjr to
have the streets between the tun-aces
cleared of weeds, nil citizens of Ued
Cloud anil owners of vacant lots aie
requested to cut the weeds on their
propel ty ami terraces. If weeds aie
not cut, the city will have them cut
ami the cost taxed against the prop
erty as piovlded by oidlliunces.
1). I.'NDEiis, Mayor.
!n Acivc-ssy of Klndncjo.
' .. .-. I gently with the old. lor they
'. i-omo a long way; and bo kind
o tho young, for they have a long
journey beforo them." Selected.
f5JI iB 1 5itatMW-S
v "? IMImT
What She 8aw In Him.
'"You must have seen somo trait In
tno to admire," said Mr. Meekton, "or
you wouldn't havo married me." "I
did," replied his, wife; "your sublime
nerve in wanting to bo my husband."
Wily Wooer.
' i '"-it rcltor "1 1-y my fortune at
: :r." l-'alr L.idy "Your fortune!
I i. dn'i l:no;.- ru had ono." Ardent
ji I rv ' Vi 11, '. Inn'i. murh of n for
t : !'. it will look ""large beside
;:.o.-30't'ny frrt." Pn,toii Transcript.
In order to prevent accident and in
jury on July 1.101.1, the city council
passed a resolution prohibiting the use
of liieci ackers on 4th avenue between
Seward and I'J'iu .Street ami on Web
ster street between !lrd and 5th avenue
on said dite. This uile will be strick
ly enfoiced. ,
I). E. Sau.vders Mayor
The Chief Automobile Content will close
on the above date and the prizes will be
awarded. Only three weeks more in which to
secure the winning votes. Contestants should
improve the time from now on. There will
he no more Bargain Days for .votes.
A subscription will count for the same
number of votes today as on the last day of
the contest.
Standing of The Contestants
The votes cast are counted on Wednesday of each
week. The count this week shows the following result:
Gertie Cartwright 200,325
Miss Gertrude Coon 197,275
Mrs.L. H. Matkins 158,100
Miss Maude Hayes 144,400
Elenor Gilham 89,450
Miss Rose McGuire..r 68,000
HeA Cloud,
"I Wouldn't Do That."
wife,' he continued, not heeding her.
"For a moment she was speechless.
" 'No doubt you would,' she replied,
"'That would givo you a month to
get ready. I loved you tho first time
1 saw you, but after hearing how you
treated the other boyB, I determined
to make sure of a winning game. 1
know you lovo me '
'"Such audacity! This looks like
it,' sho taunted.
"'You were too proud to Bhow it
when you thought I didn't care,' he
went on relentlessly. 'How does Wed
nesday appeal to you us a wedding
" 'It doesu't appeal to mo at all, and
If you don't help mo down Immedi
atelyI'll Jump!'
'"Oh, I wouldn't do that,' ho ad
vised soothingly. 'You might sprain
your ankle and that would delay our
wedding Journey. Where shall we
spend our honeymoon?'
" 'Such assurance I never heard! 1
will jump,' she cried angrily.
"Glvo me your promise, dear, and
I'll lift you down. There is a man
coming. Promise,' ho cried, rising
and standing in front of her.
"'I won't,' protested Phllada tear-
fuUy. 'You're a brulto.'
" 'Ho is almost here. It's the hand
some minister. Quick!' ho command
ed. "Phllada gave one glance backward.
'Take me down,' buo walled, 'but I'll '
"He had her in his arms and closed
her lips with a kiss Just as the scan
dalized minister reached them.
" 'Oh. Mr. Burnham, you're Just the
man we want to see,' exclaimed Larry
joyfully. 'Miss Asbury has promised
to become my wife a month from to
day, and we desire you to perform the
"'Only too happy, I am sure,' he
stammered, offering his congratula
tions. "Phllada opened her lips to protest,
but the humor of the situation over
came her anger, and tbat'a why I
want to change my will leaving half
of the estate to Phllada and halt to
her husband, for the man capable of
subduing ber to diplomatically has
my sincere admiration."
(Copyright by Dally Story Publishing Co.)
Dr. E. V. Wedemeyer
Veterinary Surfeon,
Physician and Dentist
OFFICE: Uriel- Livery Burn
Both Phones 8:2
Red Cloud,
Qj-der t Shiw Cause
W?S f ,n Thc Couu,y co,m!
