The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 05, 1913, Image 7

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Items of Interest Gathered from Re.
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Sportsmen of tho state arc flooding
the olllcos or tho game commission
with requests for Immediate Informa
tion on thu cNtont of tlio activity
which tho federal department of ngrl
culture will Indulge In as a result of
the passage and approval of a bill glv-
inn that department control of a large
part of wild game regulation.
That part which affects hunters ol
this Btate particularly sets out that nil
migratory birds, such as geese nnd
ducks, shall be deemed within tho cus
tody of tho federal department and
their slaughter shall be regulated by
the same power.
Sultablo regulations for carrying out
the Intent of tho law are yet to be
prepared by the department. These
aro to bo scut to nil game commissions
ns soon as they are ngrced upon,
after which sportsmen will bo given
opportunity to approve or reject them.
Hearings will be held In all of tho
states in all likelihood under the pro
visions of the bill. At these tho state
departments nnd tho hunters of each
stnto nre to bo allowed to make n
allowing, at which they will attempt to
have modifications made.
That part of tho law affecting Ne
braska and which will be modified un
der tho regulations to bo Issued later
eays: "
"All wild geese, wild swans, brant,
wild ducks, snipe, plover, woodcock,
rail, wild pigeons, nnd nil other migra
tory gamo and iusectlvorlous birds
which In their northern nnd southern
migrations pass through or do not ro
main permanently the entire year
within the borders of nny state or ter
ritory, shall hereafter be deemed to
be within tho custody nnd protection
of tho government of tho United
States, nnd shall not bo destroyed or
taken contrary to regulations herein
after provldcd'-therefor."
Will Not Be Deprived of Trip.
Two hundred and seventy veterans
of 'CI, who fought with either tho blue
or tho gray at Gettysburg, spending
their last years in Nebraska, are not
to be deprived of their trip to tho
memorial which is to be held on thnt
battlefield the week of July 4, If offi
cials of tho state can help It. A state
ment Issued and signed by all of tho
elective stato officials nsk tho people
of Nebraska to remedy tho legisla
ture's oversight In not making suf
ficient appropriation by contributing
to a fund Memorial day for ,the pur
pose of making up the deficiency. It
Is estimated that It all the veterans
take the trip, nnd It now appears prob
ablo that they can, tho cost of'the rail
road fare will reach $12,150, or 58,150
In excess of the legislative appropria
tion. The lacking sum will have to
come from the people, and by "the offi
cials It Is' believed thnt the situation
will be met with good grace from one
end of tho stato to the others.
Table Rock Wants Reformatory.
Clyde Harnard, secretary of the
state senate, will present a bid to the
board of control for tho proposed state
reformatory. The legislature appro
priated $150,000 for tho establishment
of such an Institution for 'first-term
convicts nnd provided that the board
of control should select tho location.
Tho law permits the board to select
a site- whore brick may be manufac
tured. Whothor tho board desires a
only or n factory in connection with
it has not been determined. Mr. Bar
nard said tho Tablo Itock Clay com
pany would offer nn equipped brick
yard nnd fifteen acres of ground at
Tablo Rock ns a site for tho reforma
tory. It Is not likely that tho binding
twine factory provided for the stato
penitentiary under certain conditions
in a law of tho lato session will ever
Tie established. Tho clause making It
discretionary with tho board of con
trol as to the creation of tho factory
will end In tho death of tho plan ac
cording to Informal expressions of tho
members of tho board.
Nebraska at Chicago Olympic.
Throe Nebraska stars, and perhaps
some of tho faster members of the
year's squad, will be taken to Chicago
late In Juno to enter the Olymplo
athletic meet to ho held In tho Windy
City, Juno 2 to July C. Head Coach
Stlehm Is nlready proparlng plans to
take his nthlotes to tho big meet,
where they will sail under Nebraska
Tho state convention of Nebraska
postmasters will ho held at Lincoln,
June 10, 11 nnd 12."
