W"V". WP)(WMmyiilMII r - - iftA . 5TKW "'WTCK i i m -i .. HMnnwa1 ! li r J- I -3 1 1 . The Ch?ef C. B. HALE, Publltser HIO CLOUD NHRAtKA PLOW 10 DEATH FESTIVITIES OF "EMPIRE DAY" COME TO TRAGIC ENDING. CHANCE BLOW ENDS CAREER Luther McCarty Meets Death from , Blow Which Dislocates His Neck Poet's Ashes Consigned to Funeral Pyre. Long Hench, Cnl. Too weak to up hold tho bunion of nearly 10,000 hu uinn holngq assembled for tho festlvl ties of Ilrltlfih "empire day" Saturday, the land end ofvtho big double-dcckcij municipal plcr In front or tho city nu ditorium collapsed. Hundreds of pen sons on tho top deck wero plunged down on tho heads of other hundreds crowded on the second deck. The sec. ond deck then gnvo wily, and nil wero dropped down n chuto of shattered woodwork to the tide-washed sandu twenty-five feet below. Thirty-three persons, mostly women, wero killed by the shivered tlmbors or crushed to death by the falling bodies of com panlons and friends.' Fifty moro werq seriously Injured, while hysteria ind paralyzing fright disabled scorch of others. Steamer Sunk With 200 Passengers. Smyrnn. Tho steamer Nevada, with two hundred passengers on board, fltruck three mines In succession Sat urday In the gulf of Smyrnn nnd sank. Only eighty of the passengers nnd crew wero reported saved. ,Tho mines wero strewn In the coast waters by tho Turks to prevent at tack by tho Greek fleet during tho Hal kail war. The Nevada was leaving tho gulf of Smyrna when a Russian Hteanier wns coming In. nnd In order to avoid n collision tho first nnmed vessol left the channel nnd entered the mine field, ,whero tho Nevada Htruck threo mines and ench exploded in quick succession. Ashes Consigned to Funeral Pyre. Oakland, Cnl. Tho ashes of tho la'tq Joaquin Miller, poet of the Sierras, were scattered Sunday among tho flames of a funeral pyro thnt hod been built by the poofs own hands. Tho ceremony was held nt tho Miller home, tho Heights, situated In the pic turesque hills nenrOakland. Tho Do liemlan club of Saii Francisco was In charge of tho rites, which wore wit nesBed by more than 500 persons, In cluding tho poot's widow nnd daugh ter, Junlntn, and mnny old-tlmo mends. Chance Blow Causes Death. Cnlgary, Alberta. Luther McCarty, claimant of the white heavyweight. championship of tho world. Saturday took the count of ten from Referee Ld Smith of Chicago, which marked htm the loser In tho ten-round fight with Arthur Fclky, nnd eight minutes later wns dead. His death waB caused by a chance blow which dislocated his neck. Arthur Pelky. who landed tho blow thnt ended his career, Is now under $10,000 bonds, chnrged with man slaughter. Vesuvius Getting Active. Naples. Vesuvius is showing re newed signs of nctlvlty. One oruptlon wns nccompnnled by n slight enrth quake shock. A new and largo central fissure has opened round the crater, from which ashes are emitting. The ashes, however, havo not yet gone be yond the limits of the volcano, Granted Leave of Absence. Mexico City. Francisco de la Bnrra, minister of foreign affairs, 'has been granted n leavo of absence. He an nounces that ho Intends to go abroad, and will probably visit the United States nnd Inter Eurtpo. Montrenl. Stanislaus Zbyszko, the Tollsh wrestlor, Is suffering from a fractured skull nnd other Injuries ns a result of a plunge fromlhe ring to the floor nnd alleged fouling tnctlcs used by his opponent, Constant Lo Mnrln, In n match here Saturday night. While his condition is serious, It Is not believed that his Injures will prove fatal. Insurgent Headquarters at Hastings. Hnstlngs, Neb, The national head quarters of tho Modern Woodmen In surgent organization formed nt Spring field, 111., last week will bo opened hero early In June, ncrordlng to Dr. Iteghtol, president of tho federation. Hnrry Hooper, who Is engaged In school work" at Tecwnseh, Okla., will resign his position nnd come hero In about two weeks to tnko chnrgo of the office ns secretary. When ho accepted tho ofllco of president, Dr. Beghtol was assured that ho would havo sufficient help to carry on tho work. Messenger Thwarts Bandits. New York. James T. Wlntross, a bank messenger, gave battle In tho street to four highwaymen who lcjnped Into his corrlago and attempted to wrest from him tho payroll of tho Na than Manufacturing company. Resist ing their efforts to Bubduo him with n rifle, n rovolvor nnd clubs, he fought to such good purposo that ho saved the money, although ho was shot In the nrm nnd his scalp laid open with u blow from a club. Pollccment suc ceeded In capturing two of his assail-ems. