The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 05, 1913, Image 5

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Htt&Wn!ailWllwms&X(iSiliM 'HP.-Kvirmffri,-0" s fw
Bulletin of Tho Week's Doings
Jack Waller of Cowles spent Sunday
in this city.
Dr. Bole-, was a pa-engorto Lincoln
hist Frltlwy morning.
Mr-s J. 11. Stunser litis been having
tin tneiis'es the past week.
Mesdames E. 11. and Uoytl Smith
ispent Sumliiy In Hlverton.
Bubo Schult;: hud the misfortune to
loose one of his horses Sunday.
No More Chips Wo pay cash for
I'loduce. Weesnerl'eiry tV. Co.
For your ieo cream and soft dtinks
go to the Ban Ton Bakery, adv.
1 The best slioit orders in town aie
served lit the Puritan Cafe. Try them.
James Miner had the misfortune to
have one of his arms broken last week
DO Acres of Hood l'.tstute for rent
Inquire ofW. U Uui'AiiD I! F. D.Xo
ilui't -n -lp'it,- I ,V. u
.il I'.-l II tl illl Mill .l
t Ciistot inilvi-l
f Ui ttd'lt front
in lit-Yoik.
n. and dniij.di'i'i' l
Imv lu-i'o m t: 'ie!.i-
&li ILi'h
day morn til'
Nellie -eitv
the last
Mr-. V. ii '
Glltner !"'' . i
Mrs. Do'.li" W.iWi of Superior
1-VUInv nml Niiunlnj in tin-city
Col. J. TI. Klllrigr is now (Living a
new Cadillac auto which lie purchased
lust week
Tom Auld of Omaha spent Suturdiij
in thU city looking after his banking
lee cream, soft drinks and con feet
lonery always on luiud at the l'untan
Cafe. adv.
You perfer cash for your produce
We pay cash. No More Chips. Woes
ner Perry fc Co.
Our 'Joe dinners are unexcelled. Trj
them at the Puritan Cafe. II. Ludlow,
proprietor. adv.
Miss IJeLtte Smitli left for MoCook
Saturday to visit with A P. Illy and
wife for a few days.
'.'iH percent discount on Women'
Sprlng and Summer Coats and Suits at
Miner Bros. Co. adv.
Wo enjoyed aline mess of new home
grown potatoes this week, which was
raised in Mrs. Chas Stefl'iu's garden.
Special attention given to dlsea-u.s
of eye and ear. Masses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Bed Cloud, Nebr
Theie was 2:1 cai s of stock shipped
out of hero Sunday to St. Joe and Kan
sas City. Inavale shipped out 1.1 cais
of stock also.
I have the best rale in the county on
farm loans. See mo and be conviuced.
My motto prompt service.
A. T. Wai.kku.
Mis. Rev. Cole'und' children depart
ed for Hillsdale, Michigan to visit her
parents aud other relatives. They ex
poet to bo goue about a month.
Nardy Harris, who is working in the
Sun printing ofllee at Clay Center,
speut Friday in this city with relatives.
While here he made this otllee a pleas
ant call.
Some person who is too mean to live
among deceut people, put out some
poison and Oliver Hedged pet dog
found the same with the result that
the dog is no more. This, Indeed, is
about as small h tiick as any human
could be capable of.
At The Farmers' Restaurant and
Luuch Hoom. 0 cent lunches 13 ceut
short orders aud 2.1 cent meals. A
And cook und.qulok torvice. Opposite
the 5 aud 10 cent store, Red Cloud.
V. E. Springer, Mgr.
Farm Loant-l havo a limited a
mount of private money to plaee In first
mortgage farm securities, short, or
long time, at lowest intes with optional
nnvmuuts. Write or phone. Daniel
G.nni:it, Rlverton, Nebraska.
.1. A. Bradford had the misfortune
to burn both his hands rather severely
one day tho last of the week. When
up to the top of a .'JO-foot pole, his
climbers gave away, and he slid to the
bottom. Holding to the polo with his
hands to ksep from falling backwards
produced sutllcient fiietiou to burn
both his hands.
CASH FOB HUGS. Not a new pio
position. This store has ALWAYS
PAID CASH FOR FUGS or one cent
more in trade, ami will continue to do
so. Other produce bought the same
vav. VVO milKC a casii ur umiu jji ..-,
optional with our customer
Turnuro 4 Sou. adv.
The fuuerul of Harry S. Brown was
held at thu M. L church on Sunday
afternoon The tiro department, of
which the young itiuti was a member,
turned out ju a body, and tho church
was crowded with, friends of tho de
ceased, runoial FervlcesV were con
ducted by Uev. Tompkins and tho
tloral offerings were many and beauti
ful, which attested, in u measure, the
osteon in which Harry whs held by all
Who knew him.
