The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 29, 1913, Image 12

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n iiium mi uM
OWMWMl-tii 'It'lljI'Wi1 IWHniHWiJWlWiMawiia'lf mil .....
yiiiWW)WMIW)lllftIWJWji ii inyn,iy.JHi yiQMyasifliwsn'
'WBvlrfYJWvTWfH T57 i "?& ji - 2. -
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vlwTWf" "V ' i "rt ' v Vjj "' . 3 i. - I
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KwBer fnae.
I Prlda fa ono of tho seven deadly
Ins; but It cannot bo the pride of a
mother In her children, for that ia a
compound of two cardinal virtue
iaith and hope. Dlckena. ,
, A cynic eays a huoband In the home
may ba a comfort, but a huaband lo
"heaven la a luxury.
Dally Th:ught.
The work tin unknown good man has
done is llku ii vein of water flowing
hidden underground, secretly making
tho ground sreun. Carlyle.
Taking advantage'
of our GREAT
25 Per Cent
Off on
women s
25 Per Cent
Off on all
Ladies' Wool
20 Per Cent
Off on all
Ladies are especially in
vited to use our Rett
Room Decoration Day.
Cash or Trade for
p. G. Twnare
and Sod
"II It'a New Turnure Haa It"
Commissioners' ,
lii:i Ui.oui), Nebh , May 20, A. I). It'll).
Hoard of County Commissioners nut
pttrMintit to adjournment all members
preMMit viz; T. J. Chaplin, O.
Ntuik. Floyd McCiill; W. O. Hoffinut',
ami Paul Storey Chairman of Mild
On motion tho minutes of .former
menlinK read and approved.
Moved ami seconded that the brlriirc
in llatln Township lU miles north of
lied Cloud bo not accepted until re
ported tipnti Mitlsfnctorly by t he lii-ldtfe
Coiiimiltee of srfld Commissioner Ols.
ti let. potion culled.
Now conies G. . Llndsey and notl
lies tlie County Hoard that he Is Klng
to close the roud tlitit runs across the
Railroad track on his rfneo In Section
tOne, Township One, Kiuiko IJIevon, m-
niiMlliitely anil tlmt he will not bo re
sponsible for any dainiiKi'H that may
occur on uccoutit of the closing of siijd
It whs moved mid seconded that the
HriilKO plans mid specifications mark
ed cxhlbHA. It. C, I), and ti, and dat
ed May 20th., 1013; be and Is' hereby
adopted and the Cleik is hereby in
strutted to advertise for seal bids for
the construction of badges and cul.
verts according tojthe said plans and
specifications adopted and on file in
the Cerk's olllce of Webster County,
Nebraska. Motion carried.
On motion the following claims were
audited and allowed and the Clerk in
structed to draw warrants on their re
spective funds in payment of same:
P. L. St kes .1 84 00
E. S. Fltst. 90 oo
Sam Glgi r j.,....j 60 00
W. II. Patterson 81 00
I'aul Storey 84 00
Bellc.Spanogle 39 05
Harry Vaughan 40 00
.T. S Dlcrker ,. 00 00
C. L. Cottlug 9 50
Dr. Damercll 8 00
Fred Maurer , 3 00
Geo. H. Fisher : 40
Stella Watt 3 40
Edith L. McKcIpuan .'10 Co
Martin Chemical Co 20 00
Clias. Huuter 8 00
.T.O.Caldwell 4 50
Western Pub Co 110 Go
Klopp & Iiartlctt 1 02
II. C. Wright 41 01
C. II. Burgess Gil 70
S. It. 5 75
State Journal Co 33 30
L. P. Johnson r4 Oo
Hammond &. Stephens 25 7o
Miner Hros. Co 20 21
H. J. Maurer 24 (.0
T. J. Chaplin 4(1 55
Mike Flessner 3 2t 50
James Mnlntosh Co 50
It. S. Proudflt Lbr. Co 113 00
W. Palmer 2 00
Geo. Trine
Whltaker & Ruckles
S. S. Deardorf ;..
I. O. Walker
To The County Board of
County, Nabr. I, W. A. Hasebrook
justice of the peace in and for Glen
wood precinct of Webster County,
Nebr., do hereby reaign my aaid office
of Justice of the Peace, aaid resigna
tion to take effect upon the acceptance
of the same. Dated this 3rd day of
May 1013. W. A. Haaebrook.