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS OF MORE OR LESS INTEREST. ' Summary of the Dally Transactions of the National Law Makers at Washington. Frlday. - Tho Senatc- -Not In session; meets at 2 p. in.. Monday. FInanco mib-commltteo continued hearings on tariff schedules, Hanking and currency committee authorized Chairman Owen to draft question on reform to bo submitted to nil bankers. Tho House Representative- Slsson In a speech attacked government's treaty making power where It super seded law making power of states. Representative Carter Introduced n resolution for Investigation of civil ized tribes by special committee. Representative Hobson Introduced a bill to prevent Industrial depression 'and valuo fluctuations In Iron and steel products. Ways nnd means commlttco con sidered committee nssogntnents. Rcpresentntlvo Rnrtholdt Introduced a resolution for constitutional amend ment vesting In congress power to legislate on nil questions affecting rights of foreigners In tho United States. Adjourned at 2:15 p. m. until noon Tuesday. Rebels Get an Aeroplane. Nogoles, Ariz. The projected at tack by Sonora stato troops on Guay mas may take tho form of a land, marine and nlr battle, mado possible, by tho crossing Into Mexico of a com plete aeroplane. A special train from tho direction of Naco and bearing tho machlno arrived at Nognles, Sonora, and wns hurried south. Tho Mexican gunboat Gterrn lies In the harbor ready to assist tho federal garrison. After the confiscation of his aeroplano below TucBon, Dldler Mnsson, a French nvlator, escaped Into Mexico nnd slnco hnB been awaiting tho ar rival of tho second machine. It Is said tho machlno Is tho second of n series of- flvo contracted for by the Insur gents stato government. Adventlst Patriarch Dies Suddenly. Washington. Friday's sessions of tho Seventh Day Adventlsts' world conferenco at Tnkoma Park, Md., camo to an abrupt end upon the announce ment of tho death of Elder G. A. Ir win of Loma Linda, Cnl.. one of the patriarchs of the denomination nnd an cx-presldent of tho general conference. Elder Irwin died suddenly of heart failure at a local sanitarium, whore ho hnd gono on his arrival hero. The conferenco ndjourned as a mark of re spect and all business was laid aside. Elder Irwin wbb born near Mount Ver. non, Ohio, In 1844. Result of Vendetta. Vlennn. Essad Pasha, who com manded the Turks at Scutari through ut tho siege, has been murdered at rTlrana, according to reports which havo reached the Albanians nt Trlest. Tirana Is where Essad Pasha marched with many thousands of .Turkish troops after the evacuntlon of Scutnrl and formed a provisional Albanian government. It is thought the murder mny bo the result of a blood vendetta carried out by the relatives of Genera' Hassan Rlza Pasha. Japanese Emperor Seriously III. Toklo. Ofllclal reports that Em peror Yoshlto Is 111 with nneumnnln tho constant attendance on him by one nr mnro nt iln aii. ..- ! one or more of the eight court nhvl clnnH nnd tho vigil which tho Empress Sndaka kept at his bedside all night, make It appear that his condition Js vory grave. Tho wholo Japanese em. plro was depressed by tho news. To Advance Currency Legislation. Washington. Tho sonato has agroed to a resolution authorising the banking and currency committee to hold meetings on proposed currency legislation, after sevoral republicans had voiced opposition to the passage at this session of nny measure making sweeping chnnges In tho nation's flnan clal system. Cincinnati. Railway mall clerks to tho number of 400 from all parts of tho country nro gathered hero for the twenty-fifth annual convention of tho Rnllway Mall Clerks' association of tho United States. Negro Assailant In Penitentiary. FWls City, Nob. Walter Rellow. n negro charged with a serious nssault on Mrs. Keller of this placo, Is In the penltontlnry. Ho wns taken