More State Fair Land,
Tho Nebraska state board of agri
culture will at once begin condemna
tion proceedings to secure tho' addi
tional land to bo purchased by the
.appropriation of $8,000 mndo by tho
last legislature.
Stato Auditor Nownrd has nppolnted
Charles II, Clancy of Omaha ns Insur
nnco deputy to take tho place of
former Stato Treasurer L. O. Brian,
who held tho position until three
weeks ngo. Tho appointment will take
-effect at once.
Capt. E. M. Jack, R. E., Suggests That
Mountain In Africa Is Possible
Source of Legends.
London. At a lecturo beforo tho
Ito.wil Geographical society Capt. E.
M. Jack, It. E., suggests thnt a rango
of olcanic mountains in Africa,
whero tho natives worship snakes, Is
tho possible origin of tho old legends
of tho sources of tho Nile. TheBO
mountains nre the Mufumblro, situat
ed whero tho British, German nnd
Helglan spheres meet. This great
volcanic rango Is otio of the most
striking physical features In Africa.
Tho old ptory of the Nllo Is well
known. Its fountains wcro said to
rlso In the Mountnlns of the Moon and
to flow Into some grent lakes nnd then
to form ono river. Since tho discov
ery of tho Huwcnzorl the tendency
had been to look on It ns the origin
On the Ruwenzorl.
of tho legend. But Capt. Jnck thlnkB
.that tho Mufumblro volcanoes have at
least an equal claim. They aro famed
for miles around as "tho place whero
thoro is fire." The lecturer gavo some
Interesting details of tho district nnd
its lnhabltans.
Tho religion of tho people of tho
district took tho form of Lubaro or
fN'ablngwo worship. Lubaro was the
common worship of Bugansa nnd was
tho belief in a spirit living in some
selected object, such as a tree or
stono, or very commonly In a python.
In tho latter enso tho snako was en
ticed with milk nnd food to remain
near tho villages and girls wero or
dered to attend to Its wnnts. Nablng
we was a femalo spirit who lived
underground, but often appeared
lamong human beings, rapidly assum
ing various personalities, such ns a
child or an old woman, but always
ifemlnlne. Tho spirit was usually ma
lignant and caused death, Illness, etc.
Thero was also a belief among these
natives in the return of tho spirit
after death. Miniature huts, With food
placed Inside, wero frequently Been
outside the natives' huts, and these
'wero said to be for tho spirits of the
The region Is covered by a sheet of
lava stretching like a sea as far as
the mountains of Itukiga. It has de
composed to a large extent into a soil
of great fertility which Is closely cul
tivated by tho natives. The lava Is
honeycombed with holes and caverns,
'which are put to various uses. One
of them was found to be a burying
place, bodies being brought on biers
end left there. Anothor formed a
water reservoir, to which cattle were
brought from many miles distant In
times of drought. Many were used as
places of hiding and rcfugo for men
and beasts when alarmed or during
Describing tho series of beautiful
lakes to be found In tho region Capt.
Jack said a peculiarity of theso lakes
was that none of them contained any
fish. As a striking contrast to this
was a small lako near Busuenda, near
Mount Mlkeno, which was so full of
fish that tho water seemed to bo alive
with them.
Officers of' Delaware State Hospital
Put Him to Bed and Dog
Goes Too.
Wilmington, Del. A nurse at the
State Hospital for the Insano at Farn
hurst was surprised when on entering
,tho mortuary chapel he found a col
ored boy about eight years old fast
asleep guarded by a collie dog which
would not permit the nurse to ap
proach within several yards of tho
boy. When tho boy was finally
aroused he said that his namo was
Naud Harmon and that he had been
driven from homo by his father. Tho
boy said that ho had been sleeping
with his dog wherever ho could find
shelter. Superintendent Hnnckor of
tho hospital put tho boy to bed, as he
was suffering from tho effects of ex
posure, and the dog Jumped in bed
with tho boy. Tho little fellow plead
ed so hard for his pet that tho boy
and dog wero permitted to remain lii
Her Ashes to the Winds.