-F, G,
Miss Clara Burgess spent Tuesday '.u
Mrs, Hentj Nexhouse litis been on
the sick lis' this week.
The lest shot t orders in town me
sorted at the Putitan Cife. Try them.
Herb Cook an 1 wife, Mr Patrick a d
M-ss Myru Cook lett Miturdny for
1M and Antone Kudrna were attend
1 ut to busings affairs in this city
Spring ami Summer Suits and Coats
at :."'.; pel cent di-couut at Miner Bio ,
Cj. adv.
James Mcintosh and wife smut Sun
day in (.Stand Island, going over in
their automobile.
Mis. Nellie West Castor left Monday
morning for Alma wheie she will tench
for u few week.
Rev. John J. lluyne will preach at
the In Hun Creek -chool house Sunday
tiler noon at 3 p. m.
Mis Wilbur Hamilton spent it ft
days the last of the week visiting with
relatives in Guide Bock.
Miss Marguerite Richardson has re
turned homo fioiu Indiana where she
h .s neen u ding school.
A Deck', ai. I wife had for their
jii-'s on 'ittv tin? la5 of the week
Ni-i liiiuin m w. ;.!.' . 'es.
Han vO am -i l met .-''! in Ills
oM pusi mil In I'mini'v tv . i'iS store
aft. r a h t in Um.ili i and i'latts-rn-uih.
Mi- V. - 's.l 11.11 Vl-O'l Vi t fll ' I l()
her hi'iiu-iii O'ii, N.b'o..a. ' tlrst
of the week attir a vi. t ... i t home
ofO Ti-el.
Mis Di s-le Taylor in rived homo'the
'as! of the AfeU trotn Buiild-r, Colo.,
wheie she has been ittioiidltig thi'-tate
M. W. Carter mid family had for
their guests on Sunday ClitVord Itotten
Held and C. M. Uharring and family of
Nelson They came over In an auto.
A J. Armstrong, aged 02 yeais, died
tt the home of Ills daughter. Mrs. John
A Coon, Saturday after h short illness
Tho funeral was held on Tuesday after
uoou. .
Miss May lladell of Long Island.
ICai sis, returned to lur home on Moti
lity morning after spending several
lays visiting with friends and relatives
at this p'a.'e.
FOR SALE-.!. 1. Case Threshing
Outllt; engine '2: horse power; sepent
tor nOxiiS. All In good running order.
1'or full particulars phone or call on
Vatricka Bi others.
The County Board of Equalizitlon
will meet June 10,1010, nt tho court
house at which time all interested
should bo present and protect their
rilits.-E. W. Boss, County Clerk.
Do you notice that J. H. Bailey Is
making the most of the fann loans
lie is sole agent for Ttevett, Mattis &
Baker, and is offeiiilg the best rates,
terms and option' in the market and
that is the reason. v adv.
Tho funeral of John Bardon who
died at his home northwest of Red
Cloud was held in Rlverton on Satur
day morning. Mr. Bardon had been a
resident of this section for n number
of years and was 80 years of age.
Mrs. Boyd Smith and children left
Tuesday for Llncolu where they will
reside this summer, Boyd having ac
cepted a position with an insurance
company at that plaee. Mrs. E. B.
Smith accompanied them for a short
Miss Beatrice McKeighan was seri
ously Injured on Tuesday, in Lincoln,
where she had gone to visit her
mother. She was standing near a
bon-llre when a cartridge, which had
been gathered up with the trash, ex
ploded, the bullet passing through her
The Bladen Odd Fellow&. are mak
ing preparations for a big time on
June lllth when they will dedicate
their new Hall. Thu afternoon will bo
taken up with parade aud Pubic ded
ication services in front of the hall,
aud In thu evening a Banquet aud
Entcraiumeut will be given.
Daniel Gurber of this city delivered
an address in Franklin on Decoration
Day. The old toldiers and tho Odd
Fellows held a joint memorial in the
Methodist church of that city, aud
Riv. (.ill ill 1 ustor of tlie church, and
Mr. Garber spoke in connection with
an clabaratoprograrn.
Rev. and Mrs. John S. Bayno of
Kearney, Nebraska are visiting their
6oii Rev. Bayne- this. Mr. Bayne
senior bus locently closed his work at
Kearney, whoto for three years ho was
pastor of tho First Congrogatlotiul
church. He will preach for his sou,
Sunday morning at the Congregationiil
Arthur Ilcndor'-on, who for some
months past has held thu lucrative
position as "devil" In thlsolllco. resign-
o.l on Monday morning, said resigna
tion taking effect Immediately. The
young man Intends to duvoto his
energy to farm life, which, perhaps,
will prove more to his calling. Never
the less it was a severe shook, coming
as it did at a time when "The Boss" is
out of town, and should this issue fail
to reach tho standacd we have endeav
ored to malutaiu, please, dear reader,
consider how much grief we hae had
to bear this week?
