H!S5S55!SSw!S5SS F7rars!JMKr3TK7!TISkfc?!i i ..! a ..'. iti 1M "!.' r 'IB ' V '3ft: Vj" hif- ' s8A"'. frA - M . Mi . 4' -, V 3 PRZES TO BE AWARDED s Saturday. AT SIX In The Chief Voting Contest -TSSBBBBBBKSHMRHSs&SSsBlBBBBBBBBBBflsaD. fBBBBBBBISBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBSlBB9BBBBBBB 1st Prize-Ford Touring Car 2nd Prize Diamond Ring 3rd Prize-Gold Watch The following voting schedule will be in effect through the rest of the contest: Voting Schedule and Subscription Rate The following" voting schedule and subscription ra'te will hold good during the remainder of the Cpntest: , Chief one year $1.50, (new subscription) counts 1000 votes. Chief one year 51.50, (old subscription) counts 700 votes. Nebraska Farmer to January 1 1915. $1.00 cdunts 1000 votes, Chief ' (new ' subscription) one year and the Nebraska Farmer until January 1, 1915. for $2.00, counts 2000 votes. Chief (renewal subscription) one year and Nebraska Farmer until January 1, 1915, $2.00. counts 1700 votes. Five years subscription to the two papers, $10.00, counts 3000 extra votes. Centestsnts should work far the combination subscriptions. . , The Chief Automobile Contest will close on the above date awarded. Only three weeks more in which to secure the winning votes. Contestants should improve the time from now on. There will be no more Bargain Days for votes., A subscription will count for the same number of votes today as on the last day of the contest. GET BUSY TODAY! Standing of The Contestants The votes cast are counted on Wednesday of each week. The count this week shows the following result: Miss Gertrude Coon 81.075 Gertie Cartwright 172,325 Mrs.L. H. Matkins 158.100 Miss Maude Hayes 144.400 ElenorGilham 89.450 Miss Rose McGuire o.w THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloiid, - 3 June 14th P. Af. and the prizes will be sis - Nebraska HONE NEWS Bulletin of Tito Week's Doings LUMAMAVAVLVAV Cutting's "Thelina." Mrs Geo II. Holllster spout Sunday Iti Lincoln. leu crotun and soft drinks served at Win ion's Restaurant. Fresh enndy, peanuts mid cigars ut Wnrren's Uestumnut. Mrs. Clrns, Potter returned the last of the week from Ounihn. The V. C. T. U , met yesterday afternoon at the home ef Mrs Larrlek. The lest short orders In town nte served at the Puritan Cafo. Try them. Clyde Deltor of Superior was spend ing ii few days the last of the week In this city. X. Glick of Grand Island was a Bed Cloud visitor one day the hitter part of the week. lee cream, soft drinks ami confect ionery always on hand at the 1'urltun Cafe. adv. Ralph Foe and father, Sam, return ed the last of the week from a short trip to Omaha. .loliu Beauchamp of Superior was spending a few days the first of the week in this city. Mrs. G. 11. Throne has returned borne from a visit with her son, John, who resides in California. Ben Gibson and wife spent a few days the latter port of the week visit ing with friends In Rloomlngton. A. W. Oberg vof Superior spent n few days the last of the week In tills city attending to business affairs. Bert Kaley and wife left tbo latter part of the week for a short visit in Chicago and other eastern cities. Mrs. Fanule S. Dow had for her cuost over Sunday her son, Charley, who resides in Newcastle, Wyoming. TheSbriner Brothers of Rlverton were attending to business affairs in this city one day the last of the week? Attorney Walters of Blue Hill was attending to matters pertaining to bis nrofession in this citv the first of the week. John Havel spent a few days in Omaha the last of the week purchas ing supplies and some new cars for bis garage here. Floyd Turnurc, of tho,tlnn of F. O. Turnure &. Son. was a passenger to Lincoln Tuesday, where be went to ut tend to some business matters. Will Holmes, who formerly lived in Red Cloud, but who now resides in Washington, Kansas, spent a few days the last of the week in this"' city. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those "needing glasses fitted at Dr. Damerell's oftloe in Red Cloud, Tues day, May 27th. Fred Stauberry, formerly the popu lar clerk In Ed Amack's furniture store, bat who is now holding down a position in tbe C. B. & Q., freight offices in Scotts Bluff, spent Sunday In the city the guest of Ed Amack and wife. Farm Leans-I have a limited a mount of private money to place In first mortgage farm securities, abort or long time, at lowest rates with optional payments. Write or phone. Daniel Gabbkr, Rlverton, Nebraska. Springer's bakery, confectionery and lunch room is now located in the Pot ter building opposite Cotting's drug store. We wish for a hearty co-operation in business and solicit a share of the trade of tbe public V. E. Spring- er. adv. Walt Warren's new fountain arrived the last of the week, and a representa tive of the concern . from whom be purchased it, arrived on Tuesday and began to install the same. Tbe fountain is a beauty, and while it greatly adds to tbe appearance of this popular eating, emporium, ' it alao makes it a great deal more convienent to handle their large patronage "in this line. Clyde Points died at hia home ou Walnut Creek Friday, and .was