Dan bury, Conn. Somewhat out of
the .ordinary la tho manner in which
tho body of Mrs. Samuel T. Brown,
an aged Spiritualist of this place, Is
to bo disposed of. In accordance with
the directions left by hor, thoro Is to
be no funeral service nnd no emblems
of mourning aro to b) displayed on
the houso or by relatives. Tho body
Is to bo cremated and the ashes taken
into a field owned by n friend and
there "returned to mother earth."
k $5sfiiM Stafy vS&Hk- 33
v wJli WtIJm Umx
(Br Ti. O. SKI. I .Hits. Director of Even
ing PcpartnuMit, Tho Moody Hlblo In
stltuto of CIlU'MKO.)
I.KSSON Tr-XT-Clon.1 45:1-15.
GOl.OHN TEXT "Itclintil how Rood
nml how i1runnnt It la for tir.'tliron to
dwi'lt toKotln"- In unity." l's. 133:1.
No story of tho Old Testament Is
fraught with greater dramntlc Inter
est than that which Is presented to
day. Let us get tho sotting of tho pic
ture. An opulent oriental court; that
man who next to Pharaoh exercised
more power than nny congress or ns
Bembly, nnd Into whoso hands had
been placed tho destinies of n king
dom by earthly power nnd tho out
working of the plnn of redemption
by a divine power. Servants, power,
resources, nil nt Joseph's command.
Buforo him his brothers who long ngo
gavo him up ns being dead. Out
side n great calnmlty resting upon tho
people, nnd none prepared to meet It
except theso of Egypt whoso provi
sion wns tho result of tho work of
this man of God. (I. Tim. 1:8). Bo
fore this man, as humble supplicants,
wo seo those ho "entreated him do
spitefully." Judah's speech wns u
revelation to Joseph, It satisfied him.
and what need, therefore, for further
delay In revealing himself in his true
Saving Love.
I. Revelation, vv. 1-3. Excluding
nil from his presence, saving his broth
ers, Joseph gavo full vent to his Joy
and rejoicing. "I nm Joseph; doth
my father yet Ilvo?" Their astonish
ment was so great as to lonvo them
speechless, nnd again haunting memo
ries condemn them to fenr and fore
boding for they wero "troubled In his
presence." Wo have hero a beautiful
picture of forgiveness and saving lovo.
Tho exaltation of Jesus was to
glvo ropentanco to Israel through tho
forgiveness of sins. Acts G:31. Even
bo did Joseph bring ropentanco to his
brothers nnd forgiveness of their
wrongs toward him 22 years before.
Joseph's Bovero dealings with his
brothers aroused them to a full recog
nition of their evil deeds and pre
pared them to rcccivo his pardon and
But tho cup is full, no Iongor can
ho restrain himself, and with a loud
voice, so loud that It could bo heard
without, ho cried "I am Joseph."
Small wonder that at such a procla
mation by him whom they had so
grievously wounded, 'Jthoy wero trou
bled." So Bhnll It bo when tho breth
ren of Jesus shall "look upon htm
whom they havo pierced," Zech. 12:
II. Reconciliation, vv. 4-8. The
greatness of Joseph is here revealed
in a clear, truo light Ho intorprcts
to his brothers their own actions with
all that God has Involved in it, which
must have been a great surprlso to
his brothers. Joseph does not wait
for them to fall at his feet and sue
for mercy, but seeks to allay their
fears, "Come near to me I prayyou."
These who by their wicked works
were rightfully alienated from him
aro invited to draw nigh, Col: 1:21
and Matt 11:28.
Joseph's Grace.