to thnt Institution Friday by Deputy Sheriff Aldrlch of Falls City and Special Dop uty Chnrles Lyons or Horton. Knn. I he trip was mado by nuto from Hla wntha to Horton, Kan., nnd by Rock Island train from that plnco to Lin coln. Sheriff Aldrlch said ho purposed to keep nellew at tho penitentiary In definite y. because of tho intense fee' ing against him. May Change Name of Church. Omnha, Neb. Tho annual council of Iho eastern dioreso of tho Episcopal conference, In session nt Jacob's hall will probably thresh out the matter of renaming tho church. Whether tho church shall continue to bo known as tho "Protestant Episcopal church" or ball bo known nB tho "American Catholic church" Is a question that Is agitating tho Episcopalians at present. It Is n matter that Is to como up for Innl settlomont nt tho national con erence to bo held Jn Now York noxt tan. .' WHY NOT? Slwhmh GEE sEr v ii H if J Uu. Ll i ' rrry w NOT READY FOR RECOGNITION MARGIN ON TARIFF BILL PRETTY CLOSE IN SENATE. United States Wants Mexican Govern ment to Show Its Ability Plana to Cut Cost of Living. Washington. Wool' and sugar, the stumbling blocks of the tariff, held the attention of sennto finance commit tees nnd senators in general Friday, tho legislative air being filled with ru mors of contemplated changes and al liances and counter rumors of a fur ther tightening of tho administration forces for froe wool and for free sugar in three years. Great Interest was at tached to a public statement mado by Senator Walsh of Montana, condemn ing the proposition to put wool and sugar on the freo list, which gave rise to a report that he might Join with Senators Rnnsdell and Thornton of Louisiana and voto against the bill. In thnt case, tho senate majority being ,only bIx, the voto on tho tariff bill would bo a tie, necessitating the vote of Vice President Marshall to pass It. Plan to Cut Cost of Living. St. Joseph, Mo. With the idea of re ducing: the cost of living here, tho city tt St. Joseph has leased a municipal market place, recently erected at a cost of $75,000, to Hugh Bowen, a local resident, who is to pay $1 for eleven months' tenancy of the building. In consideration for the small rental. Bowen agrees to reduce the cost of foodstuffs, especially produce, to tho people of St. Joseph. Under the con tract tho city may employ expert ac countants to examine Bowen's books, and ir they should report that Bowen has failed to reduce 'the cost of food products, the city may terminate the contract. NOT READY TO RECOGNIZE. United States Wants Mexican Govern ment to 8how Ability to Change Conditions. Washington. President Wilson has made It clear that tho United States government had reached no decision a to recognizing the Huerta govern ment. He Indicated that when recog nition is extended it will be as a re sult of general readjustment of condi tions in Mexico. It had been reported that with the negotiating of a loan by Mexico, prospects for recognition would be approved. White House of ficials declined to say whether the re habilitation of Mexican financial af fairs would hasten recognition. Have No Wish to Naturalize. San Francisco. Of fifty Japaneso bora In Honolulu nnd eligible to American citizenship but fifteen have availed themsolves of tho opportunity, according to tho statoment of Gilbert D. Metzger, a Honolulu man who Is stopping here. "It has been my ob servation," ho said, "that Japanese nre absolutely loyal to tholr own govern ment nnd do not caro to become Amer ican citizens or permanent residents, oven when they may." Adventlsts to Invade Europe. Washington. Crentlon of tho Euro pean division conferonco, Including Europo, tho Russian nnd Turkish pos sessions In Asia, Persln, Arabia, Af ghanistan and thnt part of Africa not Included In Rhodesia, British Central Africa and South Africa, was effected at Thursday's session of tho Seventh Day Adventlsts nt Tnkoma Park, Md. This action marked a new departure of the organization of tho denomina tion nnd wns taken because of the rapid growth of tho work In Europe. Paris. Tho Bulgarian minister of finance, T. Theodoroff. who is -to rep resent Bulgnrla nt tho flnanclnl con ference In Paris In connection with the nalkan settlement, says that the Balkan Btates would ask for a war In demnity of two billion frnncs (f400,-' 000,000), of which Bulgaria's share would bo ono billion francs. Numer ous precedents, ho said, supported tho Balkan demand. They did not ask to bo Indemnified for Indirect losses due to the stato of war, but morely for re- iKnCment f PUrC,y m,Utary Mpen- dltures. A. R. VETERAN3 WOULD 8ET ASIDE OCTOBER 2. 