Ara County Court hilu at tho County
Court room In and lor BaUl county Monday,
May anil., A. I. Il.
I N tho matter ol tho estate of Jacob Clinp
lln. DeeeaHcd.
OS reading ami lllln tho petition of Isabell
Chnplln praying that tiiliiilnhtratlou of said
CHtnto mny be granted to Thonui J. Chaplin
as Administrator.
OIU)i:iti:n, that Friday tho lillh day
of Juno A. 1). 11)111, at ton o'clock a. in., H
assigned for hearing said petition, when all
persons Interested in said matter may op
ponent a County Court to ho laid In and for
said County nnd show cause uhy prayer of
petitioner should not bo granted; nnd that
notice of thopendciiuy of said petition and
the hearing thereof ho glven to all "persons
Interested In snldinatter, by publishing a
copy of thl order In the lied Cloud Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed In said county,
for thrt'O eonsecutlvo weeks prior to said day
of hearing.
A. 1). ItVNNKV,
(Seal) County Judge.
of Food
Made with different BaKing Powders
From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests :
An equol quantify of treed (biccuit) war, made
with each of three dliiorcnt I.inds of baking powder
cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted
separately to the action of thti digestive fluid, each
for the same length of time.
The relative percentage of the food digested is
shown as follows:
Bread made with
Royal Cream of Tartar PovcJer:
201) Per Cent. Digested
Bread made with
phosphate powder:
68Vi Per Cent.'pigeateTj
Bread made with (
alum powder:
j 67 Per Cent. Digested!
These tests, which are absolutely reliable and
unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance
to everyone : Food raised vith Royal, a cream of
tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges
tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found
to largely retard the digestion of the food made from
Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it
is the source of very many bodily ailments.
d Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators D
When in need of anything in our line give us a
trial. We are confident that we can please you.
Rural Phono 199 -.- Boll Phone Black 227
In The District Court of Webster
tounty. Hi hraska.
I'raiuls i:. I'nyue,
.lolin lllbbt-y.
tho unknown heirs nnd doWsecs of John
Susannah lllbbey.
and the unknown hilrs and delsees of
Susannah lllbbey.
.A.I !..
icxai rtviivv. i
To John lllbbey It IK Inn. to the unknown
heirs and dolsees of John lllbbey, to Sus-'
annnh lllbbey, If 11 lng, and to the unknown
heirs and devisees of Susannah lllbbey: '
You and each of you are hereby notllled '
that un the 15th day of Mny ttfl.l, Francis K.
Pay ne commenced nn action In tho District'
Court of Webster county. Nebraska annlnst
you nnd each of you, the object and prayer
of w hit h Is to unlet In htiuelf the title lo tho
South West Uunrter of tho North West
Quarter nnd the South half of the South
West Quarter and the North West Quarter
o! the South West Quarter of Section ill,
TiiwiiH, Hanoia. West of the' nth I'. M. In
Webster County, Nebraska.
You nro further notllled that you arc re
quired to answer said notltlon on or beforo
the'tlnl y of.iuiy. nun. .
IY.vnci-. I". I'.osr,
Ity llemard McN'eny,
Ills Attorney.
Order To Show Cause.
State of Nebraska,). Inmh. iv,,,-,.. (n.i
Webster Countv. I ne Lourti coui
Am county court held at the County
Court room In mid for Bald county May '-Mud,
A. I). li:i.
In the matter of tho cstato of Clydo
Vance l'olnts, Deceased.
On readliiK nnd IIIIiik tho petition of I lose
l'olnts prnyliiK that administration of said
estate may be granted to William M. l'olnts,
as Administrator.
OiuiKHKii, That Friday, tho 13th day ol
Juno A. D., lUIIM at 10 o'clock a. m.,
U assigned for hearing said petition, when all
persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a County court to be held In and for said
county and show cause why prayer 'of peti
tioner should not bo granted; and that notice
of the pendency of said petition nnd the hear
ing thereof bo given to all persons Interested
In said matter, by publishing a copy of thl
order In the Ked Cloud Chief, a yfekly news
paper printed In said county, for three con
secutive week prior to said day of hearing.
hkal A. I). Rannkv,
County Judge.
.ti.ltio Ti t'rvtlllur
State ol Nebraska, t in '1 he County Court.
