The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 29, 1913, Image 9

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    . TMur,..u..,.-. ,.. ,. . ... - If
"""" - --.1 ... ...n .,M..Mn,-111..tfff.Br1.TftnTr(.MttwWtwWi
U Will Celebrate
The Fourth
-WYI' Vrr ) - It"'1 flABl'S
5vyvCSlgSSgSnnSSSCSvCS'xlll """"fisag!! fiAfi annniiiMai
.' The )ouiik man who seemed very
much at home In the easy chair leaned
over and deliberately pulled a hair
.from the back of the fat poodlo that
was asleep on tho rug. He leaned back
smiling In great contentment over the
result of his feat and Bpoku through
the canine din. "I had a particular
reason for calling tonight," ho an
nounced. The pretty girl turned over a book
on the table to conceal her nervous
ness. "Oh, did you?" sho asked with
elaborate carelessness. "How could
y'ou be so moan to poor old Flclo?"
"He needB exercise," explained thp
young man. "Nothing like exerclao to
tako off fat I'll bet ho hasn't chased
fit7nX$rzJ lTl-
Will Soon Be Here
You Will Want A
Monument or a Marker
We Design And Build Them. We
Solicit the Opportunity To Demon
strate Our Ability In This Line.
0 vering Bros. & Co.
Red Cloud,
Improved Alfalfa, Gralu and Stock
Farms in The Grea Republican
Boilht Sold Exchanged
Any desirable Real Estate listed up
and advertised for cash sale or ex
change without expense to owner.
Cash buyers for improved farms
aud ranches secured through care
ful, liberal and systematic adver
tising. Some of the beat farms in
Webster and Franklin Counties Ne
braska now listed Several farms
for sale that will pay good Interest
on the entire purchase price and
enhanoe greatly in value. Several
good farms for sale ou easy pay
ments and special terms worth the
money. The largest list of local
farra9 for sale to select from and
situated in the Buckle find of the
Corn Belt.
FARM MArW-Mberal amounts,
optional payments, lowest intes.
Mouey always ready.
Daniel Garber
Ur w ""
TMK ALARM is a dreadful thing
OF FltfK for the man without
insurance. Every time he sees the
cuglues racing along his heart comes
up in his throat if the fire Is anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THE COBT OF is so small Hint it
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. The freedom from wony
alone is worth It many times over
Havo us Insure you to-day.
Rillable Insurance
Wldtw's Periston. "
'I he recent act of April 10th, 1P09
.gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
'l per mouth. Fred Mnuior, the at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
You like Square Dealing
You appreciate courteous treatment.
When we tell you a thing is so' and you
find it to be so your faith in us begins
to grow. After we have told you many ,
times how thoroughly we can cleauso
and renew meu and womeu's wearing
appaiel. How nice they will look and
how little it will cost, and every time
vou And it just as we told you then
you will take our word at "face value"
and consult us when ever your gar
ments need cleaning, pressing or to-
See the point?
Clothes called for and delivered to
any part of the city.
Claanar and Oymr
Successor to Will C. Creidsr
Red Cloud,
E. .A. Creighton,
N. D.
Dp. L V. Wedemeyer
Veterinary Surgeon,
Physician and Dentist
OFFICE: llilck Livery B.irn
Both Phones 82
No One Can Know
Until They Try
how easy it Is to change the entire
color of an automobile or carriage
with the
Chi-Namel Automobile and
Carriage Colors
Chinese Oil gives these
easy working and waterproof quality
Thev arc quick drying and make n
sin face that does not attract dust.
One coat completely hides the old
color. Come iu aud let us show
you the assortment ot colors.
Chas. L. Cotting
i .
around that way In n ear before! Ah
I was saying, I wanted to neo you par
ticularly, Kmcllno. I wanted to nuk
you about something."
"I um Huro," nitHwered tho pretty
girl with great kindness, "that uny ad
vlco I can givo you 1 will gladly"
"That'B JiiHt 111" ho declared cng
erly. "1 want your ndvlco!"
"Oh!" said tho pretty girl shortly.
Sho scorned disappointed. "I think
after all It Is Bort of foolish to ask ad
vice, don't you? l'eoplo nsk It nnd
then never tako It!"
"Not me," persisted tho young man.
"And I don't know anyone whose ad
vice I'd rather rely on than yours,
Eraelliie. I wanted to ask you about
er well, about a girl!"
"Oh!" said the pretty girl again. Sho
wallowed hard. "Of course I'm Inter
ested in any friend of yours, Harold.
But" ,
"She's a dandy girl!" Insisted tho
young man. He smiled remlnlacently
and the young woman took hold of her
chair arms hard. She had tho general
air of a dynamlto bomb that Ib about
to explode, but ho did not notlco It.