8enate Determined to Equalixe Pro posed Measures Western Demo crats Form Association for De velopment of Irrigation. Fremont, Nob. With the installa tion of officers Thursday afternoon the encampment of the G. A. R. arid the an nual meeting of the W. R. C. and L. of G. -A. R. in Fremont came to a close. The next convention will go to Grand Island. A resolution creating patriotic day as a new holiday in Nebraska and calling for Its general observance was passed. October 2 was named as the day. The department officers chosen for tho ensuing year are" as follows: Department commander, John A. Dempster, Omaha; senior vice com mander, E. N. Morso, Fremont; Junior vice commander, Jeff W. BedfordOm aha; medical advisor, S. B. Ludkcn. Brock; chaplain, Rev. G. B. Chase, Juniata; council of administration, S. Johnson, Broken Bow; W. J. Brystono, Lincoln; George F. Ryan, Grand Is land; Jonathan Edwards, Omaha. The Ladles of the G. A. R. choso the fol lowing officers: President, Mrs. Mary A. Fancher, Lincoln: senior vice nresl- dent, Mabelle Stoddard, Omaha; Junior vice president, Susie Lewis, Ortl; treasurer, Ora Delner, Ord; chaplain, Louise Fisher, Greenwood; counsellor, Nora A. Kidder, Fremont. Western Democrats Combine. Washington. Members of the asso ciation of western democrats recently formed to act as one delegation in tho Interests of legislation affecting tho west and northwest, nre planning for a campaign for securing amendments to Irrigation and public land laws. As an Important preliminary they are urg ing the appointment W members of the association to the committee on public lands and the irrigation of arid lands, with a view to having a controll ing vote In those committees. WILL SLASH TARIFF BILL. Senate Determined to Equalize Pro posed Measures. Washington. Determination to equalize live stock and grains and their respective products in the Underwood tariff bill has been reached by the sen ate finance sub-committee considering tho agricultural schedule. It has been agreed that If cattle, sheep, hogs, wheat and oats are to remain dutiable, as the Underwood bill classifies them, then a duty shall be placed on beef, mutton, pork, wheat, flour and oat meal, or If these products are to remain on tho free list, tho raw materials will be converted into the free list. Norrls Denounces Valorization 8cheme Washington. The International bankers who furnished the money for tho Brazilian coffoo vnlnrlr.ntlnn scheme were denounced by Senator-! imuitib uuciiik uiu lariu ucunie. no declared they had sought to stand at the door of every home demanding an unjust trlbuto from "God's poor." "In my opinion a man who has wealth and would do that has moro to answer for than tho man who violates man-made laws," said tho senator. G. A. R. at Fremont. Fremont, Neb. Over 500 G. A. n members, w. R. C. members and La dles of the O. A. Rvare in the city to attend tho annual encampment. Brightening skies gave an Impetus to enthusiastic phases of the patriotic gathering. Tho parado nt 10 o'clock Wednesday waB a splendid and stir ring slht. In the procession marched the drum corps, 2C0 civil war vetorans, the Fremont signal corps, 110 mem bers of tho W. R. O. and L. of G. A. R., Stockftcld's boys' band, the city schools and country schools. Coldest May on Record Winnipeg Snow fell nt mnny points In Saskatchewan Wedncsdny night, according to reports recelyed, nnd crops In westorn Cnnadn havo been retnrded greatly. This has been the coldest May on record, say officials. Opium Planters Burned to Deatft Shanghai. SIxty-soven -farmers of Shen Chow Ting, in western Honan, who nnd resisted attempts of the sol i-lf Ata in i-)Aatu 4 tiAlts awavm ! wero burne1 to death In a building i where they wore holding a meeting. p. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA, Cook has voted $5,000 lighting bonds. Hastings women have organized an qual suffrage league. Ord will have a first-class salaried ball team this season. Tho Cozad ball team has not been beaten so far this season. Omaha claims a gain of 168,484 In population in tho. past year. Sbubert Is assured a largo now mod ern hotel In tho near future. The Blue river al Beatrice has been stocked with channel cat fish. A commercial club of 125 members has been organized at O'Neill. Tho annual heglrn of Russians to the western boot fields has begun. Flood dnnHTgn by Inst week's storm In Knox county will amount to $50,000. Col. John A. Dempster will deliver the Memorial day address nt David City. Tho stato convention of the Eagles will be held at Beatrice. Junu 10, 11 and 12. Tho town of Berlin, that was de stroyed by a tornado, la being rapidly rebuilt. - The next meeting of tho grand chnp ter, Order of Eastern Stnr, will bo held at Lincoln. Jake Gettman of tho Baltlmoro In ternational baseball club has been sold to Hastings. Ernest Galloway of Auburn has sought tho Salem Index, and will take :hnrgo immediately. Daniel Sundy or Hanson was kicked on tho head by n mule and seriously but not fatally injured. The baccalnurcnte services nt Shu bert were held In chnrgo of Rev. F. E. Day of Highland, Kan. Four-year-old Everett Johnson, nt Burwell. hnd his right leg broken by tho kick of n vicious cow. Joseph Pacyk slipped when ho went to board a trnln nt Hastings and' will lose a leg In consequence. A slight frost wns reported at Gree ley Wednesday morning, but It Is thought no damage was done. Paul Bonnet, a Lincoln lad. was badly Injured when he fell from a street car. alighting on his head. Tho Broken Bow .. Co-operative Creamery association has completed Its plant and started up In business. Almost continuous rainy weather ha3 retarded corn planting In Cum Ings county to a considerable extent. Owen Howell of Auburn camo In contact with a live wlro while at work and his head, hand and side are badly burned. Seven-yenr-old Louis Russell of PlattBmouth lost n finger when he tried to clear the grass from a lawn mower. The civics department of the Hast ings Woman's club has placed a sani tary drinking fountain In Carnegie library. Xadets of the York high school to the number of about fifty are at Thayer, where they will go Into camp for a week. Some farmer boys near Dlllerfcap- tureu a porcupine, which is said to be the only one of its species In thla part of tho country. Tho new Albion city corincil tried out. the auto truck as tho rtotlvo power to drag the streets and got ex cellent results. Citizens of Burwell at a recent elec tion voted a bond Issue of $5,500 for tho purposo of building an addition to the school house. Pastors of Albion are considering tho ndvisablllty of holding union ser vices during July out in the open, ns they did last year. -L L. Teellng, an experienced hotel man or nWtertown, S. D will In all probability bo tho manager-of Hast ings' new hotel. Rev. S. Johnson, aged 77, who dis appeared from Omahar was located four days later at Mead, forty-six miles weBt. How he reached the place is unknown. A. L. Bell, attempting to rip a frame on a circular saw at Plattsmouth, lost two fingers on one hand, with the pos slbllltles that the remainder will have to be amputated. Charles Blllesbach of Hastings, was badly disfigured when he waa struck In tho fact by a baseball during a practice game. Deputy Sheriff Roy Fischer of Ne braska City has gone to Excelsior Springs for his health, which has been poor of lato. , A. M. Munn of Nebraska Cltv hnn been nppolntcd a member of tho gon eral educational committee jf the na tional drainage congress. J. II. WIntersteon, tho oldest man In Fremont, is dead at the ago or ,92. Ho, settled In Saunders county In 1S70, moving to Fremont In 1881. "Faust" was presented -at Nebraska City by a local company and neetcd the Episcopal guild $160. which will bo used for charity purposes. The thirty-eighth annual session of the Nebraska EcloctJcal Medical asso ciation convened In Lincoln last week. About 150 physlclanB attended. Two membors of n Sicilian track gang wero found murdored in a bunk car at Marquette, victims, it is thought, of a vendetta. A clnss of