buried on Sunday. Tbe young man was 23 years of age and leaves a wife and one child besides hia parents and several brothers and sisters. He was born and raised in Webster county and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. To the grief stricken relatives tbe sympathy of the entire community is extended. Cbas. Stetlln has one of tbe best potato patches which we have had the pleasure of viewing so fur this sensor lie has planted about two lots right south of his house of this popular Irish necessity. Tho vines are now a trlllo over 11 foot iu holghtb, and have began to blossom. Chas. says that "the geutlemon of the cloth," may be some for chicken ruUers, automobile traders, etc., but were they the kind who ever indulged in a game of chance he would liko ta-ciill them for a few beans, that he hud them topped when it comes to raising spuds, We believe, oursolves, did it come to a show 4own, Chas, would take the beans. Dr. Trumble U In OiimIm Ihl.s week. Try "Tlk'lina" the now perfume alv Rev. Tompkins was in Superior Frl day. The Dcgreo of Honor met on Tins day iv.n!iig. The county eonunlssioiicr arc In session this wool;. Dr. Cro, who has been very sick, ! much bettor at this writing. For your Ice cream and soft drinks go to the Bon Ton llakcry. adv. The best short orders In town me served at the Puritan Cafe. Try them. 8 50 Acres of Hood Pasture for rent Inquire of V. U Ruimiiu R.F.I). No 3. Mrs. James McGuIro has none to Avetivlllc, Illinois, for a visit with relatives. J. Ii. Christian received several cais of cattle Sunday which he will feed this summer. Orris l'earn is hoinu from York where he has been demonstrating the art of printing. Mrs. M. Sullivan of Rlverton was visiting In this city one day the latter part of the week. Evertou Foe of Sheridan, Wyoming, is visiting his parents and brothers in this" city this week. Johu (J. Kay of Nnponce was trans acting business in Red Cloud one day the last of the week. Hamp Wiseearver of Yuma county, Colorado, was in the city this week visiting his brother. Mrs. F. O. Eldredge of La Sallr, Colo., is visiting frieuds and relatives lu this city this week. Our 2jc dlnuers are unexcelled. Try them at the Puritan Cafe. II. Ludlow, proprietor. adv. Oscar Hughes and wife of Hastings spent Friday in this city visiting wttli Geo. VanCamp and wife. Miss Mollio Ferris returned home the first of the week from a visit with friends In Graud Island. Fred Bort field aud wife, who reside at Almh are In the city this week visit ing with frieuds and relatives. Commencement tickets wilt be placed on salo Saturday morning, May 24th , at 9 o'clock at Dr. Cook's drug store. Special attention given to diseases of eye and car. Glasses accurately fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr Dr. Nellie Maurer was attending a meeting of The Nebraska Dental Asso ciation in Omaha the first of the week. ComnieuccmentTickets will be placed on sale at Dr. Cook's Drug store Satur day morning, May 24th . at I) o'clock Boone Saunders and Lloyd Brad-brook-left Sunday eveulug for Wyom ing aud Montana to look for a locat ion. 'At Or. Cook's Drug store Saturday morning, May 21th., at 9 o'clock the Commencement tickets will be placed on sale, Frank Hadley and wife bad for their guest over Sunday Miss Pearl Ireland and Mack Fentress and wife of Super ior. " l - "At tbe High School Athletic meet in Superipr last Friday our High School ioya ranked fourth in points. In tbe 120 huddles Bernard Atkins won 3rd in tbe'pole vault Evan Hutobins took 3rd place and in tbe discus throw Cecil Glger held down 3rd place.., Ow ing to the ball game here that day several of our athletes wbo played ball could not get away and consequently Red Cloud's allowing was not as good as it would have been. A Bride's Happiness lATILL depend upon her ability to market suc cessfully. We help the bride as we do all of our customers by the right price on the rightgoods. There is safety in trading with us. B. E. McFarland J Ail th Phone J I 8 avCSSS CS 33iv THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS FOR THE IWOTHERS OF Red Cloud and Vicinity We wan't you to see our line of Spragues Wash Suits for your boys and the famous hK. & E. Wash Suits 50c to $2.50 Wash Waists 50c to $1.00 The most practical and economical dress for boys ever designed. Come and see them. It will pay you. Goaiden-aleyClotniDjGo. RED CLOUD'S FOREMOST CL0THIER8 A. Cook of Itlverton was transacting business iu this city on Friday. J. Malcom of Iuuvale was attending to business matters in this city on Friday. A.N. Sarlatid of Itcpnblicnn City spent a few dHys In tho city the last of the week. G. M. l'ierce of San Marcos, Cali fornia, arrived In this city tho latter part of the week for h visit with friends aud relatives. Wo will take a few horses to pasture. For further particulars Inquire of M. II. Hunsieker one mile north of State Bank. adv. I have the best rule iu tho county on farm loaus. See me mid be convinced. My motto prompt service. A. T. Walkkh. Commencing Sunday afternoon May 2.1th. at 3:30 sharp the regular Weekly Hand Concerts will be held at the Washington School