On motion the above and foregoing
resignation of W. A. Hosebrook as
justice of the peace in and for Glen
wood Preciuot is hereby accepted this
20th day of May 1013.
On motion Board adjourned slue die.
E. V. Ross, County Clkkk.
Ed. Burns and Tim Smith mar
ried as pretty a pair of twin sisters
;as you'd see In a picture gallery, and
'then settled down in tho same town
long aide of one another.
' For a year everything went aa
smooth and easy, and then a change
came over the spirits of Ed. Burns
and Tim Smith. Ed. got to looking at
'Tim's wife, and Tim got to looking
at Ed's wife, nnd they concluded they
had married tho wrong sister.
It was amuaing when you como to
reason It out, for the glrjs were as
much alike ns the snme letter out
of tho sumo Identical t printer's box.
Hut Ed. remarked to lija.wife, what
a flno houtjekeper her Bister was',
and Tlmo remarks to his wife, what
a flno cook her sister 'wasv Ed. says
to Jenny that's his wife: ' "Why
don't you dresH yourself up pretty,
llko your sister does? She's, got
style, she has." And, 'Tim. says tp.
Mary that's his wife: ,'"W.hyM don't'
you look stylish, llko your sister docs?
She's got a backbone llko a w,r.s lis
uro In a Fifth avenue sjoro."
It run on this way 'most a., year,
and Ed. and Tim got more and more,
careles of their wives'.. fcelhTga, and'
the two women folks got more and'
more miserable and unhappy.
Well, It went on this way till .the
rift In the fiddle was big enough to
swallow a meeting house, and then
one day something curlouB hap-'
pened. Ed. and Tim klsaed their
wlvea and made up, and "acted pret
tier than they did In their courting
daya, and everybody in town, waa
glad to aee' it but me.
You aee, Tim had taunted Mary
about how much nicer her alster was.
till Mary flies up and, say a: "Why'
aon t you traae me for Jenny, ana
be done?" ' ' . ;
Tim could hardly ' belleve(' bis eaa
for a inotne'nt, then fhe' gratia Mary
and ehbut's: '"You mean it'?".' .. .
"Ye's,"v sayaMraywlth be,rp
n ireuiuuug
Just then who shouldcomp.ln.but
Ed. and' Jenny,, and I'(ll be ejrnally
demoralized' ' If" 'fed and TJro.f didn't
. ..I 27 20
. ., 25 V
.... 9 00
.... 1 50
go at it on the spot andjkp wljiea
.without any compunction 'dTr.lflpot.'" M.
"Nobody, wlll 'know Jveve' dona
It," eald Ed. "You' couldn't' Jell 'em
apart till you've lived with one, of
'em a year." . ""'...'
"Nobody but us will know it," says'
Tim, looking at Jenny llko a boy with
a dime in his pocket looks in a candy
store window. '
Then Jenny and Mary w,ent up
stairs together and changed clothes,
and came down, a'tia Tim grabs Ed's
wife and Ed. grabs Tim's wife, and
everything looked as rosy 2nd com
foi'table as tho big gold 'Wl"' on" a
divorce certificate. ' N"
Ed goes home with Mary and Tim
stays with Jenny, and the two men
folks were &b frollcksome and af
fectionate aa two bull-pups with
'their first muzzles taken off.
Ed. acted aa It nothing was too
good for Mary, and Tim thinks there
wasn't anything halt good enough
for Jenny, and the two women folks
got to laughing and growing fat
from pure Joy, and aa nobody but
,them and me knew anything" about
the deception, and me laylag low
and aaylag notfclng, why, things we'at
oa from good to better aad 'from
better to best
' But what sort of vsrprteed as was
the way that the elaters took to It
Their ooaseleaees.dMa't' seem to, be
trouMtag them at all, and they grew
fat and sauey oa the love they" were
25 Per Cent Discount On
In order to close out what we have left will give the above
discount on all Coats and Suits. This means a
$10.00 Garment at 5 7 50
12.00 Garment at """" oido
15.00 Garment at . 11.25
' . 16.50 Garment at .' ""!" 12.38 ,-
17.50 Garment at ..: 1313
20.00 Garment at "''" 15.00
22.50 Garment at .... 16.88
25.00 Garment at 1875
We still have a good assortment of Coats and Suits but ad
vise, all who are interested to make their selections as soon as
g - These garments are made by one of the best Manufactures
c in Cleveland Ohio which assures you that the style, fit and
? iL: TL- -LI..1-1 .
cvciyuuug ciac is ausoiuieiy correci.