Joseph was as ono who was dead
and out of that camo life for those of
his own family as well as those out
side. Even so God has brought llfo to
many out of tho death of Jesus, work
ing salvation for all out of tho most
colossal and infamous crlmo over per
petrated tho crlclfixlon. Joseph wus
"Bent" (v. 7), to save those very ones
(John 1:11). It was a "great deliver
enco," seo Hob. 2:3. Here.agaiu, wo
bco Joseph's Intlmato relations with
God, "It vus not you that sent no hith
er, but God." That Is tho right way
to look at life, Kom. 8:28.
III. Proclamation, vv. -9-15. Tho
news of this meeting camo to Plm
raoh, vv. 2, 16, with tho result that
ho commanded Jacob and all of his
household to bo brought into Egypt
Having received good things them
selves, thoy aro commanded to go
with baste, and tell others, Matt. 28:7.
Tho first call is always "come" (v. 4),
and that 1b always followed by tho
command of to "go" (v. 9). Joseph
was not ashamed of his old father and
his brothers In tho days of his pros
perity, and added that when thoy
should dwell in Egypt thoy were to
bo "near unto mo," seo Phil. 1:23,
John 14:3. When tho brothers reached
Jacob and told him that Joseph was
alive and exalted in Egypt ho could
not bellovo them, and his heart faint
ed. Can wo bo surprised? Yet con-'
vlctlon was at hand in tho shape of
tho wagonB laden with tho rich spoil
of Egypt, w. 21, 27, 28. Again God
appears to Jacob, 46: 2, 3, and adds tho
assuranco of his own word.
Lessons of the Lesson. Tho great
ness of Joseph's charactor la revealed
In tho hour of tho fulfillment of his
dreams tears, not vlndlctlvencss,
manifest tho condition of his heart.
Jacob recognizes God'fl great plan,
and that its outcomo lo an ovldont
blessing for others as well aB for him
self. t Thero la no ovldcnco of prldo
ns Joseph Interprets God's dealings.
God bns mndo abundant provision for
us In Christ This lesson 1b tho ro
verso of tho usual order in that tho
lesson ilustrates tho golden text rath
er than tho text illuminating tho lesson.
Tests Used by Railroads Show That
Almost Everybody Is Slightly
Color Blind.
Tho various testa for color blind
ness have come into practical use In
tho examination of railroad engineers
nnd tho like, whero tho ability to dis
tinguish colors Is necessary, so thnt
theso tests aro no longer peculiar to
tho Inboratnry. But It Is not gener
ally known outside the laboratory that
everybody Is partially color blind
that Is, In certain parts of tho field of
vision. Tlio most normal Indlvldunl
can see till tho colors only when lie
lookB directly nt them. If looked at
from nn nngle of about fifteen degrees
red nnd gteon can no longer be seen,
but lu their places will appear shades
of, yellow or blue. This tcglnu of tho
eyes Is known ns tho ) ullnw-blue zone.
If the color be moved still further to
the side (ho yellow nnd blue will dis
appear nnd only gray can bo seen.
This region Is known as the 7ono of
complete color blindness. An Inter
esting theory In regard to these ones
Is that nvery not mat eye leprcHouts
threo stages of evolution. The 7.0110
of complete color blindness In the low
est stage, and appears In such ani
mals as the frog, whoso vision is
known as shadow vision. The blue
yellow zone is ono step higher lu tho
scale, although not clearly marked
off in the animal kingdom. And the
appearanoo of tho ted-grren 7one
marks the highest stage of evolution.
Cnncs of color blindness are. accord
ing to this theory, n lack of develop
ment be.vond tho early stage of Indi
vidual life. Strand Magazine..
813 H. Second St., Munclo, Ind. "My
llttlo girl had n bad breaking out on,
tho scalp. It wns llttlo wlilto lumps.
Tho pimples would break out as largo
as a common plnhcad all over her
'head. Thoy would break nnd run yel
low matter. Sho Buffered nearly a yenr
with Itching and burning. It was soro
nnd Itched nil tho time. Tho matter
that ran from her bend wns very thick.
I did not comb her hair very often, her
head was too soro to comb it, and
when I did comb, it camo out in
bunches. Some nights her head itched
so bad sho could not sleep.