Wehtur County. 1
In the matter of the estate of Marlon
I.ovltl. Deceased.
Notice is hereby uU en to all persons havlni;
ohilms and demands auulnst Marlon I.ovltt,
lito of Webster County, deceased, that tho
time (Wed for llllnu' ululins umiluit salu estate
Is six months from the -Mtb day of June, 10I3.
Alt mcli persons lire required to present
their claims, ntth the vouchers, to the County
Judge of said county, at his onloc therein, on
or before tho '.Nth day or December, 1013; and
all claims so tiled will be heard before the suld
JudBe on the 22nd day of December, 19l:t; at one
o'clock p. m: and that tho administrator Is
allowed one year from the lBtl day of Mny,
19i:i, In which to pay the debts allowed against
said estate and settle the same,
(skai.) A. D. Hannkv,
County Judgo.
E. A. Creighton,
M. D.
Notice to Creditors.
state of Nebraska. I i., u,,, rvmntf i.,rt
WulHterCounty. f m the Count Court.
In the matter of the estate of Mary A.
Ileatou. Deceased.
Notice Is hereby kIvcii to all persons hav
lux claims and demands against Mary A.
Ileatou, late of Webster county, deceased,
that the time Used forming claim- nualnst
said estate Is six months from the J)th day of
June, A. D. 1H1.I.
All such persons aro required to present
their claims, Wth the ouchers, to the
County Judse of said county, at'hla ofllce
therein, ou or before the S3th day of Decem
ber lull: and all claims so (lied will bo heard
before the said Judge on the !Bnd day of
December, mill, at two o'clock p. m.; and
that the administrator Is allowed one year
from the '.Tth day of May A. D. 191.1, In which
topay tho debts allowed against said estate
and settle the same.
Iskai.) A. D.Uannky,
County Judge.
Notice to Bridge Builders.
Notice Is hereby l en that sealed proposals
will be received at the oitliu of the County
Clerk In the City of Hid ( loud, Webster
County, Nebraska, for tho furnishing of all
material and tho erection nnd completion of
HrldKts and Culverts required bv Webster
County for ono year (1). to-wlt: l'JM. necord
lug to plans and specifications on fllo In the
County Clerk's oitlee.
Each bid must bo made according to Inv
alid accompanied by a certified check lor
the sum of J-VW-Oa on a local Hank as a guar
antee that If awarded tho contract the con
tractor will enter samo with proper bond as
required by law. Said bids to ba opened at
2 o'clock I'. M July U, 11)13. Tho Hoard re
serves tho right to reject any nnd all bids,
said bids shall bo nt a specified sum per
lineal foot for tho Substructure of nil such
Bridges, nnd nt specified sum per lineal foot,
for tho superstructure of all such bridges and
approaches, and at a specified sum per lineal
foot for all piling In the Substructure of nil
bridges and approaches, and at a specified
sum per foot (board measure) for nil caps,
sway, braces and other wood material used
In construction of such bridges nnd np.
preaches, and nt a specltled sum per pound
for nil material In the substructure of nil
combination bridges. And for Concrete
HrldgcH and etc. County excavates over
W.OO to bo paid by County not to exceed JI00
per day, sand to be hauled by builder up to
2 miles, without cost to County, nil over 2
miles the extra mileage to be paid by County
ns agreed' em between bidder nnd Hrldge
Commlttoe, all bids must be per cubit foot
for Substructure nnd Superstructure, also
bldionlt and 4 foot cement culverts per
lineal foot.
Said bids shall bo submitted according to
plana and specifications adopted and on file
and open to Inspection In the ofllce of the
County Clerk; at Ked Cloud, Nebraska, Bid
ders to furnish bond as required by law and
by the condition herein named. All bids to
be on file by 12 O'clock, Noon. July 14, 1913,
and submitted on forms furnished by
County Clerk.
ny uraerutTiie county Uoard Of County
Fresh candy, peanuU nnd cigars at
Wirreu's Restaurant.
(UK a i.) J
Hated May 24th, NU.
K. W. Komh,
County Clerk.
tev&4iMW aimfMMmmmmituJfm ,JirttWlV.fcWWir'1fi VNft8$k&$fi
4MMWV--4tf '
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rwnwan-rtiif -iiiiiriiint nMinsiiitiiin .
IWtyi?Vtf"Wa . ml