Weesner, Perry & Co
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
rfcrtfMew Cmn
Htata of tiahtaaka ( i.'mitPiuinlvRniiri
.a,4 ....-. it m ..t-l.- ........ r -' -
buvub. 1 oonciuaea ibbc mm. mm9M nwwrivm 1
ia aayT AT county i
In The District Caart of Webster
tevRty. Nebraska.
rrancli K. Payne,
.I0I111 llllibi-y,
the unknown liclrs mill dovlsin of John
SiiKannalt lilbhcy,
ami tho unknown heirs and devisees ot
Susannah Illbliey, '
Lejal Netlce.
In John lllbbuy Ullvluu, to tlio unknown
heirs ami itevUecs ot John lltblcy, to Hun
aiinnh lllbbuy, It llvtiiK, and to the unknown'
litlrH and devhecH of HiiNannali lllbbey :
You and each ot you are hereby notllle.l
thaton the loth day of May litis, Krancls K.
1'ayne commenced an action In tho District
Court ol WebHter County, Nebraska against
you am) each of you, tho object and prayer
of which l to quiet In hltuHolf tho title to the
South Went Quarter of the North Went
Quarter and the South halt ot the South
Weit Quarter and the North West Quarter
of the South West Quarter ot Section 34,
Towns, Range 12, weat ot the 0th P. U. In
Webster County, Nebraska.
You are further notified that you are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
the 7th dy of July, 1913.
Fsancis E. Paymk,
By Barnard McNsny,
THIs Attorney.
Report of the Condition
or tiii:
Webster County Bank
Charter No. I01i, Incorporated in tho State of
Nebraska, at tho close of business May a
Loans and Discounts HT,U.!I.'J8
Overdrafts secured and unsecurtd... 271.11
Furniture and fixtures I ,.7)0.00
Current expenses and taxes paid '.','''''-
Due from national rtnd state
hanks ta 4W.I1
Cheeks and Items of exchange 90.J.1MJ
Currency 2.W1.00
(lold coin
Silver, nickels and cents
Total cash on hand ........
Capital stock paid In ...
Surplus fund
Undivided pronts ..
Individual deposits subject
to check . 62,815.72
Demand and Time certifi
cates of deposit ..... 21,775.68
Total deposits...-
Depositors' guaranty fund
... I,UX).00
... 6,952.13
. 80.78
IVelumee In Which Vlaltora te Royalty
: Have Inscribed Thalr Namaa Are
Moat Carefully Preeervod.
Two bow vliltora' booka have re
cently been provided at Buckingham
palace, and the old onee have cone to
Join the many ottaere that are In the
;aafe keeping ot the Lord Chamber
laln'a department.
f The value ot theee booka to auto-'(raph-huntera
la almoat impoaalble to
jeetlmate, and aome aenaatlon waa
cauaed about the court a few yeara
ago when It waa announced that one
waa mlaatng. fortunately a careful
aearch revealed Ita whereabouta.
The booka are bound In crlmaon
ileather, with aa Imperial crown
jatamped on the back, anof are aecured
with a atlver claap. Aa a rule, each
book laata for about two yeara. but
jupon the occasion of the death of
King Edward over a hundred pagea
were taken up with algnaturea of
One of the booka la kept at the am
bassadors' entrance to the palace for
tho use ot the diplomatic corpa and
,offlclal vlaltora, and the other la at the
equerries' entrance and la uaed by the
general circle.
Everyone entering or leaving the
palace la called upon to sign one or
other of these books. TltDlta.
Tin nacm t wanted to awap wlvea aay
better than Mary aad Jeaay bad
wanted to awap husbands. But 1
couldn't blame the women folks much,
for they were now being treated like
human angela. ,
Well, It went on for moat "a year
thla way, with Ed. and Tim treating
the alater they had awapped for like
knights In old story books treated
their beautiful lady lovea, then, one
day, I discovered something that'll
make me turn over and. laugh In my
I've aaid before that Jenny and
Mary being twlna and born of the
same mother looked Juat alike, and
I'll be eternally ahanghaled If they
hadn't fooled their own husbands.