"I tried several different soaps and
ointments, also patent medicine, but
nothing could I get to stop it. I began
using Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura
Ointment this summer after I sont for
the freo samples. I used them and
thoy did so much good I bought a cako
of Cutlcura Soap and eomo Cutlcura
Ointment. I washed her head with
Cutlcura Soap and rubbed tho Cutlcura
Ointment In tho scalp overy two
weeks. A week after I had washed hor
head thrco times you could not tell sho
over had a breaking out on her head.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment also modo
tho hair grow beautifully." (Signed)
Mrs. Emma Patterson, Deo. 22, 1911.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutjcura, Dept L, Boston."
Where He Might Have Been.
Ono of tho incidents of Father Bor
nard Vaughan's tour In tho Stntes was
an encounter with a suffragette. The
haughty lady approached tho English
visitor and said: "And whero would
you bo, pray, but for a woman?"
"Madam," camo tho reply, "on a
sultry evening liko this I should bo
eating ico cream under an applc-treo
lu tho Garden of Eden."
Important to Mothers .
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, a safe and euro remedy for
Infants and children, and see that It
Ttonra Yia
Signatured CtWZM
In Use For Over 30 Team.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria
A Common Crop.
"Aro you rnlBing anything in your
suburbnn garden this spring?"
"Oh, yes; a lot of criticism."
An Oregon Inventor has patented n
machine for quickly mending broken
motion picturo films.
Shortly after marrlago many a man
discovers what rcnl happiness was.
There is no common-sense rea
son why you should bo without
appetite why you Buffor dis
tress after eating why your liv
er and bowols should be Inac
tive. Try
Stomach Bitters
It will help you overcome all
Stomach Liver and Bowel Ills
IE& A welcome addition to any party I
ffrW any time any placd m
LtJIcl Sparkling with life and wholesomcness. U
Jfmkji Delicious m
fwWl Refreshing' Jf
XMM&M Thirst-Quenching M
ASS0(4M. Demand the Genuine T
V'rSZy:4im Kcluie Substitutes.
Wbtontr ro nt Ano think of Coca-Col.
3jOO 3igo 4iPJ2
14-.PQ AND 'R.QQ
BtSTB0Y83H0E8ln thiWORLD
92.00. 91 60 ana tS.VV.
The largest makars of
Men's 13.50 and 14.00
shoes in the world.
Aok vnur tlrntnr In Blinw Ton
w. 1.. itittia a-i.oo
U.IIO ulioei. .Imt ai kiiimI In
I ami rar a iuinr inKe
-tlio only illflriYiirn i me
mu .'v bl rvtm.
Iflailiern. ljfln uiui aiinpra 10 own morjnouj.
If von ooulil vUlt W. I lloucla larirti faoln-i
rlr at lirocktnn. Mnil.i
linarf-nrrftillv W. I.. IIoiikIb hoea ara inaile.
wntiM thou iinileritaml
to IU better, look better, Imld
lunger than any other make
It W. I IlonilMiliotiiftrrnoi
llirpvf from 1110 inrniry mil.
Mioft for ercrr mtiuiwr ui j ino
'n.w niirrw
m'l irwnoii.wiMiri winwiwiii".jri
end wlij tpu nn ut Biotwr on jour foVAwMr.
W. I- IIOITUI.AM nroektna, Mate.
Effort Wasted.
"What mukcB mo really mad," said
tho woman, "la to spend minutes, may
bo hourB, trying to get hold of a white
hair that bIiowh up on my head Ilka
a dazzling light, yet which Is tantalize
lngly cluslvo when I try to catch It,
and then when I do finally separate
it from tho brown hair and glvo It a
vigorous pull, to find thut I havo
snatched out a good brown hair and
loft tho whlto ono still shining!"
Oh, That Was It.
"Whoro'd you get tho black oyo?"
"Ho was bragging that ho had tho
finest boy In town."