Ch:i- Bennett was down from Co wlrs
Satin day,
John Sehult. of Guide Hock was In
town this nioinlng.
I The young folks enjoyed a dance In
iTiirnuies hall last Friday cU'lilng.
j A tim rain of Si! 10J Inches fell Moti
(day night which will help the crops.
Mrs. Belle Kengle left for Victor,
Colo., Sunday evening for a short islt.
rather Fit gerald and Bernatd Me
Neiiy weie in NcKuu Tuesday onbitsl
Mi. McKlnittiey and daughter have
gone to Fort Morgan, Colorado, on a
visit. '
Spring and Summer Suits and Coats
at tills, per cent discount at Miner
Bios. Co. adv.
Ben Gibson and family aio enjoying
a visit from Mr. W. E. Harrison of
Geneva, this week.
The four year old son of Jim Iloubal
the tailor, died on Tuesday evening
after it shott illness.
Mr. anil Mrs. Roy Foam ol Stipetioi
spent a few days in this iMty tho tlrst
of the week with theii patents
A. E. Atkins and wife have for their
quests this Wtiek O A. Barber, wife
and son, who rc-ddc in Havclock.
Miss Mabel Howaid has gone to
Portland, Oregon, and other Paellle
coast points on an extended visit.
There was n cloud burst east of
Guide Rock Wednesday afternoon.
Some of the corn was washed out.
Rev. E.N.Tompkins went to II list
rigs yesterday toolllolutoat a wedding
which taken place there the same day.
Mis. Hazel Merteu and baby are in
the city tills week caring for her
mother, Mrs. Williams who is quite
Adolph Sldlo, oue of Batin town
ship's most prosperous farmers, bought
a new Buick auto of John Havel last
Mrs. John G, Potter's sister, ( Mrs.
MeClough, who had been visiting in
ibis city for several days, left Wednes
day morning for Salt Lake City, L'tah.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson ot Lincoln has
arrived in the city and taken possess
ion of the Dr. Trumble dental busi
ness which lie purchased u few weeks
Arrangements have been made to
hae Bishop Bcccher preach next Sun
day night at an open air meeting on
the High School grounds at ?:.'10. This
will be a Union meeting. The Bishop
will preach at tho Grace church in
the morning. All are cordially invited.
School Board
Holds Meeting
Ri:ti 1 1 ui p. Nnui., June U, Unit
Board met in tegular session, Mem
bers present Stotey, Gilliam, Crelgh
toil, Blackledge and Trumble
SiipHiiiiti'iident i emitted the totiu
school eniolliuetit tor the year as f 1 1
tirades 1 to S
Oir.sirO Total irn
High School
Girls BUS
Boys 'Jill
Boys k"i
Boys 'I'M
Total 1711
Total 111':
Girls :i:w
Free High School Tuition Statement
of Webster County School District.
To Bed Cloud High School Dr.
For the Second Semester eudltij.
May HO, lDI.'J.
School Dlst No. .1
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Red Cloud and Vicinity
We wan't you to see our line of Spragues
Wash Suits for your boys and the famous
sKo & E. Waists 8
Wash Suits 50c to $2.50
Wash Waists 50c to $1.00
The most practical and economical dress
for boys ever designed. Come and see
them. It will pay you.
$7:Ks oo
receipts for the
as compared to
Cowles Schools
Close for Summer
The closing of another year of the
Cowles school was marked by a decid
edly successful two nights entertain
ment Because of the lack of an opera
house, a large teat was rented for the
purpose of accomodating those who
wanted to attend tho presentation of
these events. That much time had
been spent iu preparation by both
teachers and students was evident
from thi masterfu' way all was st iged
The play a drama iu four acts en
titled, "Tho Dust of the Earth" was
put on Thursday night. The seating
capacity of 'the big tent with rapt
attention. The scenery for , the piny
was painted by h local painter and
was adjudged a feature that added
much to the event. Too much 'praise
cm not be given the actors as each
preformed the allotted part admir
ably, but a great deal of the laud for
success is due to wise selection of the
character. No better selection could
have been made for the parts, and to
mention one as a "star" above another
would be unfair aud show much
The second evening, another large
audience witnessed a musical that
would do credit to a city school.