They had gone upatalra and changed
dreaaes, and then came dowa aad
pretended Mary waa Jenny an Jeaay
waa Mary, and Ed. had gone o
home with h)e own wife, thinking
her Mary, and Tim had atayed where
he waa, with hta own wife, thinking
her Jenny, and by treating their
wires like they wet seme other fel
low's wife, I'll be hanged if they
didn't love 'era like they were.
When I discovered the truth 1
went home and fed my bull-pup on
liver till he begged me to quit it,
and then I sat down and wondered
about how long It would be before
Ed. and Tim would And out the
truth, and the truth would make 'em
(Copyright by Dally Story Publishing Co.)
The Instrument
"I beard the young couple wa
paaaed aay they wanted to drlak la
the atarry night. How could they do
'Isn't there the Dlpperr
ourt held at the County
Court room In and for said county Monday,
May anth., A. D. iui.
4 1 w the matter ot the estate ot Jaeob Chap
lin, Deceased.
ON reading andnllng the petition ot Isabel!
Chaplin praying tbat administration ol said
estate may be granted to Thomas J. Chaplin
as Administrator.
OIIDKHKD, that Friday the 13th day
ol Juiie A. D. 1913, at ten o'clock a. m., is
assigned for hearing said petition, when all
persons Interested In said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held In and for
said County and show cause why prayer ot
petitioner should not be granted; and that
notice ot the pendency ot said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to allfpersons
Interested In said matter, by publishing a
copy ot this order In the Bed Cloud Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed in 'said county,
(or three consecutive weeks prior to said day
ot hearing.
A. D. Raw war,
(Seal) County Judge.
Ueaal Way.
"Truth crushed to earth will rlae
again," but nine times out ot tea the
automobile gets away firstLlppi
optfa. 5
Reason ef It
"Ma, are eyes the windowa of the
n" . ..
"They say ao, dear." '
"Tben la that why aome'tlmea they
look glassy T"
-'-i'. -v.
Makee All the Mfrerent. '
Before marriage the ahape, the flg
re aad complexion carry all before
them; after marriage, the mind and
character unexpectedly claim their
ehare and that the largest ot lav
portance. Lord Melbourne.
Net Up te Ixpectatlena,
"George baa told me eU the secrete
ot hla past" "Mercy! What did you
think of them?" "I waa awfully disap
pointed." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
N-v ,'dM ,W. At:ractlve.
A V .l.n r:c;'.?sor seriously pro
ic".t ff Chliibl!"1!! a school of love,
!iir the rudiments ot lovemaklng
ny ba tnutht. lut harn't It been
iiipt'oauU t'.ut loverd aro born, not
Total 139,734.31
County ot Webster. f
I, S. R. Flobancb, cashier 01 the above
named bank, do hereby swear that the above
statement Is a correct and true copy of( the
report made to the State'Tianklng lioafd. '
attimt: Cashier.
H. F. Mizkh, Director.
Wm. Chahii.1., Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
27th day of May I'JIS. O. c. Tkkx,
(hkal.) Notary Public.
1 n Tho County Court.
Notice 'To Creditor
Slain nl CihrnoLn i . . V
cDMier (.-011 my.
In the matter Of the ltntr. nt Mnrlnt, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby Klfentoall persons liavloir
elttlms and demands nealnst Marloir I.ovitt,
late or Velwter County, deceased, that the
time Hxed for IUIdk claims aaalust said estate
Ufclx months from the 20th day of June, lam.
All such persons are required to present
their claims, with the vouchers, to the County
Juilue of said county, at hlsoffloe therein, du
or before the 20th day ot December, 1913; and
all claims so tiled will be heard before the said
Jude on the 32nd dayof December, 191:1; atone
o'clock p. m j and that the administrator Ik
allowed one j ear from the llth day of Moy,
li'1.1. In which to pay the debts allowed attlott
said estate und ettle the s.ime.
' (kai.) A. D. Kanmky.
County Juiluo.
Nitlce ta Creditors.
SWeetaUNrCorSf,'t?: e county court.
In the matter of the estate of Mary A.
Heaton, Deceased.
Notice U hereby given to all persons hav
ing claims and demands against Mary A.