"But a man should bo excused for a
llttlo vunlty " t
"But ho was making his brag to a,
man who hrid a boy of his own."
A Distinction.
Stella No man la really Indispensa
ble, you know.
Bella But ramn mnn Is.
DAISY FLY KILLER ffi Hrtffir ft
fllfi. neat, cli'.n or 1
iiamrnUl.coriTi-Dltat. '
clival), latti all'
111101, Uade o(
mqtal, coi't piuu or tip
iTrt Kill not aotl nr
Injnrn anything.
Ouaranterd errVctlro.
ciiircri iield for 11.00.
AR0LD S0IUKS, 160 DaKalb At., Iroo.l'a, K. T.
Nebraska Directory
Mtperl holler makors tont unjwliirn anjtlmo.
The Dr. Ben. F. Bailey Sanatorium
Lincoln, Nebraska
ha brick and stono buildings so taste
fully fumlbhed and thorouRhly equipped,
(n tho beautiful pa. c of 25 ocrva, with
staff of experienco und n nur&lnt; corps
of unusual merit, offers you most per
fect hospital results, yet always pro
ecrves tlio atmosphere of a tlellfjhiful
sountry HOME. Writo for particulara.
The Best
under the
. At
or Carbonated
in Dottles.
it lit.
coding; . maivo
priro. nmwi in an
anil ee for yournolf '
wIit thar are warrnnlotl
their haa and wear I
for the price.
roriaieln TOtirTiriimy.erair
put, inn iinuuirumii a iiuiii.
mmiiy. i bii im"). aj
nil inn milium.
Free Homesteads
In the new DlitrlcU of
tanltoba, Baakstcne
wan and alberta there
re thousand! of Free
llomeateadsleft, which
in the nianjnuklnf entry
In S yearn lima will be
worth from WJ to 124 per
aere. Trine Unda are
ta.ll ail.nlMl Ijl nln
I ruwlns nnd cattle raiting.
In ninny caaea the railways In
Canada have benn balk lu ad
vance of eeuli-ment, and In a
hurt time there will not he a
aettlerwho need be more han
ten ortnelre mile from a line
of railway. Hallway llatee are
rruulatMd fay Uororumeut Com
nilsalon. 1
Social Conditions
The American BettlerUathome
In Western Canada, lln lunula
atranger In a urn nil e land, bav
in Hourly a million of hl own
people airraur ariiiruiiirro m
INI UCal Itl 10 llliiin n iij vim toii
11.1..H ... i.a l-.imailln.. rij.lltala
Ullltlll i. v.. v. . ...-. ..
proaoeroua wrlle nnd send for
literature, rnica, civ., w
Bee Building! Omaha, Neb.
Canadian Ooyemment Agent, or
adurrtit Miiierinieiiiiriii i
liiuulKrutliin, ttuura,taaaa.
Do you realize tho fact that thousand
of women are now using
A Soluble Aatiseptic Powtkr
as a remedy for mucous membrane aft
foctlous, such as sore throat, nasal 01
pelvic catarrh, Inflammation or ulcera
tion, caused by female Ills? Women
who have been cured say "It is worth
Us weight In Rold." Dissolve In wateri
and apply locally. For ten years thl
Lydla H. Plnkham Medicine Co. baa
recommended Paxtlno In their p rival'
correspondence with women.
For nil hygienic aud toilet uses It has
no equal. Only COc a largo box at Drug
glatu or Rent postpaid on receipt of
price. Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Bostoa,
A toilet preparation of merit.
Jlcl pa to t rati Irate dandrutr.
For Restoring Color and
Beauty toGray or Faded Hair.
tOc. and tuxiatliniintuta.
.I.-eve vATERJ.rri&.r-?fra:
JOHN I..TlIO.Ml'tjU. bt).NSAiCU..Troy,.S.V.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 23-1913.
llV W$k
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W f W T BW ( I
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Lam. T.'Mrmnnmtnm
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