Park. flarry Vondy has accepted a position with the International Harvester Co., and started out Monday over his territory. We wish you success Harry. Do you notice that J. H. Bailey ia making the moat of tbe farm loans? He is sole scent for Trevett, Mattls & Baker, and is offering the beat ratea, terms and option iu tbe market and that is tbe reason. adv. A Pastor in' a neighboring town pat ted a small gfti on the bead and said: "My precious lamb, I fear your papa is one of the wayward sheep, long strayed from the fold.1' The .tot re plied "My dad ain't no sheep; he's a Bull Moose." ' CASH FOR EGGS. Not a new pro- nosltion. This atore baa ALWAYS PAID CASH FOR EGGS or one cent more In trade, and will continue to do so. Other produce bought the same way. We make a cash or trade price optional with our customer. F. G. Turnure & Son. adv. Harry Vaughn, editor of tbe Guide Rock Signal, spent Monday afternoon in the city, he coming up to take ad vantage of our big paper cutter. The Signal hat just completed a new oook book, which, by the way is a very creditable affair, and it was these said books which Harry brought up to trim. A gang of trackmen In tbe employ of the 0. V. & Q., arrived in the city the latter part of tbe week and are now engaged in' laying additional trackage and remodeling the rail road yards in general. A gang of wire men have also spent several days changing wires, etc., and tbo preparations pre paratory to remodeling tho depot go merrily on. Last Friday thu Itlverton High school "Giants" baso ball toam came down aud demonstrated tho national game to our local high school team, it wus a regular hit and run game fron start to tlnlsh. Webster Hoy, tho popular It t busemun for our boys, got a home run aud ran around the dia mond like u seared rabbit gottlug away from Its pursuers. Tho Rlverton boys won tho game by a score of 17 to 8. Guy Ilradbrook whs the artist who did the umpiring stunt and we think he gave good satisfaction. S Waists s I Next Friduy Is Decoration Day. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Coon and child ren of Guide Uock were shopping Id town Saturday. W. II. Osborn and family autoett over from liealy, Kansas, on Monday for a short visit ut the home of John Suhlief aud family. FOR 8A1.K-J. I. Case Threshing Outfit; engine 25 horse power; sepera tor SOxftH. All In good running order. For full particulars phono or call ou Varricka Brothers. Tbe County Board of Equalisation will meet June 10, 1913, nt tho court house at which tlmo all intcested should bo present and protect their rights K. W. Rose, County Clerk. Mrft. Ed. McAlisterand children who left lust Wednesday for Akron, Colo., returned home Saturday morning. Tbe youngest child was taken sick and Mrs. McAlister thought best to return home. At, this writing the child is much better. Yesterday was Bargain Day and it attracted as much attention as the last two of these popular events have did. The Chief 'a Automobile Contest ants took advantage of the bargain; day offering, a double count In votes, and the contest taken a great stride. Sheriff Oliver Hedge returned Tues day evening from a short atay'at ExcelUlor Springs, Missouri, where be bad been taking the baths in an effort to rid himself of a rather severe attack of rheumatism. Oliver returned soma what improved but Is still obliged to use a oane in order to make muob headway navagating. Any person receiving either Tbe Chief or The Nebraska Farmer who have not aubsorlbed for them their selves, can rest assaured that some friend has did so for them in order to secure the votes. This week we have added a good many names to our list this way, and should you receive the papers, and have not subscribed your self f you may know it was done by some friend and ia all paid for. "Tbe Great Artiats and Their Con ceptlons of Jeaus Christ," or "The Life of Christ in Color," will be the subject of a Stereoptloan Lecture given on Sunday evening at the Congregational church. The 100 beautifully colored slides which will' be shown will In clude many pictures by the six great est painters of Italy and of all time Leonardo da Viucl, Michael Angelo, . Correggle, Glorioue, Titian and the' greatest of tbe all, Raphael, Arthur Augustus BoukeltiuB Bazaar Ba.aan McArtbur, known throughout this crreat state as tbe man who in vented classical priutiug, nud who for years has beeu one of the leading pilots on this big boat, Tho Rod Cloud Chief, on yesterday morning put on his new bright red necktie, placed bis "nightie" iu his suit euse, and left for Guide Rock. Art said the purpose of his trip w to again assist In tho olllco of Tlu Guide Rook Signal for few days, but to ull oppuarauues uud from what we have hoard, It looks to, us as though thero was a stronger attraction in Guide Itock thun work, and try as bard as we' can, wo can not refrain from wondering it Art has let "some gtri" laice niru so tar irom nous. :,) u m ii J I I J? i ) 1 JIM (Tl i kv- r .?y.i 'ii . ii M WW M .!.! IS4 .M JlAl J iTXt ul im I :.m Pa j- ST &WK I a til 'i' ' 3 , . ' M S1 I'- '$ m An n ' St.. ."Jfc M m m f'j $. yjn' J. .i2fi1iALlisjrj W fiit MX .. -,