Heaton, late of Webster county, deceased,
that the time died for flling''clalms against
said estate Js six months from the 20th day fl
June, A. D. WIS. ,
All such per9as)ara required to present
their claims, with the vouchers, to the
County Judge ot said county, at hU offloe
therein, on or before theaoth day of Deceasl
ber 1913; and all claims so Die will be hea
before the said Judge on (tie .tod day ot
December, IBIS, at two o'clocki'p. ra.; sod
that the administrator la allowed one year
from the27thday ot May A. D, 1913, In whiefe
to par the debts allowed against said estate
and settle the same. )
"AI1 A. D.Hannby,
County Judge.
do niiv.Ht;; of a man," In the
i'.'J-.t:i t'rl'a. opinion, la merely a
.'- if the t-Mdth of hla Bhouldors,
,i, "i 9 hid noeo, and the em-
' v. ni y.c p-ultotbook. Tho Tat-
atwOs ig S)gejw fjajajgg.
State of Nebraska, I inriilv..,i,....i
Webster County, f WTheCoUDty Court
At a ounty ourt held at the County
Court room In nnd for said county May 22nd,
In the matter of the estate of Clyde
Vance I'olnts, Deceased.
On reading and tiling the petition of Hose
Points praying that administration of said
estate may be grautel to William M. Points,
as Administrator.
Obdkkxd, That Friday, the 13th day ol
June A. D., 1913,1 at 10 o'clock a. ra.,
Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all
persona Interested in said matter may appear
at a County Court to be held In and (or said
county and show cause why prayer ol peti
tioner should not be granted; and that notice
ofjhe pendency ot said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons Interested
In said matter, by publishing a copy of this
order In the Red Cloud Chief, a weekly news
paper printed In said county, for three con
secutive weeks prior to said day ot hearing.
(hkai.1 A. I). Rannky,
County Judge.
Comfort In the Tr.ought
Patricia possesses the four-year-old's
usual aversion to water for
cleansing purposes and Is most spar
ing of its application to her small
face. The other evening before going
to bed she gave her reflection in e
mirror a careful scrutiny and rem
ad: "Well, my face la pretty clean. I
frlleve it'll do for tomorrow,"
When Time la Rea1.
One aelt-approviag hour whole yeara
Mtwetgb. Pope.
he Waa e Timid.
She (to matd)"Pull down the
ahadea, Ninette. Even the heoka hare
eyee." YaVB Record.
Notic. to Brid Bulldr.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed oroDoiali
will be received at the ottlce of the County
Clerk In the City ol Red Cloud, Webster
County, Nobmikn, for the furnishing of at)
material and the erection and romplettoqI
llrldges and Culverts required by Webster
County for one year (1), to-wlt: 1913. accord
ing to plans and speculations on nie In the
County Clerk's olllce.
Each bid must be made according to law
and accompanied by a certified check for
the sum ot iaoo.00 on a local Bank at a guar
antee that II awarded the contract the con
tractor will enter same with proper bond as
required by law. Said bids to be opened at
a o'clock P. M July 14, IBIS. The Board re
serves the right to reject any and all bids,
said bids shall be at a specified sum per
lineal foot for the Substructure ot all such
Bridges, and at specified sum per lineal loot,
for the superstructure of all such bridges and
approaches, and at a specified sum per lineal
foot for all piling in the Substructure of all
bridges and .approaches, and at a specified
sum per foot (board measure) for all caps,
sway, braces and other wood material used
In construction of such bridges and ap.
proaches, and at a specified sum per pound
for all material In the substructure of all
combination bridges. And (or Concrete
Bridges and etc. county excavates over
8.00 to be paid by County not to exceed 12.00
per day, sand to be hauled by builder up to
2 miles, without cost to County, all over 8
miles the extra mileage to be paid by County
as agreed on between bidder and Bridge
Committee, all bids must be per cubit foot
for Hubstructujro and Superstructure, also
bids on 3 and i foot cement culverts aar
lineal loot.
Bald bids shall be submitted according Jo
plans nnd specifications adopted and 011 ftTe
and open to Inspection In the office of the
County Clerk: at Red Cloud, Nebraska, Bid
ders to f urnUb bond as required by law and
by the condition herein named. All bids ta
be on file by 12 O'clock, Noon. July 14, 191?,
and submitted on forms furnished by
County Clerk. i
order Of The County Moard Of Couatv
I Dated May 28th, WIS.
H. W, Howi, s
County Clerk.
... - i SHI
, , H. W, HOW, s V sffl
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