sixty-eight will bo grad uated from tho Beatrice High school this spring. This Is tho largest class In tho history of tho school. A largo number or game birds have been liberated In Seward county dur ing the past few weeks. Utlcn boasts of a boys' band com- I posed of youngsters from In and closo to town, of fourteen pieces. Robert Herald, an 11-year-old Plattsmouth boy, wns so badly blt,ten and scratched up by a vicious dog that a physldan'B services wero neces sary. A. H. Lolbcrs, farm demonstrator for Gngo county, who was operated upon for nppendlcltjs nt a Lincoln hospital, hoa so far recovered ns to resumo h1a duties. WASN'T GOING INTO DETAILS Four-Year-Old Had His Own Idea of Propriety of Not Airing1 8trlctly Personal Affairs. , Ono llttlo four-yoar-old boy who doesn't live far from Central- park west, New York, has as his particular playmate a little girl of about the same age. Tho children frequently spend their evenings together, and the other morning tho girl came to tho. fenco and called him. "Alton," she cried, "come out am play." Alton's mother heard tho call nnd sold to him: v "Tell her you can't como over Just now becnuso you havo to take a. bath." So Alton wont to tho front window. "Elizabeth," ho called, "I can't come ovur now." Then ho turned back to his mother and added: "I don't fink the rest of It need bo salded." HANDS BURNING, ITCHING, 905 Lowoll Placo, Chicago, III. "Tho trouble began by my hands burn ing and Itching and I rubbed and scratched them till ono day I saw lit tlo red sores coming out. My hands were disfigured and swollen, nnd trou Died me so that I could not sleep. They wero cracked and when the small sores broke a white matter would com out. I could not do any hard work; if I did the sores would como out worse. For two years no body could euro my eczema, until ono day I thought I would try the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I used warm wa ter with the Cutlcura Soap and after that I put the Cutlcura Ointment on my hands twlco a day for about five or six months when I was cured." (Signed) Sam Marcus", Nov. 28, 1911. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Samplo of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address, post-card "Cutlcura, DepL L, Boston.' Adv. Their Message. Tho evening callers were chatting tsith their hosts when there came a patter of little feet along tho hall. "Hush," whispered tho hostess," raising her hand; "tho children are. coming with their good-night message. It always glvqs me a feeling of rev erence to hear them. They are so much nearer to heaven than we, and they speak from the fullness of their little hearts never so freely as when, the dark has come. Listen!" There was a moment's pause, and? then the message camo In a Bhrlll whisper: "Mama," it ran, "Willie found a cockroach In tho tub." Something They Hadn't Seen, Following a baseball game, in which the Yankees came to ignomin ious defeat, Irvln S. Cobb, the humor ist, approached Frank Chance andT said: "Would you mind if I gave your team a little surprise a little treat?" "Not at all," responded Chance. "It might even cheer them up." " "Well, then," continued Cobb, "call them over hers and I'll Bhow then third base." What Then? "I want you to go with mo and look, at a futurist canvas." "Suppose wo are both overcome?"- Hr. Wlnlow' Sootbtntr Bynip for Children teething, softent the truinn, reduce Inflamma tioollajra pmln.curea wind college a bottlejtftt Old liars aro young romancers gono to seed. Unless you know your duty will you bo able to dodgo it? how It'8 "Good night" to all such ailments as POOR APPETITE SOUR STOMACH SICK HEADACHE INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION if you will only begin your meals with HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It tones the stomach and assists digestion in everyway. Try it today DAISY FLY KILLER STVR ft ICt. Nut. Clt4D Of. namenul. eoDtnlnt, cbrap. tkitt all atom. Wad or meUI.eanliplnorUp orcri will not toll o injur njrtbtut;, OuarantMHl ffcctlr. All dealer orctoot FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. tirriK (torn mdmey. DLADnrRV nehioli l iia: W. N. U.( LINCOLN, NO. 22-1913. bbbbw nWinHVA lb&vv " -, L t It ., '