"In fact," ho went on, "I don't know
another girl who Is such an all around
success In every way as she 1b! I'll
have to tell you about her so you can
understand tho caso."
"Pleast do!" said tho young woman
in appropriately rapturous tones be
tween her teeth.
"She Is better than just pretty," ex
plained tho young man. "Because
there Is Intelligence in her face nnd
) n1 t
m ' ii ii
Begin to get ready now for the big
ifest celebration in vn.irs.
Between now and the Fourth and W
4U..-..n .... mi i i VBF
inereaiier you win need some cool m
clothes. We have them in the (M
neatest designs at saving prices.
We have just received a largo con-
J signment of Wash Silks, some new
bilK btripe Voiles and some of the
new Motor Cloth. You will do well
to look these over and get your pick 10
first. Don't wait till the summer is -W
half over before you secure your (A
summer apparel. G
1utt0Nck Pttfrn
Red Cloud.
j&L i
KT WaaWaamWB nvM
Red Cloud,
Having purchased "jthe above
well known stallion, he will
make ' the season of 1913 at
Inavle everyday.
FEE S10 for a live colt.
Floyd Copley
"the'i Dandy Girl."
expression and all that. And she can
do everything outdoors as well as In,
and she is always cheerful and she baa
such a way of looking at a fellow "
"Goodness!" said the pretty girl
with tjremondous raillery. "I never
heard of such a paragon! If you can
find a girl like that you ought to grab
her, quick, bofore the grand rush be
gins! For there aren't many llko hor!"
"That's what I think," tho young
man agreed. "I've, thought so all
along, Just to myself, you know. I'vo
been suro, but I didn't realize It unt'J
lately." .
"I'm terribly interested, of course,"
said the pretty girl, stifling one cor
ner of a delicate yawn, "but what was
It you wanted my advice about? I
have to get up early tomorrow, Har-;
old, and I can't sit up much later this
evening. My advice would be to marry
her tomorrow before the crowd begins
to fight for her."
"Good!" said the young man. "That's
my idea exactly. Only I'm afraid to'
tell her about It. You see, she's such;
a wonder that it's absolutely insanity
for me to fancy that she'd look at me.
Honest! I haven't the nerve!"
"Nonsense!" said the young woman.'
"She's probably"crazy to get married.
These popular girls usually are. They
have no resources within themselves
aud can't Imagine anything else to (111
their Uvea! When there are so manyr
other things bo vastly superior to
mere matrimony! I can't understand
their point of view!"
"She wouldn't look at me," bo repeated.
"I wouldn't bo so sure," said tho
young woman cynically.
"Why, you Just Bald so, yourself"
declared the young man. "Said matrl
mony was a back number and hang
It, It's you I'm talking about."
The young woman sat looking at
him with a bewildered pink creeping
over her face. "O-o-oh!" she gasped,
under her breath. Then she smiled at
him. "I or wouldn't be too cortnln
of that, Harold," sho murmured. "Now
tell It to mo from tho beginning again.
I believe I didn't qulto understand!"
Cljjcago Dally Nows.
(CoDyrislit by Dally story Publishing Co.)
Furniture Store
Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas c
isas c
Have You Seen America?
Have you ever stood on top of Pike's Teak and looked off at the
rest of the world and experienced sensations that are not to be des
cribed in words?
Are you numbered among those who know the pleasures and
benefits of n sojourn iu that great natural bauiUriuui the ltliiuk Hills
of .South Dakota?
Havo you ever enjoyed the health-giving pleasures of a camping
trip in the llig Iloin Mountains of Wyoming or uloug the Cody road to
Yellow stone l'ark?
' Did yon ever go coaching terough Nature's wonderlond Yellow
stone Park! v
Have your eyes ever been blessed with a Night of that emerald gem
of the Northern Rockies Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park?
'Did you ever visit "The Charmed Lnnd of the American Contin
ent," bordering on America's Mediterranean (1'uget Sound) and the
surrounding country to which Nature has given a bewitching beauty
nnd a wonderful climate?
Are you familiar with the undreamed of scenic wealth of glorious
California, that land of out o' doors.
Make the most of your trip let me tyelp you plan it. The furnish
ing oj complete details for vacation trips is a part of "Burlington
service "
IT. ST. FOK, Tlohmt Agmnt.
L, W. WAKKLKY, mfrnmral FaMangar Agt.
3 Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators D
When in need of anything in our line give us a
trial. We are confident that we can please you.
mural Fhone 199 -:- Ball Fhona Black 127
Chief "Ads" Bring Large Returns.
- lt
m TJtfl
i Lffl
- 4
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