Readings wero given at intervals by
three students that warrant much
praise. A chorus of twelve furnished
two well splendid numbers, while
both a ladles' and a menV quartette
furnished two well rendered numbers,
one each. FewHigh Schools ci.n boast
of a hotter men's quartette, and tho
ladios' stand a close second.
The second pilrt of the program was
v. feature. An operetta with ten parts
was well iltted to be a olosing climax.
Both in acting and singing each of the
ton scored the pi also of thosu who
heard them. In this, as iu thu play,
was noted a splendid iidaptlblllty of
each to his part. We me safe iu say
lug that few schools of the size mid
thu standing of ours can equal these
two events of last week.
These events mark the culmination
of two years have and porslstoiit work
on thu part of thu High School leauhurs
No uirort has buon spared .by them in
making this pat I of thetiu young peo
plu'Bequipmmeui measure up to their
scholastic attainments. A brilliant
future Is surely in stoie for teachers
and pupils alike who havu so nobly
tolled to attain such it Htandard.
Words are Inadequate to express the
praise due these teachers, and the
merited attuitimsnts of these future
Emplro bulldors.
Tho total tuition
year are ?l,"i01 M)
5l0jl.Ui) of a year ago.
1 Statement of Commencement Re
ceipts aud.Bpeuces for 10111 was as
follows Expenses $187.77 from sale
of seats Sill, from Lcuora Springer
5:10. ;: .
The following bills wetc read and
01 dured paid:
Kilwnril llaiismi jllO 71 Mliool K'lu.'t
II. II. Ncwhousu 1 00 reullrs
Unilerwooil I'j .e rltei
J. A. Toiiilliisun
W'liltakcrA. llauklih
It. l Auto Co
HihUI, Mctut cu
II. I.'. McKurluiiil
Co in 1 11 ore fit I Ail erllsor,
Kil llaiibou
Upon motion the secretary was In
structed to scenic additional help and
rush tho work of e.cavatlng the base
ment of thu Washington Bldg.
Upon motion thu Bldg. and Ground
Committee was Instructed to secure
estimate of cost aud proceed to make
such changes and repairs in the High
School Bldg., us they deemed necess
ary. Upon motion the resignation of T A.
fiumblo was ucceptcd.
Upon motion Superintendent was
instructed to invest the proceeds of
Commencement iu High School library
Board adjourned.
R. 1). Moitliz, Secretary.
fa Gouiden-lfaleyClotningGo.
lwvS 3 S3
' O0hiIiiIIls
II 7j "
7 Si "
I 15 "
I fell boukx
:i bo siipi.iitH
i .VJ printing
'2 7l Nlliillt'S
l) 1& prlntliiK
A Hue rain on Monday night.
Clay Weaver's childieu are sick with
the diptherirt.
Rube Sclmltz hud the misfortune to
1 isc ono of bis horses 011 Sunday.
Smith Bros., slipped the last of their
fut cattle 10 market 011 S.iiinday.
The fariueis ate biiny iu their corn
aud cutting and htacklug all.ilta hay.
George Houchiii was hauling corn
from his farm near Guide Buck one
day last week.
Muriel and Ethel Fisher, who have
been verv siuk for the last two weeks
with dipiherhi, are some better now.
The alfalfa harvest is on this week.
The Luudy children have the whoop
ing cough.
This locality was visited by a Hue
rain Monday night.
Chlldreiis' Day exercises have been
put olJ at both churches.
Francis Kolley expects to begin the
(.ruutiun of a new house in a week or
Orrlu Harvey shipped in 101 head 1 f
cattle for summer pasture the last of
tho week
Mrs. Carpunter and her brother,
Frank Bloom, sold a carload of hogs
lust week.
Charles Herrlek of Indiauola called
on his brother C. L. Horrlck Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bunt aro tho
proud pin cuts of a baby gill that ar
rived nt their homo Saturday morn
l"g' '
Will Robertson was iu St. Joe I ho
llrst of the week.
'MX percent discount on Women's
Spring and Summer Couts and Suits at
Miner Bros Co. adv,
(53- Will Celebrate -41 g
The Fourth I
, , I
Begin to get ready now for the big- ft
gest celebration in years. (
Between now and the Fourth and WJ
thereafter you will need some eoof m
clothes. We have them in the (
nnnfnLW r1icirfnc t annrirtff nrinac
W We have just received a large con-
J signment of Wash Silks, some new
bilk btnpe Voiles and some of the
new Motor Cloth. You will do well
to look these over and get your pick
first. Don't wait tilT the summer is
half over before you secure your
summer apparel.
(j -1 r
I curJ&
fcM ii
Molm Agent For
Butterlck Patterns
Red Cloud.
Furniture Store
Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas
n l
' 9
Bck .M'114